p u INDUSTRY NOTES. (Portland Correspondent) Tho Portland Commercial Club has introduced u novol feature Colds contracted at thH season of tho year arc- quickly relieved with Bees Laxativo Couh Syr- DurhiR the blizzards reported from various sections of tho country, tho hospitable climate dp. Its laxativo quality rids tlio i of Oroson is especially npprccia- system of tho cold. Pleasant to led by dwellers in tho "Hcavor Stake. Dost for children for State." that should bo adopted by every f, coIl,Bf croup nml whoo. community in Oregon. It is tho appointment of a Nowcomer's Special Committee, and that Committeo hold its first mooting Saturday, outlining a plan to bo carried on throughout tho entire' year which will result in giving each and every newcomer tho "glad hand." Tho apples of the Pacific North west aro tho subject of an ox tended article in a recent issuo of tho Saturday Evening Post this attractive presentation of the fruit industry to about five millions of peoplo is a recogni tion much appreciated by Oregon and Washington. You have more to do with making it a happy and prosper ous New Year than any body else. Let your first resolve bo that during 1900 you will add one now citizen to the population of Oregon. Oregon Grape was the chief decoration in historic old Ply T mg cough. Sold by Tho Wolcomo Hay for sale. dolivorcd-.T. D. Pharmacy, Bums, Ore., Ficil Stewart, Burns, Orep n. Ilainos Harney, Ore. NOTICE Hoi n j: untihln to ulvo ourpervoii. I nttonlinn to thu oqllrotlon of llmiio coimiR duo up, t lie giuno Imvn lirmf plnucil with Mr. Ci. H. Leonard. A ypnr litivhiK clupiied lncn the (Hr xolution (if eo-itirUieril J ft prompt HPlllcnii tit nf tfiV R'Uim in rpijuofltcd. Mahsiik.v A' OuAiir. NI:V CLUUBlNCi IMPOSITION We have arranged to offer in connection with this paper, tho now monthly farm mngazino just started at Lincoln, Nebraska, by Prof. II. W. Campbell and devot ed to the subject of how to farm in tho dry country and how to get best rosults from soil tillage under normal conditions. This Paper i3 Campbell's Scientific mouth Church in Brooklyn, New Farmer and wo offer it clubbed . . . J. . ...!M. nu. 'p:. iv.....i.i i.i, v.. York, on Christmas Day, and Oregon's state flower was de serving of a place of honor in the church made famous by one of the greatest of all Americans, Henry Ward Bcccher. The Hood "River Commercial Club will give its Fifth Annual Banquet tomorrow night. There will be an enthusiastic mass meeting at Condon on the 7th, the purpose of which is the development of Gilliam County. Eastern Oregon will be upper most in tho minds of Portland business men on Thursday, the 7th, as that has been designated "Umatilla Day" at the Portland Commercial Club. The now booklet issued to present the re sources of that great wheat coun ty will be given to all business men in attendance upon the noon luncheon. with Tho Timcs-Tcrald both for 1&.50 per year cash. Prof. Camp bells' new paper is a monthly, chock full of good things, tho only paper of itg kind in the. world, and it cmbodies-tho re sults of the editor's many years j of painstaking investigation of I the soil tillage proposition. Cured of a ..; cro Attack of Bronchi (isby Cluimburl.nin'H Cough itettietly 'On OctoberJSth, last, my lit tle three yea? old daughter con