The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, June 05, 1909, Image 3

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Local News.
Building paper and roofing at
Isaac Forter is a business visi-
from Silver creek.
Kemp Hardisty was down from
out Creek yesterday.
Mrs. Rout. Reed is up from
iven this week on a visit to her
James Smith has a now stock
shoes of various kinds and
II. Vcgtly is going to put
t a big ureprooi ouggy ware
use in his field south of town
iC. II. Leonard and family now
upy the W. A. Gowan rcsi-
ncc recently vacaioa oy u. a.
mbold and wife.
The stock books of the Harney
Hey Oil & Gas Company are
w open anu J. u. xurney is
idy and willing to write you
t a block of this stock.
C, C. Lundy is reported as be
b quite seriously ill at his homo
this city. He has been con
ed to his bed for several weeks
d decs not seem to improve.
v. Schenk wants 5000 coyote
id bob-cat hides. Will pay $2,
ch for all with heads and claws
mplete. Skins must be prime j
bring this price. Also buysj
her hides and furs.
"The First National Bank"
i i
' ' l Jf i ! , ' iiaM1
Try a meal at the Home llotol J
W. 13. Huston is suffering fVo'inl
spotted fever,
Another good Bhower would be
of groat boncfllt just now.
Wanted Somo more coyoto
nnd bob-cat hides. A' Schenk.
Bb suro to attend tho Dovolop
mont Congress and celebration
in Burns. ,
C. G. Smith is over from his
Crane Creek stock farm on a
visit to his family.
for a
Job printing Tho Times-Horald
Call on Clevenger for building
paper and roofing
J. E. Harper was up from Nar
rows the first of the week.
J. H. Gulp, painting and paper
hnncrinir. Burns. Oregon.
Miss Winnie Brown has besrunN Thos. Morrison nnd wife were in
r apprenticeship in the compos-
g room of this great religious
iekly. The young lady has
hown aptness and will make a
pod type setter.
IFok Sale Household goods
Insisting of kitchen furniture
Id cooking utensils, also farm
ichinery, one good 32 wagon,
food two-seated hack, etc F.
Miller, Burns, Oregon.
It seems some have the lm-
csion that since Chas. Wilson
s leased a farm he is going to
sit the blacksmith business.
ch is not the case. Mr. Wil
li is going to continue to worn
the shop.
M. L. Lewis informs us that
I will soon cut up 40 or 60 acres
this h mestead at the springs
ir t' e city limits into 1, 21 and
c j tracts anu dispose oi incm
E' 4r alllf Hin TM 1 ffh ! SfllV
I n-lllia w ciu.i, w.. ,,-... .
lis is a very desirable residence
ility and one may secure a
lanent water supply from
spring for irrigation purposes.
is above the frost line and a
where fruit, berries and
Men may be successfully
iv, n.
Br. W. L. Marsden informs us
lie has taken Dr. C. C. Griff
ons a partner, ur. iirmiin
been Dr. Marsden's assistant
i year and he has made good.
las made many warm person-
iends and professionaly he
iroven entirely satisfactory
rery respect He is an ener-
, young man, wedded to his
Bssion and is bound to be a
ess. His many menus are
ed to learn of his advance-
; to partner and congratulate
frork guaranteed Salisbury's.
Walter Cross is down from
Trout creek.
Blacksmith coal for sale nt
Chas. Wilson's.
Schenk wants more coyote
hides and other furs.
For Salk 320 acres of hay
and. Inquire at this office.
Judge Rector was in the" first
from tho find lintiRn thin week to
attend the Miller-Geer wedding, j of the week attending.lp probate
Somo very desirable residence ! niatters.
and business lots in Burns can bo. Sheriff Richardson and Archie
secured by seeing Irving Miller. McGownn returned from Portland
J. H. Neal and daughters, Miss-Yestcrdav'
.Jiuigo wm. Miller and A. Egli
woro passengers in on Mr. Ford's
auto Wednesday afternoon.-
Itoo lhc Harney County National llnnk
Thoy nro nclf-lilcut Ifj lnjr.
Dr. Griffith and J. L. Gault
spout a couple of days on Emi
grant Creek last week returning
with a fine lot of trout. Their
friends were feasted.
Don't fail to got a Safety Incu
bator. W. T. Smith sells them.
They rim without a lamp no ex
pense. Seo him. Ho has ono
running at tho Summit Hotcj.
