The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, April 10, 1909, Image 1

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l Lj L,JiXMilJiim-JiuUJixujiaioiiMaincWB1ll)ilfiii'ilii'lliiiiii'i'''llf'''" ' '"" ' rr
HBMiwwiaiiMiiuiMiUMwm un
?(e &isiH2sIernl&
TlioOMeliU lnurut lWncy County
hits thc.liirost circulation niul laoiui o
tlio'beU rulvortlsliiR mediums In
(c (firent 31nrncu'Gdtiinro
Cove mi nrcu ol 0,428,00 ln- ol
Intuit 4,0.11,001 Heron )ct vnrnnt mlmcl
to entry under tlio ulllc Innd nwt- nl
I ho United rJIntui.
NO. 2l)
Harney County Court Acts Upon the
Good Roads Resolution
Letters Addressed to Various County Courts Asking Co-operation
in Carrying out the Suggestions of the Oregon-Idaho
Development League Resolution Connect With Crater Lake.
Wm. Hanloy and tho manager
of this great religious weekly
Inlifve in pushing the good roads
movement while the iron is hot.
Immediately upon their return
to Ontario from a trip into south
ern Idaho ttiey took it upon
themselves to discuss the matter
with County Commissioner Mnl
lctt of Malheur county and
found that gentleman heartily in
i aicord with the resolution adopt-
b the Oregon-Idaho Develop-
I meat League. Upon reaching
Vale these Harney county boost
ers had a talk with County Judge
Richardson and found the judge
rcadv to consider suggestions.
Judge Richardson said he had
t investigated the condition of
roads leading from Vale to
. Harney county line and
. ivfore would not commit him-
f, but would gladly co-opcr-
with this county in making
i . - ligations with a view of
.King up the work.
t the adjourned meeting of
lv county court last Monday the
hatter was taken up and tho
t urt at once proceeded in a most
satisfactory manner. Upon sug
gestion the court addressed let
ters to adjoining counties urging
co-operation and it is practically
assured that fine roads may bo
expected throughout the inter
ior sect m of Oregon this sea
son ar a connection made with
the rater Lake road so that
automobiles may be run over
them with safety. Lake has al-
irealy taken up the matter of
better roads with Klamath and
it will be noted from a clipping
on this page that Prineville will
take it up from that place to
Bend. The letter sent out by
our county court follews:
"Burns, April C.
'Hon. County Court,
" County, Ore.
"At the rec nt meeting of the
Oregon-Idaho Development Con
gress at Ontario a resolution was
adopted recommending co-opera-
ton of the County Courts of Mal-
jheur and Harney county for bot
her roads. The idea being to
place our public highways in such
condition as to make them better
tor tho larmer ana ireignier,
jut also to attract and encourage
travel in automobiles.
"The County Court of Harney
County heartily approve of such
a plan, and is not only ready to
co-operate with Malheur County,
but is ready to take up such work
with other adjoining counties to
the west and south thus covering
the territory with a view of con
necting with tho Crater Lake
oad, for which tho State Lcgis
iture recently made a largo ap
.ropriation, and such other roads
i ! may be advisable.
' 'This Court believes good roadn
ill attract a most desirable class
I of people to visit tho isolated
unties of Eastern and Soutli-
IrMrtrrn Oregon, and such visits
vnuld result in great benefit to
the c nlire territory.
"To this end we ask for an ex
pression from your body as to
ways and means and tho best
method of obtaining sucli a re
sult? We hope to have favora
ble consideration of this subject,
and would suggest a meeting of
the Road Masters of the various
Idistricis at an early date and
plans perfected to carry forward
this important work."
"Honk! Honk!" Look out for
tho autos. Within a month two
Jig automobiles will bo spinning
wer the roads botween Prine
illo and Shaniko, carrying pas
sengers trom this railroauless
section to tho terminus of tho
Columbia Southern, making the
trip each" way daily and "cover
ing that GO t mile distance in G
hours. Tho machines are to
have a capacity for carrying
eight passengers and will bo of
tho most powerful type.
Tin's is tho information given
out this week by Mack Cornolt,
tho pioneer stage man. Tho
auto service is to bo run in con
nection with tho stago. business
and will be owned by a Prine
ville company, in which Mr.
Cornett and his associates in tho
line will have a heavy interest.
"Everything is all ready,"
says Mr. Cornett, "and all that
remains to be done is to select
tho type of machines we want.
Prineville Journal.
