v'X WOULD AMEND DESERT LAW. I bo accepted as proof of reelmim- ilion of Hitch tract. Provided, y-ttllll H l!MUIll3 Ul'lTOT?f 111U imloWIfii? uuilmo of an amendment to tho present desert land law b suggested by tho Burns Commercial Club. Its ob ject is to enlarge its scopo and bring about actual cultivation and make it possible to put into use land that can not bo taken under the laws now in force. It eliminates the clause pertaining to residence of tho claimant in tho state where tho land is locat ed and extends the time for mak ing final proof to seven years. It further makes it compulsory to cultivate a certain portion and to raise a merchantable crop equal to a certain valuatien: An Act entitled an Act to Amend an Act entitled an Act, Etc. Be it enacted by tho Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled. That it shall bo lawful for any citizen of tho United States, or any person of requisite age ("who may bo en titled to become a citizen and who has filed his declaration to become such,") and upon pay ment of twenty five cents pei acre, to file a declaration, under oath, with the Register and Re-' cciver of the land district in which any desert land is situat ed, that he intends to reclaim a tract of desert land, not exceed ing 320 acres, by scientific dry land farming or by conducting water. upon the same within the period of seven years thereafter: Provided, However, That where the mode of reclamation is by means of water the right to the use of water by the person so conducting the same on or to any tract of desert land shall de pend upon bona fide right, appro priation and use; and such right shall not exceed the amount of water actually appropriated and necessarily used for the purpose of irrigation and reclamation; and all surplus water over and above such appropriation and use, together with the water of all lakes, riversr and other sourc es of water supply upon tho pub lic land and not navigable, shall remain and be held free for the appropriation and use of the pub lic for irrigation, mining, and manufacturing purposes subject to existing rights. Provided, However, That lands taken up under this act may be reclaimed under a dry land system of cul tivation and production of mer chantable crops, in lieu of recla mation by artificial irrigation. Said declaration shall describe particularly the tract of land if surveyed, and if unsurveyed shall describe the same as near as pos sible without a survey. At the ex piration of seven years after fil ing said declaration, upon mak ing satisfatory proof to tho Reg ister and Receiver of the recla mation of said tract of land as hereinafter set forth and upon the payment to the Receiver of the additional sum of one dollar per acre for a tract of land not exceeding 320 acres to any one person, a patent for the same shall be issued to him: Provi ded, That no person shall be permitted to enter more than one tract of land, and not to ex ceed 320 acres, which shall be in compact form. That proof of the reclamation of such tract, whether by means of artificial irrigation or by scien tific dry land farming, shall be made as follows:' The claimant must the first year clear and break at least one eighth of said tract. The second year must plant the first tract to crop and clear and break an additional one eighth of said tract. The third year must cultivate