miMiiwn mli wrnw (f Wt Vlme.HctAia ThoOlllclM Paporol llnrnoj County hu the.lnrgost circulation umllioiioof tho.boet ndvoTtiilnR.inotllumi in Eaalorn Oregon. 1T i ?TIjc Wrcnt SUnrucu Country Cot or nn nrcn of 0,428,l00 urirt ol liuxl, 4,ini,J)Gl ncrm yet vacant eiihlu't to entry under llio jmhllc Inml dmc. ol llio United filnlLg. VOL. XXII BURNS, HARNEY COUNTY, OREGON, APRIL 17, lltO - NO. 22 f! i. ,.i... .-. HIM I IAY PRODUCE ALFALFA SEED ! FORMER RESIDENT RECOMMENDS ITS TRIAL IN THIS VALLEY. (Successfully drown Under SlmlUr Condllloot J And on Poorer SoliShould Not be Irritated When Sired lor Seed. Tho following letter was re cently received by J. C. Feley: My dear sir: Your kind favor f recent date has been duly re ceived and contents carefully and lidiciously noted and in reply I pect to not Bccd from n second crop. This valley is subject to frost sanio as Harney henco tho reason for taking tho first crop for seed. I beliovo that tho day will conio when Harney will produco mil lions of dollars worth of tho seed. It would bo worth whilo for some of those settlers in Sunset valley to mako a beginning along this lino also thoso fellows on tho Carey Act land. Fifty dollars not is about tho average yield per aero and often soventy-flvo dollars or more is obtained, 300 to 800 lbs per aero is tho yield, which at 12J to M GOOD ROADS MOVE SPREADS SOUTHEASTERN OREGON COUNTIES ARU ALL IN I.INH. Klamath I'alla and Laketlcw Unite to Secure llllhwaji Along Lines I'ropoied by The Court ol Harney County. sorvico for passenger, mail and foUBTS AT WEISER APRIL express trnlllc is corlain to follow speedily and freight outfits will soon bo steadily Blcaming along tho route FROM WAVERLV. A press dispatch from Kltimalh Dr. Denman passed through Monday in his nutomobiio. Several new comers havo nr- ORH(lON.Il)AIK) DEVELOI'MENT ORHSS THERE NEXT. 30 CON- I'f.ninlng a Meeting In llulle Later to Inltrcit That Section In Extending Road to Connect Willi lloUc-Coo Day. im nnnaf ninnJ in env flinf m -Tn. is I can forcast events at this P?nta ?cr,pound vca sme Rrcscnt writing, I shall in an ' dea of where you are. And for Falls says: Klamath County ?v.'. 0nu of ll,e K"tf to people aro determined to mako build immediately. this city tho trafllc gateway be tween Portland and Southeastern Oregon trade territory and in that effort has . tho moral and irobability be unable to make tho Journey to your city before the kill of the year. s Alfalfa seed can be had hero Jr about 12J cents per pound. lut say! Harney may some day ecome tho greatest alfalfa seed roducing region in tho west. JIfalfa seed is the mortgage lift- of tins valley, and this seed is toducedon land that is worth ies for any other purpose. It ill not grow grain or hay and -ry little pasture, and tho grow- bg of alfalfa seed has not in tho fast diminished the area devol ved to grain and hay and yet io allalfa seed grown in this hlley brings in more money than le beef cattle. Now Harney has the climate m thousands of acres of ideal Snd for the production of alfalfa led The land must be too drv make other crops profitable id the alfalfa must not bo irri ted and the first crop must be ft for seed, no hay should bo t from the field that is design- to make seed. ITho alfalfa should be drilled in ly from two to three inches in Ipth and should be sown as rly as tho ground is in crood liable condition. The erminrf ist bo dry enough so that the falfa will not crow over two . in hcjpchth, iYlll ..not-Jodms it stand erect and for seed mir- pses the plants should be rather lin c i the ground, not so thich for hay. It is a mistake to the first crop for hay and ex- tho lazy man it beats cattle rais ing so lar that cattle men aro material support of tho County Courts of Lake and Klamath counties and tho business men and shippers of Lnkoviow. At David Williams spent Sunday , . , . , . , at irnnrtr!r.ii'n '.Friday, Saturday and Sunday, William SchoMand Narrows Monday. ... , ,. April 80th, May 1st and 2nd. visited tho ,. , ... .. , jXhry alio roport tho meeting of i HfTlA.Mili((vnlinnri1 nf 11m RnnHi. nir. uiomnowgii is wonting roq,,,.,, rdal)0 Commercial Clubs, "1U" "'. Saturday May 1st. Tlio stngedriver's buggy was Club lias decided to make this a Huito