The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, April 03, 1909, Image 3

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MTl'ltUVY.Arnidt. WW.
in in )mmmttt0mmmmmmimmAmmmmmmmmBmialMiiuf!miMam1'' mil mmMmmm iiiimini
Local News,
III. Gray, of Lnwon, was
n our strcots Tuesday.
o very desirable residence-'
bsincss lots in Burns can bo
d by seeing Irvine Miller, i
Sale Thoroughbred Red!
m Bulls from ono to three i
old. Cal Clemens, Burns)
n. j
McCormnck was in town
the week from Happy
shaking hands with
n . i pnono message ro-
liero last Saturday wo
hat Dr. Marsden's father.
st Friday night. I
inning the first Monday in j
we will put big cuts on the
of shoes, hats and nion's I
ng. -Fred Unities. '
n Witzell and wife, from
m arrows, were in town Wed-,
y visiting relatives and
lg hands with friends.
R. Sit, ono of Lawen's
rous ranchers and stock
k was in our city this week
ling to business connected
the settling up of tho Aus-1
, . ig.reinforced by another
of Earned Surplus
so Alberson and wife from
fnithern part of the county,
pleasant callers at this ofliec
day. They report Mrs. T.
mes,Mrs. Albcrsons mother,
jbt recovering from her re-
ittack of pneumonia.
W. 0. Best is in town today.
Well, wo can go fishing at any
Good seed potatoes for sale at
the Burns Flour Mill.
Circuit Court convenes next
Monday with a light docket be
fore it.
Get your garden seeds and on-
A. Gowan and family ar- ion sota at tho Hnrny ' Imp
hero the first of the week & II(Iw- Co
visit with relatives and Chas Kellogg, Vale-Burns stage
is. Winnie returned to contractor, was looking after
view Thursday evening, matters at this end of tho lino
Gov-an and the children will during tho week.
Canyon tod.y for a few Mr& j R LoKgan and child
1 v.s.t with relatives. ron wenfc to Harney tWa morninK
RiiiKD Married at the Ov- for a few days visit with rela-
hotcl, April 2. at 10:30 tives and friends.
, Mr. Clifford Pugslcy and
Nora Defenbaugh, Rev. A.
We wonder if it is generally
known to our ranchers that a
,v.n othcating 1 he young mu,o se3 fop from $l0 to ?25
Inake their home near that'
Tlie Times-Herald ex-
$ best wishes. !
ith & Swain, the artesian i
men, will soon commence
on to Jands of H. M. Hor-
abc t two miles cast of tho
is dt place out in tho valley. I
,s not far from tho old site .
more than a horse?
G40 acre ranch for sale suitable
for dairy or stock ranch. Abund
ance of water for irrigation and
power inquire at this office.
2 Section flin. 60 tooth Steel
Lever Harrows nt?22.00 at C. H.
Voegtly's. See that you do not
get i inch and only 60 tooth Har-
instead of the above.
Idiich the county well was , rowa
and the prospect for arte- No need to bo without a sew-
wwater is good. They areto.'ing machine when you have a
or artesian water and get it chance to get one at practically
is possible. I your own terms by seeing G. W.
ldHayeSwasupfromLawen,!plcvucneCr; SUindard mach!n8
ay transacting business in , ,-"wo
ection with the sale of his , Walter Hodder, who has been
fe. Ted says he has sold all drillinir a well on tho W. E. Hus-
attle and will now turn his! ton homestead west of town.
tion to .he breeding of good j finished his work Tuesday and
los. rnturned to Sunset Water was
! 7. .",-,. J M- - -L...LOC
fcparation. are being madev oouunea a aopui oi uuuut ou
a reception by the Bums ieet
rnercifd Club Thursday even- j Burns sends a spleneid delega-
April 8 1909, in honor of tion this time, and they made a
, Wm. Hanley, its president, long hard trip to get here. Wm.
Mr. Nollie Reed, jointly, the, Hanley of the big Hanley ranch,
per just returned irom a ' A. W. Gowan, Burn's speaker on
Iters' Campaign represent- the convention program, Piatt T.
