-): gi 1 ',in iiiiiwa-ww " jTtfflffHiCiMatoMMMI "TVSTR'Al. NOTDS. U'ortland Correspondence), dmmunity ndvertisinj? hna i n climax In Oregon, nnd i a.nir uonicronco unuor ,,..ccs of the Oregon Do- in nt League will bo held .u, mi Tuesday, May 4th, .it tho Eugene Commercial n charge. Tho Secretary, 1 - i' .nd Pivrtiilont of ovorv l rgiiiization in tho i.-w ate expected to bt present on this occasion to participato in a iscussion which cannot bo oth- h n beneficial to nil concern- .11. All tho visitors will meet nt tho Eugene Commercial Club Tuesday morning, May lth, at 9:80, when a local committee will tnkc them for a rido over tho city to show what has been ac complished in tho way of paving streets, now parks and buildings, with a brief stop at tho State University. A business confer ence will convene promptly at 1:30 in the afternoon nt tho Com mercial Club rooms, and tho en- tiro afternoon will bo devoted to a discussion of work actually ac complished by tho different or ganizations. No stnto in tno Union has car-1 ried forward an advertising cam- nftor treatment" While this paign superior to that now being treatment is simple, it requires handled by the Commercial bod- considerable trouble, and the ono ies of Oregon. Every organiza-1 adopting it must remain in doors tion nnd every officer has differ- for n tny or two, or a fresh cold ent ideas, and this conference is' :8 almost sure to bo contracted, called in the hone that all may be nmi ;,, mnny instances pneumon benefitted, and that each onej5l follews: Is it not better to present will be able not only to -pin your faith 10 an old reliable irivo but to receive information, advice and instruction which will bo o.f servico to the individual communities, and for that reason f great help to the state ut large. A theatre has been engaged or- the evening where Oregon ..s vv.ll be shown with a ster ti ticon. As the diroct result of a meet- t ; in Cottage Grove under the auspices of the Oregon Develop ment League, that active com ix m.ity has alroady raised an ad vertising fund of $3,000, and this will reach $-1,200.00. Most of the places which talk about their per capita contribution will i have to take olf their hats to Cottage Greve: thrt city has determined to ;t itself on tho map in u really effective way. The Chicago. Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway, in a magnificent booklet of which it has just is sued 100,000 eopies, tays in its introduction of Oregon "A land of fertile hills and valleys, moun tains of untouched forests, a cli mate unequalled anywhere, and scenery of which the eyo never tires and the mind never censes to wo.ider, Oregon attracts the homeseeker and the tourist. Its 06,000 square miles furnish every need of human ca.Iing. Thou sands are finding homes and for tunes in the midst of its inex haustible resources, etc, etc. etc. STILL IN THE FAMILY. He gently opened the door leading to the editor's room, and peered cautiously about "Can I come in?" he asked, in a hesitating voice. "Sure! Come right in." said the editor, "and what can I do for you?" "Well, its' just this way," half-whispered the man. "You Bee, my oldest daughter got mar ried last night, and I'd like to have it put in tho paper. I'm per fectly willing to pay for it, no mattei how much it" WOTn .vtiupi. i" iMuoci iiniiKrr rntiiiv mi.tisv fi ll '.. S.. nukinar nu,iieyt It'rtU far Hit JlONRV KltOIJlKl.lJ to