r W'i&ifi-mrmta2kMZS225ZJlJS r s -. ' .. " " t - ...i.i.ii ii '' ' 'r .! i . , -a She 9iu0-gcv(d. aAT0nA.T. JANVAUV S3, 1909 BUMSOMITION IIATK8I Ono Yet . Six Months lUrooMoutbi 1.00 . .75 ,1111.1 AH UYIll) - - Mmiitf TAP CENTRAL 0RCQ0N? The announcement tlmt "Mr. Hnrrimjan is"nbout to build a rail road into'Ccntrnl Oregon," which appeared in The OrcKonimi a day or two ago, is another ono of those semioccasional mouthings emulat ing from pome of the Harriman Office boys connected with the 0. R. & N. or S. P. lines in this State. The peopleof this section have been fed upon such rumors for many years, long before Mr Harriman emerged from his dingy Wall-street office to find that there was such a plac'c as Oregon. Hut let the reader lor a mom ent ponder over the latest pro- nunciamento and think what it means for us to have a railroad built "up the Des Chutes to Red mond." The simple announcement that such a road is to "tap Central Oregon" is on a par with the railway promises given out for the last quarter of a century. Taking Burns as the metropo lis of the great Harney county, and as the entrepost of an area almost two-thirds as large as the entire State, it will be seen by refering to any map, that with this road constructed we would still be over a hundred miles from a railway station, and the nearest one would be then, as now, at Austin, for Redmond is ICO miles from Burns. No railway from the Columbia can ever be of any great relief to this country no number of roads from there can much assist us. Let the Sumpter Valley be ex tended across two or three moun tain ranges; let the Biggs branch come up the Des Chutes and across the hills, and let another be built up the John Day and what will they amount to in com parison with a road from Boise to Coos bay. We are free to admit that con nections with the 0. R. & N. would benefit us to a degree in the way of taxable property, and to some extent would facilitate passenger traffic and cheapen ex press charges; but as an outlet to the lumber, stock and agricultu ral interests of the country they would amount to nothing. To the city of Portland any and all such railways would amount to much, and the Harriman in trests seem to be based on the hypothesis that all of the trade of Oregon must go to Portland, regardless of the interests of the subservient country. We are all loyal to Portland, we acknowledge it, and with pride, as the metropolis of the Northwest; and ,we hope it will grow in population, in stability, in financial and mercantile im portance until it is the mistress of the Pacific and we will ever be ready to pay tribute to it. But let the people of Portland and the Harriman people remem ber that the interests of Portland can best be subserved by treat ing us all fairly, by assisting in the development of the entile tributary area, and that the build ing up of Boise, the development of central Oregon and the build ing of a great harbor at Coos bay will but add glory and prestige and prosperity to Portland. A WATER CODE. There will be brought before the present state legislature ono or more bills having for their purpose the governing of the water for irrigation and other purposes. The writer has neith er a technical or practical knowl edge of irrigation, therefore will not attempt to express any defi nite opinion as to the kind of law most suited to the needs of Or egon. The apparent unsettled state of affairs as to water rights is more or less confusing arid the idea of some plan whereby one may have a title to a certain amount of water the same as a deed to real estate appeals to the ordi .ary individual as the proper thing. Yet, can this be done? There seems to bo a wide differ ence of opinion on this subject and tho legislature should care fully consider all phases before acting. Such radical measures as the Bien law of two years ago will find strong opposition from present water right owners and old time irrigator, who claim it is too radical and vicious, In considering this matter one should not take entirely tho views of a -riidifiil nor ...should the man who has a selfish purpose bo given full credence. The idea of pas sing a law that