The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, April 10, 1909, Image 3

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SATURDAY, A t'Ktt, 10, 1009.
Locnl News.
Jmv Is the time to buy Harness '
iiiitl Snddlcs or anything in our '
inc. We nre Roin to quit the I
business and everything goes at .
post. We menu business. Call i
fcml be convinced. ',
.IV 1I1.TU itlJJJl quiiiu j......
Ipiing weather this week.
Some very desirable residenco
and business lots in Burns can bo
iocurcd by seeing Irving Miller.
M. Fc.i .ok has been having
siege of grip and mumps com
bined but is reported improving.
For Sale Thoroughbred Ked '
hirham Bulls from one to three i
rears oia. uu uomens, minis
Prof. G. A. Collier is over from
silver Creek. Ho closed the
ichool there on Friday of last
Beginning the first Monday in
kpril we will put big cuts on the
Irices of shoes, hats and men's
lothing. Fred Haines.
Commissioner Smyth was over
9in ins Diamonu nomo mis
ireek attending, an adjourned
lieeting of the county courUnnd
Iso a meeting of the high school
lonrd. Ho was aecompanied by
Sis wife.
Mrs. W. L. Marsden is in re
E?ipt of a letter from Dr. Mars-
en announcing mat no woum
eave wntttier witu ins motnur
ar thi place at once. Thoy
ime by way of San Francisco
(here they will visit for a while.
vThe dilapidated condition
lur siucwaiKs anu crosswams
lould have the attention of the
Sty authorities. Tnere is no oc-
asion to-allow their ropainnent
clayed as they are a menace
Bid gives the town a decidedly
id appearance.
; Eldred, the youngest son of II,
Simmons, had the misfortune
have his left leg broken last
kiesday evening. He was milk-'
bg when the cow stepped upon
lis left ankle and in fact the
limnj stood on him for somo-
ime car ing a rott s iracturc
Ino he is now at me nomo 01
9r. W. C. Brown.
is reinforced by another
of Earned Surplus
Capital, ' S25,000.00
Surplus, 325,000.00
The Burns Concert Band will
live a grand nan at me um-
jiercial Club hall on next Friday
ning, April 1G. The boys de-
Ire some new instruments, new
lusic and new uniforms for use
luring the Development Congress
2re on July 1, 2 and 3 and the
ftroceecis trom tins nail will be
sed for this purpose. Evcry
ic who dances should help the
loys out.
Two cases of diphtheria have
leveloped in the family of M. T.
jfpton in this city. The family
Irrived here last Sunday from!
Good seed potatoes for sale at
the Burns Flour Mill.
Mrs. Lcinli Williams-Miller is
in the city displaying a line of
Get your garden seeds and on
ion sets at the Harney Co. Imp.
& Hdw. Co.
A. D. Brakcman was up from
Waverly during the week and
took out a load of lumber upon his
(5-10 acre ranch for sale suitable
for dairy or stock ranch. Abund
ance of water or irrigation and
power- inquire at this ollice.
C. F. McKinney was confined
to his homo several days this
week suffering from lumbago.
He was able to be on the streets
today with the aid of a cane.
2 Section gin. CO tooth Steel
Lever Harrows at$22.00 at C. II.
Voegtly's. Sec that you do not
get J inch and only 50 tooth Har
rows, instead or me above.
W. E. Smith arrived homo
yesterday from Ontario where
he had been looking after the
disposal and shipment of his
beef which had wintered out
The county high school board
has re-elected Prof. D. W. Yod
er, principal, Allen Biggs and
Miss Mary Godfrey assistant
teachers for the coming year.
The meeting was held last Mon
day with the entire board pre
sent. Miss Godfrey was one of
the faculty up until last year
when she resigned. Her mnny
friends among the pupils and
people of this city will welcome
her back to Burns.
Get nursery stock of the In
land Empire Realty Co.
1. II. Holland arrived homo
from the railroad last Tuesday.
Reduction in ladies' and child
ren's underwnrc. Fred Haines. ' us that an eight legged calf was
i.m iw..,i .., ....,..., m,.; recently born on Sam Graves'
JI. l.UIHUU tltlO illlllMlft WIVCIVj . .til
inlii'tfiHliCIHarllmi illmir i ii
Potatoes at Huston'a market
J. R. Jenkins is over from Ills
Happy Valley home.
