The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, April 17, 1909, Image 3

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,, . ,.jegps
mmMmmwMttwMwnwiitiwt i
!V NKWBrAPEU in thib county.
Locnl News.
Hart, in this
V .son Bennett spent a
i in mis city una weeic.
llonN Monday, April 12,
and Mrs. Chns,
n son.
mo very desirable residence
1 business lots in Burns can be
urcd by seeing Irvinjr Miller.
II. Holland is back from a
to tho P. L. S. Co. ranches
, no southern part of tho coun-
'ou Sale Thoroughbred Red
Lrlinm Hulln from one to three
is old. Cal Clemens, Burns
.Ron. '
' rank Harrison and family left'
: morning for Crane creek;
ft ore tliey win visit tor a wceic
more with relatives and
It'. M. Salisbury has opened his
iily and repairing shop next
to the Harney County Na-
i) ii uniiK anuisrenuy ior ousi
"The Pioneer Dank of Harney County.
sale a few Poland China
s old enough to use. Certi-
iis rr Prinrroo fnmishpii.
J. W. Biggs.
Miss Lea Robinson ha3 closed
Successful term of school in
Cord district and arrived homo
t Saturday where she will
id the vacation period with
. H. Fitchett and son were up
i their home at Windy Point
ordny. Mr. Fitchett says
are much farther advanced
is neighborhood than here.
ii is doing well there.
m. Dunn, one of the land
s of the Blitzen where he
esided every since we can
l.iber. was a caller at this
i the other day. Mr. Dunn
i to active in spite of his ad-
d years. Ho went down to
Hanley ranch to visit his old
,d Bill.
99 H
Accounts Invited.
Henry Hamilton is over from
Good seed potatoes forsaloat
the Burns Flour Mill.
Tho family of W. S. Laythe
arrived hero the first of this
Get your garden seeds and on
ion sets at the Harney Co. Imp.
& Hdw. Co.
Rev. A. J. Irwin was absent
thi3 week attending the Presby
tery at Baker City.
Mrs. Frank Welcome received
vithe sad news of the death of her
mother this week at tho family
homo in Jacksonville. v
G 10 acre ranch for sale suitable
for dairy or stock ranch. Abund
ance of water for irrigation and
power inquire at this office.
On account of being compelled
to move from my present location
hn W. Owen has purchased . I will give special bargains for
interest of Marvin McGee in I the next 30 days. -W. E. Huston.
Red Front Barn and will con-
the business in the future.
Qwnn lias boon- in tho livery
hi mess for a long tune and lias
Fred Otley and son, Fred Jr.,
were up from Lawen this week.
Mr. Otloy utntoH that all hiu
neighbors have disnoscd of cat- customers with such! tlo recently and the stock have
,ic' ration that he has held all! started to tho railroad.
d ones and is adding new 1 , . , . .
ends and patrons right along. J- . " ,.uruw" " ,u. au" V uuuu
viare uuuuing on ineir residence
esrs. F. L. Mace and P. G.lots :n Brown's addition. Thev
ith started with several hund- n,. nun in ,.,, n.jr mnin
head of beef for the railroad ; rns;,icncna on account of not be-
iirsday. Thousands of head , al)lo to et lumbo-
attle have been disposed of1
jthis county this spring and at, "s Lewis and wife took their
prices. As a consenuenco departure vvcunesuay ior me
ney county is very prosperous southern part of the county where
I evervbodv has monev. Mr. "as will have charge of the ilan-
co is reported to have disnos- ley horse ranch during tho breed
of his nrimn hoof tit ton nntch ing season. Mr. LCWIB IS one 01
1 1 a a am &! vaai iwU X AUAftMrt n
COS. ll": ""-'- - uiuiuuK" Huiavmuii in
, ,, the west and is always in dc-
ied Mrs. Herman George, ,
(1 40 years, at the farm in
irm Springs Valley last Friday Miss Farnum, Miss McKenzie,
ht. The immediate cause of Mr. Ellingwood and his mother
death was heart failure. Tho made a party of Seattle, Wash-
mins were brought to this city ington, people who located land
buried Tuesday morning in in this valley this week. Adam
Burns cemetery. Rev. C. W. George brought the party to this
loman conducting tho services, ofllce the other day after making
t family are Germans and have them citizens of Harney county,
n in this section somo two and later escorted them to the
rs. She leaves a husband and fair grounds to view the display
children, a son and daughter, of taxidermy.
compare values and buy
where you can buy the
I cheaoest.
