The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, May 29, 1909, Image 3

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;' n v-
Tttii iiff
IkwerArKn in thibcoxinty.
Local News.
rBarron was up from Sun-
acs Smith has n now stock
iocs ol various Kinus nna
Owen was down from
for a short time this
iHudsncth. tho old and re
ed pioneer, is reported on
ick list this week.
Iloy Hayos was n business
fcr to our city tho first of
vc(.i. He was accompanied
Williams was in tho city
his Calamity homo this
It seems crop prospects
it vicinity are very good.
Miller camo in from his
Camp homo Thursday to
Isom repair work dono on a
In and attend to some other
stock books of the Harney
y Uil tte una t-ompany nre
open and J. C. Turney is
my and willing to wruo you
block of this stock.
1 pi. Hamilton and wife were
from Harney a short time
irst of this week and were
nnpanied home upon their re-
by Mrs. Frank Adrian and
1st arrived a full stock of Van
ft Disc Seeders so before pur-
ing call and see the best force
seeder in tho world, and my
s and terms will be right
I. Voegtly.
L. Hunter was a passenger
n the Kellogg autoThurs-
morning. Mr. nunter is en
to Colorado where he has
land under a big irrigation
m. Ho will remain there
look after the farming.
letter from J. S. McCumsey
cull Springs states that there
about 100,000 sheep being
i there this spring and that
of the sheepmen have dis-
1 of their clips at 21 cents.
me rain nau Btoppea uie
ring for a day, but had been
reat benefit to range and
"The First National Bank"
e holdings of tho Harney
Oil & Gas Company have
h examined by a foremost ex-
l and pronounced as good
pects as there are in the
feed States anywhere. This
g the case when a railroad
lies here Rockerfeller will
I- from us.
M. Kellogg of the Vale-
stage line was here tne
of this week, having brought
high wheeled automobile on
nitfal trip. If the machine
do tho work claimed for it
Kellogg will placo it on the
nermanently in connection
hin ntnrrA fll
II IMO OWftU wiJ.iiw I
travel. He will not at- Hros,
A garden for rent. Inquire at
tho Hnrkey farm.
Mrs. Bert Stilson has ' beon
quito sick this week.
J. H. Culp, painting and paper
hanging, Burns, Oregon.
Geo. Dunsmoro has returned
from a visit to his old homo in
Che3. Carter informs us his
wife is suffering from a siege of
Some very desirablo residence
and business lots in Burns can bo
secured by seeing Irving Miller.
M. J. Nash and Henry Black
have bought the Thos. Sprague
well drilling machine and nro
ready to take contracts.
Julian Byrd and wife and little
daughter Marjorie, returned
home Monday from a three weeks
visit at Portland and Willamette
valley points.
Ranch fok Sale: One small
horse ranch, located on Malheur
river. First-class summer, fall
aijd winter range surounding it
Fine location for fruit and vege
tables, also. For further parti
culars, write or call on E. L.
Beedo, Drewsey, Oregon.
-Tho Times-Herald
coal for sale at
Job printing
Chas. Wilson's.
W. B. Johnson was -over from
Silver creek the first of the
For the next SO daya, or until
June 1, I will sell blanket? nt ac
tual cost G. W. Clevongor.
Alox Hanleynrrivecrhofiie yes
terday from Portland where ho
had taken a train load of cattlo.
It. A. Miller and family and
Grant Reynolds were in from
their Warm Spring home the
first of this week.
Cottrill & Clemens have put in
a first class saw mill 11 miles
west of Cold Springs is near the
valley with good road. In first
class timber picked troo from
the government. Prepared to do I
custom work. See them about
vnni trnvnrntnnnl iwrmit. lit nnnv.
Mrs. Tom Allen and little sonk
Fred took their departure today
for Portland where Mrs. Allon
will attend the Eastern Star
grand lodge. Tom in now in
Portland attending the federal
court as a witness in the Ilanloy
, case and tho family expects to
visit tho Scattlo fair before re
Try a meal at tho Home Hold
Wantko- Somo moro coyote
and bob-cat hides. A. Schonk
C. A. Bedell in over 'at Prino
villo this week taking in tho raco
Ed. Ward was in tho city dur
ing week from his homo on
Calamity Creek.