HopkinB Bro3. aru dosing out.
Harness nnd saddles at cost.
Cut prices in men's nnd boys'
dress shirts. Fred Haines.
Dr. II. Donmnn has gono to
Alvord to aeo Mrs. Chris Denoan.
Jonmun iicrdugo is in iroin
Clover Swnil looking af tor somo
Edison Phonographs and re
cords for salo at Lunaburg &
R. J. Williams and W. L. Best
woro over from Silver Crook
Don't miss investigating tlto
bargain counter at Haines & Co'b.
Somo excellent values.
F. J. Klink is over from Grant
county looking after tho tola-
phono lines in this county.
Reatos for salo, all sizes and
lengths, prico 20 cents per foot, i
Any ono desiring Reatos address
W. A. Ford of J. O. Alberaori.
Alberson, Oregon.
Notice is hereby given that no
stock, whatever,, branded with
the 21 iron can bo sold without
the consent of the undersigned.
Mrs. Ella Martin.
A full stock of the best riding
Plows in the world, (which nre
tho John Deero Plows) also for
this Country, have always boon
a success whore others failed, at
C. II. Voegtly's.
Mrs. W. A. Hopkins informs
on jury duty in tho circuit court
this weok.
G. W. Clovenger is again in
the market for hides. Highest
market prico paid.
Chns. Russell, who has long
been an invalid, was quite ser
iously sick during this week.
Wo can trade anything you
uivo for nnythihg you want In
place near tho lakes but did not
live. It appeared to bo double
sex besides having a double set
of legs. They saved the hide
and desire to have the freok
mounted by a taxidermist.
Hopkins Bros, aro closing out.
Everything at C03t.
J. E. Chandler and family
came in yesterday.
Schank wants more coyote
hides and other fiirs.
J. II, Gulp, painting and paper
hanging, Burns, Oregon.
Jack Greonloo was in tho city
this weok on land business.
Fresh gardon seeds and onion
sots tit tho Harney Co. Imp. &
Hdw. Co.
II, N. Mossier was among
those who word attending court
this weok.
C. W. Drinkwalor, J. D. Smith
and Mr, Szopicray aro over from
The only nnd best self feed
Disc Drill is tho Van Brunt, at
C. II. Voegtly's.
Hon. W. II. Brooke left for
his home nt Ontario Thursday in
tho automobile.
Mesdames 11. C. Brown and
W. D. Baker were over from
Drewsey during tho weok.
Good vinegar for salo by T. E.
Jonkins nt tho Browery. Monoy
back if not as represented.
Mrs, Edward Soulhworth and
son aro over from Bear valloy on
a visit to C. A. Swcek and fam
V. Y. King has begun the
erection of an extensive addi
tion to the family home in this
Everything at cost we are
closing out our business now is
the time to get harness and sad
dlesHopkins Bros.
The dnnco given Inst night in
honor of Nollio Reed by tho Club
was a.decided success and most
thoroughly enjoyed.
Don't fail to got a Safoty Incu
bator. W. T. Smith sells them.
Ethel Thompson is attending
school at Ii"i-;.ti,
Carl Hoistmnn '.a working on
his clnim. His sister is cooking
for him.
Mr. Folkstead of Happy Val
ley, was seen in Waverly Mon
Mr. Montivitch. who has been
Working for Dick Unities, is
back to his homestead ugnin.
Mr. Zuarodino reports that
thero arc two or three feet of
snow between Vale and Baker
Messrs. Caperon, Williams and
Hailoy were at Gibson's place
'Billoy" C- and Mike II
called nt Armstrong's Sunday.
They remained only a few mom
ents. Wonder if tho boys did
not seo a largo black dog; or did
they get "tho mitten."
Mr. and Mrs. Marshall were
nt Brakcman'8 Thursday.
McBscrs. Gibson and Williams
called at W. L. Kimblcs Friday.
Brakemnn and Bennett arriv
ed from Vnlo today. They say
the roads aro good.
Wo hear that John A. Hunt is
residing m Iowa. Suppose that
no lias seen enough ot tho west,
Mr. Folkstead was seen at
Waverly, Friday. Ho says that
Thunder nnd Lightening are all
right after you work them a few
days; yet. the ponies nro afraid
of Snook Hill. While passing
there his team stops, runs, lunges,
goes sideways, snorts, squeals,
makes curiotw noises, and fre
quently kicks the driver out of
his hack, but it is generally to
push on the wheels.