I However, it should he borne in
mind that nothing is cheap if
the quality is unsatisfactory, if
the style is not right. When
you are out shopping this store
will gladly submit to these com
parisons and will abide by your
While we do not make the mer
chandise, our guarantee of ab
solute satisfaction to all
makes the goods you buy here
the right goods at lowest price
Complete line of
Orders promptly filled
'The Btisy Corner Store"
Everybody gardening.
Starr Buckland and family
were visitors to this city during
the week.
G. W. Clovenger is again in
tho mnrket for hides. Highest
market price paid.
Word has been received here
that Mr. Johns, father of Mrs.
J. II. Neal, died last Sunday at
Arlington. ?
Those knowing thomsolves in
debted to me are requested to
call and settle as soon as possible.
-W. E. Huston.
Ted Hayes and family wore up
from Lawen last Saturday and
Sunday. They wero accomimn
ied by the old pioneer, M. V.
Mrs. Lelah Williams-Millar ha
a fine display of millinory at tin
Burns hotel and invites the Indies
of this vicinity to call and see
F. C. Croxton's sister arrived
hero Thursday, coming in from
Vnlo on tho (lUtomohiUt, -I'lio
young lady is direct from Virginia
and will make her home in this
A. Schcnk wants f000 coyote
and bob-cat hides. Will pay $2
each for all with heads and claws
complete. Skins must be prime
to bring this price. Also buys
other hides and furs.
Thrt rillimlin. Ju tw.ti. liriMMn 1iiu
..W .V...U4 MVII ll. Villi. IIIO
inning fixing pipes that wero
frozen and burstcd during the
winter. We are all ready for
gardening and the various private
water systems must bo put in
G. W. Clovenger wan a passen
ger in on the automobile that ar
rived yesterday afternoon. Mr.
Clevenger says that they were
troubled with a "hot box" and
the machine was delayed at the
Visher for somo time.
Mahkied In this city, Tues
day April 13, Newton Hoover
and Amanda E. Hoover, Justice
W. C. Byrd performing tho coro
mony. Both tho contracting par
ties arc residents of Lawen. Tho
Times-Herald joins their friends
in extending congratulations.
Potatoes at Huston's-mnrkot
W. R. Dnwnon and sons wero
up from Sunset Thursday.
Edison Phonographs and re
cords for salo at Lunnburg &
J. P. Klink and Mrs. K'.
Southworth hnvo returned to
thoir their Grant County homos
Tho high school graduating
class are making preparations
for commencement exorcises
noxt month.
Our real estate men arc all
busy these days looking after
now people who aro arriving in
largo numbers.
Contractor II. C. Smith has
begun work on the second story
to bo added to tho vault at tho
court house.
Geo. Byram camo over from
Bear Valley tho other day and
was accompanied homo yester
day by hia wife and son.
Dr. Griffith reports tho young
est child of M. T. Lupton, tho
family wlib have diphtheria, as
still quite sick, but believes ho is
some improved.
Hcatos for sale, all sizes and
lengths, price 20 cents per foot.
Any One desiring Hcatos address
W. A. Ford of J. 0. Alberson,
Alberson, Oregon.
Notice is hereby given that no
stock, whatever, branded with
tho 21 iron can bo sold without
tho consent of the undersigned.
Mits. Ella Martin.
A full slock of the best riding
Plows in the world, (which are
the John Deoro Plows) also for
this Country. Have always been
a success where others failed, at
C. II. Voegtly's.
A. M. Kelsay, the Silver Crock
sheepman and rancher, was in
the city tho first of the week.
Ho was accompanied by his
cousin, J. P. Kelsay of Paisley,
who is on n short visit.
E. T. Haley paid this office a
short visit this morning. He
says ho has recently disposed of
Borne fine horses and came up
! lost night to look on at tho Bnnd
Boys dnucc. Peto says tho music
was fine.
There will bo a dance at Lawen
next Friday evening, April 21),
I tho proceeds to be used to assist
! in tho salary of tho teacher for
another month's school. This is
a most worthy cause and the
dance should bo wellp:ilronized.