A. F. Potter, chief of the graz
ing department of tho national
service, is a visitor in Portland
today, says the Journal. He
spent most of the morning go
ing over departmental business j
with the local office and found
everything in fine slinpe. Mr.
Potter is always glad when tho
time comes for him to make his
annual trip to tho Pacific coast,
as he says it more of a pleasure
trip to him than a business jour
ney. One of Mr. Potter's greatest
hobbies is tho work being car
ried on by tho department's ex
perts on the Wallowa national
forest reserve. Two exports are
at work there carrying on scien
tific investigations into the best
manner of handling largo flocks
of sheep and cattle on the gov
ernment ranges. Their report
will be issued in a short time.
"We have been for sometime
conducting experiments in the
handling of flocks," said Mr.
Potter in discussing tho work
of the department on the coast,
"and have found out two things:
One that it is best to pasture
sheep and cattle in the open
pasture instead of herding them
together, and tho other that a
fence can ho constructed which
is practically a stone wnll to all
wild animals but tho grizzly bear.
Coyotes, wolves and several
kinds of bear find themselves un
able to penetrate this fence, but
tho grizzly bear has at times
been able to get through it. Wo
are now conducting experiments
toward determining what is the
host grass for reseeding grazed
out lands.
"Probably our most extensive
experiments have been in de
termining whether or not the
grazing of sheep and cattle, in
herds or scattered has been the
most valuablo aid to tho stock
owner, for lambs grazed looso
have weighed sometimes eight
pounds more than lambs of tho
Fame grade and weight grazed
in herds. Our experiments with
the coyote proof fenco have not
been as successful, however, as
the fenco which proved coyote
proof proved to bo a trillo too ex
pensive for any but the most
valuablo of grazing lands."
SPAY lllill'ERS,
Many Crook county cattlemen
are now engaged in tho practice
or aro planning to spay a largo
number of their heifers and turn
them oil for beef, tho idea seem
ing to prevail that tho thing to
do-nowadays to make money at
tho caltlo business is to feed
beef stuff and let someone clso
do tho raising.
If this practice is carried on
extensively among tho herds of
this county where aro tho stack
ers that aro to bo fed to como
from? Tills is a question that is
Well worth tho consideration of
cattle growurs at this time, for
with too much of a decreaso in
tho number of cows for breeding
purposes, it will bo n case of
killing the gooso that laid tho
golden egg, and as a result tho
price of feeders will go ao high
that thcro will bo litllo profit in
feeding for market.
Crook county is too good a
breeding ground for entile to al
low this branch of tho business
to languish, and whilo it (loos
not at present it would seem
wiso at this time to at least
sound a note of warning and call
attention to this tendency nmong
tho growers which seems to bo
rapidly increasing. For instance
this-season ovts'r 500 hfeftd of
heifers are slated for steriliza
tion, which means practically
f)00 less calves next season. If
tho feeders to mnke up this de
ficiency iinvo to bo purchased
outside tho county, it means just
so much money gone out of tho
county for stock that could pro
bably have been raised cheaper
at home.
Tho practice of spaying has
been engaged in by a few grow
ers who have had in mind the
improvement of their herds, the
culls being spayed nnd turned
off for beef. With this end in
view the plan is n most sensible
one, but when it comes to put
ting tho knife indiscriminately
into every heifer. it tho herd it
begins to look liko'race suicide
for the cattle industry.
It would bo a good thing if the
cattlemen of the county would
get into an organization of some
kind for mutual benefit. There
aro unquestionably many in the
business who nre equipped H"d
have the facilities for raising
caltlo more economically than
others, while on tho other hand
those who have big home ranch
es and produce large quantities
of hay are better prepared to
carry on the feeding operations.
Spayed heifers make desirabjo
winter feeders as they keep in
condition much more easily than
steors.Jnit nny marked, decroaaq,
in tho Arrivals of tho baby calves
each spring will put the caltlo
business in hard lines in this
county. Prineville Journnl.
Tho following appeal in
Saturday's Portland Journal
needs no comment from
. It
Burns, Or., March HO. -To tho
Editor of Tho Journal I have
not the least desire to got into
print, nnd would not at this time
were it not that I feel impelled
to take up my pen in defense
of the reputation of Harney
county, Oregon, I most strcnu
ously deny tho chargo that my
friends and neighbors the pros
perous and happy pooplo of Har
ney county nre cringing cow
ards, as a certain clnss of news
papers would have the outside
world believe, and furthermore I
want to say something about
William Hanloy who is reputed to
bo tho czar of Harney county;
and who, so far as tho outside
world is concerned, is now' labor
ing under criminal accusation,
have personally known Mr. Han
ley for about eight years. He
lias been zealous in his efforts to
induce capital to invest in east
ern Oregon for tho purpose of
developing its resources. I have
observed him in his business and
social relations. Instead of a
criminal or a man with criminal
intents, a fenccr-up of public
lnnds, nn intimidating bully, a
maneatcr, I have found him kind,
charitable, gentlo and progres
sive, an advocate of good roads,
both highways and railroads, a
builder of canals, ditches and
teiephono lines. I believe Mr.