Mrs. Fred Clingen and little
Go to tho home Hotel
good meal.
Real summer weather
with us and ono can seo
Born To Mr. and Mrs.
Welcome, Tuesday, Juno
Claudo Brown and wife have
moved into tho II. E. Folton res
idence. Jones Mower nnd Rnko for $75
whilo they last. First come, first
served C. H. Voogtly.
., N
1, n
Mrs. W, H. Cecil is over from
Crane crook, Sho is at tho homo
of Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Lundy.
Several woro up from Lawen
yesterday to attend tho funeral
of tho old pioneer, M. V. Smith.
Drs. Marsden and Griffith will
opcrato on tho little son of C. A.
Haines today for throat trouble.
Miss Blanche Wood took her
departure this morning for her
homo in Canyon after a two-weeks
mil will! iricmiB in una cuy.
Jlist arrived: A comploto line
of Roofing, Sheathing, water
proof Sheathing and Stringed
son were up from tho homestead
this week on a visit to Fred wlM tlamey Co. Imp. & Hdwe. Co
is engangcu in carpenter wont
in this city.
Found-Oii road nenr Mrs.
Cowing's place, a wagon jack
scrow. Owner may hnvo same
by paying for this local and call
at tho S. Lampshire ranch for it.
Williams Bros, saw mill at
Cold Spring on the Canyon road
is prepared to do custom work
for those desiring to take ad
vantage of their government per
mit. Also lumber for sale at $12 II. J. Hanson of tho Burns
per thousand. Seo them about Meal Market is prepared to fur
custom prices. . nis'h bacon, hams and lard to
Present indienlion nrn thnt ,shccpmon and ranchers in any
Four car loads consisting of
buggies, wagons, plows, harrows
farm machinery, barb wire and
nnils now en route. See C. II.
Voogtly for prices.
Blue prints of any township in
Burns Land District, showing
name of cntryman, date and kind
of entry, .topography, etc., $1.00
each. Piatt T. Randall, Burns,
es Ada and Mary, were in the!
city a few days this week from
their homo in Barren Valley.
Mrs. F. P. Chandler and little
son Glen came over from Canyon
City the first of tho week to at
tend tho Miller-Geer wedding.
They came over in company with
W. G. Howell in his auto.
John Schenk and family arriv
ed hero from the P. L. S. Co.
Juniper ranch the first of tho
week. Mrs. Schenk remained in
tho city tho guest of Mr. and
Mrs A. Schenk, John returning
to the ranch.
Ranch for Sale: One Bmnll
horso ranch, located on Malheur
river. First-class summer, fall
and winter range surounding it
Fine location for fruit and vege
tables, also. For further parti
cular write or call on E. L.
Beede, Drewsey, Oregon.
F. S. Miller has leased his
ranch near this city to Chas.
Wilson for a term of five years
and expects to leave sometimo
next month with his wife for
Southern Oregon where they will will take the stage for Austin en
take up their residence among .route to Portland where they will
remain an indefinite timo to hnvo
tho boy's cye3 trented. Rev.
Irwin will return next week nnd
take up his trip through this
county devoting the cntiro
month to this work.
Persons holding receipt for
stock in tho Harney Valloy Oil
& Gas Company are requested to
return same to company and ro
ceivo tho stock.
The largest nnd best display of
wall paper ever exhibited in Har
ney County may bo found at the
G. W. Clevenger furniture store,
designs nnd patterns to suit all.
Pearl Wise arrived homo Mon
day from Portland, being tho
first of tho witnesses in the Han
ley trial to return. Later Grant
Kesterson, Walter Struck and
and others arrived.
Cottrill & Clemens have put in
a first class saw mill 1 miles
west of Cold Springs is near the
valley with good road. In first
class timber picked trees from
the government Prepared to do
'custom work. See them about
your government permit at once.
Rev. A. J. Irwin nnd family
took their departure Thursday
for the railroad. Mr. Irwin nnd
Millard will go as far as Prairie
City where Mrs. Irwin and Philip
largo number of horses will be
here for the July race meet.
Thoy will come from Prineville
and other nearby plncoa, also
from Idaho and California. No
thing definite has been learned
regarding the outside ball teams,
but locol fans say they are going
to play ball.
Special prices for big
Paints, Oils, Doors and Wind
ows, in fact everything for tho
armor or builder. Give us a
oll and wo will be glad to give
you prices. Myers Pumps and
Star Windmills.