Geo. Howo and his father-in-law
wcro over from tho Calamity
Bcction for a few daya this
Uho the Hnritey County Niillontil ItnnU
TUAVKLLKIt'S Clllttll'ltf
Tluy nre nrlMtlcnllfylng.
Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Byrd and
llttlo Bon woro over from tho P
ranclt this weok to attend tho
Dalton King wedding.
Grovcr Jameson and wifo and
Miss Ruby Burrow went to tho
Grant Thompson homo near
Windy Point yesterday to spend
a few days.
Don't fail to got a Safety Incu
bator. W. T. Smith boIIs them.
Thoy run without a lamp- no ex
pense. Sco'him. Ho has one
running nt tho Summit Hold.
Mrs. Bobt. Irving mid children
Dalton Gibbs, Alma and Ira
Davis wcro all over from Harney
Wednesday to attend tho Dalton
King wedding.
Reatos for snle, all sizes and
lengths, price 20 cents per foot
Any one desiring Rentes address
W. A. Ford of J. O. Albornon,
Alburaon,. Oregon.
Preaching service, at tho Pres
byterian church Sunday morning
May 30th. at 11 o'clock. No
evening service. The pastor will
speak Sunday morning on the
following subject: "Time Reli
gion is a Trinity."
Tho Times-Herald manager
visited the G. W. Clevongor fur
niture store yesterday evening
where ho was shown the finest
line of now wall paper helms
ever seen. It is most complote
and tho paterens cover a wide
scope. Mr. Clevongor is also re
viving n fine lot of now furni
ture that is a credit to this city.
Go to tho homo Hotel for a
good meal.
If it keeps on threatening wo
Tho now cottago of Mr, nnd) daughter.
For Sale-320 acres of
and, InmifronUhfnnflWt.
BpnM - To Mr. and Mrs. LeoK
Thornburg Thuradny, May 27, a
Mrs. Henry Dalton fa nearing
Go6d vinegar for sale by T. E.
Jenkins at the Brewery. Monoy
back if not ns represented.
Persons holding receipts for
stock in the Harney Valloy Oil
& Gas Company aro requested to
return same to company and re
ccivo tho stock.
Tho largest nnd best display of
wall paper over exhibited in Har
eoy County may bo found at tho
G. W. Clevcnger furniture Btoro.
designs and patterns to suit all.
JuHt arrived: A complcto lino
of Roofing", Sheathing, water
proof Sheathing and Stringed
Harney Co. Imp. & Hdwe. Co.
Drs. Marsdcn and Griffth per
formed a "very successful and
satisfactory operation on Miss
Hclcnc Swain last Saturday for
moving kidney. Tho young lady
is recoveripg quito rapidly.
Blue prints of any township in
Burns Land District, showing
name of cntryman, date and kind
of entry, topography, etc., $1.00
each. Piatt T. Randall, Burns,
II. J, Hansen of tho Burns
Moat Market is prepared to fur
nish bacon, hams and lard to
sheepmen and ranchers in any
quantity. Special prices for big
Paints, Oils, Doors and Wind
ows, in fact everything for tho
farmer or builder. Give us a
call and wo will be glad to give
you prices. Myers Pumps and
Star Windmills.
Harney Co. Imp. & Hdwe. Co.
Tho trial of Wm. Hanley on a
charge of illeagal fencing has
been going on in tho fcdoral
court at Portland this week. It
is possible tho case will be in the
hands of the jury by this time
but nothing has been received
here as to tho outcome.
L. Woldenburg, manager of turning home.
the Blue Alt. Knpid Transit L,ine,
is over from Canyon City accom-
!.,! l..r t?n nlvtlttt Aft Wn1
r" " "i """'; J r ' . the first of this week. . They had
UUI1UU1K II WW IIIIO lt W. ww wwwv , , , .
