IT v 111 " 3E3C ajaaiaiiaaaaaaiaMiatiiaa i r jSmr INDUSTRIAL NOTES. manufactured for nil kinds of soil, from tho stiff clay to tho (Portland Corrcspondonco). light, sandy loams and tho fine, Festivity lias marked tho past smooth, black land of tho prairie, week in Porland. Business cares Tho angle of tho moldboard do havo been relegated and all havo termlncs tho compactness or dis given themselves up to tho en- integration of tho field that has joyment of tho spectacles and been plowed. .Tho fine, black social functions of tho Koso Fes- prairio loams need tho highly tival. There havo boon reunions polished steel plows with oblique and reunions, visitors from every angled moldboards to turn tho part of tho country, and convon- soj) An obtuso angled plow will tions and gatherings of all sorts ci10ko in fine, black loam, but without end. What with view-, wjh work admirably in sandy ing the parades, tho rose show, oams. Tho sharp-angled molu attending various gatherings and ' board throws tho furrow over entertaining their out of town with great force, making tho land guests, Portland people lwo put frinblo and easily cultivated. In in a busy week and are content breaking up seeded land tho long, to rest after six nays of merry obtuse-angled mouldboard is nec making. ossary to lay tho furrows down When tho festival closed Satur- smootho whero they can bo llrm day night in a blnzo of glory, it ctj by the roller and subsequent was pronounced the most success- iy cul(ivated with tho disk hat ful affair of tho kind over held row. on tho Pacific Coast Tho pa- Working the soil in turn makes gcants of tho week were magni- the soil work. Cultivation por ficent and brought exclamations forms tho two-fold purposo of of surprise from eastern visitors liberating plant food and destroy who were unused to such gor- ing weeds. Tho earth has been geous display of floral wealth. cursed with weeds to compel man During the past week the Pr- s- to work for his bread. Tilling hutorinn RrotJinrhinrl nnnvptltioil Mm cnll mnlfoa it. lnnso nnd f rillb'u was held in Portland; the County and permits tho roots of plants to Uommissoners anu judges 01 uie mora easily appropriate uiu nour state met at the Commercial ishment of tho soil. Tillage ad Club; the Oregon Pioneer Asso- mits tho air into tho soil nnd also ciation held its annual reunien: tho rain, which impart fertility officials of tho Seattle Fair visit- to the land. Cultivation unlocks ed tho Festival; Scottish Rito the great chemical laboratory of Masons held a reunion and initia- nature and releases tho nourish- tion; Chicago -business men ment needed by vegitation. came to the Festival by special Thorough cultivation unlocks tho train and were entertained by great storehouse of nature and the Commercial Club and Rose insures the husbandman bounti- Festival; Admiral Ijichi and his ful crops. The stalk of corn is staff of Japanese naval officers like an infant who needs nourish- wore festival miests: French mont to nromoto development, Ambassador Jusserand was a and tillage releases tho elements Festival visitor, besides innumer- of the soil needed for the cvolti- ablo less important happenings tion of the matured corn. Drov- during the week marked a period er's Journal. of unusual