See Hopkins Bros.
nd in another place.
closing out
Number 13,
The Strength of a Horse
The power of a horso to pull a load is regulated by the close
ness of that tho horse. Any calf can pull a boy all over
tho lot if tho roap is short enough.
Your capacity to carry on your business easily and with success
depends upon your bank connection what service you get from tho
bank of your choice. Your future success, depending on present
service, is regulated in part by whether or not you get close, per
sonal service from your bank.
Your business success depends upon tho convenience you re
ceive, the help you get every day, in easy times and "hard" times,
when you want assistance when you want it nt the same time
others do.
The bank that places its officers in close touch with customers
and their business boars the same relation to the power to "push"
business as the closeness of tho hore to his load determines his
pulling power.
Our officers are easily accessible, they are glad to give personal
counsel, they will take an interest in the success of your business.
This bank will help YOUR business. Our service is adjusta
ble to YOUIO'cquircmciits.
A Savings Bank Department is a feature of this Bank,
in which interest at the rale of four per cent per
annum is allowed.
The Harney County National Bank
f.5?'AJi&if '!'. '. "
--y ? av j--- i
vsrv w . vWvV
land Empire Realty Co., Burns, with his old time chum and fel-
A. D. Hogan, a pressman on 'They run without a lamp-no ex
tho Seattle Daily Times, arrived J Penw- See him. He has one
hore Thursday evening for the running nt tho Summit Hotel,
purpose of looking over tho coun-1 , " rin(s of IU)V townaliin in
1 1 1! !. I ---. ---. M.
uy nun BpuiuuiiK i icw wunna
Tho New Windsor Bar, under
the management of Lee Caldwell,
is one of tho most popular resorts
in Eastern Oregon. Drop in
when you have a thirst.
A. Schenk wants fiOOO covoto
Hand bob-cat hides. Will pay S2
each for all with heads and claws
complete. Skins must bo priino
to bring this prico. Also buys
other hides and furs.
The school board of Burns Dis
trict has elected Prof. G. A. Col-
li:.. ....:.,:. ,i. a i.i m:ii....,i n
ne of the middle states and evi-' "" ' ,",,'.' "" ' "'. i ".V t .
,, , , , ., ,. muccecu miss oumiu oiiiiiii, mr.
ently contracted the disease . . ... . ,, ... ' llllK
hile enroute. They occupy the. "' . " V" lu ""-fc" " "" "U1
heldon residence and a strict '";", Z?"'.?-
uarantine has been placed. Dr. m,a' "'-'"" ,,,
riffith, who has had the cases ?". """; '"""'" ."' """
charge, reports both the child- " ""' V " : ''"u' -n
better this morning and is &mith and Burrow were not
;ufl,l ,-,. l,., 1, ,. ui'l'v-iu fu iiiu win .ik jrcui.
1..3.H.U n.n. nu.i, ui.v.1 nu i-A j 0ne more pace is yet to 1)0 fill
! Ono more place is yet
I ed in the faculty.
low worker, C. A. II. Smith, who
has n ranch nenr Lawen. The
bovs left for the ranch this morn
ing. Mrs. Gowan and two children
arrived from their homo in Lake
county this week. Mrs. Gowan
is a sister of Mrs. V. G. Cozad.
Mrs. Cozad, who has been dan
gerously ill, has taken apparent
ly a decided turn for the bolter
and her recovery seems certain
and speedy. Blue ML Eagle.
Hopkins Bros, are selling out
their harness and saddlo buBinoss
in this city nnd will take up other
work. V. J. Hopkins tho senior
member of tho firm, has been in
poor health for some time and
finds it necessary to quit the
business entirely. He will likely
go to the coast as soon as the
business is closed out.
Tho wooden structure former
ly occupied by Mesdamos Reed
& Johnson as a millinery store
has been moved to tho lots op
posite tho Summit hotel. The
stono is being placed upon tho
ground preparatory to tho erec
tion of tho Reed business house
and the grocery store will also
be moved in order to make robin
for it.
compare values and buy
where you can buy the
However, it should be borne in
mind that nothing is chcap'if
the quality is unsatisfactory, if
the style is not right. When
you are out shopping this store
will gladly submit to these com
parisons and will abide by your
While we do not make the mer
chandise, oui'fjuarantce of ah
Holiile Hdtittfaction to all
makes the poods you buy here
the right uoods at lowest price
Complete line of
Orders promptly filled
'The Busy Corner Store"
seuxtss, oaFtaEscSrCxrcr-
W. C. Byrd is getting tho
building in the block south of
the Hnrney County National
Bank in shape for his stock of
cigars, confectionery, etc., which
will arrive next week.