anyone, anywhere tu the U S tf ! i W JA BW 111 alien '1 1..N UVM l'U.l.i;iUIAl4duiincwMtitimeyfan put ii jo any tctt you wlali II keep ili ticyLl li iup it VM.K to u mm FAftTflPV PfilCF w Iw.uh the h)en ;radc Iwyrlic it i j j , to tr - --- " - - " a VI IB to 'if miJdlcmtn'i profiU by ww Mtiiinu yourmcycie, iw nui HIIV a ucycicor , j i. j M At n trie until ymi rrrclvt our caulojrur aid lwin ur (1) c ul T'utt 'td TiMiirkalw tPiiLu affrt to ridr ut'ctit. Vni! Ulll nF nSTnU!Cl3Cn "li'nyouretdvftour.U. i.ful . i WW Mlhh Uh IIWIVMIVIIbU HUfly O'lf Utb ITH.fl.it Hi I l few finmv caninaKpu vt r'. T ii jii ny i itr mwry vi dw.U ftur HMO--UHA i. UK Vt'l.'-H. W J. .-il n r-i i u.i li4i,o iVcn in trade i. l ,. ut ii iirv fmui U 1 i 3 KH oi JliPfi li'K'" -l lmii'it'.l ""'-'I wh m nt ul all WiuU st ItlC YtU IMbAIJ lti you fjn tl our LUyclet uoUcr vcut ov u i nr prn"i Outers Altrd thf Uy rcfived mi' HEfffiETEIOBN PdSaGTORE-PRGGF wtF-HSIiiiLSriy IlnhS ro$tiwonuoe,uxLv "'!'.",: 'if.'.H'.iL1.' '.'.'. ,7 r f n , iviniruin m wr jvilf , t rft ddh t' Murder it ' . .. :lE FilOM PUSC70nr3 hi' nr itPHH wilt nut JhL tiin ,f jt 1 I t l )Ji l iu..t y r I I II i ((.II- MOW ill UHC 'JtJ K' all H liVCl lu til ImhkI .i.i. tii.it (i iWih . w nr h iirvt r 1 1 mrni (l wtiu i tin nmuii iuMCturm wuuotu allow li.jif irto i.Mvetii idiLcUof lettcrMfrniniuitl c J ' lumcrM ; Mat thcirt(rclittveoulylcn an (,id nirt Arn.it. Ltirert!' nirmiallueiljttniralveii by t ' i-l la, rs ut kDwctili, j pared fabric uu tha tira'l tM regular vrltt-M Wdlirri toper pulf.Ujt for dv iiit.it nut ta,.n we tr tuitk Inn a st -cial factor v or ice to iii n.irr of tmly Bo ier Jtalr. All umerafhippcCfUme day tetter la received. We np fipKuval Vou..jnotiayu cent until you Juvc eramintd and found them trict. n - Wt.v llaliuvr a iimfi dfaount of 5 per cent 'thereby nuking the price fl4 flf i'-r t rend I'LI-f. i HU WIJ'JI OUIHSU and ci:loa thia sriverHtewent, We will U 11 -v-l plated Nruuihand pump Tircato b returned at OliH exi!i-e If for any itit.m not 1 tufa'-t&tv uu eiamfiiatioti We are perfectly reliable end money wnt tu u ' oa IkU hmiirf j vHt older a pair of ttieae tirca, you will find that they will nde eaiir run ' eai b. r I-- HMiwirr and look finer than any tire you have ever tued or aeen at any y I knotv tbt toi tjl be ao well plrawd that when you want a bicycle you wUlKeu your ' e laui you i 1 uu iu irwi uiucrai untc, nriicv 1 quotel nr rmr uji if I"" w ' 'l t"1' D" NottiiimKoi' lillYin CJKf I if I rwila or plr ut lire, from anyone until you know the new oi l L mm CYCLE COMPANY, CHECAUG, "Pnrdon mo," interrupted tho editor, "but wo don't chnwe any thing for Bocinl news. Just slop into tho other room nnd ono of our roporters will tnko tho story; to you for n m mttcii uuiikvm bringing it in to" "Hold on there," said the stranger. "You sco Ivo written tho story myself, nnd that's why 1 mentioned as being willing to nav for it being printed. You sec, tho fact is I've put in a couplo of lines liko this: Mr. Williams gnvo his daughter nway.' nnd 'Mr. Williams assist ed his wifo in receiving tho guests tit tho reception that followed tho ceremony.' I want those lines to not in ut any cost. You iseo I sorter want to let my friends know I nm still n member of my own family." The editor blow his nose noisily to cover n Inugh, and tho report er walked over toward tho water cooler to hide his smile. Now York Times. Ilesl Treatment (or CoM. "Most ordinary colds will yield to tho simplest treatment," says tho Chicago Tribune, "modern- tivo laxatives, hot foot baths, n free perspiration nnd, an avoid- ancc 0f exposure to cold and wot preparation hko Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, that is famous for its cures of colits and can al ways be depended upon? For sale by all good dealers. RhrumatUm. More than nine out of every ten cases of rheumatism are simply rheumatism of the mus- Icles, due to cold or damp, or chronic rheumatism. In such 'cases no internal treatment is required. The free application of Chamberlain's Liniment is all that is needed, and it is certain to give quick relief. Give it a trial and sec for yourself how quickly it relieves the pain and soreness. 'Iho medicines usual Iy given internally for rhcuma- tism are poisonous or very strong medicines. They aro worse than useless in cases of chronic nnd muscular rheumatism. For sale by all good dealers. Job printing Tho Times-Herald. NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SAU. By virtuu of an execution duly imnl 1) Iho Clerk of tlio Circuit Court of thu Stato of Oregon, for Harney C"tinly, dated tlio 20th, day of April I J In h certain cult In tall Circuit Court where in Sylvester rlmllli wan pUinllirnii.l J C. Simmons win defendant, nnd upon n ilrcreo tliereiu rendered on tlio fit 1 1 dii) nf April 1009, fnrei losing a certain mort lliigu imidu by said defendant on Sept. 27, IMS, nnd duly recorded in book I) of mortpiK.es on posje 220 of tlio ricoidf of Haul county, coiulnnndine; ine to innkti tlio huh) of (818.-17 with Interest tlioreou nt tlni rata of 10 per cent, per nun. from April nth, 1000, ali' (05.00 Attorney fi-ux taxed nifalntt tlio defendant, nnd 20.C0 could, also accruing costi and ox. poiiHPH of snlo, nnd rouiinandlnc; mu to cull Ilia mortgaged protiilaoa hereinafter dxrenbt'd. Notlcu is liureby given that I will on thu 7th day of Junu 1000 nt the Coun huufo door in IliiniH, Oregon, nt two o'clock p. m.Bidl at public miction to the Inejient bidder for audi, thu lidluwiiiK real properly, to wit: HJy of NK, mill Inta in nnd II) of Bee. 30 Tp. 21) h., II 111 I!., W, M. Kouth of Malheur lake, illi nium bMiiK the property described in mid inortiae, nnd nubjict tucoiillrinu tlon by t-ald Court. Dated A rll 22d, 1000. A. K. RICHARDSON, MioillI of Harney County, Ort'Knii RIDER A6EHT? IHHCHT0W1 trice lo ., fi.trttn.kri ami mM nl ff,r at iv yrie UrmmV Df Ul OUT BrftW .t.,. I . J . . i .r 7 un n uHi n - nu in. ,,., i . . i bin Ht Vi i fe,ll4 with u tuitAaut ntarvtUw advm ou art Uwn oi i-c.iraly omi, hi our eipciiM arul yon wid j'ii. in ijuvlntr direct of u rA lire ill null lilTJTIl HIJUV RCIU4I tr) wii uu a in i" vnr W, rll tl)iiliriifit at id ItlrtrU mt C Illtf ll Uh U lie tea V r.i ri -- jO Vt fit rwl iwuUrl luut U MCoiUJund Utfy.l hif our t lilraea retail I'-jrei, lh.-w. iwtl I? Hlh. iiuniitlv. IuiJjni lltli n j l.i Irni. roller rliiide) ml iIni, iivt, rciu thi uwal rtUil fn.ti igffgggsraaa ,. ifM .-- - , I IfutlnA (A tl.tfllc t 1 I "A uliii puuulilii . unil !)," nlu rim tu (iiuvunt ll'ii mat tiro will null.'