tracted a severe cold which re sulted in a bad case of bronchi tis," says Mrs. W. G. Gibson, Lexington, Ky. "She lost the power or speech completely and was a very sick child. Fortu nately we had a bottle of Cham berlain's Cough Remedy in the house and gave it to her accord ing to the printed directions. On the second day she was a great deal better, and on the fifth day October 23rd, she was entirely well of her cold and bronchitis, which I attributed to this splen did medicine. I recommend Chamberlain's Cough Remedy unreservedly as I have found it the surest, safest and quickest cure for colds, both for children and adults, of any I have ever used. For sale by all good dealers. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. L'nitbii ttr Lain Orrti t. Ilurna. Ort'pmi, Dticvmueru, I1KW Notice la harebyglrtm that Chatlea II. liny uurtl. o( McllertnluNuMulH.wlio.oii Nnu'mtiur HI HUM, ruwle Homeateail Rutty No .'art lakolcw SetlMi, Horliil Nn 01081, furMV, CK', motion 1ft, WSjNB).,, siiNHi;, ti' tlnii a Township 10 south. haiiiiit Jl i:aal, U'll liimollu JlurlillnJial Men noiii-uiit liitmill.in to mtVo Final H)tr Proof, to ualnhl ah claim to tin. InuiI aooro rloarriovtl. before' It '. Wilkinson, I! 8 I'linunliKtoiior, at hla ollli m .ucimriiini, uruun, on me it. in iihjt of Jmi or..,, law, ir.iv, mou, yiilmatit name na tvlluvaae Tim Mcc tinn noil. (JaOrffB Mulklnann. Jnhi N. Van. I.tiorge W. Wllklnaon, nil of Mrliarrultt, Xovala Wit. PtHU, lUitlatcr NOT10K KOH PURLIOATION IflllTrtliiTATRal.allltOar!'-- J ' Hurna, Oregon, Norembor U, IOCS. Notlii-li hereby hrn thai the State of Ore xmi hB Iliad In Uil utnre lie afi.ll'atlunferlal So uirtij to auloct, ondor tho iro latoiia of thr Vi t of ( cjiiifrow HtipnivM Annual V, IMS, anil m '0 arneinlatnrv Ihi'ititn, the Nl-', NW'jSei . I. r IKK., It 84 K , . l An nml all riuti ilalmltii aiito-avl) tbc laniIilri.erlioil.iir ilwlrlnn In object Ihhwim of tho mineral rharai-t. r of the land, or for nny other reason, to tlm tllaiioaal tu atiillcntil, abonlil Hie their nfflilialia uf prole-al In thla orllco, on or before the explratlou of the period of puljUuillon Wm. Flail. HckIiIit Klrt publication December i WD. I. ml publlmtti.D Jauuary . WOP. Sumpter Valley Railway Co. TIMK TAIJr.K NO. 3(1 IN JUNK II, 10i)8. KI'l'ltOT Wcet Hound. Nn I l'asi a. in. 11:30 l.v I) i!15 " I):fi3 10:01 " 10.07 " linker Ully Boulli linker 8llsliiit)t .tirklinrtt Tltolit)soiit Ivnot It .nml. No. 2 1'iim p, in 10:17 "Stidtliinl.limcllimt 10:'J2 " WtiltirTuiikf 10;.K " Dami'BSmut lOillll " MoKfnf l(J:ri5 " MUNDTIONt 11:10" SuinpttT 11:15" MUNCTIONt 11.40 " Siitnmltt NOON 18:00 " '0 1, Ciimpt P. 31. 14:05 " Wlillimyt IV!: 10 " TUTONt 1:10 Ar Attplln Stop on nlmmlr only. tNo agent. Tlrkctn IsiiK'd only for etiillona wliurti traltifl nri) frliudnled to innko ri'sulnr stops. 1'iiHeoiigurH must piirelinn: tluk- t'U whoro nnuntii oxint Ixifmo t'titorliiB trains or '.Ti coiiIh In lulditlon lo tlio riv Kiilur fnro will do clinrKod. JOSKI'M A. WKST, Hupt. GHANT (ir.DDKS, And. Sopt. Ar 6:lig l.v 6::'5 " 5:00 " 1:55 " ! :53 " 1:15 " 1:10 Jx l:3'J " l:i!5 " ItlO " 1:05 " 3:60 " 3:30 " 3:05 " 3,00 " 'J: 10 " i!:10 T3:37' TTej Wo collect iierywhoio utid innko it clinrg) tinlrr) eopei.tlnn In inniln. 