JwJTlffwpffimwdJjr .. ' --.iLi,.ur1.J.HLiu.nifciJjj 1A THK LAHOKST 0I11CUI.ATI0N OK ANY .NKW8PAVKU IN THIS COUNTY. SATl'HDAY, FKIIUUAUY 18, WW. Local News. J J. Heinz was up from L:wcn i during the week. I All who own sleigh rivo (HsRiist-' ctl and will sell them at" a'sacri- fieo. i V Y. King and A. h. Hunter! niv homo from a trip to the P Raiuh. The only and best self food1 Diic Drill is the Van Ih-unt, at C. 11. VooRtly's. F G. Cavors of Boise, repre seiunitf Hitchcock, Hill Co., Chi caKO is in lh city. Mrs. E. B. Hill was an outso- inj; passenger on Inst Sunday's stage enroute to railroad points. ' Ed. Howard was over from! Drewsey the first of this week looking after business affairs. !!- returned home Monday. Last Monday Drs. Marsden and Griflith performed a delicate operation on Mrs. Lee Caldwell. It was successful and the lady is doing well. In purchasing real estate, be ware of the title. Demand of the grantor an abstract of title to the land conveyed. Harney County Land and Title Company. M. H. Bruce of Adams county, Wash., was among those from i the outside to arrive this week, looking for land. Mr. Bruce is jnow out with W. T. Lester look ing over the country. E W. VanValkenbersr left for Shis Silver Creek home Thursday accompanied by his wife. Mrs. 'anValkenberg has boen in this jcitv for two months under the Scare of a physician, but has al most entirely recovered her health. V An opening ball will be given n the new Sunset school house n Friday, Feb. 10. 1909, the pro- etds will go toward the defi iency in the cost of the building. clinch will be served. Every body invited to come and have a good time Wm. McKee, Chas. IV. Reed, Colin Dawson, commit tee. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF BURNS. ATTENTION IS CALLED TO THE STRONG CONDI TION OF THIS BANK AS SHOWN BY OUR REPORT TO THE UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT WHICH APPEARS ON PAGE TWO OF THIS PAPER. Capital, S25,000.00 Surplus, 325,000.00 UNITED STATES DEPOSITARY OREGON STATE DEPOSITARY mL&1J22i1mU1m ,J, wmtfUrt I . hides and Other furs. Thos. Ifowtioi' wan over from Harney Thursday. Snow nlul rain yesterday mado things moro or lobs sloppy. J. II. Gulp, painting and paper hanging, Burns, Oregon. Fou Sam:-J)20 acres of hay and. Inqulro at this olllco. James Pirio was down from his Cow Creek homo Thursday. Chas Newell was tin from his homo at Dog Mountain yester day. Mrs. L. M. Hamilton is over from Harney having accompan ied hor husband over, who came to hold tho teachers' examina tion. The water code has passed the house with only five dissenting votes but it is claimed tho bill will havo hard sledding in the senate. Marvin McGco and wife have moved into tho now cottage just completed on tho "Chino" Bor dugo lots back of tho Red Front barn. q1...i. I Potatoes in abundance at Huston's. Geo. W. Hayes made a hurried trip over from Vale, arriving he-c Sur lay evening. He was liere to attend to some business lefor the local land office in con- ec ion with coal lands near Vale n which he and others are in- ercsted. Mr. Hayes says it is ot anthracite but has some such qualities as it burns a long lime inel with very little flame. Vlien we get the state to build hat railroad we'll patronize Mr. Reports from Sunset stato that the new school house is Hearing completion. Come to the McMullcn photo gallery for your portrait on post cards. $1 per dozen. Ague e,.,... ou.. J Dr. Elizabeth Ellis and Miss Geo'rgie Ellis arc again homo after an absence of several weeks, (540 acre ranch for sale suitable! for dairy or stock ranch. Abund ance of water for irrigation and power inquire at this office. .1 II. .Tni'diin. who baa boon in ... a - ww........ ...... this city for several days looking after business, left for Lawen yesterday in company with C. II. Leonard. 