would', bo of uni form benefit m the state of Ore gon seems almost out of the question yet it may'kho possible. Ono thing is certain, however, that a law giving unlimited pow er to ono man in settling all water troubles will bo resisted by many who have a practical knowledge- of irrigation This is es pecially true if that man be one with only n technical knowledge of irrigation and an appointive officer. A theorist will not suc cessfully handle the water of any stream in Eastern Oregon to the satisfaction of the users. Another thing, if it is the intention or purpose of such a law to do away with litigation, it may as well bo dropped for that also is out of the question. All the scientific knowledge on earth will not pre vent men from litigating over water the same as over other dis putes. In considering legislation along this hue our representatives should not be governed by the radical, the extremist, or theorist, nor should they act entirely upon the suggestions of the men who have had practical experience, yet the latter have just as much right to bo heard as the scientific man who is all theorios. Is it possible to pass a law of this character that will cover all cases and be applicable to all sec tions of the state? For instance: In some loca lities and on some soils more water is necessary than others. It may require an inch of water for a certain period until it has been brought to a high state of cultivation when later, perhaps, one-fourth is sufficient for the purpose. If one has secured ti tle to an inch of water and later finds he doesn't need it, may ho dispose of it as he would his land or will some ollicer come along and tell him just how much ho may have and take the rest away from him? We are told that one is entitled to whatever water ho may put to beneficial use but who is the judge? The Times-Herald earnestly hopes that some measure may be passed wherebyjone may have a title to a certain amount of wa ter for irrigation purposes. The present laws do not seem to cov er the ground. An examination of thelrecords of Harney County will disclose a rather startling fact that more water has been appropriated from the little stream of Silvies river than (lows down the Columbia. Yet some claim there is a surplus. This is one argument in favor of a wa ter code in Oregon. DRV TARH EXPCRIMENT STATION. Thero is a tendency upon the part of men of affairs throughout Oregon to neglect certain por tions, or rather, fail to consider the possibilities of remote sec tions. They seemingly fail to realize that only a comparatively small portion of the great state of Oregon is really put to use that the greater part of the state yet lies idle and undeveloped. Local interests and human hel fishness have caused them to be short sighted as to the real bene fits. The object of the establishment of a dry-land experiment farm is for the purpose of bringing such land as is now idle into practical and beneficial use; to demons trate the products most profit able and adapted to the class of land that has heretofore been al lowed to lie idle for tho lack of knowledge or incentive to im prove. It should be located where it would do most good where it would servo the largest territory. Where climatic conditions and elevation may cover tho widest territory and bring under culti vation the largest area. The great unused territory of Southeastern central Oregon of fers such an opportunity at this time and should havo first con sideration for the reason that thero such experiments are need ed and thero climatic conditions aro such as would make a dem onstration farm of greater bene fit to the entire state. In fact, before a location of such a station is determined upon those who havo it in charge owe it to tho state to investigate conditions in all portions as it would certain ly show a lack of appreciation of the inpact of tho law to make a selection beforo looking over the entire semi-arid section of tho state. Tho Times-Herald will not bo so small as to insist that its own territory is the only ono that would meet the requirements, but it docs contend that somo location in this big inland empire is tho place for such experiments