immanimmmm Sflte Wh,c $ntitcs-3-tcrnld TlioOlllclnl PnHrot llnruoy County lino llio liitjii'ft diuilntlon nml Iruiiu uf tin' lu'M ntUcrllcliiK nudlmiiB In KnHoin Oregon. Cuwra mi nron of n,'l28,t'0O ncice ol Iniuli 4,o:il,uril nrrcH jtt vnrnnt Biil)icl to entry ttrnlur llio public hind InwB ol llio Untied Stales. VOL. XXII BU11NS, HARNEY COUN TY, OREGON, FE BIIUAKY (!, 1009 NO, 12 ANGE VERSUS FARMS 'omparison of Methods by Man Who Knows by Actual Experience 10RE PROFIT IN STOCK ON FARM 1st Week The Times-Herald Asserted That Knngc Methods of Stock Raising Did Not Produce in Proportion to Cultivated Sections $5,000 a Year on a 160-acre Ranch With Sheep. Last week The Times-Herald jblished an article condemning le proposed range lease law. stated that the range method raising stock was not as pro- ible as the farm method. It iwcd tliat there were less than head of cattle, horses, lies, sheep and swine to every acres of land in Harney conn- is shown by the assessment while in states where there not public grazing lands the ck raising industry was much later in proportion. Phc following letter published recent issue of the Iloise bilal News is from a man who had actual experience and rs out tne opinion oi me Ees-IIerald: his first letter to the Capital R's, Air. minion coiurasiou litions on the range and the ii as follow : shave read with great interest letters you published from Ballantyne and Mr. Grand- 11 about stock on the forest eru s Ir. Ballantyne fears the gov- fment is trying to drive the spmen out of business in tho. If this is true let me put Ballantyne onto a way to it Uncle Sam. Just buy a ich an ' take your sheep there. It tn agricultural yearbook f randjean speaks of and y it. xsot omy noes unio so millions of sheep, but every ier Eastern state has sheep, Bn to little Rhode Island. After ling sheep on the farm right re in Ada county for six years in a- .ure Mr. Ballantyne ho mske from .000 to $5,000 a ir on a IGO-ranch stocked with t . , i . ... eip. n that isn't cnougn m- le for him, let him double or bble his ranches and income lewise. t ncie sam win never Iject, and the people can all see that tlie sheepmen arc a fcnefit to the state. Some peo- le have doubted this heretofore. is very disagreeable to go liere you are not wanted, so let quit forest reserves. My experience is that sheep ill eat trees from six inches in iineter down, and I believe wry word Mr. Grandjean says bout destroying trees four or e years old, and it is a dead ire thing they will kill out the iderbrush and therefore destroy le main object of the forest rc- erves, to noiu snow ana noon caters. J we found a simple ay of tfng them from trees In the rtnaii, but it would not bo practical in forest reserves. The range sheepmen have look- id with contempt on the small ry sheepmen on the farm, but I in show them from my account soks that every sheep in Idaho m be put an the farms in the kvin Falls tract when completed ; on the lands of the Boise-Pay- te project. Southern Idaho rm en just as well as not ire 10,000,000 sheep and not a iglr ono on the public domain for" tre ,erve. They not only be but will be if the news- bcrs that have the real interest Idano at heart will agit&t j and ill tin mi lion. It must bo ted up 1 1 any good thing. Io.i . j i irrners would only Hi ir h iiids a little rent and , read and work the ir heads a little, I rau i"ji-'ilii' luo . 'moke" far-' in ti -u . , iOuld not hutt some of the' ?e flKC'imon to rest their iths a little and givo their iniU'li'iw. Ihoy toll ub wo only tried sheep on a small and could not make good quarter hection. That tiio Dir starw with pasture h but keeps adding sheep )ut enlarging liis pasture un- 10 of them can do well, and finally starve to death. This is the way the range men have used tho range and they natur ally think tho farmer don't know any better. Personally I know of a number of range men who cannot figure a stack of hay which they buy from the farmer, and I just have assurance enough to think I can handle 1,000 sheep on a ranch as well as such men can run from 5,000 to 20,000 on the range. Like any other business, suc cess conies to those who stick to it and give it personal attention. The range men had better take the time they are spending light