nMfaevnsuwMUMHM i , imes-pferald. ' UK I, AltO EST CinOULATION op - NKWBrArKRINTHISCOUNTV. SATURDAY, ArRtlt ill, MOD. Local News. THE PAST ...... N who were M :itntoos at Huston'B market nice. V. H. Morrison was in the city luring tho week. Good seed potatoes for salo at lie iiurns itour Mill. J. 0. Albcrson and m from their homo during the reek. , Get your garden seeds and on- In sets at tho Harney Co. Imp. Hdw. Co. Horn To Mr. and Mrs. Starr luekland in this city last Tues- liy, April 20 n son. Those knowing themselves in- koted to mo aro requested to III and scttic as soon as possible. UV. E. Huston. I W. L. Best was over from Sil ler creek a few days this week linking after business. Ho was' kcompanied by his aged father. lIrs. Lelah Williams-Millar has no display of millinery at tho jrns hotel and invites tho ladies hliis vicinity to call and sou 3 n V Dickenson and his nephew Lapop took their departure day morning for Canada re they expect to spend - time. Tho gentlemen mo rested in a washing machine have an exclusive territory ir wtucn to dispose oi mem. the best guarantee of THE FUTURE. In August, 1907, wo announced to tho public our general banking policy under tho heading, "Our Fixed Policy." This announcement was prompted by tho fact that practices woro being indulged in by somo banks which wo deemed unsafe, and moro particularly by tho fact that a largo savings bnnk in Portland, Ore gon, had just failed. Believing thcao practices con trary to safe banking, wo nnnounccd clearly and posi tively our position on certain vital banking principles. At that time wo did not foresee tho tost our policy was soon to bo subjected to in tho sovcro panic which occlir ed that fall and within 00 days of that announcement, nor tho financial depression our section was to undergo during tho eighteen months to follow, which depression is only now abating. Bearing these facts in mind, wo again call attention to that statement of "Our Fixed Policy" exactly as it appeared in August, 1907 except as to tho amount of our surplus, which, in tho meantime, has been increased from $15,000.00 to $25,000.00-which statement will nj pcar in tho next issue of this paper. Especially do wo call attention to tho fuct that by adhering strictly to these correct banking principles as therein sot forth, this bank was able to protect tho interests of all its patrons during the panic of 1907, and tho subsequent financial depression of last year and tho past winter, ing loans to all its customers at all times, upon good and satisfactory security, when same were needed to pro tect their legitimato business interests. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF BURNS, Capital, S25,000.00 Surplus, S25,O0O.OO UNITED STATES DEPOSITARY A. E. Brown la over from his homo nt Cord. Schcnk wants more coyoto hides nnd other furs. C. E. Bunn wiiB over from tho C, C. Lundy Is auffflrliw from J, II, Culp, painting and paper n sovero slego of grip. I Ganging, Burns, Oregon. Al Coto was ovor from hla Tho Times-Herald has received Warm Springs homo youterday. qome niw stationery stock in- Fresh irarden seeds and onion ' cmuing score cams, program W. 'V.' Brown ranches n short Rets nt tho Harney Co. Imp. &' Pencils, etc., for Its many pat timo this week. For tho next 80 days, or until Juno 1, I will sell blankets at ac tual cost G. W. Clovongcr. Somo very desirable residence and business lots in Burns can bo secured by Boeing Irving Miller. i Tho littlo son of Mr. nnd Mrs. 1 Clay Clomcns has been quite ill this week suffering from pneu monia. G40 ncro ranch for salo suitablo for dairy or stock ranch. Abund nnco of water for irrigation and power inquire at this office. On account of being compolled to move from my present location I will give special bargains for tho next 30 days. W. E. Huston. Wantijd To Buv -- 100 Aero Improved Farm near Burns. Must bo A Bargain for Cash. Address, C. L. Hawthorne, Ida ho Fnlls, Ida. Senator C. W. Pnrrish, who has been visiting here for the past fow weeks, loft for his home near Izco the first part of the week. Blue Ml. Eagle. Don't fail