The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, April 03, 1909, Image 1

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    rK o Hiif
Wb rK!thitf(aft'tfe
ffilie ftrcnl J-lnriicj) (Cmtuirjj
Cover nn nnin of 0,428,fOO niut of
Intiri, 4,031,001 ncro )(t vncnnl nlt'ct
to entry uiiilur thu itibllc Inntl laws (if
llio Uftftut SlHlOH.
Tb OAetal Pper cl Harrier County ,
hat thuUrgwit circulation and ti on oj
theibMt ndTerililngntdtttHi in Eaitern
NO. 20
ion's Condition as to Transpor
tation Stirs Wall Street
ison of it, the Cause of it and theManlpulator of it is E. li.
rimanHc Bottles Up the 3 (State, Takes the Millions
; Earns here to Improve other States.
eet news that Oregon made it possible for the Wall
-. . lira
land people get from strest Journal to Bay: u ia
saya the ?oriylTllT7
111 WIU UillUll ID J,VJvoo...e ...
fast as tho state of Washington,
The disclosure is made
all Street Journal. It
ory of neglect of Oregon
adjbuildinsin Washing
E. H. Harriman. The
ys Mr. Harriman has
$25,000,000 for terminal
at Seattle. It saya he
end $20,000,000 more in
bo project, and that the
action is at band, it
will BDcnd $12,000,000
aildinjr the line from Port-
ISe&ttle.fe:di8tance of 230
The whole of thecxpen.
In Washington by this man
ailds nothing in Oregon
i he has the state bottled
57,000,000. Of the sum
an. ooo.ooO was collected
I Harriman InVexhobitant
i rates from the people of
i along the O. R.&N. in
fears. An aaotuonai ,-
i was collected in the same
- the Southern Pacific lines
Here isl 836,000,000
Ffrom Oregon people to
iip Washington state, and
Ms little aouDt oui me
sum of $57,000,000 to be
in Washington will be
rfrom Oregon shippers.
Fwhflt iatobe the effect?
fall. Street Journal answers.
i "it is probably Bare to
at no Btatc in all the union
ressinir as fast as the state
Miintrton. and it is almost
aanimouB opinion amongst
men in the west, whether
they have lines in the state
ehington' that this particu
untry has more prospects
big advancement ana djk
development in the next
than any other state in
n on." Why not. wttn an
millions of Oregon money
hv Mr. Harriman in build-
kilroad lines and stimulating
opment of Washington?
Wall, Street Journal says
t: wAnd what is true of
lington holds equally true of
e, which is going aneao at a
Irato. For, in the opinion
infants of the economic situ-
i in the west, Seattle is des-
tojbecome another, if not a
erlSanlFranciaco." wny
Idlnot Seattle ibecomo great,
i Mr. Harriman wrings the
nee from the people oi
and and Oretron and poura
khetune:of:$57,000,000in the
let sound city?
i the problemlof development
ything must wait on trans
ition. It is useless to crow
lucts if they cannot be carried
rket Transportation is
tally the key to growth. It
bo heart and arterial system
Dmmercial and industrial life.
Importation denied means
nercial and industrial growth
kheld. By the test Washing
is speeding ahead and Oregon
bid back. The reason for it,
ause of it and the munipu-
of it is E. H Harriman.
blucks Oregon and promotes
dington. He bottles up this
i And rlnvnfon hfa finer tries to
bother railroad builders out of
Ifoare collecting money to be
l in advertising and populating
gon and Harriman is collecting
ey to build ud Washington
L to keep otherrailroads out of
iron. We are lambs that he
bra, innocents that he plucks
penitents that he ignores
spurns. He promises but
er nerforms. Holdincr us in
palm of his hand ho demands
i that we shall guarantee him
er cent before ho opens up
territory. Oregon has no
nv so arch, no handicaD so
frhtincr. no 'destructive anrency
ffar-reaching as E. H. Harri-
n.3 ,He is the man .whose ad-
influence" in Oregon has
and it is almost tho
oninion amonmt railroad men in
the west that this particular
country has more prospects for
big advancement and big traflic
development in the next decado
than any other state in the
union." How xio Oregon peoplo
like the picture?
Theodore Roosovolt regrottad
having to give up llio presidency
according to nn address bySona-
tor Dcnow, nt n club dinnor tho
other night
"Just boforo Mr. Roosovolt
sailed," said Senator ' Dopow,
"ho said to me, 'most people
when thoy can't any longer koep
a job, say that thoy arc glad to
leave so as to bo able to nllond
to their private business, but it
is not that way with mo; 1 wont
ed my job, and I would not have
given itup.ifjl could Imvo.kopt
it' "Statesman.