and crop at least one fourth the tract and have produced a prod uct therefrom of at least $500.00, where the claim is of 320 acres, and in proportion for a smaller tract. At the end of the fourth year must show the claim if of 320 acres has produced crops of the mer chantable value of $1000.00, and in that proportion for a smaller tract, and, he must each year thereafter until final proof is made show that tho claim, if of 320 acres, has produced an annu al crop of tho merchantable value of at least $500.00, and in pro portion thereto for a smaller tract. IVof of reclamation of any tract taken under this act shall bo made annually before the Register and Receiver; and final proof, at the expiration of Raven years from date of filing, when a map show ing the character, value and lo cation of all improvements shall be made and filed. And all tracts must be enclosed by fence and no two claims under this act may be enclosed under tho same fence and no product of tho soil except such as has been produced by actual cultivation thereon shall traction of crop duo to unavoid able cause may bo excused with out prejudice. That all lands exclusive of tim ber lands and mineral lands which will not, without the sci entific mode of dry land farming or cultivation, in this net referred to, or irrigation, produco some agricultural crap, shall bo doom ed desert lnnds-within tho moan ing of this act, which fact shall be ascertained by proof of two or more credible witnesses under oath, whoso allldavits shall bo filed in tho land office in which said tract of land may be situat ed. That this act shall apply to and take ofTcct in the states of Cali fornia, Oregon, Nevada, Wash ington, Idaho, Montana, Utah, Wyoming, North and South Dakota and the territories of Ari zona and New Mexico, and tho determination of what may bo considered desert land shall bo subject to the decision and regu lation of tho General Land Office. That all acts and parts of acts inconsistent with the provisions oi mis iter aro nereuy repeaieu. INDUSTRIAL NOT13S. (Portland Correspondence). At their Portland meeting, last week, the Oregon Stalo Retail Hardware and Implement Deal ers' Association extended its scope to include Washington, Idaho and Montana. More than two hundred delegates were in attendance, but future conven tions will be even larger with four states represented. Good Roads advocates especially appre ciated the passing of a resolution favoring heartily tho Good Roads legislation proposed in Oregon. "I simply had to stop telling my friends where I was going," said a man from Kansas City re cently, for when I spoke of the Pacific Northwest everybody was so interested and wanted so much information that I wouldn't have had any time left for my own business had I undertaken to get it for them. You have no idea how many people arc looking in this direction." Various commercial bodies of Oregon and Washington are planning to get out leaflets to be used as a letter enclosure, emphasizing the wonderfully low colonist rates from the East- they are awaiting announcement of Atlantic Coast and other points not yet decided by the Passen ger Association and the trans continental roads. The $25.00 fare from Missouri River points, $30.50 from St. Louis, and $33.00 from Chicago is the lowest named for three years.