2 Section Sin. 00 tooth Stool Lever Harrows at?22.00 at C. II. Voegtly's. See that you do not get J inch and only 50 tooth Har rows, instead of the above. Realos for sale, all sizes and lengths, price 20 cents per foot. Any one desiring Reatos address W. A. Ford of J. O. Alberson, Alberson, Oregon. ... Wm. Bennett and wife have been the guests of friends in this city since the first of this week and again getting acquainted with their sons who are hero at tending school. No need to be without a sew ing machine wnen you nave a layes and his associates unless ve find sufficient natural gas in I c,mncc to ROt 0no at practically your own terms by seeing G. W. Clevenger. Standard machines this section for fuel and light Mrs. Aim.. Nickle, Misses Ella and Alice Suede, Messrs. E. E. iarsen, Lesl. iiollufay anu (J. l. Collier are taking the teach- L-is' examination before the eounty board tins week. The ioard completed the examination ist night and Superintendent lamilton informs The Times- lerald that all the aphcants were ;uccessful. Mr. Collier received to choose from. Thoso interested should take advantage of the opportunity to secure government bulletins on agricultural subjects by at once notifying Secretary McGowan of the Burns Commoicial Club. W. B. Johnson, one of tho pio neer residents of Silver creek, first grade and all the others was in tho city n few days this ere lor second grade. The wck accompanieu oy nis unugn- luperintendent was assisted by tors, Mrs. Bert Parker and Mibb 'rot. I. L. Raymond of tho nub- Mary Johnson. They felt lor lie schools and Rev. A. J. Irwin, homo Thursday morning. again in Highest .fob printing Tho TiinoH-IIoriild Get nursery stock of the In- i 1 I". ....!.. TJ....U.. r.. llllll i'jllljlllw iXwllllJ W(W. The snow Tuesday did not fall to a sufficient depth to make good sleighing. G. W. Clovongor is the market for hides. market price paid. Dr. II. Denman was up front Hnrriman a few days tho first of this week on a visit to his family. We can trade anything you have for anytliihg you want In land Empire Realty Co., Burns, Oregon. Roe Buchanan is leaching school in the district at his home. They havo erected a nice new HEN OUT SHOPPING compare values and bay where you can buy the cheapest. However, it sit on Id be borne in mind tli.tt nothing; in cheap if the quality is unsatisfactory, if the style is not right. When you are out shopping this store will gladly submit to these com parisons and will abide by your judgment. While we do not make the mer chandise, our fjuuranlce of ab solute satisfaction to all makcH the (joods ijou buy here the rifjhl fjoods at lowest price Complete line of FRESH GROCERIES Orders promptly filled CHWARTZ The Busy Corner Store" TJttJXnSi, OIRL3E3C3r03Xr- I . e ' school house out there. Lost Between Burns and the I. S. Geer ranch a snddle. Find er please leave at Elliott barn and receive pay for their trouble. C. E. Bunn, who arrived in this section sometime ago, ex pects to go out to the W. W. Brown ranch soon where he will work for a time. W. A. tioodmnn has arranged to give the children a mask ball on Feb. 19. Admission B0 cents. PLaelics free. This will be a treat for the little ones. Mrs. Alf Baker, who has been seriously ill at the homo of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Garrett, is reported slightly im proved at this writing. The New Windsor Bar, under Hie management of Leo Caldwell, iB one of the most'popular resorts in eastern urejroii. Drop in whon you have a thirst. A full stock of the best riding Plows in the world, (which arc tho JqIui Deere Plows) also for thi- Country. Have always been a success where others failed, at C. II. Voegtly's. G. A. Collier, of the Silver Creek school who is hero taking tho teachers' examination, was tions of tho martyred president, a pleasant caller at this office one Refreshments wore- served. day this week. Mr. Collier was at ono time in tho newspaper ceiptof an invitation to attend Mrs. M. Ilorton came over 'the celebration of tho fiftieth itn from Diamond Thursday with , niversary of the admission of her children and loft tho follow- j Oregon to the Union to bo held ing morning for Boise where her, at Salem nexf Monday. Owing husband is sick in a hospital. , to tho inclemency of tho weather Ho has boon out there about and bad walking he will havo to three weeks. Mrs. Ralph Curl, formerly Miss Edith Robinson of Canyon, wjfs in this city Saturday being on route from hor home near Drew sey to Canyon City on a visit to relatives. Frank Jones and Ira Barnard have moved their families into tho Henry Welcome residence as Mrs. Ella Martin has leased the Oregon Hotel and will at once open it up to the public. G. W. Clovenger has a large number of sowing