and until it has received ntten tion along this line this paper will assert most positively that those) who nro responsible or have tho power of designating tho location of tho experiment farm have not dono their duty to tho state and havo not tho real purposo of tho project at heart. TO Till! POINT Tho communicat''- . of "An Old Timer" in this issue is strict ly to tho point. It ia impossiblo to make anything more of this great interior until wo got trans portation. A market for our products is absolutely essential to tho growth and development of Soutlu lorn Central Oregon. A railroad up tho Des Chutes, as suggested by Mr. Harriman, docs not in any wise "tap Cen tral Oregon." A casual glance at the map of tho stato and a knowledgo of its topography will convince any ono of this fact. Oregon seems proud of its Hood River and Rogue River Vallies, yet hero is Harney Valley, so lit tle known and so remote from any possible market, where both tho former could bo set down in and never bo noticed the space they would occupy would be merely a speck as compared to the magnitude of the vast interior that is being held back for the lack of transportation. The people of Oregon do not know their own stale. If this territory was once known and its possibilities realized by Oieggni ans themselves, they could then really take a hand in helping to "tho greater Oregon." Com pare in actual area that poition of Oregon that has the advantage of a market with that portion east of the Cascade Mountains completely bottled up; also con sider that this is not a desert waste as was popularly supposed a few years ago, then one may t. ...:.. j ...ni:.. . ..!.., "ii. ,...., i or Oregon" would mean if ti.issiJcr l'int ' '"cr is exactly- poition could be brought into act ual uso and peopled. Wo have the soil, we have the climate, wo have the eneigy, yet wo must continue idle and of little benefit to tho state or humanity until we get railroad communication with the outside. Thousands are crying for land for homes. This is ono of the very few sections in the entire United States where thero still remains public land -we have lots of it, and good, too- but what inducement is there for peo ple to endure hardships of front ier life when all they can prodtico at a profit is what they can use themselves? A railroad across central Oregon is absolutely nec essary to tho development of the biggest portion of this stnte. With a light covering of snow to protect the winter grain before winter weather again visits us, and with the big lot of moisture now in the hoil, Harney county crops will be record breakers this season. The precipitation so far this year has exceeded former years and if itcontinues as it has started Harney county will cer tainly do herself proud the com ing season. It is well that such is tho case, as it seems that some thing extraordinary must be done to attract any attention from sources mat wo ueserve, especi ally as to railroad building. They say "show us tonnage. " Wo can show them territory and what the soil can bo made to produce, but wo must have a market be fore tho actual production of ton nage can bo profitable. Jobprintlnjr-ThoTimca-HoraldlFOR SALE BY II. M. HORTON. BOOST HARNEY COUNTY And tho nmn tliat will givo you Hip bowl values for your Alonoy. Call al G. W. CLE VENDER'S STORE And rpo what-you nnvo on tho ihinfTH onmnoratod belew: Pianos, Sewing Machines, Building Paper, Wall Paper, Window Shadew, Carpet, rugs, Linoleum. Matting, Art Squares, Blankets, Quilts, Mattresses, Springs, Roofing, Mir rors, Music Cabinets, Pictures, Trunks and Valiccs, Baby Carriages, Couches, Couch Covers, Upholstered Goods, Table Covers, Porliers, Chamber Sets, Etc., Etc. SJB At The Welcone Pharmacy You can find the best selected and largos d as sortment of every thing to bo found in an up-to-dato drug store. PRESCRIPTION WORK is our speciality and wo havo tho best equipped laboratory in the interior. IfWo uso only tho best and purest of drugs and chemicals, and our prices aro right. Yours for business The Welcome Pharmacy, Burns, Oregon, "OLD MAN" IIBNNETT'S PbtPflURI. A very nico nnd approciativo crovd heard "Old Man" Ben