activity. Besides there were thousands of out-of- AUCTION town visitors from all over, the country. I will hold regular auction sales A committee of Spokane bus,- on thc firet amlhlrd Saturdays ness men were in tho c,ty during a s k the week to get ideas on Fest va . , decorations so they can adopt 4, . , ... ," ,, '. some of Portland's methods in thin 'ou ?J L, 1 3 decorating the city for National W money for it Spec 1 at- Irrigation Congress which meets tent,on ,ven to sales m thc in Spokane in August "" Eugene invites the rest of the state to visit the university city on June 23rd, commencement day at the U. of 0. Besides the gra duation exercises there will be the dedication of a new and beau No need to bo without a sow ing machine when you havo a chttneo to get ono at practically your own terms by Boeing G. W. Clovongor. Standard machines to chooso from. NO TRESSPASSING. Hunting and fishing nro strict ly forbiddon upon, my ranch. Alva i'IUNqkh. NEW CLUUMNd PROPOSITION Wo have arranged to offur in connection with this paper, tho new monthly farm magazino just started at Lincoln, Nobmska, by Prof. II. , Campbell and devot ed to tho subject of how to farm in tho dry country nnd how to got best results -from soil tillage under normal conditions. This Paper is Campbell's Scientific Farmer and wo offer it clubbed with Tho Tilnes-Terald both for $2,50 per year cash. Prof. Camp bells' now paper is a monthly, chock full of good things, tho only paper of its kind in tho world, and it embodies tho re suits of tho editor's many years of painstaking investigation of tho soil tillage proposition. W. T. Smith, Auctioneer. IIYon re Worth '50,000 Don't Read Thl. This will not interest you if you are worth fifty thousand dol- cne C-Iuumo. a now anu oeau- ff d ttful depot park with appropriate ' ;hvR,-,nn whc vou ceremonies. The Eugene Com- , - ,. ' , ,. ... - T -i. l: havo an attack of diarrhoea, you mittee of Invitation, consisting ... "" """ ' ' of Dr. L. L. Whitson, Prof. L. R. w,bo ascd tot k"ow Alderman, G. W. Griffin Dr. D. or tw doses f Chamberlain s A. Payne, R. Murphy, S. S. Spen-' Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Re cer, W. J. Hill, John H. Hartog, dy will cure it This remedy andG. D. Linn, visited Portland ' h been ln usc for many years last Friday and met at the Command s thoroughly wimble. mercialClub, where an invitation Price & cents- For sale b' n" was extended to all citizens to , gd dealers. join with Eugene in celebrating Cmmencement Day. Sp:cial trains will be run and reduced ' rates will be in effect Notice ol Appointment of Executor. On Cultivation of The Soil. In the matter of tliu last 1 Will and Tvstiinotit I nnd tho Kutnto, of Martin V. Smith, do- crated. J notkt. oi' i'iN.r. hioti.hmunt. Ill tln icmttor (if tlu iwtldc)( John O Huulll, k'Otmtil Notice in litrpiy uu ti that tli under hUiiihI lia lllwl tin- ti ikI lU'i-mint, duly verttlwl, mid at by Uv ri'Htilnil, h Inu tlmt ilio abavn iminril oolntu halt lu'on (iillysi'ltUHl ; oml tlirt County Jinlo of llnrn)' ruimty Orritnn, In wliorv court nid iwtrttf to pomltitK,liHH ot Mun tiny, Joly ftili. IlKM, at the courthoita nt Burn, OrrKi ih tliu Hunt nnd plnw for tho licurluKof nbJiH'tluiiK to Hild iircouut, mi'l thu mttloinont tlioroof, nnd