IIarne Co. Imp. it Hdwe. Co.
Are Ion Willi Us?
The Harney- -Valley Oil &
Gas Company
Job printing Tho Timcs-HcrnM
Scott Hayes has been in the city
for several days having his eyes
" .. . ... -N
inisnuornoon Mrs. i. scnwnnz
is tendering a miscellaneous
shower to Miss Florence Richard
son who is to be mnrried this
old time associates of their child
hood days. Mr. Miller has resid
ed in this county for many years
and has many friends. His
health has not been good hero of
recent years and ha has decided
that a chancre of climate will be
Fine line of watches, chain, etc.,
at Salisbury's P. O. Block.
New Spring Goods
of Every Description
:ss Goods, Ribbons and Ruch-
Laces, Embroideries, Over-
ts, Underwear and Watstings.
thing, Hats, Overshirts, Under-
ir, Ties and Shoes for men.
A full stock of staple
and fancy Groceries
for every body.
Orders promptly filled "
he Busy Corner Store"
Thos. Harvey, a young man
who recenty nrrived from Spo
kane, suffered n stroke of paraly
sis on his left side the early part
of this week. He was at tho
Henry Goodlow place and went
out about a milo and a half from
tho house to catch his horse. Ho
caught the animal and mounted
'it with the intention of riding
back, tho stroke occuring imme
diately upon his mounting and
ho fell off. Ho mannged to get
to the house by rolling and
crawling in about 3 hours and
was then brought to this city by
Mr. and Mrs. Potter. Ho is im
proving slowly nnd his recovery
is expected by his physiciiina.
His parents havo been notified
in Spokano and they are oxpeetod
hero soon.
Rev. A. J. Irwin will hold
preaching services at tho follow
ing points in Harney County on
tho dates given. Tho Bervico
will'bo'held at 8 o'clock p. m.
Silvies valley, June 8; Van, Juno
0; Drowscy, Juno 10; Buchanan
school house, Juno 11; Lawen,
Juno 12; Narrows, Juno 13; Sun
set, Juno 13 ut 3 p, m.; O O Juno
14; Sago Hon, Juno IC; Waverly,
Juno 18; Smith, Juno 10; Juniper
Ranch, Juno 20; Man Lake, Juno
21; Alvord, Juno 22; Andrews,
Juno 23; Do'nio, Juno 24; Home
Creek Juno 25 and 20; P-ranch
Juno 27 and 28; Diamond 29.
Rev. Irwin will bo in Burns Juno
16 and 17, Every body within,
reach of tho above points nro
most cordially invited to. attend
tho above services,
Salisbury fits eyes P. O. block.
Rcatos for sale, all sizes and
lengths, price 20 cents per foot.
Any ono desiring Rcatos address
W. A. Ford of J. O. Alberson,
Alberson, Oregon.
2 section Sin CO tooth Steel
Lever Hnrrows at $22.00 at C. II
Voegtly's. Seo that you do not
gcti inch nnd only 50 tooth Hnr
rows, instead of the above.
The prisoners who recently es
caped from tho county jail have
been re-caplurcd and returned to
their cells whore they will not be
given so much liberty as former
', n .-... .N
Reed grocery store into tho atroot
north of Tho i .rsl National Bank
in order to make room for tho
now stono structure to tnkcifs
placo on tho old situ. -i
Ben Brown arrived home yes
terday from Willnmetto Valloy
where ho accompanied his family.
He will leavo again following tho
Development Congress and with
his wife and children go to Snn
Francisco for a vacation visit
The Presbyterian church was
handsomely decorated last Wed
nesday evening with potted plants
and green nnd whito in honor of
tho marriage of Irving Miller and
Miss Jnunila Gcer which took
place at 8 o'clock. Both tho con
tracting parties were from pro
minent fnmilies in this city nnd
tho beautiful ring ceremony was
used by Rev. A. J. Irwin.
When tho bridnl party entered
tho church' Miss Helen -Purring-ton
began a chord on the organ
and the bridal chorous was sung
by eight voices consisting of
Mosdnmes Wm. Farre, J. L.
Gault, G. A. Rembold, A. C.
Wolcome, P. F. Chandler, Misses
Maimo Cozad, Georgin Ellis and
Myra King. Tho couple took
their placo nt tho alter under a
largo arch decorated with fiowers
and mony whito bells and to the
sbft strains of tho organ the
jvords woro pronounced thnt
made them husband nnd wife.