have suffered an annual J'$s4$ittttj$jj iogoi uvc or six per cent ot their lamb crop in past yearn, from tho eating of poisonous weeds. Yel-, low camas, lupin and larkspur, i are tho weeds which have caused I the greatest loss. Recently an antidote was dis-l covered by veterinarians which . cures from sixty to 70 per cent of the diseased sheep. This pre-' paration comes is capsules and is dissolving tho rfVV SSSSSSSi&ific-- The WoiRor Signal announces tho Oregon-Idaho Dovelopmontiwjminj(,ie,(1( n Congress meeting at Wciscr on capsule in waiei and then giving it to tho affected sheep. If given in time the cure is certain. Dr. Lytic has recommended this to tho sheepmen of that vic inity and having declared that it Tho Weiser wa8 l'10 'JC8t tmn,r outmrmulc for nits ueauncni oi poison cases, a Af1.. .1 ;... ...! 1 ,n nnn . . . .. .. , thn nlinrrorlvmrntiiurnf tlin Kin. rrmvilnil MTmiiln,, liinlullr.... hlir aiwwRi'llI mnnlinir nml nm THIU . ""'b1111 OflltrCU 'JU,UUU not in it-sit aown anti watctut "-;- .': "";" " .,,........,.. --,-"----7." .. . 7 "', " . " ennsu esand nnon tbnir nrrivnl crow then hnrvoqt nndtlirpsh it miun uinmnor 01 uommerco passongor, two suit eases antl nn .wonting wuii migiii anu main iori ;, ,, ,. ' , . . and there you are, thousands in Thuradny night tho sentiment of orphan calf, it, sir. Miss Lena Harkoy might People to get tho work start- C(U.j Uwmmn ,, bcen ,rt,. make her fortune on tho Buoy ed was made clear and tho Coun- provlnK ilis dc80rt cnim H(J homestead. ty Court of Ivlanmtli county has exciivalc(1 n dilch u Hoping that some lazy "want ",ttC,l "" i'.v i"""""" ionff that will bo used to irrigate to get rich quick" inhabitant of vor 01 prosecuting uioiinprovo the Great Inland Empire may profit by these few pointers, I nm my kind sir, Your most humble servant, 1 A. C. Finn. ment without delay to build wa gon roads that will mako freight ing from Klamath Falls to the interior possible and bring to this point tho wool product of tho great interior rnngo region of mhttpi? .Southeastern Oregon. Notico is hereby given that by ncss men, including JPYank 11. virtue of the authority given by Light, William Mnsttengill and theChartcrof the City of Burns a Arthur Florence, traveled the sidewalk of lumber will bo constr- distance of more than 100 mileB tho land. Mr. Horseman haB finished fencing, and will have some of the land undor cultiva tion this year. lie is tho boy who will succeed. L. J. Gibson visited Mike Ilnil ey, Sunday. William Schefland called at Mr. Williams', Sunday. Messors. Horseman and Iltmr strich made n trip to Burn Mon day. William Grantand John Patch- iiiuHHuiiiuiiimiuun ., ,, ,. ,... ,.. ,. Iit.r ti,n. !?.!,! uni.,1 Snfnwln,, Dwu u,u Ml"U UTOUr ill OHU Uiiy, will bo used to carry on the busi- Ho i0r"mAc'1,nleIy "V1. I" n" ?r'r new program and Sunday will belfr(8?;000 '"oand it is probable .leveled to an excurtion trip on l,"lhu roal;cr " ?f th,ese he P. & I. N. Vale should have Wl1! b(5s"nPPcd upas fast as they a big delegation present. Three nrrT So,nc of i woolgrow. via nutvuvur, jiru uuviiik Hiuru more monthly meetings arc sch eduled ahead of us. One in May at Caldwell, one in Juno nt La Grande and ono in July nt Burns. We aro informed the next mcot- "" '" """- "" ". i... one in Eugene and 0110 in Butte rn. v ' Montana. The meeting in Butte , loss from poisoning seems will he held to interest tho Butte tl? have been growing greater on .uinnl. tn nn nvlnmlnn frAmTll,lf th rtkllgCR Of MalllCUr COUnty in to Boise, of the proposed railway !cccnt ,years- V,c 8tate ush",) from Coos Bay to Boise and thus 'nspector is unable to say whether bring it in connection with sever- u"a ,w"a UUB l0 u,c sPrcaa 01 U1C ul different competing lines that wccdB or to. lhe fact that the wnnl nn rmllnt tn tlin mjihI. Tlin rallKe S "Cltlg eatcil off more than they can possibly use. For Instance one man took 10,000 capsules, which number is suffi cient to euro more sheep than he will have poisoned in two or LADIES' NECKWEAR FOR SPRING 1909- EmbroiderJctl Linen Collars, Lace Collnrs and Bows, New Ascots. Call and see our new Waistings & Wash Materials We are showing the strongest spring line of Ruching, Neckwear, Ladies -Belts, Silk, Net and Lawn waists ever brought to Eastern Oregon. Something- new in Sorosis Un derskirts in Silks and Satines Ve handle exclusive patterns in the above and nothing shown by us is handled in the Interior. Alf Waists, Neckwear, Belts and Underskirts are selected from New York stocks and are Spring" Styles. Brown's Satisfactory Store. !.:::::::u:t::m:::t::n:::::::mtm:n:m:::mi!:m:::::::::::uim: mtxmnuiin ucted along the cast side of Block over tho present bad road to 77andlots9. 