The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, March 06, 1909, Image 1

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STIlc ;ima-3lcrnl&
Tlio Ofllclnl I'npur of Hnniojr Count y
Ins tho lurgoet circulation iml loono oj
tlio l)t mhortUing incdlumiln Cnitpin
&fieC5rcnt aHnritetj Cotmlrtj
Covers on nren of 0,-128,y00 nrict of
Inml, 4,0.11,001 ncrc-B yet vncnnl tuhect
to entry under tlio public Innd Inns of
tlio United Mates.
(WilvJy willA
NO. 1G
Some New Laws Governing System
Passed by Last Legislature
Alosi Important Act of Late Session in Tills Class Was The
Six Months Rural Limit Which Benefits Outlying Districts
Acts Affecting Higher Institutions Most Commendable.
Though tho state superintend
ent of public instruction did not
ask much from tho Inst legisla
ture, a number of measures of
considerable importance educa
tionally were enacted. What is
considered the most important is
the Hawlcy act. which renuircs
that every district in the state
must maintain at least six
months' school in every twelve.
The county court in each county
must levy a tax for school pur
poses that will produce an
amount equal to at least $7 for
each child in the county of school
age 4 to 20 years. If a district's
share of this amount does not
amount to $300 six months at
$50 a month for teachers' salaries-then
the county court must
levy in that district a special tax
suflicient to produce tho differ
ence between such district's ap
portionment of the county fund
and $300. But such special levy
shall not exceed 5 mills. If the
district's share of the county
school fund and tho amount rais
ed by the special levy do not to
gether amount to $300, then the
county court must transfer from
the general county fund to the
special fund of such district an
amount that will equal the dif
ference. As the law now stands, the
county superintendent appor
tions cou.ity and state funds by
first giving to each district $50
and then distributing the bal
ance according to tho number of
pupils in each district The Phil
nott act nrovides that in the fu
ture the county superintendent
shall first give to each district
S100 and then distribute the bal
ance according to the number of
children in each district and the
number of teachers employed.
A bill introduced by Dodd of
ITnnrl Ttivpr finrl Wnnn onnntfil
IE gives the county superintendent
authority to make a partial ap
portionment of the money to any
district on the repucst of the
board of directors of such dis
trict. Farrcll's bill provides that all
doors of public buildings, includ
ing school buildings, shall open
outward. Within six months af
ter the act goes into effect the
1 chancres must bo made.
Senator Cole's bill abolishes
secret societies in all public
schools, including high schools.
In fact, it effects high schools
only, as no secret societies exist
in the common schools. The
University of Oregon and tho
Oregon Agricultural college are
especially exempted.
A bill introduced in the house
by the Lane county delegation,
was enacted providing that the
county at any general election
may vote on the question of
creating a county high school
fund. When such fund has been
created it is to be placed under
the control of a county high
school board, consisting of mem
bers of the county court, the
county treasurer and the county
school superintendent. Every
high school in such county that
maintains a school up to the
standards prescribed by the state
board of education is entitled to
receive tuition from this fund
for all pupils attending such high
schools. The basis of distribu
tion is the average daily attend
ance during tho school year. A
high school shall receive not less
than $40 per pupil for tho first
20 pupils, $30 per pupil for the
second 20 and $12 per pupil for
all remaining pupils, providing
the total paid any district shall
not exceed the amount paid by
tho district to the high school
A bill introduced bv Renresen-
Ltative Libby provided for nlacincr
rtho agricultural college, the uni-
ersuy anu me normal sctioois,
ajere anouiu uo any, unuer tno
control of a singlo board of re
gents, but it failed to pass.
Instead, Speaker McArthur in
troduced a bill, which passed, ,
establishing a board of higher
curricula, tho duties of which
shall be to doterminowhat cours
es of studies shnll be pursued in
the institutions of higher learn
ing, and which shall admit only
necessary duplications in tho
study courses of tho schools and
colleges. Tho secretary of the
board shall keen a record of tho
orders of the board and shall
notify the governor and tho sec
retaries of tho several boards of
regents of the higher education
al institutions of such orders.