'u ptt'uHo our pin til . Addrof" MmiiiAN Munt ANT1LU Co., I'linloti llliiK , I'm i ud, O VKIOtAI. DIKEl'TOlO aTaTa-tit)oiit II M.Hettnlon Ooii(roMrsgn ., , Attorney General . . (Iwcninr eeorwiM-j oi ntiuo Tnwfure? , Bupt Pnhlle InntThi tlon Itnte Prlnttr tiuircmo JiiiIkm iJonatrinil llournt Jr It). W. ftilton i HBlIIa I ' W llBWToy a l CtlltvfSfl) Hmi ic LhtnnbHlnln K W Ctjteiin .OAeWl . J. II, .ioatinnn sfiiiuiwuy i 11. I. llenil. nbl A. Monro mi uakin MINTIf JOIUL'IAL DIHTRIOT. Oeo. lillmlo llMtlt'lJinlite. . nliiricl Attotiiey lliiuily Hint Ally J W UtPullotiJi Oil loimii Circuit Catitt meet Ute ant Uatirlnf AiU mill flint Holiday In Ootober. Jolnl-Pi'iinliir ... . JoluMlCrnuntattv OOUBTY IIAFUCKTt In OW rimifh W II IlrooU Uiioi.ly JiiiIko Oli'tk Ircnmirvr .... rjotMHor Shctlll. AntMor . SOliool iierliitoiidoiil Uuronor Stoi k liubtolor. J, )'. Meclor Ham Motlieriheml B M JB(o(l . AtmulkiiA A. X. HltllUntoH jniiwm ftiiillion lloiniiiinlniier "iSfKrn J w aeaty K J.MoKllitimj it. K. Bto.ll.itil lu Ainiyiii Uoiinl) Court mcoifjijr flrH W iiflneiday Ini January, urtcii, nay, Jttij , tMiitoraiier and Novum btr. tAnxny o. . ijmn orrit'ti itegtiiir itari'lTer Major, Hriorilor, Tri-iniirur Martha), Wm I'atre fMHik Piivoy CITY. ! Den lliown Kmnietllleeil ThornM AmUr-oii fiiiinolhiiiMi V J lloi.kllin ID 1 Oam awnln (VJ Jnoi AH iute (nMrlltiK MwHiuca of la Count tl notr 8ocond and Fourth Woilaetday YOU CAftFT SAVE On your railroad fare. The law of the common carrier compels equal rates on all railroad linos. YOU CAN in Time, Traveling Ex penses and Fatijnu by insisting on the ahorLest route, fastest trains and best service. Simply see thai your ticket reads VIA THE Job printing The Times-Herald NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION I'NITKI) aTATKft LASH omCK.l Huron Oregon, January, t.. l'JOe I otlcc la hereby given that Charlea K Ilecrr, of Iiuriis, Ori'goii.wlio, on October 80, 1WJ7. tnailo Homctco(l enlrf, No. a,i. Serial .No. 01 for br4. yertlou .tl, TuwnnUlp 2! Soutli, llunite ul Kait, Mllnmctle MerlUan, hua tiled no Ko of intention to inute Unnl t ominnnillou proof, totstabliah claim to tho land abtive ilea, crlbud, before the Itcgliiler nnd Itecelvui, at llurup, Oregon, oi the ICth day of Pebitiury vm t lalmant naiiica uiwltnrgaea lintilcl K MuNnniarii,of Narrow Oregon. Alfnd'A l'le'ttf Itl.hiro l: (rnwll, liert l.innkln, all o' lluro, Oregon Wm.Kakhk, H Killer NOTICE KOIt 1'UHLICATION UNlrKDHTATKd LAND OKFH K, 1 in u Oregon, Jauuary n, I'.Oa, I Notlreli hireby given thut Iianlel I' II f Numaranf NurrowB Oregon, who, on Ortolierao, 1 07 inaileNonioatcadKntry No Kwo.Kerlal No. Oir for HF.v4, Heetlon , TowiialilpiM Moittli, Hangc jlKaat. Wlllamotle Meridian, liaa lllod iiotli oof Intention lotnake I'lnalCoininiilallnn proof to eilabllah claim to the land above lc. mud, btlore the flegUtfr and lienulvor, at lint tie, Oregon, on thu loth day of February PI09 Llaiiniint iiMinea uk uitnciibca (liarbaK Hi ery, .Millard K Dickey, Itluhaid I r nui.I1 Alfred Pierce, all of Hurna, urcgoti. v rAKuir, licgltlt-r. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. DNlTROBTATaa I.AN1, oric, I uurna. Oregon, November W, 1WK I Notice In hereby glveti that The (Hate ol tiro gun lm filed In Hit nlncc Ha ai plleationa It-erlKl No OU77 to elect under the pro vlilonjot the Act of Congreaa, Approved Aug- nit '1. IM. ami acta amendatory thereto, the NHM MVU i!c. , 1. mi . It H7 K W. M Anvnnd all oeraona clHlmlnir iMi'i.i..ilt. thn latula deacrlbed, or dualrlng to object bei-auee oi me iiunorHj rnaracter oi ine laoti, or i r any oilier rcaaoti, to Ihu illapcal to pr,l!inu, should file their aUl.luilu ol proteal In thla office, on or Iwforo the exnlratlim of the period of fiubllcatlou Kahiik, tleglaler Fl'tt publlratloo IweciiilH-r ... HKM Ijo.1 piilillratlon Jauuary 'l, 1W. NOTICE FOR PUI3LICATI0N. UNITKJ) 8TATBI LAND OHKICU.f Ilurna, Oregon, November W, 1008.1 loticeianereO) given that John H Mer, w iiiiriia, cireaiou. wno, on Heplemlier 10, 1KB, made llomeatead Knlrr Xa J77H. hi.rli.t K 01BI9, for N W)( g UL, U UffU, nud fl ,Hooll01l , HivtiiaiiiiiMhouth.KanteaiKaai. tMllamette erldlan, baa filed notice o.' lulvniinii to make Filial Coinuiutntloii Proof. Iiinatjili fah nUtn, tn tho land above ileacrba4, befor tho Uegltter and rcielver.at Bunia, Oregon, on Hie Hlh day of Junuary, tWM. uiRiiimiit namea " witnearea: Tom Bi.raguo. I'latt 1 Itandall, Alf IV. I'lerre, llert 1, l.nlniikln all of llurna.Oregnti Vi. Fakhi, Iteglaler Oreeron NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. IlOMTRIl TRACT. UITKD OTATIH I.ANII nrncil, I Ilurna, .Oregon, 'iAeuilertt. I WW. I Noll al hereby given thnl, aa directed by IheCoicinlaaloiieriif the deuoral Ulid uce, under the jirovlalona of the Act of I iiugri'aa ap 1'IOVeit Jtllio 27. lUCu I..4 MtuUa. '.171 w.i urlll oiler at public ulu to tho hlghcat b.ilder, at 10 o clock a in., on tho "Hi da) of Jautinry, next. nr thla otTKe. the following trai I ol luud Hi:'. Sl.. N IK PVI. Meill, i, 7. InU.hL 1. Kuuih, ItaugeiUKaai, .M Nordi of Malluor iMke, serial no, Ollw. Atij ueraoua clnliulng advvraely lite ah UE.BOE5 PACIFIC Every facility for tho L.fety, comfort and ac modation of tho passen ger is provided. No chango of cars is neces sary to Denver, Omaha, Kansas Cicty, Chicago. Direct connections are made for all other points East and South. For tiikotv, li'iiliin cur iiifimnll utu., cull till, telPKmpli or wild) (-. I). Hall, Agent. HuntliiKtoii SEWING MACHINE. (Son KOLLDU DBAHINQ. ySMk man qkade. SAV KsZZjL UHHTiBa3l,J "i '3Baiifll Mlllr ""N. rwjKP m kTHw Ai,tnmttli: VvAUHUw laUltlw t.ii. vVLVKrlUH A M J J fy. Wj, &a The Times-Herald is ottering mottl attractive hhing Rates to Hh subscribers at present Bra :c. fa pftmms One year n:k '!.c PortlandWeekly Oregonian $2n50 Portland Semi-Weekly Journal S. F. Weekly Examiner Thrkfe-a-W eek N. Y. World $2.50 Semi-Weekly St. Louis Republic $2n35 Farm Progress FREE to every paid in advance Subscriber Get one or more of these good papers in connec tion with The Times-Herald for the long win ter evenings. Call and get Clubbing Prices JOB PRINTING The Timen-Hernlcl ts'l'rcpnrcd to do tlic Very IIcbI nnd Moat SatiilHCtor)' Work in litis line. We lime nil tin- LATEST TYPE FACES nnd a very Complete Line FIRST-CLASS STATIONERY Short AND by buying this Sellable, honest, high grade sew ing machine. STRONGEST GUARANTEE. National Sewing Machine Co., SAN FRANCISCO. C-A't. f .'ACTOHV At B!I.MI1.S . Uj Tho Cough Syrup that rids tho system of a cold by. acting as a cathartic on tho bowclo la Wm. McMurrny, (Jen. puss. Portland, Oregon Ail) I Iwrrtb