nett talk about Rabbitvillo and other interesting things at tho Club hall last night. Unfortun ately tho regular janitor was call ed out of town and tho hall was not as warm and comfortablo for tho peoplo as it might havo been. Tho electric lights being off was another misfortune However, tho "Old Man" soon had his audienco warmed up and ho waB followed throughout with mark' ed interest and evident npprcia- tiou. "Livo to Smile nnd Smilo to Livo" covers tho lecturo and tho "Old Man's" moto is a good ono to follow. Some of his readings were indeed fino nnd his refer ences to life in Rabbitvillo and its peoplo wero quito amusing, Mr. Bennett docs not pretend to teach his hearers anything, yet ho has some of tho best things to enliven people and appeal to their sunny sido that wo havo heard, Mr Bennett is ngood entertainer, A "SMALL" COUNTRY. Thero aro 3G school districts in Harney county, nndBomoof them nro not overly largo. But thero aro ten that are quito sizeable. One of these contains GO town ships or 21G0 square miles. Re duced to acres this amounts to 1,151,510 acres. Another district is rather oddly shaped, being 82 miles long by 22 miles wide. In length it would roach from tho fair grounds at Poitland to The Dalles. If the latter district had its school in tho center a pupil living at an ex tteme end would only havo a tri fling trip of 11 miles each way, or 82 miles each day to tracl! A good idea of the size of those districts can bo had when wocon- acre for acre twice tho size of the stato of Rhode Island, nnd considerably larger than the stale of Delaware. it the lormer district was populated as densely as Rhode Is land it would havo over 750,000 inhabitants. In other words you could place the all of the people at present in Oregon in that one school district, nnd they would have considerably more elbow room than tho peoplo of Rhode Island have, Having disposed of my livery and feed stablo to Henderson Elliott, all accounts due mo should bo settled at once. Simon Lkwib. Woods Liver Medccine in li quid form legulatcs the liver re lieves sick headache constipation, stomach, kidney disorders and act a gentle laxative. For chills fever and malaria. Its tonic ef fects on tho system felt with tho first dose. The $1.00 bottle con tains 2J times as much ns tho 50c size. Sold by The Welcome Pharmacy Burns, Ore., Fred Haines. Harney, Ore. W&60d&& agazine HAS GOT THIS MONTH Two (creaming Jtorics liy Klht Parker Duller and Limluy Deniton, cacli raring to tec which will Lump )our funny bone harden. One iragedy that will grip your heart. Anil article liy Russell, Paine ami Dickson that cut deep into things, LOOK OUT FOR EVERYBODY'S THIS MONTH. THE CAT IS DACK & Remember tho Inland Empire Realty Co. furnish competent help free. If you need help call and sco us. IF YOU CARE FOR STYLE. If you caro for stylo and lot of people do, it can bo hnd in nny Vehicle on our floor. Wo nro proparcd for tho fall trade. Our stock is at its best. Wo show a remarkable assortment of Vehic les, including Carriagoq, Road wagons, and Buggies, for this season of tho yenr. Our house is a regular Savings Bank for those who wislCto buy. Call in nnd make us provo it. Harney Co. Imp. nnd Hdwe. Co. $ SJSWJK NEW MERCHANDISE Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes Fresh Grocer ies,f,etcr" For Fall and Winter Trade 7Vwvvv - w' - A iu u T. II, (lienui: Be a Booster Keep Things Moving We enn match you with all kinds of trades. Drop in and let us know what you have to trade or sell. Wo will do your surveying or sell you fruit trees, shiuhcry or seeds to make tho homo more beautiful ahd profitable. If you have any wants como to us. Wu have the floods and can deliver litem. Inland Empire Really Co. liuriiH, Orcpon The Up -to -Date Pharmacy The place where dnifH ate cheapen!, put est and bent WE WANT YOUR TRADE CourtcHji and Accuracy our Motto j Headquarters for Evrp liiiifi pott want in the drtty or nchool I'm If we hav n't it on hand w '11 lm ylad to flt it for pott. CIT-2T XDZBTTO- STOKE. H. M. HORTON, Propt. fWwv.T BURNS HOTEL BAR DIBBLE & STEPHENS, Proprietors. WINES, LIQUORS and CIGARS Club Rooms in Connection Courteous and Obliffiiitf Bar Tenders EVERYTHING FIRST-CLASS DROP IN Centrally Located and Connected with Hold Hunts W5S ocrvsr boys; OWX-iTSTs I wish to explain in a few lines in this miner how vou mav al ways be well dressed, shoes, hats, etc Come in and talk the mat ter over with me you can leavo your suit at my place us lunu .is you want to. Leave your overalls here when you want your dii"-.