linn ill- r.'cto-l nntlctt thorimf to Ik) kIwii in Thu Thiich Humid l-ir lour coiivkciiIIvii Ut'l'kg, j-Dttttvl June Int. UK)'.) s. . MAltY SWAIN, Adtnlnl-trntrU ,, , , , , Notice la hereby given tlmt tlia last The importance of frequent I Vm nd Te.timent of Martin V. Smith, and thorough cultivation of the doceaeod, has been duly admitted tit pro- soil is now admitted to achieve .bato by tho county court of thoSmtoof the largest crops. This know- Oregon, for Harney County, and that ledge was known to the ancients, ' "' il. ScouiUye., I... been , " , , ,, . , ,it . . I appointed tho executor thereof, bh hi who worked the land with pnmi- ,,,, w, exprwwi, and lm duly 4-..r imnfnmnnfn Tptfin inn 11T1 a , ,. . I ... ..It.. .. ...... .. urc iiijiuiiii.-ii. uvn mv km,,- nuti, All persona iiuviiik ciuiiiih -iiiii-i tutored Indian with his stono hoe stired the ground around his plants of corn to stimulate their growth. The initial preparation of thc soil for perfect cultivation is per formed by the plow, which stirs and turns over the soil to a uni form depth. Modern plows are tho ltute of (aid Martin V. ccafl d, aro required to present ihum, with tho proper voucher?, within (1 niontlu, from the dato of thfa notlco, to ilio unduielgned executor, at Ills reel denco iiear I-awen, Or., or at thnollliu of G. A. nembold, liin attorney, at Iiunm Ori'Kun Dated, Juno 14, 1000. SCOTT IIAVKS, Kxecutiouer jflf milV. ',v r JJV biiij riiyney i-ii it riu jar ju ' tr'u w iiijjuiHKu mi t rfvivrki.iJMvv.,ri ,r"','itr;'cr'" '" " ' " wumvut K ttu a f pent jwt riii.K xi-IAI duung whc cifnyrHiti. itMjHjijkr ileiftr ,ti allow 'lJi.V DAH tut ii to anr teel wt U to anr Utl you wli Ifvou r U not HMcciTiitliMt r V w FACTORY PR CES : !u aihll wv anr ft i i.v. Hr u. it, .tut f M t J WUK1 tj till to tit fnl(IHlmn ft nrniila !. Ihiv1ii .lirr W ., . .1 , .... .t . nue Lcl.lnd your bicycle ,( or fill V a licvclii w r i ' . ( iy frut until you tcr , t f , oulojin. ami lej n ,r Ji j-rn .uu Twrnarxubu tfv-tai pji t, rilMir URIIHIM. utr- l,tni,i'o . YOU WILL BE ASTOnraSO ;;S5 "Z'.l'Z.u.t ",. ( low fr, ,iv. rantnii,. yuii i y ir W, , ll lliItiMlltr.(!f Ii.itI I. r lilt VI I K lil.ij.i.ii ,, y. a, , i ur blyiUf iu . ir , , , ,. j r ifrt . Onlm Ailed Ui . trr tJ NOTICK FOU PUllLICATIOtN UKITKIl KTATK8 l.Ki OfKiCK, lluriti, OrrKOO, .MnyX, 1W. Notlte l hrtetiy Itii Hint l:ihl lJ'ko of uvn timraut wuu, on tioiuitcri, w mwr iluuuUHMd Rmry Nu !tMJ. hrrtal No. (WC.t fur NWi, S,tllni t, Ttmuttilp a Huuili. Muntr K nt. MIUnill JIviMtrnt, h nleJ Diiiii'vui tuietill'Mi in wake riualUominuttllan Snwr. to MtatilW!) ttaliH tn I he Uml.aboo nltJ. UitoM lh l(ctlr hhI liwtlvcr, si nurn, urtud, on in imn nay ui June, nw, rtAlHattBl IMMM Ullllvi.lfe JuliH l"kr, Fluianra Ciowly. ol Iawvii, iirettuu. Amy Uk. ui HiifBH. Ortiun. I'raiik uauiriiiQU, oi i,aweii,ureiun u FjtRRC. Itntlttcr. NOTICK TOR rUHI.K'ATION UNITKtiNTATKH 1,ASI OPrtl'K, i llurni, Orrton, liny 11. 1WJ, .Vol ice In borby ieIvhi Itiat Otto Nv ltoin, ul Ways ly, (Irriiuii,, on May I lwIT inailo liouiralcail Hnlry. NT. ion, rtcrUl No 0i4 lor i34 -u reriiuii a nun rt rii, ?ciiou 1. Tol;,liltti.ulh ll.n CO to. Kftt Wll'ani- UU Moililian, liaa fllaj iibilre b( Intention In make Final CuiHUtutalloii .roof, in rttaullih ittatin la lli laB'l atwua ileUit. betor tka llculili'f mt ItcrclJor, at Jlurnt, Utciton, mi uiu ;nii nayoi jiinv, nv. Claimant namrita wlliietaoil iloh.1honiBK. IlMly, William Mllklni.ali ui nnvvfir. iiregnn. Wm riRRH, UcaUlor. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. t'MTco Htt Iuni Orrict. llurtm. Urvton, May 13, 1U0I Nolle l hereby kIvii lliat Ulltlaia WltUim. of U'.raily, tipm, wlio. uu JUy 1. I'.w, maili Honn)tiwilfnirj,Nor7i1. Mill Nnoflll. U ti ",SK Horlloii 10. K HMi Pwtlun S. W i. aiviu Crcllou ! towmhlj. 17 tumlli, llanxc imii. niu.moiia riuau iiaa mel nolle ol IbIvo'Iihi Uj mtu Pinal ( oiiiiniilalluii PrtHil, lo maul ,h rlatm lo Ilia l-ll'l aborv ita irl '1. before Ih Krllr K" llrevltei, at luunn.ijrcRon, on ins niu uay oi Jlliia ivw, Clatwoilt uauitia aa wltn.aaaa Ijtait J OibMiii. oi aririy. iireirn. Waller illllvnn.ol llunu, dragon. ,1boiatP llealy anil uu tyiironii i-i;!.oi aveny, uiriuu M'H.PKRK, iOlllllCr. NOTICK FOR PUBLICATION Utl!tDHTAT LiHOOmrx I riurni, (itgon, June 7, IWJ. N'otlce le hervby rlv.iillit ttii Muto of (ire on lie l alexin iliUolIIro In ai.IItatlunHorlal No OKiM) U Mlaci, iimler the rnvlron of Hie n of i.'ouxtHa, anproyeKl Auut H, 1M1, and upli amenilaiory ilierato, the Hl N ;-"'! NV,W)i ma. W. T.B18., It Wf.f. H' Any ami all ran ltmlu ailte.'ttly the lninl ci.'MTlbod, ur irtntr W obleet lu'vome of ib mineral t'ha'n r if Ilia laml, or for ii y o'bvr reaaon, in i oal to aiiillranl, iiwilil file ibilr anii. 'i. f proteai In till ftt a. ou or iMlort iiuii,i .iilon uf the irloil of iublkailon taaa, Itexliler Plral imtillia'ioii Ju iw .u i, ail piil, Hi ail u July .4, luvv NOTIt B VOW l'UIH.IOATION 1,'MTao HiAtai mmiliriu, urua. uruitoti, Jly . Iuoj I Nutlet la liorotij Rhnu Uml lh Htnti o (iiuuli baa nlail Iu IUI "Uli'e It applituilini fHrlalNiilMi7Uaalerl,uiliartlie iruvilou uf Hie Art feoni(rea, h liriv,t usutll. lilt, .nil aela stiiiut1aioiy Ibrrulo, Itie ai K." V SI Any ami all iwniiiu claliHliix ailvertely the ilralrfiiK oll'U became of Iho inlnurul (limoctBr nl Uiu laml, or for any olhar reaHin, Iu Ilio illi.o-nl iu aiillraiu, hoiilil file their aftlituvlla of (unteat In tills oillce, on or liafoie theexelialloii of the lerlfnl of outillcallon Km. Kiihk. l(eliter. Plitt itibllcailoii May , IWN. Mil iiUbllralloii Jiiuo'JA, IWJ GT THE BEST M -VJF.M o n iHJt retruliilv iLinbl ttmnl 1. !.-. i L ' " J-.. . " it in iriur D OUT K, It tA bii-viti 'llic j r ,,,.,L.H: ' ' IMIVI -!( Ill IJdLir III -r t i - l i irou 'i u, tin r irib. jc i Um,j . hu m i j :.. C0flSTt8-naiUES '"'" wlwna, lnni.,rjt ,i,llrrrl,.i..ina iihJI. h,i, uu liUHrtlLfl lilllr,i!, t.ui.muil ! .ill kuuli zl Aj M uitf rtt.,H rmi, 5J HEDDETaoril. PttMCTCBE-PRSGF W mv-mum rains fessssfet? si 1v& 8t ullywmt "! y ' rr ttttui Ltt i jm ran I t J r pair, out it uu utia tfe wtl rtt Mr At ttUantctft MO FROM H t7ll?'i l IUZ, TMtk i -4..f ..' tv ,t .u nlr uut. dec's. m. AmlrK tjiK . ft . ' uuatTi tortu. iiij wl. rtq"Uatomern Upon ttntKvtW uoruiwr 'iri.i by evi.r it lavr r uu ) I ll HI Kill I CT, Itlttl.Vr' id ii i HUwUlf ii iitr i '- unnuall iiufictuicM wttnotit allow c lik . Iiundiul.unctttri(rcmuli t lUhdr tire lmvciitly been ptimncU stufcoii. VhevwrlftiinoniorcJnaa n tium re(lttiKf,iiolI.lebJiiggivca netiailvi i