Tt Til i ." jTJn. mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm .-&' X-TSWSSbSM'-Awiiu ffifrjUMY, WKR , MM 3V, '...; ti, , , H WW s&n si &tVkt. ... . . itbttt Month!.. .. ....... . 1 ar n iiiwi ii i SSOf 1.00 LMK BTRft Mift SOME STRAIQHT GOODS. m mi Ml BtiS ?Sf FXi.iSryf rj safari t i',.' tip M There is great danRcr that the tfir nf Djtlcinrl 10 linfitvinrp w ncial, says Col. Hofor in tho Cap- t&l Journal. ft n g uutsiao ot a low men oi prom ( nonce, Portland is not backing sUio fight for the development of Ul Oregon The great campaign for a rail road through Southern, Idaho, icrosa Central Oregon to, Cooa Bay, is not attracting, the ntton- don it deserves in the Oregon metropolis. The Portland Journal hasfoapk ;d tlie fight for the doveloppiont if Oregon and Idaho. The Portland Chamber, qf Com merce came to the rescue in the ':trmrofln hflforn tlio Orotron l01.rU. M 1 -T-p-n-v" "- ; Jatiire. 9 "I F 1 I 1 I About twenty QfVtlwa.splid men J 1 r 'hi that city, undoi;-tbe leadership j J I i M President qMaster,, helped H ; J ihe passage, of the railroad ft . 1 """""". "1 " wi..w.M..i That about completes, tlio reci tal rt t.Vio urnrlr rlnno hv Port. ..- jGK " f. .- T T " - .. j - . B'HIUnd. r'ltffi Neither the Portland Commer- i 1 Iffi mini f"1i tim fViA rKnYilot rtf W4l UtUU llUi VAtV UIKiUIUWl Ui Commerce are paying any atten $on to the Development Congress to be held at Burns July 1, 2, 3. i) inc L.namuer oi commerce Pnllafin nnA TinifA nf Troln f JrJournnl havo not a word for the fr great struggle of the undeveloped interior. Thev are either indifferent or i'Vthey do not represent the com , , mercial interests of the metropo- ifolia. If they could attend one of these great development coVlven- uuns sucn us mivc ueen nciu in Idaho and Oregon m the past year, they would be' awakened front- their somnolent toonnV- dfenm nVd nrehans imbibe rt little of "the Interior'ehthusiasni, A irrrn ITiinn PHilntifl nimorpiQl J .If publication tell about land ad- i vancihgfrqm tiesage brush to a t jsi,ana yy an acre,, vTney tlfabpijj; great interior hJsYalleys'' "being converted into -JiKgreat alfalfa and fruit lands, , u "Of Phey tell about settlers looking ' i for homes in the undeveloped i rffJJt portions of Idaho and Oregon. Jrf The Portland commercial clubs i I have been vory busy with their II'. rose show. 1 , They have been entertaining 1 1 Japanese visitors. . They are very much interested "? in the commerce of the Oriental , countries. They are struggling to keep ' ,f ,the army heahquarters from be- ; ing removed from Vancouver to I f Seattle. 4. . They are worrying about the .dumping of" refuse and 'the re- f .' 'i ip.airingiof their bridges. iBut the slogan' "Develop all SK' . h ' 1 -! m iWS freis id for the. Upbuilding of Poland. If this jtadifffcrfffiCo is contin ued and the grnt undeveloped interior onco goia nn outlet to Coos Bay or Butto, Mont, Port land will reap n harvest of neg lect nt tho hands of tho territory they now ignore. If this writer could nrouso Portland to its true interests, oven nt tho risk of incurring per sonal unpopularity, ho would bo rendering that city and tho stnto n great service allows Oil children blwwm tho ngc of 4 and 2Q"in the dis trict, but if is estimated that tho enrollment nt tliqoponingof school this fall will bo 1C4, On this cBlimotd, should tho board add another teacher, tho pupils would bo placed thus: Koom 1 Eoom 2 Ttoom .') Koom 4 Koom B Room G 80 .32 .17 .20 33 32 C. H. Leonard and "Daddy" Byrd loft this morning for tho mountains to visit fie 