ill li'i'l I "Si rtP ill1 In i ' I m t I :! ,' 0' I t t u, i , a 3- M J ...- ; ' .s iL"t j?4 'iS-l&rt, ssBsssmmmmmm INDUSTftiAt Noi'l-S. (Por llntul Correspondence) . Swift nnd Compnny nnnounco thnt thoy plnn to begin actual packing operations In thoir now plant at Portland in July. This lias been described as Action,'1 said tlio naturalist. "How olso can wo Intorprot tho actions of animals nnd birds observed in tho field than by putting It down as actual brain uso? If wo boliovo in ovolutlon nt all, wo must be liovo in tho development of brain brintrs to tho surface tho neces sity for the farmers of Ororoh matter in tho birds of tho field." to grow moro hogs. Pigs can boi Showing tho samo displayed by raised until thoy are Ihreemonthsl tho young gulls in staying close old on vetch or other roughage to rock similar to their own col- at practically no oxpeimo other than for pasturntv. A fat 200 pound hog in Portland today is worth J515.fiO cash, live weight. Tho packers will have to get a supply, must they send tho money for tho hogs to Nebraska, or will wo raise them in Oregon? Tho Livestock Sale at tho Portland Country Club this week means a great deal to everyone in Oregon. Saturday and Sun day witnessed thousands of peo ple visiting tho grounds to in spect what is universally conced ed to bo tho greatest gathering of blooded horses ever collected in tho Pacific Northwest (o be sold to the highest bidder. Tho salo will continue up to Friday night at the Country Club, Sat- "Most ordinary colds will yield urday being devoted entirely to' to the simplest treatment," says cattle at the Union Stock Yards, the Chicago Tribune, "modern Oregon is making a wonderful ! tive laxatives, hot foot baths, a showing, and there is assurance free perspiration and an avoid orlng was a featuro of tho illus trations. The lecturer proceeded to discuss tho cruelty of keeping performing animals. Ho said: "Such performances nro blots upon our humano education. Thoy educate our children in cruelty, and thoy nro not oven interesting." Mrs. Abigail Scott Duniway proposed a vote of thanks to tho spenkor, suggesting that as ho had such a thorough knowledge of tho flight of birds ho Bhould bo invited to discourse beforo tho Wright Brothers and other exponents of aerial navigation. Oregonian. No liccil to ba without a Bow lag machine when you have n chanco to got ono at practically your own terms by seeing G. W. Clovongor. Standard machines to chooso from. NBW aUlMINO PROPOSITION licit Treatment lor Cold. thnt buyers will bo here from all neighboring states and Ilritish Columbia. anco of exposure to cold and wot after treatment" While this treatment is simple, it requires While estimates as to the ure-l00"8" orn?10 lrouu,e-, one sent population of Oregon vary, tt must remn.n in doors some men who have the right to. f0ln ,,Iiy or two- r u frf h fV bo called well posted feel that w a,lm03t. HUrQ. to bc contrnctcul. the state today has upward of '" "'any nsiances pnei mon- three-quarters of a million peo ple. With every county in the state getting now settlers, somo have attracted a greater immi gration during the past year than for five years beforo. A party of Illinois investors recently clubbed