Iho Club in numerous conven- Randall, N. A. Dibble, W. C.
lions in the campaign of pro- Brown and Julian uyru. editor oi
s for tho Inland Empire, and The Times-Herald and member
i with signal distinction in of tho state railroad commission,
asket Ball arena in a late ' all came in yesterday. Ontario
of the Urited States. ' Optimist.
compare values and buy
where you can buy the
However, it should be borne in
mind that nothing is cheap'if
the quality is unsatisfactory, if
the style is not right. When
you are out shopping this store
will gladly submit to these com
parisons and will abide by your
While we do not make the mer
chandise, our guarantee ofab
Holulc satisfaction to all
makes the goods you buy here
the right goods at lowest price
Complete line of
Orders promptly filled
he Busy Corner Store"
.ISnSl, 03F1.3EaC3r03J-
Oil your shot gun and put it
County court takes up recess
session next Monday.
Got nursery Btock of tho In
land Empire Realty Co.
Reduction in Indies' and child
ren's undorware. Fred Haince.
"I'otatocs'aV Iluston's markot
Cut prices in men's and boys'
dress shirts. Fred Haines.
Edison rnonogrnphs nnd ro
cords for salo at Lunnburg &
Dal ton's.
Don't miss investigating tho
bargain counter at Haines & Co's,
Somo oxcollent vnlucB.
Freight haulers nro now look
ing about for a'.load of froight to
haul in from tho rnilroad.
Remember tho Inland Empire
Realty Co. furnish compotont
help free. If you need holu cull
and sco us.
Mrs. Adam George, of Lnwon,
wife of our enterprising real es
tate man was greeting friends in
town this week,
The Welker orchestra will fur
nish tho music for tho dnnce giv
en by tho Commercial Club next
Friday night.
Polk Gearhart was attending
to somo business in town this
week. Polk snys everything is
lovely on tho Calamity
Mr. nnd Mrs. Clias. Mooro, of
Diamond, nro in town for medi
cal aid for their littio girl who is
ill with a very bad cold.
Reatos for salo, all sizes an
longths, price 20 cenla per foot.
Any ono desiring Reatos addrow
W. A. Ford of J. 0. Alberson,
Alberson, Oregon.
Notice is hereby given that no
stock, whatever, branded with
the 2-1 iron can bo sold without
tho consent of the undersigned.
Mrs. Ei.iv Martin.
With local and outside cattle
buyers among us and offering
good prices thero is no good rea
$1 to tho Burns son for any livo man to bo mak-
. Admission
Commercial Club dance next ing the cry of "hard up.
Friday night
J. F. Mahon was shaking
hands with friends in town tho .
first of tho week.
Our delegates to tho Develop
ment Congress at Ontario, nr
rived homo Tuesday night, very
onthusiastic and duly sober, vow-
G. W. Clovenger is again in' ' lllch was done for our coun
the market for hides. Highest tv
market prico paid. ' A full slock of the host riding
Tho littln Rnn of Mr. nnd Mrs. PloWS in the World, (which nro
Leon Brown has been suffering John Dcero Plows) also for
tins uniniry. navcniwnys ueen
a success where others failed, at
C. II. Voegtly's.
from a severe cold
Mr, and Mrs. W. T. Lester are
attending to land and real estate
matters at or near Prineville.
The way farm mnchinery and
tools have been moving portends
that thero is "something doing."
Henry Blackwell has succeeded
in getting together about six or
seven hundred head of beef cattle
with which ho will soon start for
tho road. Ho wnnts more, so if
We can trade anything you you havoany thing to soil seo him.
have for nnythihg you want-In-1 A 8odnl laco wU bo ,vw ,
land Empire Realty Co., Burns, th(J Burn3 Commcrcinl club,
Oregon. ncx Friday evening in honor of
Dr. Griffith reports the little 'Mr. Nollie Reed as a token of ap
child of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred ' prccintion for his fino work in
Johnson, on Silver creek as get
ting along nicely.
Reed & Johnson, milliners,
have sold their stock to Mrs.
Drinkwater and they are invoic
ing the stock today.
Walter Parker and family now
occupy tho residence vacated by
Mr. and Mrs. Grover Jameson
advertising our county during
his recent tour of tho east with
the basket bnll team.
