,. -,-,,.TimI-ir rrrrm, ., MyiMyiiinHiiiMiininiin m. m '''"-aa ""--- aa---'----'' ' .. . . . - -,. -.,- . toy to IIARRIAUN AOAIN IIRHAKS PROMISD, Continued from pnco one. j"o of January, 1909 to discover 'l0 Vind niado a mistake. 'So far as the people of Oregon have any knowledge or informa tion, the only progress that has been made on the Central Ore gon project is that three routes I are under consideration, and that, one of them will cost about ?-t,-500,000, another about $2, 000,000 and the third about $900, 000. "Tho end of the year" is one month past, and there are no ties and spikes on the ground. Central Oregon is still an un broken wilderness; only another of Harriman's promises has been "broken." For that Terrible Itching. Eczema, titter and salt rheum keep their victims in perpetual torment Tho application of Chamberlain's Salve will instant ly allay this itching, and many cases have been cured by its use. For sale by all good dealers. INDUSTRIAL NOTES. (Portland Correspondence). As an evidence that Portland people are more and more inter ested in the advancement of Ore gon, the First National Bank and Ladd & Tilton have each notified the Oregon Development League that their subscriptions for the year 1909 would be $200 per month instead of $100 as in for mer years. This same sum is subscribed by the Portland Rail way, Light & Power Company, while the United States National Bank has advanced from $50 to $100 per month. These are larger subscriptions than are made by the financial and business inter ests of any other city in the United States. An enormous amount of atten tion has been excited by the in vitation to Chicago, extended through the Ways & Means Com mittee of the Chicago Associa tion of Commerce, to send a hundred and fifty Chicago school boys and girls for a two months' trip through the western states The commercial bodies of the whole west are joining with the Portland Commercial Club to in sure acceptance of the invitation. Hundreds of business men who do business with Chicago firms are asking these firms to co-operate with Mr. H. A. Wheeler, Chairman of the Ways & Means Committee 77 Jackson Boulevard, Chicago, in bringing this about. If any reader of this paper can help the cause by writing a letter, he is urged to do so. Twenty-one hundred and nine ty pounds of publicity were for warded to the east by the Port land Commercial Club last week. This was in addition to the six tons that went two weeks earlier. The printers will soon be busy in turning our one million leaflets advertising the one-way colonist' rates to Oregon points, and these leaflets will go out through the boys and girls attending school, the preachers and churches, the banks, business houses, factor ies, hotels, and the homes of Portland, whoso example in this work should be followed by every J community in Oregon. People can buy their tickets to almost every railway point in the state just as cheaply as- they can to Portland, but if they buy them only to Portland they will have to pay local rates from this city to their final destination. More than two hundred citi lE' ip--A5llBERflGEriT; nmpleL.'- t M 1 Rnnrrr ' . le lurnl ' e.J by ui Oir..'t . v jitrti. e o ma'ri ' . I1.? '?rSrSi NO 3III.M.V Ki:ilI'III ".anyone ariyvvhcre In I'lC U, h. ' tmt it to any am yo-i wjsi. II kc p tl taryi le ililp ii luck to "1."-" "- U.i.is. ...VU. ., . III FAGTOnV PR CHS . """'""' iL'jiit'i kra t huiuiii rilllyua at ne nu prt,fit jiy, , w i.i ,i.i,n.m... ?.,., ---."