"ajifrs. Edward Egli acted as
nratron of honor, Miss Lclnli Egli
S bridesmaid, Waldo Geer best
imuTaiid little Ellon Geer as
flower girl. Chester Maco and
Elmer McManus woro tho ushers.
Death cnllod one of Harney
county's highly respected pioneer
citlfccna Thursday, Juno 3, and
yesferdny tho mortal remains of
our old friend, M. V. Smith was
lnid to rest in the Burns cemetery
by loving hands who honored
htm. A short service was held
ai tho home of Mr. nnd Mrs.
Simon Lewis, being conducted
by Dr. L. R Hibbard.
Mr. Smith had been failing in
health for several months nnd his
death was not unexpected. He
had been making his homo witn
his dnughter, Mrs. Scott Hayes,
for somo timo nnd sho had been
giving him tho best of care. It
was doubly hard for his daughter
as she had but recently lost a
Mr. Smith was born in the
state of Maine Jan. 10 1833. He
came to tho coast in tho early
fiifties and look up mining in
California, later ho began farm
ing in tho same state, He fol
lowed thia occupation together
gardening, fruit raising and
freighting until 188G when he
came to this country and settled
first on Silver Creek where he
engaged in the stock business,
later going to Lawen where he
had lived since 1892. He was
Orst married in California on
Jan. 28, 18G4 nnd to this union
two children were born, Othnicl,
deceased, and Izorn, wife of
Scott Hayes. In August 187G,
his first wife died. He wus mar
ried nguin in 1876 and two child
ren were bdm to this second
marriage, Ada L. Miller, who
died March 20, this year, and
Otto V. who is now in California.
Deceased wns one of our hon
ored pioneers who leaves many
warm friends to mourn him.
The sympathy of a largo circle
of friends goes out to his daugh
ter, Mrs. Hayes, in her sorrow.
Number 20.
The Man who Remains Small.
Business success contains no black art there is nothing mys
terious about it Men do not make fortunes by what is called luck.
Business success is attained by ligltimato methods, nt tho com
mand of everyone. Ono secret of making money is money at your
Opportunities como unannounced. To profit by an opportunity
requires quick acceptance after you arc satisfied of its value upon
Tho successful business men are invariably men who do busi
ness with a bank, they are regular customers.
Without a bank'H service and help, man remains small in la
business way. Ho lacks a valuable business aid every day and at
unexpected times.
Wo wIbIi you success in your business and invite you to accept
our service to further your interests.
A Savings Bank Department is a feature of this Bank,
in which interest at the rate of four per cent per
annum is allowed.
The Harney County National Bank
Good vinegar for sale by T. E.
Jenkins at the Brewery. Money
back if not as represented.
Hunting and fishing are strict
ly forbidden upon nny of tho
Pacific Live Stock Co. ranches.
Trespassers will be piosccuted.
John Gilchkst.
H. DENJflAN, H. 0.
Physician and Surgeon
Calls iinsHiTotl promptly night or diiy
'I'lioiiu Iliirrliiuu.
Harrlman, Oregon
MR. nnd MRS. CHAS. ANDERSON, Propts.
We are pleased to announce to our old-time friends
and 'customers that we have again taken charge of
our hotel. We just completed renovating the en
tire building and you will find the old-time home
comforts when you call. We hope to see you soon.
The old favorite Family Hotel where guests receive
5 pedal Attention and Good Service.
SOUTH BURNS, OREQON-Near Fair Grounds.
vswi-'-rfvss's--w '- '
Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes
Fresh Groceries, etc.
For Spring and Surnmer Trade
The Eastern Oregon
Engineering Co.
Main Office, Burns, Oregon
Branch Office, Lakovicw, Oregon
Notice is hereby given thnt the
undersigned lien claimant, under
nnd by virtue of section f)67fi of
B. & C. Comp. of Oregon, will
sell at public miction to the high
est bidder for cash, at his place
near Alvord Oregon, on June 7th
1909, nt 10 o'clock a. m., the fol
lowing described horso left with
him by tho owner over 6 months
ago, and upon which there is due
for pasture and feed tho sum of
$75, to wit: n light bay, cotton
nose, weight about 1000 lbs., brand
E L on loft stifle, also blotch iron
on left stifle.