!' innlio sOPI. 1.4.4 i:.vuv uidimi pumijctl ' iiuarvinaiibfii'ic urc uncn I III vd ' rtlil I ill No need to bo without a sew ing machino when you have a chanco to got ono nt practically your own terms by seeing G. W. Clovengor. Standard machines to chorso from. NBW CLUIMINO PROPOSITION We have arranged to offer in connection with thi, papor, tho now monthly farm mngazino just started at Lincoln, Nebraska, by Prof. II. W. Campbell and devot ed to tho subject of how to farm in tho dry country nnd how to get best results from soil tillage undor normal conditions. This Paper is Campbell's Scientific Farmer and wo offer it clubbed with Tho Times-Torald both for $2.50 per year cash. Prof, Camp bells' now paper is a monthly, chock full of good things, tho only paper of its kind in tho world, and it embodies tho re suits of tho editor's many years of painstuking investigation of tho soil tillage proposition. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. t'MIT(t) 8TATH UNI) DmCI I llurrna. Ori-xoii A)rll W lvo I N'liltro In Imrutiv ulvcn tliat Krnnk AtlrUit l Dcnlo, Urcniii "ho ou Kobunrjr n, lvui, H111UI No rciOTft. for NUBUU K'l HW'l .ml KWi m-',, hoct'on HA, Twntlil 40 Soulli. limine ,1 Knl, "Illumolto Morlillmi, Iim Mil notlro ol IntPiitlon In uuko t'lnitt 1-lrp.Ve.f I'rimr, lomiinii.uimnii 10 (lie Lml .iwv.oo .i.rltiiil. U-friru M. J. O'l'iitinor. U H. L'omtlll. tonor, t lilanfllrv nt iHnto, Orcon, ou Iho sin unruijiine, nvj, i-lMiiimnt ii.tiK-. at wlliiri.pt: I). I'. lxfnbutli,Hnui lii-tonb.inh, Mra. Kalo lKreuti..iiRli, (,'olumtiua Hlovo, all u( iioiuu, uition. WW. PaRRC, llciliter NOTICM FOU PUIILKJATION UMTMiSrjkTKi l.ASiiiOrrirK llnnn, On-ton, Arll 30. 1900. Soil. .1 In lurrt.) alveii that rank AclrUn.nl IWnlii, iirtKuii. liu on July I, 1W", mmU .1. 'i Imiituuirt Nv KitA t-crlal Nil. UIIM, fui NhttNlN'taUil NV4 NK 'rrllon l.li,tn 'hlil uu Hi, IUiiiM l-a.t. H'lllamallc Mori iliaii. h lllnl hoiIii) ill liHinliMi to ni.ko Dual I xkiI, In nUl.llili 11.1111 10 uu 1.U1I iKUPltCM rllMil. tn'ioru l I (I Ciuiiior. II H C'ij,iuliilli"ii'r. al Ii . ntllio at Ileiilo, Oiejun, loriiiooinnay 01 junu, nnv. 1 lalruant name a wlmetra: Kranl mini., t.'iiluiiiliua tllovit. Mra II I), I'doiihiuiKti. fi'Minu. DalviibaiiKti. all ol jii-io, tirt'iiun Wn Fin ale, Itral.ler NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Unithii fTATral.4(ilOrrir, lliiitia, Oiriion. Maid) ', IW) Nolue 11 io'tiv lvmi Itiat Wlttiain A. (!ai irnHiu. .if. IU tio. nrPitoii. wliof on Airllvt), I Mu maiir .Irtrtp lam) Kulrr, No 670, Horlat .i u.M, li,r tola I 4HH)j NKW ami NWU K 1 iil"ii I, limmtili. Jt.mlfi ll-nto Hi I..M IMII.IiipIIV Mptlillan, lia fllo.t Ilollrool inn-iilloi in iiiakn Kln.l I'riMif, 10 Mlabll.h 1 i4lni lht Uinl mIiv: (tmrrlbcil, ticlora tko Kea-inu. nm! Itnrlver al liurnt, Orvou, on U,o nun ila ul lr. 1X4 I Ulniant n.iMia a. urlm,tfoil II H t lviilien, iicurauU ilm lianaii, J. II, l.loj I, Alton Junta, mlol llarncjr OrrKDn. 'Am Kaiikr. Ili-iiliicr N'OTICU FOH I'UHLIOATION UKlThtrATK I.XNI) OKKIRE, iniriia urrion, March S7, W). Nollrcln li'iul-r X'n III' Uibct U.keol Laacn Oroviin, ldm, on Oiiobcrl, I9U7 maito lluinnipod Entrr Nn JJ17; frlal No. OEM. fur NlUj, Kwlliiu , Towntlili, U Hoinh, lanitraK.t Itl.luctlc Mrillt.n. ha. fllcit ttitii-i,l IDleutbui lom.ko Final Comiiiiilatlon tiricil In wlabllih vlntiu 10 lh lanit abovn ilraiilbetl. Iwloi 1I10 ItrtUicr ami ll.crttar, al Hllrii. Orvuon, on tlio 711) dr ol May, lu9 Clalmaiii natno. a. nlintMc. FUiranreCiowUr. Ulan -inlth. John Lo.kr all 1.1 l.awun.Or.jun Amr Iae, ol Hum., ilitKull. a Farrr, lltilitcr. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. UN1TKD BTATUH LAND OKNCK.I liurni, U'ckuo. Arll 7, ItiO-j Noll u 1. Iinri-V Klrcuihat William A llii m, ol I.wi-M Mrrkoti, whn.ou Mar II. '" nwto lloinpilrail i:nlry Nns.U7, frilalNoOlaTV. lur NVMK'i. anillol.6aailAifC.aATonnihli-jA plinth Hane J1 Kl Mltaruvlle crlillan. hit IIIpiI notliH, ol inlonllnn 10 m.k Final I'ouiiaiilatlou I'runf, to c.lab lab rtahnlothe Utnl abovv itpti-'lboil, brfiirv tha IlPi(Uir ami rw-clvrr.al llu-lia Ort-on, im IhalSlh ilajr ul May. IW19. ('I.iinaiitnainai a vrllncaac. I) H llravi-t. Ir l'arKntr H. f AUitniii, Jamo. lluuaril, all u( jcn, Otron. Wm. l-'Aanc. lti-Klater NOTICE FOH rUIILlCATION tt.SITKll STATKH LAND OKKK'B.i liurni On-Kn, April 7, 1WJ. I .Nullro la hereby kI u that WlllltO.Ureenlcp, ul Hian.cy. Ori-iiim.who.oiiBaiitemiwr VO, IW7, niailu llunu-iiailnlry,Noii,Kilal NolUlM, lurHWSiXH'l Ht-rllon Ii. NKIJ NVilauiHl SK Kirllun IH 'loHli.lilp il Hodin. ItanEn U) Lal. lllainiill Mvrlilaii, h.a rlleil Iinllia ul Inluiiilnti 10 111. kit dual Klvr-Yaar I'riHil, loiaiabl ah claim to tho laml aborodoa. rl 0-1. Iwfiitt- 11m ItCKlalPr a- H KecIvai, al iturna. Dickoh, 011 lliu 1Mb day ol May 1WJ I'lalmanl nainca aa wltn'.aoi: Jnini-i I'l'lo, Jaa. Ilimbauan, Mo HuclmitD, iiio. dn, all ul llaracy, Omion WM.PAf.RR, lltxl.ter. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. UXITK KtATK. l.Ni OrKICR lllirna (Ir-K.ill, Al'lll 7, MOV I Noilco la Imro'iy b'iiiii lht Will It Klnir.if ..1 a. 1 U..M.I.U. i r -iilein. Drcnon. who on Numonb.r 7, 10V, iiiailnilekfttlaiM vutry No. am Hartal No. 0W7. I r "Ktij mi ll'in s NVi NWI.. n-itlon i T. J1H. u'h. 1U"B m Itnal.BK't Wii, H HK'-. Ax-lion It; M.U NKt4 Crrlin 19, Towriahlp Mitomb ltaui(aii.i l'.al. illainio Mcrlillan, tin niml noilio ul luiciil oil 10 inaka Final I'Miol in ealabllahed ilalmlo llio laml almvi' lu--illwi, brluru Iho Ilea alor ami llooclv.r, 111 Hnrin, imtuu, on Iho IMIiilayol May.mw ialiiiaiil naiiii.a. Ilnr,r O-otko I'runillii, Nl.a K, ll.lt, Jamf. F. )lpHin, alt ol Hill lb OrcRnn, Frel Halneaol lUrnoy, Orirnu, VM.,l'AtinK, lli'iilaier. JiVocontlj Enlnrfied WITH " rr)0 Now Words -1. .tsottoor of tho World 1 ' 11 1 li 1 tt.OU) lltioo, bajia uu (bo ' 1 1U114 luturnt. '? losruphlonl Dictionary 1 iiitf t'iiirim(ioforoj,l(,(X.,OiM)toil i .Uu ul tilth, iloiitli,c to. ' .",.llAUliil,lh.T)l.i) loaOum null.. crtrLiluouucua MO Qurrio Tacos . UMJUui u' n liUkDla4l.il, f'odlnEvoryHome i jnlcr'uCotlctlulo Dictionary 1 l-nrn, uu Diiuimlou-. vo'-rJ "'rtTiMlsladi, li,-lit ' '1- . J It ,llK rrlnliJI rtnpi " ', ' " r. II I millfal kl 1 ih ' i Llca,"l.iMi 1. 't, -H" T:TuaiAiic . . ', r-i vtucUo J.M'ta. :,EBES1 For Sale A good second hand Clarinet Inqulro nt this ofllco. NO TIIKSPASSINO. IIutitliiK la forlililtlun upon my plncn iiiljiiliiinu llilrim. TropitHfl in will liu proKtiotilrd. O. II. VOICUTLY. NOTI0B Dolnil utinlilo to irjvn otirporHotml nttontlmi to tlio oollcotlnn nf tho nn ooutttn duo uu, the nntno Imvo lit-cn plnooil with Mr. 0. II. Loonnnl. A yenr lmvIiiB olnpeod pIiico tho IIb Kolutlnn of oo'pftftiiorshlp n prompt ROttlnniMitof tho Riimu In rf(tH!Htril. Maiiiiiirn A Gkaiiy. NO TIUC8PA88ING. Notloo Ih lioroliy rIvou thnthunt ItiB nnd nhootltiR upon tho onoloRt'd liiudnof tho Amorlonn Lnntl & Llvt Htook Co. Ib Btrlotly forhldduu. Any poreoti or porRoiiH found litint lug or troHpnnHlng will Im proscoulcd to tho full oxlont of tho lnw. IC. It. IIu.i., ltanoli MntuiKur. KcIIkIous Service. Kov A. J. Irwin will proituh nt Iliirnoy