- While tho general Rivers and Harbors Bill will not be passed by Congress, the Government will not let construction work now under way bo sacrificed for want of a small appropriation. An emergency bill providing for absolutely necessary work will include the water ways of the Pacific Coast. Wantkd About 5000 head of Soort. vonntr itrnwnn" .. ,- -ress, giving ages, price, otc, Tho American Land & Livestock Company, Denio Oregon, also samo enro of tho First National Bank, Burns, Oregon. JAM15S E. ROUNSKVIM.U, Manager. NEW CLIMBING PROPOSITION Wo have arranged to offer in connection with this paper, the new monthly farm magazine just started at Lincoln, Nebraska, by Prof. II. W. Campbell and devot ed to th" ubject of how to farm in tho dry country and how to get best results from soil tillage under normal conditions. This Paper is Campbell's Scientific Farmer and wo offer it clubbed with Tho Tinies-Terald both for $2.50 per year cash. Prof. Camp bells' new paper is a monthly, chock full of good things, the only paper of its kind in the world, and it embodies the re sults of tho editor's many years of painstaking investigation of tho soil tillage proposition. Stomach Trouble Curnl. If you have any trouble with your stomach you should take Chamberlain's Stomach and liver tablets. Mr. J: P. Kioto of Edi na, Mo., says; "I have used a great many different medicines for stomach trouble, but find Chamberlain's Stomach and Liv er Tablets more beneficial than any other remedy I ever used." For sale by all good dealers. Favor Bores. R'lei SUTtfl UI1U Bid chronic sores should not bo healed entire ly, but Bhould bo kopt in henlthy condition. This can bo dono by applying Chamborlain'a Salvo. This Halve has no superior for this purpose. It is also most ex cellent for chapped hands, soro nipples, burns and diseases of tho skin. For salo by all good dealers. NO TItlCSl'A88INn. IhintliiK 1h forblddon upon my pluco mljoliiinu HurtiR. Trcepnflfl r will Ih prosecuted. 0. II. VOKOTLY, NO TRICSPABSING. Notice Ir liorohy given (lint hunt ing ntul hootlng upon the onoloRod rlundaof the Aniorlonn Lund & Live Stock Co, !b utrlatly forblddon. Any person or pereona found hunt ing or troRptiRBlng will ho prosecuted to tho full uxtent of tho law. IS. II. tin..., Hnnoh Maunger. Religious Services. NOTICE Hoinu unnble to give our perHonnl iittcuti'in to the collection of thu no countH due ut, the nntiio hnve heeu placed with Mr. O. II. Lvonnrd. A your having olnpeed siuco tho dis solution of co-pnrtnorehip n prompt sotlloniHitof the minio is requestud. Maksii:.v fe Gkauv. Cured of a Severe Attack of Ilronchl tin by Chamlicrlidn'HCoUKli Uemi'ily "On October 18th, last, my lit tle three year old daughter con tracted a severe cold which re sulted in a bad case of bronchi tis," says Mrs. W. G. Gibson, Lexington, Ky. "She lost the power or speech completely and was a very sick child. Fortu nately wo had u bottle of Cham berlain's Cough Remedy in the house and gave it to her accord ing to the printed directions. On tho second day she was a great deal better, and on the fifth day October 23rd, she was entirely well of her cold and bronchitis,, which I attributed to this splen did medicine. I recommend Chamberlain's Cough Remedy unreservedly as I have found it the surest, safest and quickest cure for colds, both for children mid adults, of any I have ever used. For sale by all good dealers. NOTICH