ukrctl fAhrtccjn the trearl i'hrr ilar ii t.tai tlt.fte tires u 18 unerft-lr.but for . -.,--. ,T... uvc uiiii'purrcf-tMHctiTrinaKiuff-icc)aiiaciorvprtceto ft?iilw?3ilT5,' rSgf;- , . i i v T J""iLi'J UW fT' .." . ,1 m o(lcnfli m ". ' una imuotun a'iioa'1. unit "IV' ulu rim .irfi, It to prom.t rim rutil u. TU.i tiro trill outliit ii i .i midm-HOIT, l.lV'U uu, ISAM ItlDINU. the illtr oi only ft Bo ir pair All otilcreahlppeilaaine day letter la received. WethlnC u I) v,iuei "- ww m i- We will alio ir a catfi c-nit I'll 1,1, Il.tMIl Will iyu cent until you have examined and found them Uriel I v in Kim rulut i ill.roiiot of per cent (thereby maklnir the price 4.fift per i dull y.. Villi OltllliU auj eucfo Ihli adrerflaenieiit, We will at. .. . .i o t III(L I nl be know that yco -HI beau well pleated that wheu you want a bicycle you will fiiveua your cider We want you tu .end ui a trial order at once, hence till remarkabfe lire offer. 1IT V3.W yrT3 Trpis "Joii't buy any kind t any price until you aend for pair of '? ry.r.'rU lillKSf lleduelhorn Vuncture-I-roof Urea on approval and trial at the apeelal iiitroductory pne quoted above, or write for our big Tire and Sundry Cataloiiue wliUh deacrlbca and quote all make ami klnda of tirra at about half the uaual prirea, net MinV" WAIT out write u a fxiatal today. IX NOT THINK OK IIUV1NO aMi-ycle IHUM VM1 orapalr of tlrea from anyone until you know the new auu 4 rful effcra we are making It only coat a postal to learn every thin. WilteltNOW. I L MEAD CYCLE COMPANY. CHICAGO, tit &jjr if. 01 I4ihI to fnrrwre m4 HtbMi, Farnicra and mechanics fre quently meet with slight accl donta and Injuries which cause them much annoyance and loss of tlmo. A brulso or cut may bo cured In about ono-thlrd tho tlmo usually required by applying Chnmborlaln'B Llnlmont n8 Boon ns tho Injury Is received. This liniment Is also valuablo for sprains, soreness of tho muscles and rhoumatie pains. Thoro Is no danger of blood poisoning re sulting from an Injury whon Clmmberlaln'B Liniment is ap plied boforo tho parts becomo In flamed and swollen. For salo by all Reed dealers. NO THKSPA88ING. " Nollco ia lioroby glvon Hint hunt InH nnd nliootlng upon tho onoloscd IiiihIb of tho Amor loan Land &. Live Stook Co. Is etriotly forbiddon. Any poreon or poreons found hunt ing or IroRpanalng will bo prosecuted to tho full oxtonl of tho Inw. E. U. Hill, Hnnoh Mnnogor. Rcllflout Servlctf. Uov A, J. Irwin will nroauli nt H.irnoy tho 2nd Sundftv of onch mouth nt Un. in. and 7.80 p. ui. Sabbath Rohool ovory pabbnth at 2 p. in. Tho Hiiruuy Htiuday Rohool tnoota nt 2 o'olnok ouch Sundny and a cordial Invitation Is oxtondod to nil who can nttoud to moot with ti". At tho Proabytonau church IltiniH, Ilov. A.J. Irwin pastor. Duvino norvicos tlio third and fourth Huudnyu of unoh monthat U u. in., and 7:30 p. m. Babbnth nohool nt 10 a. tn. overy Sabbath niornlnu. Tbe Lone Star RESTAURANT Chin, (ieorgo, I'roprintor. Cor. Main nnd P StreoU. (VIBAIlS AT ALill HOURS Bskepy in eonneatlon. A Specially of Sbert Oritrs. Tablo furnishttd with overything tho innrkot airordH. Your patron ago Bollcitod. The Capitol Barber Shop II. J. REED, Propt, Headquarters for bathing and First-Class Tousorial Work. IiUItNS, - OREGON- Wo collect ererywrlioro