The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, January 23, 1909, Image 3

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    The Tirues-Jierald.
Locnl News.
Ulue prints of any Unvaship in
the Hums laud district, showing
entries, dates of the same, topo
graphy, reserves and vacant laud.
Price $1.00 each. Your order
-&i filled and forwarded on the fol-
Tn8So lowing mail- J. C. 1 urney.Hurns,
urbank Clay was a business
itor to our city yesterday.
fclison Phonographs and re
ds for sale at Lunnburir &
If you v..nt a Carriage Healer
tonkins Urns', is the place to
t a pood one. '
Drs. Mnrsdcn and Grillith yes-1
rday performed an operation
r imiss LrCCii jOX lor u mseaseu
Catch those coyotes! How?
jVliy. with a pair of my coyote
ogs. For sale at $10 each.
r. L. E. Ilibbard.
In purchasing real estate, he-
are ot tne title, uemand oi
o grantor an abstract of title
the land conveyed. Hnrncy
'ounty Land and Title Company.
Sunday morning and evening
here will be services at the Pres-
yterian church in Hums. Every
ody welcome. The subjects for
le day are as follews: A. M.
The Provision Psalm." P. M.
Godliness is Profitable."
Kou Sam: Pour 4-year-old
loroughbred Herford bulls from
le famous Henry Gray herd of
rook County. I have purchased
erfords from another herd to
ke the place ot these is my
ason for selling. V. K. Smith,
urns, Oregon.
James E. Rounseville of the
merican Land & Live Stock
o., is up from the company hold-
gs in the southern part of the
ounty. Mr. Rounseville reports
iat so far they have enjoyed
eal weather in that section this
The Times-Herald ofiiee lias
ust received the finest assort-
ent of stationery it has ever
id. Its patrons will have the
cry best in that line as they al-
iways Have had. when m need
f commercial printing of any
ature drop in and see us.
Our Capital of $25,000.00
Our Surplus of S25,000.00
Togothor with tlio double liability of our Htock-
holdorH of unoMior S25,00000
gives absolute Hoeurity to
our UepoHitoi'M.
Thin is a feature that is well
worth remembering when de
positing your funds. HchuIch
we offer unexcelled facilities
for service, the result of years
of study and experience in the
banking business.
The First National Bank
of Burns
John I). Ihilll, I'lrnulcnl
C. A. Haines, Vice I'rmiitrnl
J. ,
.1. ('.
(lault, Cathlrr
M'tlconu; AshI, Cttthler
I. S. Geer left for outside
points Sunday morning. He will
fisxt his old home at Silverton
and also spend a portion of his
iime at Salem where he will lend
i'hat assistance ho can to any
leasure that may be of interest
to Harney County. He expects
bring Mrs. Geer home with
urn upon his return.
Geo. Love had quite an exper
ience with a gasolene engine at
the Hansen butcher shop last
Saturday afternoon. He was not
accustomed to running an engine
and thought by turning on more
J feed he would increase the power
of the engine with which he was
t grinding sausage. The doors of
the room were closed and the ex-
Ihaust discharged the gas inside
the room, this filling the place
with escaping gas to such an ex
tent that both Mr. Love and a
man assisting him were over
come. Dr. Marsden was called
and soon had them out of danger.
Potatoes in abundance at Hus
ton's. Mrs. Alf Haker is unite sick at
the home of her parents in this
Dr. Grillith was called to Nar
rows this morning to see C. V.
Fitzgerald's mother.
A fine assortment of stieet
hats may be seen at Mrs. S. E.
Drinkwater's Millinery parlors.
010 acie ranch for sale suitable
for dairy or stock ranch. Abund
ance of water for irrigation and
powci inquire at this ollice.
Adelar Hacine will again assume
the management of the French
Hotel tomorrow morning. Mrs.
Martin, who has been running the
place will retire.
Reatos for sale, all sizes and
lengths, price 20 cents per foot.
Any one desiring Reatos address
W. A. Ford of J. 0. Alberson,
Alhcrston. Oregon.
