The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, January 16, 1909, Image 2

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Ono Yer
Mx Month
Some of the hustlers of Ilarnoy
county aro planning for the or
ganization of an Inland Empire
League, consisting of representa
tives of the interior from Prine
villo to Boise, and which will look
after the publicity and other in
terests of the territory. The
proposition will be put into shape
at an early date and membership
solicited. The similarity of con
ditions in every part of the In
land Empire will make an organ
ization which should prove elec
tive politically as well as in other
directions. Ontario Argus.
We would inform the Argus
that we have formed just such
an organization as is suggested
in the above paragraph. The
Burns Commercial Club is ready
to co-operate with similar organ
izations at Boise, Ontario, Vale
Prineville, Bend, Portland, Coos
Bay or New York. It is big
enough to take part in anything
that will bring about the early
development of Interior and
Southeastern Oregon and is will
ing to act with any or all on a
common ground. It is not the
purpose of the Burns Commer
cial Club to exploit Burns alone,
but the entire undeveloped and
neglected part of this vast em
pire. The membership of this
club are a class of men that can
see the possibilities of this inter
ior section and realize that its
development is tho material ad
vancement of Burns and Harney
County the hub. Neighboring
organizations will ever find a
warm response from this organ
ization for anything that jwill
better the conditions of the In
land Empire without reference
to locality or nature. Wo are
entirely unselfish in this move
ment and desire to be really be
neficial to all of Southeastern
and Central Oregon particularly
in the way of bringing its re
sources to the attention of those
who are in a position to bring us
the relief most necessary that
of transportation.
Last Tuesday evening" was tho
date sot for the annual meeting
and election of the Burns Athle
tic club, but the election of the
officers of that club, was deferr
ed pending a proposition consoli
dating with the Commercial Club
and a committee consisting of P.
T. Randall, C. W. Ellis and Henry
Dalton was appointed to confer
with a like committee from the
Commercial Club to arrange plans
to tha't end.
The Commercial Club met on
Wednesday evening and appoint
ed as its committee for that pur
pose Dr. J. W. Geary, G. A.
Rembold and J. J. Donegan.
The committees met last night
and everything arranged so that
all now necessary is the ratifica
tion of each club which will go
through without a hitch.
The Commercial Club meeting
last Wednesday evening was an
other one of those love feasts
where the spirit of promotion
was the first in the minds of all.
Several matters of particular in
terest were discussed. Among
other things was the dry-land
experiment farm. Plans were
more definitely arranged looking
to securing tho station.
The prososed resolutions urg
ing our congressional delegation
to favor the Mondell dry farm
bill was discussed but as the
committee had not put the reso
lutions in form it was suggested
that the matter be laid over for
the time. In view of the gener
al impression that the Mondell
bill will not pass congress in its
present form with tho Smoot
amendment several have in mind
the submission of an amendment
to our present desert land laws
which will give the semi-arid re
gions practically the same law as
embodied in the Mondell bill.
There is a general feeling that
the pro,ent desert law should bo
cha- ,cd and such being the sen
timi .it with congross it is believ
ed this proposed measure will
stand some chance of passing.
Among the changes proposed in
this law is tho striking out that
clause making it compulsory for
applicants be residents of the
stato in which the land is located
and further giving tho applicant
the privilege of rcclaing tho
land either by a system of irriga
tion or by scientific dry farming
methods, so long as the soil in
made to produce successful crops
of at least a stated merchantable
amount. Tho suggestions along
wore given marked considera
tion. Julian Byrd asked to be re
lieved of tho duties of being a
member of tho executive board
of the club pleading lack of time
to give it proper attention. His
resignation was nccepod and Dr.
L. E. Ilibbard was elected to fill
tho vacancy.
Several now members were
added to the membership roll and
a genoral interest shown in tl
work of tho club. Another, meet
ing was called for next Tuesday
evoningatlho club roomsat which
time Addison Bennett, one of tho
enthusiastic "boosters" of unde
veloped Oregon will bo prosont.