- -- . i.iv..ie u; Mujiii until di ui an-i 4V( i ,e i jiJ-i turri i awe UMnd your lacycle J)l) Ntrr Itll V a bicvrleor a p. r ,,. .-re. from " M J'"','s'". ""'i'w 'erele our cauUuea and leamour unl.rard Jtilm trhit x 1 rtmtiriatli lfeci.il cT, n to rlilnr uennta. ji-r. Am4w7fclH V0U VILL BE flSTONISIItii h" vou "x'"lf " " j"'- ' WVt1iWj V4ufi 7t . a. . Htfiuni JlltO iiiudy pur U.clb nmilell l In 1. ,,y fllM &K ?" '."niiukeyomUty.u Wt -ell the hlKhni grade b 1,1 1.. lor -i. 1 Ml I'll 7 S.Tl.n w-i'i HVa'VL Wc '" eat.afied with ft i ,om n Ui liv 1. .1 VAif 3) douile- our brit.i Oi fra fiilcu Iha iLiy received. $jv ,t'i,;S,,,iVu)f",Jlf,iHiiVM!M,i V,'1"."01 rrK"l"ly lundla teconJ liand blotlce, bui COflSTER-UriAKhS """" l",,,)V,"l ,","l",r,'':' UUrtolLll uimriU-, etiui-jment of all UnAt u Ulf -- - -. .-.- - . -; . .- w, rim ., ir ,. . $m m IIEOOETIIORH PUNGTURE-FROOF $ SELF-HEALING T3RES - . . . . i . r . . "--.-? Tlit resutar tsLtit 6r r ot thei iirt it sellyouatQMpUpairfarSiAJifutliwtthoriiertt f), HO MORE TROUBLE FROM PUNCTURES NAILS, Tacka ur CIUiii will not lot tlin nlr out. Riity Ih'iiisanrt ) ilrs r .1.1 lail year Over two untlrc'l thouaauu t. -nanow In uae j xj etr tair. out la t tirutiuc tut unit DE30! pri7r(aileliitillila. Itlallvcly anilr. ml n,vcry(lii!ibleanilliiirdinalilewllh porouaanj which closca up tmall (mncturta without allow. Inelhcalrtnta-ape. Wchavchuniimlaoflctterafroiaaatla. ficdcuitomcrattatius that their llrcihaveonlylxxnurnpl up once or twke in a wliolc acaaou. 1 hey weigh no more than n ordinary tire, the puncture reaUlinr:cuaullealielugglvcii by several layera of thin, epcclally prepared fabric ou the tread. The regular nrlceuf tueaellreaiatH uifiernjlr .nl tnr Blue tl nuahtvol mljlM.r. whirli iirvcr la niiifa dvei tliluij purpoaea we are mukiiiL-a tnccial factory pi ,m.. w.iw uibm oauia puuijf. aurviu ov iriumcu pi ivi cxiicrae ii lor any reaaon they arc not aatlifactory on examination. We are perfectly reliable ami money aent touaiaaaaafeua In a Unk. IJ you order o jlr of theae tlrea, you will find that they will ride eaaler, run faater, wear better, latt lorjfrer and look finer than any tire you have ever ued or aeen at any price. We know that you wlllXe to well pleated that when you want bicycle you will give ui f your order. We want you to (end ua atrial order at once, hence thit remarkable tire offer. IP Vlff Mt?Fn TUre don't buy any kind at any price until you tend (or a pair of .t rY.Y.nJl7iU f0 Iledgethorn l'uncture-I'roof tirca on approval and trial at the pedal Introductory price quoted above, or write for our big Tire and Biiunry Catalogue which dcacr.bca and quote all makct and kind! ot tlrea at about half Ihe uaual pricea. nit Nnr WAIT lut write tia a pottal today, IK Nor TlllNlt Of lIUlINn ublcyclu aWtaT nvl ywMM orapalr of tlrea from anyone until you knowtbenewaudwoniUiful cflcn we are making. It only coata a ittal to Icaru everything. Write it MOW. j. l: mead cycle company Chicago, bll. ..l,b.lhl.Uk..t.. l .. 'ft .. 1 . zens of Spokano and tho "Inland Empire" will reach Portland, Saturday, Feb. G, on route to California. Tho party is undor tho nuspiccs of tho Spokano Chamber of Commerce. Immed iately upon their arrival tho Port land Commercial Club will enter tain tho guests on a trolley ride over tho city, and at a reception and dinner at night. Chnmlicrluln's CoiikIi Itemisly tho Mont l'opulnr I localise It In the Kent. "I have sold Chamberlain's Cough Remedy for tho past eight years and find it to be one of tho best selling medicines on the market. For