FOU PUBLICATION Umtkdktaim I.ttntOrriiE, ( liurna, Ort'iiou, liccvnber set, 11W Nollco la )iirl Riven tlmtlho State of Ore Kon baa II KM In llila ottlei, II illratlini (Ser ial No I'll-') to oli'Ct, under the provlalona of ttiu Act uf t'nnareaii, approicd Aitmitt 41, 11, Hint acta nujemUlory thereto, lli. N WSW l-4 Bee. 31, T, l C. It. ". K.. V. M. Ati nil,! nil eronii clalmlm: adversely the land detcrllied. or deatrinir In objert becau.e uf tliu mineral character ol theriiiid. orfnratir inner rcnrmi, m ine uijntni to apjincaill, iliuulil file llielr UIliit n( i.rote.t Iu thin of flco, mi or tufori) tho expiration of the period ol publication, Wm Ha nit e, Itcitlitcr Hate ol Klrt l'ubllcitlloti January ind, Wi. Hate of but I'ubllvalloii February Mb, 1W Rev A. J. Irwin will preach nt Harney the 2nd Sunday of onoh mouth nt 11 n, in. and 7,!!0p. m. Krtbbnth school ovory snhbnth nt 2 p. in. Tho Ilitriioy Sunday school moots nt 2 o'clock onoh Sunday nud n cordiul Invitation is oxtoudod to nil who can nttend to meat with u. At tho Prosbytorutn church Burns, Rov. A.J. Irwin pnutor. Dovlue Rorvicos tho third and fourth Sundays of onoh inonthnt 11 n. in., nud 7:30 p. m. Sabbath school nt 10 n. in. every Snbbnth morning. Tho Lone Star RESTAURANT Ohlnn George, l'roptlutor. Cor. Main nnii it BtrcuU, JVIBflLaS AT ALtLt HOURS Bokony in eortneation. A Specialty of Short Order. Tnblo furnifihutl with everything tho ninrket nffords. Your patron nKoPoliclted. The Times-Herald IJJ oflcriitf most attractive Clubbing Rates to its subscribers at present THE TIMES-HERALD One iear with the Portland Weekly Oregonian $2.50 Portland Semi-Weekly Journal $2.50 S. F. Weekly Examiner $2.65 Thrice-a-Week N. Y. World $2.50 Semi-Weekly St. Louis Republic $2.35 Farm Progress FREE to every paid in advance Subscriber Get one or more of tbe.se good papers in connec tion with The Times-Herald for the long win ter evenings. Call and get Clubbing Prices JOB PRINTING The TlmeH'lIcnilil Ik Prepared to tin tho Vrry Bent it nil Mont Snllflfiictor)- Work in thin Hr.r. V have nil the LATEST TYPE FACES and njvery Complete Line FIRST-CLASS STATIONERY Z3L e ntimHrmtnmmmmmmmnmmmmi miu :r 9 0 NOTICH KOIt PUBLICATION. UnitkuHt.itm MxiiOrricE, I Hurna. Ori-iton, December II, tHW. I - Nollco li hereby irlten tliat tho Plato of Orviron him nltvl u thla oMce lla application (Serial NoOloiJltoalect,underth proTliUmnf Hit Aclofconsreia, approval Alismtai, IMi, and aoIm niiirn.latory therein, tho SWl SKli, HVtii iV.H of CrC. 27, T. 8., It, W All) an'.l alt poriona rlalmluir mlrertcly Iho lamliilricrltHHl.or ileilrlnx to object iHiennaa n( tho mineral character n( tho land, or fur fttir other roaioii, iu tho il!aio.nl to itppllciiht, nhnutri Die their aQlilvIK of proteat In thla offli, " nr before I' aplratlou ol tho prlol of ptibllntilnn. ., I Ym. PARR. KvgUlor, I'lrat puMliailon liwembt'rlJ, IWM. .ait publication January 1, 1WJ NOTICH FOU PUBLICATION UNITED STATIC 1,NI) OKKfl'K, I lliima Oregon, January, is, 1SVJ. I Nollco la hcri'by itlven that I'liarlca K. Iiwry, of Hums, OruBon.w ho, on October Si), l07, niailo llnmvweail entry, No, 31st. Ki'ilal No. lUSTJ, for HI.',, .Station 111, Tuwnahlp n l-oulli, Itanito Jl Kail. YVIIIamotto Merhlan. tiba Din! notice of Intention to uiako Final t'oiuniutatlou I'roof, to lalalillah claim to ttiu laiul nl.ovu doa