mmemarmmmmtmmmmm ipWfN!MUMMH trhe hncsHnnlC Tlio Olllclnl I'npor of llnrnoy County hs tliojlnrgust circulation niul la ono of thoboit advertising mediums In Knilorn Oregon, She VOL. XXII A -.--f- -4 , , 5 u 05rcnt $tnrtiru Coimlrji Covert an nrco of 0,428,800 iirir of hind, 4,(1.11,061 Acres ytt vacant siihiicl to entry under tliu imlillo Innd Invie of I lio United Stoles. BUKNS, HARNEY COUNTYf OREGON, APRIL 24, lCCi) NO. 23 7i then drawn up and signed by tlio ceurt: 'In tho matter of tho Dry Land Experiment Farm. "Nov on this 22nd day of April 1009 comes in for consideration tho matter tho Dry Land Experi ment Farm and it appearing thn'. Professor II. D. Scuddcr repre senting tho Oregon Agricultural College in conjunction with Pro fessor C. E. Bradley represent ing tho Agricultural Department of tho United Slates have, in ac- nnrilnnnn wltli thn lnw mnrln nn Ssors II. D. Scudder and C. G. Bradley of the Agricultural j inspection of Harney County, allege Here to investigate and meet uiuhiisiustic bupport stato of Oregon, with aviowof WS DR Y FARM STA TION mey County 's Prospects Bright for Demonstration Farm, WTY COURT APPROPRIATES People Ready to Grant Uvcry Requirement They Desire. '", l."9"li i 1 busliels of wheat with our rain fall properly handled. Tho same H. D. Scudder and Prof. Bradley, both of tho Agri- 1 College at Corvallis, ar-, is truo of alfalfa. Prof. Scuddcr necessary for semi , , i , , , ,, , , , , in tins city last aaturuay , explained tno advantage oi sceu- g lor tno purpose oi in- mg tne sou to niiaua as it en ting conditions in con- riches tho gVound and makes it .. ! M 1. - V T 1 A . witn tno estamisnment oi more vniuauie. from two to perimcntal station or rath- three tons of alfalfa can bo grown onstration dry farm wo- on tho uplands and that is the for by the recent legisla- proper place to grow alfalfa, and 'not on the water soaked low . Scudder states there has lands. He also spoke of Held o selection nor will there peas being a profitable crop. til all sections have been , prof. Scuddcr says the dry ned and a report handed in farm method of producing nlfnl- proper authorities. There ftt is not a theory, as scientific Eastern Oregon conn-' work has shown water a detri ment to its growth that is its long life as water precludes the air and the tap root stops at tho depth to which the water is'held. On tho other hnnd when seeded have been visited ; on dry land this tap root will go as the gentlemen lo a great depth seeking water our feing considered, liarncy, tw, uiinam. and bnerman. 3t threo are in a tier, each ing on tho Columbia river the northern part of tho Each is soon reached Corvallis they will 'data from all and will their report setting forth Maims of each county as their own observations ecommendations. It is ex- that the station will be dc- locatcd the first of next Work will begin at once ttsoon as possible after the feon has been made. Tho bmen are most favorably sod witl this section and eel confident of a very fav- ! report gentlemen were given opportunity to see the ; Harney Valley and its sur ging territory, leaving here y morning in a touring company with I. S. Geer Wm. Hanley, they wont to it and Narrows, going south ilheur Lake and around by Point to Lawen back to On Sunday evening a id meeting of the Commer- Club was held and the gen- in discussed the matter with present. On Monday ring tne seme party mauo a to Wagontire, returning Say evening, tnus getting of both our valley lands le bench section. general meeting was called ae court nouse weunesuay ing at wmen tne memucrs county court were present toll as a laree number of ftess men of this place and ers from various parts of ounty. This proved a very esting and enthusiastic mect- )f. Scudder was asked to ind he was not permitted to until ho had given a most active lecture on dry farm- icthods and suggescd many rs of value to local farmers. Scudder said they were not ; struck with the immensity Ins section but also with its lited possibilities along tho )f dry farming. They have half-dozen types of soil all Miich were good and from his onal observation would pick icy against all competitors the establishment of such a Ion irom the tact that we such a wide range for such in having a variety of soils, tions, climate, etc., in fact opportunity for dry farm Ho explained it was not fcuch an experiment as a dem- ration farm that was to bo blished and that they co-oper- lirect with tho farmers not but actual work. rof Scudder stated that cereals bo tho best crop for this sec- and when wo get transpor- pn wheat would