The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, May 08, 1909, Image 3

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    Hi. '
jgpHBpjqipiMBMWMi mm ' iimnim
HiiiHBaiimHiaiwauBanniiBDKaBiiHiwiawniaiHii m niw . m -1 1
' i. iS
: i i
Local News,
intors and dccomtoi are
at work on tho Burns hoU I
nndmn Hayes was visiting
ivc8 in town tuning me
J. Hanson has rigged up
wagon for use in his oxten
coiintry trade.
, 0. Best, of Silver Cttfctr,
ed in our city Thursday and
cling his many friends.
o cottage of F. W. Welcome'
low being moved to the lots
east of his paronts home""
rs. Ada Teller arrived hum?
first of tho week from VbrU
whore sho snout the winter.
. H. Loggan, postmaster and
lo girl" at Harney, was tho
t of his son for a day or two
hn Wintermier, of Silvies
ley, was shaking hands with
friends in Burns the first of
,n joraan, mo carpenter.
moved from the Jorge-nson
erty to what is known as tk
V. Smith, of Lawen, is. now
ipmg in our city lor nuv i '
tment. His many iikum
h him a speedy recovery.
te ladies of the Baptist
ch will hold another wind
from the windows,. tf u?:
d grocery next Saturl
M. Horton is now h
ce, hewn stone fence, pitted
md his residence pro,
otherwise adding to its n
st arrived a full stock of .
t Disc Seeders so before pin'
ingcall and see tho besi f -
seeder m me worm, ain, i
es and terms will be rijrhL---
H. Voegtly.
, Schenk wants 5000c(.j('-bob-cat
hides. Will pav
for all with heads' and itaw-
ilete. Skins must be prune
ring this price. Also bu.
r hides and furs.
!ank Anderson's four-horse
caused a little scrimmage
flic "' Pioneer tianK of Harney Comity"
Statement of The Condition of
,lis. AUhqQloxQr Jiusincss April 2Sth, J!Q'
4tl!3SOUHCl3S. "
LomiR mill DlRccmiila $21 1,0(W 48
it. :nttiHih". ftn " oo
HoihIh and Securities 01,271 :i
UromhimoH IT.'H. Houdd 2,000 00
JKjfnl Iflstnto, Ifm-niiniw'tMHl I'Muim 0 00
"wJflivolWCoifl. UMlomplicJii i'tihI.;.!'. 'l.STOOO
CASir. 1 128,176 60
. " '" lYlAMlJlTlHS.
Cnpiuif.H. (.,m.. fcj(.Sj2fJWHj
,Sui!nliiH and Uii(iividllro(lts .'11,05(1 18, ,t
Circufiftfon ,.! 2B,000,00,,:
nisyoyjit ,. n...t.!i- m 00.
DWWfe i: ' ' 37MS4(a
$-1 (10,1100,80
Accounts Invited.
,..M, . I. '...
nil I iln III 1 1ll lllHIMItllW WWMM
.7 C BoVcick is wiM w xttrMu
n jovial as ever.
JainoH Smith has a now stock
of ihoofl of vnrioiiH kind and
IVIO'l. ' l
I Freight toams arriving nlmiwf r
tmu. wtrn goods lor our uht
ohnnK W, J. Botioit, o slpritt, ih in
town and has nindo 'up liii mind
to locate.
Tho Inland Empire Ilcullv ( '
nnd 0. M. Salisbury hnvu traded
buaincHS locations.
F.. l. Hill, from tho south end
of the county i in town lofckinif
after buHinuwi nfTaira.
Mf, John Goirhurling has Btart
ed in on oxloniivu improvements
On hie roflidonce property.
Fpi tho next tlO days, or until
.Iflfoe 1, 1 will sell blankets at ac
tual ooel-G. W. Clovonger.
Somo very desirable residence
ami InmiiicsB lolaln Burns can lie
secured by seeing Irving Miller.