Customers and others desiring
uh to settle their taxes will please
send us shcrifFs statement of
amount due together with instruc
tions for payment of same.
when they moved to their home
stead, t Mr. nnd Mrs. N. E. Pardee
Tho New Windsor Bar, under !iavc rent,C(1 !1t,h KinK l)?m
the management of Leo Caldwell, 'houso nd 1wi" Tna m0V'"B
5n nnn nf ll,n moat nnnilln Wttmi-tM PlctUr0 theater. '1 llOy OXpCCt to
in Eastern Oregon. Drop in
when you have a thirst
commenco tlie snow as soon as
their apparatus arrives which
will ho nbniit tho first of next
A. Schenk wants GOOO coyote,. vcoj.
il MAna Will ivSl '
Situation Wanted Man and
his wife wants situation on n
Hopkins liroa. are closing out.
Everything at cost.
Seo Hopkins Bros, closing out
ad In another place.
Schenk wants inoro coyoto
hides nnd othor furs.
Bert Hamilton wns over from
Silvor Crook Monday.
Van Embrco was-up from Sun
set since our laHt Issuo.
J, II. Culp, painting nnd paper
langing, Burns, Oregon.
Fresh garden Bccds and Onion
tots nt tho Harney Co. Imp. &
Hdw. Co.
Tho only and best Bolf feed
Disc Drill is tho Van Brunt, at
C. II. Voegtly's.
Miss Nova Hodder. from Sun
set, wan shopping in our city last
Monday and Tuesday.
Good vinegar for Balo by T. E.
Jenkins at tho Brewery. Monoy
back if not as represented.
R. L. Haines, tho Prineville
stnga driver, hns been hnving
a wrestle with tho "grip."
Mr. nnd Mrs. V. J. Hopkins
rolurhcd this week from their
visit with relatives at Lawen.
The ladies of the Bnptist church
will hold another window salo
nogl Saturday, April 10th at tho
Reed grocery nnd confectionery
Don't fail to got a Safety Incu
bator, W. T. Smith sells them.
They run without a lamp no ex
pense. Sco him. Ho hns ono
running at tho Summit Hotel,
Bluo prints of any township in
Burns Land District, showing
huime of entrymnn, dntoand kind
of entry, topography, etc., $1.00
fach. Piatt T. Randall, Burns,
MAIUUKP-In this city last
night, Mr. Leslie Riley and Miss
Rosa Irfunb, Rev. A. J. Irwin
officiating. Both nro residents
of Drewsey. We extend best
H. J. Hansen of the Burns
Meat Market is prepared to fur
nish bacon, hnms and lard to
sheopmon and ranchers in any
quantity. Special prices for big
Littio Eva, daughter of Dr.
and Mrs. Donmnn, wns given a
pleasant surprise party by her
schoolmates and fricndB Thurs
day evening, the little folks hav
ing a most enjoyable time.
A. 0. Faulkner, of tho East-
irnyron EoBinoorinpf Co., hiu
moved his office to tho new quar
ters, two doors east of tho Har
ney County National Bank, where
he has nicely appointed office
Dr. J. W. Geary started for
Chicago last Wednesday morning
to take a post-graduato course of
lectures and will bo absent for
about three months. Any ono
desiring to sottlo up accounts can
do so by calling on Mrs. Geary.
Thu "uuaii" ' ib 'numir
llimNS (HlffiflM.
.,U....U, w....
iNow is tlie time to buy Harness
and bob-cat hides. Will pay $2
each for all with heads and claws
inmnlnfi Qlrtna tnnt lin nrimA
in hr,w' twa nri Akn hiivfl h. A man capable of caring
other hides and furs.
for any kind of stock. Handy at
til 1r i rwlit rC tifAttl lit r ft
4111 milUt) Ui VtUllV. IlUJIUbll V
Miss Paulino Lochcr arrived. pablo of doing nil houso work,
hero this week from Portland cooking a speciality. State
on a visit with parents and to wages. Address
attend to some land matters. R. L. Brown,
She expects to return about Gen. Delivery Cnnby, Or.
