The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, June 12, 1909, Image 3

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Local News.
luiltlinff paper and roofing nt
DoitN Mommy, Juno Y, to wr.
. Mrs. A. Cote, ft son.
mcs Smith has n now stock
shoes of various kinds and
lort Davey was a passenger
pn Suiday's stage after an
enco of some six months.
ill and sco James Smith's
line of shoes before getting
spring and summer foot-
ic Hagey & Richardson store
been moved into the street
ining the Burns hotel to
e room for the stone building
ko its place.
dm D. rut, or salt laKo ar
id hero Thursday and is the
st of Wm. Hnnley. The gen-
inn is hero on an outing and
ccts to go to the P-ranch and
is a perplexing Problem to Congress
to our depositors is the fixed policy of this bank
iMhav Inereaied our Surplut from $23,000.00 to $30,000,00
which It tlx timet the maximum amount required by the
United States Depositary
Accounts Inyitefl
or Sale Household goods
lsting of kitchen furniture
cookintr utensils, also farm' -
Khincry, one good 3J wagon,
ii 1 two-seated hack, etc. F.
liller, Burns, Oregon.
E. Beery, the civil engineer)
m assistant to A,
lor roruanu weanesanyi
ning, having been called as at
less in the Gilcrest case now .
ig heard in the federal court
stmaster Logjan and family
ed home Tuesday from their
to the outside. Mr. Loggan
a witness in the Hanley case
'ortland and Mrs. Loggan
children went up into Wash-
on to visit relatives wniie
was in Portland.
Ktriu cc uomens nave puc in
te class saw mill 1J miles
of Cold Springs is near the
y with good roau. in nrst
timber picked trees from
overnment Prepared to do
m work. See them about
government permit at once.
. and Mrs. Wm. Hanley ar-
home Thursday having
brought in from the rail-
.by Mr. Ford in his auto.
Job printing Tho Times-Herald
Dr. Denman was up from Har
riman Thursday.
Wm. Keisenbeck was in tho
0. Faulkner, city during the week.
Call on Clovenger for building
paper and roofing
Boun Monday, June 7 to Mr.
and Mrs Dick Gibson, a son.
J. H. Culp, painting and paper
hanging, Burns, Orogon.
Receiver Frank Davy and wife
and daughter arrived homo Sat-
Some very desirable residence
and business lots in Burns can be
secured by seeing Irving Miller.
Born Wednesday, Juno 2, to
Mr. and Mrs. Pearl Pruett, a
daughtar. This notice was sent
by Mrs. A. L. Vanderpool and
she reports mother and child do
ing well.
Register Farrc left Tuesday
morning for Portland where" he
had been called as a witness in
the federal court on the John
Gilcrest fencintr case. Mrs. P.
larjy expects to remain at ; p. Chandler and son Glen ro
f r some little time now as turned to their Canyon City home
rvesting season is near and on the same stage after a visit
is matters to look after on with relatives and friends here.
Harry Parker mot with quite a
painful accident the other day by
ilver creek homestead. The i falling froma horse that had been
eman is in on business ana f ricrhtened at a dot?. In falling
his left arm struck something
sharp which pierced a hole en
tirely through tho fleshy part
above the elbow. It is quite a
painful wound. Dr. Marsden
dressed it
Price Cochran and family ar
rived here Tuesday from their
Wagontire ranch. Price got his
arm caught in the coils of a rope
jf. G. A. Collier is over from
he is making good use of
vacation period by clearing
fplace, doing some farming
gardening. Prof. Collier
:ecn employed as pnncipai
bo public schools in this city
coming year.
II. Keycs and wife and his
r, Miss Edith Keys arrived
lis city from Chicago the
of the week. They were
there by their brother S. C.
tes who later took the party
Be ranch over on Pine Creek.
Br a lew days mr. iveys arm
will resume their journey
coart, Seattle and other
the sister remaining with
for an indefinite time.
rork guaranteed Salisbury's.
Blacksmith coal for sale at
Chas. Wilson's.
Schcnk wants more coyote
hides and other furs.
For Salk-320 acres of hay
and. Inquire at this office.
Mr. Williams, a son of Mrs. D.
R. Thorn, was in the city the
first of the weok.
F. J. Klink, tho telephono sup
erintendent of the district, is in
tho city from his Grant County
6-10 aero ranch for sale suitable
for dairy or stock ranch. Abund
ance of water for irrigation and
power inquire at this office.