together and s-jnt one of thoir number, who had ia follows. Is it not better to pin your faith to an old reliable preparation like Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, that is famous for its cures of colds and can al ways be depended upon? For sale by all good dealers. Wo have arranged to offer in connection with this paper, tho now monthly farm magazlno just started at Lincoln, Nebraska, by i'rof. II. W. Campbell and devot ed to tho subject of how to farm in the dry country and how to get best results from soil tillage under non 1 conditions. This PnjW is CampbolPs Scientific Farmer and wo offer it clubbed with Tho Times-Terald both for $2.50 por year cash. Prof. Camp bolls' new paper is a monthly, chock full of good things, tho only paper of its kind in tho world, and it embodies the ro sults of the editor's many years of painstaking investigation of tho soil tillago proposition. !aaaaaaMaaaMaaMHWMaWaWaMMaaCK Fo'n SAlr A good second hnd Clarinot. Inquiro nt this office. NO TKUBPASBINn, limiting la forblililmi upon my pliiou niljoliilnu Iluriis. Trotpt'BA tH will Im iirnmimilcd. O. 11. VOKUTLY NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. tlNITIIHrATK LlNllOCrK I IIIHIIll, Uri'KOII April 'JO lvov I Nntlio la lioial.y iiIviii that frank Adrian, if Hi'iilD. iirmoii, ului mi Palmary 'Ji, iwii, iiimlii liinvlniil inlrj Nil imih l.akiHtw (-.iIhINii mm, fur NHHtHj HM HV and OVl'l UK',, Mellon M, 'limii.Mli 0 Hnillli limine IW i:. I, vMllnmntlu Morlittnn, haa fllad iitilliv ut tnluiit lot) In inaka Klnnl i'lvo Yrnr front, in ontntillnti rUlm tu tlis Unit aUiva ito ti'rilHHl, tfur M J. OTiinnor, I' H (.'oinmla luiivr, at Illinium at Dentil, Ori'k'OH, on llio Mlutaynt Junv, Hon. I lalmniit liantra a. ivIlnrMoa II. II. lUfclibaimti.tti'vomia Ikifatibatmh. Mrs. . .. . .. T-'.. . . - - ... --.....- fnt' iicicniiaiiiiii limilo, Ortfnn. Coliliiiliiia Ulorv, all nt Wh, Kiaar. Itciclalrr NOTIOIfi Koine unnblu to kIvo our porponnl nttonllon to tho oollf otlott nf tlin mi oottntfl duo im, tho Htttno Imvo licott pliiQctl with Mr. 0. II. Loonnrtl. A ynnr having olapnotl bIiicii Ihn die Holtttlon of oo-pnrtnorHlilp n prompt Ptiitlcini'iit of tho sumo In requested. Maubukn it Qkaiiy. NO TIUCSI'ASSING. Nottco ia horoby glvon llmtliunt Imk mid shooting upon tliu onoloHod lnntlHof tho Amorlcnn Lnnd tt Live Stook Co. is strictly forbidden. Any poreon or pomottH found hunt lug or trriHpiiRHiiig will lio propecuted to tho full oxtont of tho Inw. 15. I). !liu Hiittoh Mnnngor. Rcllnloua Service. NOTICI5 KOU PUIILICATION t'xiiKiiTTr I.ANiiOrrita lluriii. Oiciiuu, A 1 1 r 1 1 id, lwrj. khrumatlim. More than nine out of every visited Oregon during tho' ten cases of rheumatism are Exposition, for a trip through theS'iuply rheumatism of the mus state. Upon his return to Port- olos, duo to cold or damp, or land, this gentleman said he had found Orcffon peonle much chronic rheumatism. In such cases no internal treatment is Nolle la lutfl.j pholi tlinl Crank Atlrlan, ot , win. on jillr I, 1VU7, in No M&. herlal Nu. ulOi. lor ,h. NW',mi. Mi, Sll', Hfetlon l.t.iwn II. hi. i. lr..!un .1. tfM-Uliit i N Mi II, iuiiii.1! I.'a.t, Wlllamtlta Mori .Han, linn (IIimI tiollru ot Inluitlon lo make Hull I'rynl, (a rtlal.lltli claim to I lie laipl n' ikn'ilU" i, Iwlorn M J, II I'oniit.r, U. 8. CoiniiiUaloiiar. at tna ottlfo at liwiilo, Orcyou. uinlin "Jti ilnjf ot June, W, ( laltuflnt tmiiin wlincaira I'rauv (Moia, (lolumLiia Uloti', Mra. I) 1. 