jft'ulPv-iki ariMtMSMtoOWHi wimfimiiwwmMn (Zc (fivenl 2-lnntcu CGoumru Covcrn an nrcin bl 0,428,!OO hi it of Intuit 4,081,1101 ncnw yet vncnnt tnlili'Ol toi'tilry under tlio jmlillc liufd inwb ol I tin United Stated.. Tlio Ofllclnl Paper of Unrnoj Oo'un ly lins Hip Inrccat cltculntlcm and laono U( tlio Wtt mlvcrtlBliiR liicdiume iitKhtlwii Ortiion. OL. XXII BURNS; HARNEY COUNTY, OREGON, JUNE 2G, it CD NO. 32 -.. .. ril T riTTT TTn rmr D FA rOruisinir industry i ono of tho rnerican Land & Live Stock Co, to Sell Harney County Land .440 4CRES TO BE DISPOSED OF of The huest Bodies of Agricultural Laud in The County 0 ns Water Rights and Ninety Per Cent Can lie Placed Under IrrigationTract Now Property of Chicago Capitalists. 10 nmrs-rtcraiu nas it irom 01 tno company so mni mere win kitlu ntic source that the big bo no danger of samcono butting dings of the American I no Stock Co. compris- (1,1 .mcs 111 the southern lot this county, will 00 put ie market just as soon as nr- ermnt-! can be completed. t) ? i a move in tno direction itti" r up largo holdings that x'ii m) much desired by the Harney County. This km 1 1 'ana isutcai irom me ijii'h. of diversified farming le climate is goou nna tnc ;er productive. That por cf the county has always vor.sidered the best for IB . 1 i tnnt raising ana at L" rcent of the entire tvin lie irrigated. There .''"iidancoof water for this 1 m me water rigtus arc ". '.U'd by the company. e 1 .nrs-Mcraiu unucrsinnus tl ri tn will be made to . 1 1 . from a lew acres " ir.- as desired. Just . t. rnis will bo is un i urmation will be 10- d Wiih much satisfaction by ni'' ff this section The ip of large tracts and 3111 n to actual settlers wno il! the oil and make it pro is what Harney county We want people and such ti 1 will bring them. c . Chicago capital was put Ian laige tract of land it the intention to make it a oclr ranch, but after holding sc tral yeaiT and failing to ;d naatc returns from this iio promoters have decided ipc 0 ot it it wouiu men- hi th day of the big stock 'ir country is a thing td that such busi- 1 ..iff r profitable. The g '"liiroaus win put an iho h ick business as it is onduci 1 for the opening is vast territory to outside ts make the land too valu- r rc izimr and the raising 1 , , rl raid is pleased to in, 1 ar ouncementand may urther information in the ture COOS I1AV ROAD. rinitial work on the Coos burg and Boise Rail 'arted this morning rCht Engineer F. A. V.1U1 a surveying party trie . urvey for the first of the line. Mr. Haines out early today with a rty and will rush the work iua rapidly asj is consis- partj has a complete camp- It and will remain outun- fcvork is finished or until nth r makes further work jii impracticable. The lill bi difficult owing to the Bttvir re to bo made through Umbered section where rabio lashing win nave to 1 j make a route for cr, Air. names is nope- living tli" survey comple- iyummcr, It will proua- bec .ary for him to mir ror threo untercnt routes to obtain tho best possi- and tho easiest con Wlulo an effort will to frct the shortest and eet route, still tho great hli bo to get tho easiest expensive grado over i tains. nines has been over tho routes but would not ilio ono no would nrst 10 said tnat no would Dlutely nothing to say until his work is comple- pven then, nothing will lout oxcopt to tho officers in and attempting to beat them out of strategic flirts of tho route. Patrick Hennessey, tho presi dent and general manager, and his associates will now begin ne gotiations for terminal grounds both on the Hay and atRoseburg and as soon as any portion of the route has been definatoly decided upon as desirable will got options on tho right of way. For a con siderable portion of tho distance, tho route can vary considerable so that the location of the lino most of the way will dopond upon the terms upon which tlio right of way can be secured. It is understood that tho -surveying party will pitch camp first in or near Camas and work out of there for the timo boing. Tho difficult part of the survey will bo to find a pass through tho summit of the coast range whoro a reasonablo grtdocan bo secured without expensive tunneling or construction, Tho 'weather is now most favorable for work near the summit of tho rangoand when this is completed, tho sur vey of the remainder of tho route to Coos Bay will bo made. More enthusiasm is now shown over tho project than at any time since its inception. Today a number of local people who own considerable property here have been talking of start