Farmers why pay $12 to $15
per M. for green lumber when
you can get good dry repair lum
ber at half the price and haul
twice as much at Burns Milling
Co.'s mill.
Tho largest and best display "of
wall paper ever exhibited in Har
ney County may be found nt the
G. W. Clovenger furniture store,
designs and patterns to suit all.
Thos. Harvey, tho young man
who suffered a stroke of paraly
sis, mention of which was made
in our last issue, is recovering
quite rapidly. His father arrived
hero from Spokane Inst Sunday.
Tho first game of baseball on
tho local dinmond will be played
' f nmnntAitr nf (tin rniw tvsM i vw I u ii
tween tho Burns Commercial
Club and tho Narrows team.
Tho boys aro not in very good
practice as yet but they expect
! to have a good game and it will
.no doubt bo witnessed by a large
number of enthusiasts.
Drs. Marsden and Griffith did
an abdominal operation on C. C.
Try a meal at tho Home Hotel.
I. N. Hughot is in from his
Warm Springs home.
Wanted- Somo moro coyote
and bob-cat hides. A. Schenk.
Joo Clark and C. W. Loggan
were down from Harney Thursday.
Use the llnrncy County Nnllonnl Unnk
They nro RclMilcntlfylnjr.
Chas. Johnson and family ox
pect to leave about July 15 for
Portland where they will remain
for an indofinito time.
A. J. Irwin, who spent a con
siderable time hero with G. W.
Clovenger last year, is again in
on n visit to tho latter.
Don't fail to got a Safety Incu
bator. W. T. Smith sells them.
Thoy run without a lamp -no ex
pense. See him. Ho has one
running at the Summit Hotel.
S. G. Blackorly and Ralph Vnn
Valkonberg expect to lenvo next
weok for Willamette Valley with
n bunch of horses to market
Thoy will cross tho mountains.
Found On road near Mrs.
Cowing's place, a wagon jack
scrow. Owner may have same
by paying for this local and call
at the S. Lampshiro ranch for it.
Davo Miller and Grant Rey
nolds were in from their Warm
Springs vnlley farms tho other
day. Thoy report some of the
grain that came up early in tho
season was injured by frost in
that section.
Williams Bros, saw mill at
Cold Spring on tho Canyon road
is prepared to do custom work
for thoso desiring to Uike ad
vantage of their government per
mit Also lumber for snlo at $12
per thousand. Sco them about
custom prices.
Jimmio Richardson wns hit in
the eye with a rock somo two
weeks ago which may cause the
loss of the sight It was badly
injured and his father has taken
him to Portland to place him
undor tho care of Drs. Dickson
and Coghlnn, tho eye specialists.
A. A. Rinnian ! in the city
Go to tho homo Hotel for &
good meal.
W. .YnnVnlkcnberg was
over from his Silver creek homo
the first of this weok.
Jones Mower and Rako for $75
whilo thoy last First como, first
served-C. II. Voegtly.
Mrs J. 0. Bunynrd has boon vis
iting her nistor, Mrs. N. Como
gys, in this city during tho week.
Ted and Bailoy Hayes, in com
pany with their families, expect
to lenvo soon to take in tho fair
at Seattle.
Just arrived: A complete lino
of Roofing, Sheathing, water
proof Sheathing and Stringed
Harney Co. Imp. & Hdwe. Co.
Dr. Mnrsdon was called to Ri
ley this week to sco Fred Oakcr
mnn. Ho found Mr. Oakerman
suffering from an attack of grip
with lnng complications.
Four car loads consisting of
buggies, wagons, plows, harrows
farm machinery, barb wiro and
nails now en route. Seo C. H.
Voegtly for prices.
It has been necessary to blast
out considerable bed rock at tho
rear of tho excavation for tho
Odd Fellow building in order to
give air space below the ground
Bluo prints of any township in
Burns Land District, showing
nnnio of cntryman, dntennd kind
of entry, topography, etc., $1.00
each. Piatt T. Randall, Burns,
H. J. Hansen of tho Burns
Meat Market is prepared to fur
nish bacon, hams and lard to
sheepmen nnd ranchers in any
quantity. Special prices for big
Messrs. Smith and Swain havo
moved their well drilling machine
to the H. M. Horton ranch out
beyond tho Dcnstcdt place where
they have casing for a six inch
v?ell for a depth of 500 feet
There are good prospects for an
artesian flow in that section.
ecy. rrr v.wv' -
Are You Witt Us?