bo tho main Je. Howoy;r, ho recommend- Ilie growing of alfalfa until time as we could reach a Jket for our grain. Ho stated , there was hardly nn aero in iney county above tho irriga- hno but would grow 40 and thus give the plant greater strength and an undetermined lease of life. He recommends thin seeding with a drill, 15 lbs to the acre and this one-half at n time, drilling first one way, then across. He discourages a "nurso" crop but says alfalfa alono and not to pasture first year but to cultivate with disc which splits crowns of tho plant causing it to spread and killing the weeds. Alfnlfn for octftl would bo n success hero according to Prof. Scuddcr. For this purpose it should be seeded very thin. Al falfa seed gives five times as much profit to the acre. The gentleman closed hia re marks by saying wo should have eveixconsideration at their hands and they were well pleased with the spirit shown here in the es tablishment of tho station. They were in no wise prejudiced and knew no dividing lines in coun ties but were investigating the entire Eastern Oregon with a view of locating the station wherc'it would do the most good to the greatest number. Prof. Bradley talked only a short time but said it was a vast country 'capable of producing un told wealth. That we hardly realized our resources. Prof. Bradley is analytical chemist at Corvallis and said he was well pleased with our soil and soil conditions. With such condi tions together with proper con servation of our moisture this section can be assured of profit able crops each year and not have to resort to the methods used in other, localities of allow ing the soil to bo idle every other year. Other speakers of the evening were Wm, Hanley, Hon. Frank Davoy, C. A. Swcek, Judge Mil ler, Hon. A. W. Gowan, G. A. Rembold, Rev. A. J. Irwin, all of whom put forward good ideas and suggestions, and each ad vanced some good reason why Harney County should have tho demonstration farm. The entiro county court con sisting of Judge Rector and Com missioners Geo. A. Smith and L. N. Stallard, wero present at tho meeting. Each of these gentle men were asked to speak, but only Mr. Stallard responded. Ho did not commit himself in any re spect as an officer reporting upon u sultnblo loca tion for Baid Dry Land Export mon t Farm; and it being neccs' sary under the lnw for tho Coun' ty selected for tho location of said Farm to furnish tho land farm, to wit: 320 acres and nil buildings and improvements to cost approxi mately ?G0OO.O0; and "It further appearing nt this time that it is the sense and wish of tho taxpayers of this County represented at this time as follows, viz: "Tho W. V. & C. M. W. R. Co. by Wm. Hanley; Henry L. Cor bett, represented by Wm. Han ley; tho William Hanley Com pany, by Wm. Hanley; N. Brown & Sons, represented by Mr. Ben Brown; II. C. Lovens; The Har ney County National--Bank, by C. F. McKinnoy; Geer & Cum mins, by I. S. Geer; W. B. Park er; W. L. Best; and others; that tho Court make an appropriation of the sum of Six thousnud dol lars or such sum as is or will be necessary for tho purpose of said farm should this County be se lected as tlio location of said farm, and "The Court being at this time sufficiently informed, and appre ciating the vnluo of snid farm, and Mr. William Hanley having in open Court, offered to donate tho necessary land for the use of said farm without cost to the State or County. "It is thorcforo ordered that In the event that Harney County is selected as tho location of said farm, there shall be and is here by appropriated out of tho Gen eral Fund of this County for the use of said farm the sum of $0000.00 or such sum as is nec essary under tho lnw lor such purpose. J. P. Rkctok L. N. Stallard G. A. Smyth." Profs. Bradley and Scudder loft Thursday morning by stngo via Austin and intended lo proceed nt once to Corvallis where they will proparo a report. Tho court order togcth6r with other data being gathered by n local com mitteo will follow at once and make up a part of this report. Wo all feel greatly encouraged and that Harney's chances for tho location are practically assured. PROSPECTS fOROIL GOOD ! J Company Organised to Begin Active Development Work Now. - CAPITALIZED M TWO MILLIONS Jul Al. Valerius, Experienced Oil mid (las Alan, General Manager of Company, Considers This jhe Best Undeveloped Field Now Being ProspcctcdLocjl Alcn Identified Willi Enterprise. Tho Harney Vnllcy Oil it- Gas tho company has under taken Co. has been organized by good, it means much for this section substantial men. The officers nre: Dr. II. Dcnmnn, president; WONDER IF THIS IS TKUE. E. II. Hnrriman will forestall any movement for a ptato or dis trict aided railroad from Boiso to Coos Bay. Extensive construc tion work is to commence on tho Central Oregon railroad just as soon as surveys can bo mado and grade stakes set No official announcement of any such intention has been made but during tho past week Gener al Manager Bancroft of the Ore gon Short Line, Division Super intendent Jones and n'number of Hnrriman officials visited Vale. The following day Chiof Engin eer McDonald m charge ot tho survey on tho Minidoka extension with a forco of men, dropped tho work thffro and proceeded to Vale whero tho corps commenced work on a survey up tho Malheur canyon, Tho . Central Oregon road ha8 M. Valerius, vice-president and general manager; J. C. Turney, secretary; and J. L. Gnult, treas urer. Tho board of directors in clude tho above named and Fred L. Johnson, of Vale, Dr. II. M. Horton of Burns, S. M. Tnlbot of Boiso and R. B. Post of Prine ville. The company is organized for the purpose of developing this great inlnnd empire in tho line of oil, gits and minerals. According to tho opinion of men who are experienced and who are capable of judging, wo undoubtedly have one of the best gns wells on the Pacific slope with the result that our oil pros pects are far superior to any oth er undeveloped district now be ing prospected. The gas is in good dry, gas sand, and the vol timo is increasing with tho two inch casing filled to within 10 feet of tho surface, even with over 3150 feet of solid packing this flow is increasing. This in dicates something of vast im portance to men familiar with such conditions. We understand it is the inten tion of the company to drill three wells In what, is .knownua.ltli! triangular system, lho deep well is to be the third one, and to tltoso familiar with tho matter this system appeals as a very good method scientifically and no doubt is very practical. Every citizen and taxpayer of Harney should take a particular interest in pushing tho develop ment to tho utmost of his abili ty, for it means to us ono of the greatest steps toward tho ad vancement of our mutual inter est Let us lay aside all person al differences, investigate this enterprise thoroughly, and if it has merit, put n shoulder to the wheel of prosperity with tho spirit that is bound to win. A combination machine of both standard and rotary will be in stalled on the ground as soon as possible. Mr. Valerius in forms us tho Ontario pcoplo are progressing quite rapidly and satisfactorily . with their new machine of this character and nro to bo commended upon the good substantial support receiv ed from local people, and they will no doubt mako a success of their undertaking. Ho further states that tho Ontario poeplo were fortunate in securing good reliable men to handle tho mach inery. From conversation with Mr. Valerius ono is impressed with the iden that ho is thoroughly familiar witli suelj, work and tho district will have tho good for tune to have a competent man nt tho helm in him as ucneral SPOILS HIS S0M1. The following whs lumt from Drewsey to the Portland Jeurnal: "Doctor" Squash and George Washington said lo bo two of tho oldest Indians inllnniey County, rcsido at Drcwscy in their tepee. "Doctor" Squnsh to totally .blind, but has resided hero so long that with tho aid of his cane, he can go to any place in tlio county without feol'ng lost. He is tho only Indian out of the whole tribo hero that has ever been known to sing. Once in a while some of his close white friends can pcrsuado him to sing what they describe as an Indian chant. A very pathetic story was re cently related here as to his us ual devotion lo little May Beetle, a little white girl here, whom he let us encourage it in every way , bad known ever since her birth about 14 years ago. He never possible. Mr. Valerius informs us he wants to contract for a 1000 cords of wood and also tho haul ing of from 50,000 to 7G.000 pounds of freight nt onco. Ho further states that it will take refused to sing for her. She did not have that fear of Indians pe culiar to white children not used to seeing them often but would sit down by his side and converse with him tho same as she would with hcrown grandfather. Dur- '.f vns V fVvyw rfvVW.' ten men to run the machinery Ul0 tyj)hoi(1 epidemic which rag- ntii I lintwf lit f nn fiutl 'Pine mnnHtt i i . ..... ... and handle the fuel. This means Hint local people will derive im mediate benefit. Tho company has placed a block of stock on the local mar ket at 5 cents a