ing a bonus fund. One man has promised to givo at least $10,000 a3 soon as tho road is completed and several have indicated that they would give $5,000 or up wards apiece. A prominent Roseburg man stated the other day that he was confident that Roseburg would grant a bonus of $150,000 or $200,000 for the road. With these pledges in sight, little difficulty in financing the project is anticipated when tho survey and right of way is secured. Coos Bay Times. most lucrative to which farmers of tho northwost citn turn their attention. Oregon and Wash ington need nioro hogs and offer good prices to growers. Figures horo aro higher than in the Chi cago markot and there is every inducement for more extensive hog raising. Oregon is growing so fast that the landmarks aro falling one by one as they stand in tho way of progress. The latest illustration is tlio felling of a historic old oak tree nt St. Melons during the past week that sheltered tho Lewis and Clark expedition on its fa mous voyirpe of exploration over 100 years ago, Tho location of a big now sawmill on tho rivor bank mado it necessary to re move the old tree. Tho trunk was 51 inches in ditimotor and a count of the rings indicatad tho age of the treo was 1-19 years. Tho nrst railroad tram ever equipped with wireless telegraphy apparatus passing through the stale was brought to Portland during tho past weok by tho Cal ifornia Promotion Committee, carrying an excursion of 100 prominent business men of Cali fornia. The visitors were en tertained by the commercial Club with a ride about tho city and dinner at the Club. Speeches were made by theCnJjfofniana and the friendly twntiients ox pressed were responded to by Portland business men. Tho visit of the excursionists resulted in creating u closer common in terest between the two sections of the Pacific Coast, Oregon creamery men met State Dairy and Food Commis sioner Bailey last Snturday at Portland where they met tho new inspectors appointed by Mr. Bailey Plans of co-operation to improve tho stato's dairy product were discussed and agreed upon. Tlio meeting was held at tho Commercial Club. Portland will bo tho rallying point for Baptists of the north em half of tho continent during the last week of the month. Tho Northern Baptists ' Associa tion will open its annual conven tion here on Juno 25 and the gathering will continue for ono week. An interesting program has boon proparcd and there will bo Humorous receptions, excur sions and other functions during convention week. THE WA Y IS NOW CLEAR construction it in asked that ono- f' sesastti?M$s t Ballinger Gives the Right of Way for Railroad up the Deschutes IT IS NOW UP TO MR. HARRIMAN Protest of Power Company Fnils and Hnrrlmnn llus Accepted . Condition About Dam Sitc ! for Irrlgatlori-'-HnrrJiiiaii Be lievd to HayclWjivD&l Willi The Oregon Trunk. A recant Washington press dis- last Thursday evening, published patch published in tho Orcgonian a two-column interview with (Jen- says: secretnry uaiimgcr will not eral Alanngor T. v Dunnway, of third of the amount so subscri bed shall bo paid when tho lino is completed to Agency, one half of tho remainder when it is completed to westfall and tho re mainder when it reaches Vale, This is a lino much needed by locaj business men and it -would bo most convenient as most of our shipping for the present is done by this way. This would givo us direct communication the entire distance. The plan adopted by the Drew soy people is reasonablo and our people should encourage its con struction. The Jlne will be a convenience and every business house will find it necessary to patronize it, therefore the mat ter of subscribing is merely ad vancing the amount. WHAT J. J. DILI. SAYS. J. J. Hill the railroad magnato, showed that railroad construction lias done for Eastern Washing ton, where ho sat in court under oath that: "Tho earnings of tho L Great Northern at Spokane aro nearly double those at St. Paul," and he mado a further statement that tho earnings of that lino at Seattle were largely in excess of those of Minneapolis, says an exchange. He also said at the Great Nor thern general offices are page after page of figures showing tho phenomenal business which tho road is doing at tho smallest towns in Washington, and how much greater it is than in towns with the samo population at the eastern end of tho lino. In sonio cases tho business of tho Wash, ington towns was increased ten fold during tho last five yours, while that of Minnesota towns of smaller size has boon practi cally at