Any changes that are made
shall become effective nt tho be
ginning of the school year fol
lowing tho order of a chaniro.
The board shall visit each of tlio
institutions, and the board of
each separate institution shall
nave a hearing before tho board
of higher curricula relative to
any change contemplated.
The board is to bo appointed
by the governor before the first
Monday in July, when its duties
are to begin. The members must
serve without pay. being allowed
only traveling expenses.
The speaker of tho house also
introduced and got through the
legislature a bill which nrovitlos
that when a member of tho board
of regents of either the agricul
tural college or the university
shall have been absent from a
board meeting twice in succes
sion he shall have forfeited his
position, and the governor must
appoint another. This law was
enacted, according to McArthur,
to eliminate aged members of
the board that were a detriment
to a progressive and growing ins
titution. Representative Abbott's bill
was passed providing that all
funds for the maintenance of
university and agricultural col
lege shall hereafter bo paid out
regularly through the oflico of
state treasurer, as all other funds
are, and shall be audited by the
secretary of state.
of building railroads to $50,000
is adopted that Mr. Hnrrlmnn
would m fnct soon put a road
through central Oregon, but ho
wont do it till then. Privato cap
italists could not compete with
the Hnrriman-Rockofellor-Still-
man group which could knock
their bonds in Wall street, but if
tho state built tho road it could
not only fix its rates but fix also
tho rates on the Harriman lines
and therein lies tho only hopo of
commercial interests.
Colonel Wood deprecated the
tendency to permit this campaign
to degenerate into a discussion
of personalities; ho pleaded for a
discussion of principles. I may
be a long-haired crank and
an attorney for a land grant com
pany. Will you permit those tri
vial details to tie up a largo trnrt
of your state in perpetual isola
tion, millions of acres that ought
to be supporting millions of peo
ple and whose produce would as
certainly pass your port as the
water in the tributary streams of
the Columbia found in that vast
empire pass under your bridges?"
he asked.
The Forum which meets in tho
Sclling-IIirsch hall every Sunday
night will devote several other
evenings to this subject. II. I).
Wngnon is the speaker for next
btinday night and the following
Sunday it is hoped to arrange a
debate between Col. Wood and
some opponent of the proposed
amendment. Portland Journal
Right of Way For Deschutes Route
Open for Central Oregon Line
Air. Itnrrlman (liven Uvcry Chance for Construction of Road up
ucsciiulcs to Connect With the Line Prom California at
Klamath Approval of Maps Promised by Secretary Garfield.
A large crowd heard Colonel
C. E. S. Wood's address at the
People's Forum last night on
"Slate Aided Railroads" with
evident approval. Colonel Wood
quoted a high Harriman official
as saying: "We have to put our
money into competitive terri
tory." The same authority ad
mitted that nothing could be
raised in central Oregon, in an
area as large as tho state of
Maine, which could not wnlk out
on its own hoofs. In tho mean
time, said Colonel Wood, this
large empire lies prostrate and
helpless. Ho asked the audience
if they were willing to wait in
definitely for Mr. Harriman to
develop a section which he has
so long neglected.
The speaker scored a point bv
his allusion to tho fact that Mr.
Harriman virtually forced the
public to take over nnd run the
tug service a losing proposition,
while he objects only to tho state
taking over a paving proposition.
Railroads will only do their duty
when forced to as the interstate
commerce law and rate regula
tion legislation amply attest.
Tho speaker claimed that eastern
Washington waB no better than
the part of Oregon which tho
people wish to develop for ho had
Been CO bushels of wheat and 85
bushels of barley grown in Har
noy county.
In concluding Colonel Wood
stated his belief that if tho pro
posed amendment abolishing tho
constitutional provision which
limits tho amount of bondB tho
state can issue for thopurposol
A Portland paper says: The
first state built railroad in the
west will be from Noise, Idaho,
to Ontario, Or., according to del
egates who have returned from
the session of the Oregon-Idaho
Development congress, which
met in Roiso last week. Tho con
gress was enthusiastically in fa
vor of state built roads and, as
the first section of tho badly
needed line from Roiso across
Oregon to CoosHav. it is believed
the state of Idaho will build the
Boise-Ontario line.