Burt Dtinton nnd wife were
over from Drewsey a fow days
during thu week leaving for home
yesterday. Burt has disposed of
Ilia cattle but expects to buy
feeders again this fall. Ho has
one of the best ranches in that
section nnd last year raised 100
bushels of barley to tho acre.
Mrs. I. II. Holland loft Tues
day enrouto to Portland where
she was called on account of the
serious illness of her mother.
A 'phono message yesterday
morning announced the death of
the estimablo old lady tho night
boforo and further stated that
she would be buried at Vale to
morrow. MAimron In this city, Thurs
day, Apiil 15, Frank Segerist and
Mrs. Mary J. Cockerie, Judge
Byrd performing tho ceremony.
Mr. Segerist is one of the indus
trious teamsters of this place
where he has resided for several
years and has made many friends.
His brido is a good woman. Wo
extend best wishes for a happy
. Married At tho family homo
of the bride, in Pendleton on Inst
Wednesday Mr. J. Calvin Clem
ens and Miss T Vtp McLeod wore
married. Friends here received
A Httlo rain would help somo.
Schonk wants more coyote
hides and other furB.
Mr. Hanley Ib homo from a
trip to tho P. Ranch.
W. S. Italoy was up from his
lako homo yesterday.
Geo. Sizomoro loft this morn
ing for Drewsey on business.
Fresh garden Boeds and onion
sols at tho Harney Co. Imp. &
Hdw. Co.
E. C. Egglcslon was among
our visitors from Sunset this
Mrs. Fred Brown is over from
Vale on n visit to relatives and
Tho only and best self feed
Disc Drill is the Vnn Brunt, at
C. II. Voegtly's.
Tho big danco given by tho
Band Boys last night was a de
cided success.
Good vinegar for salo by T. E.
Jenkins at tho Brewery. Money
miOt if nnt ii ci vnnfnonnli1
. ' r ..m
j ne .hi mors gave me nign
school graduating class a party
at tho homo of Mrs. Egli last
Mrs. Ross Goodlow is reported
quite sick at her home in Har
ney. IJr. Hurrows was called
C. II. Leonard and A. L,
Hunter have gone out to tho
Welcomcvillo country to see how
the crops are progressing.
Poland China Hogs I have
for salo a fow Poland China
Boars old enough to use. Certi
ficates of Pedigrco furnished.
J. W. Biggs.
2 Section fiin. CO tooth Steel
Lover Harrows at$22.00 at C. II.
Voegtly's. Seo that you do not
get 1 inch and only CO tooth Har
rows, instead of the above.
The New Windsor Bar, under
the management of Lee Caldwell,
is one of the most popular resorts
in Eastern Oregon. Drop in
when you have a thirst.
Don't fail to get a Safety Incu
bator. W. T. Smith sells them.
They run without a lamp no ex
pense. See him. He has one
running at the Summit Hotel.
M. T, Ash, who has been suf
fering from an attack of unpen
dlcitis, is somewhat improved. Zn
, Dr. Donmnn was cnlled to
Happy Valley yesterday morning
to see the little son of Corey
The Times-Herald has received
iome new stationery stock in
cluding score cards, program
pencils, etc., for its many pat
rons. Just arrived! Fresh gurden
3ceds and onion sots. These
BccdB have not been carried over.
No old seed. -Harney Co. Imp.
& Hdw Co.
We have agreed upon the fol
lowing schedule of prices to bo
charged for the livery teams in
the future:
Buggy and tc;n per day $4.00
Hack " " " " 5.00
Competent drivers furnished
when desired at $1.00 per day
extra and expenses:
Red Front Livery Stable,
J. W. Owen, Propl.
White Front Livcry.Stnblc,
R. .J. McKinnon, Propt.
Burns Livery Stable,
II. Elliott, Propt.
Preaching at the Presbyterian
Church in Burns, Sunday April
18, both morning and evening.
