The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, February 20, 1909, Image 3

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    Ez Times-jisrai3T
. r - -art- '
II L' II' Hi i .
inn jgiuumum
VII lUlAY.VltllUV.vnY SO. )".
Local News
F. Purrington has bogn,
from the mill this wool:. I
llonnoy was among our
t istors during the week.
1 . only and boat salt feed
i' Prill is the Van Brunt, at
l oeguys. ki
ishino rain, a littlo snow.l
i wind arc the mixtures oi
tmrthis week.
II. Morrison was a caller
ii solllce the first of the week.
was down to pay his taxes.
.i nuiiiiiti seem to be quite
ihable these- days and m-,
it-es more or less witn uie.
II. Gray, the old pioneer, J
up iroiu irfiwen iqr a icw
s tins wcok nuving sumo a-
work done.
Irs. J. v. suown nas ueon
nisly ill at her homo in Har-
but is reported slightly im
ed this morning.
nrry dry came up from
en Thursday with a "bum
" and is now under the care
(logician. He is suffering
ir .a aoscess on ms eye.
purchasing real estate, be-
of the title. Demand of , Come to the McMullon photo
Inantor an abstract of title gallery for your portrait on post
hi land conveyed. Harney cards. SI per doion. Agnes
Land md Title Company. Sayer.
of the Bums The Baptist Ladies' Aid will
Job printing The Timos-Ilerald
1 Potatoes in abundance at Huston's.
H. n-
pi cnared to fur- hold a cooked food window sale
', ..mi-, and lard to at Reed's grocery next Saturday.
." i.'in-hers in any Feb. 27.
, .ii prices for big n acre ranch for wlo suitable
t tor daily or stock ranch. Abund-
i me of our pkm ance of water for irrigation and
uli-t.ui'ial ranchers power incmiro at this office.
.in ' i
. lake region,
,'ie first of the
o and looking
R. J. McKinnon took his de
parture yesterday morning for
Portland wheie he had been
summoned as a witness before
the federal court.
2 Section iin. GO tooth Steel
Lever Harrows at $22. 00 at C. II.
VnnorHv'a 5iv thai vru no not
, ,. VWM.J V. hvw ..- .. - ----
t .Minnesota capitalists gel j jnch and on,y 50 tooth Har.
rows, instead of the above.
Reatos for sale, all sizes and
lengths, price 20 cents per foot
Any one desiring Ueatoa address
W. A. "Ford of ,1. 0. Albflrson,
Albcrson. Oregon.
hides mid other furs.
Fou SAM3-320 acres of hay
and. Inquire at this ofllco.
W. L. Best and son W. 0. were
over from Silver Creek Wednes
day. Edison Phonographs and re
cords for salo at Lunaburg &
G. W. Clovenger has a largo
number of oowing machines and
wants to place ono in every home
in this section needing a machine
Sold on installment plan or terms
to suit purchaser.
Deputy U. S. Marshal Ham
mersloy was in this city during
tho week, serving subpoenas on
several who aro wanted as wit
nesses before the federal court
in Portlnnd.
Customers and others desiring
us to settle their tuxes will please
send us sherilT's statement of
amount due together with instruc
tions for payment of same.
Jerry Dillon Jr. was in the city
' yesterday to consult a physician,
having gotten mixed up with a
branco and getting his shoulder
hurt. His physician found he
was not seriously hurt, however.
"Grandma" Caldfield sustain
ed n Coles fracturo of her left
wrist tho other day at her home
near Narrows. Dr. Grillith, who
was in the neighborhood, having
gone out to see Al Hart, made
Mrs. Calfiold comfortable. We
did not learn how the accident
, M. T. Ash was down from his '
mountain home a short time this' N. W. Lewis and wife ariveil
week. 'from Tacoma on last night's
stage. Mr. Lewis went homo to
TWima mum
hides and other furs.
Job printing Th Timw-IIurnM
Joe Ilolobos still continues to
improve in health.
Gel nursery stock of the In
land Empire Realty Co.
Sheriff Richardson states that
the 1908 taxes are coming in
quite rapidly.
G. W. Cleveoger is again in
the market .forwdes,
market price paid.