It was tho good fortune of tho
writer, .upon invitation, to be
present at tho annual congrega
tional meeting of tho Presbyter
ian Church of this city on Jan
uary 8. Report of the various
departments wore read that gave
an insight to the actual work bo
ing done by Rov. A. J. Irwin and
his estimable wife. For instance
an inspection of the membership
roll of tho Presbyterian Sunday
School shows two-thirds of the
families in Burns represented.
It was further found upon in
quiry that very little finnncial
support is given to this excellent
work by local people, although
tho field of labor of those good
people extends over a wide terri
tory. The pastors salary is tak
en care of by the Home Mission
Board of the Presbyterian church
that is what is lacking by local
support is supplied by this board.
No attempt had been mado
during the year just closed to se
cure local aid for this work and
what was forthcoming was vol
untarily contributed.
The Times-Herald does not be
lieve the people of Burns and
Harney cpunty'are indifferent to
the grand and" unselfish work, of
Mr. and Mrs. Irwin in this sec
tion. No man or woman enjoys
more universal respect and sc
teem in Harney county than they.
They have made themselves so
much a part of tho lives of tho
people that they are almost in
dispensable, therefore tho writer
feels that the friends of tho
church would consider it a pleas
lire to contribute to tho church
each year and is glad that stops
have been taken to, give them
this opportunity. It is not in
the form of a begging proposi
tion, but they will be given an
opportunity to make whatover
contribution they feel able to
If parents would take a great
er interest in the word of thoKO
estimable people, attend the ser
vices more frequently and note
the effect of their association
with the children and young peo
ple, they will show a greater appreciation.
tthett hurt!"
l')i M "Mt
Addison Bennett editor of Tho
Dalles Optimist and tho Irrigon
Irrigator, arrived in Burns last
evening and will spend an indefi
nite time hero. Mr. Bennett
comes upon tho invitation of tho
Burns Commercial C'ib. Ho is
a man with big ido- and it was
therefore desired t.iat a man of
his calibre who is working in
season and out of season toward
the promotion of this great un
used and undeveloped region of
Oregon should see tho Big Ilnr
noy country.
On ncv Friday evening Mr.
Bennett will deliver his lecture
"Live to Smile, nnd Smile to
Live." Tho lecture is ono well
worth hearing nnd is most fav
orably received whereover given.
Mr. Bennett has a reputation as
an entertainer and wo feel confi
dent ho will make good with the
people of this section. Tho lec
ture will bo given under the aus
pices of tho Burns Commercial
The annual meeting of the
Harney County Fair Association
was held at the B. A. C. Club
rooms last Monday afternoon.
Tho report of the soeit&ry and
treasurer were read and the now
directors elected. Although last
season was unfavorable and the
weather seriously interfered with
the conducting of the fair, the
boys in charge were able to keep
the association out of debt, pay
all premiums and still have a few
dollars loft.
Tho coming soason promises to
bo good and with the proper spir
it shown on the part of the pub
lic and particularly the business
men of Burns, this ycara f; r
should eclipse all others both as
to display of products, livestock
and other resources of the county
and alco as to tho amusements
and other attractions. The fair
boys will insist upon a response
from the business men of this
city, in fact, before thoy make a
move for tho coming season.
The following directors were
elected: P. G. Smith, Chas. Wil
son, Geo. Ilagoy, Julian Byrd, V.
J. Hopkins, F. S. Miller, Wm.
Farre. Mr. Smith was ro-olcct-
ed president, Chas. Wilson vice
president, Julian Byrd secretary,
Ben Brown treasurer.
Harney Lodgo No. 77, and Syl
via R. D. Lodge No. .13, I. 0. 0.
F. installed ofilcers jointly last
Thursday evening. There were
in the neighborhood of 75 mem
bers present together with a few
invited guests. Mrs. Flora Ila
goy, District Deputy acted as in
stalling officer for the Rebakahs
and the following officers were
installed: Merle Dalton, N. G.;
May Cole, V. G. ; Alice King,
Secy. ; F. 0. Jackson, Fm. Secy. ;
A. IC. Richardson, Treas. The
appointive officers were: Lizzie
Dalton and Flora Hagey, R. and
L. S., N. G.; Ella Martin and
Louise Byrd, R. and L. S., V.