6nvf mills and spent u day or two ruflticnl ing. rftTiTioN roil liquoh mc!j:nsi: ?5i&kj.t,i riBMMCii-'i '" " .i ii i 'l " ' rzsiv.ift hi WILL SINK Y!!U DCCPER. Jlossrs Smith&Swain havo sunk tho well ni tho II. M. Horton place ton depth of GO 1 feet and used nil tho casing provided. Thoy had to censo operations on that account but Mr. Horton has ordi'rod 400 feet more casing and will prosecute tho work to n depth of 1000 foot if un artesian How is not struck bofore that depth is reached. This well is about two miles east of tho one drilled by tho county several years ago when artesian water was found" and all who havo studied tho lay of tho country consider tho prospects good for a How nt the present well. SUMI'TER VALLGV, C0MIN0. "King'1 Uoyid. speaks through his., authorized, representative Grant Gcdde? and roilroadless Grait responds in glnd acclaim, says tlw Blue Mountain Eaglo. David Eccles has given his sanc tion to, tho oxtonsion of tho Summer Valley railroad from its Present terminus nt Austin to Prairie City according to a wiro received by tho Blue Mountain Eaglo from Acting Goncrnl Sup erindent Grant Geddcs Wednes day morning. Mr. Geddes au thorized tho Eaglo to make tho statement tlmt the extention would be mado to Prnirio City this summer and fall and that tho active work of construction , has already commenced. The ( Salisbury fixes wntches P.O. block routo will be up Clear creek to , tho summit of Dixie mountain nt i Hucklcbury Flat and then down Dads creek and on to the beauti ful and fertile valley of the John Day and into Prairie City where terminal grounds havo been se cured. This is a distance of about twenty-two miles. Two hundred men will be put to work, and Mr. Geddes states that employment will bo given to all who apply from Grant and Harney counties and good wages will be paid. There' will be no temporizing and thework will be pushed through" to nn early com pletion.1 i T6 Tlio Honornblo County Court nf Hnrney County, Slotu of Orison. o tho iimlcrnluncd lognl votor or! I'uoblo I'reclnrt, llnrnuy County, Oro-1 Hon no rospeotfolly petition Your lion or.Uila llojy (o uront to Dohnnn I). Oof- unlmngli n retail I.liinor Dealer' llcetiru lo roll Mqnors nt lil plneo of Imsliicm at Doulo, Harney County, Orcuon (torn tlm (llh Jy of Juno, 1000, until tlio (llli day ot Deeombcr 10011, nml jour !llllon or will over prny. Nktuua Nxtnen M J ()' Connor Cliai A Onrrot VV Duchlcn A O liamont (loo Denny W II FVuroni It A Daily (JeorKO Turnlnit D W Dcfonrmugli Snm Hall Jolnil.iibbliiKu Trunk Adrian J. K. Wllllninton J 0 lienty II WMoAlllitor Wllllniu Mirnon Josopli Cntlow M Gnlvln, (loo D Mntliowton h N Tlioiricix UCIilham Julin O Trnvcrfe. Ailiun Atlrlnn Trod llollawiyJ lirnoit llollouny CcIiiihIjiih Gimo U I. Ilollowny 8 DofyiVaiiKli Wm Mnrpliy (icorgu OIohuIi Adam Defonbougli O Aj'fhoiiiM'ii Notice In hereby kIvou Hint oti HittunUy tlio IMtb day of July, WO!) the mi onlgnod will apply to.tlmCnunty Court of tho Btatoof Oregon for Ilarnoy (.'easi ly, for tbu llcoueu moutloneil in tlio forcKoltiK ptitqn. Dii.JfA.N D. DUKNIVMKIIt KBkWfeUAr. "i. mmmmm$mHiwm i niu mMMMMW MICHAEL SCHENK MERCHANT TAILOR SatisfactionkCuaranteed . CLUANINS.nHINS AND REPAIRING rOKlLAWliS ANB GENTLEMEN All- orders receive prompt and careful attention The Necu Tailors, McGee Dldg , Burns, Oregon ' ON STREET LEADIN TO COURT IIOU8K 66: At The Welcome Pharmacy You cun Hud 11m boat Holcctod mid largCHt iih sortinont of ovorythlng to bo found in an up-lo-duto drug Btoro. PRBSCRIPTION WORK ia our spuciallty mid wo havo