A special from Washington to
tha Telegram says: Senator
Chamberlain recently sent a let
ter to Senator Bourne and Rep
resentatives Ellis and Hawley,
inviting them to co-operate with
him in obtaining legislative re
sults for Oregon interests. He
suggest that the delegation act
aa a unit and that the members
meet and onranize. selecting a
chairman and secretary and take
steps to render the state the best
possible service. He calls atten
tion to the efforts to remove tho
departmental headquarters from
Vancouver to Seattle, and tho
desirability of united efforts to
prevent, and the desirability of
having Portland made the head
quarters of tho new railway mail
division contemplated in the
He disclaims a wish to partici
Date in the distribution of Feder
al patronage, and of a desire to
interfere with state politics, say
ing: "lam actuated solely by the
hope that in all affecting com
mercial and industrial develop
ments of Oregon we bury politi
cal, personal and social differen
ces and act as a unit"
Representatives Hawley and
Elli3 have not yet answered
Chamberlain's letter. Both say,
however, they are as intensely
interested as any one in promot
ing Oregon's interest and will
continue to work along such line.
They say there are many occa
sions when individual effort is
necessary. They will reserve to
themselves the right to work
along lines that seem to them
most likely to obtain results.
They will have a conference be
fore making a reply to Senator
Adopted At Ontario By the Improve
ment Congress.
It Desired that County Courts of Ilnnicy and Malheur Counties
Take the Necessity Steps for the Betterment of Roads It
Will do (Much Toward Development.
imAmm&WIMtmr' The- mtild
hdganizing such u magnificent
Gray Kennedy was in Rurns
Mrs. Jim Paul, of Happy Val
ley has boon visiting her mother,
Mrs. Hnarstrich.
L. J. Gibson 1ms built a boat.
Hope holms "smooth sailing."
David Willinms visited L. J.
Gibson Thursday.
Mr. Grant has boon plowing
his salt-grass land.
We hear that II. O. Muagroove
is not coming back to reside on
his homestead. Mr. MuBgroovo
shall see some day what he has
missed; for Harney county has
homes for the homeless, and un
limited opportunities for tho am
bitious. Mr. Bennett and D. A. Brake
man have gone to Vale after sup
plies. "Billy" Schclland was at Law
en Tuesday.
Messrs, Woodard and Lydia
are expected to arrive hens with
in a few days. They wero very
favorably impressed with our
country. It ia rumored that a
Mr. Paul will accompany them.
Mr. Haarstrich 1ms been plow
ing on his homestead. Ho is one
of tlioso sturdy mn vho-4flll
mako a success of what ever ho
Mike Hniley passed through
Waverly Thursday.
A large drove of cattle passed
through here Thursday.
Robert Grant has been drilling
for Mr. Haarstrich.
Wo arc glad to learn that five
or six new comers win arrive
hero the first of April.
David Williams called at Haar
strich's Friday.
Several drummers came thro
ugh on their way to Narrows.
! ..r n nrmmn..r nultlin musicnl program; to tho mem
'vv4,vVM wt ...... ,,.... ,
uors ui wiu uru.ia uu.iu lur muir
The Woman's Home Compan
ion for April is full of Easter
suggestion, spring fashions,
Easter entertainments and Eas
ter dishes. Grace Margaret Gould
describes and illustrates tho new
styles in gowns, shirt waists,
hats and in dresslaccessories.
Fannie Merritt Farmer, tho
greatest cook in America, gives
the recipes for many delightful
spring dishes. It is a big maga
zine, cram full of interesting ar
ticles, stories, illustrations and
valuable information.
Maxino Elliott tells how sho
built her theater in Now York.
Dr. Woods Hutchinson gives ex
pert advice on what to eat in tho
Bpring. There is an interesting
nrticlo on the Emmanuel Move
ment, entitled "How Psychoth
erapy Works." Prof. Frank A.
Waugh explains "Tho Founda
tion of Good Gardening." Wo
are told how to mako window
and porch boxes for plants. A
milk expert tells how to mako
sure that the milk is clean.