babies and young children there is nothing better in the lino of cough syrups," says Paul Allen, Plain Dealing, Lr? This remedy not only cures the coughs, colds and "croup so com mon nmong children, but is plea sant and safe for them to take. For sale by all good Dealers. WOOL (lROWIiPS TO Ml.GT. The wool growers will meet in Vale March 1st and the meeting will be a very important one. The growers from Harney and Malheur expect to have a large number of sheep men present from Baker and Umatilla coun ties and a good delegation from Idaho. Tho means of disposing of wool and storage of same, is among the important questions I to be considered. Fuller particu lars of this meeting will be givon later. Oriano. Lame Shoulder. This is a common form of mus cular rheumatism. No internal treatment is needed. Apply Chamberlain's Liniment freely three times a day and a quick cure is certain. This liniment has proven especially valuable 1 for muscular and chronic rheu I matism. Sold by all good deal 'ers. Dr. Taylor, Dr. Roberts, Geo. W. Hayes, W. D. Farrcn, J. P. Dunaway, Leo Schmidt. Roy Grimes, Dalton Biggs, W. W. Caviness, Geo. McLaughlin, met at the office of Goo. V. Hayes, Prid.iv nvnninov liYirmiilritpil specification plans whereby they aro to iCveloi coal nroncrtios re cently discovered by Mr. Pat ORourkc from whom tho con tract had been executed by Geo. W. Hayes. The meeting was harmonious and expedited by" electing W.W. Caviness Sup't., J. P. Dunaway Treasurer, Geo. W. Hayes Secretary. They have instructed Sup't Caviness to con tract and commence digging out the dirty diamonds at once. Weather and conditions being fovorable great expectations are predicted for this enterprise. Vale Oriano. WANTED-About 5000 head of good, young breeding ewes. Ad dress, giving ages, price, etc., The American Land & Livestock Company, Denio Oregon, also same care of the First National Bank, Burns, Oregon. Jamus E. RouNSnviljLK, Manager Do Not Trifle With a Cold la pool advice for men and women. It may b- vital in the case of a child. Ioii) expert lim proven that there is noth ing U for colds In children than Ci amberlain's Co'ln Remedy It is a f . irite witli many mothers nml never d nuts them. It contains no I ojiium 1 ' it-r narcotic mid may be givcu with 1 t confidence. IHfACHTOVfl an! iiiitrlit o n-"i - l lii'.ia rtkuUrt ami fa ,1 tfhr at a mllioul a litil ilttoul in ,.d . and aiprovr of j. ur I MA-.i .' ililp till, .....1 I-- ital m.1 wiati lo .. nl. ol io mine JlllALclininirw u.li hum Mm m y.i.l. '' you are then not i-itxily u at our eipense andx I, nam. .1 . 4 V'tll II i"T iirx :"." "u?"."""r co" . "u - - '"r -lifi ana i-.lula, iiri7 r.ilr. Iki uinal rttail irktt. w a..... ,i...... ...... I.IVIIUIj, A SAMPLE PAIR TO INJROCUOE, OHLY MA" HIIU llUflfitnrii Mtrlna "It ' unit "It," ulao rlin atrip "II ' to provont tlin oiittlnif. 'I hli tlrn will oiilluit uuy nth- r inHkit-NOirr, KLA-'iVHl mi.l ice to i.nni jiuiirtiJ. . .. . """.-" , OTVItt, UIIS lj .sill ul.n Aa.i.l ....a a iMrirjin iibie mj ni irf MM ""rT " ''-iga.iaM, j"""i"""aaigali..lr:..r liAhrUSi wm,wmmm mjBmwmtjrnm-nrr.m?l I VI m ia J'otlcn tlio thick rnlilx-r Iri-ml For Salk - A good second hand Clarinet, Inquire at this ofilce. Job printing Th6 Timefl-IIorald NHW CLIMBING PROPOSITION Wo havo arranged to offer in connection witli this paper, tho now monthly farm magazino just started at Lincoln, N hruskn, by Prof. II. W. Camr' .1 and devot ed to the subject of how to farm in tho dry country and how to got host rosults from soil