tho bowl ucjuipped lubomtory in tliu intorior. If Wo iihu only th( beBt and purest of drugH und clieuriculH, and our prices are right. Yours for business The Welcome Pharmacy, Burns, Oregon. Adam I' II, (ItoiuiK W T. I.hirrui fS 'J 111 i I J I I qT.v.n.'iac ' J," Oregon" falls upon eari that are ,' 1 deaf, anfl souls that are 'wooden, ifV indeedf they do' not belong to the bitulithic a-ge. ' ' tAbdut ten1 men in that city are r . awakening to thd' galllhg '-ni'': f efty for the detfeldptftehrj-'of Hm vrt interior, n' " v ' tf tip. 6295. Hf port of tliii roncltllou u( I ho FUST NATIONAL BANK OF BURNS, lnlhefcUle oT bttvm, i tho Horn of lmt DM, Jane Dnt, 1W Kttovkctt Ixiint mt DUcouult W'o.niJX) Orerilftfu. ocurcl nj uneuret uxa V S HonftOMCure circulttlon M.CO00 V A llonJi to ccui U Dcpotltt SMmucu Other llotnl to tecum 0 H. pepoUtt 10 000 of) rremlumi on If. 8. llooJ J too W Dondi, iceurltlti, eto StUMSO IltnklDf hguio.futnilnte and ftittmn 0.000CO Due from Ntlonl Dnk (not re tcrte kienti) Due from Slate and t'rlmte Iltn kt Ltl Bankert Trnat Corapantre and 8ar 1d(i Ilanka Due from approved reserve ageola Checkt and other canh Itemi Notei of other National Ilanka Fractional paper currency, nlckelt, and ceula. Lxwri'L money Knmi in dihk vli: Specie IMJUU Legal tender notea 30 00 l3(i Itedemptlou fund with U. H. Treasur er (S per cent of circulation . ., I.KflOO Total LIBILmi. CapllU Hock paid In 13.000 00 'U'Plua S0.000( undivided profit,, lot expentea and taxrapatd J486 7J National Hank Notta eulatandlui: 2i.WOW Due to State and rrlvale Uanki1 and llankere " -' ' T,awi Indlvldnaldepoaltaiuhject to check HM,M7 0 daysRemo7al Sak-30 days BeginningMonday, Jnne 14,'09 14-inch Sulky PIowb, Regular l?, 10-inch jJO-tooth J-incli drag har,rows. " d'aso dine harrows " Ifoosior singlo djsc drUJs " Spring tooth lywrowF, lf.tpotl,, 5-fout (Jhaitip. ipoveisi-twvy 9-fpot, 10foot $ 00.00 0L00. 24.00 15.Q0 125,00 140,00 30.00 32.50 75. 0Q Now, $ RO.OO 51.00 IG.0J ' 36.00 " 112,00 " 125.00 25.00 27.50 05.00 U7.00 ao.oo and Open 11,411 H.VJO 74 116,771 HI 4,I4 7 119 00 '' vnlnu ,w4h ImniM, ..V.m.1m .41 Art ,v?i, v" "WJ wtirem, -la.VA " " 43.00 Everything in Implements, Buggies, Top Hacks at Reduced Prices VURNEY COUNTY IMPLEMENT & HARDWARE. GO. Be a Booster-Keep Things Moving Wo can match you with nil kind of trades. Drop in and let tm know what you havo to trado or sell. Wo will do your Hurvoying or Bell you fruit treett, shrubory or seeds to make the homo more beautiful ahd profitable. If you havo any wan laconic to us. Wc have the yoods Mild can deliver them. Inland Empire Realty Co. Bums, Oregon HARDWARE MACHINERY Binders' Supplies Full Line of BUILDING PAPER and ROOFING CROCKERY. CHINA AND OLASSWARI GEER & CUMMINS Burns, Oregon. Burns Meat Nlmizet New Shop Opposite Ibc First Naliooal Hani Mam M W 1 n ar ()lo;if Lncr ,Niusir( Hoof i i QlMl'tlf' i , j. -SVeVH-VtV 'VtV4VVtVVIWa tV'JVfc'-V- V Ntwj Agcats Cigars and Smokers' Articles ."irrvmv -V-BgM E.G0 75 10 JI77.HW Demand certlfkatea of depodt Time Certificate! tot depoalt. Caihler'acheckf Outitaudlhr United Statea liepoalta DepoaltaotU. 