Cyrus Townsend Brady's now
novel, "Hearts and tho High
way," is begun in this issuo of
the Companion, and there arc
stories by Nellie L. McClung,
LauralSpencer Porter, Izola For
rester and Florence Morso Kings
ley. The tillustratlonsras 'usual
with Woman's Home Companion
are by well-known artists, and
are of the very best
Dr. Woods Hutchinson in th
April Woman's IJomo Companion
tells a great many t hinge about
food, what to eat and when to
eat it, that most of us never
knew before, and lie tells it in a
most interesting wny.
"'Tis in tho spring the young
man's fancy lightly turns not
merely to thoughts of love, but
heavily away from tho dull mon
otony of corned beef, cabbage
and potatoes. Our clogged pal
ates begin to yearn for the clean,
sharp acidity of 'pie plant, ''the
crisp, bitter freshness of 'spring
"But, alas, with the longing
Nature does not always provide
tho means of its gratification.
To the careful housokeopor in
her marketing, spring, not win
ter, is the peculiar 'season of her
discontent.' 'Tho llowors that
bloom, etc.,' ore lovely to tho oye
and cheering to tha spirit, but
they furnish oxeftlinrV few
'ingridiments' for oi.ii- . des
serts, or ovon salads. They're
very poetical, but you can't eat
'em. Thoy stir up longings for
sourness and freshness and things
that 'cranch' botweon tho teeth
in April, but tho substance of
these things hoped for, the gar
den sas' and berries, don't come
in satisfactory amounts until
And then Doctor Hutchinson
goes on and gives a complete
springtime menu for every meal
for an entire week. It is not nn
elaborate menu, but it ia n moat
appetising one.
Tho Times-Herald has rcco.lvd
somo now stationery stock in
scoro cards, program
etc., for its many pat-
highway from Ontario, Malheur
county. Ort'Kn to BurnR in Har
ney county. Oregon, will bo of
immeasurable value to the busi
ness interests as well as to tho
traveling public and people in
said counties, and will aid mater
ially in building up and develop
ing the natural resources of
t.aid counties, and in opening up
tho great Harney valley to settle
ment; and
WlwreaR. Tho early settlement
of Ilarnoy valley and develop
ment of that county will do much
toward inducing tho railroad m-
U rests 46 build a railroad through
Central Oregon; and
Whereas, It is desired that thu
county courts of Harney and
Malheur counties, take the nec
essary steps toward the building
of such highway; now, theroforo
bo it
Resolved, h the Idnho-Oivgon
developinnt Congress, that it be
the senr,o of this organization
that the county couri.i of Malheur
and Harney counties should take
immodinte steps to uscertain and
select Uu- nm-t feasible route be
tween Ontario and Vale, in Mal
heur county, and Burns in Harney
county, and then to make the
necessary 'preprint ions for the
ia: out and construction of a
nubnc highw.w that "wflHnnlco
possible an easy and comfortable
connection between the railroad
and the interior, by wagon, by
carriage, or by automobile, at all
times and seasons, thus stimulnt-
tiflg .immigration and the early
development of the great country
lying to the west and south; and
that copieK of these resolutions
be sent to the respective county
Whereas, There is a vast area
of tillable land of a acmi-arid
character situated at a high alti
tude in Malheur and Ilarnoy
counties, par! icularly in tlie lat
ter and which haw only reached
so far the merest beginning of
cultivation; land whose possibili
ties are practically unknown yet,
Whereas, Tho state of Oregon
by its legislature the past winter
recngnizini? the necessity for
testing and establishing to a cer
tainty the qualities of the soil
and the txsibilities of produc
tion in such semi-arid region,
passed a lav and made an ap
propriation to assist in tho estab
lishment, of a Dry Farm l!,xpori
meitf. Station in Eastern Oregon
in connection with tho Stato
Agricultural college, theroforo;
Resolved, That this congress,
without partiality or disparage
ment against any other locality,
believes tho most appropriate
place for this Experimental Sta
tion is in the Harney valley, as
tho lanrost body of land within
our knowledge auitnblo for the
contemplated exponmonw anu
ne-din them for i'h proper do-
v -1 .in. nt, in 1 l -c uiae the olo-
v.i'i'ft i hoie is Hueh as to make
av.'iy i xi icriment conducted thoro
valuable to every section within
a rudiu'i of 150 miles; henco wo
urgo uinrn the authorities havini
conti' 1 of ' selection of a sjto
for "uch ,,fpion to make a thor
ough inve-Ligation of Harney
valley ikiwc reaching n decision.
Revived, That tho delegates
of this ooiu-usu here awembled
feel a lasting appreciation of and
gratitudo for tho cordial nnd
hospitable reception accorded by
tho good peoplo of Ontario, who
have opoited their homos nnd
thoir In arU for our ploasuro nnd
comfort, with n gonorosity bo
ready and complete as to bo most
remut kable.