Call and see Jnftr Smith's
new lino of shoot before getting
'your spring and summer foot-
1 Star Buckland wv lpwn from
j Homey Thiniidity and on hie re
jturn ww iiccompaniQd ly hin
! wife nnd babo.
F. M Jord n and wife of Port
land, will i 1 1 v un IhosUigo this
.it tm noon
The only and best self feed
lUfc Prill m the Van Brnnl, at
IF Voci-iK's.
(cod vinegar for afllo by 'J1. R.
JcnkiiH at the Browory. Money
luicl, if nol as roprasonted.
imi.and China Hoos I lmvo
lei mIi- a tow Poland China
Bo;'i . old enough to use. Corli
flr ,t( of Pedigree furnished.
,7. W. Biaofl.
Notice h lioroby given that no
ntnck, whatever, branded with
tin 2 1 iron can bJ sold without
lh cotiitenl of the undersigned.
Mna. Eua Martin.
Just arrived: A complete ljno
of Roofing, Sheathing, water
proof Sheathing and Stringed
Harney Co. Imp. & Ildwe. Co.
(t W. Clovonger must have
money at once and is compelled
to request immediate settlement
in somo mRiinor by those who
owe him. Seo him by May 1
without fail. .
wife o HivJ
Huoy May .:
Schenk v in:. more
llUles ami otlier iiuh
J. 11. (yiili, p.hiiliiie; and iiii
hanging, Hnnei, Oi run.
Kdinoii Phonogi.iphH
iv," lyrii'ifj' i Ih
Money For Our Home People
W believe that tho people who doposito their money at homo
uld Ic'm Hi. Iji ik fttof it.
il . t Lut
1 1 oni i n
'.ti (!( i ii"
'I Id I
I hi
I 'in il
Bums I.
name of ntryman, date and kind
of entry, topography, etc., $1.00
each. Piatt T. Randall. Burns.
Coos county lias raised $2T,000 1 Ore.
towards defraying tho oxijciiscs, , , ,. T,
. c ' ' i ...i -ii .:i....,i i H. J. Hnmon of the Burns
i.-i. .!m. t.i.,1... 9 Meat Market i prepared to fur-
W. CluveligW is again in j Harry Cary and Ff-ank Cnttr-I " . A nish liacqn, liams and lard to
market for hides. Highest son aro up from Lawen. i iJaiuiy is oxpoawng wnno f,U)t.jjmen and ranchers in any
lunch UQOtiu to arrivo soon Bo'0antltv. gnocial nrices for biir
, ,. , .,,
.market price paid.
, I itmr interviewing our sheej)
-t , ii c find that the wool ejip is
nly. satisf5tory Uiis season
I). A. Brakeniun,
was a visitor -tile
week. '
Ml VVHUill-117 . .
' "' t u-i I- trln .tkictt lifting ibiitfaHuniii ! .. i
fliL nt the """ '" ' ? 3 w,"""," oracra.
"rat or e ffood waoirSroli ao fUlifiuA ! , -..,.
.... ' The members of the band wish
r.. i?.i.i t ...I.. r Meaara UavIUaon and WUbur w, ,i,-u n,n.A .i, u.. n, ...
v, iuio.1 iinui i.eiiKe, 01 ijawen .., ,.. -m i , i w " ""'- "; -
rivm.fotip.hpnw Umn.s loadadNwas in (own; ytehlay ,00 land SS Vhii! mk-fhdoolrt m'sUk1 tl,em nt it8 rocont ontcr-uWyoatirdai-attheyardfor
businoss,' Trtl SJf imT' - Tl.oy also wish to
twed iiunroveinents at.Hnr- r..i t 1 1 1 1 1 ... r " ni .nK tne people lor tlioir lliiera
,-iCK,'J t
1 111
Curt Lundy who 1ms been I.
ing a tussle with thc-rfrfiT fa mrtFf
tu "
and appreciative patronage.
' Buhns Banu.