0. dlibuTilngofflcon LUblllllci other than ibore itite.l: i 1 Total STATE OF OREGON,!.. tovuxror lUx.Tli". I, J, U Okurt: Catulbr of-UK I,l4)07 ri.ncaw 3,M 7A IMWW TO Go To The White Front Livery Stable NEW RIGS' AND TEAMS 'Phone toiYtefor Your Doctor Calls. R. J..iVlcKINNON, Jr., Proprietor. I Cut Glass and Slh ensure i FISHING TACKlXi The City Brng Store R6ED BROS., Proprietors Sucrcsaors to H. M. Ilurtan Our line ot DrugH, Patent Medicines and TaiU't Articles arc Compute. WE USE ONLY THE BEST OF DRUGS IN OUR PRESCRIPTION WORK AND WE NEVER SUBSTITUTE. Yours for Accuracy and Lowest Prices Agents f3r (be SECURITY STOCK FOOD Largest collection i'ost Cmis and Albums in Ike City. srttm'A'9b'sis9'v& Sffilllsv vdSHIRlfe Pork Yok patron age solicited. H. J MANSE"' iSB"'ulul '-" g&a& itsscieetc&Sf&tctsxittsssssstci vei; ;5l BOOST HAPey COWTY Mojjvoy. Ca ,,i givo you tho bent. vaiu? for your 'AW & . CLEVENGEE'S. STORE rieo what you Biivoon tliothingH onunioraled belew: HTr ,J bank, dd MmblrtMi.rtf inentla tnfe toili ip belief. '" '' Corrects . above named it the above I'.tlo .of my Vnowlciliio and jitV B6ntitle(ito,' pmm?? 1R.Q' p. iS upon its xor wnicn it out as much credit for runninpr down ;. I, Oavlt, C'aihler atteitt O, A, HaiHKa II, H, IIorioh J. W.Oximy Dlrectore. Bubacrlbed and aworn to liefore rue thla 21th dar ot June, 1W9 Fank Uivar, (Seal) NitaryTubllo for Oregon THE SCHOOL MCETINn. cjo far no railroad lino or steamship line to an Oregon port bears the earmarks of Portland paternity. Of twenty men we could men tion who have awakened out of tho Rip Van Winkle sleep of the Plethoric Portland Plutocracy so far only one man has been will ing to go out and attend develop ment conventions who is not a salary booster. Col. Charles Er skino Scott Wood. It has been impossible pry loose from their idols any of the rest of the big guns who are chasing the almighty dollar in tho Ore gon metropolis. They are snlendid boosters for Portland but there it Btops. The president of this Develop ment League did coax a steam boat load of Portland commer cialistsdown to Coos Bay to a Developmeut CdngresB. As a result of that trip foirr flfths of the jobbing trade of Coos Bay that formerly went to San Francisco now goes to Port land. Portland financiers are making a great mistake in not meeting the interior country half way in their stauggle for development Every dollar spent and every Sewing Machines, Pi anos, Building Paper, Wall Paper, Carpets, Rugs, Linoleum, Mat ling, Art Squares, Mattresses, Springs, Roofing, Trunks and Valices, Baby Car riages, Pictures,- Por tiers, Chamber Sets, Upholstered Goods. BURNS HOTEL BAR DIBBLE & STEPHENS, Proprietors. WINES, LIQUORS and CIGARS I Club Rooms in Connection Courteous andjjObliging Bar Tenders 1 EVERYTHING. FIRST-CLASS DROP IK Centrally Located and Connected with Hotel Uurns i The Most Popular House in Interior Ougo NEATLYbFURNISU2D-aLL outside km is T T 1 f Tt ft TV 7T 1 fl ncaaquarters tor i raveling men and l ounsi AgelarRacine Manager, L. Racine, Propt , B . ' VENIN NocJUoo Shuttles nml Dobblno or uo In All MM of Sowlnfl Machines. Black Imported Percheron Stallion Will stand nt the Fair Grounds, Season i9oo Slnjjle Service - - $10, Season - - $15, Return - $17.50 Insure - - $20. Season, opens -A-pxll IB -IIUNKY RIOIUIUISON, SwnwAin. i-j.jx-iai.-j.- Tho annual school meeting wiib held last Monday and, as usual, very few were in attendance. Dr. J. W. Geary was elected director and W. E. Huston was elected school clerk. It appeared from tho report of tho clerk there are outstanding warants to tho amount of $1800. The matter of levying a special tax for tho coming year was de ferred to a later meeting as it seems tho change in the manner of assessments will increase tho value of property in tho district Thoso present voted in favor of tho board employing ft sixth teacher and provide and equip another room. The following is tho report of tho nromotions from each room in tho public school of Burns last year as shown by Principal Kay- mond who conducted all examina examina teons: Grado 1 1? Failurea 1 Grade2 W Conditional . ... 