The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, March 13, 1909, Image 2

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She Siwi-gttiitA.
avruRDAY, MAnon is. i
One Yct .
Six Moulhi, ,
Thteo Month
HI I.I AN MYKIt Mnuiiror
Sinco tho next meeting of the
Orcgon-Idnho Development Con
gress will meet in Burns wo
should Imvo a largo delegation at
tho Ontario meeting March 26-27.
Tho Bluo Alt. Englo has at last
found tho oldest man in Grant
county and in tho last issuo Clint
very cautiously and timidly says
he'd "kinda like" to know tho
oldest woman hut won't insist on
tho ladies telling their exact age.
The Oregonian says Senator
Bourne's man, John C. Young,
will not rccotvo the appointment
as post master at Portland and
the Journal says ho will. Tho
Oregonian further says Senator
Fulton will bo 'appointed federal
judge and tho Journal says ho
won't So tliero you arc. Air.
Honoy-docsn't seem to have any
thing to say in either case.
Before the people aro dono
with it they will likely show tho
Oregonian whether all tho brains
in Oregon are confined entirely
within tho walls of the "Tall
Tower." That ianer is in a ter
rible sweat for fear Oregon may
adopt tho resolution making it
possible for tho people to build
railroads is they desire, yet it
will approve other similar moves
where it is for tho particular be
nefit of sections wherein it is in
terested. What if it should not
be a financial success as it sug
gests, there will be little lost and
the develspment and cultivation
of the great unused territory will
more than ellect it Tho Ore
gonian should really get acquain
ted w ith this state and wo believe
it would change front
brick would add greatly to tho
substantial naturo of tho city.
P. A. Colo contemplates sub
stantial additions to tho Overland
hotel and Stcpons & Dlbblo of
tho Burns hotel may add to that
These together" with a number
of residences that will bo built
will make a very satisfactory
growth and most pleasing ad
vancement in our liltlo city.
Every citizen should givo this
progress encouragement Wo
must grow as tho country de
mands it
Conjtrc8 at Ontario on March
Oood Program Outlined,
Ontario, Oro., March 9.11)09.
Tho Times-Herald:
Extonslvo preparations nro be
ing made by tho citizens of On
tario to entertain th delegates
to tho coming sossi n of the Oregon-Idaho
Development Congress
to bo hold horo two days, March
of tha.t country, and tho finest
natural harbor on the western
const df North America. Others
from interior Oregon will toll of
tho vast undovolopcd region tied
up insido Harrlman's bolt of
steel, Idaho mbn will tell of Ida
ho's needs nnd hope's of railroad
Hon. Stephen A. Lowell of
Pendleton, president of tho con
gross, will preside at tho moot'
ing, and will explain tho work
nnd purposo of tho organization.
Col. E. Hofer, editor of tho
From a circular received at
this office it seems tho Alalheur
Harney County Wool Growers
association has also made itself
a Public Range Protective Asso
ciation and propose to protect the
range of the two counties. The
circular describes the boundaries
of the range district and the
closing paragraphs are quoted
"First No Person, Company
or Association who is not a citi
zen of the United States and re
sident taxpayer of said county,
can graze sheep within said lines
above described.
"Second. No Basco, French
or Spanish can herd or camp tend
within said Boundaries unless he
is a citizen of the United States
of America."
Two businoss transfers have
been consummated this weok in
this city. Leo Caldwell disposed
of his saloon business together
with tho slono building, cellar
and half lot 25x100 feet to II. C.
Pearson of Blackfoot, Idaho, con
sideration $G000. Mr. Pearson
has land interests in Idaho and
has gone back thoro to arrange
his business affairs preparatory
to coming hero and taking active
chargo of tho business botweon
tho first nnd tenth of next month
Air. .Caldwell will go to his now
ranch holdings up tho river and
engage in stock raising and farm
ing. Aliss Agnes Sayer has bought
tho AIcAIullen photo gallery and
will tako chargo at once, Aliss
Sayer has been interested in
photography for tho past few
years and has acquired a reputa
tion from the many photo view
cards of local scenery. Sho has
mado a study of tho work and
has an artistic taste. Her nat
ural ability and love of the work
will make her a success, besides
her popularity among her former
school mates and society people
will bring her an excellent busi
ness. Air. AIcAIullen will tako
up work on his farm. Ho has
been in the photo business here
for many years and has been a
2G-27. An excellent program is
being planned, and tho congress &llom Ctt,)ilnl Journnl an(1 vic0
prom sua w uu onu u u.o uimpwi pr08Idont of tho congress will
speak. Col C. E. S. Wood, and
Hon. J. N. Toal, president of tho
The reader of a newspaper will
readily agree that it is necessary
for a merchant, with any preten
sion to progressiveness, to ad
vertise. But this would not be
true if it were not equally true
that it is necessary for the read
er of the newspaper, if he or she
have any pretensions to progres
siveness, to read and answer the
These aro twin facts, twin nec
essities. Whatever is of enough
importance for the merchant to
pay for the privilege of saying is
of too much importance for tho
reader to overlook. And just as
advervising is the way of the
progeessive store, so is the read
ing of advertising the way of tho
progressive person. Aleasure
your progressiveness by this
standard, and you will not go far
wrong. Bend Bulletin.
