-JP Wi VlmeXtcrat& The Official lpor ot Hnmoy County hat the largoit circulation and Isono cj llio boat 'advertising modtumt In Kmtctn Oregon. Vfie&rent $lttrtiruComtlru Covers an nrcn of 0,428,800 He let of Innd, 4,031,051 ncrcn yet vacant aiibi-cl to entry under llio public land law of tho United Btalci. . - J fOL. XXII .BURNS, HARNEY COW IT, OREGON, JUNE 5, 1SC0 NO. 29 -I-' t ' I fhe ; IE BLUE BUCKET MINE r of Mysterious Gold Find Again Dug out and Published tS. GARY FINDS OLD CLIPPING )pcrly Sought by Many Adventurous Men, But was Never roundThought to be Somewhere in Tills LocalityThe Fabulous Find Now Considered a Myth by Sonic People. Carey of eastern Oregon where tho tar buckets had hung. " Ihes the Express with the Another asked, "what did they ing letter, clipped from tho ly uemocrat, whtcn must 'appeared in that paper years ago or niere: Itors Demecrat: Seeing two items in your paper about mines, the writers must all the old settlers dead; top, there is ono pioneer that crossed the plains in land was a't the lost camp iking hollow, as some called account of tho dead cattle aw the nugget of gold that Marlen found on a gravel a dry branch. phen Meek, a brother of the hied Joe Meek, was our He had been leaving at tone ot his camps a note kg the distance to the next The note was covered loose dirt and a stake stuck by it He stated that there rater in ten miles. Wo tra fall next day before we got rater a spring that ran ; 40 rods and sank into the id. This was tho lost camp. at or near the sand or desert Our pilot then out to find more water. as gone two days ana one bur found no water. i he "ot back his tongue was a d so dry he couldn't until he got some water. iras m tne secona or tniru r that got to the spring. we got there the water little thin. By the time ead of famishing cattle got i spring the water was too to stir with a stick. By time there was excitement ip, and most of the men out in every direction to they could find water. ad to find water or perish. a man came in the ones at would meet him to know if Sid found water. iry Marlen went to look for The wagon he drove was tto father's. When Marlen ack there was three or four ?near his wagon, all anxious aw if he had found water. ftid he had been up the dry to every bunch of willows earch of water. Ho then out of his pocket a yellow i of metal, which was pass- pound to each one to look at. said it looked like gold; an- said gold was not found in but in fine dust. Marlen took the iron wagon ham- and placing the lump on the 6n tire hammered it. It was able like all virgin gold. He put it into his pocket Our thoughts were water, water, ire would perish. I did not itny clear water for four days nights, only what ran tho its of tho pitiful women and little children Tlin ailr nnrl nrtsit nntiii. M. IIU RlVU 1411 lJfl bt VMVU' it were dying did not have a . ahead of of water to cool their parch- runges. ter seeing these heart-ren- scenes and do with their gold?" "Oh," said he, "tho roads were rocky and knocked tho buckets to staves and lost tho gold." Stephen Meek said this dry creek had had running water in it until thnt year, it being a very dry summer. Pignckk. WARNING. FROM FISH WARDGN. State Master Fish Wnrdon Mc Allister is sending out warnings all over tho state to all persons or firms operating irrigating canals or ditches that they must comply with tho law regarding the protection of tho young sal mon. The new lnw which has just gone into cfTect requires that all irrigation ditches must be screened at tho inlet with n certain prescribed sot of screens to keep the young salmon from pouring into tho ditches and being borne out onto tho land that is being irrigated whero millions of the little fellows have been allowed to die and rot as the water evaporated. Many complaints have come to Warden McAllister from dif ferent parts of tho state that irrigation concerns are not obey ing the law and that there is tho same danger to fish that there always has been. The deputy wardens under Mr. McAllister have all been notified to see that these notices were properly post ed and to prosecute any future violations of tho law. The pen alty is a fine of from $50 to $500 and imprisonment from 10 to GO days. The above clipping was handed us by Deputy Fish Warden Mace with a request to call attention to this law. Mr. Mace desires all who are in any wise effected by this law to make preparations to comply with it He has writ ten for particular instructions as to tho size or meshes of the screen to be used and