11,'taiitauiih, tVtnua llrtrnliali, all of Ill-Dill, (lll'ltull u h'innt, ItrgUtcr of Chamberlain's Liniment is all that is needed, and it is certain changed. At that time they required. The free application were intensely conservative, to day thoy art? enthusiastic, opti mistic, and unanimously predict, to givo quick relief. Give it a a great future. In fact, many , trial and see for yourself how of tho communities are growing 'quickly it relieves tho pain nnd so rapidly that they imagine they , 8reness. The medicines usual have all the growth, but thoae driven internally for rheuma who have seen the new orchards, I tisrn uro PO'soU9 or very strong the substantial farm hoti8 and i uieuicmcs. 1 ney are worse man othor improvements taking place everywhere, knew that the next decade will see record-breaking advancement along every lino. Asked if ho was satisfied, he re plied: "I wouldn't return to Il linois, but shall remain here to receive my friends who aro com ing in parries of throe, five and even ten." useless in cases of chronic and muscular rheumatism. For sale by all good dealers. SAVS MRUS CAN RRASON. That many varieties of birds have what amounts to something more than instinct, which is in reality, tho power of reasoning, was tho statement made by W. L. Finley, lecturing before the Woman's Club yesterday. Mr. Finley was particularly at home NOTIOK OK BIIKUIIT'S Ity virtiui of an uxi-ctitioii duly IsmioiI liy tlio Clerk of tliu Circuit Court of tl it) Statu of Ofr!"n, for llurnoy County, tlaUxl tlio 20111, tiny of April HK in n rurtulu cult In will Circuit Court uluuo In Sjdvtfuter Smith una plalnlM' mul J. 0. SIiiiiiiuiih win ilufi'iiilitnt, ninl upon n lUorcii thortilii rinliritl on tlio Mil ilitj of Airll lVOti, forrrlotiiiii; n corliiln inort yngtt iiiii'lti liy mi Itl ilvfuiidnut on Svpt. ')', 1U03, nml duly ruconlcil In l)k I) of iii(irt;.iii'a mi mw 220 of tho rirortU of wid county, t'oiiiinaiulltig mo to miiku tlioHiiiu of IS18.47 ltli inter I'M tticrpon nt tho rato of 10 Kir cout. mr ruin, from April 5th, 100'J, also tllfi.OO AltornoyH frim tnxed aaliut tliu dufuniliuit, rinil ".'0.00 c(Mtn, nlao nccruliiK touts nnd ox- (KiiihCH of (uIh, uiwl coiuinnnilliiK mu to NOTICI3 FOR PUBLICATION. I'MTmi IrriTM tax ii Orrirx, I lluriii, Oirion, Mnicli tt, m Notic la berabr ifltiMt that Ultliain A. I'ai. Iirxm, (, ItaMivy, Orrtmi, mini, on April 'J), twa. made ilnaie land Knlry. No Mg. Mrlaf No WWft, lor Uila , HV NC. antlNWIi fKvi rrrllou I, Tmtn.hlp KlUiiiif., Itaiita U Kaai. Ulllamtllp Merlillan. Iiat llla.l nolfcoof Inlautltni In inak-t. I'hial VkmI, id rilalillah i lalu tliv laiol nlniia ttrarrlLml, bvlora lac Itotflttor ami llortiircr at lluriia, Oregon, on i. loth ilayolMay, luu I lalmanl iKlilt, at wllllrrantl II to i li'iiUniien, t.CTiiaf I.. Ilurtianaii, J II, I loytl, Allctl Jont, all ot Itaruty Drcxon. to Fakiik. ItfuUicr. Itov A. J. Irwin will pronoh nt Il.irnoy tliu 2nd Buudny of ouch uioittli