equipped stage lines in tho west
and is giving very satisfactory
ii, yi 1 1 lf.. Y1 1 J
uoin oiyuo ami van cmurvu
were up from their Sunset homes
received a telegram (slating thoir
mother had been seriously hurt
in a run-away accident and ad
vispil tlinm to como homo. A
H. B. Simmons, W. B. Parker, ,atcr mC8gagQ 8tatcj tho lady
S. F. Tyler, J. E. Chandler, W. . had rcceive(1 a brokcn nrm amj
L. Best, J. L. Parker, andR. B.gomo bad bruisog on tho face,
Parker have formed a company but oti,onvjso not badly hurt, fio
and Dougnt an imponcu rnuwu tho uova a:a not
Boun To Mr. and Mrs. Mar-
importcu l'rcncn thn Iiovh il
business for pas-1 Coach Stillion from McLaughlin'
Bpt to put it through in one
but give his passengers a
it's rest, reaching Vale the
Dwing day in time to catch
train. It is hoped tne ma-
will be a success, as the
through their agent, M. C.
ride without rest is a severe1
BiggerstafT. The animal is a
fine specimen of horse flesh four
years old. Tho price paid was
$-1,000. Tho Times-Herald is
pleased to see moro of such
horses brought into the country
as it means better stock and cor-
on passenger and one to i respondingly larger profits in tho
xvoided if possible.
horse business.
vin McGce, yesterday, May 28,
twin daughters. Each bright
little youngster weighed GJ lb,
and they nre as near aliko as two
peas. This is the third pair of
twins to bo born in this county
this month. With our population
increasing in such a manner Har
eoy county's census will astonish
us all next year. Mr. and Mrs.
McGee aro to bo congratulated
as these little ones are bright and
During a recent visit to Salem
Uje secretary of our Fair Asso
ciation arranged with the state
printer for tho printing of tho
premium list for tho fair this fall.
This work will likely bo dono
in Juno and tho lists distributed
at once. A very substantial in
crease in tho premiums will bo a
feature this- year and tho speed
program is tho largest over offer-
:irts, Underwear and Waisungs.jJ--
New Spring Goods
of Every Description
ress Goods, Ribbons and Ruch-
igs, Laces, Embroideries, Over
r women
llothing, Hats, Overshirts, Under
iar, Ties and bhoes tor men.
A full stock of staple
and fancy Groceries
for every body.
Orders promptly filled '
"The Buty porner Store"
.jqm Qjgt-EcsrOJsr,
and our fair will bo followed by
Prineville's, making It conven
ient for horsemen to reach there
after tho. close of tho fair bore.
Joo Slurtovunt and wifo ox
pecrto'tako their departure next
Tuesday for Coos Bay whoro
thoy may locato pormanontly.
During his long residence in this
section Mr. Sturtovnnt has accu
mulated considerable of this
world'B goods and although ho has
many friends hero and ho has
faith in the future of this grow
ing copptry, ho dosiren a chango
jf tho climato on tho coast will
agreo with himself and wife.
Mr. Sturtovant has a wide ac
quaintanco throughout Harney
county as his former business
brought him in contact with pco
plo from all parts of tho county,
Ilia friends wish him success
Whorovor ho may cast his lot.
k Ion With Us!
The Harnev Yallev Oil &
Gas Company
D. S. Graves was looking after
business interests in this city
Geo. Gates was circulating
among his friends in this city
Lunaburg & Dalton are build
ing quito an addition to thoir
Htnno warehouse.
J. M. Dalton and wifo nnd tho
smnllor children took their de
parture Thursday for outsido
points, their destination boing
Portland and Willamette Valloy
points. They will bo absont a
month or moro and expect to
visit tho Seattle fair boforo re
turning home.
Cottrill & Clemens nro prepar
ed to do custom work with thoir
portable saw mill located 1J
miles west of Cold Springs on
Poison Creek. Lumbor for sale.
Get youa permit and have them
saw your lumber. Terms aro
Supt. Gilcrest of tho P. L. S.
Co. is in tho c"y raking prepar
ations to go to Portland where
he has been indicted in the feder
al court with other stockmen of
Eastern Oregon on charges of
illegal fencing of public land.
Mr. Gilcrest has no misgivings
ns to tho result of tho trial.
Mrs. W. L. Marsdcn nnd tho
Doctor's mothor expect to leave
Monday for Whittior, California,
the latler's homo. Mrs. Mars
don ban been a guest at the homo
Fred Haines is over from Har
eoy. A. Schenk carries an up-to-date
stock of clothing on.