We can trade anything you
have for anythihg you want In
land Empire Realty Co., Burns,
n th
prominent lum
man of Quincy,
several days this
l nitntion of a
rest for tho winter but found it
impossible and had to break
horses as they wouldn't let him
rest. He says all roads) lead to
Highest , Burns and the Harney country
these, days as everyone is talking
about it.
A. A. Rineman was in the city
a. few days during the week.
Mr. Rineman ami ono of his sons
have been spending the winter
J. II, Culp, painting and paper
hanging, Burns, Oregon.
Nick Young expects to leavo
next week for Iown on a visit.
For looso or Haled hay leavo
orders with Lunaherg & Dalton.
Several of our young peoplo
went to Sunset to attend tho
danco last night.
Remember the Inland Empire
Really Co. furnish competent
help free. If you need help call
and see us.
Messrs. C. 0. Beery aiid D. 13.
McNnmnra were up from their
homeslends tho first of this week
making commutation proof,
Tho rains during the
havo made tho roads very bad.
All tho frost has gone out of the
ground and loaded wagons sink
deep into the mud.
Hon. I. S. Geer and family ar
rived homo Monday. Mrs. Geer
and Ellen and Henry had been
at Sllvcrton sinco last fall. They
aro enjoying good health.
Secretary McGowan of the
commercial club has just received
an interesting letter from Wm.
Hanley. Somo interesting ex
tracts of it will bo published next
liuyoti'i liustuiii, tiiiii'tiiuiuimiium'swiiii'
orn extension have been under
dlscuss'ion, and while Mr. O'Brien
favored the Deschutes and sent
it to llarrimnn with his recom-
John Gary came up from Ids
Crane Creek home Wednesday
afternoon to get some of his
farm implements repaired. Ho
is going to begin his spring farm
ing at once.
Dr. Marsden made a profes
sional visit to the home of Mar
vin Williams out near Wagontirc
the first of this week. The pa
tient wis a daughter of Mr. Wil
Hams and left her improving.
a report upon tne re-
s of tins .section. The
ticman was quite favorably
reaching services of the Pros-
riar church Sunday morning
enincr. Feb. 21st Tho
,-t for the morning discourse' No need to be without a sew
cod's Call for Preparation." ing machine when you havo a
thi evening: "The Supreme chance to get ono at practically
fuirement." A most cordial your own terms ny seeing u. w.
ilation is extended to every Clevenger. Standard machines
to attend these services. to choose from.
W. Drinkwater and wife, E. L. Reed contemplates eYoct-
i Tho.s. Vickers and Mrs. ing a stone building 50xG0 on the
;t In ing came over from liar- lots now occupied by the Reed
Wednesday returning home grocery. He has not yet com-
followinfi dny. Wid says the plcted arrangements but will
nc-y bo; are going to play likely erect the building this sum
vet ball .th a team from the mer. This will give him a large
(iii athlet. ciuD at Harney on anu modern store.
. 2G. Th. game will be fol- iv r:,.;mfli nnrW thin
d by a dance. Aveek from Aivorii wnore ,e wonl
fcT t Tl i nr iw. Cnn iA a fr v-ti.m.n... in lwltr tf ITnn.r T
.- iv xv.tltl.m i . KJiXli vca tvt- vw iw.uu vut; ujkj v.. w..j ....
a taj drinkin' and gineral Nickel, for shipment to San
Bi on party (uartco on fnd- Francisco, lie lounu tne oay
. (M.i'-ch 17) in the aven- in a good state of preservation.
j mi.-t Pat? Shure, 'tis Dr. Griffith said the young man
' i ye'll be, and that heartily, had undoubtedly lost his way ami
V . P av yez kindly plaze, perished in the storm. The doc-
hopin' to see ye prisint tor found the roads "a fright"
i f'ominercial CJub Ilall, I upon his return and hopes he
i ii, I. idies' Auxilliary to will have no calls from that dis-
I -re D partment. trict until they improve.