crllid, bofnru the Hcglater ami lUcelvci, ut lltitiia, Oregon, on the 161 ti itay ol February IDtfi. Claimant uaimta at wlturic: Daniel K. ircNamara, of Karruita, Orcirou, AJfreil V. I'loroa, Hicham K. Crcaiucll, llort Laiiillu, all ul Ilurii", driven. Vn. Pakiii., lOKltler. NOTICH VOll PUBLICATION UNI rliD STATF.8 LAND OKPICK, I llurua Oregon, January li, im Notice li hereby kItcu that Dunlel K. Mr N'ainamof Narrow , Ori'Kon.uho.oiiOctnborw, Wn inailolfoiueftoailKnlry No 34u,terlal No. UIJOi, for NK'i, He ct Ion 8, Townahlpao South. HatiKfUl Kol. tVlllaiuelteilcrMlau, hna IIIchI nollioof lutj.iitlou loinako Pinal Couiiniilatlon proof, to cstahllih claim In tho laml uhove ilencribvl, before tho UoRlMcr nnil Itei'eUcr, at llurna, OriKon, on thn loth iluy of February IUW, Claimant namea aa wltncgaca Uharlea K ll.ory, Millard F. Dickey, llli'hun! 11. (u-aawell, Alfro-I V I'lcrco, all of lltirni, ori'Kon. VM PAimr, itmliter. The Cnpitol Barber Sliop II. J. HEED, Propt. Headquarters for bathing and First-Class Tonsorial Work. HUUNS, - OREGON- W'o colloft uvcrywltoro nnd mako n cliBrRu tinleiia collection la mndii. Wo jilcaao our clients -A-sl- Tb.era. Aililrt'Ki iMomiAN Mkmmntii.e Co., I'l.'lllnii IIM., ) i ii'i 1 1 0 OFFICIAL IIIIIKCTOnV tat omnoni U R.Heuatora (Jonathan llourno Jr IC. W. 1-ulton IW KKIIIa I J W llawlty ....A.M. Crawford (leu. K. Chamberlain . ,P YV licnmin OAHteel J, II. Ackerman M Dunlway 1 It. H, Dean, ...., r.A. tiooro ) Itobt Kaklu NINTH JUDIOIAI, DIBTUICT. t'oiiKrCMincu Atloruvydeiieral (ioH-raur Secretary ol Htale Treaaurcr Hupt. I'uhllo luatructloii blalii Printer . .. Buprciuo Judaea . ... PW& M)( JM'? ;uUuntm:ti::::mntm::::t AND LOOK 1 nm prepared to furnish my customers with the usual high class 'ocxls and invite the public to call when desiring ANYTHING W MY LINE. Guarantee the Goods a d Pnees Solid Gold Watches, Knncy Clocks, Jewelry of all kinds, Silverware, Ebony ware, Cut Glass. Ilaiulpainted China at Cost, Take a peep at my windows, Q-em-ToerlirLg:. mummmmm:sH:mm:imm:m:mtmmmmtmm:m:mt:m:mt::n::mm:i::Hiu 1WB8ST ONAL 0ARD8. Wm. MILLER, ATTOKNKY AT LAW. Uuritfi, Orogou. Oftlco tint door went of Jlnnk. C. A. REMBOLD Attornoy-al-Law, Burns, Ofeflon.- Oliiis. 1-1. Jjootmvd, ATTOItNKY-AT-I,AW, Ciireful AltaiiUon cfvon to Colloo- lionB and Roitl HHlnto mnttorn. I'lro Iiiaurnncu. Notary I'uhllo. BfJIINfl, Oheoon. . GHO. 8. SIZKMORK, ATT01INKY, l,miNfl. OltKOON C'ullocUoua, f.nd bulii, nnd h-.i Kulnto i.iBltor tiromrllv ntUiniJed to" CHARLES W. ELLIS LAWYER Burns, - . Oregon I'rnetlcuR in tlio atnto;Courl" nnj bo foro tliu U. H.;i.nnd Odlco. J. UU. GHAFY l'liyalclmi nnd Hiukcoii. Hnrns, - - - Orogon. Ofllro In now btilldhiK south of Wolcomo liiirm-HH mIioji, Mnln St. 'J'lionoMalti8S. H. I). IIURROW, M. D. riijsiciou and Surgeon Clironlc OIsouioi n Bpeclnlty umm aimworod nt nil lioura. OfTlco cor. Mnlu t II tn., Bttrns, Orraon CU. Ii MARSDHN I'iiyclulnn nnd HurKt-on. DUUNB, OJJke n( miittnce. OIIEOON. VST'l'honi So. to II. 8. llrowuto'n K.lllbbari) Mibbititl tSc Hiovnton, iDlCNTlSTS. Of fit o drat iloor eaat of Tho Cltlunt Hank. Iltirm, Oregon. W. C. BROWN, IIUIINB, OlIfiQON. Oillcti In new land officii building, next door north ol pout oflico. BOCIETIE8. IIAIINP.Y l-OIIOE. NO. 77, I. O O P. McelaeTiiryieconil an J fourth Saturday In each month at:Wp m. ArchloMcOowaii, llyronlerrlll, Secretary. ' N.O