nt 1 1 a. in. mid 7,30 p. in. Hnbbntlt nohool ovnry pittibntli nt 2 )i. in. Tho Ilitriiuy Suiidiiy nohool moottt nl 2 o'olnok tnoli Biindny mid n cordial invitntion Im uxtutidud to nil who enn attend to tncot with ti, At tho I'rosliytiirian church HuniH, Itov. A.J. Irwin piiHlur. Dovlno aorvlcoB tho third nnd fourth HundnyH of oaoh inotithnt 11 u. in., nnd 7:30 p. in. fcnbbnth nohool nt 10 n. m. ovory Snhbnth iiiornltiK, with his subject. With the beauty I l,u" '"0 " prmunci neruimuii-r of his storcopticon views no less ',"'''r"H!,1 u i.. i.!,. -l ff i oticu lit lioruby Riven Hint I w I on than by his vivid power ot tlc-i ,., 7ll ,, .,,..., , ,,. r.!. ii.. i..,... i ,i .. ' -' -- ........, aenpuon, me lecturer nem nis NOTKMC KOU PUItMCATION l'SITKti(rrTIW I.ANli OKKICK, i llurna Drrgon, March S9, IWW.I Si4lrli liait-br Klcli that KlttclUakeol iwrn, urncaii, who, on orlnlor I, I9U7 mail lloHIMad linlry No MI7; Herlal No. osifA !' SWlii, MMlun 'lownihlp 2 Hoiith, iitift;il. Willamette Mrrlillan, haa niil niUHrol lo make final I'ommtitatlon l.root to Miabllih (lalin In tho lainl aoove ttcai'illml, blor llio UmUlcr anil llertlvvr. Ml niirna, Ormoii, on llio Tl It ilay ot May, IIVJ. I'lalmant liamaa aa wUnraai'a t-loranrc I'mwlay Ulan hinlili, John txako II ot I.attpi),trfou Amy Intake, ot tliirita, iirtfxoii. Mm Fiioif, HfKliicr. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. I'NITKKSTATK!) I.A.NII limCK, Iliima, Ort-Kou, April 7, lW Notlra la hn-) lilranthat Mlllatii A Hop !. ul iawii, ortxoii, who, on May II, In, iiia.tu Itoiortlaail Kmry Noa7, Herlal No 0U7H. f..r NUKK'., and Ixilaaii.l AHro MTownalilpgl snu Hi, llaittn ..J ran Wlllaiimtlo Varlitlan, hia fllcHl notlra ot loiuakt) Klnaf I'tiuimululliiii proof, toralablih claim to Ihc I a ml bo ilMorllml, Iwtore tho llrxltier anil rtltir,at lliiiui On'Koti, on Ihc Huh tlay ot May, IMM. ' Claimant tiatnai aa wlliiriiti II H Urana, Itv Cariajnlcr II. K Auimui, Jama llmijonl. all of Ijtwt-ti, Ort-stm m. Yahkk, Itrulilrr Tho Loao Star RESTAURANT China (it-orgo, I'roprlotor. Cor. Main nnd II 8 1 recta. IVIBniiS AT ALtli HOURS Bakery Id connection A Specially of Short Orders. Tnblo furnlHliod with ovorythlng tho mnrkct nirordn Your patron ano Holloltod, The Times-Herald in offcriiiy most attractive Clubbing Rates to its Hubncribcrs at present THE TIMES-HERALD One year with the Portland Weekly Oregonian $2.50 Portland Semi-Weekly Journal $2.50 S. F. Weekly Examiner $2.65 Thrjce-a-Week N. Y. World $2.50 Semi-Weekly St. Louis Republic $2.35 Farm Progress FREE to every paid in advance Subscriber Get one or more of these good papers in connec tion with The Times-Herald for the long win ter evenings. Call and get Clubbing Prices JOB PRINTING Tho TlmoH-llcrnld Im Prepared loTtlo the Very Heat and Mont Kntlafnctory Work In thin line. We have all tlio LATEST TYPE FACES and it very Complete Line- FIRST-CLASS STATIONERY The Capitol Barber Shop II. J. KEEI), Propt. Hoadqunrtcrs for bathing and First-Class Tousorinl Work. BURNS, - OKEGON- tsm rntri? rtfTMnanu -, AM) ?! fJMMJjrS&A. KfilMH III it HAnnuvii a aiuCH (i'l 0UHNS, tHfoSrT"" FWtHfi iaBBP) w 6 .ilV'EB' 'Je-IHKPtt&rSJ "aaa Wfm mfj Tsrk 3rJa25tei Plfandiplliiig Tx3r TTs Wo