VI, NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. llMITBUBTATUa IANIOmcK, I limim UrfK". Juniiarj n, iwu j Ni.M.c la liuroujr ulvau tliut Allio I. UanltoJI' i r, luiiui rh Alice r, UllklriHin, uf Hvliermltl, Nil(la. wb on iiBtahfir tl. IDfla. mule diHMtt. lunii iiiir no. wit, EMirini au, uujc iir an KM ' net tlon M. HKiiJIKK Bwllciu 10, NKkMS U,.ln.n It Will Utllj lf.ul nil tl .........1.1 ....'I i , (ii.. ."4 Enuvn , jiinuvnit 40 icmili. Kan ire u Knat, Wllliuimtlo Meridian, i av iiiuii nnticv oi lutaniion ut rauite rinm I'rubf tucatalillahfil olalin ta the lanrnl,ovu clc "-iIIm,I, U'loro Kokult II. Wllltlllaoii, 11.8. totnlilltaioiur, m lila nOlui at Mrf) jflliltt, Or ijoii nn rhu it ih ru) tf February, I'OU i aim It littllMHHH fJ(ue4fH in i iihukciIo, t'liarlna lluwlit, VS in . Mlin n Ullkiiiaiiii nil f Ml IHjUmIU, Wm. Iabhk. lluiclnlur. bed lAuda ura advluul tu fllo itialr . .. n.u orubloatlotiBouor before' tba ilmdeUuu'n i ur aaiv. WM.Ytmat, Uculkt. i I'HAWi. UiVl'.T, Iloiolvi'r NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Pile Capitol Barber Shop II. J. KKED.Jl'ropt. Headquarters for batliintr and First-Class Tousorial Worlc. BURNS, - OKKC.OIS. LAXATIVE buunn dihur ::::ttmt:t:t::tut:utummnuttt:mtRmmnt3tmRitt!Kt.. .imttnuttinim:::!. I am DiiMKiM (I lliull lIlKS miiCkU . IN AND LOOK i.i (unii.li my cusionifi'M with the muni mil tnviii; the piihlic-to call when dusiritiK ANYTHING liN MY LINE. Guarantee (he Goods' a d Prices i Solid Gold Vntchf8, Fancj Clocks, Jewelry of all kinds, I Silvufwnre, Ubonyware, Cut Glnns. Ilanilp.tinled China at j j Cost, Inke n peep nt my windows. j C3-em.oxllrl.g,- j tsjiitts::::tmiimumin:ttttmn:BJj:t::t.tuat::t::j:tnMt:tut::t:!t:!tst SMafc.. - f.U m taiKVK MV !B.SZ,BHB V Cfaiw tuiiNS. ...coon jet. jl.v , & : THE WINDSUlt X LE-KJaa Z3- .. . air (utlin a ,t.. A Kent, 3XW$ V565r 5Sei L. ' ,EWIS. wsbst 'I'llUlULSAlUAL UjmiJB4 Wm. MILLER, ATTOItNUY AT LAW. IJtiriiH, OriiRim. Office first door west of llnnk. G. A REfWBOLD Atlornoy-nt-Lnw, Burns, Oregon Ohas. U. TjOoihuiI, ATTOItNi:Y-AT-i,AV, (Jitrcful nttontloii giyon to Collec tions and Kcul Kstntu tnnttorp. I'lrti Inmriiiico. Notary Public " HUltNB, OltKOON. GKO. S. SIZKMOUE, ATTOUNKV,- ""Nn OllEOON .('ollcctloii", Latitl buotiicHB, nml Itfal EMitto mutter promrltviilti.tuJ(.iI to CHARLES W. EhhlS LAWYER Burns, - . Oregon l'rnctlct's In tho Slnto Courta and bo foio tho U.H.I.nnd Ollico. rflHr Minim it J. M. ha,ln lin-wii ) l...rnm l.ii linr 'itiilor In MtjafM .r Hivcri. 1 ahuuMor. i fi I'ctcr 'Kmcmt, Do"" flo! nln rimio ur. . nml tpllt In loft a iimlc-r l.lt In tlulit. M Fonwlelt, llwn a 11 bar mi Hit ah cafinnrlia. two i hranilai Irtr T nn nail crufi la lelt i linn MtTftin i i oi left at. i in arka crop k m. aqtiaic bli 'I ' .11. i'lp rl III bin ar nlau olr rliiBMi, tlllllli J. Ol. CHARY I'liysiclnn nnd Sureoii. BnniH, - . - - Oregon. Officii in inn liiillilliignoiilhof Welconio liunn'SH hIiuji, .Mii I ii St. ' I'lioiu- MiiIii 85. It. 1). IJURROW, M. I). riijsicimi and Surgeon Cli ionic I)ifleii3pH n Spfclnlty Calls atiHWeriHl at all Iioum. Ofllco cor. Main A II ft., Hiirns. On-uun 'H i HI ... ll" t til ' H, I lar i U I II lil. CIJ II I'll) slciim ami Surgeon. nUIINH,N OI1KOO.N. Office at reiiilence. gfr'l'hmt Vo.tO v. 11.8. Ilriiwiiiiin l K. Illbbard ITibbai-d S$ J-irownton, IDlSNTTSTS. Offiio llral iloot caat of IliuCltlieiia Hank llnrns. Orvon. W. v. BROWN, DE11TTIST. flL'llNS, OlIbUON. Ollirt) in now liuid olliiv cioildin, next tlmir piirlli .il ptist ollico. SOCIETIES. IIAUNKV 1.01IOK, NO. 77. I. O O r. .Mcctaotery aotond ami fourlli SaturJay In cacli moiilli at7:oiin, ArcliloMcciPimii, Urou Irrrlll, Kccrclary, N, tl. NlllKC I'lttfCI', (jf, I NITBO hTATK.. I ASO llrFICK, Hurna, Oiukhii, Hui einbu. ID, 11HN a iuroby, jjM'mi ibui MfnaK ijurun crviuii, triiti, on Hap it.tuil i III. IJU7 liiuifc- )fi.mcuiKltiili.No MOftttUi. No olUi fr bltu uViIimi .Ii, TuwittlrMi l-n.i h Itingu .11 l.uat, 1I1IiiiiiuIIii Morbl a i nn nun inline, utinwnuuu in i.ib ko I in i (mill, iiiluii I'roof, lo catubllnh i biliu in liu ii i. i ibuvo ilracrlbuil. Iwfurv it,.. UuKtu ..mi r. ,. nor, at Ilurna, lhdkuii, mi "lie'Jiin .in. nl (miliary, lm. ' i iiiliiiam nawi'ma wltnto; Juan Htcari, lliailitoua J 'oil, Hurt liuuLlu, I liurli lieu r nil of Ilurna, Ori;,iii Wm Kaiiiik, lli'iilmir MB.WMMj.jM4w "Jtaas' Do Not Trifle With a Cold Is irocd advice for men and women II may lie vital in tin; cane of a chili! I,ony exK rlcticc lias jirovc-n tliut tliete u nulh ini; l,i ttcr for coldii in children than CHamberlainrs ipoug'H Remedy , is a favorite with many mothers and ta ill appoint!) them It otitaina no omE'jWirothcr m rcotir no 1 may be jjivcu 'wthTilintcnniI ncc. suitsw itAOAZirm bujufulivi .itra''1 ilrtorl ani artic. f.ut (rb.iurnu aud all tU Far Wit. ,-50 a yrar C4MKUA CBAFT . dtvouJ etch auuudi la true r . lutie icptoiluolifH ai il.r ln-at s i,0 woilt oiaaatoji aud pffrlmcnal t yH, ijiniojrarilnri, H0AD 0 A Tf 0U8AKD WONl)l.XS a uunk of 75 ii'. Goattlaiai M cutarau piiotcaatilii M J0.7I ....,... ... t. r,,.ilf.I. "'' .i,w." .,' v and Ui-kiia la CUuetaia Tsui 3-25 $1.50 All for . . . . AdJiau all order to SUNSET MAOAINE rUod Puildinj 'in I tarn. OX M"A Km 'II I: WM wi thim 'i W.l I l"i HI WLI' tl uulf Beea It tlio 0rtrm.1l laxative cough lyrup, coola' i no opulea, gently moves tba houela, carrying tlio cold oil through the natural channel. Guaranteed to elvt uliitacUon or msuey rofumlcd. old liv the Wi'leoine'" Pharmacy, Burns, Vivd ll.iiiit's, Harney, Or. Ill EACH TOWN and illatrlct to rule ' blblta 'ur afcenti v. ro are 0 ahlp ht. ami blcycla anil ample Latot MnJcl "Ilnnciir" bicycle lurtilahol by u m.kmir moiicyl.nl H'rilt Ur fyll frlunUr, anj itt ,1 ci munisk lll.Ul.IIIll.il mini l.u receive and approve of iiurblc 111 anyiinejaiiywiicro 111 Hie u t nuMmtf a uhI .Irftuil in ailMinc,lF-Aw In, " .7. ."" "" fv'14 ., ' "' niiima which tuna you mnyrloatlie rut It to any teat you w b. If ou arc then not perfectly uiufii d or do keep ll,e lilcycti ililn it lucK to ua at dur tawnse anil yon will n..r rw out ct i.l . ituiuill uibbii ,t ulie ,m, prod, ajov,, ,rtlu (t,y co y, Mt l0 to fi nilildlcnwn a . jirofitj by buvina dlrnt of u and Imve Hie manufactunr acuar. ante., bclilnd your bicycle 1)1) Sol ItllV alwycleora 1 jlrol lira? from Jma - ;" .. iww "",-t"! i iliiim- UIIU laalli MVIT IIIIIICUU G JWMr)t tnct iintl rtmirkafa ttUii efftrs lo rlilor um-nlH. YOU WILL DE ASTOH SUED SSK ff, 7b rJ rel'Sl fv.jrfftrwrt.4i.mjHojfotiiiiiyi ir vc null inn inj, ii(.iit c i Mi- Icilgr Jintiey no nit. Liusm-u wnii j i oo pom afve in tnry. .KH, !avui 11 ml .pur tui'ib iiHuKIn nt the vMMtirftuj niuvtii:i! iiKAfi.ith. v... ;, ,r.i .