10. 11. 12. lSnmlnart noo-ntinto tlin ilotnils nf fonatiin. Of 14 Of Block 78 of tho Fourth tinn with tho nnifinla of If Inmnth "l 1110 Cutting posts. Addition to the City of Burns county and to attend the moolimr "Billy" Cnneron nasuctl Uiro. tirosiH'cts look bright for the free- c'0.so'y and a street crossing across F to promote tho project. The ugh Wednesday driving horses, dom of the people from a badly I he confining of the loss to Street, boinc on thn WftSt Rl'flo of rniltn nf thntirosnnt rnnil u-n ilo. Me fllmnimm wnu nt Mnnym. liott t( 1111 (ViluHHnil OU'inir to tho limbs IS attributed to the belief Frnnf Strnnt- nf no nnnrlv n ini i.l.wl tinin ...liir.1. i io ilnnmirl l.inl.' T.?.ln.. n...l t.wl Im ...... .l cum ..il tf iMiil.wwl nnrMnr.flniifit.a 111111 grO n SI1CC1) . -w... m.v, ... mj ..v.... . M Mil- V11IU14 MlflMI, , lllll lb 10 Ul-l-llll-ll VIIUIID A' I IVUl 411111 ,IUI I1U WUUlll fvw.vi.J nun witu itvwiiiuun.iwin) 1 ... . form grade as tho surface of the can bo made sufllciently good to havo forty acres undor cultiva- in Oregon and Idaho. ground will permit, and in con- take care of the business for this tion this year. ''Billy" Is very formance with the city regula- year, and both counties will start favorably impressed witli our,MN,) CUKfi TOR WOLD I'OISONINO tions and Ordinances. construction and improvement country; thinks the proapect for j Bv order of tho Common fViiin. wlr imrin1!ninKr oil is (rood. ' That tho shconmon of Mnlhnnr ..-.. wv.. .Tvik .............b.j . ... 4 --- -- ............ cil of the City of Burns, made a ' This is the first concrete stage Tim uooho have returned to tho county intend to mako strenuous nst urogoman. in the campaign for Oregon poo- Lake. oltortH to prevent tlio Heavy un acquire an in stinct which induces them to leave poisonous weeds alone, while lambs evidently cannot re sist tho bright flowers and eat them in preference to grass. The Karney Valley Brewing Go. MHimfncttirera of Family Trade Solicited Free) Deli very date April 14th, 1908, P. T. Randall, City Recorder. 2 Section fiin. 60 tooth Steel Lever Harrows at$22.00 at C. H. Voegtly's. See that you do not west. get $ inch and only CO tooth liar- gcods roads is assured, establish rows, instead of the above. ment of fast automobile stage plo to cultivate closer commercial a At Brakcman has been haul. relations and recently vnnoiiB ing lumber. i umiiiiu wnuieuuiurn ihvi; uuuji giving close attention to the trade of this rich district of tho North- Now that tlio I uiltling of Ed. Mnheur went to Sunday. Wo hear that tho U. S. deputy game warden will reside at Lawen. That ofliccr was at Mr. Armstrong's recently mini loss of lambs from the eat ing of poisonous weeds, is the - de&'tUiir.ittttt'MtMftnrivtt fC Qtntit Qltu Inonnn. T KW"",VM,fc' w MUtlV UIIVV 4IIOVV """""hlrLylle. who returned Sunday from an ofllcial visit to Vale and the adjoining territory. According to Dr. Lytic the wool growers of that part of the Blue prints of any township in Burns Land District, showing name of cntryman, date and kind of entry, topography, etc., 1.00 each. Piatt T. Randall, Burns, Ore. Job printing Tho Times-Herald Notice Th i c A. JLlfei?' You! I have opened up a first class jewelry and watch repair shop in the P. O. block, next door to Harney County National Bank. All work is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money re turned. Years of experience in repairing gives me confidence enough in myself that I can make all guarantees good where work proves unsatisfactory without Iofs in the long run, for where there is one customer that is not pleased there will be enough that are to make up lor it My Optical Department. THE CAPITAL SALOON, CIIAS. BEDELL, Proprietor. Burns, - - Oregon. 3Ea,0s:e Tlxis IE3:ea,a.q.