The Harney Valley Oil &
Gas Company
a few days before while lassoing I Lundy Wednesday for tubercu
n wild horso and unon havine: it'lous peritonitis. Mr. Luncy has
. - It !i. 211 !
examined by Drs. Marsden &
Griffith found besides being bad
ly bruised one bono was also
broken. They have sold tho
ranch at Wagontire and may pur
chase a residence in this city.
Fine line of watches, chains, etc.,
at Salisbury's P. 0. Block.
New Spring Goods
of Every Description
ess Goods, Ribbons and Ruch
es, Laces, Embroideries, Over-
irts, Underwear and Waistings.
' women
thing, Hats, Overshirts, Under-
;ar, l les ana noes ior men.
A full stock of staple
and fancy Groceries
for every body.
Orders promptly filled
Busy Corner Store9'
been quite ill for eight weeks nnd
had been in failing health for
several months. Considering his
condition ho stood the operation
well. It was quite successful
and tho patient is doing vory
well at present with every pros
pect for recovering from tho
Tho Burns Concert Band hns
begun weekly open air concerts
much to tho delight of our citi
zens. They had intended mak
ing each Wednesday evening tho
regular timo for concercs, but as
that interferes with tho business
of some of tho boys it is consid
ered Sunday afternoon will bo
better, especially when the hnr
vest time comes in order that all
may enjoy them. Tho boys nro
improving very much and aro
giving us somo fine music. They
will play tomorrow afternoon
preceding the ball gamo at tho
fair grounds.
Rev. A. J. Irwin will hold
preaching services nt the follow
ing points in Harney County on
tho dates given, Tho sorvico
will bT'held at 8 o'clock p. m.
Silvies valley, Juno 8; Van, Juno
9; Drowooy, Juno 10; Buchanan
school house, Juno 11; La wen,
Juno 12; Narrows, Juno 13; Sun
sot, Juno 13 nt 3 p. m.; 0 0 June
14; Sago Hen, Juno 15; Wavorly,
Juno 18; Smith, Juno 19; Juniper
Ranch, Juno 20; Mnn Lake, Juno
21; Alvord, Juno 22; Andrews,
.Tnnn 9.1 Dnnln .Tnnn 9A: TInmn
Creek Juno 25 and 20; P-ranch
Juno 27 nnd 28; Diamond 29.
Rev, Irwin will bo in Burns Juno
16 and 17. Every body within
reach of tho nbovo points nro
most cordially invited to attend
tho above services,
Salisbury fits eyew P. 0, block.
Job printingThe Timcs-HeraM
Irving Miller and wifo are
homo from a visit to tho P-Ranch.
D. A. Barkeman, the Wavorly
merchant and postmaster, was
in the city this week. Mr. Barke
man reports crops in his neigh
borhood looking very good.
Reatos for sale, all sizes and
lengths, price 20 cents per foot.
Any one desiring Reatos address
W. A. Ford of J. 0. Alberson,
Alberson, Oregon.
W. G. Howell had the misfor
fortunc to break somo part of his
big automobile last Sunbay nee
cssitatinga hurry order to the
factory bofore it can bo placed in
commission ngain.
Frnnk Dibble came in from his
Silver Creek saw mill to have
Drs. Marsden and Griffith pntch
up a-broken rib. Ho was work
ing over his engino nnd fell stri
king n sill in tho mill. He is
feeling better now.
Cottrill & Clemens are prepar
ed to do custom work with their
portable saw mill located la
miles west of Cold Springs on
Poison Creek. Lumber for sale.
Get youa permit and havo them
saw your lumuor. Torms nro
Parties desiring homesteads in
tho Silver Crook district should
cull on E. W. VanVnlkenborg,
an lie is entirely familiar with
that section and can placo pcoplo
on good land. Ho has somo 320
aero homestead tracts, so desig
nated by tho land department
Also somo desirnblo school land.
Address hir.i at Riley, Oregon, or
call nt his ranch fivo miles from
tho postofllco,
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ilanloy
bring tho snd news of n fatal ac
cident that cost Hickman Staples
his lifo at Ontario Wednesday.
In some mannor ho Btopped on u
Hyo electric wiro and waa killed
A. Schcnk carries an up-to-date
slock of clothing on.
Dr. W. A. Hopkins was up
from his homo near tho lake this
Herman Ruh wns a business
visitor from Lnwen tho first of
the week.
Walter Huston is roportcd con
valescing from a severe attack of
spotted fever.
Dry slab wood nt mill only
$1.00 per cord.