next Tuesday or Wednesday. , , , , , ,
A very sad recident occurred
Tho April luncheon served by last Saturday morning when
the young ladies of the J. B. Ralph, tho two and one-half year
club on Thursday evening nt tho old son of Mr. nnd Mrs. Don
was a success in cucry prnticular. aid Henderson, was drowned
Tho courses to be served were on in tho I-oloy slough. The littio
the menu card in riddles nnd tho ono had been gone from tho
patrons wore forced to guess nt houso but a few minutes' whon
what they wanted to bo served a search was begun for him but
with, which resulted in their it was two hours boforo tho littio
getting almost every thing from body was found. Tho funeral
a tooth pick without anything to service has held nt tho residence
eat down to a solitary onion with- on J. C. Foley's ranch by Rov,
out any salt, thus cnusin'r much A. J. Irwin Sunday afternoon,
jesting and merriment. A short Interment was mado in tho
program was rendered every lJurns cemetery. Tho pnronts
number of which was gronlly lmvo the sympathy of the entire
appreciated by thoso present. community.
Wc are Headquarters for
Horse Blanket-, Saddle Blankets
and Balsam of Myrrh
We Carry a Complete Lino ef
Bums Oxegron..
mid Saddles or anything in our
line. We nre going to quit the
business and everything goes at
cost. We mean business. Cal!
and be convinced.
C. M. Salisbury, of Portland,
is in our city and intends to lo
cate herein tho jewelry business.
His family will bo hero in about
a month. Mr. Snlisbury has tra
veled over tho greater part of
Oregon nnd Washington this
spring nnd snys that nothing ho
has seen can tako the shino out
of Harney vnlley.
0. II. Cobb, of near Lawen,
ono of our progressive new set
tlors, wna in tho city tho first of
tho week buyinng machinery and
farm tools with tho intention of
giving our rich soil a chanco to
do its best on a great many dif
ferent kind of seeds and cereals.
This i3 tho kind of "stuff" wo
like to sco in our midst
If perchance, a copy of this
papor should fall into tho hnnds
of any who aro in search of a
now location whore you can live
your allotted number of years
without fear of pestilence or fa
mine, wo say, like ono of old,
"Coino thou with us nnd wo will
do tho good," without emphasis
on tho "do."
Mrs. N. Comogys has just re
ceived tho sad news of tho denth
of hor father, Geo. C. Duncan,
nt his home on Silver Lake.
"Undo" George was an old pio
neer of Eastern Oregon and a
man of wide acquaintance. Ho
waa ono of tho progressive men
of tho pioneer days nnd highly
rospectcd. Ho was a brother of
M,rs. Julia Hayes who has long
boon a resident of this county.
Mrs. J. 0. Bunynrd of Harney is
a daughter, Deceased has many
friends throughout Harney coun
ty who will rcgrot to learn of his
death. ,
Tho "boss" returned just bo
foro going to press but too Into
to give tho readers any particu
lar report of his conduct Ho
may have something of interest
next issue. Ho came in on the
fuitomobiln in company with Mr.
nnd Mrs. Win, Ilnnloy and Hon.
VV. II. Brooke. Mr. Ford acted
as driver nnd is certainly an ex
pert and a man who understands
Ills business. Tho party left
Vale yesterday morning and
came by way of Skull Springs
and Crane Creek in order to
mnko n comparison of roads with
tho purpose of establishing a
routo for Mr. Ford's machines
which will bo in tho near future
begin n regular schedule for tho
convenience of tho traveling pub
lic. Tho Times-Herald man can
certainly recommend Mr. Ford
and hopo to sec his business n
success. Tlie matter of con
structing a good nnd permanent
highway jointly by Harney nnd
Malheur counties will bo given
notico next week. Of course
thero wero incidents and mishaps
of tho trip in generally exper
ienced by autos on now roads
and first trips but these exper
iences wero necessary in order
to assure good service in tho fu
ture. This wc may confidently
expect nnd tho nuto lino will not
only ten convionce o local peo
ple giving them n ono dny trip
to tho railroad Mtt will attract
many people to our county who
would not otherwise nttempt the
A very quiet but pretty wed
ding took place nt the Varien
home, on Prnther Creek, March
31, at noon, when Mr. James
Varien nnd Miss Lena Krziske
wero united in marriage, Rev.