Hnnloy is untiring in his i liorts
for tho development and better
ment of Harney county.
"W- A. J. Ihwin,
Pastor Presbyterian church,
Burns, Oregon.
Situation WAN'run-Man and
his wife wants situation on a
ranch, A man capablo of caring
for any kind of stock. Handy at
all kinds of work, Woman ca
pablo of doing all houso work,
cooking a speciality, Stalo
wages. Address
It. L. BltOWN,
Gen. Delivery Canby, Or.
Remember tho Inland Empire
Realty Co. furnish competent
help free, If you need' help call
and seo us.
Report of Federa
Be Adverse to
Conditions Said to Impose ScrimniLObsincIc and Alight
sitate Great Hxnctisc in
to RcjccWThat .Route to
Restrictions to bo
Deschutes Railroad
put on the
in tho rec-
ommendations of Engineors Hen
ry and Hopson of the Reclama
tion Service nre understood to be
such that tho Harrimnn lino may
not bo built at all, says a Port
land exchange. Obstacles Hint
aro thought ,to be insurmount
able, it is understood, aro to be
embodied in tho recommenda
tions to tho department at Wash
ington. This report is now ready
to go forward.
Neither tho reclamation engin
eers nor HuTimnn officials, with
wiiom tho engineers held a con
ference before mailing their re
port, will discuss the recom
mendations made. It is under
stood, nevertheless, that re
quirements to be placed on the
railroad aro onerous nnd aro
such that tho railroad company
will not make the heavy invest
ment required to build the Dos
chutes Railroad.
It is understood that the rail
road project is to bo given the
right-of-way over Government
reclamation project! along tho
Deschutes River, with tho ox
press, stipulation, that if the
department Inter on decides to
enrry out the reclamation pro
ject already jnuHlifid. .output, a
point half way between the
mouth of tho river nnd Sherar's
bridge, tho railroad must move
its line
so ns to cause no intcr-
with tho Government's
this provision imposos
upon tho railroad a condition
that is prohibitive is believed
in some quarters where infor
mation has been received as to
what tho stipulations of the en
gineers' report nre. If the road
wore built nlong a water grade
into Central Oregon by tho Dos
chutes route and the Reclama
tion Service Inter decided to
construct nn irrigation dam in
that stream, tho railroad would
have to be rebuilt around the
dam, nt an elevation of no less
than 100 feet abovo tho river, as
the plans for tho dnm call for a
100 foot wall.
The railroad builders do not
favor jumping up 100 feet from
a water grade and then down
again to get out of tho way of
an irrigation project, in fact,
there is somo doubt ns to wheth
er such a thing is practical be
causo it is thought a road would
havo to cling to sheer cliffs if
built nt that elevation abovo the
Perhaps tho worst feature of
tho whole case is tiiat if tho Gov
orment dam woro favored in this
way by tho railroad and a dotour
made, privato power enterprises
and irrigation companies might
insist that further jumps bo
made by the railroad to get over
their dams as well.
Tho Deschutes Railroad is diffi
cult enough of construction at
heat, railroad men believe, Thnt
it will bo very expensive is shown
by the estimated cost of $4,755,
000 for 130 miles. Mnny railroad
engineers would not recommend
tho building of a railroad up tho
Deschutes Canyon nt all, so rough
is tho Hledding encountered. Tho
construction will bo moro difficult
than the North Bank road, but
in mnny ways, construction pro
blems nro similar. Solid rock
cliffs confront engineers nt many
points nnd tunnels and high
bridges nro numerous. Space to
lay track will havo to bo blasted
out of the basalt blufis for miles
if tho surveys aro followed by a
Additional obstacles to railway
construction nro not likely to bo
given a .henrty welcome by tho
Harrimnn interests. It is pretty
well understood already that tho
(heavy cost of tho Deschutps rail-
Engineers Said to
eschutes Line
Pimu'rTniid Alny CiuiscJInrriman
- lf1;Say1PPola' Wc?;
road, as given in tho estimates
of tho projected line, cast some
thing of a gloom over tho Chica
go offices of thollarriman system
Additional expense and serious
operating difficulties are not like
ly, it is believed, to be met with
favor at headquarters.