a standstill or Iuib do crcased. All of which shows that East ern Oregon will produce similar rcsulta when onco tho railroad "interests" seo fit to invado this territory, ricli in resourced, but now stagnant, for want of trans portation facilities to market its products. INDUSTRIAL NOTES. (Portland Corrcspondonco), Tho importance of tho hogns a mortgage lifter has never been more evident than now. Tho hog market at Portland has ad vanced recently from $7.75 to $8.15 per 100 pounds for suitable fat hogs and packers aay tho sup ply is practically nil, Tho hog FROM WAVIiKI.V. Jtobert Grant has arrived from Vale. D. A. Braksmnn hits gone to Vale after supplios. Mr. Dillon, of Burns, camo through with two now comers. We hoar thoy both took claims. Miss Nena Haarstrich lias been visiting her sister, Mrs; Jim Paul. Mrs. RobertGrant's father and mother have arrived. Mrs. Grant and her brother, Johni Patign expect to go home with their parents. ' Frank Brotnbough is working for Gray Kennedy. Henry Roinarta and Mr. Wil liams camo through, Sunday, Mr. Reinarla is working for Dr. II. Dcnmnn. Gray Kenney has been hauling lumber. C. B. Smith, ono of our most highly esteemed citizens' has ar rived from Eaglovillo, California. J,. J. Gibson has arrived from Vale. Mr. Singleton visited Harri man Sundaj. Mr. and Hire, Harry Stearns visited llaarrttrichs, Sunday. Adam George passed through with several new-epmora. oitnaoN nusTLi-it tiieko, Addison Bennett, tho well known and ablo editor of Tlio Dalles Optomiat, and a represen tative of the Portland Journal, is in town and addressed tho Board of Trade' last evening on ' tlio question of tho state constructing its own railroads in sections now noglccted by railroad magnates. There is no ono bqttor posted on this maltor than Mr. Bennett, and wo shall givo a report of his address in our next Issue. Lako view Examiner. Job printing J'ho 'J'iines-IIuruldf reconsider his recent decision dis missing tho protest of Uiq, De schutes Power and Development Company against grunting right of way up the Deschutes River to the proposed Harriman rail road. He today denied a motion for roview of that decision, which motihn was filed by the above-named company. Simul taneously he approved all remain ing maps of location filed by E. II. Hnrriman's Deschutes Rail road Company, as woll as maps of tho Oregon Trunk Line, which also sought a right of way through tho Deschutes canyon. This action removos tho last Government obstneje in tho way of construction of these two roads, it having proviously been agreed by both companies to use tho samo right of way through narrow iiortions of the canyon which will not accomodate two t nicks. The Secretary's action today put an end to all protest against railroad right of way by private parlies and, if they hereafter seek to interfere with railroad construction, thoy must do so through the .Oregon courts. The right nf" Way contemplates construction nt water grade. The railway company agreed to ele vate its tracks if in tho futuro it becomes necessary to do so to avoid interference with any irri gation work the Government may build along this river. The railroad company has accepted this stipulation. "This cleara up everything ox copt the question of tho Govern ment dnmsite," said Arthur C. Spencer, assistant to W. W. Cot ton, attorney for the Harriman lines in the northwest, last night, when shown tho above dispatch. Local Harriman officials have re ceived no advico from Washing ton regarding tho passing of the maps by Secretary Ballinger. It is boleived the railroad will now be built right away, as some time ago Genaral Manager O'BrU en announced that as soon as the maps woro approved ho was pre pared to start immediate constru ction of tho railroad up tho De schutes canyon. Both Chief Engineer Roschko and Mr. Spencer beliovcd that any agreement botweon tho Oie gon Trunk and the Harriman lines had been mado during Mr. O'Bridn's nbsenco East. Mr. Spcncor frankly expressed his disbelief, but !" is generally be lieved that wuli the obstruction tho Oregon Trunk could put in tho way of (lie Ilnrriman line, some agreement would bo reach ed botweon tho two lines. That this has been in the line of a pur chase seems likely, for it is not known that tho Oregon Trunk has tho funds available to pro.se euto its DoHchutes canyon line to a finish unUsd backed by somo trail! eontiuenttil system. The recommendation of tlio lo cal Reclamation Sorvico officials that the Deschutes canyon plans should be passed giving tho Harriman Fno