The prospects are very bright
for a particularly busy building
season m Burns. Considerable
talk is being made along this line
andt his city may have a very de
cided permanent change before
the year is ended.
Tho Odd Fellows expect soon
to bo in a position to start on the
stone lodge rooms and business
building to bo erected on their
property on Alain street This
will bo two stories and possibly
three. The Alasonic lodge has in
cont .mplation a magnificent
building which may bo erected
this year.
Emmett Reed will erect a stone
business building 50x05 feet one
story and other property ownors
in the same block are seriously
considering the proposition of
making tho entire block stono or
brick. Geo. Young owns one
corner and Chas. Bedell's "Capi
tol" is on tho other. This is one
of tho most desirable business
ks in Burns and should It bo
lo up entirely of stono nnd
The director of the U. S. Geo
logical Survey wrote to Dr. Alare
uen recently lor lniormation as
to the proper spelling and pro
nunciation .of the name "Steen's
Alountain." Tho doctor replied
giving information and also sug
gested in regard to the names of
b.oth "Donner and Blitzen" and
"Harney". Lake. Dr. RIarsden
suggested the Indian name for
Harney Lake which 'is "Tona
wama." The mountain referred to has
been tho source of more or less
confusion for some time as it has
always been spelled "Stein's" but
pronounced "Steen's" It is in
teresting to note that the depart
ment has adopted "Steen's."
Bancroft's History of Oregon
relates that in August, 18G0, Ala
jor E. Steen, who was sent on
an expedition into tho Eastern
Oregon country by General Har
ney, discovered signs of the
enemy on the north slope of a
high butte, which now bears tho
name of Steen Mountain, and on
the morning of the eighth a small
party of Indians was surprised
and fled to the very top of this
butte to the region of perpetual
Bnow, hotly pursued by the
troops. Arrived at tho summit,
tho descent on tho south side,
down which the Indians plunged,
seemed impassable; but, with
more zeal than caution, Steen
pursued, taking his whole com
mand, consisting of one hundred
dragoons and sixty-five artillery
men. down a descent of 0,000
feet, through a narrow and dan
gerous canon, with a loss of but
one mule.
Following is a letter recently
received which is dated at Wash
ington, March G, and addressed
to the docter:
"Dear Sir:-Your kind letter
is at hand, giving the origin of
the name of Steen's Mountain,
and on submitting this evidence
to the committee on geographical
names the above spelling was
On all maps that I have seen,
tho name of tho river heading in
this mountain is given as Donner
und Blitzen", and tho question
has not yet arisen as to tho sub
stitution of tho dutch "Dunder."
I think "Harney" Lake will
have to remain as such, for I do
not believe its Indian name has
ever appeared on maps of recog
nized standing or in official re
ports, and thcro is little or no
authority for its adoption. No
doubt there aro Indian terms for
many features of tho county,
but as these have not becomo
generally known, while English
names have been used, tho latter
will probably stand."
and best meetings ever held in
this part of tho state.
Tho Oregon-Idaho congress,
which has for tho past four
months been holding packed scs
sions in various towns of tho two
states, nnd which has wakened
universal interest in its move
ment for stnto built railroads, is
tho organization which has for
its object, as tho nnmo implies,
tho development of tho two
states in which it is working.
This development is desired in
all lines, not only to encourage
commercial interest, but to aid
irrigation projects, to ndvanco
tho use of all natural resources
and to unito tho interest of both
states in every way.' But tho
particular object which tho con
gross has in view at present is
the building of n railroad from
Coos Bay, Oregon, and thenco
to Boise, Idaho. Tho plan ad
vanced by the congress for tho
building of this road is Uio plan
recently approved by tho legisla
ture of Oregon and Idaho, to is
buc bonds on tho credit of the
people, by forming railroad dis
tricts, similar to the well known
irrigation districts, and issuing
the bonds on the credit of tho
districts or of counties through
which the railroads will pass.