collect evcrywlivro and inaku n chargo unlraa collection la inadn. Wo pleaio our clienta Addreaa .Moiiiian Mkmca.ntii.kCo , Kenton llld., I'ortland, Oro. OKKIOIAI, 1IIIIKCTOHY TATE OBIOOK! tl fl.Seualora audience. He laid particular stress on the cruelty of caging animals and birds. Mr. Finley Uescribed the gull as being the bird possessed of most brain sense or power of reasoning, although he admitted that the blackbird ran very close for second place. "Some actual natural history lioiiro door in lliirim, Orison, nt two u'cIuck i. in .soil at public auction to tliu lillit'Dt Iddilur for cuidi, tlio follow Inj; rt-iil propurly, to wit; ti) of NI3, and lotH IB nnd 1(1 of See. 30 Tp. ) H., It. 31 I!., W. M. Kontli of Mulliour litko, tliu niino ljt-lii tlio property deacrlliud in Hiiil inortKnijo, and aulijcct to coiiUnnii tlnn liy Mild Court. Itatoil A rll 2.M, 1009. A. K. KIOIIAUD.SON, Miurlll of Ilurm-y County, Orison SOTICIC FOR I'UIU.ICATION UNITKIIHTATKH I.ANII OKI'll'K.i llurna ori-Kun, April 7, llxw, I NuttPK la licMil.r kIvl'H tliat Wllllat'.llrccnlrc, nl llinnn.'f. Ilri' niiH.liiilHir SO, 11)07, uiailu ILniiftcM..! fiitr;. No SvI, Hci tat NuCAU, l.lrl'4' Hwilun it, Ni:it Nttli ami U S'K' Mr. Hun IS 'luwnililii XI Hoiilli, llanta ...i f'oat, Mllamollu Mvrl.lan. Iiaa nlml imilra ..r to maku Pinal KIvo Vair I'i.kiI, In ralaliHali claim tuth lanit aUivudoa . rl wl, taitoro tlio HfKlaier anil llci'olver, at lliiina, Ori' mi tliu lMli ilaf u Mar ltH, i lalmatit iiaim.a na ivllnraiva Janii I'lrlo. Jn. Iiiiahanaii, U'.i lluclianati, ilwi (ialM, nit ot lluraiiy, Oregon Um.Kakhic, ItJuliler. G9?WAHTt;B-4 ilSER SSEElf ,mc' k fi IPcfei aiz)0.'. , 'i'tnn"lA:ii: 4','. Hll llsr,l a. Vk " ''n AT'i IS I Hl.l. TIll.Yl.duimtf Hill i i ma , n f Ifc SiStlnM rAUIUIIY I'lIIUkS., ' 'a'lHiariiilwilaTBiU luii ii i , 1 Vf. ! B t ,.., V !" ""I Profit alou acnuflj, ., I. , TV V,Tiifivi".'y,.1l',".'.''.l'!!t XVl ' Mtiafiait Mill, iv, lAn , xl i, ,, V f -l"Vv,n: I., HKlu.l.kiN.tajlHl H of mlU. "f) "J J1'J 'l"'. I' '" , .' ' f"H $i-- H '. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. UMTnnHTATra I.ANiiOrrica, I llurna OrrKou, A.ill 7, lvov, I .Villco la hereby kJvom that Mill II, Klrnr nl ntiii'ill. urrKMI, IVIIII, .III r.llll)l.nbl.r 17, IIH). itwart 1 1 ml entry No. Mil, Huilal No, 0-737, I r h), DUi,, 'kiIimi 7, Nl, NH, Hcrilon la, T JHNlMlltl. Iln)ilrfl IM lnat! H I I. r KVI ( Ml uvi SiKlloii U; SV.y, NK' 13. T.mliilih, WKoiuli, llnniialik Ka,, WlllarnaKo Morldlati, lina llli-it in. llio nt Intuition in inako Pinal I'riiiil t.nalatillalivil claim lo llio lan.l almra umijiiuiiI, iwioro lliu lli'Kiater nmt Ilerolvar, nt lliirna, Orviton, un Dm IMInlayot May, IW.I, Olnluiant nauiia na wllucaaca' liniritu rranalln, Nlaa 1C, Halt, Jainrt F. Malum, nil nl hmllli Orexnii. rreil ilalncaiil llariia,Orriton, U'a, Pahhk, Iteulitor. Oonnrraamao Attorney Oenoral (loTarnur . . , Pvrratary ol Nlala Trraaiirer, . .. Kupt, t'ubllo Inilructlon. Ulala Printer Kupieroe JuJim . (Jonathan llourno Jr IV. W, rullou IW It Kill I.: W Uatt ley A. Xt. Crawfurd Geo. K. Chambulaln P W llonton .0 ASIacl .. ,1, II, Arkerutan V b Duniway ) It, H. Ilcian. ,J P. A. Monro llolil Kakln NINTH JUDIOIAU tllHTntCT. Illitrlct