"Christ Is All an In All." In tho !nvi "tl,ons motlmo ago request
evening tho pastor will speak on 'B their presence at the cere
tho subject: "How to Know ony' ,a ",0f B0n(1 S01
God." Everyone most cordially J.1' n"(1 Mrs' ,Pf r Clemens of
s.,s nA ,! i. !.; this plnco and has lived hero
invi .cd to attend these services. , ' , ., ,, , TI . .
vsinco childhood. He is ono of
Tho Times-Herald iB pleased ho Biibstantinl young men of
to noto tho substantial improve- Harney county whero ho is hifth
ments now undor construction ly respected. The brido is ro
and contemplated in Burns this ported to bo an accomplished
season. With tho big two story young lady. Tho Times-Herald
stono building by th-- Odd l-Vl- joins a l'irgo circle of friends in
lows, Reed's stono sloro and tho t oxtending congratulations. Mr.
Hngcy & Richardson stono build- Clemens will soon nrrivo hwno
J ing wo will look different by fall. with his brido.
We are Headquarters for
Horse Blankets, Saddle Blankets
and Balsam of Myrrh
We Carry a Complete Line cf
DB-u.xn.Ei Ozogroin...
II. J. Hansen of the Burns
Ment Market is prepared to fur
nish bacon, hams and lard to
sheepmen nnd ranchers in any
quantity. Special prices for big
C. T. Miller was in from his
Crow Camp home Tuesday. Mr.
miiii-r mis purcuascu mo rinn
residence occupying a full block
in Brown's addition and will have
tho proporty greatly improved
before moving in this fall.
Mr. and Mrs. Chns. Anderson
have again taken charge of their
hotel in south Burns nnd are
ready to receive their old time
friends. They have completely
renovated tho building and all
the old time comforts are there.
"Daddy's" cigar stand is now
open for business in the P. 0.
block. Ho has not yet received
a full lino of goods but has a nice
line of cigars, tobacco, confec
tions, stationery and novelties.
He will be glad to see his
Ex-Sonntor Fulton has arrived
from Washington and has inti
mated to friends in Portland that
ho would not accept tho post
tendered him as tho representa
tive of this government in China
but would make his homo in
Mr. Hydo of Burns is engaged
in constructing a retaining wall
back of Fraternal hall. M. Dex
ter has been doing somo carpen
ter work at tho hall and has just
arranged tho doors so that they
comply with tho law. BluoMt.
Mr. Ford of tho automobile
lino says tho roads aro improving
rapidly nnd it will require but
litllo work to put them in first
class condition between hero and
Vnlo. ' Mr. Ford will likely re
main horo a fow dnys as his ma
chine mny bo needed to tnko tho
experiment farm pcoplo out over
tho valloy.
W. A. Gowan, who has just
returned from Burns, tolls us tho
yieoplo thoro want an automobile
rond from Burns to Coos liny.
They aro endeavoring to interest
the counties nlong tho proposed
route, which runs by way of
Lakeview,. Mr. Gowan says
Harney county has always kept up
its road from Burns to tho Lake
County lino. Burns people bo
liovo thoro would bo an enormous
travel over a good road leading
along tho courso proposed. Un
fortunately Lake County, at this
timo, is moro interested in a road
leading from hero to railway
points. Sho has many miles of
roads to build and ropair in or
der to lessen tho burden of freigot
charges, Lakeview Horald.
Potatoes! Potatoes! Potatoes!
We have them, Early Rose,
Early Harvest and Burbanks. 2
and 2J cents per lb. Will take
grain in exchange and will allow
2 cents for oats, $1.85 for chqp
and $1.75 for barley. You can
bring in a load and take out a
load. Our potatoes arc clean
and smooth, no scabs.
C. C. C. Co.
Canyon City Oregon
All parties owing Lewis & Gar
rett, or Simon Lewis are hereby
notified that all these accounts
are in the hands of our attorney
C. H. Leonard for collection and
settlement. Persons indebted to
us will please settle the same
with Mr. Leonard at once.
Simon Lewis
J. T. Garrett.
Land Scrh' Soldiers Addi
tional Homestead Scrip for said,
can be used on any government
land subject to homestead entry
nnd obtains title promptly with
out either settlement or cultiva
tion. Fully guaranteed. For
prices address L. W. Hubbell,
Springfield, Missouri.
Hunting and fishing are strict
ly forbidden upon my ranch.
Alva Si-ringer.
Hunting and fishing are strict
ly forbidden upon any of the
Pacific Live Stock Co. ranches.
Trespassers will be prosecuted.