I CANfc SAV On your railroad fare. Tho law of tho common carrier compels equal ratcfl on all railroad lines. YOU CAW SAV in Time, Traveling Ex penses and Fatigue by insisting on the short rst route, fastest trains and best service. Supply see your uckcc reads that VIA THE O. R. & H Oregon Short Linj Short AND Uft'iON PACIFH Every facility for the safety, comfort and ac modation of the passen ger is provided. No change of cars is neces sary to Denver, Omaha, Kansas Cicty, Chicago. Direct connections are made for all other points East and South. I"or tlcketn, 8lciiti; enr roorvatl etc., call on, tck'i;rnili or wrlto P. U. Hall, A sent. Huntington on Wm. McMurrny, Gen. pass. Ate Portland, Oregon Sumpter Valley Railway Cl! TIM I J TAHIJi NO. 30 IN JUNK II, 10J8. KITE West Hound. . No 1 rnsi a tn. No. 11:30 Lv Halter City 0:35 " (ioiith Ilakor 11:58 ' rfallelmr)t 10:01 " Mekhnrtt 10:07 " Thoiiipont 10:17 " SltxIilHnlJniiriloiif rvts9' - 1lT, f rrin Jill Jim mii li If ih;iih I.UDIIK no. 7, A . r. A. M ,il.e")rnr,,"1,lllri1 Saturday In oaeh "T!?V. i I.SchlTarti, W. M. .1. C clcome, Secretary. INLAND UinOKNO.70 K. of I'. Mceta oycry Thuraday .enluK In tho Urown "Jlllro,U..a. .M.1lorloB.0.. IIUKNb 1.01101. N.i O A.O.H. V. Mteia ever) attorn! aui fuuill. Kilila). .... ,. , ' Well time. M. v. i..ft. Lochraii, ltccorder. 10:22 " 10:32 " 10:39 " 10:55 ' 11:10 " 11:15 " 11:40 " NOON 12:00 " I". SI. 13:05 " 12:40 " 1:10 Ar WalerTntiU De.il ' Stun MeKnetit "JUNCTIONt Sumpter JUNlTIONt Suniiiiitt O U Cnmpt Whltnoyt l'll'TONt Auntln Kaet B'.tn 2 I'aca AT ii I.v 5 " 5 " 1 ' I 4 t 4 1 4 3 Stop on slgnaln only JNo agont Ticketa Issued only for Minion tw trnlna nro hiIioIiiIimI tn mn'.n re,-i etops. ruHfeiuer- tni - n. cli.tet eta where inni'ia.-i ! tan- i-t.tcn trains or 2.i nn k inn litu to the t;ulnr fnrc vill l cluirul. JOM'.I'IIA VI.ST, Supi (illANTtiKDDKS, Asit. Supt. ignndflai(ujtino IllalrlctJiiilKO ... IHatrlct Attorney. le)iiity lilit Ally . (leo. K. Dayla 1 w Mcculloch .. O II Leonanl Circuit Court mecla tho flnt Monday Iu Aj.rll and flrt Monday In Oetobcr, A Sprained Anltle. As. a rule a man will feel well satisfied if ho can hobble around on crutches in two or three weeks after spraining his ankle, and it is often two or threo months before ho is fully recov ered. This is an unnecessary loss of time, as by applying Chnmberlain's Linimont, as di rected, a cure may as a rule bo affected in loss than ono week's time, and in many cases within threo days. Sold by all good dealors. NOTICE I''Olt PUBLICATION UNITBIlHTATIcal.ASIiOrrHi: I liurna, OrcKou, January I, IWn .Notice la lierf by vlveu that Ibofttuloof Ore. iron hna (lie.) In thli nttlea lla a,,lli alloiiHurlal No CH'CJ toiolect, under, lliu .roilflon liltho Act of CoiiKreaa, aninivcd Aumiil Jl.' 1HK ami acta atiiundatory thereto, tho HH',NKlirJo It, T IDS., II MK, W M Anv and all t.emnna rlaftnlnir adiufielv llio niidaircrJbeil,or ilialrjiik' t object becauao ol the mineral character of thu land, or for nny oiuer reuion, in mo uivpt'fcai in applicant, aliould II ki their iiMdatlm of prnleii In thla olllio, on or befnro tho expiration of tho period if publlcutlon. Wm. I'ahhk, itcKlmor I'lrat publication January HI, IbM, l.natpuhllcalluii Kelmiiuy '.'0, W Jolut-Houalor lolht-ltepnientatUo . O W parrl.h W II lirooku OOUKTT IIARIIITt Ciionly Judgo lllerk . .7 1'ieiiaurer hurvBor Bliurlll . . Aaacvaor si huul Huperliitcudent. Coroner btock Inai.ector Coiiitnlafefoncra . .. .1. 