tillage undor normal condition. This Paper is Campbell's Scientific Farmer and we offer it clubbed with The Times-Terald both for $2. CO per year cash. Prof. Camp bells' new paper is a monthly, chock full of good things, tho only paper of it kind in tho world, and it embodies the re sults of the editor's many years of painstaking investigation of tho soil tillage proposition. NOTICE llulnu titmlilt) to uivc our pornnnul iiltt'liti"!! to tint collection of tlmim counlfl iluo uh, the oil i no luivu bfoii I1ihimI with Mr. O. II Looiinril. A ytHr Imvinc t'lnpeed slnoo t lie iIIp polutloo of co-partiuTHliip ti prompt miltlfinwit of tliH HiiiiHi Ih rrqnosli'il, MAIIIIIKN t Gl.'AUY. NOTIOU KOft l'UMLIOATlON I'mikii-tatm Lakh urrif is, Hurna, meiion, lives jilwr aa, 1WM Nolle lo liaroby llveii Hint the HIhIp ( Uro iruu linn llleil In thin nfflri- tin npi'lknttuii IBor iul No. I'liao) tntulvit, tiiuU'r Urn pnnUlum i( Dm Act ul ('interim, airuvoil Anient HI. ll. Mill rtt amenualorj- thereto, tin, .NYU,H4 rHu- ai,T. ISH It. K W. M, An and nil pot.oim claiming mlwunoly Urn UntUiltwrrllieJ.iir tlit.trlng to ubjet Iwcamr of the luliit-ralt-narar'toruf tho laiul, nr for any other roaaon. to the ill.potiil to ntpllvaui, tliotihl Ulu Uicr anutartla "t iiruUot In thin ul lieu, on or failure I be expiration o( Ilie lotln'l ol tmbllrallun. Wm. Paiihk, ItpglaH-r Itate of Firm Publication January Vm1, 1WW. linte of I u.t Publication Kotirttarr 6th, I'M'. NOTICE KOU PUBLICATION V.NirKIt HT.V1K8 LAND OKFICK, II 11 1 in Orcton, January, . Itajg. I Sol Ice I hereby liven Hint I'llarke K. Ileerr, ul Duma, Oregon, wliu, on uebiber !. HOT, inailti lloniMteait entry, No 1W, gcilal No. PI'JBU, (or MC', He c lion :h, luwntbtp ' Houth, Ilauga .it Kail. Willamette UerliUn, linn ftlvil untied nt Intention In make Hunt l oininulnllon I'fiHil. to ttullati Halm to the lain! ahou-tlca-erltct, Iniiore the ltegletrr ami ltui-lvci, at niirua, "rrgon, on urn win nay 01 reurunry I WW. claimant name u wllrw.aaa. Daniel K. alcNatnari, ul Narnma, Oregon, Alfr.nt w. Plarct. Kkliatil K. Crt-ttl, llert I Hinkln, all at llnrn., Oragou. Wm.Fakhh, lUgliter. NOTIOIC KOIt I'UltLICATION fNirKnTTK i.aki) ii rwy., i Miirna Orenou. Jannari , 'vu j N'illila hereby Kiven that Daniel K Mf Namaiaof Narrow Oregon, ho, ntiOetober 30, IW7 ma'lultiroeatea4Kiilry No ibMI.Krrlal No oaci. lor NKK;, Heetlun a, Towntblh W Houth, Kanae ill K..t. Willamette Merlillau, hai Itlvii uotlii nllotentlon to make final t'oinmntatlou liroof to eatahllah ilalm to the tanit alaite ileaiillH.il, tmlore the KegUler anil Jterelver, at lluriia, Ureuoii, on the 16th ilay ul Kebrnary WOt. (Malntant nameaaa wllnouva1 t'harlea H lh-err,Vlllanl K. Dlekey, ltichatil K ( reeawall, Allw! W I'leree, all ot Hiirna, Urettou. Wat rut. ItMlliler. NOTICK POIl l'UULICATION I'mTauainaal.AHii orriit Hurna, Otedon, January I, I'M) I Xntlee la hereby given llit the HtiUo of Gro in u haa Bled In tbta otlli'e lla apillrtlonIIeral No olJIS) loaelect. uniler the irollonaultbo Art ol CoDgiaw, eriiruved Angml VI. Wi. ami eel amenilator) thereto, the !',NE'4Hc .TH.,R.K. W M An ami all neraona claiming ailteraely the lamia iUarrl. l,or dealrlng to obleet becauae of the mineral eharaeter of the lam), or for ait) other rcaaon, In theijlapoaal to aiplieant, abuulil rile tlii'lr affliiavlta of rotl In Uili omre, on or iiriorn ine expiraiiun 01 me fienoii ul 1'ilblli allon Wm. raan. Iteglnlor Klrat puhlli alion January 16. 