Mrs. R. J. Williams and one
of her sons have been over from near Warm Springs and have
their buver creek home this week been enjoying themselves. His
the gueBts of Mrs. Simon Lewis. ! wife and other children who
The New Windsor Bar, under came with them last fall, have
tiv. miinnmimoni nf i iw. Pniihvnii ! returned to the family home near
!v.. . ........ . 1.1V . V v-fc uw. Vl... . V.f ,
:..,. ..e ii... ... .i ..... I.os Ant'Ins. Mr. Riiieninn will
is uiiu ui int; iiiubi iiuiui!tr iumri "
in Eastern Oregon. Drop in i" tho, il3 oon ns tlui ro:uls
when you have a thirst. become good.
Dr. Marsden reports Clayton M'mos ciayte and Ruby Bur
McMahon, the old gentleman row entertained Inst Tuesday
who had both loire amputated re-' evening at "500". It was a val-
eently, as getting along fine with entine party and the decorations
overything favorable to his re-'werc ,no3t appropriate, hearts
A full slock of the host riding
Plows in tho world, (which are
the John Deere Plows) also for
Uhi8 Country. Havo always been
a success where others failed, at
C. II. Voegtly's.
p redo m i n a t i n g. Thoro were
guests to the number of forty
four and all present expressed a
most enjoyable evening. Miss
Drusa Dodson and Prof. I. C.
Raymon carried off tho honors of
the evening, having the highest
sCore. Miss Frankio Kinir and
C. 13.-Bunn accompanied Frank c. W. Ellis were awarded the
Rasnick out to tho Weaver consolation prizes. A delightful
springs section the first of the luncheon followed the nlayimr of
Another business change has
taken place this week. Sheriff
A. K. Richardson has purchased
the interest of M. Fenwick and
F. 0. Jackson in the Mercantile
establishment of Hngey, Fen
wick & Jnckson and an invoice
compare values and buy
where you can buy the
However, it should be borne in
mind that nothing is cheap if
the quality is unsatisfactory, if
the style is not ritfht. When
you are out shopping this store
will gladly submit to these com- t
parisons and will abide by your
While we do not make the mer
chandinc, our tiara nice of ah- ,,
nolule satisfaction lo all "
mukcH the fjoodit ijou buy here
the right fjoodx al lowest price
Complete line of
Orders promptly filled
i ILo
he Busy Corner Store"
week. Mr. Hunn was (ante fav- the hands.
orably impressed with that sec
tion and says there is some fine
land there.
C. II. Voegtly and C. II., Leon-1
ard wero passengers out on Tues
days' stage both bound for Port
land. Mr. Voegtly wont out on
UBm wu ,r. iunam 111 ie-. , ,, , , , , ,..,.,,
sponse to a summons to appear Mr. KicImnl80n will bo n8aoclnt.
as a witness before the federal C(, w,th Goo IInRoy nn(, t0 now
cou 1 firm will at onco increase the
It is reported that Chas. BeN stock of goods and bring it up to
dell has purchased tho Trisch & its former standard as a general
Donegan saloon property and merchandise store. Tho new firm
business on a prominent corner starts with bright prospects and
in this city and that Mr. Done- their many friends wish them
gan has gone south lo meet Mrs. success.
Trisch to make the proper trans- T .. , ,. . ,,
fer. This is one of the best bu- 'Iuius Cll"nllcr ws '" tllcclty
siness corners in Burns. MmAay gotti T n few necessa-
nes 111 order to go to housokcep
A ijuiet wedding took place at 'mK in one of his store rooms un
the Presbyterian manse on Wed- til the residence which was
nesday evening Feb. 17th at S.-HO , burned last week can be replaced,
p. m. when Mr. Frank Dunn and Ho doesn't know just how tho
Miss Effle Stafford, both of Nar- fire started as it broke out after
rows, were united in marriago they had retired for tho night.
by Rev. A. J. Irwin. Mr. Dunn The loss asido from tho building
is one l!. .uibstantial ranchers was not heavy as they wived
and stock raisers qf Harney most nil of the furniture on the
OOUnty. ' Miss Stafford is ono of first floor and his provisions with
Harney county's new acquis!- the exception of about $15 worth
lions of the type tluit luu (,mo which wero in tho kitchen and
lostay. The Times-Herald joins , pantry. Tho store houses, barn
their many friends in extending and other building did not catch
congratulations and best wishes, fire.