John Gilcrest.
Object to Slroni Mcdlclatt.
Many people object to taking
the strong medicines usually pre
scribed by physicians for rheu
matism. Thoro is no need of in
ternal treatment in any case of
muscular or chronic rheumatism,
and moro than nino out of every
ten cases of tho disease aro of
ono or the other of these varie
ties. When there is no fever
and little (if nny) swelling, you
mny know that it is only neces
sary to apply Chamberlain's Li
niment freely to get quick re
lief. Try it. For sale by all
good dealers.
Physician and Surgeon
Calls utiiwiTtsI promptly ntnlit r day
Tliono Uiirriinoii.
Harrlman, Oregon
The Eastern Oregon
Engineering Co.
Main Oflkc,'Burns, Oregon
Branch Ofllce, Lakeview, Oregon
0. M. I'At'LKNKIl, Mill.
III tho County Ci'iut ot tho Statu ol
Oregon (. r Hnrnoy Cmtiily
hi tilt iiiatir o thu Rntiilul
o( Bun lid llulloy , deceived j
Notice la liuroby uhoii Unit tliomuliir
dlljiHil P8 ilnlv npiulnU'd liyoiderof
tltu above cnlltli'd comt tiiudu and on-tort-d
on March ill, 1U01I, tho Admin!',
tmtor of thu nforovnld ostnto, and hux
qunlllkd. All persons IiuvIhk iliilnm
ngaliiBt pitld cmtatu uro required to pro
tout thiun to tho Administrator, at
Hums, QreKon, or to IiIh attorney, Q, A.
Rombolcl, at DuriiK, Oregon, with the
proper vouchors within alx months Irom
datu ol this notice.
Putod April 1,1009.
Number 14.
Tonic for the Community
Service is the keynote of n bank's usefulness it embraces all
Good ank scrvico is business tonic. It keeps financial matters
in a flourishing condition. Each individual who deals with the
bank contributes a portion to the ingredience that compose this
tonic, and receives his share of the benefit
Banks help to keep business moving, they make it easier for
men to do business with ono another by furnishing safe and con
venient methods.
Banks expedite business transactions, supply actual means to
customers in financial matters, offer a safe place for keeping
mo.iey. Banks keep money in circulation, their system makes posr
tiiblc more money for each dollar.
Bank service is a constant every day tonic to business, and the
tonic effects are lasting, they do not wear off. The business of
each new day is helped along by bank service.
Among business men, good bank servicc'is accepted as a mat
ter of fact. Men who arc brought face to face in actual business
with good bank service for the first time appreciate it at once.
Our service must bo experienced to bo appreciated. We would
enjoy giving YOU tho benefits of our service.
A Savings Bnnk Department is a feature of this Bank,
in which interest at the rate of four per cent per
annum is allowed. ,.
The Harney County National Bank
We are pleased to announce to our old-time friends
and customers that we have again taken charge of
our hotel. We just completed renovating the en
tire building and you will find the old-time home
comforts when you call. We hope to see you soon.
The old favorite Family Hotel where guests receive
Special Attention and Good Service.
SOUTH BURNS, OREGON-Near Fair Grounds.
tttAtAIA 1. tt
Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes
Fresh Groceries, etc.
For Spring and Summer Trade
f-4 t v
Prepared to cro to
various size drills.
a deptn ot 500 teet with
Honest measurement and
satisfaction iji n nili i il , ""I'lflHil
For prices.and terms call on me at Sunset or
address me at
IOtjotio., Oregon
Dealer in
CrocerseSj Provisions.
Tropical and Domestic
Fruits when in Season-
ats, Shirts, Clothing,
nderwear Get Prices
Fill kinds of Fnosh Vegetables in Season,
Durkhcimcr Hitildini; - Main Street.
m km
a x iLja-jmj' ijai ii
&j3C A3FT .EL
J. W. OWEN, Propts.
Finest hearse in county
Particular attention given
to Funerals.
Fresh Teams, Comfortable Rigs, Careful Drivers.
Particular attention given to Transcient Trade
Horses boarded by tlio day, wook or month
Mr Mi;
WW rU 3MC Wm5T
iifgiiiiii i "
Main St.,
Blacksmitliing and
Wagon Work
ANTEED. Burns, Oregon,