ing forest reserve questions to studying sheep on the ranch, and not nass it by with a laugh and wavo of the hand. The blind can see that tho range men arc being closed in on all sides and it is only a question of time until they are driven to farm or are put out of business entirely. Tho farmers, too, on nil tho enormous new lands have a pro blem to study. What are they going to do with it" Stock is their only salvation and sheep take the least capital and givo quickest and most profitable re turns and is the only product that cannot bo over done. What Idaho needB is moro peo ple making a good thing and not a few making a big pile, and tho rancher is satisfied with a square deal and no favors, forest reserve or otherwise. I am not posing as an expert, only a common city-bred farmer, and my profits do not compare with those of others that wcro given at the farmers' institute at Nampa. Still $3,000 and over a year looks good to me from 1G0 acres. If the Capital News or anyone else wants exact figures and facts, I will be glad to give them or would talk this subject to any gathering of farmers who are in terested. Have an intense interest in it myself and can see that tho more that go into it the better for each one. D. C. R. F. D. No. 2, Nampa, Ida. IIARRIMAN AOAIN BREAKS PROMISE. Casts Lightly Aside the Project fpr Central Oregon, Sns Telegram. The following is from the Tele gram: Edward II. Harriman, the prolific promisor of Pelican Lodge, money king, railroad wiz ard, captain of industry, etc., has experienced almost a com plete change of front regarding his alleged plans for tapping the Central Oregon empire" His new cry is "Wait a while; iu too soon." Last August ho called Governor Chamberlain, General Manager O'Brien. Mr. Ilarri man's right-hand man in the Northwest, and Fred S. Stanley, secretary and irenoral manager of the Deschutes Irrigation and Power Company, down to Pelican Bay Lodge for a conference re lative to his prospective invasion of the vast and undeveloped re gion east of the Cascades. At that time tho "Little Wizard of the Pacifies" informed the Gov ernor and Mr. Stanley, at least, that ho would have the nroniw d extension under way before tho clobe of the year. A few weeks later Mr. Harriman came to Portland, and at a reception giv on him at tho Commercial Club, ho roitorated tho same statement in the hearing of half a dozen prominont business mon, declar ing that actual construction work would bo under way not lator than January 1. In tho halo of these glowing promises Portlnnd business men forgot a lot of mean things Ihoy had been thinking niid saying about tho man who has milked tho stale to succor starving roads in other parts and to fatten ple thoric purses in Wall street. Thoy figured it out that those promises, given under the cir cumstances which they wore, ought to assay about 99.9 per cont of reliability. They bade Mr. Harriman good-byo and wish ed him luck. Then they waited, and waited some more. Tho end of tho year came, and tho same thing hap pened that has happoned a dozen limed boforo. Nothing was done, and not a syllable of public utter ance has Mr. Harriman made on tho subject since. It is presumed that Mr. Harri man is too busy building a throne for the New York Central, which will just about fit him (with crown and scepter thrown in); or it may be that he is planning counter moves against Hill's in vasion of tho Sou'h, or some new stroke to tap the Flat Head River -n TO COME HERE IN JULY Oregon-Idaho Development Congress Considers Needs of Section ik BOISE-COOS RAIIIROAD IS URGED Effort Will Boost Which he Alndc to Make Convention in Hums n Particular l:or The Great' Hiiriicy Country, The Resources of Arc .lust UccoiuiHK KrunvnA Very Rich Country. The Portland Journal Bays: In i closing its fourth convention at 'Salem today, the Oregon-Idaho Development Congress adopted concise resolutions stating its de mands and tho foundation upon which tiro based those demands. The resources of the territory to to be tapped by a railroad through central Oregon are great, but the Valley in the valuable coal and . fact that the output of southern timber belts ol tho Koolennys, j Idaho would pnss into or through 10 give poor, long-suiienng ure gon oven a thought. That