It is estimated that if tho re
clamation dam is built it would
cost not less thnn ?G00.000 for
tho railroad to mako the jump
over it. Such protection of the
reclamation Bcrvicc ns is said to
be contained in the report of tho
irrigation engineers will not it is
expected, find favor with tho
liarriman officials, and it is be
ing predicted that the Deschutes
route will not bo followed, in
view of the restrictions believed
to be laid upon the railroad.
Tho report of the engineors
will probably go forward to
Washington today Or tomorrow,
and prompt action is expected to
be taken on it by the department.
Then the matter will bo up to tho
railroad to accept permission to
build tho road with tho conse
quent limitations, or reach Cen
tral Oregon by some other route.
(Portland Corrwrnandnncn) ,
As direct result of the adver
tising campaign carried on by the
Portland Commercial Club, of
which a feature has been tho
statement that people can buy
their lickots to nny point in Ore
gon just ns cheaply as to Port
land, and the fact that tho money
is spent in telling of tho resources
of the state rather than tho at
tractions of tho city, very few
correspondents ask about Port
land now a days. In fact over
fifty percent of nil tho specific
inquiries are about fruit lands.
This is truo because not only nre
agriculturists and horticulturists
interested, but men in tho pro
fessional walks of life who want
to get out into the open nir find
fruit growing especially congen
ial. Many of this class have
been nmong our most successful
growers in various parts of Ore
gon. Tho inquiries about dairying
are not numerous, but tiioy como
from those actually engaged in
tho work in other states, and un
doubtedly n larger percentage of
the dairy letters means settlors
than those on other subjects.
The mngniflcont work of tho
citizenship of Oregon, tho co-operation
of tho churches and tho
schools with tho commercial bod
ies, has influenced nine-tenths of
tho people who nre coming to
this fltnto on colonist rates so
that they go direct to their place
of final settlement, nnd the con
gestion felt so keenly at Port
land during record-breaking 1907
is almost dono away with. As
tho crowning test of organiza
tion, Portland has had such loy
al assistance from her business
houses nnd citizens that 500,000
leaflets havo gono out in their
loiters in a single month.
Oregon and other Pacific Coast
Stales havo an intense interest
in tho matter of tariff revision,
just as do other sections of tho
country. Numorous resolutions
have been adopted by commer
cial bodies approving a highor
import duty on hops.
An enthusiastic Oregoninn re
turning to tho East for several
months visit, provided himself
in advance with n generous sized
nolo book, and kopt a record of
all his travelling acquaintances
and all his old frionds with
whom ho talked in different
parts of tho country, These peo-
plo aro now gotting booklots
from every
part of Oregon
Portland Commor-
through tho
ii 'Mi,, .,-
' JTft
'clal Club. Others can assist
very materially in this way.
The following from tho Baker
City Herald would seem to indi
cnld that tho season's clip in
Baker county lias been 'practical
ly disposed ef:
At a meeting of the Baker
Union Counties Woolgrowers'
association Saturday evening in
this city a canvass showed that
approximately 000,000 pounds of
wool remains uncdntractcd,
while tho rest has been sold to
Tocardntl "elfStSfn blTylcrs."
It was a regular meeting of
tho wool men nnd topics of gen
eral interest to tho business were
freely discussed. H. K. O'Brien
head of tho grazing department
for tho northwest, was here
from Portland us a guest of tho
When a careful investigation
regarding the wool yet to be
sold wns made there was Borne
surpriso among the growers, as
it was hardly expected that wool
had been so closely bought this
enrly in tho season.
One of tho important things
transacted by the association
Saturday was tho passing of a
resolution thanking State Sena
tor J. N. Hart, Representative
McKinncy and the entire state
legislature, for passing the scalp
bounty law. It was the sense of
the meeting to give their act as
much publicity ns possible.
The contract for wool bags and
fleece twine was let to a Port
land house with the understand
ing that the Bergman Commis
sion company of Baker was to
handle the goods. Orders were
immediately placed for 1400
pounds of twine nnd 18G0 bags.
Appointing of official hunters
was a matter that came up for
consideration, and by unanimous
vote Carl and Tom Parker, both
of this county were recommend
ed by tho association for nj
polntment to positions withthe
forestry department.
Tho meeting wns well attend
ed nnd nil of the sheepmen seem
ed to be in nn optimistic mood.