Robt. Stoner, F. O. Jackson,
Mrs. W. Y. King, Misses Merle
Dalton, Myra King and Alice
Sweek will leave tomorrow for
Prairio City to attend a conven
tion of tho Rebekah Degree, I.
0. 0. F.
N. E. Pardee opened his mov
ing picture show at tho King hall
last night and pleased a good
crowd. His machino gives ex
cellent satisfaction and the pic
tures are very plain. Ho will
show again tonight and his re
gular dates in future will be Fri-
u, ..U ouvuiuaj, .,.. shcrj(r n h WoIS) of Custoj,
Dr. W. A. Hopkins and wife county, Mont., nrrived hero tho
have recently returned from first of this week looking for a
Lakovicw woro they sojourned man named Dick Loswell, who
for a time. Dr. Hopkins says is charged with larceny in Mon-
that section is booming and that tann. With tho aid of Sheriff
the Oregon Valley Land Co. will Richardson ho succeeded in lo
likcly como into this section as it eating his man at the C. R.
desires more land and has in Peterson placo on Crane Creek,
view tho purchaso of some of the He left with tho prisoner for
big ranches of this section which ' Montnna the following morning.
would be cut up nnd sold in small I
(racta I Mrs. M. V. Baker and son Ray
arrived hero Thursday evening
The rcgulnr mooting of tho'fr0m Rebel Creek, Nov. Mrs.
Commercial Club was held last. Baker is a sister to Mrs. Tom
Tuesday evening at which sev-' Allen and Cary and Leo Thorn
oral now members woro elected burg. Thoy will spend at least a
nnd among other things plans , month visiting relntivcs and old
for tho entertainment of tho de-' time f rionds in this section. Mr.
legates to tho Development con- Baker was on tho 0 0 ranch hero
gross in July were discussed, for many years in tho omploy of
It was suggested that a public Hardin & Riley and when tho
meeting bo called to c insider the ranch changed hands ho wont to
4th of July celebration jointly California but has again taken a
but no definite date for tho meot- position with his old employers
ing was fixed. I in Nevada.
We arc Headquarters for
Horse Blanket?, Saddle Blankets
and Balsam of Myrrh
Wc Carry u Complete Lino ef
B-uirrLQ Oxogroru
I Burns Land District, showing
name of entry man, date and kind
ofontry, topography, etc., $1.00
each. Plait T. Randall, Burns,
1L J. HniiRcn of the Burns
Meat Market is prepared to fur
nish bacon, hams and lard to
shoopmen and ranchers in any
quantity. Special prices for big
i Tho Gurim Commercial Club
delegation who attended tho De
velopment League congress at
Ontario were must royally treat
ed and hope they may play host
to a larger delegation from that
placo at the time of tho meeting
hero in July.
Miss Eslolla Riddle and C. C.
Dodge were married at Ontario
last Wednesdny evening. The
former is editor nnd the latter
business manager of tho Opti
mist of that place. The Times
Herald man mado the acquain
tance of these estimable young
people during his recent visit to
their city and is plenscd to ex
tend best wishes.
W. D. Baker was over from
Drewsey this week on land busi
ness. Ho is now at work on the
'phone lino between Hnrnoy and
Drewsey nnd expects to have it
connected up by the first of next
month, Thoy will put on copper
wiro and equip tho lino for the
very beat service. It will con
nect direct with tho system hero
and como in over tho Harney
line. Both Mr. Baker and C.
W. Drinkwalor, another of tho
company, say thoy expect to
construct tho line on over to
Agency this senson nnd may fin
ally extend tho lino to tho rail
road. A local exchange will bo
installed at Drewsey.
Shcriif Odell, of Malheur coun
ty, came in Tuesday night having
in chargo Win. Jordan who was
under indictment in this county
charged with larceny. Mr.