This plan has received tho re
commendation and enthusiastic
approval of tho most prominent
men in both Oregon nnd Idaho.
Twenty of the leading citizens of
Portland went to Salem during
tho session of the Oregon legis
lature to urge tho adoption of
laws enabling tho pcopio to put
this plan in operation. Governor
Chamberlain sent a messago to
the legislature urging adoption
of such laws. They were adopt
ed. Similarly in Idaho tho meas
ure was supported by many lead
ing men of tho state, and Gover
nor Brady urged tho legislature
to adopt it It was adopted.
Now it is up to tho people of
tho two states to see that the
amendment to tho constitutions,
recommended by their legislature
is adopted. Tho Oregon-Idaho
congress is doing everything pos
sible to aid in the realization of
this object. At tho meeting in
Ontario somo of the most pro
minent speakers in both states
will present the subject from
various view points. Delegates
from Coos Bay will tell of the
wonderful undeveloped resources
Columbia open river association,
will both appear on tho program.
Judge J. II. Richards of Boise,
Walter Griffiths of Caldwoll, Col.
L. V. Patch of Payette, all will
Tho first day of the congress
will bo exclusively dovoted to
tho railroad program. Tho sec
ond day, Saturday, will have a
local interest for Idaho and East
em Oregon in tlint it will empha
size tho Alalhour Government Ir
rigation Project The principal
towns of Alnllieur county, Ore
gon, and sovoral towns of Can
yon county, Idaho aro situated in
tho heart oi this immense pro
ject, which will wntcr 200,000
acres ot tho linesl innu in tho
Snake river country, and which
has for several months been tho
nll-absorbimr tonic of interest m
this entire section. This project
is practicnny assured, and win
develop a stretch of country as
rich in varied resources as any
dovoloped portion .of cither state.
Tho recent discovery of unlim
iticd quantities of gas ut Ontario
has already mado this town a
great center of interest throuirh-
puttho Northwest. Discovery of
rich coal beds in tho county nro
also attracting much interest from
tho outsido world.
Tho inrush of strnngors fri
all parts of tho country to this
town has created a ppcat demand
for hotel accomodations, but the
largo delegation to tho Oregon
Idaho congress will be taken care
of in tho most thorough mnnnor
by the town people. Homes will
be thrown open all over tho town
and every arrangement has been
mado to mnke visitors comforta
ble. Tho town expects to enter
tain five hundred visitors at tho
time of this meeting, nnd it can
do so ia n thoroughly hospitnblo
Tho citizens of Oreiron nnd
Idaho should nnnoint delegations
nnd have them present at this
meeting. Tho building of rail
roads and tho development of all
the natural resources of these
states will bo a panasea for tho
people ot Oregon nnd Idaho.
This is the first feasible plan for
Duuciing railroads that has ever
been presented to tho people.
With such a plan mado possible
of realization tho people could
snnp their fingers at tho interests
which would tie them up and
leave their great resources unde
veloped. The pcopio can tako
matters in their own hands, can
build their own railroads, devel
op their own country, nnd make
Oregon and Idaho tho bitrcrist
richest and best states in the
Satisfaction Guaranteed
All orders receive prompt and careful attention
Tho flcui Tailors, fflcGcc Bldy , Utu-ns, Oregon
At The Welcone Pharmacy
You can find tho bcntHcloclod nnd largest uh
Hortmonb of everything to bo found in un up-to-ditto
drug Btoro.
iaour Hpociulity and wo havo tlm best cquippod
laboratory in tho interior. 1!Vo uso only tho
best find purest of drugs und clii'iuicals, and
our prices nro right. Yours for business
The Welcome Pharmacy, Burns, Oregon.
Adah F. II. Qkoiuih
W T I,i:ntmi
Be a Booster -Keep Things Moving
We can match you with all kinds of trades. Drop in and
lot us know what you havo to trade or sell. We will do
your surveying or sell you fruit trees, shrubcry or seeds
to make tho homo more beautiful ahd profitable.
If you have any wants come to us. Wc have the goods
and can deliver them.
Inland Empire Realty Co.
Burns, Oregon
vv'jyw. o sfv, in w.'&&.
The Up-to-Date Pharmacy
The place where drugs are cheapest, purest and best
Courtesy and Accuracy our Motto
Headquarters for School Supplies
Everything jau want in the drug or school
P line If we haven't it on hand we'll he glad
t to get it for iott.
f H. M. HORTON, Propt.
Binders' SuppJies
Full Line of
Burns, Oregon.