thu 2nd Hunday of uunli month nt Un. in. mid 7.30 p, in. Snbbiitli noliool ovory nnlibnth nt 2 p. m. Tho Ilurnoy Suiidiiy sohonl moulK nt 2 o'olook i-noli 8undny nnd n cord I nl Invitation Ih nxtmidcd to nil who can tittond to tnt'iit with' u. At tho I'roHliytonnn ohtirnh IliiniH, Ruv. A. J. Irwin piiHtor. Do vino unrvici'H ilin third nnd fourth Sunday n of ouch iiiontlnil 11 n. tn., nnd 7:30 p in. fnhlmth hoIioo! ut 10 n. in. ovi-ry Sulibatii iimnilnu. The Loae Star RESTAURANT Uliln (ifort;o, rnitiotor. Uor. Mnln ntnl II Ktn-ota. JVIHAUS AT AUli HOURS Qeakefy in oonneefcion A Specialty of Sdort Orders. Tublo furiilHlitid with uvurythlng tho market nlTord" Your piitron imoBolicitod, The Cnpitol Bnrbcr Shop II. J. KEKD, I'mpt. Hcndqunrtcrs for bathing nnd First-Class Tousorinl Work. BURNS. - OUEGON- Wo collect rnvryuiioro mul timko u charge iinlrs) rullvition la inado. Wc ploRio our client A'lilniMl MonriAN MrnaNTiLK Co , Kutilnn Illiljj., Piirllnnd, Ore nmctAi. ntiiKCTouv TATI OUIUOH1 U S.Btnatora, . IJonathan Houmo Jr IU. W. Fulton iW It Kit la JW llawley . . A.M. Crawlonl (Iro, 1C. C'hamtxrlaln K W llenann OAhtecl .. .J. II. Ackerinait Unngrcaamen Attorney Ooiiot.l Oorernor .ccrtlary ol male Trcaaurer Hu.t. l-ubllc IntlrucUou Hlate I'rlnlcr ifupreine JoJf.a w HDiiuiway K. 8. II . K. A. Mn ) Ilobl Kal Ilean oor Kakln NINTH JUDIOIAI. DIHTItlCT, lll.lrlct Juilno lilatrlcl Aliornvy Deputy Dill Ally Oco K. Davla J W McC'ullot-h O II Ionanl Circuit Court meele tho Drat Holiday In Airll and flr.t Monday lu October, lolnl Henator iln.tu.ieaeiilallre . OWFarrl.h .V Ullroute oouktt HAiiriar: iioiiiy Juilo link . n-.aurur urKeyor. . Iictirl . taiCMor .. iciioolUuiierlnteiident. Coroner Hock Inanecior. . . . ihimniiailonera J, 1'. Itcctor nam Moiuertnvau K N Jaiuvaoii , A O Faulkner A, K. Iticbard.ou O A fltlllliuli.iu IiM Hamilton J Wlleary U.J. McKluuoii II.. N. mallard Ui AHmylh County Court mecta Ibe Drat WV.tr.ci.lay In January, Match. May, July, Beptembor anil Noveaiber. iiahhiit u. a, i.am n orricd Hcguier Aecelfer. Wm Farm ...Flank Dayey ciTy.-RURxa1 Mayor, . Hecoruur, Trcaaurer Mar.hal, .HenJlrowu .. . M,l,Uwli .. ltmmetuteeil Tboinaa Aiiderfon fVJ lloiiklua, nm D limey Councllinen. jnoueiutierl un lAriStvaln Meeliniti ol the Council etery Hecoiul and Fourth Wednesday. IIAGAZINE READERS SUNSET KAOAZIKE boulilullrilluilulcd, good florin ft- - and artklu about CauforaUvuJ VX.5U all the Far Wert. X" OAUERA. CRAFT d.Tetrd each month to the ar u'llU icpioducllo ol iha but $1,00 walk ol am. taut and prolniion.l a ., photographer.. SOAD 07 A THOUSAND WORDEKS a book ol 15 paget, containing 120 colored plietographa ol o,'7'? piiurtque ajwu la California ' J wdOiagM, ToUl , . . $3.25 All fOr a a . . $1.50 AalJitM all ordcri to SUNSET MAGAZINE Flood Building San Fi.ocIko The Times-Herald i ottering most attractive Clubbing Rates to its subscribers at present THE TIMES-HERALD One icar with the Portland Weekly Oregonian $2.50 Portland Semi-Weekly Journal $2.50 S. F. Weekly Examiner $2.65 Thrice-a-Week N. Y. World $2.50 Semi-Weekly St. Louis Republic $2.35 Farm Progress FREE to every paid in advance Subscriber Get one or more of these good papers in connec tion with The Timos-Herald for the long win ter evenings. Call and get Clubbing Prices JOB PRINTING Tho Tlmcn.Hcrr.ld Is 1'rcparcil to'do tho Very Beat nnd Moat HiitUfnctory Work la thU line. W hmre nil the LATEST TYPE FACES