Odell had quite a chaso for his
man. It seems Jordan had been
in this section and went out re
cently with his brother Dan but
kopt out of sight, whon ho saw
anyone. Pcoplo would seo two
men with tho freight team at a
distance, but upon approaching
near but ono man could bo seon.
It looked rather suspicious and
Sheriff Odell'a attention was
called to it. Upon Dan's arrival
at Vnlo ho hired a team to go to
Ontario and tho sheriff followed
a littlo later in nn automobilo but
when ho arrived the team had
not appeared, Ho 'phoned downi
tho lino nnd was informed tho
man was in Pnyotto, but no ono
attempted to catch him. Will
took tho west bound train nnd
Odell tho noxt ono, but having
'phoned ahead his man was
caught in Tho Dalles. Tho pris
oner was brought horo but his
trial postponed and ho was al
lowed out on bail.
Just nrrivcdl Fresh garden
seeds and onion sets. These
seeds hnvo not been carried over.
No old seed. Harney Co. Imp.
& Hdw Co.
Potatoes! Potatoes! Potatoes!
Wo have them, Early Rose,
Early Harvest and Burbanks, 2
nnd 21 cents per lb. Will take
grain in exchange nnd will allow
2 cents for oats, $1.85 for chop
and $1.75 for barley. You can
bring in a load nnd take out a
load. Our potatoes are clean
nnd smooth, no scabs.
C. C. C. Co.
Canyon City Oregon.
Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes
Fresh Groceries, etc.
For Fall and Winter Trade
??,mz?y.2&Lfj''i'! '.
All parties owing Lewis & Gar
rett, or Simon Lewis are hereby
notified that all these accounts
aro in the hands of our attorney
C. II. Leonard for collection and
settlement. Persons indebted to
us will please settle the same
with Mr. Lconnrd at once.
Simon Lewis
J. T. Gaukett.
Land Scnn1 Soldiers Addi
tional Homestead Scrip for said,
can bo used on any government
land subject to homestead entry
and obtains title promptly with
out either settlement or cultiva
tion. Fully guaranteed. For
prices address L. W. Hubbell,
Springfield, Missouri.
"V57"eIX I3riXlix3Lg:
Prepared to go to a depth of 500 feet with
various size drills. Honest measurement and
satisfaction guaranteed. segfe-
For prlces.and terms call on me at Sunset or
address me at
IOtuuevo., Oregon
W. E
Jtra u
Hunting and fishing nre strict
ly forbidden upon my ranch.
Alva Springer.
Hunting and fishing aro strict
ly forbidden upon any of the
Pacific Live Stock Co. ranches.
Trespassers will bo prosecuted.
John Gilcuest.
Object la Strom Mcdlclati.
Many pcoplo object to taking
tho strong medicines usually pre
scribed by physicians for rheu
matism. There is no need of in
ternal treatment in any case of
muscular or chronic rhoumntism,
and more than nine out of every
ton cases of the disease nro of
ono or tho other of theso varie
ties. When thero is no fover
and littlo (if any) swelling, you 1
may know that it is only neces
sary to apply Chamberlain's Li
niment freoly to got quick re
lief. Try it. For salo by all
good dealers.
Dealer in
Groceries, Provisions.
Tropical and Domestic
Fruits when in Season.
Hats, Shirts, Glothinp,
UnderwearGet Prices
Pill kinds of presh Vegetables in Season,
Uurklicimcr liiiildui
Main Street.
McGEE & OWEN, Propts.
Fresh Teams, Comfortable Rigs, Careful Drivers.
Particular attention given to Transcient Trade
Call on us. Next door to French Hotel Main St.
Horses boarded by I he day, week or mouth
I Wi),A7VUaS
Physician and Surgeon
Calln untHt-rvil promptly nlla it ilny
'I'Iioiiu lliirrlman.
Harrlman, Otvgon
The Eastern Oregon
Engineering Co.
Main Ofllce,!Uurris, Oregon
Branch Office, Lakevlow, Oregon
0. M. fAVLKNICil, Ugf.
Main St.,
SUCi t60rtlO.WILSO A A -Tt.N.
lilacksmithiug and
Wagon Work
Birns, Oregon
fl ?7
The Best
On the Market
- Durable
Hns all the qualities of high priced machines
Rapid, Universal key board, Simple, Cheap
Chicago Writing Machine Co.
151-153 Wnbaih Ave., Chicago, III,