Colonel E. Hofer of Salem,
who with Addison Rennett, was
an Oregon representative at the
congress, returned today from
Boise enthusiastic over the atti
tude of the Idaho delegates.
the Oregon amendment to
the constitution allowing the
construction of state built roads
examined by three of the most
able lawyers in Idaho," said Col
onel Hofer, "nnd found to be
practicable and constitutional.
The plan is to build the railroads
by districts, just as irrigation
projects are constructed under
tho Idaho law. In that way the
districts to be benefited by such
roads are taxed for their con
struction and tho people of the
whole state do not have to share
the burden. It is what is known
as 'cooperative collectivism' and
not Socialism."
Colonel Hofer said there was
great enthusiasm expressed for
Oregon's part in leading tho
light to secure badly needed
transportation privileges, and
that it was hoped Oregon and
Idaho would work together for
such railroads as are most needed.
Tho Oregonian's Washington
correspondent says:
Tho Harriman railroad will be
built up tho Deschutes River to
a connection at Klamath Falls
with a road now building north
ward to that point and tho right
of way will bo approved by Sec
retary Garfield before next
Thursday. These facts .were1
brought out at a hearing before!
the Secretary of the Interior.
It was started by a represen
tative of E. II. Harriman that'
out of the $82,000,000 raised by
bonds recently floated by tho
Harriman system for new rail
road construction, $10,000,000
had been set aside for construct
ion of n railroad up the Deschut
es river into central Oregon, ter
minating at Bend and for an ex
tension of tho now Shasta divis
ion, now Hearing Klamath Falls,
northward to meet tho Deschutes
road at Bend, thus completing
a now route from San Francisco
to the Columbia River.
The construction of tho Des
chutes road will be commenced.
it was said, as soon as tho Secre
tary of the Interior approves the
right-of-wa application, and
Secretary Garfield said ho ex
pected to do this before he leaves
olllco next Thursday. Ho is
waiting only tho adjustment cr
a few minor details, as outlined
yesterday, and knows of noth
ing that will likely delay his ac
tion. All material obstacles that
have heretofore delayed the ap
proval of maps of location of tho
Deschutes road have been re
Sheriff Collier, who returned
from a trip to tho Izee country,
last Monday, states that tho peo
ple in that district have plontv
of hay in tho stack and that stock
aro nil wintering well. Thoro
has been mute a number of hors-
i'M Kfild fmm tlmf iliuir-inf lliiu
winler sunt il. i elumwul tlinf n
good price was realized. Last
wcuk mere was a nuncn oi range
horses taken out that averaged
about $35. During th cirly
part of tho week Mr. Gray, of
Prineville was in the locality buy
ing horses and was looking for
a pretty good class of horses. It
is claimed that ho paid as high
as $150. Blue Mt. Eagle.
n little more money than jo'i tier 1
fur c cry-day tuci, that's lulilo to
fiml hi way to Wull Street tome
liine "for gnmlncit' wkc" in
tuit I J conti of it in tho March
KVKRYHODY'S ami fiml oi.t
Jm'y much thuiK'c yiu'vo jot in
' lie hlg iullowi' (kime."
? cents will pjy you back
1 P $ $.
For salo by II. M, Horton.
With the' announcement from
Washington by Secretary Gar
field that he will approve tho
maps for the Harriman rail
road up tho Deschutes comes de
finite announcement from officials
of the system in Portland that
no time will be lost in beginning
the preliminaries necessary be
fore taking up actual construc
tion. With the maps approved
the greatest obstacle will be out
of the way and it is ovidently a
question of only a few weeks,
when tho Central Oregon project
will be under way.
Both General Manager O'Brien
and General Counsel Cotton, nf
the Harriman lines in tho North-!
west, gave assurance last night
that when word comes from
Washington that tho maps have
been approved, there will be no
additional delay. With tho work
authorized, as announced in tho
Oregonian of i-'obtunry 10, the
officials aro in a position to bend
every energy toward expediting
the line.