-.v.ri.ir: v. ::.n.r. :..: ."" .,"",j..,"v: la'our Iric- Onlm fillet! tlio city ruuwd A'ONU IIANlk IIICIVCII.ICS. Wit in n it rnMl.rlvh.mil nmA Vm,l l.la.t. Iu.. y Imvu i. numtxr on liand taken tu Ii td t. our Uut iku tt i ui .i i J hrio vrt clear out ll'tt in itltl frai. iditlw, patti, ttrtuln, ami w? rrnuptly at prltru ranifmir .rom tdlJ tu WH r 810. J)iv ni.tut. w ui OUMJit UEUlKLi. equipment vt all UoOa at h(f th u ,,:.,,, SAm50 PfiftFTHnrJ PHi3ft?Eill.ir.,Pi1Aftl. $ SHiF-glEALINCilSRES Tin rrsuldr flail 6tu at time ttrtt tt Jt SO ttr tiair. but la tntroilucs iu tmil HlhouataipIepciirtor$fA0caihutt!iurdtr $$$) NO MODETIIOUBLE FROM PUNCTURES NAILS. TdoUa or lliio ivfU nut lot tin. Hlr out. fcUty thoiiaauil palm cold lat yi ;ir SAMPIE PAIR TO IHTRUUUOE, ONLY IP fen uEiii T,rr-Trw..wwiiTmit.-T(BHft.. l I ft"."""1 9fmtig0WI -amTaliav I K Not I 1B " i aJyi to nn FIRE IN SURANCBJ UUKN.SlA)DGIiK0..7lA K. A M MiclecMT) flrat ami thl nl Saturday In cueu mnnlli. i. i,tinvarti, W. M, A. c, clcomc, fcccrctary. INI.A NI f.ODfiK NO. TO K. of P. Mccia rvcry 'rimra.lny c-rcnltii; In II, o llrnivn '' , , II. M.llorlou, C, t, I. M I i. n K I, . IIUltSMI.UIluh. N.i l .1 . I.i. lcci orcry aocond aud foiiilb Krl la ., . A. I!. Vt cli will). M. W. U.N. Cochran, Hc-corilcT. IIAKNKV VAI.I.KVCAMl' No SSI, W, of W. KcelH cury flrat aud accotnt Tuiaday. ... . t'. W. Jlctllalu, Com. ). A. Oowan, Clerk, I1URN3 ClIAlTKlt NO. AD, O. K. S. .Mtciaou-ryaecmiil anil f.mrth Mondaja, iu Mawiiilella.il. Latbur H bwarli, V,. M. ell u clcomo, S6crelarv. SVtVIA 11KIIEKAII llEQIIi:K No.t. Mcjtai)ycryltand3it Widnildaj. , ,, . , .. tUliona Smith. N. U. Dill unlih. i:-p Sec'y TUMS CIltOI.E No. IC3, w of Meclsoierr fourth lucajay. , , . , Mninl llnrton, G. M. Ilcslcr fiooiliiiaii, IUt. , ,, t ...I e. i iHjnjnr.i. on. rnarka, tirofi on lofi 3 I" WJllinra, Haiih) i nn loft abunldDCj reii n ellhrr lilh. cannarkn hi i i ilerblt In loft. Martin Jlnw., Iliin.a. r, rnntal liar on elthur iil rlithtcnr, awnllmv ink n h Jawi alto anmo brandi i m O h Hlilnjledeeker Uu. aliimlilcr, cattle, a on rlni tnurka, irounil right rar crop oil left, Fred lk'nutudt, Jlurin i ahouider, cauls PI) on lor half crop In cuoli It JWIIllama, Illle), I aliimlilcr, cattle, Oil on . i off left ear, tinilor half 1,1, dcr chili; aim cattla km diTblt In left enr, under I i caltle JToii laft'tlba, ri. under half crop In rltrht , II II Klllolt, Narrows, i. , Icftatlllc, cattle 'I h conn, i mark, upper alope ou eu. i an. i ui-i, uuunr HylycalerHinlih, Nam. , . , i, lcK;cnlll V bar, cttriiii.it . imii abort otcr alope hi !. lulm dewlop I'OKlnltll, llun a ho ur . rigni iiiiiii UK ami 1. i u circle-n on elthor lilt., cur, apllt In under tiiiu A K Young. Ilurna, I. JK connected on rfiili left boulder, cattle, r earmark, rluhl ear dnci lug Ion arda head on Hi i alduofiicck, all anlntn . John Craddoek, Sllvl aliouldcr; rattle, fcCH i oilrlslit car, nnnllow i brlikct WK Hinltu, lliltlia mark, apllt Iu right ea a lludapetb, Ilurna, aide; mark, crop und Hi Hliiiim U'wla, Burnt, . matk, crop nnd uudei l under half crop offrlRi John ntliL-l). hii.tia alitle, rallle, dlamoun aplll in cat b car, wattl Varleil llri,a..1ui,kf II I.K on rlKlit hip, marl. t ilerbit In