to get a Safely Incu bator. W. T. Smith sells them. They run without a lamp no ex pense, Seo him. Ho has one running at the Summit Hotel. Kcatos for sale, all sizes and lengths, price 20 cents per foot. Any one desiring Kcatos address W. A. Ford of J. O. Albcrson, i Albcrson. Oregon. rons. Hdw. Co. Tho only and best Bolf fccd Just nrrivcdl Fresh garden Disc Drill Is tho Vnn Brunt, at seeds and onion Bets. These C. II. Voegtly's. , needs have not been carried over. Mrs. C. A. Haines and children'0 ccd. -Harney Co. Imp. aro up from Narrows on a visit I1 IWw Co to relatives and friends. J Poland China Hoos-1 have Good vinegar for salo by T. E. ' fr lo u fow Poland China Jenkins nt tho Brewery. Money I)on '(1 enough lo use. Certi back if not as represented. i flcatc of Pedigree furnished. Boun -Thursday, April 22, nt" J W" I5l(3GS' tho homo of Bert Bower in this " "ansen oi tne uurns city; to Mr. and Mrs. Burbank ' M(iat Market Is prepared to fur CAnv ii flnuirhtpr. I n'8 bacon, hams and lurd to .shcopmon and ranchers in nny K00 BUCliannn atlU WHO were in nunntitv. Snticinl dhcps for Inu tile city yesterday enrouto to Sil vor creek on a visit to Mrs, Buchanan's parents. Mrs, Peter Clemens arrived home Monday from Pendleton, where she attended tho wedding of her son last week. orders. The regular Sabbath services Awill bo held at the Presbyterian church Sabbath, April 25. At 11 o'clock the pastor will present some items of the recent meet ing of Presbytery at Baker City. Notice is hereby given that no The subject for the evening is stock, whatever, branded with1 "How to Know God." These tho 24 iron can be sold without ' services are for you. Come and tho consent of the undersigned, bring a friend with you. Mhs. Ella Martin. G. W. CIcvcnger must have Potatoes! Potntocsl Potatoes! money at once and is compelled Wo ,.., ihnm . Ilft ,,w ...v V..W..., U....J ww, Early Harvest and Burbanks. 2 and 21 cents per lb. Will take grain in exchange nnd will allow 2 cents for oats, $1.85 for chop Blue prints of any township in and $1.75 for barley. You can Burns Land District, showing bring in a load and take out a namo of cntrymnn, date and kind load. Our potatoes are clean of entry, topography, etc., $1.00 nnd smooth, no scabs, each. Piatt T. Randall, Burns, t C. C. C. Co. Ore. Canyon City Oregon. to request immediate in somo manner by owe him. Sco him without fnil. settlement those who by May 1 MIENADE CONCERT FRIDAY, APRIL 30-BENEFIT BURNS CONCERT BAND -.trumental and Vocal Music- Big Dance after the Concert-Music by Entire Hand and Eight-Piece Orchestra Number 1G. The Bank and the School House. Not long ago, there were many towns that'did not have a sin gle bank. Today, batiks have become so important in everyday life that when a now town is started the schoolhouse nnd tho bank aro among tho first institutions. Along with educlation goes the bank, hand in hand. Tho nno- plo consider the service of tho bank as important and neceseary as me scnooinouse. bach Is a part of tho community's successful ex istence. The fathers and mothers who send their children to tho school, house, come to the bank as regularly as the children go to school. The bank contributes to tho future success of men and women as the schoolhouse does to the preparation of the children for success ful lives. The benefits of our service add to the upbuilding of the com munity and surrounding territory.. Our service is adjustable to tho different needs of the people. As tho children no to their teacher for personal nBsistanco, YOU can come to us for individual help in financial matters. We are as deeply interested in your business success as tho teacher is in the advancement of the pupils. Our service and bene fits aro as freely given to the people as instruction is to the school children. Will you join our customers? A Savings Bank Department is a feature of this Bank, in which interest at th rate of four per cent per annum is allowed. The Harney County National Bank OF BURNS, OREGON. YOUR HOME INSTITUTION STATE DEPOSITARY G W CIcvcnger is again in! Leo Buchanan was down this Grant Reynolds wns over from the 'market for hides. Highest , week and said they had just com-1 his Warm Springs home tho first market price paid. "loted seeding 100 acres of grain of the week. Clarence Cary and wife were of various kinds. Pmt, Fink(5 ami jm Bun?0 .... t (i,i f,, r,!, hnnm ii.. w i. m.uhuIiiii iu (vniitcil were down from their mountain Ulf IIWIII WIUII VHWIU V4UI.IV iuit. , lyi - - - wr..