8.1.1 1 UJUMOBSSSms a it mmmwww WU V1I pvl k?4 She iimw-SwuCtl .TUKIAY. MARCH . IW -lIlsi'RUTlON UATlta: he i ivr Six Moulin flute M'Hlh 14.00 .1.00 . .76 V LI N Hl Alniuvi Harney County is not iroinir to fhve il all Ivor own way for the ration oi the dry farm expon ent station as other bastern regon counties are preparing ) make a fight for it. T ho lat st in the ranks is Lake county. t Oregon has a now governor, 'ccretary of State Benson having een sworn in Monday morning nmodiatoly following the receipt f Gov. Chamberlain's resigna Jon. Mr. Benson was not sure nether he would call a special ession of the legislature or not. The Commercial Club iscr ainly accomplishing good results nd receiving much encourage lent from outside sources. There i much work to do from this ime forth of a nature that is of onsidenible importance tojho ntiro interior, therefore it should iave the support of every public piritcd citizen of Harney coun y. One important matter is the jcation of the experiment sta ion and this should have the par icular attention of the farmers. This is reported by a Kansas aper. Once upon a time this (articular time was two weeks eforo Christmas Issac Gaskins, . Butler county farmer, shipped i car of live chickens to New fork. There were b'OOO in the ar 5500 hens and 500 roosters, hoy w ere provided with plenty f sraw, water and feed and vero eii,ht days on the road. )urmj these eight days the hens 'A "li 200 etres which sold for Oli 0, ihe car of chickens scll r fu. C-l 16.72. When farmer Jaskins arrived with his poultry n New York he found that the ggs laid by the hens on the way ould be sold for enough money o pa.v rhi- freight to New York, md pa.s for the feed consumed m the way and he had enough eft over to pay for an automo )ile which he bought and shipp ed home." Hnwnn1 lnttnra WOrO VOnd fl"01H our congressional delegation in Washington and others prctnin ing tho artesian well experiment, tho proposed amendment to the desert law, dry farm station, otc, which indicate a decided interest in tho suggestions oi uiu nuu and shows that the matters ad vocated are of more than local importance. It is very encour aging to find tho club gaining such attention and to know that its work is so generally recog nized. Mossrs. A. W. Gowan. I. S. Geer and J. J. Donegan each nmdo interesting remarks re garding1 their recent trips to out side points and each foil that this section would find many new people seeking homes and invest ments here the Voming summer. A resolution was adopted thanking the Portland Journal for its help in tho publicity ol this section and for its interest shown in legislation of particular benefit to interior Oregon, and another addressed to tho Port land Chamber of Commorco for its assistance in securing tho passage of the joint resolution providing for state aided railroads. A. O. Faulkner asked to be re lieved of his duties as chairman of the athletic committee. His resignation was accepted, Piatt Randall made chairman and C. W. Ellis appointed to fill the va cancy in the committee. Vice-nresident Rembold who presided at the meeting, announ ced the following standing com mittees: Transportation, Publicity and Exhibits Wm. Miller, Archie McGowan, J., J. Donegan, Dr. Geary. Irrigation Frank Davey. Rev. A. J. Irwin, L. M. Brown, M. L. Lewis. Public Improvements and Irri gation Wm. Farre, Wm. Ilan ley, J. L. Gault, Dr. W. L. Mars den, Sam Mothcrshead. Acriculture, Horticulture and ANOTIIUR 'I'llONU I.INIJ, 1 skins nro desired to bo kept in tact for mounting. In this caso Messrs. Fred Oakerman, W. the two front feet nt'o to bo B, Johnson and W. L. Boat of tIo; . Silver creek spont a fowdnysinl Section 2 says! Any poison Uiis cly this wuok in tho inter-' kill ng any o the niondniU est of a private telephone lino mnlB 1" order to obtain, ho from that section to Burns. ! bounty provided for in , sec lion 1 They wont before the county of U . slml x y tl ! six court and were grant 1 right of months of ho date of klHinR, way for thoif li- along tlioWont to tho county cleric of county road and ,i,ey will later the county , which Budnnlmnl ask the privilege of coming Into or animals have bee n Kill 1, the this city Thisno doubt will al?o I ontiro skin of each of said a -be granted by the city nuthori-j innl, winch skin inc hides n .. must havo ntlaclied thereto all ,'. ,. ,r i.i i- :..! i four imwH. tho tail, and the skin bvonooT these gentlemen that ol the ) entire head, including both . . . .. . . ....... l,r.nrr mm linlHU llllllRKin thcyhn? mtenUon oi goinif "1W" v'v ,r 7 .,' into tho telephone business fur-, John of nosoj nnd shall a. tier than for the parUcular con- " ' "- """- """7 "' w .,,,,. venienco of the ranchers and far- , county clerk k' BOOST HARNEY COUNTY And tho nutn thai, will tfivo you tho buHt ViiIiiom for your Monoy. Cull n,t G. W. CLEVENGER'S STOKE Ami boo what you wive on (ho tiling onunionitod bolew: Pinnos, Scwinir Machines, Building Paper, Wall Paper, Window Shades, Carpet, rtiH, Linoleum. Mulling, Art SqunrcH, Mnnkcta, Quilts, Mattresses, Springs, Rooting, Mir rors, Music Cabinets, Pictures, Trunks and Valices, Baby Carriages, Couches, Couch Covers, Upholstered Goods, Table Covers, Portiers, Chamber Sets, Etc., Etc. which shall be sworn to boforo said officer and which said nfilda mors interested. They wouiu t .1V1111.U frt mil n In Mil IIV change but arrange the line so' vll .Bhall slate: that each may havo advantage of "u " u "l "" " "' """ " "" the privileges without any fur- fro which said skin 01 skins thor expense than keeping the wore taken and the number of line in shane 1 skll,s ao I'lcacnle('- It seems there is a .imilnr lino1 That tho county in which said being run out of Prineville by annual or animals wore killed is fanners and it is possible that tho county in which their sk ns this independent line will finally presented for payment of a connect with that thus giving bounty; the farmers and ranchers be-' That said animal or animals tweenthetwo pointspermane.it from which said skmsworetak and economical service. f wero not bought or received, It is a conveniunce that other dead or alive, from any other farming communitios should on-, county m the state; t ma ham uiiiiuuin wiu miivu joy and no doubt this is but a forerunner of other lines. SCALP U0UNTY LAW. The provisions of the scalp bounty law passed by the legisla ture arc as follews: rmacy You can Hud l ho best wlcotod ami largest us Hortiuonl, ot ovory thing to bo found in an up-to-dutodrugHloro. PRESCRIPTION WORK 'wour speciality and wo havo tho best equipped laboratory in tho interior. 11 Wo use only tho best and puroHtof drugs and ehoiuicals, and our prices are right. Yours for business The Welcome Pharmacy, Burns, Oregon. HARDWARE ACHINERY M Binders' Supplies Full Line of an ROOFING CROCKERY. CHINA AND GLASSWARE GEER CUMMINS Burns, Oregon. Aiiam 1". II. (liioimir W. T Lr-MTiu Be a Booster -Keep Things Moving on or after the first day of Feb ruary. 1901) and within six months of tho date of making said allidavit. , That said animal or animals wore killed by the person pre senting audi skin or skins in such . county ami 111 the state oi ure-1 1 Bon; . , , I $1.50; for each gray wolfe, gray to 1iljntr thereof; and in addition wolfe pup, black wolf, black thereto there shall be attached wolfe pup, $2,150; for each bob 'and made a part thercoi ilu ""! cat, wid cat or lynx, $2. 00 each cmw oi a rosii nt "i'y ' :.. n -.- ,, ! county, sotting forth that he UlUUlllitlll liuii ifci w wuMn Wo can match you with all kinds of trades. Drop in and let us know what you have to trade or sell. We will do your surveying or soli you fruit trees, shrubcry or seeds to make the homo more beautiful alid profitable. Ifyou havo any wants 'conic to us. We have the and can deliver them. Inland Empire Realty Co. Iiuniif, Oregon Burns Meat Market New Shop Opposite lite I'lr&l National llank Main St. J'oi'k, Vfcmirr, Holoiia and Liver Sausages 1 ' v Your patronage solicited. Beet' in any Quaiitil H. J HANSEN. Propt r $10.00 is a resident and taxpayer of said county, giving his postofiico ad- Tho scalp to be taken from the dress and stating that he is per Mining-1. S. Geer, C. A. Sweek, Adam George, H. C. Smith. Entertainment A. W. Gowan, I. Schwartz, C. F. McKinney, G. W. Young. Special Location of Experi mental Farm -Dr. L. E. Hibbard I. S. Geer, Wm. Farre, A. W. Gowan, G. A. Smith, Wm 1 Ian ley, J. J. Donegan. skin by the clerk is the skin off the ton of the head, including the two ears. The exception to this sonally acquainted with the ap plicant; and that no nas reau me affidavit of the applicant present incr arid skin or skins: ami that Nearly every year, during the )ast thirty years, along in the nontha of January and February 3regon has passed through a short period of railroad building. Ihisycaris no exception. Some oeople do not realize that much has bei-'n accomplished and think that it has all just