E. W. Van Valkonberg was
over from Silver Creek a few
days this week looking after some
business affairs and incidentally
visiting his daughters.
No need to be without a sew
ing machine when you have a
chance to get one at practically
your own terms by seeing G. W.
Clevcnger. Standard machines
to choose from.
Rev. A. J. Irwin went to the'
Chas. Newell homo yesterday
to perform the ceremony unit
ing in marriage Emanuel Newell
and Miss Hazel France. There
was a big house-warming in hon
or of the event and the comple
tion of the new residence.
Mrs. A. K. Richardson and
Mrs. .1. C. Foley entertained at
the home of the former last night
in honor of Mrs. Richardson's
sister, Miss Nelson. "Five Hun
dred" was indulged in and there
were nine tables. Misses Ella
Crowley and Mabel Withers re
coived the honor for the two
highest scores for the ladies,
Messrs. Ora Hill and Alma Davis
for the gentlemen. Delicious re
freshment were served.
Painting and paper hauging
A. Ilortou.
Gel nursery slock of the In
land Empire Really Co.
loo Clark was among our vis
itors during the week.
uur mim biearaace m
This means much to you. No store
in this locality so fearlessly cuts
prices as do we when the proper
time arrives. Wc are not going lo
carry over any winter goods we
have better use for the money
We are going to clear the
store of every remnant,
every odd and end, every
broken line, every slow
Raryainn every day. My liaryuinx! The hiy
yexl buryaitiK, quality for (ua lily lial you'll
find in thin country. Iiul why should we talk
on and on come lo the store and see for your
Heir. 1. SCHWARTZ.
The Busy Corner Store"
Painting and paper hanging
A. Horton.
Coal for Carriage Heaters at
Hopkins Hros.
W. VV. Drinkwaler was down
from Ilnrnoy yosteiday.
J. II. Culp, painting and paper
hanging, Hums, Oregon.
Lap robes and Blankets at
Bedrock prices at Hopkins Hros'.
Scott Hayes was among our
Lawen visitors the first of Uiih
J. 10. Shields and wife are back
from a visit with relatives on
Silver Creek.
W. R. Dawson and son and
Fred Harron were up from Sun
set Tuesday.
Dr. II. Dennian was up from
Ilnrriman the first of this week
on a visit to his family.
The Mothers Club will meet
with Mrs. Shelley on next Thurs
day afternoon, Jan. 23.
Star Huckland and family were
down from Harney a few days
this week the guests of friends
in this city.
The Inland Empire Really Co.
have cash buyers for 10,000 grain
and hay lands. Prices must be
right SEE US.
Thos. Sprugue was in the city
Monday getting his well drilling
machine in order preparatory to
sinking some deep wells.
Mrs. W. V. Drinkwaler is
quite ill at the home of Mis. L.
F. Wiseman in this city. She is
under the care of Dr. Marsden.
Scott Catteison spent a few
days in this city this week on
business. He had just returned
from Ontaiio and was enroute
The little son of Mr. and Mrs
Mellie Parker fell and cut his
head the other day making it
necessary for Dr. Marsden to
take several stitches.
Zepher, the famous imiwrted
stallion, will be in burns soon.
We need such a horse here. Get
up a company and buy him. Sec
Inland Empire Realty Co.
A light fall of snow yesterday
afternoon accompanied by slight
freezing has caraed the rush of
water to subside and makes it
appear a little like winter again.
G. W. Clevenger has a large
number of sewing machines and
wants to place one in every homo
in this section needing a machine
Sold on installment plan or terinB
to suit purchaser.
Miss Clayte Rurrow of the pri
mary deparlmedt of our public
school has been indisposed for
a few days. Her sister, Miss
Ruby, has been filling her posi
tion in the school.
Foil Sai.i:-20 acres of hay
and. Inquire at this office.
Postmaster J. II. Loggan, of
Harney' has been in this city
since Thursday.
(1. W. Clevenger is again in
the market for hides. Highest
market price paid.