-- a few days this week on a visit home next Monday. His mother to relatives. is coming with him and will re- Poland China Hogs-I have mnin here an indefinite time, for salo a few Poland China. 2 Section Bin. GO tooth Steel Boars old enough to use. Certi-1 Lovcr Harrows at?22.00 at C. II. ficates of Pedigree furnished. .Voeirtly's. Seo that you do not J. W. Biggs. ,Bet J inch and only 50 tooth Hnr- Burnt Disc J. Y. Buchanan anil wife made a hurried visit lo this city Thurs- denberg wero in the city the first of this week. Mr. Woldenberg has been improving the equip- A full stock of the best riding1 ment on tho Blue Mt. Rapid day. While here Mr. Buchanan sold a 40 acre tract of land to W. II. Morrison. rows, instead 01 tne aoove. Frank Metschan and L. Wol- Schenk wants 5000 coyote b-cat hides. Will pay $2 ior all with heads and claws te. Skins must bo prime ng this price. Also buys hides and furs. man Ruh was up from n the first of this week and niter for Polk county where ,iad secured some real estate. may extend nis visit on into lifornia before returning. 7o!in Matheson Is a recent nr- ;al her-, having come in from Irtlan 1 to see some school land ihrl purchased. Mr. Mathc- found an old time friend ro in tne person 01 r. j. ret- en with whom he worked with ?p many years ago. tl T n,w Plmval nlso for oml Austin Thnv now lmvn ....www... -w . .u..., . ....V. t.u.... ...- -. .. .., has. Begg arrived here from ' this Country. Have always been, four-horse stock tho entire dis- a success where others failed, at tance and nil covered coaches. C. II. Voegtly's. . . Bank of Christina Lackman, tho high.Burns rcspoctively invites nnd school girl who disappeared from!urRC3 cvery pcrson jntorestcd in her home here iast fall, has re- banking to read the matter con turned. The Times-Herald has tajna ,-n its advertising space not had an opportunity to inter-' iini. tu:q wi, nn,i nnvi na unt. issues win coutam matter pre- PROMENADE CONCERT. Edison Phonographs and re- icorus ior sate at uunauurg & homes this week. J. II, Husers, one of the pros perous farmers near tho lake, was in tho city the first of this week on business. I will have a full stock of Van Seeders in this com ing week, mo oeloro purclinmnt; call and seo tho best force feed seeder in the world, nnd my pric es and terms will be right. C. II. Voegtly. Bums Lodge, No. 97. A P. & Plows in tho world, (which are I Transit Stngo Lino between hero. A- M-,insi nurehased tho corner ie inursaay evening. 110 is Bold time friend of A. P. Hyde having heard so much of the Jious Sunny Brook Farm," property of the latter, he tided to make the trip to seo Mr. Begg is a stono mason will likely remain hero for ie time. M. Carpenter was arrested lraday charged with thesta- tiry crime, (Jlinstina Lackman ig the complaining witness. f.vas taken before Justico Byrd waived examination, his Id to appear at the next term circuit court was fixed at rJO. Up to this morning ho not secured the necessary Sdsmen and the prisoner is in view her to find what she has to say regarding her absence or where she has been. John Cummings was arrested Wednesday night charged with hnving forged the name of Wm. Hanley to a $G0 check which he passed on Fred Haines at Harney. He was taken before Justice Byrd, waived examination and was placed under $500 bonds. He has not succeeded in raising it, and is confined in the county jail. taining to your own times. banking history of. Such business locality and of recent Sheriff Richardson went to tho 'Crane Creek country Tuesday I where ho arrested Stephen nnd IVernicKern, two brothers, who I had been indicted by the late I grand jury charged with tho crime of larceny from a