share and ex pect the next block to bo 10 cents a share. Some of our peo ple invested in stock nt Ontario at Hint rate and now it seems cd hero Inst fall, little May fell a victim to the ravages of tho disease and died November 2G. The old blind Indian was absent in Burns at the time, but as the weather began lo grow colder he proceeded to retrace his steps homeward. He walked all the way, a distance of CO miles, from Burns lo Drcwsov. wi'Hi tlio n'u this same stock is selling at 25 . nf Ma in vn 0i..:v J"" " ...w. Il1, UlUIMMliK V.k- cents n share, tho result of a good commercial flow of gas. With tho prospects for a larger How here it is reasonable to be lieve that stock at C cents a share is not a bnd investment. Mr. Valerius seems quite con fident of the ultimate success of the undertaking nnd seems to bo a worker. Tho company is still leasing more land. BEST LIVESTOCK. ccpt for short rests, until he reached the door of little May's home, at which time he was told that in his absence she hnd gone. He sat down on the porch and wept broken-heartedly, and has never oeon persuaueu to sing again. His answer to all inquir ies as to why he now refuses to sing is: "My papoose is dead; my heart is broken. LADICS' NECKWEAR FOR SPRING 1909 Embroiclerlcd Linen Collars, Lace Collars and Bows, New Ascots. Call and see our new Waistings & Wash Materials We arc showing the strongest spring. line of Ruching, Neckwear, Ladies 'Belts, Silk, Net and Lawn waists ever brought to Eastern Oregon. Something' new in Sorosis Un derskirts in Silks and Satines We handle exclusive patterns in the above and nothing shown by us is handled in the Interior. All Waists, Neckwear, Belts and Underskirts are selected from New York stocks and are Spring Styles. rown's Satisfactory Store. .::::::i:t:::j::::::!:::::;j::::::::::tn::::ut::i!:t::jt:::j:::jn::::t:- .:::::::::::::: : The Harney Vaiiey Brewing Co. Mni)ufa(.turi'rn of 'uoto S3ocLa, 7ThtG2? Pnmlly Trade Solicited FreelDclivery T. E. JENKINSJVSanaeer been constructed from Ontario but expressed I to Vale and tho resumption of at his personal views as being quite that point is viewed as an nssur favorably impressed and' was anco that Hnrriman proposed to pleased to see so many taking an interest. The court mot in special session Thursday morning at tho sugges tion of Prof. Scudder as he had received substantial and definite propositions from tho courts of the other counties and ho wished to havo!all on an equal fooling. build lho road through to tho coast, running across tho stato of Oregon south of Burns, Tho Bection of tho road through tho Malheur canyon, whon com pleted, will placo the Harrimnn system in control of tho situation and onco constructed would pro- cludo tho possibility of n parallel A very representative delegation lino, a8 tho right-of-way in too or citizens ami taxpayers went ' narrow to permit a second road, beforo tho court and tho mntter Thus tho outlet for a state-aided was given goneral consideration, I railway would bo shut off-'-On. Tho following journnl entry wns ' tario Argus. manngcr. Tho company a good line of quit-claims and 8000 acres of land near tho sent gas well and thero stnrts out with holdings, both leasos, for over pro is no doubt that a strong flow of gns will bo reached and when the lower rand is penetrated the pressure should bo very strong, accompanied by a strong flow of oil. Wo can hardly conccivo tho magnitudo of a find of oil and gas in paying quantities, and wo should help the company as best wo can, From thoso not nb!o to assist by purchaso of stock, a good word will holp a great deal. It is Impossible for a few to handle a proposition of this kind ns it takes a great deal of monoy and although wo understand thnt a majority of tho stock will bo taken up in tho east, whatever holn Wo can orlvo will stinW mir (appreciation of tho dovolop'mcnt (i'rof.W. JT.. McDonald.) Tho only practical method by which tho fertility of the land may bo maintained is the feeding of livestock of some kind or nn other and returning the fertility to tho soil in tho form of manure. When a crop is fed on tho farm from 80 to 93 per cent of tho fer tility which it has taken from the soil is returned as manure and only the small balance sold off in tho finished product. But in order that a profit may bo in sured, only good stock should be handled. In the selection of cattlo we should choose ono or the other of two types, tho beef or tho dairy typo. These two types are di rectly positive. Tlio beef have been bred and devoloped along tho lino of using tho feed con sumed