1', Hector . 8a in Metbinhcad: i . ...KN Jainvaon ... . AOVaulkuor .A. K. Klchardiou ..O A llrltllntliam I, M Hamilton .J W Ocary . ll.J. MoKIiidoii If.. N. btallanl l& ABrnytli County Court inula tho flrat Wednciday In Jauuary, March, May, July, Fcptouibcr and Novum bor. iiahnut ti, la mi orriuici Job printing Tho Timos-Nerald Foil Salk J120 acres of hay and. Inquire at this office. For Salk A good second hand Clarinet. Inqulro at this office. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. UNITKII HTATEI I.ANtl OICICK, liurna OrrKon, Jiiiiunry b, IUW. I Notice la hereuy kIvoii that Alice II. lliiuko1 cr, formerly Alii o ii Wllkliiaou, of Mclierinlll. Nevada, who, on October II, J'."J I, niailo ileaert lainl eutry No. W7, Ferial No, Olzin, for WJi HWU fi i lion W. UK' 'M'.K, Bocllou 0, NKJ.NKfJ hecllon HI, N). tiVi Hecticn Hi, Tiiwiiahlp lOfwutli.liuiiKo II i:au, Wllluiuelln Meridian, linn tiled nritlco of luluiitlou to mokn I'lluil Proof, to tatnbllMboil claim til lile laiul iilmvn iieaciineil, l,cloro llouvil II. IVIIkllla'iii, I) H Coiiiinlimloiier, at lilt olllte at MclMriulll, Oreyoii, mi tliu Hllli day of I'cbruar), IUVJ. Cfulniiuit namea in wllnctaea Minor, (iuorgo Wllkliuon, nil of Mclieruillt, Wu, Kaiiiik, HouUtor. .ti Killer deceiver Mayor, . lleconler Treaaurer Maralmt, Wm Farro .Fnankliavey CITY, lltlHIO' Ceiincllmeii: Hen Ilrnwu M.UI.owla .. Kimnell Itced . Thoinaa Andnriou "1 ng Meeting of the. Council oery Becond and fourth Wodncaday. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. llNIIKf) HTATK I ANIl OIKICK, I Ilurni, Oregon, lieceiubui IU, HAM Notiwi ia hereby kIviiii Hint Allied W. rleri'u, nf, liurna OroKon. ho, on Hci. lumber li., 11107, imiilu llomotteud l.nlry, No Ojv), horlnl, Nil OIlHn, lor HEJi hecllon w, Tuwnililn 24 H.nilli. llaiigo ill 1'ait, Wlllamctto Meridian, haa filed nollco ofliitentlon in make final Couiinulutlnn I'roof, to iitnbllali claim to tho land abnvo dcacrlbod, bofura Uo Iteglatur ami Ilerelvor, at liurna, Oreiron, ou llio 27th ilayiiljaniiary, luoa. Claimant iiuim a u wltncwtxi lfll.,1 Ut.ilr..., 'I lixlllAna I....II 1t,..t T ....I.I.. .u,,, otunM.t, , UBil.iVU, ,',, Ot I.HIIIMIII, Cliuilca lleery, all of Jlurpi, Oregon. Wm 1'aiiiik, Itcglttor LIAGAZIHE READERS $1.50 SUNSET MA0AZII7E beautifully illuAliatnl, good itoriea nil articlei aliout CaUfornU and all the Far Wett. CAHKRA CRAFT devoted each roonlh to tho ar. . littic lewoduction ol ihebeil $1.00 woik of ra tlcur and prof culona! a year pliclograplieri. ROAO OV A THOUSAND WOW DEE B a hook of 75 pagei, eontairung 120 colored photograph! of Cg rtj; piciureiqua ipoli in CaUforaia ' and Oragoa. Total .. . $3.25 All for . . . . AJJreii all orderi lo SUNSET MAOAZINE flood HuiMing Sin Fiicc'iko QSQ9SSQS9SSQQ9&SQ9&&Si$)ai M. L. LEWIS FIRE INSU range! IIAIINKY VAI.1.KV CAMP No. SM, W. ofW. Kceta every flrat and aecond Tueaday. W. A. Oovvau, olerk O. W. Mclllaln, Coin. IIURNB Cll AITKIl NO. 40, O, K. H. uil.!l,,llH,',fl''0COI,,,l,.', ,,,ur,h Mondaya, In vJm'Ii"?11, o K'f echwarti, W. M. ell,i Welcome, Secretary. dVlA'IA KKIIKKAII DKOIIKK No.s. . Meeltevery lit and 3d Wcdoeaday. Miia , , .. , Vliiiin8iuilli. N. 0. rhlliinlili, Kic Sec'y. . T0I.K CIItCI.K No. IM, w, uf W. Mceta 01 cry fourth