and make u chargo unlru colloctlon Ii nude. We plcaeo our cllonta A'Jdri'H iMokiun Mkucantilk Co,, Kctiton llldtc-i l'orlland, Oru, sex: The Times-Herald is offering most attractive Clubbing Rates to its nubscribcrs at present THE TIMES-HERALD One icar ivilh the Portland Weekly Oregonian $2.50 Portland Semi-Weekly Journal $250 S. F. Weekly Examiner $2.65 Thrice-a-Week N. Y. World $2.50 Semi-Weekly St. Louis Republic $2.35 Farm Progress FREE to every paid in advance Subscriber Get one or more of these good papers in connec tion with The Times-Herald for the long win ter evenings. Call and get Clubbing Prices JOB PRINTING Tho TiinvS'llernlil In Prepared to do the Very Heat nnd Moat Hotlfifuctory Work in this line. Wo havo all the LATEST TYPE PACES nnd n very Complete Line FIRST-CLASS STATIONERY TST WETmarbison F Wm&k - i L1RHmP9(Iv r . $& fc STflVPK mrrn TTrriTnnni. 1f - w.w...... I't-iir. vv i iviivi n-r tiifv "ouFmb, oreqon"'" J.1I.L Mxnuuuiu mi fel'irtKriC-M . v . "&&S3SE& inoand rlaii" Cu liiti c) v-' v m . L. LEWIS II1IM OKKICIAI, DIIIKCTOBY ITATK OIIUOMI U 8.Bnatora. t Jonathan Douma Jr If. W. fultoo W ItEllla Couarcaaotn ..... iJVYllawl.r ....A.M. Crawford Uto, K, Cnamborlaln .. .r W llanaon O ABte.l ...... J. It. Ack.rman IT auuoiwajr 8. . Monra Itobl Eakln NINTH JUUIOIAI, D18T1IICT. Mlorntijf O.ncral , Uuiarnur cretarr ol Htata Treaaurer. Slll.t. l'ubllo Inalruptlnn lalt I'rlDlar ttiiprema JuJim I It. 8. .... K.A. 1 ) Itobl 1 lilttrlclJudK lUalrlct Altornay . Dcj.uljf Mat Atljr . fleo. K. Davit .J W McCulloch Oil Ioiiaid Circuit Court mull lh flr.l Mniuliv In April anil flrit Monilar In October, lolnt Rcnalur lulnlUc.rientatlo .... CWrarrliu .Wllllrook OOUTT lUttmtt i tiuntjr Judfa . .. i.ltlk IfcMiimr ...... iir;or iirrni laacaaor m IiikjI Buparluuutlaut. Curunur Ktock luipvctor , l.'iimruliilon.r. . J. I". Hector Bam Motbartbcad , . K N Jam.Kin .. AOFaulkuar A. K. Itlcbardion ,0 A llrllllniham I,U llawiliou J Wtlcarr It. I. MoKlnuou )IK, HUllard U ABmrtU Countr Court miwtl Ilia flr.f W.ft.. In Januarr, March, Mar, July, Saplambar and Nuvrjmbor. ifaaaxr u. i. un orricn Itvlltlar -aralv.r Win farro .Kiaiikpav.ji (ITr.-UHl' Mayor, liuconler,. 1 rcaauror Marahal, ll.nllrown M.UUwU . Iboniai Andarion fVJIIopkln.l (Ho 1) ll.f.T JnoO.mb.iflDi I a u awain Mcetiuit of tha Council avtrr B.coud and fourth Wcilucadar, 7 ... l?.-nrr;fnt; flip Home Insurance Co., of New Yotk, Liverpool, London & Globe, l:iro Assurance Co., Philadelphia. OPFICU WITH BlOaS & UU1Q. Uurni, Oregon. Corner Houlli cif Luiiabuis & D!ton'. 8S6 fS9l!Sl Blue Mountain Rapid Transit Line Operating from Austin Yin I'rairic Clt, John Day, Canyon Cily lo Boras, Oregon i yi clays from Hnkcr Cily to Burns, Oregon. Gootl, comfortable conveyances Careful drivers First Class Stations nloiif,' llie route Railroad to Bums only 105 miles. For rates ask L. WOLDENBERG, Manager. rBearor City, Oxegrox.. THE BURNS HOTEL STEPHENS & DIBBLE, Propt. Reasonable Rates, flood Clean Meals, Comfortable Rooms, Courteous Treatment. Special Accommodations for the Traveling Men. FIRST CLASS IN EVERY PARTICULAR Yoatf Patttonacje Solicited, Rorontlj Inlarceil WITH 25,000 Nov Words Nv Unxottocr of tho World vliliiuorotunt Sl.aitUlort, baud out Uo lautt voiiwi 1 ivtiiriK. Mowlilot'raphloal Dictionary ruiitutnliiif tlnii !iuiMofuvrK),Wtui..)tiii j f IW..J, U4U1 on IrtjMli ut j, ot u. ;v ''y r.'TTit "n vtt n.T it, Ll. I LulCulUI, l.l WIUUUM'.'U, '- ,Q) Q'-.