I eat SWSar
New Shop Opposite the first National Dank Maiu St,
Pork, Vienan,
Bolojm.i and
Your patronage solicited.
Liver Sausages
T k i
lioei in aim
H. J. HANSEN, Propt,
1 tVjVH r ' Tr 1WR
DIBBLE & STEPHENS, Proprietors.
Club Rooms in Connection
Courteous and Obliging Bar Tenders
Centrally Located and Connected with Hotel Burns
The Most Popular House in interior Oregon
Headquarters for Traveling Men and Tourists
Agclar Racine Manager, L. Racine, Propt., Burns, Ore.
And tho man that will givo you tho befit values for your
Money . Call at
And seo what you save on tho things enumerated belew:
Sewing Machines, Pi
anos, Building Paper,
Wall Paper, Carpets,
Rugs, Linoleum, Mat
ting, Art Squares,
Mattresses, Springs,
Roofing, Trunks and
Valiccs, Baby Car
riages, Pictures, Por
tiers, Chamber Sets,
Upholstered Goods.
v - iSf-i.'.
Nooilloti fjiitittloa rnJ Dobblno
use In All Il.xlcou of Udwlna Machine.
Ari'ir.raili'lll i JN3. mflL.Wii.Ptwj'-
I wish to explain in n few lines in this paper how you may al
ways he well dressed, shoes, hats, etc. Come in and talk the mat
ter over with mo -you can leave your suit at my place as lonfj as
you want to. Leave your overalls hae when you want your dress
suit, ko to tho dnnco nnd hnve a good time. When tho party is ov
er come in and chango again and your suit may remain here until
you wane it ngnin.
Say, for instance, you ride a horse after cows closo to Harney.
Urcwsey, Vale, Lawen, Diamond, Narrows, etc., and something
would bo going on there. All you need to do is send a postal or
telephono if necessary and your clothes leave Burns by the next
stage. Alter your good time return it to mo in the same manner.
I will attend to any further lookout for it. Boys, I will do' this nil
freo of charge and I can give you suits and overcoats from $17 and
up. Trousers $5 and up. Como in and lot's talk about it, I havo
six of tho'boys already. No responsibility in case of fire.
A. SCHENK. Merchant Tailor.
.Special aHmlion aircji
to tvansciviit ciwinvt and
freight teams.
JToiMskejit by the day,
week or month.
Huccchsom to Ilngcy, Fenwlck & Jackson
General Merchandise
Complete Line of Finest Groceries
Now in Stock Fill all Orders
Confectionery, Tobacco, Cigars, Stationery, lead pencils and
other school supplies, blank books, notions, etc.
Come sec our Line-New Dry Goods soon to arrive
At the old stand, Burns, Oregon
Foil Sale Thoroughbred Red
Durham Bulls from ono to threo
years old. Cal Clemens, Burns
Jili'3. Ella Martin, Proprietress
Good, Comfortable Rooms
Excellent Table Service
The houso has been completely renovated and
patrons nro assured most courteous attention.
Former patrons and friends welcome
Opposite Tho 'limes-Herald office, Hunm, Oregon
1 ho Stag la ono of tho latest nnd best additions to tho famous
Deere Lino of Rldinfl Plows. Is light in wpight, almpla
nnd durnblo in construction full of genuine merit,- and Una
shown its mettlo nnd utility in every test it 1ms been put to.
It has amply demonstrated by its good work its right to bo
classed ns a strictly up-to-date, high-clnss farm tool. It is
certain to suit the most critical farmer and bo a money
maker' and a labor-saver for him.
"I If s a Deere-If s Right"
nnd does its work perfect enao to tho operator nndtenm.
It Is manufactured and sold ns n tonguoless plow a tonguo
not bolng necoesary to best results, but ono is supplied nt
slight cost to thoso who perfer it that way. Tho StnrJ is tho
simplest riding plow built, anyone who can hook up n team
and drivo 'cm straight; can oporato it successfully. It pos
sesses many suporior features not found on other plows,
and it takes a wholo book to illustrate nnd discribe thorn.
Better write for it today nnd all the information you want
about tills superior implement.
Jiuy and
on hand.
Your jwir
S'sam tiiictyti ft
M in M
Special Attention Given
to Conducing Funerals
:3sss .
Rough and Brsed Lumber,
Rustic, Flooring, Moulding,
Finishing Lumoer.
Nearest Sawmill to Burns. Oood woad.
Lumber Yard in Burns.
R. J. McKINNON, Propt. .
The old favorite Family hotel where guests recvive
Special Attention and (J od Service.
Feed Barn in Connection
SOUTH BURNS, OREGON-Near Fair O rounds.