Wo express our thanks to tho
mayor of tho city for his hearty
welcome; to Professor Ryncr for
)hla pains taking efforts in or-
ready response to every call; to
the participants in the chorus;
tho accomplished soloist and tho
members of tho ladies' orchestra
and with particular emphasis to
the ladies who have provided the
sumptuous banquet, in which
that splendidly suggestive organ
ization, the "Work and Win
Club," has been such a helpful
factor, also to the Burns Com
mercial Club Male quartot, who
have acquitted themselves so
Fkank Davky,
Estilm-: Riddle,
Addison Bennett.
G. A. Hukluy,
Wm. Plugokk,
" tlita i ii ftmr
V11IO Id a iiwij t
ownera could
. " I The Oregnnian would have us
believe that the people of the
Harney country wish the peoplo
of Portland to build railways in
to tho interior, which is not tho
crtso at all. Still, if that paper
boos lit to po befog llio issuo wo
will Bay that if Portland withes,
to grow and prosper as she should
she must "annex
and her prot j
well afford to assist in tho work
of development.
In this connection we would
like to ask tho Oregonian if it is
wrong to develop n river, as tho
Port of Portland commission is.
doing? Is it wrong to issue
bonds for irrigation purposes?
Is it wrong to build county roads
and bridges?
The Oregonian knows none of
theso things are "a stop toward
Socialism," but a step in the
march of civilization, and the
further stop toward railway
building is simply a step forward
and not backward. Tho Dalles
may lie j. j. hill
That Oregon has large areas of
territory which are of no com
parative value that is as com
pared with what they would be
with transportation facilities is
a fact patent to all who have
looked into the question.
Hence it is a fact, that with
railways to these sections lliestate
would have a large increase in
taxable values, for it is true that
much of tho land now lying prac
tically waste is far better than
large areas in eastern Oregon
and eastern Washington now
producing large yields of cereals.
Our greatest undeveloped coun
try is, of course, in the Harney
country, by which wo mean that
vast section bounded on the south
by California, on tho west by
tho Cascades, on tho north by
tho Blue and other mountains
and on tho east by the Snake
This area embraces practical
ly one third of tho state, and
very much of it can and would
iio irrigated and much of it
"farmed" after tho manner of
the Umatilla wheat belt, provid
ed tho products could find a mar
ket. For a quarter of a century tho
people of that section have been
clamoring for a railway, clamor
ing for relief. Had a road been
built through there nt the time
the roads wero built through
enstern Washington, tho Ilarnoy
country would now bo as wealthy
and as populous as tho Palouso
or Big Bend sections.
The peoplo of tho Ilarnoy
country want railways. Thoy
want them as soon as thoy can
bo built. They play no favor
ites and will welcome any real
builders who will give them a
lino from Boiso to tho Pacific,
Coos bay being tho most prac
tical terminus for tho good of tho
road and tho good of the people.
But if no railway builders ap
pear, the peoplo want to build
thoir own roads, and they want
permission to bond their lands
for this purpose.
Tho Oregonian would havo us
beliovo that such permission is
suro to plungo us into bankrupt
cy, when that papor knows tho
constitutions of threo-fourths of
tho states of tho union notably
Washington nnd Idaho-permit
Embroidericcl Linen Collars, Lace
Collars and Bows, New Ascots.
Call and see our new Waistings & Wash Materials
We arc showing thc strongest
A dispatch from Tncoma Wash,
to tho Everting Capital Nows
says: Articles ot incorporation
have been filed bore for the
Pacific-Orogon Railway & Navi
gation company. It is thought
by railroad men that Jamos J.
Hill is behind tho corporation,
although the incorporators arc
all Tncoma men.
Tho articles stato tho company
will build railroad lines in Wash
ington, Oregon, Idaho and Cali
fornia and transact a steamship
business between this city, San
Francisco, Portland and other
Pacific const porta.