Juilio (MI. k ii, v, Oejmly Ulit Atty o II l-oouanl Circuit Court maela the Drat Monday In April auj flr.l Monday In OctoUr. Joint Heuator o W rarrun Julbl-llrireauDtatlTa ... " Will "Joke COUBTT IIAILHKT! M. L. IEWIS FlWlsuSNg ... Represents the.... Home Insurance Co., of New Yoik, Live poo1, London & Globe, Fire Assurance Co., Philadelphia. OPPICE WITH UKiaS & IU(H. Duma, Oregon. Corner Moult, of Lunabu.g A Oftlton'j. MO &&) t HEOfiEsHOBH P9HGTORE-PBeOF CiF-HEAUHG Tim&SSSW s. of tit. in tart wr.i we tttmlp, n , ' nf li tt, , 'm,t .r cfi t" I - i , uot 1. lie i . I'l ll.-t - Ii ; It . I'l 1 UCUillaall.C i , v nt Ii iicv. r 1cuhk s i ( ni ill Mint i urt without rllow t nundrci1onctleri,iiomfi4t.u .iefi(rMliaveoiilylict;ii)ninci muM, i nry wrmiiiiuniorciimn "' ? 4SmlttSS&&23. (rJzm&tis&jF Gwfo&irTrJKTwR4wF 1 (1J "Mfti 'ii ' 4 "" p ruHialJ MK si .. . m, w jHH I uunly JuJa . . t.'lark lroaaurer urvejor Miorlrt Aaaraaor . . ,. tlrtiool Huperlutaudeu'l, " (.oronor Htock luanector Oamialaafounra, J. I'. Huotor Bam Matborahcad K N Jarnaaon AOPaulkucr A, K. Itlchanlion .0 A lirittlniitiam 1. m Hamilton JWtlanry ., j. aioniunon Blue Mountain Rapid Transit Line Operating from Austin Tia.I'ralrie City, Join Day, Canyoi City to Bsras, Oregon i yt tlaj from linker City to Burns, Oregon. Good, comfortable conveyances Careful drivers Fint Clnsri Stitl ions nloni the route Railroad to,Hurns only 105 miles. For rates ask L. WOLDENBERG, Manjr. Hlal!arrl iu a Hinyin County Court uccla tho Drat WXlneaday In January, March. May, July, September ami November, UABHay u, , 1, a m. orrioii Reglaler a.;.i... wbi rarro -" " raannnai y ciTr.-aiinNa' Mayor, ltecoruer,,,, Treaaurer Manual, ... if. Nun. in in,, riii, ii ,i "A ' unit 1 .until. una "It," .tin, r... . tn iiratmit .- .! t tlrn 11 UI i.u'ii , llltkli-hOli'l, 1 IUHX JllltlM,, 11 raelalliii iiulillcalK'liigRlvcu .1 intuit) p '.artil fabric ou llio 1 , 1 p.. .M'i lallrrai c 50itr.alr,biit tor 1 ifxn v areliiulifiiKuerioi.liill'iictiHvnrlceto 11 1 . pr lr. AH oriurralilipcdaniiie day letter la recclrrd, u!i ' 1 11 'i pay cent until you Imve cxmiilned and found tlicui atiicll n. ' . V ' "laijount of ;, p. 1 cent alitrcby making thf yrlce Wi.ftft ,, , , AMI ivii'll OlllJItft mu rmiuac tills adveinaeuieit. W will '.lai - hm. iiu.iu viiini,. iirpaij w rciiuiiMi at ifiiiL fitionu ir fr., .. . 1 on eminliialloM We are ricrfcctlr reliable and nionev acni to . 1 ... .Vr. . nlrr a pair u lie, you will find that lliey will i'ie iuu ' . Ilfr, la. ,,iii and iMk liner pian any lire vouliavc ever ui or aeeil nt .my ir that oi. ."U ao well j.l.ottil mat wlieu ou want a bicycle you wilt clio u nt you to wud ua u trial order at Dike, hence Uile remarkable tire offer. '"'"" price. your on. tin riftY MAVr '"" w,," V.Pt'"l today. IH NOT THINK Ol' IIUYIUi " ,, .. ora Ir oi urea ironi anyone until you know tliu new i"i otTnai iruruulilnu ka I It omy cuaia a ital to Itani everything. Write It NOW. Mm CYCLE COMPANY, Mimb, iOi rlu I fill Kocontl Bnlnreed V. T 000 Nov Words - Caettoor of tho World ntiwi ,oto mtai, tmr. ton tlio ' ' ' 'W 1 lOtllllUI. ! ' ft lojtrtiphlcalDlotlo miy i' '' ' i rl Kjlinnmiof m i'J(l,tM)i.fiti i "" .i1'1'' Hl'lOtOt i t,'x 1 1 "' 'i, T..n., t, n Ultoni. A.ui..i .Jatugutloil. . 