dwelling. Their bond was placed nt $750 each, in default of which they fare confined in tho county jail. HEN OUT SHOPPING compare values and buy where you can buy the cheapest. However, it should be borne in mind that nothing- is cheap if the quality is unsatisfactory, if the style is not right. When you are out shopping this store will gladly submit lo these com parisons and will abide by your judgment. While we do not make the mer chandise, our guarantee of ab solute satisfaction lo all makes the goods you bug here the right goods al lowest price Complete line of FRESH GROCERIES Orders promptly filled . SCHWARTZ. 'The Busy Corner Store" ;tjh.iws, onatEscsrOi. x G. O. Hendricks wns up from Ills lako homo vestcrday. Mr. Hendricks nnd wife expect to tnke quite an extended vacation this summer. Leaving horo in Juno they will go to Seattle where thoy will visit rolntives for an indefinite time, take In tho fair and have a geneaal good time. on main street from Geo. Young and it is tho intention to at some timo erect a magnificent building on tho property. This is one of tho vast business corners in Burns and the lodge is to bo con gratulated upon such a selection The Timcs-Hcrnld understands tho lodge will not attempt to build this year but hopes to be able to finance it next year, transfers show a confidence in our littlo city nnd mean great improvement of tho right character. The proposed building will bo a creditable one and will enhance tho value of every property in Burns. RAILROAD PLAN. NOTICE. All parties owing Lewis & Gar- Next Friday, April 30, the Dnlton's. Burns Concert Band will give; its first concert and dance. A, double bell euphonium and two concert uorns nave oeen purcnas-j rett( or SJmon Lewig nr(J hcrcby uuuyuiuuunu uiiuuiuuns.-u!notified that all these accounts will be used to make a payment nro in the hands of our attorney on tnese instruments. ine pro- a H Loonard for collection and gram has been nrranged with tho settlement. Persons indebted to w Inn ff ilrtniiinn nil inaAfi nit1 11m' .. . """ " !"" "'a"-f """ us will please settle the same arc sure that tins idea hns been .;m, Mr r..nnni ., n THE ANDERSON HOTEL MR. and MRS. CliAS. ANDERSON, Proptb. We are pleased to announce lo our old-time friends nnd customers that we have again taken charge of our hotel. We just completed renovating the en tire building and you will find the old-time home comforts when you call. We hope to see you soon. The old favorite Family Hotel where guests receive 5 pedal Attention and Good Service. SOU7 H BURNS, OREGON-Near Fair Grounds. " There has been little change in tho railroad situation since Inst week but news of importance may bo announced most any day. The committee who have circul ated the bonus subscription arc rendy to make their report. Grant Geddcs Btnted over the telephone thai, ho would make a trip to Prairie City ns soon as possiblo to consider tho question of extending tho railroad. It is confidently believed hero that when the railroad officials mnnt thn himinp.q mnn nnil ntnfn Dino-At tho family homo in j moro definitely what they want Happy Valley Monday, tho littlo 1 as a bonus tho people will comply son of Mr. nnd Mrs. Corey Jv,th thcir requests which wo Smyth. The littlo ono had been b'S"1'80 to boI,ovo wl11 suffering from pneumonia. Tho' l if, rci,ol.tod upon good au funeralwas held Tuesday after- thoilly that contracts for railroad noon, tho remains being laid to construction hnvo nirendy been rest near tho family homo. Tho j let by tho Sumptcr Valley Rail- PatfOf ii l''ffo circlo of friends. ' cuy Miner. Biiccooafuiiy carried out. Tho boys hnvo been practising very diligently nnd thoy are making extremely rapid progress. They 1 aro playing with a finish and balance that will surprise you, considering tho short timo they have been rehearsing and that several members are practically beginners. Grand March Clossus of Col umbia. Band Tenor Solo-Tho Sweetest Story Ever Told. Ora Hill, accompanied by entire band. Concert Waltzes My Lovo For Thine. Band Clarionet SoloAnnie Laura, with variations. John Caldwell