"Oady's" Cigar Stand
I Tablets, Pens, Pencils, School Supplies, Extracts
I Spices, Fancy Crackers, JPJpes, Tooth Brushes, etc.
Call and sample some of his goods t
(' .
Ifks in Leather We have it or can
get it for You
As much difference in leath
er as in people. We use
only the best in our work
Hadn't you better look at your old Harness?
You've had it a long time. "Better be sure
than serry."
HsurrLGss sin-d. Saddles
:itin messnlino with n veil and
jnrriod a boquot of whtto lilacs.
At tho conclusion of tho cere
mony tho bridal pnrty and invit-
,. ,, ,, ,. o, . cd guests went to tho homo of
ColtnlUt Clemens are prepar- hMQ,g ta wheronrc.
ed tojlo custom work with heir -represents
portable saw mil located 1& oiml wcr(J numeroua and
miles west of Cold Springs on ,j.mBomc
Poison Crook. Lumber for sale. bri(j0 ,8 U)0 oldcat d ,,.
Gotyouapciit and havo them turof Mr ond Mrfl j, s, Gcor
saw your iiimucr. iorms are is ft younR la(y of
In tho County Court of tho Ktntnrl
Ort'uon (or 1 In rimy County.
In tho innltnr of tliu HstntW
of Hiwi ml Itiiilt.v,i1rt'HM'il(
OTlio brido was dressed in whito , . Rot ' u ' y K , ! . '",' "' '.
fSs i! ui ii i ! "' i- 1"lv Hl'M.lntctl l.y order i.l
tin ' vk ci 1 1 tied routt i.uido hihI dii
.or .1 iu .March Ul, 11)00, tho Admin!
tmtor of tho aforopnlil cMnfo, ami lin"
(pmllllccl. All tirnoim huvluu dulin
Assessor Donogan, J. W. Buch
anan and C. W. Loggan havo
again taken up tho work of
classlflng tho deeded lands of
Harney county for tho 1900 nsses
ment roll, It seems that tho now
law requires that all land bo
classified nnd assessed at its cash
valuo. Assessor Donogan nnd
his nsslstnnts nro taking the
mountainous sections now apd
aro equipped with a good camp
ing outfit, Thoy will go over tho
valloy lands later.
Salisbury Axes watches P.O. block
young lady ol many
graces and who is very popular
among her wide acquaintances in
tins section. Tho groom is tho
only son of Judge Wm. Miller,
who has also resided hero almost
continuously slnco childhood.
After a short visit to tho P
ranch tho young peoplo will bo
lit .homo in tho Egli residenco
ip' this city. Tho Times-Herald
is .pleased to add its hearty good
wishes to thoso boing so freely
extended by their frionds,
A, Schenk carries an up-to-dato
Stock of clothing on.
iigninst eiil.l oHtato uru roq.'lrud to pro
out thorn to l In. Admlnlntnttor, at
Hums, OrcKon, or to IiIb attorney, (1. A.
ItriinlmM, nt lluriiK, Ort'pi.n, ulth tho
proper voiii'lutrK Wtlilu tx moiitlm from
(Into nf thla ii.'llro.
Dated pril l.lUOi).
Maiitin II. Illume
In I'm otittn nf John D, Pluaiont
Notice in hi'tol.y ulvoii that tho umlor
luiied aini May 18th, 1800 duly ap
pointotl AdmlulHtratur nf tho ahovo
oalatuby tho Hon rablu Juduo of tho
county court of Harney County and liaa
duly inialMud an eucli administrator.
Any nnd all pprtoim having claims
again t raid oatato aro hereby roqulrod
to preMMit thorn proporly certified as by
law it'n,lJr.d, within 0 mouths from tho
dateot this notlco, to mo nt Uurus, Oro
lion, or nt the ofllco u! my uttornoy, O.
II. Leonard at Huron, Oregon,
Dated May iiOth, 1000,
Simon Lkwis, Administrator
lOJESiO l?'JE103XrT
I W. OWEN, Propts.
Finest hearse in county ' s .
Particular attention given
to Funerals.
Fresh Teams, Comfortable Rigs, Careful Drivers.
Particular attention given to Transcient Trade
Horses boarded by the day, week or month
r" Ka
'-'! i ;?i-. ...!i ...
$& i,"a-a
,4, f.
Main St.,
Blacksmitliing nnd
Wagon Work
Burns, Oregon,
Job Printing.