ami a very Complete Lino FIRST-CLASS STATIONERY W DROP 4Pffifiik HUBxRi 1 am prepared I" furnish my customers with the usual hih clstst) tfoodi and invite the public to call when dciirinjj ANYTHING W MY UHE. I Gu a rant co tho Goods a d Prices Solid Gold Watches, Kancy Clocks, Jewelry of nil kinds, Silverwnre, Kbonyware, Cut Gln-s. Hnndpainted China at Cost, Take n peep ut my windows. Ce33-JtoexlELg. mjtitnnamtmJuaJtw"JltJtt,mtmtt,mmma:m:umnma licfcfe?1li? "Sfe JI i J IIAUSI.UN S blOM:K U'I8 OURNS, OHEOOrT B3feSPPcC-nd flair (uttind . L. LEWIS HRjNSUNCy ... Represents the.... ,.- -O NT.-... l ig nome insurance at, ui A Liverpool, London Fire Assurance Co , Phlladelpnia. OPPICU WITH UIUOS & BIOCIS. Buim, Orejcon. Corner South of Lunaburg ft Dalton'-. !5rS Blue Mountain Rapid Transit Line Operating from Austin vln-Prnlrio City, Jolia Day, Canyoa City to B.ras, Oregon 1 yt ditjH from Hnker Cily to Uurns, Oregon, Good, comfortnhlt! conveyances Coreful drivers First Class Slut Ions iiIoiik the route Railroad to Burns only 105 miles. J?or rates nsk L. WOLDENBERG, Manager. . 3;l!s:r CIt-y-, OrogrorL THE BURNS HOTEL STEPHENS & DIBBLE, Propt. Reasonable Rates, Good Clean Meals, Comfortable Rooms, Courteous Treatment. Special Accommodations for the Traveling Men. FIRST CLASS IN EVERY PARTICULAR Voutt PafcttonaQe Solicited, IN AND LOOK TEE WINDSOR iiew luiiv. & Qlobe, r$6K&l PIIOFESSIONAL CAUD8. Wm. MILLER, ATTOKNKy AT L.WV. Uiirii", Ori'Koiii Ofllco flnt door went of llnnk. G.A. REMBOLD Attornoy-at-Law, Barns, Oregon Chaw. H. laooniiitl, ATTOItNBY-AT-I,AW, Onroful attention Riven to Collcc- lions nnd Real ICstnto tnatturp. l'lro Iimiiriuico. Notary Public Buiinh. Oiikoon. GEO. S. SIZEMOIIK, ATTOHNV, EtUltNB, OltKOON Cll(-eUou., Laml Imaliicaa, ami Ileal Kalate mailer promt Hv ntU-mleil U CHARLES W. EUlilS. LAWYER Burns, - - Oregon rractlcoB In tlio Htnto Courts nnd bo fore tho U B. IjiikI Ofllco. J. LU. CBflRV I'livflclan ami fliirgi-on, Uurns, - - - Oregon. Oldee In ihiw biillilliiBKOiitli ol Wulcuma ImriirHN uliop, .Main St. 'l'lioiiu.Mnlii85. U. D. BURROW, Al. D. Plijsiciou and Surgeon Chronic Uieeaaes n Specialty Call a aiiHWerml at all hour. Ofllco cor. Main A II iIh., Burns, Orr-iron UU. U WARSDEN I'h)clclaii and Surcon. nUUNS, OIIHOO.V. Oj'lci! at utidtnee. 0T"i"hont .7. to II.. Htowntoti I-K. IllbUnl I-Iibbrutl Ac Hrowaiton, DKNTISTS. Olllce flrat tloor ca.l of Tlio Clllicna liank Duma, Or.on. W. C. BROWN, DBITTIST. DfllSS, Ohmio.v. Ofllcfl III new land olllw building, next door north ol post ollleo. sociyrriKs. UABNBT LOirat, NO. T7, I. (I U T. UtclaTrr aeraiiil aud fourth Saturday In each monili .I7:aopto. ArchlcXrUpwan, Byron T.rrlll, acciclary. X. 0. nUItKSLODOKNO.M. A K A M., Mla efy flrat aud third balurday In caan "nil). I. hi hwarti , . M, X. O. nelaumc. Secretary. INLAND I.ODQK NO. TO IC. of P. MactaeTeryThuradareTenluirlu tlio Brown ',. .. .. H. M.lorton. C.C. U M Illowti, K. It. B lllJKNHLODUKN.i 1; A.l) ( .h Xtua over) accuud aud fi.uiiii 1 : 1 1 1 .. ,. , A. O. XW-leiiirm. Sl. V. t.N. CwLran, llecordcr. HAIINEV VAI.LKVCAMP No MI, W.ofJW. Kaata ai.ry nr.l and atcond Tucaday. W. A. dowan, clerk. BUR.V8 CIIAPTKU ixO. tO, O. E. 8. uit.f.w!)l' con'1 '' 'ourth Monday., In "f'P'VS't11 kcliwarla, W.ai ...... ..i.vvwv, rvVI1Ij, YI.VIA KKIIKKAll. DKOIIKK No.. Wacteervrr I.I an J 3.1 Vr.lut.Uy. . . ... .. luouaMiiiih, In It luillh, Kor Hec,y. TULK CIIK1I.K No. IC4, IV. of W. If acta tietj fourth Tuc.ilar. . . . . MaiiJ llurtou, (I. at. Ilaattr Ooodiuan, Clerk. 