Tueaday. llcitcr'Ooodmati, Clerk, Maud Morton, a. M. ....Re presents the... Homejnsuranctt Co,, of Now York, Liverpool, London & Globe, Rro Assurance Co , Philadelphia. . feft OFJ'ICa WITH 1U1US& UiaOS. Mil n-, Oregon. g Corner 80111I1 o( l.umbii -g & Ojltuti'ji. rt. mQ& &m;meQQm $1.50 Blue mountain Rapid Transit Line Operating fronfAustlii via-l'rnirie City, Joliu Hay, Cnnjon City to Burns, Oregon iyi ilu)s from Baker Cily to iltuim, Oiiiui, Gooil, coinfoitahlu convoyances Cart'fiil driveia Firm Clnt3 Stal ioiiH iilon llit! roulo Kfiilroail to limns only 105 milt's, For niU: nhl, L. WOLDENBERG, Manager. THE BURSAS HOTEL STEPHENS 6l DIBBLE, Propt. Reasonable Rates, Good Clean Mini Is, Comfortable Rooms, CourteousJTrentii nt. Special Accommodations for the Traveling Men. FIRST GLASS IN EVERY PARTICULAR Youtf Patronage Solicited, JOHN (iKMHKIt UNO, Towolor. Optioinn juid lStiurravoi. Fine Watch Repairing A Spe cialty. $1500 RewarJ The Oreirnll. t allrnrnla .L V, a.td I it. rroteetlvo Asioclatlon, uf which the tin. uneii ia mncmnvr, will tho JI.WJ Itc for lheroiilctlouof anrrntv (r artlca i 111K uoriei, rauie or mules oi'lonKing to am HI lUVfllDUlP. $500 Additional Hcward. fa Iu nddltlnii i'io the ii -ii lBlled otlert.on stimn i.tiill i. ll for all horfll urauacu iiurnc liar un hoth or ci er Jaw recorded b routuicr. i.ac Ici.lllnriiev. I.alx J i r.Mk ' nun ll Jlor-, a M'uteriwtS - il At lio old to ho driven out will he r, no ted In iwiil wutiiiiiiia ) 1111 iii r If not to reponcii, plrnM wIto nr teloibc v iiuvrt'ii VI II lla, ,iHUl .MmX v m; w, w I, Duma. Ore, IIUOWN rife. Oil 00 YEARS' EXPERIENCE Bunns Diamond Stage hine J. K. IIAltl'lCH, I'ropt. l.tmvus HuriH ovory Monday, Wctlne ilny ntul Frlilny for Plninoiiil. Connect!" wllh tlio AmlroWH.Denloiiitutsu, mukliif; llio most ill red nnil qtilcktiit roiito tn all iiohiU tioutli nnd tho now volil.flolds i'( Dyko anil other norlhorn Novndu polntH 1 iirnfiil nttontion rIvoii toyiittiuioiiKorH ami fioluht. lor imitlonliir Inlornmilon npjily to 0. W, DlllNKWATKII, Agent Uurns.IOrcgon, Ijrjjrra 'vHHIv TR mi Ira, in Pateuta taken p(al notice, willful Scientific A bundiomoly tl)tn iiKiitni vi niirTK.ri Vtfi fQurmonni lu-anch lo. I ADC MARrVS DCGicna CopvruoHTa Ac. lld.ffJIOriptt F mrm. & W5 all IIC New nffilio fCCll :irni IITWI Quloroawftt. Noitr VntE &1 V etu ViilrtiiJi. iLW m A rcprescntotlvc In this county by 11 largo real estate corporation. Spec ial Inducements to those who wish to hecoiue'IlnanclHlly Interested, The Heal4Esfale.S:iirIty Co. Port Dearborn Dulldlot CIIICA0O, ILL. R. J. RftcKiftNON Stock Inspector. Ilnruc)' Conuly. Home Aildroi-H limns, Or NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. ISOI.ATKH TIIACV UNlTat8TTia I .iMiOmOE, I llurua, tireiton, Jnimaryai, lwvi I Notlca It hereby Uen Ih t, . dlrecied I theCaininliilouerof the i.euerul Umlofll. uuilcr tliu iirovlnlona of iho cl of I'misriH 111 Movod Juno K7.ltH.fl 1st Stntca., 5171 ho hi oner at imbilo lulo Iu (he hlklicat bidder, at I orlnck, 11.111. ,1111 tho SSlli day of Keliruary,iic at 1 hla olllce. tho lollim lug tract of land Aliv unramia rlnlnilntr aiUnri..tiu 11... i.... ""." ."T - ! I VI IUII 1IIU BilllV uoiorlhotl laiul 1 nro Htivlttil tn tiin tintioijii or objotMloni ou or befon tho tlnio itv-fcfuuuu 1lm ul,i VVH.fAkttE, Iti-uUter FsAhit Oavey, IU'i-.'lcr mm TVftV''',V1rr-CiirT2