U40 acre ranch for sate autfablc
for duirj- or stock ranch. Abund
ance of water for imralioh and , n . . nlt n , .... ,
ipower -inquire at Uu office. " ','" ' ., . , ",
On "account of beinarBlle ! inriiiim-. r.iun n
to move from my preaefttJofltion j C(Ul and wo wi be unrl to wivo
1 win give opeciai oargiwis lor vou ricei8 MVers Pumns and
!'obt. dotrge, familiarly known slowly on the mend.
"Foxy Grandr' 1 confined Wm. Miller and wife rvlurncd
?r Ms dm ffaling somewhat in- the flMt of th( week fwjif a vfeft
ospoed. - Wjt), tliclr daiaijiter. Mis. JW,
.X.1.V .D..r. .nil f.iMiilT mdv. ?.ri .if W'ntm.ilfivi
TV..' Tl "i, ..""': .. ' " "-?"f""- -vlj
uifrM tviMW m rntiir innixirni v rut. ..:i 1 m . . t v.. . . -
II u. tli. ... . .,nV.wT0ilf ,on vwopnextaowi.-v. B.jiuat0n.StorWtedmUte
,ia..n. w v -. --- . ciiuini 111 aim niir nr rutin m. . . ,. i.AtUiiwi ... w t . - n t, i .
itwn auuuiw. , theso ,lnya well patronuml anftr ihrHmey Couirty Nitloiwl r!i
Fi-cd Hainea & Co. are moving making good tftua. nuVEttBH CIttUK8 A d-l was effected through
. -t ielUiQna wd putting more ,,, D KJdJeH .j,,,. lh( .y . Nlf-lirtaa. il,e fn'und 1 Empire Kcnlty Co by
...tvirig preparatory to putting Wntt- Mnrb, , Gran,te'ork, There will lie nwftfcte' dance a - Deinnan for tho Dave
, alfelffWtf oF goods. of Tho Dallos has been m town e Sunset ichool hoUe ft-iday loggan place, known as the
(jco. Young, our popular butch- soliciting busineasthis werk "'KhU May 7. Music by Dawson Wartn Spring near Crane creek
.. h moved Ma family to tlie ,, ,, ,. , ,...,.. 'fenestra and a basket auMr. , P- R,,d e tIoctor wi!' -,0-
n7tw lea aonS of town , 7?" "S", br0"KbJ ""'fiiy Ixniy invited. W' men,, the erection ofasanltor.
i.inoh two milw aoutn 01 w (, Hlt en Ht, 0VCj- from Cruvv! ' ' T mm as quicklv as possible. This
whore they will roaido- for the -lc,,,ny fop lwdka VfAmw TO.IJOW- lWe..,ri
sumraor- treatment, she is suffering from "Proved l-ai-ra near Burit j irtfa fnd (ho ,l0t wator und
2 .Section gin. CO tooth Steel grip. ," "B " '"'" .r "" tha mud baths will bo of
scu .a iiliiu ov.t IIIIU4HKV - i.ij.... y-i 1 ir....ii...... iaaw i--- ---- ,
. . .. t .... tir...n, ,,f nn r. II. ..,..-.. . Aunnm u u. iinwuwrnc, iih
,main street ruesuay r.iier- w uwwwi-"' h- " aupcruueiuioni iiamuton in-1 u w-n- t,i,. '
Ly making a lively start Voegtly's. bee ttiac you uo noi fom)S U3 u, t U10 dghth grade ( .- ,
ami oniy no ioou. iu- 0vnm nntions will he '.hmlA o " I "M 10 gi a onicty incw-
rows, instead of the above. Thursday and FrMlv, May 30tibator- w V &"" fellf them.
Tlie announcement of the Blue nnd Mth, ' ' witliout a lathpno 0
Mr linnwl Tranafl lino that the nt..... n ...- -...i .........' I"""- S ""' IIc ,W8 W
)a tonV
1 Ton Sai r
Durhiuti l. I
yours ohl
Tho Time'. U raid ha-i reeru I
some new atat'onrrv stock in
cluding wore cards, program
pencils, etc.. for its many piit
rons. It was a jolly lot of young
folks that mot at the Baptir.Upar
Bonago lust evening for the con
undi 11111 party and all vote it
succoss, iiolfi socially anu llnan-cinlly.