"Wo aro prepared to send out
right-of-way agents just ns soon
as wo arc advised that tho maps
have been accepted," said Mr.
MT 1 .
uiinon insi night. "The ap
proval of these maps, of course,
gives us right-of-way over all
Government land affected, and
nothing will remain but to secure
concessions from other owners,
and this will not take long wo
j believe, although it is impossible
to mty just how much time this
! work will require.
"Alrendy wo have secured the
records of ownership to all land
over which the road will be laid,
nnd nfter checking up these re
cords, which will take but one or
two days, our agents will take
the field. When they complete
their task tho last preliminary
steps will have been taken.
"At the time our men aro busy
getting rights-of-way wo shall
advertise for bids on tho con
struction work. This will elimi
nate tho delay that would be nec
essary for advertising and esti
mating if we waited until all
rights-of-way were granted.
"Our representatives have been
very busy at Washington for the
past month and have been pro
testing against further delay of
the project by the government.
Wo asked that our ninps either
bo npproved or disapproved, and
in reply to this request wo were
assured that a decision would
soon be reached. In fact we
had telegraphic advices from
Washington today which led us
to believe that Secretary Garfield
was ready to approve the maps."
Neither Mr. O'Brien nor Mr.
Cotton had anything to say about
the extension of tho Shasta line
from Klamath Falls on to Bend,
to a connection with the Des
chutes road, as outlined by tho
above dispatch. Tho Portland
general office is concerned only
with getting the line built from
tho Columbia to Bend, they say.
Tho Deschutes line will be 130
miles in length. It is expected
that its construction will occupy
from one year to a year and a
This week several sales of cat
tle have been made bringing the
owners a very good price. J. A.
Laycock, Sr., is reported to have
sold 130 head of beef steers
bringing him, four cents a pound
weighed nt tho ranch. W. O.
Cummins will lenvo tho Inst of
tho week with another shipment
of cattle for tho Portland market
Ho expects to have about 75 head
and has been offering four cents
for cows, weighed at ranch.
BluoMt. Engle.
ExcerptB from address deliver
ed before the Oregon-Idaho De
velopment Congress at Boise
Feb. 27th:
Addison Bennett, of Irrigon
Ore., in his address figuratively
took Mr. Harriman to the sum
mit of Stein'B mountains, in Har
ney county, saying he would al
low tho railway magnate to pose
either as tin tempter or tho
tempted as ho saw fit. Then,
paraphrasing Richelieu, he pro
ceeded to show that Mr. Harri
man had drawn his "awful cir
cle" of Btcel around an immense
area, and within those sacred
lines no other railway might en
ter. From Portland to Sacra
mento, thence east to Ogden,
thence north to Pocatello. and
westward again to Portland he
pointed out the steel girdle, en
circling an area of 150,000 square
miles. Comparing this territory
with a like amount of territory
in tho east, the speaker showed
thnt it was as largo as tho states
of Delaware, New Jersey, Mary
land, Massachusetts. Rhode Is
land, Connecticut. Maine. New
Hampshire, Vermont, New York
and Virginia, said states having
a population of 12,357,991 by the
census of 1900, or almost one
fifth of the entire population of
tho United States.
'In this sacred circle." said
Mr. Bennett, "there arc less
than a half million of people, and
nine-tenths of them reside with-,
in 10 miles of your steel girdle,
into which you say in effect no
man may enter without your con
sen L Down yonder lies Crane
creek gap, tho only practical en
trance from the east, and that
you and your predecessors have
owned for a quarter of a centurv:
and yet you refuse to build thro
ugh it, although once when the
attempts of others became acute
work was begun on that road.
That was 20 years ago. and the
situation then seemed nearer a
solution than it does now. We
have been fed on promises, Mr.
Harriman, nothing but promises.
and we do not believe you intend
to enter, or allow others to enter,
your sacred girdle of steel until
there aro people enough within
it to make a road at once as pro
fitable as your present roads are;
and we know that day will nev
er come. So we are going to trv
to do something for ourselves,
Mr. Harriman.