-to Vac.00 V I I ) l)U . , . UA J!MI I 1otlI lrTcrvEIoiiiO ' uteruC.Uei ut tne.luiiury f ' 1 ) . Uatiai. i 1 lb'. ' it 1. t in. rti I . I Uf II ,) , ( Id 1 iri '- , C. I 0 ICA.GAZINE READERS SUfTSBT MAOAZINK liaautilulljriUiutiatad,alttarlaa T -v and aiticlat about Cauarala aaJ aU tha Far Wwu a jraar CAKKKA 0KAVT darotad aack foonlji to tit at' -, iite rf'oJwPI af ll bad SjZOO VrpiV rf amlu aa ff olmlooal a .w pliologrnpheri. ROAD 07 A TPO90AVS W01TBKB8 a book af 7? Pfc oJilai 120 i-J pbou-.f. c,i $0,75 pIcturtaM apoia la CaUaraia '" aaautaoa). Talal . , , $3.35 Alt fOr . a . a $Z.50 AJJitM all arJari U SUNSET MAOAZIXX FlaoJ BuUwf 3aa FiaaaUo WJn laWaaaaaaa-BBSJ IH The Beet MODERATE PRICED TYPEWRITER On tho Market Modern, Convenient Durable Has nil the qualities of high priced machines Rapid, Universal hen hoard, Simple, Cheap Chicago Writing Machine Co. 101-153 Wnbailt Ave., Oilcapo, Ml. PROFESSIONAL 0ARD8. Wm. MILLER, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Jlunu, Orison. Offlcaflnttloor wont ot Dank. O.A. REMBOLD Attorney-nt-Lnw, Burns, Oregon OhtiH. II. Jlioonard. ATTOIINKV-AT-I.AW, Careful attontlon given to Colloc- llone and Ronl EHtatn mnttor. l'lro Iniurunco. Notury Public. IiUllNB, OltKOON, GEO. B. 8IZKMORE, ATTOIINKY, BURIW, OltKOON OolltoUooa, Land buatneas, ami Ileal Katata matter promrllvnltoiiiled to, CHARLES W. EU.LIS LAWYER Burns, - - Oregon Practice In llie Htnto Courts and bo foro the U. S. Ttnd Ofllco. J. 1X1. GHARY Pliyalclati ami 811111)11. Hums, - - - OroKon. 0ficelu new building outh of Welcome liiirner alinp, .Muln Hi. 'I'lioriHiMalnHS. H. DEfiMnti, JU. D. Physician and Surgeon all aniKvrod promptly iillit or day 'I'hono lUrrlnian. Harrlman, Oregon WflRSPEf. & GRIFFITH I'byalulanii mid Silicons. BUII.NH, OltKUO.N. Ii. E. HIBBRRD nD-Eansriiso: Ofllco firat door eaat photo cnllory Uurni. Oregon. W. C. BROVVN,, Oocfiox. Office In new land oflicc buildinc, next door north of oat ofllco. - m , y m 1 -- 80CIETIKH. UAKHKY LODQK, NO. T7. 1 II O K. Mattaaarr coDd aud tuunli Halnrdar Iu taak laoalb al I:ta p a, Archl MrUowan, ajron Torrlll, liacrtlarr. N. O. BCXNILOOaENO.W, A.K A M Maat etarj Oral and third Baturdar luaaah B,tBU,,. . I. fmUwaili, W. XI. A, O. rValtoma, Secretary. INLAND LODOK NO. TO K. of P. MMta ararjr Tbumlajr aranlna In Die Brown I. M Itruwu, K II S UUUN8LOUUK.Su 17 A. (i I', l, Mama arerj atcoud and luuiili I ndar . A. U., W. O.K. Cochran, Recorder. UAKNEY VALLKV CAUP No. Ml, W. ofJW. Keeta etarr Drat and second Tueadajr. , . ,,,-' W. Mclllaln, Com. W. A. Oowan, Clerk, BURN CHArTEK NO. 40, 0, E. B. Meeta a vary second and Inurth Monda)a, Iu "v"!?'".."?"