On next Friday evening the
graduating exerciaea of the Har
ney County High School will take
place at the Commercial Club
Hall. Great imins have been
Ik vc of hiking care of homo interests always.
Uniivr who h;iB necosBitie to buy for winter and wishes
a runaway to their stable. Kc'i 9 inui
aterial damage was doite.
e little child of Mr. and Mv8.
on died last Monday after-
from complicated kidne
le. The little one had ju.-t
Mart Brenton has fixed up the (ruunijr nt lho Summrinote
tivigntrauj nns oeon reuueuu 10 "Star" saloon in a neat and at- i
yjreenta should be well received tracljvt, ,nnnner nnd is dinwins-
through a case of dipther- hv local business men. This ib a inK of tlle best .wet g,, ,,.
d in its weakened contlftiot1 reduction ot conBiiiemoie consc- tamable over tho bar.
ic .last af- duence to business men, c?pcc Cartvetiter inrl
, iniu, imnt, uninn c . juwi of ufooda. . oirs iN u a petuer and
O. S. Preston, of .',. M ,innn,in,l.vuiM, ' this city the latter part of
Iowa, is among the mnny ar-
s here looking for a location.
e enroute ne visited win
Mr. W. C. S'uinffe, of St.
Levin, is in our city with a view
of locating nnd will likely open
a shoe repair sjiop and put in a
lino of up-to-dato shoes. Ho al-
so exnects to take un land. Mr.
The contract for tio carpenter1 Stum flfe aaya thero wore five of
lta of anv townshin in
- . . - . -- J. ...... N...,U J.I.I.,
(I District, Showing taken hv tho inapTiera and dam
ijii,i. . . VT.
in arranging the program which
is as follews:
Music Burns Band
Rev. C. W. Ilolloinan
Snlulory and ISsaay,
Tiic.Valuo of an Education
Agnes Cawlflold
Quartet, Marguerite, White
Ed. Wetmore, Win. Walker
Jaunita Gcor, Helene Swain
Vocal Solo a. A Red, Itd Utoae
1). Ali, Let Me Dream
Juanita Gcor
Essay, Failure as a Success
Elmer Milton McManua
Duet, Donizetti
Mrs. Rumbold, piano; Wm.
Walker, Flute .
Recitation, The Raven
Jennie Loa Robinson
Essay A Good Name
Enid Lauraniu Cawlftetd
Piano Solo Minuet a 'lAntico
No. li Seeboeebt
Beadle Swain
Essay Patriotism
Mary Elaaor Winters
Recitation The Heart of Old
Lou Davey
Vocal Solo,
Ijiv My Head Beneath a Rose
Ora Hill
Address to Class
Hon. Frank Davey
Valedictory -
Gortrudo Clariaaa tllbbanl
Coronet Solo
Ed. WeUnore
Presentation of Diplomas
Dr. W. L. Marsden
Music Burns Band
1 bjnefll to many sufi'erers.
'Mr. Woldenberg will hereafter '.'""K'uer, uorou.y are
U.... l..u ., M ,V1I Innilml.wiill ".l tlllS Clty tllO lattCT
freight. - . t.
A sliclit blaze in a shack at
i ii W II T ftIA ilrrtlint I'OVI l! IUIMI El Ml I It
Bon in fayette vauey, aim 'u,uu' "" . . ---
ho fni-this nlaep ilia excitemont yesterday morning
told him if he liked
itrv to write and let
, When Mr. Preston . 1 -here
and looked arou- d
, day he telegraphed for h m
work on tne Udd reiiows ne
building vm awarded to J. W.