1 GradeB 20 Grade 4 . 12 Conditional . . . H Grado 5 22 GradeG lt Grade7 17 ? 4 O asr lAUi pi-ow Tho Stati la ono of tho latest and best additions to tho famom Doore Line of Riding Plows. Is light In weight, simple nnd durable In construction full of genuine merit,' and has shown Its mettlo nnd utility in every test it has been put to. It has amply demonstrated by Us good work its right to be classed as n strictly up-to-date, high-class farm tool, It la certain to suit tho moat critical farmer and bo a money maker and n labor-saver for hltn, "If It's a Deere-Ifs Right" and does Us work perfect euse to tho operator and team. It la manufactured and sold as a tonguoless plow o tpnguo not being necorsary to best results, but ono is supplied at alight cost to thoso who perfer It that way. The Stag is tlio simplest riding plow built, anyono who can hook up a toam and drlvo 'cm straight can operate It successfully. It pos sesses many superior features not found on other plows, and it takes n whole book to Illustrate and dlscribo them. Hotter write for it today and all the information you. want about this superior implement. C. H. VOEPTLY The Standard Bred Stallion Trial, 2:20 Will Stand the Season of 1909 at the Elliott Barn, Burns, Oregon Except on Sunday Afternoons nnd Mon day Mornings when ho will be nt Lawen. PROORUSS, No. 4U50, ii a mahogany bay atumlltiu HI hands IiIrIi. 8Irtl by ninliln. INOIj slrooffilr Albert B 2 :03? ; SlrJJJohn H '.' 014, t'llpiwrS Ortj Dlubolltn Ui84 Uotliory In Imn UianOtlO, and Uotliara buttfr tluui 'J:'J5. lam Itcnivinbur Mo, by Waldnteln, 12607. llcttbn, Kraiidmotbur of rropreae, Is tlie uiotliorol 10 ciiHh nil In tho lift. 'Iliu I.lmlt, her ltUli colt uifi rold n tt reen pucur at 110,000 In hi thro-yeir-old form ho mndo n roeoril dl'.MlO. Terms: $15, $20, $25 QEO. D. HAQEY, Burns, Oregon. ever J. J TWELFTH NIGHT, No. 41906 Trial 3, 2:12 3-1 Sited hy Onward 9:85, tho lro ot 108ln Ihu lUt nuiro limn mi) other hro fouled. Clrixnd 8iro. flwrgo Vllkw3t2J. Dam, MIh Ullu 8 0!iM i l'rln r A.ti,n,i. .tr..l hv Alovone. ho hy. Ueoruo Wllkos, Klvlnu Tolllh Mght it'dooble crow of Wllko ond onenf tho.trougo.t brod trollor- Ihlng. IndUldually. ho I chutnut 16 8-10 hands lilKh, eluht 1200 llm. He lm Ucun. Ilatllmbs and hU Rt shows well. A uumburot hla imduxoloiunl 3-joar.old colts sold ut Auction In Ohlcago averaging 224 tach. TWELFTH NIGHT will stand tho season of 196) at TIk Fair Around la Burn, IKly, Twwlajs, Wednestfflys ami Thursdays Lswwt m Frktays asj Saturdays E3S3r3 j$255.00 to I3STSXJE3 For fitrtiwr jmrticwlRW call cm or Rtldresw tt nTi5NMAN. Harrlmwi, Ore. J. L. CKAWFOliU, uurns ure. BURNS LIVERY AND FEED STABLE. HENDERSON ELLIOTT, Proi.t Special at I ' a iu iraiiscienr freight leant T--rxv.i'ft; ci QTO 4 'ir t... . vN JXUOOO Ac" ' (, week ornumti- IS FIRST CLASS LIMR iiRViTSL Hag and ami on hand. Vour patititnt.' ' -youth Mnii J , Km Special Attention Given to Conducting Funerals w. v NEW AND ACCURATE HAY SCALES .l&SiBlW n .1 IN CONNECTION WITH BARN. BURNS MILLISC " 0 HORTON & SAYER, Propn Kougn ana uressed s Rustic, Flooring, Mould n g. Finishing Lumber. Nearest Sawmill to Burns. Ccou m Lumber Yard in Burns, LADIHS AM) li:NlLI:JMUN CLGANINQ AND PIIUSSIN .11 l.l Kill xAfJ A. SCHENK Alcrclmm Tailor I have on hand atallTlmes'the most tip-to-date line of Cloth In the city of Burnb All NYork Guaranteed l RN . u C 4mmmmmimmmmmmmmmim HMM