for tho production of beef. On tho other hand, the dairy cattlo have been developed in such u manner that they use their food for tho manufacture of milk instead of the production of beof. In form thero is a marked distinction. Tho beef cow is blocky and thickly fleshed, whilo tho dairy cow is angular and spnrccly fleshed. Because of these opposing qualities, it is well nigh impossible to combine n sat isfactory degree of milk and beef production in tho samo animal. Tho dairy cow will produce more for tho feed consumed than .my other animal on tho farm, if she is a good individual, but a great many cows do not produco a profit. For this reason wo must uso tho scales and Ilnbcock test in determining their indivi dual merit. In breeding horses for draft purposes on tlio farm, wo must lceoji in mind thnt woight is of very great importance Confor mation is likewise important, bo- causo it indicates tho degree of strength nnd utility. Tho horso should bo well muscled, have an intelligent hend, sloping should ers nnd pasterns, plenty of bono of good qunlity, and a good middle. In breeding livestock of any kind, only puro blood sires should bo used and tho sires should al ways belong to tho samo breed. Tho mixing of breeds almost in varlnlly results in disaster to tho quality of tho offspring. For Salu Thoroughbred Red Durham Bulls from ono to threo years old. Cal Clemens, Burns Oregon, WOOL SAI.CS DAT0S FIXED. Official announcements of the wool sales dates for Oregon dur ing the season of 1909, are being sent out by Secretary Dan I'. Smythe of tho State Wool Grow ers' Association. The dates have been fixed to suit both the wool growers as well as the wool buy ers. A cordial invitntion is extend ed lo all wool growers and deal ers to attend the sales nt the places and dates best suited. All wool growers are .notified that their clippings must be in tho ware house beforo the date of sale. Tho wool sales dates for Ore gon, 1909 nro as follews: Pendleton, Mny 2-1. Heppncr, May 2G, Juno 19 and July 1. Echo, May 29. Shaniko, June 1, June 15 and Juno 29. Pilot Rock, June -1. Baker City, Juno 5. Ontario, June 7 nnd June 22. Vale, Juno 21. Elgin, June 21. AUCTION THE CAPITAL SALOON, CHAS. BEDELL, Proprietor. Burns, - - Oregon. Wmes. Liquors and Cigars. Billiard and Peel Tables. Club Rooms in Connection. BETTER m " CHEAPER THAU ffl I will hold regular auction sales on tho first and third Saturdays' of each month at the C. A. Sweek barn in Burns. Bring in any thing you have for salo and got your money lor it. special at tention given to sales in the country. W. T. Smith, Auctioneer. 9 ...:j lt fy ..JKT1ST3A3 d&f rnACTiCALi,Yr": lntalratikle SfeM ' 3T01IE vSfff ovorcco lmlVa"V, So,uJ for Uooutiful I If ft, ' in P'co Ust -1 DoslRns. ifiwijlMi' Clrouloio. MONUMENTAL 1 K' CO"PANY, H. JL LLWIS Will be glad lo furnish PARTICULARS and PRICES To anyone desiring INFORMATION. See his Handsome DESIGNS. Personal Mention EVERYBODY'S MAG AZINE has come back to town on a visit, after nearly two weeks' absence. He says he hopes to stay quite a while with a number of the best families ; he brings with him a lot of new stories- good ones ; his health is much improved. For salo by II, M, Horton, t:i:t:K: tt:tt::uit:tt:!tRum:mtuniutmnmtsn:ut:ttUR::.t:::t; The OVERLAND HOTEL Burns, Oregon Afford the Best Accommodations to be had in Harney County CliEAfl ROOMS, (lib N blflNEN, PAIiHTJIBuE VICTUALS The patronage of all guusls under the old management especially sylicited. Rates $1 ii day, S6 a week, $22 a month H mdor.son Elliott. Proot. :::::n:m:: i(m:m:m:imnni::i!:::;nt:utmtpmmmmmtmstmnmtm:m:::mint:mmn Tor Constipation, I Mr. L. II. Fnrnhnm, a promi nent druggist of Spirit Lake, Iowa, , says: "Chamberlain's Stomach j nnd Liver Tablets nro certainly , tho best thing on tho market for constipation." Give theso tab ids a'trial. You are certain to find them nnrccublo and pleasant in efifect. Price. 26 conts. Sam ple free. For Balo by all good dealers. Foil SALE-,120 acres of hay I and. Inquire at this ofilce. Generations (,s liw, 'lc uw.iko American llo ' obtained tho ri;j' t );" i FIREARM EDU ;A'j:j by boiug equipped w io unerring, timo-luM ud STEVEKtJ :i All iiroKruiiwlM) II i a . , Hnnrllnjr (IihkW MriMnuu . ; 8l'HVI'.NH. II. iiuamiia. uuwIIUIiliiilim t,tmivti Uhih iwulpl of Catulia I I mmi I A iunl In c kol'tuu Ulurtmti i oi h'i'l W. T. Lester ' Adnm (ivorffo : List your property with the Inland Empire Realty Co. if you desire a quick sale or trade I j Employment Agency I A it tl l.t lui. m i, i 1 1 in J. SI . ARU T I' n r aic;Kr-u,u ro ?i n i!