jjk 11
We are Headquarters for
Horse Blanket?, Saddle Blankets
and Balsam of Myrrh
Wc Carry a Complete Line cf
B-uurrLB Ozogrora-
A lengthy article in the last is
sue ot llie Ulue Mt. Laglo gives
a graphic description of the coun
try and experiences of one com
ing into the great Hnrney"coun
try by tho wny of Austin. In
closing tho article says:
Hours before Burns is reached
great Harney valley stretches out
to view and looking over the lev
el intervening space between the
stage and its destination it seems
that a short lime will bring the
journey loan end. But the short
time extends to hours for it is
high noon before the halt is
made in front of the hotel and
you write your name on the reg
ister and aro ready for your first
dinner at Burns.
Burns is the future Spokane
of Oregon. She is the capital
city of an empire and her poten
tial resources are as great as
some of the lesser empires of
the world. The valley over
which she is mistress lias an
extent of nearly a hundred
miles and somo of it as rich as a
florists' hot house. The Blue Mt
Rapid Transit Stage Line operat
ed by L. Woldenberg, furnishes
as good a service as can bo ex
pected and uncomplainingly the
people can look to this well-equip
ped mode of transportation in
I the future as they havo in the
past, but it is not the people of
this prosperous section, who are
alone concerned. Portland needs
the great Harney valley, the rest
of the state needs it. But the
great wealth of this county and
the wealth which it is possible to
produce can never be hauled out
on a stage nor developed when
this is the only means of trans
portation. Some llarrimnn or
some Hill may as the months
stretch into years, liko Columbus
discovered mis now worm, anu
proportionally mankind will re
ceive the benefits which are only
awaiting the awakening of track
less and unclaimed central Ore
Formal acceptance of tho Des
chutes route into central Oregon
as proposed by J. P. O'Brien,
general manager of tho 0. R. &
N., has been made by Mr. llar
rimnn, according to a telegram
sent Mr. O'Brien yesterday after
noon, says the Journal. Whilo
this does not change tho faco of
tho Central Oregon situation
materially, it places Iho stamp
of tho llarrimnn approval on the
Deschutes lines and authorizes
tho commencement of work ns
soon as tho right of way is per
fected. Mr. Cotton, who nnnounced at
tho chamber of commerco meet
ing last week that he had been
unsuccessfully striving for some
timo to got tho maps of tho Des
chutes lino npproved by tho sec
retary of tho interior in Wash
ington, D. C, will "now" know
that as soon ns tho maps are ap
proved, work on tho lino can bo
Up to yesterday tho llarrimnn
officials in Oregon havo been
working on a paper railway for
Contral Oregon. Threo routes
tho Deschutes, 'tho Corvnllls &
mondation of acceptance, there
was no certainty which, if any,
of the lines would bo built. Al
though Mr. Cotton spoke last
week as though tho acceptance
of tho maps was all that was
holdmg back the construction of
the. line, it had not actually been
determined that the lino would
bo constructed at all. Now the
Oregon officials have the assur
ance that tho Deschutes line can
bo built ns soon as they .fix up
their right of way troubles.
"Wo aro willing to pay a rea
sonable market price for the land
we need," said Mr. O'Brien this
morning, "but wcaro not willing
lo be robbed. If necessary we
will resort lo condemnation pro-
ccedings.nlthough wo do not like
to do this because il means fur
ther delay."
"I consider it may take a year
and a half to build the line from
its junction wjtli the main line of
tho 0. R. &. N. at tho mouth of
the Deschutes river to Redmond,
Crook county. The estimated
co3tis$'l,77;j,000nnd the distance
R50 miles."
Whether tho knowledge that if
they do get their right of way
they can go ahead with the work
of building the road will make
any difference with tho work of
the legal department in securing
recognition of the Deschutes
Railway company's maps can
only be conjectured. It is the
opinion of Portland business men,
however, that the announcement
made by Mr. O'Brien this morn
ing should not bo allowed in any
way to affect the action of the
state legislature on the constitu
tional amendment allowing the
state to build or aid in the build
ing of railroads and the passage
of the highway commission bill,
which have been proposed to
safeguard the interests of the
state in the future.