"Down yonder lies tho road
house once belonging to Aunt
Kate. She had to pay $20 a ton
for her hay, and it made her very
sore. She said to Mr. Hanley
one day. 'Mr. Hanley. I lika see
everabody doa well; I lika see
overabody hava prosperritee; I
see everabody hava da mon; but
godda dnmma da man what hava
da hay. ' So wo can say to you
today that we like to see every
body do well, everybody mnko
money, everybody have prosperi
tybut wo leave you to guess
what some of our people sav
about you and your awful girdle
of steel."
EmbroidericcI Linen Collars, Lace
Collars and Bows, New Ascots.
Call and see our new Waistings & Wash Materials
We arc showing the strongest
spring line of Ruchlng, Neckwear,
Ladles Belts, Silk, Net and Lawn
waists ever brought to Eastern
Something new in Sorosis Un
derskirts in Silks and Satines
We handle exclusive patterns in the
above and nothing shown by us is
handled in the Interior.
All Waists, Neckwear, Belts and
Underskirts are selected from
New York stocks and are Spring
Brown's Satisfactory Store.
The Harney Valley Brewing Co.
.ManulacturiTa of
Family Trade Solicited Free Delivery
T. E. JENKINS,!Manaeer
CHAS. BEDELL, Proprietor.
Burns, - - Oregon.
jfcva,Ice Tlxis jE3lGa-a.q.-cia,rters
Wines. Liquors and Cigars.
Billiard and Peel Tables.
Club Rooms in Connection.
... j 11 "tW
InflEstrnctllile flBw9& STONE
Over BOO Hflii&il Sonl 'or
Ooautlful IBKllwKlPrlco List A
Doslfins. jIUBiieHi Circulars.
r& smimmmm x
M. L. LEWIS fglad to famish
To anyone desiring
See his Handsome
Say A. xmifftjMj
Good Couirh Aledlcino for Children.
The season for couurhs and
colds is now at hand and too
much care cannot be used to pro
tect tho children. A child is
much moro likelv to contract
diphtheria or scarlet fever when
ho has a cold. The quicker you
cure his cold tho less the risk.
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is
the sole reliance of many moth
ers, nnd few of those who have
tried it are willing to use any
other. Mrs. F. F. Starcher. of
Ripley, W. Va., says: "I havo
never used anything other than
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy
for my children, nnd it has al
ways given good satisfaction."
This remedy contains no opium
or other narcotic and may bo giv
Burns, Oregon
Afford the Best Accommodations
to be hadjn Harney County
The patronage of all guests under the old management
especially sylicited.
Rates $1 a day, $6 a week, $22 a month
Mnaerson Elliott. Proat. i
en ns confidently to a child as to
an adult. For salo by all good
Tor Diseases of tlio SUin.
Nearly all diseases of the skin
such as eczema, tetter, talt
rheum and barbers' itch, are
characterized by an intense itch
ing nnd smarting, which often
makes life a burden and disturbs
sleep nnd rest. Quick relief may
bo had by applying Chamber
lain's SfiU'O. It iillnvs HinitMi-
Remember tho Inland Empire j ing and smarting almost instant-
Realty Co. furnish competent
help free. If you need he i call
and seo us.
ly. Many cases have been cured
by its use. For s..le by all good
W. T. Lester
Our Amateur Artist's Extravagant Anticipations Since the "Boss"
lias uccn Appointed a member of btatc Highways Commission
Admit Geortfo
: List your property with the Inland :
Empire Realty Co. if you desire a quick sale or trade I
; Employment Agency
ITOonorationa of liro, wido
aw.iko American Boya havo
obtained tho right kind of
by being oquipped with tho
unerring, timo-honorod
All progro&ilto HarUwiiro and
IDOrtlntr flrwiilil 1ln hnnU linnrll.
HT1IV r.NH. If oil i minnt nhtnln
UUWiliHtllllillfiVtt nrnwu nwtnl,2
uwn receipt of Cutulou Price.
L-UfJ! :
Rfttiil K rw.ii, a I .!
IuiI'oko Illustrated Cutaloir,
ucpioio vritn
anil trenoral
itrcsrin In
formation. HtrllilnitcoTcr
In colors.
P, O. Ux 40