-suit, ko to the daneo and havo a jjood time. When tho paity is ov er como in and change again and your suit may remain heie until you want it again. Sav. for instance, vnti rid n Drewsey. Vale. Lawcn. Diamond. would he going on there. All you need to do is send a postal or telephone if necessary and your clothes leave Hums by the noxt stage.! After your good timo return it to me in the same manner. I will attend to any further lookout for it. Hoys, I will do this all free of charge and I can give you suits and overcoats from $17 and up. Trousers $T and up. Come in and let's talk about it. I have six of tho hoys already. No responsibility in ease of fire. A. SCHENK, Merchant Tailor. WTM, SULKY mrmr ITOi plow Tho Statf is mio of tho latest and best additions to tho famous Doore Lino of Riding Plows. Is light in woiRht, simple nnd durable in construction full of genuine merit,- and baa shown its mettle and utility in every test it 1ms been put to. It "has amply demonstrated by its good work its right to bo classed as a strictly up-to-date, high-class farm tool. It ia ccrtnin to suit the most critical farmer and bo a monoy tnnkor and a labor-saver for him. "If It's a Deere-It9s Right" and does its work perfect easo to tho operator nndtenm It is manufactured and sold as a tongueloss plow a tongue not being necessary to best results, but ono is supplied at slight cost to thoso who perfer it that way. The Stan" is the simplest riding plow built, nnyono who can hook up a team and drivo 'em straight can oporato it successfully: It pos sesses many superior features not found on other plows, and it takes a wholo book to illustrate and discribo them. Hotter write for it today and all tho information you want about this suporior implement. C.H.VOEGTLY Tho Times-Herald has received somo now atnlionory stock in cluding score oards, program pencilB, otc, for ila many patrons. AUCTION I will hold rogularauction sales on tho first and third Saturdays of each month at the C. A. Swcok barn in Burns. Bring in any thing you havo for salo and get your money for it. Special at tention given to sales in tho country. W. T. Smith, Auctioneor. Job prlnlliiK Tho TimoH-Ifornlil j5s&je9ei0e ,'v' - W. T I km mi .'V'V''''VV.'fe4fc'-t''''' School Applies rv rs .", S SS$S:tSSSi9W$SS5: SSadtfsE liorso nffor onwn elnsp In Tlarnov. Narrows, etc.. and somethinur HARDWARE MACHINERY Binders' Supplies Full Line of BUILDING PAPER and ROOFING CROCKERY. CHINA AND GLASSWARE m ER & Burns, irns IV! eat Market New SIsop'Opposite tlie first National Bank Main St. Your patronage solicited. Tlie Most Popular House in Interior Oregon NEATLY FURNISH2D--ALL OUTSIDE ROOMS Headquarters for Traveling Men and Tourists Mrs.ELLA MARTIN, Propt., Burns, Oregon BURNS LIVERY AND FEED STABLE. HENDERSON ELLIOTT, Propt. Special attention giveji . ., Ultr "' v?fv- y. MS. "ZifJSLjXZt ss V Special Attention Given to Conducting Funerals NOV AND ACCURATE HAY SCALL'S IN CONNECTION WITH DARN. f; ..3 & njr"rt.- . -rf'H. sssssSsswrc? 3SYS MILLliC CO. HORTON & SAYER, Propts. ough and Dressed Lumber, Rustic, Flooring, Moulding, Finishing Lumber, Nearest Sawmill to Burns. Good &oacl. Lumber Yard in Burns. THE ANDERSON HOTEL K. J. McKINNON, Propt. The old favorite Fnmily Hotel where guests receive Special Attention nnd d od Service. HOME COOKING. MEALS 25 Cents Feed Barn in Connection SOUTH BURNS,;OREQON--Near Tair (Jrounds. THE TIMES-HERALD Joh Printing CUM Oregon. Pork, Vidian, Bologna and Liver Sausages Heel in any Quantity. H. J HANSEN, Propt to transcTcnt custom and freight teams. Jl oi m.s kept by the day, week or month. ' ,. I I KM I .INS IIVIUV I U.M11 TC ....w. ..,,, .iimii mnnuuij. Hay and grain always on hand. Your pntronngu sohencil South Mini St, IliirnK, Oregon. w-. Z? SZ ii r-mtum tfv r . nT A