G.; P. G. Smith, Outside Guard
ian; Efile Gould, Insido Guard
inn; Nettie Richardson, Warden;
Julia Hill, Con.; Floy Jameson,
Dist. Deputy F. 0. Jackson in
stalled tho following officers for
the Odd Fellews: A. K. Rich
ardson, N. G.; F. A. Cole, V. G.;
Byron Torrill, Secy.; II. M. Hor
ton, Treas. Tho appointive of
ilcers were: Warden, James
Smith; Conductor, Sam Mothers
head; Chaplain, D. W. Yodcr;
R. S. S.. M. H. Hrenton. L. S.
S., J. M. Dalton; Inside Guard,
A. Dunn; Outside Guard, P. G.
Smith; Julian Byrd. J. T. Gar
rett, R. and L. S. to N. G.: A.
S. Swain, M. Fenwick, R. and
L. S. to V. G.
Immediately following the in
stallation ceremonies the tables
wore" spread and all enjoyed a
fine banquet. The entire even
ing was thoroughly enjoyed by
all present and was one of the
really pleasant social affairs of
the season. The Odd Fellows
are going to begin the erection
of a handsome building upon
their property on Main Street
this year where the two organ
izations will have permanent
homos on the second floor, the
first floor being fitted up for
business purposes. The lodgo
room, banquet hall, kitchen and
all tho second floor will be hand
somely furnished and arranged
most conveniently for the pur
poses they arc desired. Tho
members of each organization
are enthusiastic over these pros
pects and every move is in clos
est harmony with tho two orders.
It is possible that the Masonic
order and Lunaburg & Dalton
may join with the Odd Fellows
and nut ur a big building co, .-
in tho neighborhood of $40,000.
Committees from tho lodges aro
now working on a plan to that
end. Tho Times-Herald com
mends this public spirit upon the
part of these organizations and
hopes thoy may succeed.
Tho Times-Herald is pleased to
noto tho success of its friends
and tho following from n recent
issue of tho Boise Capital News
will interest many Harney county
people. J. D. Daly and N. U.
Carpenter are both heavy stock
holders in tho conserns that have
been merged:
Ono of tho most important
deals in Boiso's banking history
was consumatod Saturday when
tho Bank of Commerce was sold
to tho Idaho Trust & Savings
bank. This deal makes tho Idaho
Trust & Savings bank ono of the
strongest institutions of the city
combining as it docs tho more
than $700,000 in deposit of the
I Bank of Commerce with tho more
, than$S00,000 of the Idaho Trust &
(Savings bank, giving that insti
tution a combined deposit account
of mora than $1,500,000.
As a part of the purchase the
Idaho Trust & Savings bank
building was sold to Captain J.
E. Yates, II. N. Collin, J. H.
Morrow and S. T. N. Smith for
$100,000 while the building and,
fixtures of the Bank of Commerce
become the property of tho Idaho
Trust & Savings bank at u vahi-,
ation of $112,000.
There will be little change in
tho ollkors and directors of the
Idaho Trust & Savings banki
owing to the purchase, B. F. '
Olden continuing an president i
and N. U. Carpentc. ..- - ice
president. These oflici'rs togcu.
or with the cashiers of the two '
banks, will remain in actie
charge of the combined business.
A Tribute la the Mentor) of Air. V. C. II) til.
A Hi' ill IhvimI ml i Iftltl to rout,
I lor fn'ili' i htimli iiciomi Imr tirnint,
Ilorlfxl) ilmji liwimiitli tliuiwxl,
Hit Fjilrli Iimk rtniirnl tu (IihI.
Vacant IK tlin llmtililrt olnilr,
Tliocinilti 1 1 in t mm on lotiur tliorts
Ami wo lii) UiiRor only know,
How tmioli vu imIkh liur. Iii-rti lirlnw.
Hut u xlitill mcot layr-ml tho tomb,
Whom Mu mid miUVrltiK iirniii'iuiu;
Tiuir' ' uliiill to until ullnT toll,
Our .loii Inn) iloim ull tiling Hull.