Edison Phonographs and re
cords for salo at Lunaburg &
W. G. Hodder and wife were
up from Sunset and were accom
panied home by their daughter
Miss Nova.
Dr. Marsdcn was called to
Luwon today to see M. V. Smith,
tho aged pioneer, who is becom
ing quito fceblo.
Tho Times-Herald man had a
nico visit with W. H. Hogan and
wifo in Albany last week and is
pleased to report to their many
friends hero that they aro happy
and prosperous. Thoy have a
beautiful homo and are always
glad to receive their Harney
County friends.
Tho old cellar has been torn
down on tho lots to bo occupied
by tho big stone structure of the
Odd Fellows, nnd excavation for
tho foundation will begin tho
coming week. Tho writer at
tended tho grand lodge of tho
order last weok nt Albany where
ho mot mot with 1000 enthusias
tic members of tho organization,
including tho encampment, Can
tons,' and Muscovites. These
gatherings are always interest
ing nnd result in much benefit to
tho organization as it brings one
close to tho actual benefits and
of hor son for tho past month but objects of this great brotherhood,
has becomo homesick for hor Odd Fellowship is growing quite
beautiful southern homo, thoro- rapidly and tho work of tho or
foro her daughter-in-law will ac- der in this state is n. matter of
company hor. Tho latter docs prido to every member.
not L low how long bIio will bo y-. .yi -i,...,.l -r
absent Thoy will go by way of; .js'otioi; of administkatiqn.
Salt Lake. ' -
Tho pastor of tho Predby torian
church in Burns, Rev A, , Irwin,
will bo absent from Burns most
of tho mon,th of Juno. He will
bo away in tho interest of tho
work of his church and expects
to visit all parts of Harney coun
ty, Any parties desiring tho
sorvices of Mr. Irwin during tho
month of Juno, should dee "him
boforo tho first of tho month
and arrango dates, with him.
Ho will bo in Burns June,16th
and 17th,
In tliu oUntot ol Jolm D. Olument
DucM. '
Nntluo It horuby given tlmt tho undof
tlgueil wan on May lGtli, 18Q3 Uilly up
pointed Administrator ( tliu nbovo
oalaloby tlui Hon ratio JuJko of tho
county court of llurooy County nnd tina
duly nuulldod h audi admlnlitrntor.
Apy mill nil pertoin hnvlng olalmi
"Kiln t ual citato nro litroby required
to prosont tliom properly rortlflol m by
law locjujnd, within 0 months from tliu
datoof this notice, to mo at Humi, Ore
tfon, or nt tho ofUoe of my attornoy, O,
II, I.eynard "t Uurns, Oregon,
'Dated MnySOUf, 1608.
Bmon Mwi'i AdmtnWtrator
A young man by tho name of
Miller got kicked in tho fnco by
a horse last Monday, breaking
some bones in tho upper portion
of fiis jaw and bruising him se
verely. Drs. Mnrsdr n nnd Griff
ith have chaigo of the case.
A very pretty wedding was
solctnized nt the homo of Mr.
and Mrs. J. M. Dalton Inst Wed
nesday evening when their eldest
son Henry and Miss Byrd King
were made husband and wife.
Rev. A. J. Irwin preformed' tho
ceremony in tho presence of a
small gathering of relatives and
Tho parlor wus most tastefully
decorated and tho couple took
their places in tho largo bay
window to tho strains of a wed
ding mnrch played by Mrs. C. IL
Leonard and Myra King. The
bride was attended by hor
sister Miss Frankie King and
Chester Dalton acted as best
man. The bride looked very
pretty in her white dress and
carried a bouquet of white car-
nntions. After congratulations
tho happy couplo and guests
went to the home of tho bride's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Y.
King where n nice wedding sup
porw as served.
Mr. and Mrs. Dalton were the
recipients of many handsome and
costly presents and start in life
with bright prospects and the con
gratulations of a host friends.
Henry is assistant cashier in Har
ney County National Bank. The
bride was formerly a compositor
in this office. At present they
are at tho J. M. Dalton home
where they will rematn until
their new cottage is completed
on the protty lots east of tho J.
C. Foley residence.
Number 19.