Mr. Harriman has chang ed front regarding Oregon's im mediate chances of getting addi tional Harriman railroad mileage has come to light through an in teresting story that is now going the rounds in local railroad circles. When General Manager J. P. O'Brien went to Chicago and uregon iy means ot such a rail road was an additional feature very little considered formerly. Tho following figures present ed in a resolution ndoptcd by the congress, introduced by Riley Atkinson, secretary of tho Boise, Idnho, chamber of commerce, portray this feature well: "Whereas, the territory in southern Idaho which would bo New York in his private car just, tributary to a railroad from Boiiie before the holidays, I' red Stanley I to Coos Bay has M.000,000 acres accompanied him. While in tho of standing timber, l.frlO.OOG East Stanley also had tho plea- sheep, cattle and swine, produc sure or another talk with the es annually 20,000,000 iounds of head of the Harriman system, wool, has 10,000 acres of orchard and much to his surprise, he was half of it now bearing, and in informed by Harriman that the 1903 shipped 1.H23 carloads of Central Oregon proposition would fruit, producer the preservation of our forests, and the encouragement of all legislation to accomplish these results. Among those who spoke this morning were Representntivo Muncy of Coos county, William Hanloy of Burns, Glen Ilolman and Francis B. Clarke of Coos Bay. All wore determined in their plea for a central Oregon railroad. The attendance at the morning session was small, but the speak ers lost none of their enthusiasm on that account. A full statement of the needs of Oregon is to bo drawn up by a special committee this after noon, to be presented to tho leg islature next week in the form of a memorial from the Oregon Idaho congress. Concerning the accomplish ments and aims of the Oregon Idaho Development congress tho fourth convention of whicn clos ed lodny at Salem, the following statement has been issued, which is a retrospective view of what have to wait a while, that tho time was not yet ripe to build into that arid waste of unproduc tivity. Just when Pharaoh Harriman has been done, with a look into " v i,i... r..i . ..i.. i- ...!... .1 iC f74 tons of mime; uiHii iu wiiui uiu tun :... I.., ftrxnn i..., r .,ir.,ir.. Kie-ss ex pec is io no. nn enori. 155,307 tons of clover and grain, hay, 5,579,4'H bimhels of wheat, i 'tM2T),;tS3 bushels of oats, 5,002,-, 15 bushels of barley, 62,805 experienced this-"hardning of bushels of ryo, 28,074 buhl of heart" toward the childrenof 'corn, 1,809,522 bushola of pota Orcgon, who are crying to be "led j toes and 527,520 pounds of seed; out of the wilderness, is not I and, whereas, the county tribu known, but that he is personally I tary to Coos Bay, Or., has -100 opposed to go ahead with the plans that ho announced a few months ago is clear from the talk he made to Mr. Stanley less than three weeks ago, and it gives therefore, additional color to the item print-' "Resolved, That we believe a ed in The Telegram a couple of (railroad from Boise to Coos Bay days since to the effect that would be a paying investment square miles of coal, and 70,000, 000,000 cubic feet of standing timber and is rich in creamery and other magnificent products, Julius Kruttschnitt, director of maintenance and operation, had found some reason, at least sat isfactory to himself, why the Harriman promises of last sum mer ccMld not bo kept. The hints that "unforseen ob stacles" to the carrying out of these intentions haw 'arisen to cause delay cannot bo taken ser iously, for Harriman is too much of a genius of railroading to make unqualified public announcements on such important matters with out knowing just about where ho is going to "get off at." If ho had had any serious- intention of getting actual construction of a road into Central Oregon under way "boforo tho end of tho year," he would have known it when he called Mr. Stanley and Governor Chamberlain to Pelican Bay, and when he was shaking hands with the business men and citizens of Portland at the subse quent reception hero. It would not have taken him until the mid Continued on page four. and enjoy more than sufficient traffic to make it a commercial success." Tho