will notify all concerned upon request Whilo this matter may seem of little importance locally it must be complied with and tho sooner people understand this the better for all concerned. INDUSTRIAL NOTES. (Portland Correspondence). All eyes are on tho Portland Rose Festival, that opens Mon day, June 7th, and lasts tho whole week. During the coming fow days tho city will bo bravo with festival decorations and homago will bo paid to tho queen of flowers by her thousands of devotees. Bigger attendance than ever before is promised. Tho parade will outdo anything bogging for boforo attempted and other at- J-unnllAMn V U'stnt ml ntnnl iirlll r biillllU110 ill L vmiVill Vvvlv iT'll Ww former efforts, Infor mation received by tho manage ment indicates an unusual move ment of tourists this way, while suffering my- out-of-town peoplo aro expected thor chariot and harness races at tho Country Club will follow on Saturday, tho final day, and tho annual Bpccd contests of automo biles will bo hold. On Saturday night there will bo a grand elec trical pagent and tho festival will end in n blaze of glory. Theso aro but a fow of tho at tractions of tho week, for dvory ono will bo on tho qui vivo to en tertain tho Festival guests. Oregon peoplo are asked to name tho Harriman twins, the two fino new 5000-ton steamships now being built for tho Portland San Francisco run. Moreover, tho ono who suggests tho best names for tho two boats will bo given n pnzo ot $5U Anyono living in Oregon is invited to sug gest nnmes tho only requirement being that tho proposed titles shall bo characteristic of the state and appropriate to' tho now steamers. Tho names should suggest some well-known featuro of tho slnto and bo lipical of Oregon. In case a single name is selected from two different competitors, thc$50 will be divid ed. R. ItSchwerin, admiral of tho Harriman Pacific fleet, with offi ces at San Francisco, has asked tho peoplo of tins state to oxer ciso their ingenuity fitting names for the now boats. Each ono who trlc'sifor tho $50 should give his or her full name and address, together with rea sons why tho titles suggested nro characteristic of this state, and letters should be addressed to J. W. Ransom, San Fntncigco & Portland Steamship Co., Ains worth dock, Portland. Tho com petition will close Juno 15lh. Rear Admiral Ijichi, in com mand of tho Japanese training ship squadron, will bo entertain ed in Portland, together with his officers, on Juno 7th with a re ception and banquet. In tho morning tho Japanese admiral and his 13 fellow officers of tho fleet will bo taken in hand by their fellow countrymen hero and in tho nf tcrnoon tho naval officers will bo driven about tho city by tho leading business men. The sight seeing trip will bo followed by a reception and banquet nt night at tho Portland Hotel. Preparations to give tho visitors a warm welcome nro now boing made. SA YS PORTLAND SLEEPY Calmly Snoozes While Neighbors Se cure Her Natural Birthright a PORTLAND JOURNAL IS PRAISED ir- Lakcvlcw Iixnmincr Thinks Oregon's Metropolis is too Slow And Will Allow SoulheastAi Oregon Trade to be Diverted to California Pavors State I&jfiRnllroad as Relief to Situation. The Lnkoview Examiner says; Tho PortlAnd Journal is no fool, it docs not require a sledge-ham mer to drive an idea into its head, which is so palpable the iamcntablo condition of its es teemed contemporary. "The Journal very clearly ob serves tho path, into which tho apathy of Portland has been blindly pursuing the even tenor of itfl wny, utterly oblivious of tho fact that thnt path was beset with rivals, who seek to maintain in selecting I -tni!1 witn Ea8trrn Oregon. It uciiuyvb mm nuirms vigorously, that stale pride should make a strenuous cirort to obtain the trade cast of the mountains, but which, instead, is going and will continue to go to California and Novada rivals in tho business world Tho Journnl recognizes theso untoward conditions for Portland.s future welfare, and voices itself in vigorous English, while its esteemed contemporary is uttering platitudes about the awful primary law, Statement No. I and other things, all detri mental to tlio grafting politicians, but which nro of greatest benofit tojhe common peoplo! The people of eastern Oregon naturally look to Portland for .ra tion a vassal province of Califor nia. How do Portland and Ore gon like tho prospect?" Meanwhilo "tho greatest pa per of tho Pacific Coast," and its twilight progeny, pits supinely, holplcss, voiceless, while a city is being despoiled of its birth right by a modern buccaneer! Nero also fiddled whilo Rome was burning. A UISTKGSSIN0 ACCIDENT. A FIXED PRICB ON TIMBER LAND fin Mtrt ntVim linml ?n nnana lief -from tho JnloIorablo-wi4whT,.,trli-8hoi?inhntho entiy. NOTES FROM SUNSET. I forgot about the lump of to flock in largo numbers. Uho metal until tho fall of 1848 city plans to keep open house for I went to tho gold mines . tho week and all visitors will bo California. There I found made welcome. 