the right to pass by tlio iti of tho Government dam at rivor lovel appears still to bo btf.i'a tho Secretary, Tho officials recommended tho maps ho approved with tho proviso that, if In tho courso of years tho Govornment should decide tlio dam required for irrigation purposes was paramount to the rnilrord, tho railroad must bo prepared to clovato lta tracks 00 foot in height above the lovol of tho rivor, or sufficiently high to pass tho Government dam, WH Conned Alliirati Anil Ukevlcv. -1 i i The Reno Evening Gazotte, tlio N-C-0 railroad, to tho oflfect that his company will soon begin construction of tho road from Alluras to The Dalles, by way of Lakeview, and that tho entire lino from Reno to Tho Dalles will bo transformed into a stan dard gauge. Among other things, Mr. Dun-! away said: "It is our purpose to commenco the extension of the line into Lakeview from Alturas j within the next few months and that portion of tho road will be built as a standard gauge. That is, standard gauge rails and tics will 10 used and tho roadbed will bo built for standard gauge roll ing stock. When tho work is completed wo will begin building nn extension to The Dalles, a distnnco of 278 miles, as a stan dard gauge. It will cost five million dollars. Wo have the money nnd intend to do the work. It is the evident intention of Hearing may Rctolullonizc Water KIjjIiIk. Proceedings which may revolu tionize the entire water system of the Powder river valley have i been begun before the state i board of water commissioners by II. A. Mitchell, Carl Parker, Gus Perkins nnd other Powder river ranchers who recently filed a pe tition for an examination into the water rights of the river before that body. As a result of tlio petition, according to Commissioner F. M. Saxton of this city, the board of commissioners will examine into the varions water titles along the river, will determine the need of the various ranchers, the amounts they are entitled to, and will then promulgate a decree under the now irrigation code which will de'termino the exact amount of water each rancher is to receive. Tho first evidence in the hear- inrr will lm ffibnti hnfmf, Pm the company, as near as wo can j mi8ijioner Saxton at the Cove on make out from tho interview, to Mm creck on tho goth and will lay the rails m narrow gauge lo,be followed at lnlervns by other Lakeview, until tho road from'nt.imtn - ,nnrna nf!i .,. IS completed. comm;ssion i.nv r.. fnotimiw. tsessssisw xsiiAfi&vtssttzcsssisiiSOir LADIES' NCEKWEAR FOR SPRING 1909 . 12 mbroid cried Linen Collars, Lace Collars and Bows, New Ascots. Call and see our new Waistings & Wash Materials We are showing the strongest spring line of Ruching, Neckwear, Ladies Belts, Silk, Net and Lawn waists ever brought to Eastern Oregon. Something new in Sprosis Un derskirts in Silks and Satines We handle exclusive patterns in tQ above and nothing shown by us is handled in the Interior. All Waists, Neckwear, Belts and Underskirts are selected from New York stocks and are Spring Styles. rowns Satisfactory Store. !.iu;:t:nj:ni.t::::uitt:ja!::::::::tu:::itn!:;:::::i::t::n:::: ::s::3::kj ny relating to all the rights and tho conditions existing along tlieJ river from Sumpter to North Powder, and, if necessary even beyond the latter point to tho The Dalles hero This conclusion we draw from the follewing: "we will begin the construc tion of tho road as a standard or broad gauge from tho north for Un Mwnim Mint' aitst ,-. I. n. ' J m.u ... u...l w uu.fiut.iu, Snake r. it is estimated that standard gauge engines and cars h(mr , caseandtho in from that direction and could ,nveBtlgntion personaly which no get them in through Reno!tho , . , fe m without delaying traffic over the y severa, months nnd tlwt '",. . . , ., , .. . fully a year will pass before the You can stale definitely that finn, . fa ,mn(lcd d tho Southern Pacific has never , tho menntimo pcUcaIIy attempted to buy tho N. C. O. farmer , th'0' Powder and that no company can secure - va . ,mvo b 1W an option on the road." jt ,yo t0f)U nml tho ,,car. It would appear from the above , wi hayo been ma(,c ftg dipping that tho railroad up the lomlet(jag Sb Deschutes Canyon and Nevada Tho finn, dedsion w, bo ma(,e California & Oregon would make, b tho boanl of commissionerS connections. Of courso this i'conaigtinffof Mr. Saxton Mr. , merely conjunclure. 