following resolutions rela tive to the mining industry and conservation of natural resourc es wero also adepted: "Resolved, That for the pro per development of tho mineral output of the state, this congress favors exempting corporations formed for the purpose of mining only, from tho payment of more than a nominal fee for filing ar ticles of incorporation; and that wo favor the enactment of such laws as will promote, dovolop and encourage the mining industry throughout Oregon. "Resolved that this congress approves tho efforts of Governor Chamberlain of Oregon and Gov ernor Goodi' of Idaho, in co operation with the federal gov ernment to conserve the natural will be made to make the next convention, to be held during July at Burns, in eastern Oregon, a moro particular boost for tho grout Harney valloy, the resour ces of which are just becoming known. The Oregon and Idaho develop ment congress in convention assembled in Salem, wishes to thank the Oregon legislature for its prompt action in promoting tho protection and improvement of our waterways and harbors, by extending the terms of the bill for free locks and canal at the falls of the Willamette, for passing the general port com mission act, under which each of tho harbors on the west coast of the state can organize a taxing district to raise revenues and issue bonds for its own improve ment and within its own resour ces. We favor tho further ex tension of improvements of tho Columbia river and would respect fully petition this legislature to make provision for extending the state portage railway to the be ginning of navigation at tho big eddy, to the end that the inland reached by the upper Columbia may be given the fullest benefits of water transportation. We commend the splendid work 'done by the general port com ! mission nsked for by this con ' gross at its session held in Marsh field in August, 1908, and ap pointed by Governor Chamber lain, which resulted in tho pas- ion of congress in behalf of each of these harbors. We especially commend to our delegation in congress to impress upon the war department the duty of assisting tho people of the Col umbia river basin, tho Willamette valley, and the ports of Portland, Coos Bay and other ports which nro taking tho initiative to secure the opening and improvement of their harbors and waterways. Tho continued diversion of the great sums of surplus earnings taken from the producers of this state in freights and passenger fares to develop railroad proper ties in other states where strong er competition prevails makes it necessary for tho people of this state to resort to all the powers vested in them under the consti tution to secure railroad construc tion, and we recommend that the next session of this congress be held at Boise, Idaho, before tho adjournment of the legislature of that state, and that a similar commission be authorized to be appointed by the governor of that state to work in co-operation with a citizens' commission in Oregon that joint nction of the two states be secured to bring about railroad construction by the aid heretofore outlined. This congress again emphsizes the supreme importance of plac ing the whole political and exe cutive and legislative power of the two slates of Oregon and Idaho back of the proposition to secure the construction of main lino of railway from Boise through central Oregon to Coos Bay, by use of the taxing power of the people, by granting state rights of way over public lands, or any other lawful means of proceed ure in issuing bonds or hypothe cation of the prfperties benefited nnd the communities and lands to be enhanced in value. We also favor the creating of dis tricts needing other trunk or branch lines for the same pur pose, backed by the resources of the people and the lands to be benefited, to the end that their credit shall become available to secure needed transportation facilities without awaiting the pleasure of any railway magnate or the exploitation of any finan cial syndicate. We indorse the principle that the people of these commonwealths are far more caimble of helping themselves and will get far greater results in development of their country thnn by giving enormous subsi dies which in the end must be paid by the producers themselves