3ts of gold, just like tho ono Monday, tho opening day, will "Henry Marlen found near,bo "Home Coming Day" with a icamp. I hammered them spectacular night pageant. Tho they were just like tho nug- Roso show will open on Tuesday iiat Marlon found, I was sat-, and there will bo a grand electric that it was gold. parade. Tho louowing oay mere Blue Bucket mine got its will bo a competitive roso exhibit in this way: Somo men and an automobile parado in tho talking about gold being 'afternoon. On Thursday tho kl on tho "Meek's cutoff." horso and vehicle parado will bo man did not believe it, given with anight pageant, "Tho jso ho had not seen tho Spirit of tho Gdlden West." On He said to make it look Friday business firms of tho city isonable, "Yes, the gold was will keep open houso and extend sntiful tho women and child-.welcome to visitors. Races at JHcked up blue buckets full , tho Country Club in tho after- liung them on the wagons, noon will delight visitors, v ur- Ananias Portcr Nnsh went to Burns Monday to call on the dentist Prof. Raymond came over from his homestead on Silver creek last Saturday. He will do some clearing on his desert claim. Mrs. C. V. Reed is at homo again after a visit to Diamond whers her husband is working for Sid Comegys on tho road. Miss Neva Hoddcr has finished her school in tho Parker district, and is again at home. Sho ox- pects to start for Pendleton about July 1 and she will also see the A. Y. P, fair before roturning to her work nt tho KuiihcI school room next fall. W. A. McKee disposed of his interest in tho well drilling outfit to Walter Hodder. Mr. McKee will stay in Burns this summer. Mr. Henney has put up a wind mill on hirplaconnd will irrigato his garden. Mr. Walker a Into arrival from Idaho is helping Bob Sottlcmyro handle somo bronchoes. R. D. Stxhl and W. G. Hoddcr nro clearing 30 acres of land on Mr. Gardner's desert claim. Wnltcr Hodder tool; hih drill to Burns last week, I. S. TyWwill work with him. Aleck Barron is working for Jttmc,3 Smith in Burns. W. R. Dawson and Bert Porter have their now grubbing machino in working order. There will bo no sagebrush loft in the vnlloy by fall if somo ono don't Btop them. Mr. Griflln from Narrows whs in tho valley on business Sunday. Stomachc Trouble. Many recarknblo cures of stom ach troubles have beon effected by Chamberlain's stomach and liver Tablots. Ono man who had spont over two thousand dollaVa formedicino and treatment was cured by a fow boxes-of theso tablots. Prico 25 cents, Sam ples freo at all good dealers. Hon to which tins part of the state has been subjected by the Harriman bunch. But, our voice, calling out of tho wilderness, has fallen upon deaf cars! Instead of a vigorous enmpaign that would arouso tho business men of thnt Sleepy Hollow town, by what is supposed to bo the chief mouthpiece of the Pacific North west, aro fed upon political bomb como dnting back to tho saurian ago! When tho peoplo nt Inst became aroused to a realizing sense of tho condition of Oregon, so far as concerns tho railroad question, and took steps to rome dy tho evil, then this great organ, of reaction, blind as the toads re cently rudely released in Colora do from their rocky embrace of a million or more years, sets up a howl that reaches from Dan to Bersheebn, that it was a mon strous idea, socialistic, and child ish, to think of a state built or state owned or state operated railroad; that poor Mr. Harriman must not bo spurred to action; that ho must not bo harried to anger, poor patient fellow, and when he gets good nnd ready ho will givo Eastern Oregon need ed railroads! So ho will, but not for tho benefit of Portland, you poor old innocent! Tho journal, however, sees the real and ultimate trend of affairs and says, pointedly nnd firmly, that unless Portland awakens from its lethargy, and makes nn effort itself to reach this Great Inland Empire thnt our futuro enormous trndo which should he mado subservient to tho wolfnro and upbuildong of Portland will bo taken from her and handed lis a lieu gift to San Francisco. It well and truly says: "Harriman is now plunnig to carry all tho traffic of southern Idaho, Enst orn Oregon nnd much of Mon tana direct o San Francisco by way of Klamath Falls or that other branch of tho Sacramento river," which latter monnii tho head waters of tho Pitt rivor nt Lnkeviow! Tho Journal, with tho feeling al most born of despair, further says: "Oregon and Portland may hopo and wait for Mr, Hurrimnn. If they only wait long onough and sit supino onough they will seo their birthright Blip away. They will peg tho great output of products from tho irrigated nnd unirrignted zones of tho ast in- lnnd diverted to finn Frhnnlsno. 