Ovcrturo-The Sky Pilot Band Recitation Ben Hur's Chnriot Race. Lea Robinson Instrumental Trio Dor Sch- wcizcrbua und sein Deandl. Mrs. Rcmbold, piano; Mr. Walker, flute; Mr. Wetmore, Cornet Simon Lewis J. T. Garkbtt. NO TRESSPASSING. Hunting and fishing are strict ly forbidden upon my ranch. Alva SritiNcnit. NO TRESPASSING. Hunting nnd fishing are strict 'ly forbidden upon nny of the j Pacific Live Stock Co. ranches. (Trespassers will be prosecuted. ! John Gilcrest. Supt Object lo Slroni Mcdlclon. Many people object to taking , tho strong medicines usually pre 1 scribed by physicians for rheu matism. There is no need of in 1 ternnl treatment in any case of muscular or chronic rheumatism, and moro than nine out of every 1 ten cases of tho disease are of 1 one or the other of these vnrie I ties. Whon there is no fever nnd littlo (if nny) swelling, you I may know that it is only neces sary to apply Chamberlain's Li- Seronata Mexicana My Rosi- rene. Band Male Quartette My Rosary. Messrs. Byrd, Randall, Walk "j er, Brown. Mnrch-Tho Exalted Ruler. FROM WAVERLY. iinment freely lief. Try it good dealers. 1 to get quick For salo by re-all Frank Brombaush was nt L. E. Williams Monday. M. DENMAN, M D Physician and Surgeon iiikIiI urilit) C'nlU umweroil jirumptly 'I'liouo lliirrimaii. Harrlman, Oregon NEW MERCHANDISE Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes Fresh Groceries, etc. For Spring and Summer Trade LUNABURC & DALTON .1 -v'' -vrfws-. I "Dady's" Cigar Stand ! IN Till: pOST OFFICE BLOCK I CANDY, NUTS, STATIONERY : Tablets, Pens, Pencils, School Supplies, Extracts Spices, Fancy Crackers, Pipes, Tooth Brushes, etc. CIGARS AND TOBACCO Call and sample some of his goods W. E. HUSTON Dealer in Groceries, Provisions Tropical and Domestic Fruits when in Season. iE ALSO HAS A LINE OF GEITS FURNISHINGS, Hats, Shirts, Clothing, Underwear Get Prices CHILDREN'S CLOTHING. nil kinds 'of Fresh Vegetables in Season, GIVE HIM A CALL Durkliuimur Building Main Street. J'taKriSS11 lms ,md a 8leR f 1 The Eastern Oregon passed through' Engineering Co. tho lngrippe, Somo hunters going to Vale. Mrs. Jim Paul of Happy Valloy has boon visiting her mother, Mrs. Hnarstrich. CIVIL, MUNICIPAL AND IRRIGATION ENGINLL'KS Main Office,, Burns, Oregon O t UMCNGH, !Ki T. H. t-M'LKNKK, lUgr We are Headquarters for Horse Blankets, Saddle Blankets 'Grant, Saturday, a seven lb. son. STORM PROOF ROBES and Balsam of Myrrh We Carry a Complete Lino cf HARNESS and SADDLES J. C. WELCOME & SON ZBixxnis Oregon. Ml "nillnu" Pnnnwin wna nt Ilaarstrich's Tuesday. Mr. Cap-i Brunch Olllce, Lnkevlaw, Oregon eron linally decided that lus noblo Btced was "fatigued" boi ho walked from there to Mr. ' Grant Thompson's. Horn to tho wifo of Robert Mr. Grant has eight acres un (der cultivation. Ho thinks the salt-grass land is alright. Miss Nena Haarstrlch has been visiting frionds in Happy Valley. Carl Horstman Is working for Jim Paul, Dr. Donmancamo through Fri day in his automobilo, Mr. Calway and family have nrrived from Ontario. Mr. Ringin has hisnewrcsi denco nearly completed. ADMINIS'l UATOHi NOTIOK In tho County Court of tho Sttttn cf Oregon for Hnrnoy County. Ill tho inuttut of tho lintulul of Hnii uol llnllinylcceiiH'ilj Notice Is liorohy hIvoii that tho niulni. bIkiii'iI vua ilulv up, (ilnlul l) orilrri f theohovo en titled couit imido und tu torn! 011 March !U, 1000, tho AdinlnU trntor of tho uforepnld catatv, and hni quill Med. All poreoim lmIiK ihdina nualmt aald oatnto aro required to pro rent thorn to tho Administrator, at Durn, OroRon, or to hla uttornoy, O. A. Ilomhold, at Hume, Oregon, with tho proper vouchors within tlx months from date of this notice Dated April 1,1000. MAItTIN II, UniCNTON, Ailmlnlalrntnr. LIVERY, FEED AND SALE SSI" A.3EST EL J, W. OWEN, Propts. Finest hearse in county Ififev Particular attention given to Funerals. 9 ? s&y Fresh Teams, Comfortable Rigs, Careful Drivers. Particular attention given to Transcient Trade Horses lumnloil by tho da.,v, week or month CUAS. WILSON, ;i J Hlacksmilliiiig and wild.-. l , , . "", - wagon wonc w ALLWORKGUAR-ANTEED.