1'Xu. I. ail publication February M, ltaX. NOTICE FOIt PUBLICATION. United MraTra LANnorriOK, I lluriia Oregon, January II, lew. I Nolli-e la hereby given that A I Ire i llauaoic it, formerly Alli-o Ii Wllklnw.n, of ilellarinllt, Nevada, who. on iioloberf., w, inaileileMrl laml entr) No. l,W. Merle) No. OlltaW, for U'ij HW, e. liou . HH'.MK', Section HO, NKMNI.fJ w-ellon.il. NWi. M4 Heetlou w. Towutlili v rwuin, nange n r.ai, inameiie ienuiaii, una uie.i noiu 01 niieniion ut inaau iinai I'roof. to i-alabllaheil i latin lo the land above ileaorlV-il, boiore ltobort II. Wilklimon, II. H. t'ominltalonur, nt lila oDU-e ut Mi-IKrinllt, OruKoii. on I he lf.Hi day of fenruary, 1WM. I'lahnant iigiuea aa wlineaaea Joi- llurmeoaolo. Cliurle lloviltt. Win. 1 Minor, (Ic-orge Wllkluaon, nil of Mt-Iieriullt, it-,Aiia. Wm. KAHi-n. HeiiUlcr. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. UNITl.ll KTATZa I ANI OyrlCK. I lluriia. Oregon, llereinbe- IV, 1V-JK Notice U beroby k-lvcii Ihet Alhu-I W rieree,of, tlurne Oregon, who, on bui'ienitier i"i ii mpun.iu'.ii.iw.i.uiii.iiu ,, cmiiiii, No olini, for KPM l-odtoll Hit, Ti.iimi.Mi. Vi Honlli H-iige 111 Ifaat, WniaiiiMtie Meridian. Iiaa fllml ni.lloe oflnleulloii to make Kliml I ounnuiutloii I'roof, lo unlaMlrili rlnlm to the latnl hImivo 1ceerll.t. la.fore tko Iti-Kialiir nml Iteielrer, nt Hurna, Oregon, on the l!7th ilnirol January, lDOtl. Claimant tmniea 111 wllneiaee: John Mtew art, lhadileiia roll. Ilort l.nlilkln, Olinrlea Henry, nil of llurna, Oregon, W, Ka line. UeiiUtcr. T 7a IE tsBI" -'-cntlj 1'i.larnod with ' '-N0 Nov Wordo z Aloi v t.i tan.. World ' i n )f Lloa,l,u -lo .(' i i ill 'Uli... 'I lo j. -.iplilouJ Dictionary . II t OICI- ',!'.) Ill '-. 'l,l .'!,. '. " I 1 ' I 1,1-.. I, j '80 (. j . jj, K OH) i 1 1 i r ,. uvja K "irnt ' Jl ' v. TUO U efar'a , . , ' 1 ' ' f lteruon Knlhrowncd Because mentis aro so tasty they aro consumed in great oxcesoi This leads to stomach troubles, biliousness and constipation. Roviso your diet, lot reason and not i pampored uppotito control, then take a fow doses of Cham berlain's Stomacho and Liver Tablets and you will Hoon bo well again. For aalo at all good deal ers. Sample free. NO TltlCSI'ASSINO. limiting iri ftirliitltlon upon my pluco mljoliiiiiu llnriiH. 'I'rt'epuHH h trill lin prtifcoctittil, C. II. VOKOTLY. NO THKSI'ASSINU. Notico Ih licruliy nlvnu tlmtlnint iiiK nuil Miootlni! upon tho unolopud InntlHof tlio Amorloiui Limtl V Live Stock Co. Ih Htriotly fiirlililtlon. Any purson or ptirHonu found liiint ingor troHpiiHHlni,' will lin prosecuted to the full oxtunt of the law. IC. II. Him., ltimoh Miiniii.'r, Rcllxloiifl Serviccn. Kov A. J. Irwin will prmioli at Il.iriuiy thu -ml Suutlny of onuli month nt 1 1 n. tn. iintl 7.,'t()p in. Hiilibnth Hchool tivcry Hivlilxith at 2 p. in, Tho Hurnoy Suutlny hoIiooI iiiectH nt 2 o'clock ouch Sumliiy nml n corillnl invitation ih pxtiiuili'il to nil who can nttciiil to meet with u. At thu I'ruHliyturiiiu oliuroh Hurim, Huv. A.J. Irwin pastor. Dovino Kervlc'H tlio lliirtl anil fourth Siintlays of uncli inonthut 11 u. in., nml 7:110 p. in. frnhlmth hoIiooI nt 10 u. in, ovory Sntitmtti moruiiiK. The Lone Slnr RESTAURANT Ulilnn (ieori;u, l'roprlptor. Cor. Mniii.iind 11 Htrcvtx. IWBALtS AT AliL HOUF?S Bokcfy In connection A Specially of Short Orders. Tallin fiirniriliml with overytlilni; tlio market nfibrtlH Your patron iiKOFolicitoil. The Capitol Barber Shop II. J. KIWI), I'nipt. Headquarters for bathing and First-Class Tousorial Work. ISUIINS. - OKEGON- Wu oulltu'i evt'ryttliuri) and niitku n chiinjo niilt'Hj collection In motlu. Wo plMHl! our (-lilllltH Adtlrt'HN MOIMIAN MUIIOA.STII.K CO., K union Itldir., 1. 