machines and wants to place one in overy homo in this section needing a machine Sold on installment plan or terms to suit purchaser. Customers and others desiring us to settle their tuves will plen.se send us sheriffs statement of amount due together with inntruc tions for payment of same, FIRST NATIONAL BANK of BURNS, OREGON. The Times-Herald office has I just received tho finest assort- jment of stationery it has over had. Its patrons will have the very best in that lino as they al ways have had. When in need of commercial printing of any nature drop in and see us. Thos. Spraguo was in the city Thursday securing moro pipe with which to work at some deep well drilling. Tom hasn't struck any gas yet but says he can furnish hot air and expects to strike gas as soon as he gets his drilling apparatus in shape to go to a lower depth. The ranch home of J. C. Free man occupied by J. E. Chandler and family was destroyed by lire a few nights ago. It was a total loss and some of the occupants escaped with only their night clothes. Wo have heard none of tho particulars but understand tho fire caught from tho stove pipe. hides and other furs. For loose or bah'tl hay louvo ordors with Lttnaberg & Dalton Claudo Brown camo in from tho Sizemoro ranch yesterday with is wifo who is quite bicU. Remember the Inland Empire Realty Co. furnish competent help free. If you need help chII and seo us. M. J. O'Connor of Denio has been appointed U. S. Commis sioner which will bo qtiito a con venience to tho peoplu of the southern part of the county. Having disposed of my livery and feed stable to Henderson Elliott, all accounts due me should be settled at once. Simon Lr.wis. Mrs. Robt. Irving camo down from Ilamoy yesterday and was accompanied homo by her two sons, Ralph and Cecil, and her daughter, Zella, who wanted to take in tho mask hall there last night. MALIII!-R PASS ITIiMS 'Even H Mesdamcs Shelley, Foley and Richardson entertained a largo number of their lady friends at tho home of tho former yester afternoon. 500 hundred was in dulged in and there were eight prizes awarded. It being Lin coln day each guest was furnish ed with ti card bearing eiuota- ! Tho manager of this great re i ligious weekly acknowledges re- yhody is in high spirits over tho moisture in the ground now from tho big snows and rains and are golling ready to plow as soon as it is dry enough although we still have a little frost in the ground yet. All the swnils on the old rivor bed aro filled with water which usually lasts 'till July and some are talking of pumping it on tho crops if they should need it. We have had meetings the last three Sundays in the Valloy by Eld. Fritch and Eld. Quicr. Eld. Fritch preaches every third Sun day also every second Sunday at the Thompson school house. Eld. Fritch and Eld. Quior will start to Vnlo the last of this month to meet their sons-in-lnw who are coining from Oklahoma to take up land in tho Valley. Mr. Capers bored a well -10 feet deep in Anderson Valley which is now sending up a warm cur rant of air with a hissing or roaring noise. He is quite puz zled over tho strange action. Eld. Fritch has sent off for a power pump to pump water out of the lake on his place also will use a well and will irrigate 10 or 12 acres of garden and truck, al so somo alfalfa. W. II. F. --i--"iw" wnmT" the sheep and mm-oarf expected, hut an yet im sale haHbi-fii made. Whether (his industry can bo NRi'ccoBsfully carried on hero in what fix si mpii uro trying to find out. Mr. Bigg nays that tit this lini" the biiHiiK'HH looku very encouraging Mr. Bigff in feeding over 1600 head of weathers two-ycnrs-old coming throe on grrss and alfitl fa hay. 