"Ami tliu In koihi, irtvot 1 1 ii id ti lonii
1.1 liClllt)"
"Via only when thoy uprliiK in livtivtni
tlmt nii;li'
Itownl tlnjiiipcUeu toyati, llioy lilt nil
lk'tililcyou; nml llu down tit nllit by) on
Who nun not for llulr jirueunco, mimu
or hlucp,
And all at ourothuy Iimmi yim and )Ott
mow tlioii."
A I'limxii.
Remember, tho Inland Empire Tho Times-Herald has received
Realty Co. furnish ..competent, somo now stationery stock in
holp fre"l!jT5,mr need iHrrcall eluding score cards, program
and see us.
If you euro for stylo and lot of, . it can bo hrtd in any
Vehiclo on our floor. Wo aro
prepared for the fall trade. Our
stock is at its best. Wo show a
remarkable assortment of Vehic
les, including Carriagos, Road
wagons, and Buggies, for this
soason of tho year.
Our houso Is a regular Savings
Bank for thoso who wish'to buy.
Call in and make us provo it.
Harney Co. Imp. and Hdwo. Co.
, ronB.
etc.,' for its many pat-
I will hold regular auction ,:.lui
o:. '... and third SaturJays
of C.J.. ..K.ilh at theC. A. SwtcL
burn ia liunis. Bring in any
thing you have fur saL nwu got
your monoy for it. Special at
tention given to snips in the
- W. T. Smith,
Jnii printing Tim TiinoK-IInralil
Tho Statf n ii-ic of the hto-tt and best additions to the famous
Dcoro l.Jri?,f Riding Plows. Is light in woight, simple
and durat;1 j in lonstnictlon full of genuine merit, and has
shown its mettle unit utility in cvory tost it has been put to.
It htH amply demonstrated by its good work it) richt to be
classed it t n strictly up-to-date, high-clans farm tool. It is
certain to suit tho most critical farmer and bo n money
maker nnd a lnbor-tw ix for him.
"If If s a Deere-It's Right"
and dooa its work perfect case to the operator nnd team.
It is manufactured and sold as n tonguolcss plow a tonRiic
not boiug accessary to host results, but one is supplied at
slight cost to those who perfer it that way. The StnfJ is the
simplost riding plow built, anyone who can hook up n team
nnd drive 'cm straight can operate it successfully. It pos
bcjsoa many superior features not found on other plows,
nnd it takes a whole book to illustrate and discribe them.
Bettor write for it today and all tho information you want
about this superior implement.
Binders' Supplies
Full Line of
Burns, Oregon.
Burns SVleat
New Sliop'Oppoyilc llic first National (lanl " .m St.
TorJv, i
I iiver N
i ii
s 'Lt'FJ
fi-r in film
Your palrufiugc solicited.
M. J HANSEfv. 1'iipt
A ham I It tn .im.i
J. II. Gulp, painting and paner
hanging, Burns, Oregon.
Edison Phonographs and re
cords for sale at Lunaburg &
Having disposed of my livory
nnd feed stable to Henderson
Elliott, all accounts duo me should
be settled at once.
Simon Luwjs.
Woods Liver Mcdecino in li
quid form regulates tho livor re
lieves sick headache constipation,
stomach, kidney disorders audi
act a gentle laxative. For chills '
fever and malaria. Its tonic of-1
focts on tho system felt with the'
first dose. Tho $1.00 bottle con
tains 2i times as much as tho
50c size. Sold by Tho Welcome
Pharmacy Burns, Ore., Fred
Be a Booster -Keep Things Moving
We can mutch you with till kinds of trades. Diop m -.nd
let us know what you have to trade or sell. W will do
your surveying or soil you fruit trcj8, shrubery or .seeds
to mnko tho home more beautiful nlu! profitable.
If you have any wants come to us. Wc have, the uomIh
anil can deliver them.
Inland Empire Realty Co.
liimix, Oregon
,&QSV -Vk- - tr,?S&W,y -. fc''U'
The Up-to-Dale Pharmacy
i The place where ihiWH aro cheapest, purest and fxwt
Courtesy and Accuracy our Motto
j Headquarters for School Supplies
Everything you want in Ihc drug or school
ij lino If" tve haven 'I it on hand we'll be glad
K to get it for goit.
j oim-sr nz)s"crcr stobb.
J " H. M. HORTON, Propt.