1- in O OKKK'IAI. IIIHKCTOHY TATg ongueii: U S.Henatora Jonathan Iloiirne Jr O. W. Kulton tW UKllla J J W llawley OoiiKriMini-ti. Allornoydcnoral A. M. tlrawfonl Oorenior . nm. K. I.'hainberlalu ntirtlarvnl Hlaln viv n,.,,...,. In-aaiirer . . . .0 A Hloe I 8ii-t. rubllp lutlrucllon. ,. ,J. II. Arkerman Watn 1-rlnltr ... WHlliiulway 1 K. H. lloan . ..! K. A. Monro ) Kohl Knklu nujircine juugi-a NINTH JUDIOIAI- IilHTItlOT. IllttrlclJuilgu. .. iilatrk-t Allornuy I';iity IHtt Ally Oen. K. lint la .J WMrUulliKli ., O II lAonanl Olriiill Court ineiia Ihu rlrat Miiuilay In April ami first Holiday In October. lulnl-Kuiiator O W r-arrlth Inliil-ltiprtai-iitatlvo W (I llrooku OOUHTV ItAHNKYf Cuoiity Jmlgo Inrlt liaturor .... Siirtuyur herin. ttautmr iiliool Hupcrlntiiniliint. Curouur Sloik liiHi-cctor Coiuluiaiiloui-ra . J. I'. Itrrlor Ham Mollu-rahcail H N Jauiiiaoii . A 0 Kiiulknor A. K itlcliiirilaon O A llrlttliiiliaiii I, M Hamilton J Wtli-ary . k. j, nicKiuunii If.. N. HlnlUnl III AHmylh County Court nuila thu flrat WvilucaJay In Janimry, March, May, July, Hcptvtnbur ami Noombcr. IIAIIMKY II. . MUM OtflCt) itvgtttvr ilocclvtr Win Farm .l"ullk llaey IITV. UUIlNf Mayor. .... Itt-riiruer,,,, riciimirur . .Marahal, .. llcullrown ... M, I,. I.owl. ...Kininult Ki-cil . . Thuinaa Alnloriou fVJ lloi.klua iico n Iitiitcy Jnodi'iiiljurfliiK t'oiiiicllinuii- I A H nivulu MccniiKt of Ihu Council uwry Kvtonil ami Kourlli Wditni-Bilay. .READERS OUMSKT WAOAZIHE ' bci'jlllullyiKu-lialrd.sonJitorin g- - and ailiclei alioul California and 'Si" all llie Tar Wt. J"' CAMEHA CItAFT ilcvolcd each month la tha ar . tulic irpmiluclion ol tlio lint 51,00 woikolaniilrurandprulcuicnal t yrl( pliotojiraplirn, ROAD Or A THOUSAHD WONDEKS a book ol 75 pagci, conlainina 120 coloicd photograph! ol $0.75 piclurciqua ipoU U California and Oiajaa. Total . . . C3.25 All for . . . . $1.50 AJJrco all onlrri la SUNSET MAGAZINE Flood Duildmg Saa FnncUco The Times-Herald ih oflcrinu mohI ultructlvc Clubbing Rates lo Us MtbHciiberH at present THE TIMES-HERALD One year with the Portland Weekly Oregon. an $2.50 Portland Semi-Weekly .Journal $2.50 S. F. Weekly Examiner $2.65 Thrice-a-Week N. Y. World $2.50 Semi-Weekly St. Louis Republic $2.35 Farm Progress FREE lo every paid in advance Subscriber Get one or more of these pood papers in connec tion with The Times-Herald for the long win ter evenings. Call and get Clubbing I'rices JOB PRINTING The Tiim-M'Ilrrnld Ih I'rvmr'd to do the Very Ikst mid Most SntNrnrlory Work in thin lint'. Wc haw all Hip LATEST TYPE PACES antljiivcry C()iiili'te"Lmc FIRST-CLASS STATIONERY t::!:tsntii!t:tntm:nt:n::titi::::::ntttti:nit:tuitniii:i:n::i:mmumu:tmts:i:imm: W DROP IliifWl 1 am prep.md to fiiiiusli my ciiitomt;r.s with the usual hih 1 1. lis k'oods and invite." thu public to call wliun dusirini ANYTHING IN MY LINE. T Guarantee the Goods a. d Prices Solid Gold Watches, Knncy Clocks, Jewelry of all kintlH, Silverware, Ivhonyw.ire, Cut Gln.s. Ilaiulpaintctl China at Cost, Take a peep at my windows Q-Qir2Q.ToorlIan.gr. it::i:::n:u:i!t::n::ti!t!:tt::::i:it:::t:i!::n::ti::::!i!i:::::::t::::::n::t:::::::i::ii:t:t:t!tm" fcttadufarrffimsLwz IIAHKISW iX 5IU,M;K UURNS, OREGON moo f i I i-''v -.rfV- wmmm l f, M. L. LEWIS- nar iiM!M5J ... Rt-presents the... Home Insurance Co., of New York, Live-pool, London & Globe, Fire Assurance Co , Phllndelphln. OI'PICIJ Willi IIKIUS ft 11111(11. Huns, OrcRon. Corner