'I ho Hicep are getting in first clans condition. Mr. Mc CilliHter is feeding a flock of over 1500 weathers l-ymr-old coming two on alfalfa and grain hay. In this connection Mr. Biggs says that no rancher can affoid to sell tho product of his farm in tho form of hay and havo it haul ed away from Iho ranch. "Ho imiBl feed tho stuff at homo and use the manure, or he is simply s lling liis lanch a little at a time." Mr. Biggs is also feeding a fine herd of young registered Short horns at his tanch above town. Those aro being kept for breed ers and there is not a finer herd in tho country. It seems to bo the growing be lief among the lending stockmen of tin's section that there is no profit in raising alfalfa and sell ing at $8.00 per ton or there abouts, when any kind of marke table slock can bo secured for feeding. Prineville Journal. Earmarks STRUCK PLOW OP (US. John Hodder and ono of tho Dawson boys were up from Sun set the first of this week and re ported that Walter Iloddor had struck a strong flow of gas at a depth of 3G0 feet while sinking a deep well for John Leako just this side of Malheur lake. It seems Mr. Hodder and a man who was helping him were re moving the drill rods when a sudden roaring sound was fol lowed by a rush of water and gas that shot high above the surface. A second explosion was witness ed but later subsided. Tho rush water was accompanied by a e'onsiderable amount of stones of various sizes together with sand and mud. There is reason to believe that a strong flow of gas and oil un der lies this section and no doubt this will cause some investigation. We have nothing late regarding this discovery and do not know whether the parties arc continu ing at this well or not. W. II. Fitclielt was in tho city from his homo near Wavcrly the first of this week. Mr. Fitchett, who has been in poor health, is almost himself again and says ho will farm considerable this spring. Tho great amount of is built down in tho valley from forego tho pleasure of being pre sent and celebrate it at home, J. W. Buchanan stud wifo were the guests of friends in this city Wednesday and Thursday. Joe informs us ho has just coniploled a now residonco on his place. It snow and rain fall in his neigh borhood lids given him eucour agement and ho looks for an ox collont season. Mr. Fitchett was accompanied by ono of his sons. his old residence and contains ten rooms. Somo CO or moro of their friends camo out from Ilarnoy last week and proceeded to warm up tho now homo by dancing all night. We are Headquarters for Horse Blankets, Saddle Blankets STORM PROOF ROBES and Balsam of Myrrh We Carry n Complete l.lne ef HARNESS and SADDLES J. C. WELCOME & SON -B"ULxr Oregon,. I'GRISIIRD ON ALVORI) DESERT. Word was received hero yes terday that Henry M. Nickle had been found dead on tho Alvord desert the day before and the body was partially buried in tho snow. It was thought tho un fortunate young man had perish ed in the, storm either Sunday or Monday. Deceased was about 22 years old and a grandson of Henry Miller of tho P. L. S. Co. His homo was in San Francisco but ho had been working with tho vaqtioro outfit at Wild Horso and is supposed to havo loft Andrews for Wild Horso and possibly be came lost in tho snow storm.. Tho coronor was notified, but did not consider it necessary to hold an inquest. In tho absenco of tho undertaker Dr. C. C. Griffith loft last night to prepare tho body for shipment to San Francisco. ITGUINd SUMP I'OR MARKUP. Ml. SMI. Kepiirt f (he i-Oliilllloii of (lift IIAKMJY COUNTY NATIONAL HANK of IIUKNS 1.1 Muni, in the Statu uI Ortnol), ill tlic c UiM) (it bUflH-M, I'ob A(li, law. iioaiM-K Mmiik and IMwotilit I TtjeiiV Ovrrdmftn, oioureO nail tiimeamw) ITO16 I'.H, IliiuilitoMetuvalretilHlloH IIKMIM l'minliiinaau I'. 8. Ilonitn 775 91 llond, Mrurltlw, ( t.MMi W liMiM-gltouiM, furnltiran)IUturwi Meo Iue from N-tlonnl Kxn-i (not r- ft-na.(otit) 2t Hue Irum -pprm od ri rv cant 9.73 1 1 I harkni otlur fMh itcroi MAW Swim of other N-Uount H-nki 1 070 Oil rr.elluiul iwr ourreuey. ii1oel Rinl otau to II Uwil Muny R.um IU, til l-l !'7l0n Ul t-Mdor oo'ti l.MM SMIOa Kedumptlon fund lb V. B,Tfurvr, (A p-rcunt of rlrculnt'ou) 07. W Da tmiu V. . Trmimor 1,(00 00 TutNl HOIMwwM MAMl ITIBI, e'uplul look pU In . I 31,000 ou wurplu fund 11,000 ou l!dlldd troftu. Iom pxou- anil Uicn p!l lwl U National Uauk oolm oniMandliif it Moi) Individual wfpoalu rabjeel ( enact utsoMI Demand enriiflt'atoi of dap.!! MOO TlmaocTilRtau'talilaiiiwIi H7-?:i CMblar'a uheoka ontntaBdltif. Ml Ot Total HM.ftr.M 8TATK0r0BUON, M Couptjr of rUrny, ( I. Uoli U. (-, OMbUr ol lliu aoOT.ini. wi tank, rto aulnualr nrar l-t tttav iMo tattmnt Uinta It too baatol lay know lde rnd ballat. I aoN U. Maow, Omdler. IMiwMtlbod and aworn to befofa laa thl sih day of Poll., 10W, V. L. I.wi .Hoall Nolarjr IHibllo Oi.rrtcl-.tUaat: n. V. UcKixiiir. ei. A. ROLO 1 M. DwT-x