00 Qu . ' j rncoo im lllwl I i, Hid, tu.iUisa. h Ml lu LvoryHorao ..Henlirown U. U l.owi ... KininsltHeed Thomas Andenou fVJllopkna Couiiullineiii i (leo II flaxey f Jnotiemberllag A D DHIIU tlcotiuit ol tlio Council ovory Second and ruunn weuiictilay. MAGAZINE READERS tcr'iU,ltEUie Dlcllo.iiiry iiwf iiiii,iruau., lal'tLu III j't. .'UI'IH Tin Iff . HI . H V . . 'l.l -a auuaoiAMfwafl SOMBKT MAGAZINE beautifully illuUralaJ, tood itoriaa and article! about Caldarnia and all the Far Weal. OAWtMA CHAVT devotad each nonlh to the ai. tiatie irproductiaa af ilia Lett Ward a( aiualeui and prelauioual phatagraphari. ROAD OF THOnSAUD WORDBRS a ihi al 13 papa, conlalnlni 120 eelerad pholagraphi ol pletareaqua apota ia CaUarala aaaurega. Total , All for . . . . Addict, all ordtri to SUnSET MAOAZIHK Dead Ouadtog San FianeUco IUU. $1.50 a year $1.00 a year1 I0.7S THE BURNS HOTEL STEPHENS & DIBBLE. Propt. Reasonable Rates, (lood CIeni Vln, Comfortable Rooms, Courteous Tr mutant. Special Accommodations for the Traveling Men. FIRST CLASS IN EVERY PARTICULAR Voatt Patronage Solicited, PIIOFE8SIONAL OAROS. Wm. MILLER, ATTORNBYATLAW. Unrim, Orison. Offlca flrat door wcl of Hank. LOA ' HAT C. A.REMBOLD AUornoy-nt-Law, Burns, Orscjon OlitiH. 11. Leonard. ATTOItNKV-AT-f,AW, Croful altontlon rIvoii to Collon- lions ant Ilnnl Kfitntn iiirtttiirc. I'lro Jrmurmico. Notnry Public nuitNB, Om:aov. GEO. 8. SI55EMORK. ATTOIINKY, ,1UIN. OllKOON L'olltciiau, Latiil bualiicaa, ami Ileal Ketate matter prom j ll v nttrinlol 0, CHflRliES W. EiiltlS LAWYER Burns, - - Oregon Practice In tlio'Htatu Cotirta nnd bu fore tliu V.H. Land Ofllcu. J. CU. CGflfJV I'livulciiin nml SitrKaniii. Htiriis, - - - Orouon. Offlea in huh bitililSiigt-oiitri of WVIi-onio liiirnraN Hlmp, .Main Si. Tlioiu- Main 85. TO EGO DAILY During March an i I'rum All I'nrts of tho I 0 I VIA UNI01 PACIFIC OKF:(ION SHORT I.INi: THH OKKCJON RAILROAD & NAVIOA'I It; 1 SOUTHERN PACIFIC $33 from Chicago $.3o.50 from SI. Loui . $25 from Omaha $25 from Kansas Ch f'oncajioti llncly l.iw (ruui nll'.t1 rj TO THE PUI3LI.; Write letters to evrrjbi j know in the East and u t nuout these low colonic Send them literatuive ab Kon, or sentl their mbh us and we will do ii way you can be a jriV"! the growth and projrn State. R. D. BURROW, At. D. I'bysk'm and Surgeon Chronic DlfwueH u Sjivcliiliy CallH answered at nil liours. OtUco cor. .Main A II dIh , Hiirns. Orwron i. Ii M1RSDBN l'liiniclun nml Surgeon. DUIIN8, Ojftet nl mttlertce. OltKdON. S3ST' I'hont .. to H.l. Ilrowinon L k. iubbar.l IlibbnrcJ 5 Urownton, Dentists. Ollce flrat door raat ol The fltlicna Hank Uiirn. OrLjjoii. YOU CAN PREPAY I for any one from anj 1 it 1 want to. Deposit tin- 1. amount with our lx;J 1. he will telegraph ticln 1 f 1 IlHJIlirt uf Aj"'!! r 1 Wm. iMcSIurrsy, f."cn. pch Tliu Oicj?!i ltuilroa.1 S'.titlirpi I'.icifii in i!i I'orti.-inJ, SumpterVali Railwav x W. C. BROWN, IlUttH, Oiiraiox. OfBce in new land olllcu liiilldin, next door north of Kt olllca. 0PCIETIK9, . "? IIARNKV LODdK. NO. IJ, ID I) r, M.",,et!r5,,c""1 I"1 fotirlh Katurilai In caah woritb al7iM i. m. ArchleMcOPwai," Brron Tcrrlll, he-cntarr. .N a BUnSS I.ODOE NO. 7. A K. A M., M-.eJ0Tcr,rfl"Uuai1'1"1 t-atunlay In rarh m?nl?