resulted in talk. Ot course there has been 1 gnat doal of talk, but with the talk there has been other things lone. The railroads have got oossesion of countless thousands )f acn. of land in the state and then sat down on it. The talk now that Harriman will build up the Deochutes just as soon as the lepartm -nt approves the right of way " ill result in Harriman ac luiring a throttle hold on a new listrict which is liable to invas ion by othr fellows who are af ter the same thing. More than twenty years ago this same out it of procraslinators acquired ;ome rights-of-way in Harney ounty. These rights have serv ed the purpose for which they wccq acquired. There is no dis o.ntion to throw cold witer at Mr. Harriman, but twenty years' xpt ric nee has taught the people o look for some ulterior motive rt'hen Mr. Harriman moves. We lope he does build and if he does tve will swell his bank roll by mving him haul everything we -at and wear. It is up to Har- iman to make good and the bur len of proof is on him. The pop jlation of isolated Oregon is made jp larp-lv of Missourians and he more they see the more they x'licve. Blue Ml. Eagle. .,...... -..- '" ung S41K1 SKin or skims; uhu nuu rule is made in case of cougars, ' j10 believes the same to bo true wild cats Rim woivos, wnose m ovory particular. COMMERCIAL CLUK MCETINO. The regular monthly meeting if the Burns Commercial Club wa held at the club rooms last Tut .day evening. Tho attend tni i was not so largo as at some if the former meetings, but lack if urn ' r was made up in en hu .n. 1. matter of our anticipation n t- Alaska-Yukon exposition it attic was discussed at some cn-th after tho committee, for nuiy appointed to investigate, lad midi- a roport suggesting hit the taxidermy display be miDPc'i 'ogoinor wun wnai pro- 'lucu viro available and that the ounty court bo asked to appro priate M000 to bo used for ad- inf purposes in connection itli Tlin punnrr wjih nflnnr- .referred to the proper NEW CITV OFPICtRS. The city election Tuesday re sulted in the election of Sam Mothcrshead as mayer: Piatt Randall, recorder; Dr. W. C. Brown and A. C. Welcome, coun cilmen; J. C. Welcome, treasurer and M. F. Williams marshal. No name appeared on the bal lot for mayor owing to the inter pretation of the law that a name should not be placed upon the ticket without first being accept ed. Win. Farre's name had been submitted together with others on a petition but Mr. Farre be ing absent his acceptance was impossible even should he have been willing. A petition was circulated asking that Sam Moth ershead's name be placed on the ballot as a candidate for mayor but Sam refused to accept. Thus it was necessary that voters write the name of their choice for mayor which resulted in a majority for Mr. Mothcrshead Mr. Clevenjrer also refused to accept and as a result but three names for councilmen appeared. Jake Welcome had no opposition for treasurer. The vote stood as follews: IlECOKllEK M. L. Lewis P. T. Randall COUNCILMEN W. C. Brown . . P. A. Cole . , .... A. C. Welcome JlAKSHAI R. L. Haines M. F. Williams The ordinance referred regu lating the salaries and duties of the recorder, marshal and treas urer was defeated and the new council will have to regulate this matter. O 91 93 ..151 . 71 118 . 85 98 KSt) X$r -..re'.'" .tk.-iMik'.tk.tvik.-ak.Tiv-' '''w''',' 1 v-ft' The Up-lo-Dale Pharmacy The place wlicte drtiiJH arc cheapest, parent and bent WE WANT YOUR TRADE Courtesy and Accuracy our Motto Headquarters for School Supplies Evcriilhinu ;" leant in the drau or bchoal lineir ice haven't it on hand we'll be alad to icl it for . CXTIT JDTZTJ-Gr STOEE. H. M. HORTON, Propt. -- w-&n i&ttn.ai. "v .. Ana-o o. "wkit HP.. iWi'SlTO ra'iini mnn MmmMWmil wvw Our Amateur Artistes Extravagant Anticipations Since the "lloss" Mas been Appointed a Member of Slate Highways Commission I ALL mMm-m&mm ESI&SCHEPJK rJiERCHANT TAILORS Satisfaction Guaranteed CLEANING, I'BliSSKiu AND HEI'AIHING TOR LADIES AND (iENN.IMN All orders receive prompt and careful attention The New Tajlors, McGoe Bldg , Burns, Oregon ON STHBKT LKADINf; TO COUUT HOUSE M C;P ni SPECIAL SESSION UKELV. The following is a dispatch from Salem published in the Ore gonian received by tho latest mail: That a special session ol the Legislature will bo held looks much more probable today than it did yesterday. A number of the members of tho Legislature were in communication with Gov ernor Benson today, and most of them informed him that if called together for tho purposo of pass ing the defective appropriation bill they will undertake nothing else. . , , It is almost certain that a spec ial session will be called, but not until Uenson feels assured that general legislation will not bo HA6EY & RICHARDSON Hucct'Huorn to Ilagcy, IViiwick & Jackson General Merchandise Complete Line of Finest Groceries Now in Stockr-Fill all Orders Confectionery, Tobacco, Cigars, Stationery, load pencils and other school supplies, blank books, notions, etc. Come see our Line-New Dry Goods soon to arrive At the old stand, Burns, Oregon TUP OKFOOWI MOTEL m u uua- H.