Burns Milling Co.
2 section gin CO tooth Steel
Lover Harrows at $22.00 at C. II
Voegtly's. Seo that you do not
get i inch and only 50 tooth Har
rows, instead of the above.
A. M. Kelsay and Peter Han
sen, tho Silver creek sheepmen,
havo just complotcd shearing
and it is reported thoy wero of
fered 21i cents for their wool in
Letters received this weok an
nounce that both Roswell Hamil
ton and Morvin Horton wero suc
cessful in their final examinations
awd will graduate in pharmacy
frpm the agricultural collego this
Paints, Oils, Doors and Wind
ows, in fact everything for tho
farmer or builder. Glvo us a
call and wo will bo glad to give
you prices. Myers Pumps and
Star Windmills.
Hnrnoy Co. Imp. Hdwe. Co.
y B. Gromly, of Prineville arriv
ed hero last week nnd has taken
a position with" A. Schenk as a
coat makor. Wo understand Mr.
Gromly will open a tailoring es
tablishment himself as soon as
tho rush at Schonk'sis over after
July 4, Ho has leased (a portion
of the Geo, Young building for a
J. L. Gaultof tho First Nation
al Bank accompanied by Mrs.
(limit-, nvnnnfc tn Wvn nnxfc Wed.
instantly. No particulars wero ndS(my for SeatUo whoro ho Roea
learned. Ho was a young man to- num. , Pnnknra' Afwoela.
of oxcollont habits and quito well ' tlon mcoting. This association
and favorably known hero being covers tho threo sUtegej: 0rogon
a brother to Mrs. Thos. Jones. ! r,-un mi woai,inryfnn Timv
Ho leaves a wifo and little ,win ni,rt tn i,A ,. anA oian
daughtor bosidea his paronta and; vislt portinnd returning homo
just before tho Development
J. C. Sovcik k in tho city.
W. T, VnnderVcer is in tho
i Cnirol Cecil is over from Silver
Van B. Embreo was in town
j Scott Hayes and family aro up
from Lawen.
A nice shower last night helped
growing cropn quite materially.
Tho clerk's office issued mar
riage liconses this weok to Rus
sell Mcriclo nnd Alta Necdham
and Chnrlcs Scribnor nnd Ottio
Sheriff Richardson bargained
for the llttlo automobile that Wm.
Hanley used last summer and in
tended bringing it in from Bear
valloy upon his return found it
needed somo repairs before he
could drive it.
Tom Allen r.r.d son Fred ar
rived homo from Poitlnnd this
week and Tom has gone out to
the P-Ranch to resume his work.
Mrs. Alien remained in Portland
to attend the Eastern Star Grand
Lodge. Tom and Fred were in
a railroad wreck on tho 0. It. &
N. tho other side of Baker when
several coaches left tho track
but no one was hurt It delayed
them one day.
Estray One roan mare brand
ed with lazy 0 and bar over it on
left shoulder, also CA on left
stifle came to my place May 1.
Owner please call, prove proper
ty and pay expense, including
this notice.
Guant Thompson,
Wavorly, Ore.
Tho marriage of Mr. D. S.
Graves and Miss Ethel Carroll
occured at noon last Sunday at
tho home of tho groom near
Lawen, Rev. W. A. Hopkins per
forming tho ceremony in the
presence of a few relatives of
tho contracting parties. The
bride is formerly from Missouri
and is a sister to Mrs J. II. Bun-
yard. Sam Graves has been a
resident of this county for many
years and is one of our highly
respected and prosperous stock
men, inc couple received some
very nice presents. They will
make their homo near Lawen
and we join their many friends
in extending best wishes.
Hunting nnd fishing nro strict
ly forbidden upon any of the
Pacific Live Stock Co. ranches.
Trespassers will be prosecuted.
John Gilciiest.
The Eastern Oregon
Engineering Co.
Main Office, Burns, Oregon
A, U. r.U'LKNKII, M(;r.
Branch Office, Lakevicw, Oregon
C. M. rAULKNMt, Mr.
Number 21, ,
The Handle88 Clock.
A woman would no moro think of baking bread by a handless
clock than a man should think of carrying on his business without
a bank account.
Anything done by guess is uncertain.
It is unwiso to live year by year without keeping a strict ac
count of expenses whether you havo a regular business or not.
There is no system or convenience in paying bills in cash as they
aro presented.
Employ a check account, pay each bill by check, balance your
nccount nt least once a month.