'and Oregon mado in trailsporta- S. A. D. Puter returned yester day morning after nn extended tour of tho East, in tho courso of which he visited Washington D. C, where hcrcmnincd some time says n Portland exchange. While in tho National capital, Puter had several interviews with Secretary of the interior Bnlhngcr nnd Com- "missioncr of the Genernl Land Office Dennott, and Was inform ed thnt it will be tho future policy of their departments to make a rigid investigation of nil public land claims concerning which there is tho slightest sus suspidion of fraud, und where there is evidenco to indicato that the land laws havo not been fully complied with, such entries will bo hold for cancellation. man has made an earnest effort to comply with tho laws and othcrwiso net in good faith in tho desiro to acquire a portion of the public domain, such purposes will receive proper recognition, nnd finnl title issued with as little de lay and nnnoyance as possible. Commissioner Dennett assured Puter that his department had about $1,000,000 nvailablo for this purpose, which has only recently been granted by Con gress, nnd that a largo force or special agents is boing sent into all tho public land states, parti cularly tho pacific Northwest, with tho object of investigating the situation. On tho subject of appraisement of timber lands as a condition precedent to acquiring title un der tho net of Juno 3, 1878, known commonly as tho timber and stone law, Puter says tho Commoner expressed some doubt ns to tho advisability of such a proceeding, and intimated that his recent action in making the ruling that timber lands should be sold on tho basis of its ap prnisment, was to prevent their wholesale acquisition as specula tors and wealthy syndicates. Dennett inclines now to tho opin ion that it would bo preferable to sot a fixed prico"of $5 nn aero for this character of land, and roquiro a deposit of $50 ns an evidence of good faith nt tho time of making entry, this amount to go ns a credit on tho purchnso price. Ho thinks this would lmvo a tendency to sup press fraudulent operations to a largo oxtont, and impose no par ticular hardship on honest entry-men. Tho dangerous grade in North Dnllas running from tho South ern Pncific track on tho top of tho hill to tho county rond below, was the scene of n most painful nnd distressing accident last Sun day afternoon, and Mrs; T. V. B. Embreo and Mrs. Waller Sellers seriously injured. It is a wonder that a fatal accident has not oc cured there before, us there is nothing to prevent such happen ing at nny time, especially since so many nutos are going up and down. In the accident yesterday R. E. Williams, our bank president, in company with Tracy Staats, were coming into town in his now Cadaliac. Mrs. Embrce and daughter were ascending the hill in their one horso buggy. The sudden apparition of the auto forcing its attention upon tho horse, scared him and ho wheel ed nnd threw the ladies out. Mrs Embreo was thrown violently on the side walk, in such n manner as to horribly mutilate her face, gashing it in every direction, and nlso breaking her loft wrist The shock of falling was not an in considerable one, as she is rather portly. Her daughter, Mrs. Sel lers, got off more lucky her only injury being a severe shock, a broken rib, and numerous bruis es. As many were on their way to the base ball park, plenty of assistance was speedily at hand for tho injured. They were taken into Henry Dimmick's house, ad joining tho scene of the nccident, nnd made as comfortable as pos sible until the arrival of Drs. Bolinmn nnd Cary, where after first aid was rendered, they were taken home. Dr. Embreo was in Falls City, and Mr. Williams sent Tommy Magers after him in his nuto, tho trip there and back be ing made in record time, an hour and five minutes. Polk County Itemizer. 