- - KUN HOTEL Mi . Hla Maxtln, Prupdoicess Good, Comfort bBo Rooms Excel'ent Table Servico 5 Tho houso lias been completely renovated and ii patrons are assured most courteous attention. Former pal oris and friends welcome l Opposite Tlio Ilnica-llcrolil Wlcc, Uurna, urei?on KXSZZVXVZXVZiViV W555555S5SW3Wv&-i.'w. BURNS HOTEL BAR DIBBLE & STEPHENS, Proprietors. WINES, LIQUORS and CIGARS Club Rooms in Connection Courteous and Obliging Har Tenders EVERYTHING FIRST-CLASS DROP IN l W i?JXJJ&. Centrally Located and Connected with Hotel Hums I ;555vsw v v W5455555555WiWW5Ji ROUGH RIDERS! 1 vili in oviilnin in a few lines in this imner how you may al ways be well dressed, shoes, hats, etc. Come in and talk the mat ter over with me you can leave your sun ai my piacu aa 10 ng iis you want to. Leave your overalls heio whon you want your uress- .....' ..r. 1,. il... ,1,. .,,.,, .i.wl lim.n 11 rrri limn Wlirtlflu imi'tv IS OV- nun, K" i" uiu 1111111.U nun iiiiiviiww - ,...-- er come in and change again and your suit may remain here until you want it again. Say, for instance, you ride a horse alter cows close to narney, IVmvMiiv Vnlo Tjiwen. Diamond. Narrows, etc.. and something would bo going on there. All you need to do is send a postal or telephone if necessary and your clothes leave Hums by the next stage. After your good time return it to me in tho same manner. I will attend to any further lookout for it. Hoys, I will do this al free of chargo'and I can give you suits and overcoats from $17 and up. Trousers $l ami up. i.ome 111 aim iei wmv huuui u. i n.u six of tho hoys already. No responsibility in case of lire. A. SOHENK. Me chant Tailor. The Most Popular House in Interior Oregon 1 NEATLY FURNISHED ALL OUlSiDf ROOMS Headquarters for Traveling Men and Tourists Agclar Racine Manager, L. RacJne, Propt., Burns, Ore. BURNS LIVERY AND FEED STABLE. HLN PERSON ELLIOTT, Propt. Special attention- uircn . j, to tran.icient cmtorn and J fi'iiti'fif ft'tfiiv I vin. I... ....... Humes kept by the day, Jo tveek or month. riRST CLASS LIVERt" IURiNOUTS. Hay and, grain, a In !. on Imitd. 01 1 fjf Vnur ialr"iii)' pniu 1 Si'iill) 111 !'l , 1 111 ' Special Aflenliu'i Given to CoiidiiCu, Funerals NEW AND ACCURAI1; HAY SCALES. IN CONNCCIION WITH IIARN. Ai i ji 9 ( PLOW JSWBfeni!? S13U Tho Starf i'i ono of the latest and best additions to tho famous Dooro Lino of Ridlntf Plows. Is light in weight, slmplo mid durable In construction full of genuine merit, nnd 1ms Bhown its mettle and utility in every test it has been put to. It has nnmlv demonstrated bv its cood work its rlirht to bo classed ns a strictly un-to-dato. hlirh-class fnrm tool. It is certain to suit tlio most critical farmer and bo a money maker and n labor-savor for him. "If It's a Deere-It's Right" and docs its work perfect easo to tho operator and team. It Is manufactured and sold as a tongueless plow n tonguo not being necessary to best results, but ono is Btippllcd at alight cost to thoso who pcrfcr it that way. Tho Stntf is tho simplest riding plow built, auyono who can hook up a team and drivo 'am straight can operate it successfully. It poa Bosses many superior featuros not found on othor plows, and it takes a wliolo book to 'Illustrate and dlscribo thorn, Better write for it today and all tho information you waul about this superior Implement. C, H. VOEGTLY 1 iimi rv nmM! 0 BUR HORTOW & SAYERT Prop Rough and Dressed Lur nbery Biustic, Flooring, NMOt!Mdmg Finishing Lum,er. Wearest Sawmill 10 Burns oood io.id. Lumber Yard in F ,Urns. THE ANDERSON HOTEL Tlie old t R. 'jhhhP AtcKINNON , Propt. voritc Family iote' where guests rec iv Special AiLentioii and U od Service. HOrME COOKING. MEALS 25 Cents Feed Barn in Connection SOUI II liUKINb, OKUUUIN near i-air urouiuis. THE TISVSES-HERALD ne:. I 'nmmnSi .. . ' L. nttomptod. MmnpnnpnmpmwnMi MhMadtoUtfWNMAIWMatMHl