Not Enough Money In the U. S.
To do a Strictly Cash Business.
There aro over twenty thousand banks in the United States.
In these banks there is on deposit eleven dollars for every single
dollar of real money gold, silver and paper.
Business is carried on by the aid of the banks as could be done
in no other way. Ninety per cent, of the business is done without
handling n single dollar of real money, but with checks, drafts,
notes and other formB of credit.
A man deposits $100 to open a check account. Ho may issue
any number of checks to total that $100, to any number of persons.
Suppose one man receives his check for $25, ho brings thai check
to the bank and deposiles the amount lo his credit. Ho too may
issue a check lo another party for that $25. In not ono transaction
does any parly handle or sec a dollar of roa money."
The bank has made this system possible.
This bank renders a service to the people that is convenient to
business and safe for all parties. Our methods aro the choice of
approved and accurate tests taken from banking experience.
Our service will be a distinct advantage to your business, just
as it is to our present customers.
The Harney County National Bank
This paper, whilo not inform
ed officially, does not believe that
Mr. Ilarrimau intends lo aban
don Central Oregon, nor does it
believe that the Telegram is do
ing right in belittling the wiz
ard's apparent dilatorincss in
beginning to grade. We do not
believe Mr. llarrimnn intends to
build up tho Deschutes, either,
and never have thought so, eith
er, for 110 miles of track costs
something to build and operate,
and tonnage from north of Agen
cy Plnins would never bring in
more than thrce-six-bits annual
ly. Mr. Harriman has given us
his definite promise, some thing
ho had never given before, to
build into Central Oregon, and
somehow, in spite of his delay,
wo think ho will make good.
When he does, what is more nat
ural than that he should select a
route that will yield a substan
tial tonnage in wheat and timber
from the very first year it is op
orated? Extension of the C. &
K. offers this advantage over all
other routes. Prineville Review,
Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes
Fresh Groceries, etc.
For Fall and Winter Trade
Prepared to go to a depth of 500 feet with
various size drills. Honest measurement and
satisfaction guaranteed. x-5
For prices and terms call on me at Sunset or
address ne at
3B"Ui.:ir:m.js, Oregon
II.MIIII ttllKK otitiooii
Dealer in
roceries, Provisions,
Tropical and Domestic
Fruits when in Reason.
ats, Shirts,
All kinds of Fresh Vegetables tn Season,
Mifi? u nn a ft
I will hold regular auction sales
on the first and third Saturdays
of each month at the C. A. Sweck
barn in Burns. Hring in any
thing you havo for sale and get
your money for it. Special at
tention given lo sales in the
W. T. Smith,
I.'uIIh iiliawuroil promptly nllit ur tiny
'I'houu Harriman,
Hawlman, Oregon
W. (iWIH
Archie McRunnn
Tilt; LiiiuI Mnn
Dark" i- mer liuildii);.
Main Street.
McGEE & OWEN, Propts.
Fresh Teams, Comfortable Rigs, Careful Drivers.
Particular attention given to Transcient Trade
Call on us. Next door to French Hotel Main St.
Horses boarded by tho day, week or month
All kinds of land business, ab
stracting and conveyancing.
The Eastern Oregon
Engineering Co.
Alain OIIicc,'Hurns, Oregon
A. U, KAUI.KNKll, Mr.
Hranch Oflice, LaUeview, Oregon
Hereford Cattle
My well known herd of Prizo
winning Herofords is now located
on tho farm of Wm. P. Caviness,
in Malheur county. Will bo
pleased to havo you call and in
spect hord. If in need of bulls
or hoifers wo can satisfy you in
quality and price. Writo your
wants te:
Iromldt, Ore. La Qrande, Ore,
Main St.,
Hiacksmiiliing and
Wagon Work
Bums, Oregon
1gjE EPS? a-
The Best
On the Market
Has all the qualities of high' priced machines
Rapid, Universal key board, Simple, Cheap
Chicago Writing Machine Co.
131-1.13 Wnbash Ave., Chicago, III,
jsiit'vmmUllm!mMHItir il-ft
is m