The promoters of the enter
prise aay one of the first Bteps
of the new company will be to
construct a railroad from the
Coos Bay country, Oregon, 1(50
miles inland, traversing a rich
agricultural country. MarBhlielfl
or North Bend will most probab
ly be tho ocean terminal of this
A. E. Law, one of tho incor
porators, was for many years a
loading official of the Northern
Pacific railroad in the west
With tho filing of articles of
incorporation in Tncoma for the
Pacific-Oregon Railway & Navi
gation company, generally re
garded as being 'i corporation
backed by James J. Hill, it is bo
Jieved that tho railroad builder
ha commenced" active prepara
tions for the invasion of the Har
riman territory in Oregon and
Tho article state that th"
company proposes to build rail
road lines in Washington, Ore
gon, Idaho and California and
transact a steamship busmen i
between Tacoina, San Francisco
Portland and other Pacific coast
porta All of the incorporator,
who nro Tacoma residents, niv
regarded as Hill men, and A. E.
Law, one of them, wai for near
ly 25 years a leading official of
what hro now the Hill lines.
Mention of Coos bay in con
nection with a Hill line lends
color to tho prognostication made
somo timo ago that Hill would
secure possession of the United
Railways lino from Portland to
its projected terminal at Tila
mook. With this connection
from Portland to the coaat Hill
could vory easily construct a lino
down the coast, a route which
ho has lung bean given credit for
having selected, to Coos bay,
and thenco south into California
and to San Francisco. Tho pro
posed inland line would ullow tho
tapping of tho greater part of
central Oregon.
spring line of Ruching, Neckwear,
Ladies -Bells, Silk, Net and Lawn
waists ever brought , to Eastern
Something' new in Sorosis Un
derskirts in Silks and Satines
Wc handle exclusive patterns in Ihe
above and nothing shown by us is
handled in the Interior.
All Waists, Neckwear, Belts and
Underskirts are selected from
' New York stocks and are Spring:
.. Styles.
Brown's Satisfactory Store.
The Harney Valley Brewing Co.
Manufacture ro of
Family Trade Solicited-Free Delivery
f. E. Ji:ft3i5MS38anager
CIIAS. JJEDELL, Proprietor.
Burns, - - Oregon.
-dlce crisis Hea-clq.'a.a.xtera.
Wines. Liquors and Cigars.
Billiard and Peel Tables.
Club Rooms in Connecf'in.
Fvfr liail iroulile of your own with
i lured nun?
U-u I 'l he Latoju'in Wlgglni" In
i'. woniliM'.VUUVIIODY'S.wia
Uugh over llio other fcllovv' tiouulc.
Did yon tint more funny
thort Horlei .ire mapped from 'Ihe
Chestnut 'Jrvo" than from any
other tlmiUr collection anywhere i
I'.vcry month you can find one thrt
you'll laugh over till you get the next.
Get HVIiRYUODY'S and .ec.
For Bitlo by II. M. Horton.
A llcnllnK Snlsc lor llurni Chapped llanJt
and Sore Nipples. "
Ab u honllnjj salvo for burns,
Borea, soro nipples and clmppod
liniula Clmniborljuii'B Salvo in
most oxeellent. It nlluya the
pnin of a burn nlniost inatnntly,
nd unless tho injury is very so
voro, honln the parte without
leaving a scar. Price, 26 cents,
for salo by nil good dealors.
'" 3
1 1." ?r
l ...i!Ti;.JA3 fwi
MstniclMe .Iim.
Ovor BOO illBii s'J'Kl or
Uonutlful IwK?!'! Prloo Llat S
Doatsno. MSii $ I Clroutnru.
ImBrmS IRt " "
- -. '
C" r- i ny
r .NY,
Will be glad to furnish
To anyone desiring
See his Handsome
t-rmuu mtt:(tmttutj:H!ttt::t::ntn:iti:tiR.'i:t::Rmn:
Sums, Oregon
Afford the Best Accommodations
to'be had in Harney County
Thu palronuire till sn.te tinder the old niannffement
' espw:ally ayhuted.
Rates $1 u day, $6 u wek, $22 a month
M nderon Elliott, Propt.
I'vr Coiiillpatlos.
Mr. L. II. Farnham, a promi
nent druggist of Spirit Lake, Iowa,
saya: - "Cliamberluiu's Stomach
mid Liver Tnblete are certainly
tho host thing on the market for
constipation." Givo those tnb-
lota a trial. You are corta'n to
And thorn nptwable and pleasant
in ofl'oot. Price, 25 cents. Sam
ple free. Fo- . '" by all pood
For Sale-320 acivs
an I. Inquire at this om
- "r.
Adam Georjfu W. T. I.cwter
List your property with the Inland
Empire Realty Co. if you desire a quick Bale or tratlo
Employment Agency
in i. ii
i 1 1 1 i in i'
i j i
of ha j
i'. ik A
.. .
ii '
In '
C .
Int. 1