Credit to Whom Credit is Due
All parties owing Lewis & Gar
rett or Simon Lewis aro hereby
notified that all these accounts
aro in tho hnnds of our attorney
C. II. Lconnrd for collection and
settlement. Persons indebted to
us will please settle tho same
with Mr. Leonard at once.
Simon Lewis
J. T. GAmtCTT.
Hunting and fishing arc strict
ly forbidden upon my ranch.
Alva Spuingek.
Hunting nnd fishing nre strict
ly forbidden upon any of the
Pacific Live Stock Co. ranches.
Trespassers will be prosecuted.
John Gilckkst.
Physician nnd Surgeon
Call nniwr ml promptly nltfht or day
Thono Uutriuian.
flarrlmart, Oregon
The Eastern Oregon
Engineering Co.
Main Olfice, Bunts, Oregon
Branch Office, Lakcvicw, Oregon
O. M. r.MlLKNKIl, Ur,
Notico is horeby given that the
undersigned lien claimant, under
and by virtue of section 5675 of
B. & C. Comp. of Oregon, will
sell at public auction to tho high
est bidder for cash, at his place
near Alvord Oregon, on June 7th
1909, nt 10 o'clock a. in., tho fol
lowing described horse loft with
him by tho owner over 0 months
ago, nnd upon which thero is due
for pasture and feed tho sum of
$75, to wit: a light hay, cotton
noso, weight nbout 1000 lbs. , brand
E L on loft stifle, also blotch iron
on loft atlfio.
In the County Court of tho Statu of
Oregon for Hnrney County.
Inthfl mnttnr of tliu lMhtoi
o ban uol iMloyllccent'cu(
Notico Is hereby glvon that tho under-
Binned won duly nppoluh-d byoiderof
the nboyo entitled cotut umduaudun-ton-d
on Mnrch 31, 1000, tho AdmlnU
trator of tho nforonnld outate, nudhn"
qualified, All peruana having claim
against said estate nro required tq pro
tent thorn to tho Administrator, a,t
Uurna, Oregon, or to hla attorney, Q. A,
Rombold, nt IUirni', Oregon, with the
proper vouchors within ilx moullu from
date of ths notico.
Mahtin II, IIiunth
This bank will extend credit to any man who deserves credit
Tho man who gets credit from tho bank is nine times out of ten a
customer of tho bank.
Thoro nro frequent occasions when a man can mako money by
tho temporary use of other people's money. Tho customers of this
bank nro the people who can command money that they do not
Men who do business with a bank, nnd whom the banker
knows nro safe business men with resources', arc the men who can
go to tho bank for a loan in times when they need it or when ad
ditional money will help them to make more money.
If you are alcustomcr of this bank, you have a reserve busi
ness help that you may draw upon when occasion demands. Be
sides this reserve, our service is a constant benefit (o your business
A Savings Bank Department is a feature of this Bank,
in which interest nt the rate of four per cent per
nnniimMs allowed.
The Harney County National Bank
We are pleased to announce to our old-time friends
and customers that we have again taken charge of
our hotel. We just completed renovating the en
tire building and you will find the old-time home
comforts when you call. We hope to see you soon.
The old favorit'. Family Hotel where guests receive
Special Attention and Good Service.
SOUTH BURNS, OREQON-Near Fair Grounds.
wssscsjs$i?4v -,:
Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes
Fresh Groceries, etc.
For Spring and Summer Trade
Tablets, Pens, Pencils, School Supplies, Extracts
Spices, Fancy Crackers.lPlpes, Tootli Brushes, etc.
Call and sample some of his goods
If its in Leather We have itor can
Si J for Vu
As much difference in leath
er as in people. We use
only the best in our work
Hadn't you better look at your old Harness?
You've had it a long time. "Better be sure
ZESaxrees and. Seud.d.les
J. W. OWEN, Propts.
Finest hearse in county
Particular attention given'
to Funerals.
Fresh Teams, Comfortable Rigs, Careful Drivers,
Particular attention given to Transcient Trade
Horses boardod by the day, week or month
Biacksmithing and
Wagon Work
ANTEED. Burns, Oregon,
ft 'me$rW
Main St.,
Job Printing.