for still further financial exploitation. A Common Cold. ... i . i i i '... sW ir Kill In. lino Infviuln- resources, wo indorse me iignt "k i "iu "" f v'" "' for tho utilization of our water turo by which the people can go powers and streams for tho irri- forward and improve their har gation and reclamation of our bora and inside navigable chan lands for purposes of agriculture, nols without waiting for the act- We claim that if catching cold could be avoided some of tho most dangerous and fatal dis eases would never be heard of. A cold often forms a culture bed for germs of infectious diseases. Consumption, pneumonia, diph theria and scarlet fever, four of the most dangerous and fatal diseases, are of this class. The culture bed formed by the cold I favors the development of the germs of these diseases, that would not otherwise find lodge ment. There is little danger, however, of any of these diseas es being contracted when a gocd expectorant cough medicine like Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is used. It cleans out these cul ture beds that favor the devel opment of tho germs of theso diseases. That is why this rem edy has proved so universally ! successful in preventing pneu iinonia. It not only cures your I cold quickly, but minimizes the .risk of contracting these danger ;ous diseases. For sale by all good Dealers. Colds contracted at this season of the year are quickly "relieved , ith Bees Laxative Cuiig'.i Syr up. Its laxative quality rids th system of tho cold. Pleasant to take. Best for children for coughs, colds, croup and whoop ing cough. Sold by The Welcomo Pharmacy, Burns, Ore., Fred Laiiies Harney, Ore. A - ' s-vw-wwwvvwwvv-wvv5vVv:V Brown's Satisfactory Store. You certainly are interested in the largest and most com plete Stock of New Fall and Winter Goods carried in the Interior. We are showing everything new, no exceptions and to buy early at our place means a better selection. Ladies cloaks and waists Direct Importation N. BROWN & SONS, Burns, Oregon. t:n:nit:::muntit:::::x:ut:tn:t:::nn:::nt:::!t:::::::::nuu.:v;:(Uttmmnut il The Harney Valley Brewing Co. Mnnufactuurfl of TJJFLE BESSIE. Family Trade Solicited Free Delivery T. E. JERSKINSRAanaeer THE CAPITAL SALOON, THLSCH it DONEGAN, Proprietors. Burns, - - Oregon. Wines. Liquors and Cigars. Billiard and Peel Tables. Club Rooms in Connection.. ... J L7 iuiEHTISTS AS 1KAGT1CALLY IntotmctiMe BETTER AND CHEAPER THAU ACT STOKE " 4 i D m r&2i"k Ovor 500 Beautiful Doslgns. Sond (or Prlco List i. Circulars. MANlTACTt'ttPD BY MONUMENTAL BRONZE COL M. L LtWIS ' ' Will be glad to furnish PARTICULARS and PRICES To anyone desiring INFORMATION. See bis Handsome DESIGNS. 'ANY, :::::::jn::::t::a:mmj::nan;a:::t:::n:j:n:K::::::nanjmnttJ The OVERLAND HOTEL Burns, Oregon Afford the Best Accommodations to be had in Harney County CUEflN ROOMS, CuE"N IiINNEN, PALATABLE VICTUALS The patronage of all guests under the old management especially syltcited. IE5ates per d.a,;sr, 1.25 Hinder on Elliott, Propt. :::nit:::::ii::::::mu:x:::t:ttt:t:tmnmKintttn:ttt:mt:m::m:m:!::::i:::u::mttmui Ciiiiu'Ncnr Choking to Death. A liltlo boy, son of Chris. D. Potcrson, n well known resident of llio villingo of Jacksonville, Iowa, had a sudden and violent attack of croup. Much thick stringy phlegm cairn- up after giving Clinmbci Iain's Cough Re medy. "I think ho would have i choked to 6 nlh hr.d o not giv-i on hn the i:.V'V. I'or sale1 ly ;1! c ' vl tiem. i Jol) printing The Times-Herald i SEVENS UGononitiona of live, wido uw.iko American Boys lmvo obLiiuoil tho right kind of FIREARM EDUCATION by boing oquippcil with tho unerring, timo-bonored STEVENS All ptimwin lltirtlwuru ami flpoi tluj? (iuotli Men haiiU liumllo HVIIVUNH. irjouruiinotolitulii. wu.ilUlilullrtHt,uxtixtMiirvptiUi uim of C'utulotf Trlco, W. T. tester I'miilllur Scene In Southeastern Central OrcKoii"llriiiHllng Cnlllc, Ailnm (ivorffo List your property with the Inland Empire Realty Co.' if you desire a quick sale or trade Employment Agency SI. iirOk l.ii. I I Ti. i i i Ml J cwnti In atnmp for lul'mrn llluatratcxICiitaloir, lirnKMn witu H V 1! VHNS mul ui'iierul ilroarm In formation, BtrUliiui'ou'r Wroloip. J. STEVCNS ARMS & TOOL CO. I', 0. B.1 089 Cklcopft Falli. Mam. &JM. -4V