A. J. Irwin performed the cere
mony. Only a few immediate
relatives and friends wero pre
sent to extend best wishes to the
young people in their new rela
tion. A bountiful wedding din
ner followed the ceremony. Mr.
and Mrs. Varien will bo at home
to their friends nt once nt the
Varien home. A company of
young people from Burns to the
number of sixteen went out to
the Varien home the evening of
the wedding, where a most en
joynble nnd pleasant evening
was spent Both the young peo
plo nro well known in this part
of the county. The Times-Herald
joins their many friends in
extending congratulations and
best wishes.
All parties owing Lewis & Gar
rett, or Simon Lewis are hereby
notified that all theso accounts
arc in the hands of our attorney
C. II. Leonard for collection and
settlement. Persons indebted to
us will please settle the same
with Mr. Leonard nt once.
Simon Lewis
J. T. Garrett.
Land Sciur Soldiers Addi
tional Homestead Scrip for said,
can bo used on any government
lund subject to homestead entry
nnd obtains title promptly with
out either settlement or cultiva
tion. Fully guaranteed. For
prices address L. W. Hubbell,
Springfield, Missouri.
Hunting nnd fishing nro strict
ly forbidden upon my ranch.
AlA'A Sl'ltlNGER.
Hunting nnd fishing nre strict
ly forbidden upon any of the
Pacific Livo Stock Co. ranches.
Trespassers will bo prosecuted.
John Gilcrest.
I will hold regular auction sales
on tho first nnd third Snturdays
of each month at tho C. A. Sweek
barn in Burns. Bring in any
thing you havo for salo and get
your monoy for it Special at
tention given to sales in tho
W. T, Smith,
II. DENMflN, M. D.
Physician and Surgeon
L'iiIIh utuwt'iutl promptly nlulit ir Jay
TIioihi 1 1 at ri utuii .
The Eastern Oregon
Engineering Co.
Main Ofllcc.'.Uurns, Oregon
Branch Office, LakevieWi Oregon
C. U, rAVLKNKU, ugr.
Customers Who Hang On.
A bnnk's customers who remain with it year after yeur brand
that bank nB good. The fact is nn indication that it will bo a good
bank for YOU.
Steadfast customers aro satisfied customers, which means that
tho bank renders good service, not only good service now but it
shows also that past sorvfee was good. Past and present good ser
vico aro conclusive pointers to good, future service.
Wo point with prido to tho name3 of a largo number of our
present customers whose nnmoa have been carried on our books
sjneo the bank was organized years ago.
We aro also pleased to note that the names of our present cus
tomers have remained on our books constantly pince their first
transactions with us.
And ngain, wo congratulate ourselves that new customers are
constantly being ndded to the number of tho bank's patrons, and
from tho past records of our customers, wt have every reason to
believe that theso now names will remain with us. '
We Bhnll ronder YOU this same satisfactory service for what
ever business you may give us and as long as you wish to receive
tho benefits.
A Savings Bank Department is a feature of this Bank,
in which interest at the rate of four per cent per
annum is allowed.
The Harney County National Bank
,s 4-f-A tp
Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes
Fresh Groceries, etc. '
For Fill and Winter Trade
.Cfi&' & r-t--r r
Prepared to go to a depth of 500 .feet with
various size drills. Honest measurement and
satisfaction i 1 1 n mli i il Trmgri
For prices and terms call on me at Sunset or
address me at
Dealer in
Groceries, Provisions
Tropical and Domestic
Fruits when in Season.
Hats, Shirts, Clothing,
Underwear Get Prices
fill kinda of Ftash Vegetables in Season,
Durkliuimcr Building - - - Main Street.
McGEE & OWEN, Propts.
Fresh Teams, Comfortable Rigs, Careful Drivers.
Particular attention given to Transcient Trade
Call on us. Next door to French Hotel Main St.
Horses boarded by tho day, week or month
Main St.,
Blacksmith and
Wagon Work
Burns, Oregon
The Best
On tho Market
Hns nil the qualities of high priced machines
Rapid, Universal key board, Simple, Cheap
Chicago Writing Machine Co,
151-153 Wabaih Ave., Chicago, tit.
.' i
?km$ ww. z$jm
iBKWHaoaw:? rj.wi r