-uia,xters Wines. Liquors and Cigars. Billiard and Peel Tables. Club Rooms in Connection. BETTER AM CilEAraTDAN m T have had my watch repaired many Union and t roublo always followed after each overhauling bucIi an regulatingand adjusting, but after Mr. Salisbury cleaned my watch it gave perfect satis faction right from tho start. I can recommend him as a thor ough workman. Jno. Atkins, Bankor, Klama, Wash. Being a Railroad IOngiiieor on tho Northern Pacific f am oblMg cd to carry a watch of the finest type, having to have it overhaul ed and timed every three months by rules of tho railroad. Air. Salisbury has always done my work and it has given tho best of satisfaction. Gko. CAMnwfAN, Engineer After having Mr. Salisbury repair my watch I can recommend him to bo a fine watchmaker. Sknatoh Watson, Kalanuv. Wash. Thoso recommends aro a fow of a groat manj that aro in my possession just jivo mo a trial and bo satisfied do not fail to look ovor my stock of WATCHES, CHAINS, KINGS, etc., boforo buying. Remember the location P. O. block next door The Harney County National Bank. to This is one part ol my business that I am proud ol. I have a method ot testing eyes that is all my own, and is so simple and quick to get right re sults that I call it the "Common Sense Method. " 1 have had years ol experience ' in fitting glasses, and with "Common Sense Methods" have had best ot results where others failed. After having several opticians in Portland test my oyes and fail I finally wont to Air. Salisbury andin one third of the time it took tho others ho had me fit to perfection. Four of in.) family are wearing Air. Salisbury's glasses and are giving tho best of satisfaction. T. AIonoiian, Light Inspector, Portland Lighting Co. lean truthfully say Air. Salisbury's glasses aro giving mo better satisfaction thou any I havo ever had. Mns. 11. I). Oaupkntkh, Portland, Oro. If you are in need of glasses you can tell yourself if any of the following symptoms occur it would pay you to have your eyes tested. Do your eyes smart and burn after reading? Do your eyes water after reading? Do yo!u old lenses Lire your eyes? Does your head ache on top or back of neck? Do you have to hold your head side ways to get a clear vision? If you linvc any of these ailments chances arc you arc in need of glasses. It costs you nolliing lo sec. I test lhe eyes free of charge to you and the glasses you buy arc backed by a guarantee mid this guarantee Is my WORD a little thing perhaps to.you, but with It I expect to build up u reputation that will make it as good as gold if In need of'iuiything in my line call .intl. as ygjf rBACTICAlLYgJk IndestrncUUe JK, STONE Ovor COO Pf Wfi Suml ,or Doautlful jfcgiJ7 Prlco List i Designs. ffifk!l Circulars. MONUMENTAL fF r f. COMPANY. H. 1. LKWIS Will be glad to furnish PARTICULARS and PRICES To anyone desiring INFORMATION. Sec his Handsome SmJmmk iiiyiiii m?::;ttu:njiii:::::n::jmim,::,,:jnnj.n,s.:i..,:;:::...j:jn:j:wty The OVERLAND HOTEL Burns, Oregon Afford the Best Accommodations to;bc hndjn Harney County CLEAN ROOMS, 1-le.tN t IflNEN, PAUATABhE VICTUALS The iratrontiffo of all Km.st8 under the old management especially syliritcd. Rates .$1 a day, $6 a week, $22 a month W Hidoron Elliott, Propt. j munjniiiii:!ti::::j::m,,m,,,,m,:t,,,,nJM,JMmm::ninjJJSJjmnjm M. SALISBURY, Jeweler and Optician. I'or Consllp.itlou. Mr. L. II. Iirnhnm, a promi nent drujjffiat of Spirit Lake, Iowa, says: "Clmmberlnin's Stomach and Liver Tablets aio certainly the best thing on the market for constipation." Give these tah- f lots a trial. You are certain to find them njrrceable r.iul pleasant in eil'ect. Price, 2" cents. Sam plo free. For sal by all good dealers. Fou Sai.k-;20 across of hay and. Inquire at jtliis office. ; AUCTION s I will hold regular auction sales on tho first and third Saturdays of each month at theC. A. Sweek barn in Burns. Brinjr in any thing you havo for sale and get your money for it. Special at tention given to sales in tho country. Y. T. Smith, Auctioneer. J. II. Culp, painting and paper hanging, Burns, Oregon. ! Ailnm Ccorjtc V, T. I.vstvr : List your property with the Inland ; Empire Itenlty Co. if you desire a quick sale or. trade Employment Agency i S. j "rn1"" m"