Tho bank does your bookkeeping for you. You are at no ex-
penso whatever, and tho check account gives you many advantages
in business conveniences that save time, benefits that insure safe
ty, methods that give you accuracy, a system that furnishes a com
plete record for future reference.
A check account indicates the condition of your business at all
times, it is to business what tho hands aro to the clock.
Our check account service will adjust itself to your business
needs bettor than you may imagine. Try it.
A Savings Bank Department is a feature of this Bank,
in which interest nt the rate of four per cent per
annum is allowed.
The Harney County National Bank
MR. nnd MRS. CHAS. ANDERSON, Propts.
We'are pleased to announce to our old-time friends
nnd'eustomers that we have again taken charge of
our hotel. We just completed renovating the en
tire building and you will find the old-time home
comforts when yqu call. We hope to see you soon.
The old favorite Family Hotel where guests receive
5peclal Attention and Good Service.
WlVN V ,
Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes
Fresh Groceries, etc.
For Spring and Summer Trade
"Dady's" Cigar Stand !
Tablets, Pens, Pencils, School Supplies; Extracts
Spices, Fancy Crackers, JPIpes, Tooth Brushes, etc.
Call and sample some of his goods
lu&l-iA n w 1 aIam r Mh n
uruwiui nun oibiui uk umuriu.)
Salisbury fixes watches P.O, block
Id tliu Circuit Court (if I In- Statu ffOru-
Kon fur tho County ul llitrnoy.
Notltu la lioruby kIvpu I lull umlur uiul
by vlrtuool nlecrroot iliu Circuit Court
of Hartley County, Klatuol Orrnoii.inadc
by mill Court ninl untortil In t lit) Jour
nal tln-ruol on tlio 8ih day of April ltlOU,
In Circuit Court Joiminl It twite 345, in
cvrtalu nun? tlinroln ?uiIIiib m herein
Sutmiol II Parker et at wrru plnintlffn
anil Jolin W. MlCuu ul ul worn dofuu
ilmitH, aald decree being far u la ol the
real property therein doAcrib d by I he
undemlgned Iluforeo and for u report of
hi proieedlnua thereunder at the next
regular term or raid Court uh net forth
In caid Decree nml in tho I'lmllniiu ol
Fact ami Conrlutloim of Law made, uud
filed by the Court In said Ciuife, Now
therefore. I, Hum Motlieralitml, the duly
appointed, (jimmied and nullnt; Iluferce
In tho ahovu entitled cause, will on Mmi
day, tho Htli day of June, lttoy at t h
hour of So'clmkp, nt . of Hiid da., ,al
the front door of the Court Monro li
llnriiK, Oregon, noil at public) auction to
the hi. bent and bent bidder for cash In
hxiul, Bubjoct to conQrmatlon by said
Court, tho following decrjbed real pro
perty, eltuatvd In Ilarimy oiinly, Ore
gun, to-nlll The Went hull ol tho Wtal
hall of Section Hlxlcen In Towuaiilp
Tuonty-flva Koutli, Itunu Thirty-two
and tiiir-hiilf li'iflt of the Willamette
Ah ridlan, containing 100 ncroa
Dated nt Huron, Oregon, thU-ltli day
of May, 11X)D,
Sam MoTimiHiiHAn,. Referee.
In tho ottate of John D. (Moment
Notice in lioteby given that tho under-
tinned wu on May 16th, 1809 duly ap
polntod Administrator ul thu above
oatato by tho lion rablo Judgo of the
county court of Harney County and Iiiih
duly qualified aa'such administrator.
Auy and all perjons having claims
again,' t hald estate nro hereby required
to present them properly curtlllod na by
law touulrcd, within 0 months from tho
datoof this notice, to me ut lHirns, Ore
gou, ornt theolllcoof my attorney, 0,
II. Leonard at Hums, Oregou.
Dtd May 20th, 1000.
Siuon Lkivis, Administrator
If its in Leather We have it or can
get it forYot
As much difference in leath
er as in people. We use
only the best in our work
Hadn't you better look at your old Harness?
You've had it a long time. "Belter be- sure
than serry."
J. W. OWEN, Propts,
- -j&sal
Finest hearse in county f
Particular attention given
to Funerals.
Fresh Teams, Comfortable Rigs, Careful Drivers.
Particular attention given to Transcient Trade
Horses boarded by the day, week or month
v1 ;.
W151 "
.w;. '
Main St.,
Blackstnitliing nnd
Wagon Work
ANTEED. Burns, Oregon,
Job Printing.