-... . I.Btliwarl. W. M. A. C. eleonie, Srcrciarr. INLAND I.OD0R NO. 70 K. of V. Mt ererj- Thura lay oTcnlnit In tho liro n ""ii'' ,.rw K R a -.rlon.tta ril-UN.SLOIKII-.Nu A.O l.u Mcua ercryarconJ uml f.m.u, riMiij i. v i. - c'- Wl( W. I h. Cochran, ttcconlor. IIARNKV VALI.KY CAMP No Ml, W. ofW. Kaau fry flrat ami aerou.i Tnaaday. , , , t'. '. MctMaln, Com. W. A. 0wan. tlerk. TI.MIi TAIU.K No. ' JL'M II. i Wai II in ml. No 1 ftuM-a in U:30 L.V Ink. . , 0:38 " Mini., , 0:88 ' .-,....' , 10M " l , ,,r 10.07 ' 'p . 10:17 " Sto.l.l. .1.1 . 10. KJ " Wnl.-rii, 10 aW " -I) n'i , .1019 jai.flal-Ku,, 10:M " JUMTIO 11:10" Snout, r 11:15" MlNfll. . 11M0" S.,1,,,1 i NOON 12:00" 'Ol. Ian,, 1'. M. 13:05 " Wl i IL'HO ' TIl'H'v' 1:10 Ar An- Htoi im n'i .ii I, TirkeU isku.l ih.I) i t i'in- am ailudiili'ii i , M.i. r(t.injir- i ii--i ft wliern ngenta . xi t trains or 25 i-en's u n Kiilur faru will Ihj ii . i. . .ni,i:iu (iKANTui:ni'i:s, - BDKN8 CIIAMEIl NO 40,0 K. 8. uJ,..nlVl'lITi',c,"",l!l!!!, '"urtl' Monda).,!., vV??-".."?11- .- t,,nriliaru, H.'rf alia Walcorac, Secretary. HYLVIA KEIIKKAII liKOltKB NjU.-ia. ii anil S.I Urdudda). Hiu,,,,, . Wlnuaaeiatlli, I), lallimltli Ki-o Scn'y TULB CIRCLE No. 1C5, of W. Maata erory fourth Tucaday. Haatar Goodman, Clerk JlHUd llnrton, 0, M, 4 S."- h aUD . $3.33 $1.50 . H HHlr 1 aiiiiiH The Best MODERATE PRICED TYPEWRITER On the Market Modern, Convenient Durable Has all the qunlitiesof high priced machines Rapid, Universal key board, Simple, Cheap Chicago Writing Machine Co, JOHN UEMllElMiINU, Jowolor. Optioitm and lSnixrnvor. Fine Watch Repnirinj,' A Specialty. $1500 Ren Tlio Oickuii, (.alllut i,i ,. rriHcvtlve Aaaorlain n. mined t a lueinU-t i i lor tin ionlclli.ii .( n . lug liorw, oalllt' or uim. Ua uiciiilx 'a. $5" Aiiiltlttii i '.' w- xp noM tu ltf drit X, i driv. it ..., i Iih'iiI t-oluiuna of thia lwr i If not ao reported, plvaa. TlieTlinns llcrald, 'lain W w I. ft aHt-4Ca Ala. 191-153, Wbuh Av., Chlcnzo, III. THE TIMES-HERALD Job Printing- Barns Diambnci Stage bine J. K. IIAItrKIt, I'rupt I.unvoa llnriiH uvurv MondHy, Wiilmw nay and I'rldny (or I'liiitiond. Connn'ia with tlia AndrewN-Denio btngo, making tlio inoitilitoi't ii nil iinlckotit routo to all points aoutli and tliu now uold fluhlu.uf Dyke and other northern Nov ml n poliita Cartful nttontiou glion to m.oiii!or mid Irolulit. For purllculm tiifurniutlon apply to 0. V, Diiinkwatkii, Aont Hums, Oregon. An.inoaon H a. qtl.Cfttv n9(Niriii. , ItlTHI II .11 If .r, l..i v . tlutiatttrlrttrc nllili t aeiit friuv till, -t , rAtonia t iktm iTir fvci.ilntti, . Scientific jftrs A hamUontelr .' i?tr (t 1 1 wrt fmir tmmn, tu b 1 . fflUNN no.30Bf" llrairtli -m ex, f (! Stock liup.'c ui. ii ih limnr A ulit'.H A represcntittivo In this county by n large real estate corporation. Spec ial Inducements to those who wish to become financially Interested. The Real ftlato Security Co. Fori Dearborn UullJlox .CHICAGO, ILL, Do Mot Tri . e With a : IurooiI Hilvu'e for men ti i mny b- nim u ihe i i exju-ri ii hiaproviil tl. lug kit r for Colds In i UiM Cliamberh h Covh Res It U i . never ih- oph nt wit'i i- J' "UtOVltllJ i'IU tlflll niroti t i t vutiudenci.