Hrnilli o( l.nn.ilniiK & Dnltun'.i. Iaflj Blue Mountain Rapid Transit Line Operating from Austin ila-l'niiric City, Yi ihi)s from IJnkur City to limns, Oregon. Gooil, coiiiforlahli! convuyiini.'c.s Careful diivcie lurst Class Stations nlon tin route Rnilroatl lo Hums only 105 mlli'M. Fur rules ask L. WOLDENBERG, M.inagcr. ZBaJsior CIt3r, OiGgon b tie. toy'oo STEPHEIMS & DIBBLE, Propr. fesonal)le rentes, (iooil v leu 11 AUviIs, C mfortable Rooms, Coiirtuiis,Treatii nl. Special Accommodations for ihe Traveling; Men. FIKST GLASS IN EVEHY rARTIOULAU Voatt Patronage Solicited, IN AND LOOK dl AKWW t THE WINDSOR :"nr i&j ' ifeandllaiVfuUinti u d) Sffiefc$)ews c9(9eM)'iS)S,9fsiii Julm Day, Cmiyoii Cily lo Iliinu, Oregon rirv PHOFKSSIOMAIi CAIIDS. Wm. MILLER, ATTOKNUY AT LAW. IluniH, Ort-KOii. Offlcolrdtloor went of IJanlt. C. A. REEV3BOLD Attornoy-ut-I,aw, Burns, Onerjon OhitH. IJ. Leonard. ArroiiNuv-AT-iMW, Ciiniful ttttontlnn idvmi to Colleo- lions nnd Iical KhIiiIo mntlcrp. I'lro iTinniiico. Notary I'uhllo Hohnh, Ohkoon. C1KO, 8. SrZICMOItK. ATTOIINKV, ,JNi -... OlIKOON Cnlti-otloiia, l.ftliil liualiioaa, nml h Lalnlo iiinttor promr llv ntlr-iiilril U CHARLES W. EbhIS LAWYER Bunis, - . Oregon rrnctlcfH In tlio Htato Coiirtn nnd lw toro tho U.S. Ijind Olllco. J. tU. GSflRY l'liyHiclnii nnd Suramin. Iliirns, - "- - OriiKoii. nni.... i I...H ii wmmuii, iiu, iillllillllf-HHHO in tvon-omi) liiirnisrt nliui, .Main St. 'I'Iioiim Mnlii 80. . I). IllJKKOW, M. I). I'liysiciou mid Surgeon aiL'-Xhroiili; DifonsoH ii S'iicmlt) C.iIIh niiHWvrud nt nl: iTou ret. Olllco cor. .Miiln & It et., Hurna. Orvson crj. u macjsdbn riijslclnii nutl Stumooti. nun.vs, OJicfut retidrncf. OIIKOO.V. tlSST'J'hont Ao. fl 11.8. llniwiitnu , K. (ilbhart! iribbf.rd Hrownton. .DKNTISTS. Olllco din door iwt of The Clttaeot Bank lliirnt. Orugriii W. C. UROWN, DBOTTIST. IIuiinh, Oiinio.v. Olllio In iii-w land olllco building, next door nortli of )itt oilU:. BocurriKs. HAItNKV l.ODOK, NO. 77, I. O O I'. Ucllaetor) tecuuil ami luailli Saturday III each inonlh atrilv p ni. ArchloMcOowan, llyronlerrlll, Sci-rt-tary. N, Q lll)IINSI.OIKii:NO.7, A.l'. A l .Merta eu-ry Aral and thlnl Hmurilay in oarh 'TIKi- I.Stlmani, w.M. A. IS. Wclcouio, EtM-rutnry. INLAND I.ODQK NO, 70 K. of I'. Mri-tearcryThtirhlnyei citing In "' llntwn .'I'M- ..row,,. K. It, '''"". CO III'IINSI.ODOI.N.I 17 A. Ii I'. V Mi-t otory niiiiil am) f, i, u, r,,i ., .. ., , A.l . lionii.l. . O. ft. Cochran, Itm-ordt-r. IIA11NKY VAI.I.KY CAMP No SM. W. of W . Kiela ci-ry llrtt anil r-eninil Tumilay. ... , ,, ," W JlK'Ialn. Com. n. A, flilMOll, C'llTk.. IIUIIN8 OIIAITKU .NO. 40, O. K. 8. .Maui iilnllall. Ilhir kohnurti, W M rllit Walcoinc, herniary. DYI.VIA KKIIKKAII HKOKKK No. 1,1. wcotn-vi-ry Ut ami H Wwlmula) . I'hll 'inllli. lir.. .on'j Winona Kniitli, N. (). tui.k antni.K .so. iw, w. ui w. Mcclaoicry lonrlh luraila). , , . . . i'aiifl Ilortou, a, M. llnlrrOooilman, ricrk. JOHN (J MM lli:il l,IN(i, lowOloi1. Op'titjitui nutl Iiaiiui;hvur. Fine Watch Repiiinii A Spe cialty. Burns Diamond Stage bine .1. K. HAHl'ICU, rroit l.oitvtm lliirni ovory Jlomlny, Wiilnoa- tiny mid Krlilny (jr Dintuoinl. ronni-i-ln vtltli tin AnilrrWH'Dt-iii 1 -tai;i, making thu inot-t -llirct anil qiili'l-oat n-nlu lu nil pointH Botitli nml tlu nuw unlilJlU-lila 1 f DyKuuml othir nonhorn .Ni-vifiu miii u ("itn-fnl iiltoiition ulvoa loji'ii-wi'iH-orn mil Irol'hl. I'm pit rt iiuilii 1 inforiimtion upply In (' . )iiinka'u:h, Agimt latiriiH,Itlri'KOii, A representiitlvis lit this