Tho first sermon in Sunset's
now school house April 4th by
Rev. Irwin. Second preaching
May 2nd, also a Sunday school
will bo organized.
The pcoplo of Sunset aro mak
ing a good many improvements,
building and clearing off brush
ready to havo lots of wheat to
ship when the railroad comes.
A good deal of spring grain is
being sowed nnd lots of garden
ing being planned.
Thos. Dawson has planted al
most a hundred fruit trees of
different kinds this spring and
has just received eight hundred
forest trees to plant. There nre
five different species, ash, elm,
Cottonwood, boxelder, softmnple.
Mr. Dawson thinks firewood will
bo scarce in a few years and says
if all settlers would plant a fow
trees around their homes it would
beautify tho valley and in a few
years make firewood.
Champ Smith, Jas. Smith and
Dr. C. A. Ciino havo organized
a company known as tho Steol
hcad Falls Improvement Com
pany and havo filed on tho pow
er site nt Steelhend Falls, four
miles below Lower Bridge on tho
Deschutes river. Their ultimate
purposo is to develop the power
there afforded by a straight drop
of 20 feet in the Deschutes. An
other filing has been mndo by
tho Uarnoy County Development
Compnny on tho sito of Lower
Falls, tho first fall below Lower
Bridge, about two miles below
tho crossing. This company is
composed of Win, Hnnloy of
Burns, and associates. Prine
Journal. Tho Times-Herald has received
somo new stationery stock in
cluding score cards, program
pencils, etc., for its many pat
Adam George
List your property with the Inland
Empire Realty Co. if you desire a quick sale or trade
Employment Agency
.'W WM
Imbroldcriecl Linen Collars, Lnce
Collars and Bows, New Ascots.
Call and sec our new Waistings & Wash Materials
We are showing the strongest
spring line of Ruching, Neckwear,
Ladies Belts, Silk, Net and Lawn
waists ever brought to Eastern
Something- new in porosis Un
derskirts in ;Silks and Satines
We handle exclusive patterns in the
above and nothing shown by us is
handled in the Interior.
All Waists, Neckwear, Belts and
Underskirts are selected from
New York stocks and are Spring
Brown's Satisfactory Store.
::::m:i:::::!:::!::::::::i::t.r.:n:::::m:::tt:::ti::::::::::n::::n- -;:::::::::::::
The Harney Valley Brewing Co.
.Manufacturers of
Family Trade Solicited Free Delivery
T. E. jeWKINS,:SVianae:er
CHAS. BEDELL, Proprietor.
Burns, - - Oregon. ,. .,
ZMZsilce iritis KCestd-qLTa-aXters-VVi-ies.
Liquors and Cigars.
Billiard and Peel Tables.
Club Rooms in Connection.
- 1 17
MANUMCni.-n "V
MestrnclIMe fll STORE
Ovor eoo B! In Sond ,or
Doautlful lEii$PrlcoLlali
Poalgnn. JMlJiii f&il Circulars.
f B "v r &-t n
ne u'vicrsL.A&u no I &.L.
Burns, Oregon
Afford the Best Accommodations
to'be had in Harney County
Tho patronage of all rumIs under the old munugenient
especially sylicited.
Rates il a day, $(i a week, $22 a month
H nclcron
Tor Constipation.
Mr. L. II. Fnrnluun, n promi
nent druggist of Spirit Lnlce, Iowa,
says: "Clmmborlain'a Stomach
and Liver Tablets aro certainly
tho best thing on tho markot for
constipation." Give theso tab
lots n trial. You aro certain to
find them agreeable and pleasant
in effect. Prico, 25 ronts. Sam
plo free. For sab by all good
Fou Salic 320 acres of
nnd. Inquire at this offico.
W. T, Lester
Will be glad to famish
To anyone desiring
See his Handsome
a . , !&. -mb B H
Elliott. Proot.
9 I XX
"Ctoyorutiona of hvo, wido
uwako American llova lwvo
obtained tho right Kind o
by boing equipped with tho
unornug, timo-honorod
All inimwHo Ilnnlunro ami
nortlnir (lonU Merchants htimllo
HVIIV i:NS. If you cunnot oMntn,
upon rtMilpt ol Cutuloir 1'rloe,
I'oikI & rcuU 111 (tamp (or
kur-iuro lllustmtiMCutalPjr.
KC'plltll vtth
B T l! V I! N B
mid KCiioml
llioai hi In
formation. Htrlklna cover
In color.
I" 0,0 40)9
L W;'!.l..r