Brown & Son nnd the stone work
ireea to Messrs. Begg and Hyde.
them started from St.
uethtr and he is the
I?notnn fm nnln nil MI7.PK nnd
tiijs nonj,h jOn a visit tofu'ends lengths, price 20 cents per foot,
for nn'indcfiiiito jieriod. ' Any ono desiring Kentos address ,
Smith and w' A 1,or of ' 0 Alboraon, ; U. p,
i .... t . .. t .
this aid called out tlie lire lanuies lor
'i hi
to come right over. Mr
kon says it is not what il-
Itry is now as what it will o
1 handled right that lo;
, to him.
;t little oxercisc, The fire was
( tinguUhcd, however, bofote
i lie aniMiratuB arrived on1' tlie
nr It does not take many from Geo. Duusmore who w vis
- .-( nds for tho street to get fill- iting .his mother in Minnesota
d. ith busy mcrf when tlie fire he said at the the time he was
uluii ringBinnnd we will put writing thore was 15 incnos of
tin ui against any champions for snow and' still snowing. There
F." L: Mace. P. G. Smith andfW' A Ford oi .1, O. Alboitam, ; u. p. Bennett, who have resided
Wm. Hnnley.nll disposed of their. Alboraon, Oregon. ( with ua for a number of years,
cattle at Huntington thefihstof W. E. Huston hat len mo-i wlH leave Jlonday for their old
the week. The stock were prin. ing his stock of general mcrchan-1 hon in Maiden, Mass., where
cipally all shipped West, diw to the Bolehaw building they expect to visit for an inde-
i., .. iu ..,.! .1. i. i whora he will bu nleased to meet Finite period. Mr. Bonnett did
.ii t. iun.i'1 ii.-t(.-ivuu iiiia wi-uiv t--.---- -- -
his old lino cuslomora as well
Fujj lighters.
New Spiaiig
of Every Dscriptiph
nra worse places, than Harney
"01d.Man' Bennutt's gttniai
faco is with' usggain and epocta
to stay until the meeting of the
Development' CongroBH "irt "July.
Ho will Irovclovorour vaat coun
ty and gather data thaj'will be
bo of great value nnd informa
tion.1 You aro welcome Brother
not forget lo call and have his
paper changed as ho said it
would bo like a letter from home
and that ho is always interested
in the good and welfare of Bums
and vicinity. Tho Times-Herald
wishes tho old folks a very pleas
ant visit.
The annual Baccalaureate ser
mon for tho graduating class of
-ess Goods, Hi'
's, Laces, Hn
'ns and
t The Burns Land Ofiice haanow
received a list pf landa subject to
ontry under tlie dry farm home
stead law with a full set of blanks , patronage called for more room
n(u nti1 nivk vinltr 4r rifwutnt1 it t i . .
i ri i .-I ,',,,,-t!nA-p ., ,. . , A . , I With wool and sheep rs My
riS, U nUeiVVC-U 1 m VV c nil n(0. inoa umiur una acu xnu. oracifl, th(iy pn ftnd ,,, Bieern
, wisnua io inuiiK HUKinier riirre (
urnmpn ,. -; , anttu Jfom
bank full of wator tho pessimist ble
new ones.
A full stock of thq best riding
Plows in tho world, (which an
the John Doero Plows) also foj
this Country. Have always been
a success whore others failed,, at
C II. Voegtly's.
Tlip person who took J$flkt of
iralVanizcd nino lvtlior on the
north aidQ of Sam Iiyr's hall "no High bChool will bo deliver
not long ago, i8romie8tedby,thB at the Presbyterian church
owner torolu.i Uo same vith- ikindny mor.iing, May 9th, at
11 o'clock a. in., y Rev. A. J,
Irwin. The thomo for tho morn
ing discourse will no constant
Achievement." In tho evening
tho pastor will speak on
Value of an Education."
1 ho earnest desiro of the grad
tullug etnas and the pastor of
the church that tho friends and
patrona of tho High School may
uuenu me morning service ai
out delay nnd nvoid trouble.
Hendomoii Elliott haapurota
ed the Oregon hotel of Mrs.