- . nather tclmarti, W. Valla Welcome, Secretary. ' WTLV1A RRI1KKA1I tlKQKKK No.aH. Meetieeery lit and 3d Wcdueada) . kiia-,1,1. u e , Hl"auillh. N.o. 1 htl smltli, Kvo Boo y. TULK CIKOLK No. 1C W. of W. Meeti arary fourth Tun J ay. . . . . "aud Ilorton, O. VI. lieiter Goodman, Clerk. THE TIMES-HERALD i Job Printing- sap JOHN tiKMIiEKLINU, Jowoler. Optichui und JSnirimvoi'. Fine Watch Repairing A .Spe cialty. Bcittns Diamond Stage bine J. K. HAUPKIt, I'ropt. I.aavai llurni every Momliiy, WVdiiua day and Friday for Dlmnond. Conm'vta with the Andrewi'Doiilo Htngo, making the mott direct and (inlcLnat ruato tu all point aouth and the now void tlolils i Dyke and othtir iionhern NoviuU poluta Careful attention slven to iiaiaunirara and frlht. For particular information apply to OilKaTitn Oaktkii, Agent llurn, Orogon. Summer h During the Season VIA THD OUGOON KAILROAD & NAVlOATIOl OREGON SHORT UN AND UNION PACIRcI Prom Portland, Seattle, Spokane ma, WaHtf VValln nnd ali on thc 0. R. & N. lint To Omaha and return To Kansas City and return To St Louis and return To Chicago and return und to oti or principal cltlca Inf .Middle HVm nnd Srontli ' orresjiondlnKly Ijw lu ON ALK JUNK 2 3, JULY AU(H'8TII-12 To Denver nnd return ON BALK MAY 17, Jl'LT AUCiUSTll Goinir transit limit 1! from date of sale, final limit October 31st These tickets present very attractive features way of stooover nrivifo choice of routes; thcrcbjR mg passengers to make sic to any interesting points r. Routing on the -clu? through California mai at a slight advance ovc quoted. Full particulars, .sleep reservations and tickets furnished by any O. R. 4 or Wm. .McMurray, Gen. past. Portland, OreKon Sumpter Vaik Railwa) T1.M1J TAItl.K NO. . IN JUM. M, in . St Went Hound No 1 l'as 9:30 Lv 0:35 " Qite ' 10:01 " 10:07 " 10:17 " 10:22 " 10:32 " 10:30 " 10:65 " 11:10 11:16 " 11 M0 " NOON 12:00 " 1. -I. 12:05 " 12:40 " 1:10 Ar a in. -S linker ( i Hoillll 1 HK r VJahshu Thoiu("Oi ixlilard Jiuicti at 'Water Tun V IVaii'a StJiiri J UNCTION f HuOipttr JUNtTlONt Himiniltt O I. Camp, Whltmjt TII'TDM Autlin 4 h Slop on Mi,Hlr only Tli-lcta Issued only fi r ttaiMJ imliis am aclutlult'd to ruit HtoiM, 1'aeti-nKor must pun ti where ngunta exiat WwiS irivina or .'a rents in mid moo ( gular fare will bo clurticd JOSK1M1 A. WLSl GRANT CEDDKS, Asit. Ssttl $1500 fid Tlio Ortgon, CallfarnU S iiti rtoieruTo ,M(ciaiion, in pi"a iKnrtl la a member, mil itJ fur Ibe rtinilrtttiti if anr ar c,u la;lioraa, raliloor nuifoi U aiul n S.iou Addltlonnl Utv U.XM DliM at t y k ncifj la pan Pi1, I'j.V . ' '. V I , j Ha w V. ' i til " I'HtV t a mlil to to 0ricn out will ,e rri local roluiuuiodblaratHir ! If not an rrrnirircl, iilcaaa nrtieaS TiiuTlium lleralil. Main H, lluruM I "vaasriiHiD. A repreaentatlvo In tills county by large real estate corporation. Spec lal Iflducementa to tltoao who wish to become financially Interested, The BmI Estate Security Ce. Perl pursers pulldlei CIIICAOO, ILL (30 Yt EXPCKB TnAotl otv Oopvnte Anrona tendtn a lactch aoj f .wv.ii .vr.a,i, I'ur upli iiivii.,uu pnii I4UI ii pwr opinion fr liablrvjttiitifiv liiteiillM. ltanilK iiiaatrlalh cnt Uf. Olslaat uioncr for ar wipe's! i-aienu utan iliroolli siu oB cioinoiu. union HI 9 Scientific Jfmcrll AfntKHoraalflUlilrolMl wpHif. rulattun or anrclnwiiig jotiTiini. ari four inoii'na, H BoViiyij Co 3Qf Droidan. 4a v ft. w- iit"' JOHN ROOlN Stock Inspector, Hnniey I lloiiio A MlOH Do Not Trill With a la Kood ailvicofor men and may lie vltnl lu the case of ! expcrii'iico lias proven tnatti lug 1'tt r for colds In childrtil Chaniberlt Coug'h Rei It la a f.mirlto with manyPl never uutiiurtints tuem. f opium or other narcotic nuuti with tut tcit confldeuce, -(