IllterUtln. No bank is belter than its mannaomont. I-neli man may judgo our bank" for himnolf from thoclementa that make n'good bank. Gnpitol and deposit nro necofMnry to make a strong bank. The capital is the actual money put into the business by the stock holders. Surplu3 indicates what has boon earned above the divi dends and expenses. The amount of deposits represent the money placed in the care of the bank', by'the people. A bank's deposits are an indica tion of the amount of business done and (ho confidence placed in the bank by individuals. The officers of a safe brink are always oxpcrienced-men--hon-ost in the bank business as well as outside; they arc men who have confidence in other men, and who look upon humanity with a spirit of liolpfullness. The capital of this bank is ample to meet the demands of our customers; our surplus shows that safe banking is done, it having increased steadily year by year. Our deposits tell to what extent the peoplo have placod tonfidence in us. Our officers are experienc ed, they are men who are glad to give their advice in financial matters. We do render good service to our customers, and will aid others who aro not now our customers. The Harney County National Bank OF BURNS, OREGON. YOUR HOME INSTITUTION STATE DEPOSITARY !.' '"r11-. " '.. NEW MERCHANDISE Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes Fresh Groceries, etc. For Ftll and Winter Trade LUABUiiG &. DALTON && 57&-7K 24A te 2 HiZ. '. iA. K, (-W , t -.' ' -rf AV' NO TRESPASSING. Hunting and fishing are strict ly forbidden upon any of the Pacific Live Stock Co. ranches. Trespasser will 1 prosecuted. John Gn.cr.KST. Supt. AUCTION I will hold regular auction sales on the first and third Saturdays of each month at the C. A. Swcek barn in Hums. liring in any thing you havo for sale and get your money for iL Special at tention givon to sales in tho country. W. T. Smith, Auctioneer. CrIIm unmtTOil promptly 'I'honu Iliirriinuii. DENMAN, M. 0. ullllit it tiny liatrlmnn, Oregon A. V. (liim Attorney Arcliio Aliflownn Tito Laml Man IIAKNOV COUNTY UNO AND TITI.Ii CO. All kinds of land business, ab stracting and conveyancing. MJltNH, - - OltKliON The Eastern Oregon Engineering Co. CIVIL, MUNICIPAL AND IKKIfiAHON LNCIMIKS Main Oflicc,',Hurns, Oregon A. ei. F.uu i;nmi, Mj;r. llranch Office, Lakeview, Oregon l' 11 !-AUI.K.MCIt ur Two Crook county ranchers aro ongaged in a lino of business at present as an experiment which is a now departure for this section. M. It. Higgs and T. F, McCallistcr nro each feeding flocks of oyer 1500 shcop for mutton on their ranches in this vicinity and expect to turn off their products this month. Somo buyers lmvo already visited this Hereford Cattle My well known herd of Prize winning Herofords is now located on tho farm of Win. P. Caviness, in Malheur county. Will he pleased to lmvo you call and in spect hord. If in need of hulls or hoifors wo can satisfy you in quality and price. Write your wants to; WM. 1'. CWINUSS, l. J. C0NIMD, Iromldc, Ore. La Qr-n.t, Ore, WALTEk H. HODDER "Well 3Dri.Xli3Q.s- Prepared to go to a depth of 500 feet with various size drills. Honest measurement and satisfaction guaranteed. -tiaa' ; For prices'and terms call on me at Sunset or I address me at 0-o.ro.s, Oregon rovisiorts. omestic W. Ea HUSTON Dealer in recencs. Tropical and Fruits when in Season. 'iE ALSO HAS A LISME OF GEWTS FURNISHINGS, ats, Shirts, Clothing, nderwearGet Prices CHILDREN'S CLOTHIWC. All kinds of Fresh Vegetables in Season, GIVE H8SV1 A CALL. nurk-ieiiner Huilduijr - - Main, Street. lOJKID U3&L3NJ? Ll-VERY, FEED AND SALE McGEE & OWEN, Propts. Fresh Teams, Comfortable Rigs, Carcfui Drivers. Particular attention given to Transcient Trade Cill ontis. Next door to French Hotel Main St. Ilorse.s boarded by the day, week or month suci c.son 10..W1LSOS a ashton Wlain St., HAS. WILSON, Rlacksmitliing and Ilorseshoing. Wagon Work AUWORKCUAR ANVEED. Burns, Oregon ' t (3WaffiTWMSSaRr'p' '! cr.O J.WMLfmSn8Ss te&ysaJKliriit Jiftjn , vJsMR'JH wfml The Best RIODIDRATE PRICED TYPEWRITER On the Market Modern, . Convenient Durable Has all the qualities of high' priced machines Rapid, Universal key board, Simple, Cheap Chicago Writing Machine Co. 15 1-15.1 Wnlmtli Ave, Chicago, 111. A SaS" m "rjscssEKrssrrr