Calkins, and will nin ft in con
nection with the Overland which
Iih lias leased. Ilia extensive
VV l( I
to hold Ins crop for belter prices, should be taken care of by his
home bark Tl" merchant who wants money to take advantage
m" . i ifr should 1ms able to enlist his home bank in hisentcr-jnii-"
T!i in ' who desires to purchase a home, a farm or ad
v,iik In , I hi mc 4 interests should feel free to call upon his home
i link lo wlnitever help lie wan to.
Tie b ink adheres strictly lo tho above principles. The money
deposit) d with us by the people will be employed to supply home,
demi tid.
Wetio not believe in buying foreign paper and then be com
pelled to refuse our homo people when they require a loan. Our
policy is" to be able at all limes to give the people such service as
satisfies tbeii demands.
Give your Jiusiness to your homo bank. Your home bank will
do many favors for you, your friend and neighbors.
A Savings Bank Department is a feature of this Bank,
Sn which" interest al tlie rate of four per cent per
annum is allowed.
The Harney County National Bank
MR. and MRS. CMAS. ANIM-RSON, Propts.
We are pleased to announce lo our old-time friends
nd customers that we have again taken charge of
our hotel. We just completed renovating the en
tire building and 'you will find the old-time home
comforts when you call. We hope to see you soon.
The old favorite Family Hotel where guests receive
pecial Attention and Good Service.
SOUl II BURNS, OREGON-Near Fair Grounds.
e --.-r
Louts to- All parties owinu Lewis & Gar-
only ono ,-ott. or Simon Lewia are hereby
that got here. Such an amount jiotiliotl that all theae accounts
of 'Knocking" as going on on IUC in tho hands of our attorney
thi outside, he says, is not
rtahxu by us in here.
Our old frionds, Mr. and Mrs.
C. H. Leonard for collection and
settlement. Persons indebted to
us will please settle tlie same
with Mr. Leonard at once.
Simon Lewis
J. T. Garrett.
Hunting and fishing are strict
ly forbidden upon my ranch.
Alva SrRmoBR,
Hunting and fishing are strict
ly forbidden upon an.v of the
Pacific Live Stock Co. ranches.
Trespassers will be prosecuted.
John Gilcukst.
H. DERMM). W. D.
Phys clan and Surgeon
fiilla nii8( mil iiiiijUy nllit
r Uu ;
It is
Die $5.75 landtd al Poll
pthing, Halstavenabids, tUlider
ar, Ties aneTzwoe? lor men.
A full stock of staple
and fancy rQceriesV":
for every body.
Orders promptly filled i
COpy Of thO UlMIU'tioiH , ,l trnnniu hikI alouirhH niwl lmtli ani-uieea if nnoat
,, ':.. -"":'". . . . "." "-" -..,.
whicli wo will koop on lil
Tlio Burns (louring mill is now
I in tho JiandB ,ofn company coftjset down,"
posedaf a number of our sub
i slantmlii'uslnoss men nnd farm
ers, tho negotiations ueiiig com
pleted tills weok and Mr. Stuite
Yant is pow'-jiroparirig to ijive
possession. Tho trustees ni"i
I F. MclCinnoyand (Jeo. I'Vy 'J'ln
ao, uw
'The Busy
j-coiiflidoraljon will exceed $2i
I Tho mooting of tho Commer
cial Club ,las.t Tuosdny ovaning
1 was well attended and much talk
was had along the JinooJuuV
will lmvo to "go Way back and .. , , , . . ,,
, ,...,... ..,'.!. (1,., T). .,!,, .I.,..!....