1 ho asser-, L c, to of Bonanza and StaUj tionofthoN.C. O. People that lE.ncer John n Lewk Jts the Harriman system has no con-. cffcct wl fl h(Wever ,f tho (,e. cection with that road doesn't , oroo ...,. th ,..,. ,, in amouni 10 anyiiung, well pcoplo could not Columbia River south very without such a connection. While there may bo nothing accomplished as suggested in this , newspaperarticlo, Col. Holabird'sj recent visit hore from the south, together with tlio adjustment of tho differences botweon tlio rail-. road pcoplo and tho government up tho Deschutes would in- ior incso i tho vallov, 0n the otIier imml get lrom tho , i10 (Wioion of the commissioners may bo appealed from to the cir cuit mid again to tho supreme court if the litignnts aro not sat isfied with tho terms of the com missioners' decision. After the decision is onco fixed it will bo enforced by a water master for the district, whose duty it shall be to seo that the waters of tho river aro divided The Harney Valley Brewing- Go. Maiiufadun-rH of Family Trade Solicited -Frce'Dclivcry T. E. J&5K!R3S, ftflanaeer 353rt 'i.fea.-S kK. THE CAPITAL SALOON, CHAS. 1JI3DELL, Proprietor. Burns, - - Oregon. Wmes. Liquors and Cigars. Billiard and Peel Tables. Club Rooms in Connection. jm FBAGTICALLY 3 BETTER AM CffiATFilTHAH ANY m j hi y .3 AS & i .ir . SsattJlEfI MesIrnctiMe tggkf STOHE ' Ovor BOO $H IK,' Bend tor Doautlful Wi Im: Prlco Uat & DoBlgno. M ISm c,rou,ar8 MONUMENT L (' ffl. .1. L. WIS Will be glad to furnish PARTICULARS and PRICES To anyone desiring INFORMATION. See bis Handsome DESIGNS. COMPANY. ui: ker Democrat ltnrtii Hir tnant!ilitir r ti ttrMfl uiwuu uw ijuoo.umijr ui "' .12 l.o H.,l .lif lln. and south lino east of the Cas-1"'" "" """ " " cades and another from Vale west through tho Harney country to connect with that line. If such should bo dono it would also indicnto that Mr. Harriman will attempt to throw tho trado of this section to San Francisco. :s.'.:isj.;n. ,mr:j'-.'.:mt'inw;::::::ix4rt:::::n::i:K::r,:.J!:;r. I'llONl! LINE TO ONTARIO. W. D. Baker of the Drewsey telephono Co. has been in this city for several days on business connected with that company. Thoy have complotcd nnd have in operation a lino from Harney to Drewsey and have tho funds to extend tho lino to Agency. Tho Drewsey people wish to interest local business men of Burns in extonding tlio lino on to Ontario. Thoy liavo received encouragement from Ontario pco plo and if tho people at this end will givo tlio project propor on- courngomont tho Jino will bo completed to Vale this fall. Mr. Baker wishos tho pcoplo of this Bection to subscribe toward this extension and offors to issuo cou pons for such subscriptions good ' for tolls all ovor tho lino when completed. When sufllciont sumj is subscribed to guaranteo tho NOTICE. All parties owing Lewis & Gar rett, or Simon Lewis aro hcicbj notified that all theso accounts aro in tho hands of our attorney C. II. Leonard for collection and settlement. Persons indebted to us will please settle the same ! Chambcrlln' with Mr. Leonard at once. ' Simon Luwis I "1 have J. T. Gauhctt. e uvbKE.Arau hu k Bums, Oregon Afford the Best Accommodations to he had in Harney County CUEHN ROOMS, fbfc-N lINNEN, PAunTIWuE VICTUHUS The patronage of all gue-ts under the old management especially sylicited. Rates $1 n day, $(i a week, ?2I a month H ndoraon Elliott, Propt. :::ti::::tisn..;j;iit.;.:..:i:i:n:i:t::::::::::::ioi::iij:m:t!t!tt:!!im::!::tn:t:nm:s:nt::tnt t-'- -'"" " "J."" "J" '" '-";, "j L'JJILL'-" " ' " Cough UemtU) ihe Market the licit on used Chamberlain's ; Cough Komody nnd find it to bo tho best on tho murkot," says Job printing-Tho Times-IIorald E. W.Tardy.editor of tho Sontinol, Gamsboro.Tonn, "Our baby had several colds tho past winter and Chamberlain's Cough Hemody always gave it icliet at qnee and cured it in a short time. I alwayu recommend it when op portunity pieaents itself, "For salo by all good ui ug 'i,,H?. sjfvois EVERYBODY'S the big, strong Mag azine for rcd-bloodcil men nnd women. JULY OUT TO-DAY Special display by tho City Drug and "Daddy" Byrd's Cigar Storo Job printing-The Times-Herald fChuoratina of hut, ulo uw.iAvi American Uos b s obUi'.iod tlio rij'it kiu' t FIR12ARI.I EDUCATION by Uoing oipupiiid wilh tha unerring, tiino-honorvHl STEVENS .VII IHW lu II lllV.ll U 'I ' iiordiiirtiui it i Mn iriiihIi in, 1 t-lTVBNM 11) uiiaiiit,)ti . 0 MI.hl'Mhlr l,l!.,n!.' , 1 )HU rdui illutlUiigr. Adam Gcorgo W. T. Lester List your property with the Inland Empire Realty Co. jf you desire a quick sale or trade Employment Agency "" '" Mnmn"""" . .. i... i...- gi . ii . i TTL " ' 1"- J i In flmmi for .'I ! V.llll i.vi:- . 1 .VI!' I Willi hi. 'II ll It I lta vir rj!