'es$es!xct LADIES' NCEKWEAR FOR SPRING 1909. Embroiderled Linen Collars, Lace Collars and Bows, New Ascots. Call and see our new Waistings & Wash Materials We are showing the strongest spring line of Ruching, Neckwear, Ladies Belts, Silk, Net and Lawn waists ever brought to Eastern Oregon. Something new in Sorosis Un derskirts in ;Silks and Satines We handle exclusive patterns in the above and nothing shown by us is handled in the Interior. AH Waists, Neckwear, Belts and Underskirts are selected from New York stocks and are Spring Styles. 8 Brown's Satisfactory Store. :l::::::munu:stu::t::imunm:tmujimmm:!tn:m:::::m nstasmmtt The Harney Valley Brewing Co. Manufacturers of HPjjltcg Socles "$7IT"ifc3r Family Trade Solicited FreeDellvery T. E. JENKINS, Manager Sore Nlpplti. Any mother who has had ex perience with this distressing ail ment will bo pleased to know that a euro may bo effected by apply ing Chamberlain's Salvo as soon as the child is done nursing. Wipe it oft with a soft cloth be fore allowing the bnbe to nurse. Many trained nurses use this Balvo with best results. For sale by all good dealers. AUCTION ' I will hold regular auction sales on tho first and third Saturdays of each month nt the C. A. Sweek barn in Burns. Bring in any thing you have for sale and get your money for it Special at tention given to sales in the country. V. T. Smith, Auctioneer. NOTICE. All parties owing Lewis & Gar rett, or Simon Lewis aro hereby notified that all theso accounts are in tho hands of our attorney C. II. Leonard for collection and settlement. Persons indebted to us will please settle tho samo with Mr. Leonard at once. Simon Luwis J. T. Gakkett. Edison Phonographs and re cords for Bale at Lunaburg & Dalton's. oil piintliiK Tlio Tlnu'H Horuld II You arc Worth $50,090 Don't Read Thli. This will not interest you if you aro worth fifty thousand dol lars, but if you cannot afford to employ a physician whon you have an attack of diarrhoea, you will bo pleased in know that one or two doses of Chamborlain's Colle, Cholera and Diarrhoea Re medy will euro it. This remedy has been in uso for many years and is thoroughly reliable, Prico 25 cents. For Bale by all good dealers, Just arrived: A comploto lino of Roofing, Sheathing, water proof Sheathing and Stringed Felt, Harney Co, Imp. & Hdwo. Co, Job prinling--The Times-Hondo" A Corking Story of our Navy, by Robert Dunn, the well-known war correspond ent, with pictures by KtUThu daiii., the nun who threw such a scare into the naval authoiitica hit years six other line stoni-i of assorted kinds', four arti cles that mean things two of which were written for the spe cial purpose of saving ,! mon ey bright, crisp humor all bound in a ttirring Mc-i.orial D y cover that's the JUNE EVERYBODY'S For salo by Tho City Drug Store and W. C. Byrd. THE CAPITAL SALOON, CIIAS. BEDELL Proprietor. Burns, - - Oregon. :&a,:kre Tliis ZE3Iea,a.q.-ULa,xtere. Wines. Liquors and Cigars. Billiard and Peel Tables. Club Rooms in Connection. W-) BETTER ANO 3ENTIST3AS JS CEEAKR IHAH 5 FMmCMXYjjKgNKfl ANY IHBtaelDIs HEmT stohe Ovor boo ilBWwf&i 8ond or Booutlful ffllSr,iPrl00 Llot " UktiVrkCTfmwn mv MONUMENTAL BRONZE COMPANY, juusa Ei-ci.T. com z:. ' M. L LEWIS Will be glad to furnish PARTICULARS and PRICES To anyone desiring INFORMATION. s See bis Handsome DESIGNS. ti::ut::injtn:jjtnt:unjittmiutm:mMKKni::ma:ft The OVERLAND HOTEL I Burns, Oregon Afford the Best Accommodations to be had in Harney County CI.EA.N ROOMS, CLEAN UNNEN, PAuRTABLE VICTUALS The patronage of all guests under the old management especially sylicited. Rates $1 a day, $6 a week, $24 a month H 'nderson Elliott, Propt. !::mmmtniij!!:mtn:jmn:mm:tmnm:man:mmmmmmtmun!tmjm:tt Cbimbcrlalo't Couth Remedy the Mirkcl the Utit on "I have used Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and find it to bo tho best on tho market," says E. W.Tardy,editor of tho Sentinel, Gainsboro,Tonn. "Our baby had several colds tho past winter and Chamberlain's Cough Remedy always gavo it relief at once and cured it in a short time. I always recommend it when op portunity presents itself."For salo by all good druggists. Job printing Tho Times-Herald. W. T. Lester Adam Gcorgu List your property with the Inland Empire Realty Co. if you desire a quick sale or trade trim j ri.3 it y.' p. - Jussive mi a. : f..s it . J P. l.-i ! :ur l! Geo:Jjj..'V xuli CH.I 7W.Y r.:, ' VJ t ,rr -GUNSAKDCl'K?,:.'; will lxi mailed 1 l,' applicant ') I'!U, It ii.ri Co. if you desire a quick sale or trade : I i Employment Agency ; ML tutHtmnnttiiir E m mr r ARMS ill uOL reti r CUt... 1 ; s