3,- y Xi-?"V . ? "' llw lV V - Kf L. v .' m&f.m r. .' &ffll' "vC -mf " JOHN (JF.MIIDHLINC, .rowolor. Optician nnd 12nirravor. Fine Watch Hepairing A Spe cialty. Batns- Diatnond Stage bine J. K. HARl'Klt, I'ropt. Leavua Iliirn. ovorv Moiulnv. Wodia'a. dny find Friday for Dliitnomf Comit-i-la wltli th AiulroWH-Denlo ntugo, limiting tlio moat direct nnd qulokont rmitu to nil poluta Boutti and tliu now cold tltilils o( Dyku nnd otlior noriliorn Nevada piilnta Careful attontion glvon to piiHMiiigera and Irelglit. For particular information apply to O. V. DlllNKWATMl, Aont lliirim, Orvuon. "W" . 3ST T -E3 3D . A representative In this county by n Iaro real estate corporation. Spec 1st inducements to those who wish to beconio financially Interested, Tbe Heal Estate Security Co. Fori Durbora BulMor. CIIICAQO, ILL, A ' RATI TO O K E C5 1 . j DAILY During March ant1 Ap i I'rom All l'nrts of tlio I nut VIA UNION PACIFIC orhoon 'short umi TUB OREGON RAILROAD & NAVIOA'IION CO.! SOUTUBRN PACIFIC $33 from Chicago $3o.50 from St. Loui? $25 from Omaha $25 from Kansas Cij CorrcspnudiiiKly low from all tb '1 nl. TO THE PUBLIC Write letters to everybody know in the East and tell 1 about tnese low colonist r oi Send them literature about ( n Bon, or send their addrf us and wc will do it. T way you can oe a '' tno growm anu progrrsi, m State. YOU CAN PREPAY FARf r. 1 or any one trom any pi; o; want to. Deposit the r i amount with our locrd i f he will telegraph ticket in It fininlre ol Anenta cr vrl. Wm. AlcMurray, Gen. pa-i. Tlio Oic(jon lUllroml A v . Sontlierii I'ncifii' I (, dm 11 Portland, Oregon SumpterVal! Railw. TI.MI5 TAllLi; NO. JUKI. H, WtMt (P)illnl. No 1 l'aax a 11. ,N 0:S0 I. l'.u,r 1 1 U:85 " .-i.iUi l'. O16S ' 'iaUab') 10:01 " l .ekhuri 10:07" riioin,-. 10:17 "St(Hl.liU.lui 10:2- Vatrl8iul 10:."W " 10:39 " 10-..V) " lltIO'" 11:10 " 11:40 " NOON 112:00 " I. M. 12:05 " 12:40 " ).-al,V Sl.r MnKwiiit Jl'NCTloNt MJrYfiT JUNCriUNt S-nininiii O I. Ciniipt WllitllX l TIlTiiM Au.Un 1:10 Ar Sliip on ?vi.nl. onh Tit kiU lulled uhl) i inlii Art) tK-Jiatlulixt io it btupa. i'dwi'DKors iiium i i ill where neuritis exi.t t i trains or 2.) amis in a.Miu Hiilar fare will liu ilinryxl JOSKI'll A GRANT Gr.DDES, As-t Reva 'I Tlio Oregon, ('allfnriiL .V n.m Proiecttru Auoctailon. nf uin IjihhI la a memK'r. will 1 lor inc conviction or anvii.rt. . . . Ing boraca, cauls or lnulci Ih'k.uk k lia inemlHira. S.ioi. AdilllioriHl Iveward 111 il ' i al. . i Ik ( i PI IT lirti I l i.i i . r ) .. aoM to bo drum out wilt l r.j. local columua of ht rI't'r If not an rirMirli.rl. tilt a.ti irilt.. Ttxil'liuu llaralil, MrIii til, Jlui ,t V IIHOVN ii 'rTVtFt Anvonn -Aiidtn qilaCKlr MtOrt lf r ItiTimti nj u prch'i lo.itrlcUrpi titld i itl frt'ft. (ilitint l'ttLtfllta tAlaPtl Mrn rpteuu iwtii. win nut Scientific JIk a Abandaomrlrillq.tnitol . ' cul.ilon of .uT-i-k-nimo I u. "o.r 1 1 dux inon' o. tl. fiolu by i , . m v .. w, i i . i R Stock Inspector, Hanuy loi lliiiue A !il i'ib lluri Do Not Trifle With a C 1 Is good iidvico for men ana i may lis itm in the enso of a exA'ri ikm has prtneu th it i lnjjb.-n r for colds-luUnldr i Chamberlai 'I Coug'K Remci It is a (m urito w Itu timu in i ' never dU.iniioliits them it c of opium i. ii'ivr narcotic iniiVnuj if wiui un i a commence. 151500 ' V 1Mi" VPTOclkx