The Most Popular House in interior Orugoii
Headquarters for Traveling Men and Tourists
ELLA MARTIN, Propt., Burns, O
ing a quarter block and costing! Haines. Ilnrnoy. Ore.
ts.'Av. &i;v.
,',"e&M-;XA:v,ii!&V)!XA J
C"f.'!',Vl's'X 14 lK;
v s vvsy v
Lf H
The postmasters of the fourth
class offices of Ilarnoy county are
requested to meet at the Com
mercial Club rooms, Burns, Fri
day afternoon, Jan. 22nd. at 4
p. m., for tho purpose of effect
ing a county organization.
As president of tho Stato Asso
ciation lam endeavoring to or
ganizo ovory county in tho state.
Addison Bknnutt,
See Hopkins Bros', assortment
of Carriage heateis, Best on
tho market. Bedrock prices.
Pianos, Sewing Machines, Building Paper,
Wall Paper, Window Shades, Carpet, rugs,
Linoleum. Matting, Art Squares, Hlankets,
Quilts, Mattresses, Springs, Roofing, Mir
rors, Music Cahinets, Pictures, Trunks and
Valices, Raby Carriages, Couches, Couch
Covers, Upholstered Goods, Table Covers,
Portiers, Chamber Sets, Etc., Etc.
If you don't see what you want in this list callWo
have it if it belongs to the Furniture line.
G. W. CLEVEN- ER, Burns, Ore.
At The Welcone Pharmacy
You can find tho host selected and largest as
sortment of o very thing to bo found in tin p-to-dnto
is our speciality and wo havo tho best equipped
laboratory in tho interior. 1Vo uso only tho
best and purest of drugs and chemicals, and '
our prices aro right. Yours for business
The Welcome Pharmacy, Burns, Oregon
The Whiskey Without a Headache
Mill MP" ! HIWHi.i,.iIIII ! WWW III IIWilWWI- I" aBmBM
'I lils.Colcbniluri Whiskey hits been used for the past
SOyenis In the U. S. Hospitals, Army nnd Nnvy, on
account of its purity. Highly recommended by all
lending physicians for family use as a tonic and stim
ulant. For sttle by only one d aler in each town
Club Rooms in Connection
Courteous andOhliging Bar Tenders
Centrally Located and Connected wilh'IIotel Burns
Special utlcutitiH i,nin
to transcionb ciih,ii, una
freight ten mm.
rtfiizi: iJ'r-W
ViA ,S "ltl kept hi
week or month
O any,
J lay and gum,
on hand.
Vonr p.itwii'it.
Mini. si , inn,
Special Attrition (iivoi
to Conducting Funerals
j&$$ 3 i A
I wish to oxplain in a few lines in this paper how you may al
ways bo well dressed, ahooa, hatti, otc. Cotno in and talk tho mut
ter over with mo-yoti can louvo your suit at my place as lone as
you want to. Leave your ovoralls horo when you want your dress
suit, ko to tho danco and liavo a (rood time, Whon tho party is ov
er come, in and chango asain d your suit may remain horo until
you waijt it again.
Say, for instance, you rido l horso after cows close to Ilarnoy,
Drewsey, Vale, Lawen, Diamond, Narrows, otc, and somctliiiiK
would be goinjr on there. All you need to do is send a postal or
tcloplpno If necessary nnd your clothes leave Hums by tho noxt
suujo. After your good timo return it to mo in tho samo mnnncr.
I will attend to any further lookout for it. Hoys, I will do this all
freo of charge and I can give you suits and overcoats from $17 and
up. Trousora $5 and up. Como in and lot's talk about it. I havo
six of tho boys alroady. No responsibility in caso of fire,
A. SCHENK, Merchant Tailor.
Rough and Dressed Li
Rustic, Flooring, Mould
Finishing Lumber.
Nearest Sawmill to Burns. Good
Lumber Yard in Burns.
R. J. McKINNON. Propt.
I he old favorite I-amily Hotel where uruests rec ive;
.Special Attention j.nd Q od Service.
Feed Barn in Connection
. SOUTH BURNStjOREQO.--Near F.r i omuls.
Job Printing.
f m