We can trade anything you
have for anythihg you want In
land Empire Realty Co., Hums,
J. F. Peabody of Spokane was
among outside people to arrive
this week for the purpose of in
vesting and taking up land.
Lost Between Burns and the
I. S. Geer ranch a saddle. Find
er please leave at Elliott barn
and receive pay for their trouble.
(!. W. Clevenger, our local fur
niture dealer, expects to leave
next Monday for an extended
business trip to outside points.
He will absent three
Blue prints of any township in
Burns Land District, showing
name of entryman, date and kind
of entry, topography, etc., $1.00
each. Piatt T. Randall, Hums,
W. W. Drown, the Buck creek
and Wagontire stockman, came
in yesterday. Mr. Brown says
the winter has been very favor
able to his stock wintering on
the desert and looks for an ex
ceptionally line season.
Parlies who subscribed to the
fund to sink deeper at the M. L.
Lewis spring are expected to pay
the amounts they obligated them
selves for by Feb. 1, as after
that date the matter will bo plac
ed in the hands of a collector.
Mrs. .1. L. Gault underwent an
operation last Thursday after
noon. Drs. Marsden and Griffith
performed the operation which
was in every way successful and
the lady is now doing quite well
at her home in this city under
the skillful care of her cousin,
Miss Thomas, who is a profes
sional nurse.
The great amount of precipita
tion during this month has'caus
ed an unusual state of affairs for
this section. Almost fourlinches i iu, ,.. nr . M:a wcoi, r01. (utsitl
have already been recorded for ,)ointHt jIo K0QB particularly to
this month. Wo are accustomed j atlen,i ti10 mc.0ting of the Oro
to considerable snow but the rnin jKon Development Congress which
has caused tho river lo rise and I mcola nt Salem the last of this
overflow its banks making it in-, ni0nth. Mr. Hanley has been
convenient for those who aro'm.iecied as one, of thoMelegates
feeding stock. The high water 0f the Burns Commercial Club lo
has also caused a temporary close that meeting and will exlend an
down of tho electric lights as it invitation to all to attend the
has interfered with the water j mooting of that organization in
power. ' Hums on July 17 and 18.
Will Taki: $-1000 - Widow
tired of ranching wants to sell
ranch of 200 acres bad. All
stock', a piano-organ cost $2T0
goes with sale. Address Mrs.
I. Vineyard, Adel, Oregon.
An engineer connected with
the Geological Service is now in
this section. We understand he
is here to establish some new
stations to guage the water of
the Hlitzen River and some other
Wanti:d-A11 kinds of hides
and furs. Top cash price paid.
First class taxidermist. Work
done to order. Tanning and fur
dressing a speciality. For full
particulars address Fw:i L.
GltllGO, Drewsey, Oregon.
Estkav Came to mylplaco a
year ago a black mare weight
about 1150, unbroke, branded L
C connected on left shoulder, the
L being reversed. Owner call
prove properly and pay chargos.
W. W. Cox, Burns, Ore.
Win. Hanley expects to' leave
We are Headquarters for
Horse Blankets, Saddle Blankets
and Balsam of Myrrh
Wc Carry n Complete Line cf
See Hopkins Hroa'. assort mont
of Carriage heaters. Best on
the market. Bedrock prices.
Bert Hamilton is over fiom
Silver Crook on a visit to his par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Hamil
ton. Tho local circle Women of
Woodcraft will give a mask ball
at tho'Clul) hall on Friday, Febr
uary r.
ii una auto stage line can
make time over the roads be
tween Burns and Ontario this
kind of weal her it will be a roar
ing success,
The New Windsor Bar, under
the management of Leo Caldwell,
is one of the most popular resorts
in Eastern Oiegon. Drop in
when you have a thirst.
A pill in time that will save
nine is Rings Little Liver Pill.
For biliousness, sick headache,
constipation. They do not gripe.
Price 2T,, Sold by The Welcome
Pharmacy, Burns, Ore., Fred
Haines, Harney, Ore.