' .-Tf, ' ;iT3noit WEVA HIU X I vouj iu. mil
Tha-Uirootors ot fgnqfll dmtnet c-hurcsli was tho sceno of a most
No. 1 lmvo ruled tjted utethe ' pleasant social occasion. Fifty
commanomiont of tJiQ- batyiiw 0Ven of tho1 young peoplo of the
school year that all boginfto , cxaix)x im congregation were
witliin fQiir months oikJHKfllW pri'it Tlio evonlng was spent
oi ago uu aiimittotl "F-1ft!u?y,ri
chiding lia drat'. Monday in Oe-
rner Store
r"l!E5C3rC3Nr-re'ln'tc'y ono wny m '10 u'r'
m hinging, guessing conun
drums and In tho porformanco of
.umlaut milllnory in which tho
voung men took a very nctivo
md dG'coriUive' part. Mr. Wm.
Walker nnd Miss Millio Hulburt
1 1 o awarded tho prize in tlio
c mpndrum contest, whilo Miss
well. Bob ia going about hi. Helene Swain and Mr. J, C. Sov-
wnvlr hntli vlfrlit nnd Infh linn.l- I ( ur vinn'wrniX tl.n nvl'n fn llin
hcomed tg boja dgtevml JLspirii ed g0 na (o ,rcl into pHtcBse for heat "now creation" in woman's
walking tho floor with thetwb I head geftr. Ico croam and cako
hUlo oies lit night. Dr. Mars-1 wore served. A most enjoyablo
deu was tho attending physician, evening was spent togother.
lolx-r, and tlie mid year entrunoe
be revoked. . ' '
Boiin-To lho wife of Mr. R
J. McKinnon Jr., Friday.'Mav 7.
twin babies, a boy and a gii I.
: . x , y ' . ' t i ' wvv ui vuuiub, i. uvjf ..m.
jects jieruuning io inc gowumu M, Ulor Iiml bftb()8 m, Uoinjr
wouaro oi hub ueciion oi inn
country. Through it oil there
upltlio agitntion for tho
Dry Farm until lho matter win
i to'kcop
'I'lioue llitrrlnifii
Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes
Fresh Groceries, etc.
For Spring and Summer Trade
"Dady's" Cigar Stand
Tablet 8, Pens, Pencils, School Supplies, Extracts
Spices, Fancy Cnicker. Pipes, Tooth Uruslies, etc.
Call and sample some of his goods
We re Headquarters for
Horse Blanket?, Saddle Blankets
and Balsam of Myrrh
We Carry a Complete Line cf
7h Eastern Oregon
Engineering Co.
iitKiflATioN wm.m
Alain Office,' Hunts, Oregon
4 ( tAUI.KNNIi, MX
Ilraiu'h Office, lalceviow, Oregon
e n tui'LK'-'Klt, Mur
J. W. OWEN, Propts.
Finesthearscin count y
Particular attention given
. C..,! MM' Wtiifkufo -xy
Fresh Teams, Comfortable Rigs, Careful Drivers.
Particular attention given to Transcient Trade
Horses )o:u-(!(mI 1)v tln day, week or month
JfV i iJJi
In llui Comity (' ml l ilu
Oruyoa fr Unrimy Umwi
in t tit innii. 1 1 f tin" i:-iu
of Hun up IlmU ,"lmtii-nlf
Notit'u Ik liurt'li) t(in lliut tl mi I.
Ulullfll WIIH (lllh llllll'ilill l i v . r,l 1
tlHMll)00 t'lltlllt'tl tuUM li. int. will. I i ll
ton.) on Mm (Ii Hi, IU0U, tin Vilmlin
Irutnr ol tlio nforeinl.l iMiinti', nt I l" J
(luiillllul, All .orniHM lix l w iliilni'-i
m-allist Willi ontnto im reqnlivd In (in-
font (ltoiii 1" Oik Ailniliiihtrniiir, ut
Jliirns, Ormun, oi in Iuh nitmiiKv. t'
ltillllliolil, III Horn- lnuui, i'li llu
,.roil' voiivliarH witlnii oix mi nili Ii .' !
(Into of thin notice. i
Dtltu.l April MOW. ,
MaIIIIN 11 llllfcli
AiliulniHlr it r
lain St.,
lllncksmidiiiig and
Wagon Work
ANTEED. Burns, Oregon,