comity by 11 liiro real cslato corporation, Spec ial Iniliiccnients to those who wish to become financially Interested. The Heal Estate Security Co. Port l)rbora lluldlm CIIICAI10, ll.l., YOU CAN'T On your railroad fare The law of th' common carrier romjK'lH fquaJ rates on all railroad Hik-h. YOU CAN SAVE in Time, Traveling Ex Ion08 and Faliguo by inm'Btiiig on the short si rotitci, fasloHt tiw'ns and IicbL uorvicp. Simply see that your lickx-l roads VIA THE 3J a QUa Mefia Oreeron Short Line AND UWiOW PACIFIC Every facility for the safety, comfort and ac tnodution of the passen ger is provided. No change of cars is neces-Bai-y to Denver, Omaha, Kansas Cicty, Chicago. Direct connections aro made lor all other points East and South. l'or lirketa, lwpiii tar r' urvnti m ate., call on, telenrii.h or urilo i'. I). IImU, Acenl. HuntlitKt n Wm. iMcJIiuiny, Gen. pp.-.s. Agent, I'oitiaml, OrcK"ii Sumpter Valley Railway Co. TIMB TAMLfi NO. (. JN JDA'E H, l"i'-. IIIUl Vot Boo ml. No I i'Mt.g,' m. ,, Lo i - l.i - tind. I ru 0:30 Lv Dftktrt i :y5 " Soath I...l.ir U:M ' Atlilni.j 10:04 " Iabckliflrtl 10:07 " Thomi.H.i.t 10.17 " Stotlditrd Jmu tifinl 10:22" WterTiiuk: 4 1 10:,12 " lOtSIT" ;65 " 11:10 " 11:15 " 11:40 " .VOOaN' 12:00 " I'. JI. 1:0B " 12:10 " 1 :10 Ar IJCM'8iiim JWKCTI-iNi KaurnUr JUKtTIoNi Sunmnii ., A) ' n- .; f5 So0 ' 2 10 ' : 10 0 1. Cnipt TllTOKt Anitln Slop on aigualf only. i,.N a, nt Ticket laaueil nn'y ' r - re traim nr mlu'iioliil t-. n ,i . . ir gtopg. Vntastiiivr, nn - . - , ti L. t when airtn.4 cx.-t h , i i trHiiiaor25 u-n in .i .in ., i , ,. tiular fare w.il U id rtnl. JOSEPH A ! -r, Siu.t l.HANTGKDDBS, As-I. r- t $1500 Reward! I Tlio OrvKuu, i nil for 11 1 1 . n- a I ii Mc k rroiorilre aVuuelHtloi ol ulmh Hi upO , Hiuh1 in a niHinbor. will .ii i 1 l wfl fur tlieronvlciloii of any .irt- , i't.,f.Mi lnf horweii, tttttluoi niuk IkI . h m of tt uioniboiH. $5 Addltlonnl Reward. In 1 .Ut'ot 1 ! fi Milt 1 1 I. I t IS h 11 llOJ. 1 ' it Sll l . 11 I . 'i, (, , , ii 1 v U t unli ! " Ul Ul h l.tiTiC lift Ui '. 1 tiki it ! 'I tlia l .ill I t . v til IH M M ll'l.V II. I M. it All ll.')i Mid io lv 'v it out wilt U him 1 in ill local oo!i n(Alit i,tpr If lid mii eO itht'M' wn i 1 rt ih 1 Tlu'TImvi liiimtl, Uiu ..I, l.ni u " V l.i.O' N 1 ii ire 00 YEARS' EXPEniENOtJ TnAoc Marks DCSICNQ CopvniQHTS 4c. nroiiiai-nilliti n k. i. nni ii iicr'rtioiiDUkr ll.OKlr tiaeortiiln i r i t n trvOHl) T iwiillim Ii r.it. ii i i. -i'Ii' I . iii.iuinli-2 tlOiiriatrh'tlr tMlt ttVO iM Ii -l 1 ui I'll tlit tnAp'l Htr 11 tlWtal IIOtiLr'. w ll Ml t 1 11 01, .i, 1-nlvfaVI hiiiik luidarS. ..1 - KV. ruTl in tl Scientific .HRcr.ca!, A Jmnrtinmclr l' itr uM m ' i,( , dilation of buy Im 'itto Kniii 1 l i- "H -uati iimr num'Oi, L tiuia '-, iin vn.ni illlINN rUo.30'4"" Ni." yprlf llMOOh Vyj, M I St Wn,h 11., .11 ,' Stuck IpsfwUr, Hjilv) uti.ii). Ilouie AUtlivra Huin- ti . NOTICE FOR PUBLIC ATK-N. 1HOLATKD THAI r. I'MrgnSriU' 1 vm 1. 1 1 , Hurun, iiregim im.M ii h . KlHl-ula haruby ulvun il IhuCiin uilaalouvr ut lla- inn..ii i.n , umlir ihu (irnvlalonaof ilu' -1 m - n,. .s . tiller at nublii-aalu to flu- huin. ),: i iiruiu'i j inn e. iwu mi t 1111 h i u'l-liit-k.a ra.,uiith&Mhitn) nl I . i ;,i i Kl thia umim, thu nillnwf ug irm I . i , -t KVgNKW. W VKi liJi. ,, 1 1 tt, W. II Re-mi n H Aiij mirai'iia .l.n nliiiti lU'ai'rlliiil lauda ariiadvlani In il ur ulijui'ii iiiauu or litifur, ih. u lor anli- W " Ian f0MM I vSSsrlgggggalV mff ' ': 1 ..'." jjy w 1 -jrl-iOMer I IIA.VK l I, Itn- mr K mfr -Ar- Siffr'