J. R. Jenkins, J, II. Jordan
and T. 10. Jenkins, well known
capitalists of this place will file
articles in a short time incorpo
rating the Eastern Oregon Tele
phone & Telegraph Co. The capi
tal slock is $10,000 and Bums is
designated as the location of the
principal office.
These gentlemen own a con
troling interest in lines now op
erating in the county and extend
ing from this city lo Paulina,
Crook County, and also from
Lawen lo Happy Valley.
The Times-Herald understands
it is the intention of the new cor
poration now being formed to
first build from Burns to Lawen,
thus connecting the lines and
covering a large territory of this
county. They will then lake up
tho proposition of making desira
ble connections with long dis
tance lines on the outside and
giving Harney county another
and it is to be hoped a more sat
isfactory service. With only one
long distance service now in op
eration it is almost impossible to
gel satisfactory service. The
condition of the present line is
not good and the line was built
on nit her a cheap order, making
it necessary for long distance
messages or conversations to be
repealed. In this manner it is
an exception if a message reach
es its destination with any degree
of accuracy.
The lines now in operation by
this company are well construct
ed and carry a heavy wire. They
will also put in local exchanges
wherever expedient.
WHAT VI: Ni:i:l).
Mr.Editer: I have been a resi
dent of this country for a quar
ter of a century; have seen peo
ple come and people go; have
heard their expressions as to the
country; know what can be pro
duced by cultivating the soil from
my observation and knowledge.
Am convinced that you can nev
er develop this great and grand
inland empire until you have
railroad transportation.
Thousands of acres of Harney
valley, and undoubtedly many
thousands in Malheur, Grant,
Uxkv and Crook, are owned by
non-resident claimants who, after
making title, have gone out of
the country, holding their land
pending the advent of the rail
road. You must have a railroad or
stand as you have stood unde
veloped. An Old Timer.
Mr. Bennett yesterday talked
for three-quarters of an hour to
the public school, tho fifth to
eighth grades being present, his
subject being postal affairs.
Mr. Bennett is president of the
State association of postmasters
of tho fourth-class offices, and
has visited the schools in a num
ber of towns and cities in tho
Slate, and his talk is very inter
esting. It is a fact that if tho youth of
the country could bo educated up
lo tho importance of always put
ting the namo and address of the
writer in tho upper left hand
corner of the envelope that tho
saving lo the government would
bo a vast amount each year, and
tho efficiency of tho P. 0. D.
greatly increased.
Mr. Bennett explained this and
many other matters, kept his au
dienco interested from start to
finish, and no doubt tho pupils
will profit by what he told them.
Tho thanks of tho studonts and
parents aro duo to Prof. Ray
mond, who arranged for tho
matter, which did not break in
upon the regular studies or reci
me the HiifeHt places to hunk, 'for the United StateH LawH, u well uh inoHt rigid Gov
ernment Supervision tniike (liein ho.
nt itH Annual Aleelinp;, .laniiar.y lath, 1009, hIiow the following excellent condition,
iiiumiiucli jim iL has onl.v boon eighteen montliH hiiico it entered tho National System,
its growth in very Huhstinifinl. Iln clean and coiiHervative methods have increased
CAPITAL STOCK: This is cash paid into tho bank by the owners, called stockholders, $ 20,000.00
SURPLUS FUND:-A sum set aside out of the profits, and not to be distributed
as dividends. Piactically tho same as increasing the Capital.
LOANS AND DISCOUNTS: This item represents money loaned to responsible par
tics, on notes and first-class security, and owned by the bank.
CASH ON HANI) AND IN HANKS:- Cash in our safe and money due usfrom other
banks, subject to our order at anytime. This amount in four limes the gov
ernment rciuiremcnls.
DEPOSITS: Money deposited in our care by people who appreciate the advantages
of doing business through a reliable and conservative bank.
G, 600. 00
"Sufficient capital is necessary, a good surplus in desirable, a
competent bunk examination is advisable, but the Strength
of anil bunk lies in the responsibility, integrity and ability
of the directors and managing officers.
C. P. McKINNEY, Presdent.
LEON M. BROWN, Cashier.
FRED HAINES, Vice-President.
HENRY DALTON, Assistant Cashier.
Carrol Cecil, Isaac Foster, P. C. Peterson, J. P. Rector, N. Brown, G. A. Rembold, Ben Brown,
J. M. Dalton, Fred Lunaberg. Fred Haines, C. F. McKinney, Leon M. Brown.
Carl Welker has gone to Port
land. Personal experience with a
tube of ManZan Pile Remedy
will convince you it is immediate
relief for all forms of Piles.
Guaranteed 50c. Sold by The
Welcome Pharmacy, Burns, Ore.,
Fred Haines, Harney, Ore.
Hunting and fishing are strict
ly forbidden upon any of the
Pacific Live Stock Co. ranches.
Trespassers will be prosecuted.
John Gilciu:st.
: TTSToll lOsrillixxg:
Prepared to go to a depth of 500 feet with
j various size drills.gHonest' 'measurement and
I satisfaction guaranteed. "
j For prices and terms call on me at Sunset or
address me at
BiJBjrxis, Ore
If you care for style and lot of)
people do. it can be had in any
Vehicle on our floor. We are
prepared for the fall trade. Our
stock is at its best. We show a
remarkable assortment of Vehic
les, including Carriages, Road
wagons and Buggies, for this
season of the year.
Our house is a regular Savings
Bank for those who wish to buy.
Call in and make us prove it.
Harney Co. Imp. and Hdwc. Co.
Dealer in
rocerses, Provisions.
Tropical and Domestic
Fruits when in Season.
Applications lor flrailni I'crmlls.
NOTICE is hereby given that
all applications for permits to
graze cattle, horses and sheep
AL FOREST during the season
of 1909, must be filed in my office
at Prineville, Ore., on or before
February 18, 1909. Full infor
mation in regard to the grazing
fees to be charged and blank
forms to be used in making ap
plication will be furnished upon
request. A. S. Ireland, Supervisor.
ats, Shirts, Clothing,
UnderwearGet Prices
fill kinds of pnesh Vegetables in Season,
Duikhemu'i Building - Main Street.
RED Jb"Jb6.03XTT
C.'nllH iuiworol promptly iiIkIiI or ilny
M'linnu llurrlninn,
Hatrlman, Oregon
A. W. (iiihiiii Arclilo MrKonmi
Attorney Tlie Kami .Man
All kinds of land business, ab
stracting and conveyancing.
1IH UN'S, - - OHlXiO.N
The Eastern Oregon
Engineering Co.
Main Oflicc.'.Uurns, Oregon
A, O,, Ml.
Hrancli Office, Lnkcview, Oregon
('. M U'l.KM'l! .Ml'l
Hereford Cattle
My well known herd of Prizo
winning Herofords is now located
on tho farm of Wm, P. Caviness,
in Malheur county. Will be
pleased to have you call and in
spect herd. If in need of bulls
or heifors we can satisfy you in
quality and prieo. Write your
wants te:
Ironildc, Ore. La flriailt, Ore.
McGEE & OWEN, Propts.
Fresh Teams, Comfortable Rigs, Careful Drivers.
Particular attention given to Transcient Trade
Call on us. Next door to French Hotel Main St.
Horses boarded by the day, week or month
gfS " lO'Snlj'ip-
sucr.Eson io;wilso aashton
i 1 1.3 u aniniun
Blacksmitliing and
Wagon Work
Main St.,
jl'l"! " '-
Burns, Oregon
tag sg "C"
smftmrWmJKL rW
The Host
On the Market
Has all the qualities of high'priccd machines
Rapid, Universal key hoard, Simple, Cheap
Chicago Writing Machine Co.
Igi-153 Wabaili Ave, Chicago, III,
asTmnxnsf, 03EtE!C3r03xr.
tations ol the scholars.