rlnhtear J A Vil lluma, an , i ..Ulo, l.nr li, on lull r i car, under alope In rli II Klllolt, Duma. l,oi , atllle; t attle. Lv ou lei , rlarlit enr, lert rpltt ii doVt u Bnaliitl aide of ' O H Joliuaoti, Van, cattle, 8J ou l4t hi. half crop In right ear C 1 Jouniun, Rllr , marla, awnllow for i , W II Jnlmroii, ca'i j , mark, crop orTrlKhi i ur ap half crop Iu left. V A t Hinpbell, Na norac on left ahouider' . . mt Nt left Mm iiidor; ma .er half Mra 1 N llllgbi .rm .Sprli lock on loft alife: i a, a'.ilc u John lllparnnn, .rna, hi.raoi ahouider, caltle, o on ngbi i.l left ear, two uoiierolia It, riIit Sam King, Hurna, i l U i-T oi, cropuud umi. rblt In eai I. car jinv A Kicll, Egll, homca, A. .hi i. fl J on light hip mark, iii.ir liulf. i i, J W Ulgga, Hurna, itcraia. on , II II Slinumna, Narrona, liorter blued uu left atifle, rattle i In Ic i mark, crop and under hall i r.,p 1 ilerbltlu right, dew nypun.lc Him Joel II Howard, Pun r i ria Ulflcuitlle, ume i trn oV, . - u lift or.Klilll in Hpiir it Vt li llaniit, Ilurna, li...h ti, ciilUc-, tame on in. biA,,,,,,), aplll In rlyhi mi, uaJln (, ta i ., . Wtt IV. b 111,,, IUSI,,, II J t; Creaamaii, Ilurna lift aide or hip, mark in audalll Iu lull C A 51i Jluhan JI ,, , ... v right ahouider. ik in liorm s ol on lo It Mill.' II Ilolchklas Hurna Mil, , e.Ua.u crop in Ic ft i-hnit ..i . lioot on rigtu nip tomb . i right. C. II. Toegil, 1 un.a 1 it , i left ahoulcer KCIIlllklej.-lhiiV i tight rlbp; mur. idi , i, l Matllv: nop, ii . ii ' mi Ired Oakeriiuui, Pi , . cither lefu.'ioul.Ifr or a iik i loop betowA , aauu lau i.r. i. bur Fou left ahoiil.lt r ot iii,a mu a bltaltl leltaud cm In rliibt u'bw Iu inch car II Kelley.ituri a I ou left atifle, aleu i. KM Miller, liuti.,, i atlllo, tarle aaine . i W M flUB-l, ti-ir ., mar nudiiLii t lurae biand 71. o. ft . I' i P.uutc JL Sou lllli, 8 i i i mm k, it,. p In le'fl uuilirliill ir. ; rtaitle uri le.t Jacv , horaca, ui uu li K 1'Syheeter, Ilurna, rattle C oi lloy JlcOee, Ilurna, . title AD i hip, mark prop off left uppi r bit hotaee, muic Ic It ahouluc ' J II Andctboii, Monnmeut. can and hip hnrte. X right tuilc. J P Fnrre, iluiu-. .itlicJP (in head ulih bar ii. uli t i hip hall crop in each ear li. Maaau. sllllc v 11 Mii) field, Burua tati e, h: aide, niHrk cropuud apii, In It ft e Iu right, hoibca EX lull ahouider J W .Shown Unrno) i atlk 1 f cron and Imo stllt Iu right cur atllle. 1) II Smyth, Smith, i tile irlan conLccteii, Ct! any plai c , ln.in- i Frank Mnliioy, Uurna, mule lltamond on either hip mil 'i u in left, crop and u do.h i i 11,11,1 on left hind in t row u . I u 1 1 . 1 1 o i rk CIO. Ill I bl i . ..I 11 I I r it i ,1'ltO IgT.' i li 'I l,i) till K III I Otllblil.i Tl rclo i roaa right tar u ubli ifor tn.r fl, liipl rblt I attli on rial on ilghi eld rftc . on lef in up, car 'tfid tiuder JiaJ I'D on Uu lef taruiark, un ll on tin led . artiiurka. croi .gilt, HUHlOll-. 1 1 op and tin . In rli'ht alao Millt In li ft ear 1 li r onil i ' doi'i ii li Ii hip ra ni I. i .111 hi il roiiit I a 'BUI in p oi in I. ii alN ir on , lip ' tva i H I- on ), III. e, mm It ' ro,i 't, i ttlnp on i. rltlil side n. IM ng hill 1 g matk 1 1 tar it d i i a n . nn il ell ' 4 i lujipc" f'' 1 1 1 1)0 I f 11 ( i 1 I a f 1 1 t orl. 'l.l "V hp. ti p t ail HS tl r au ... Repr- -ents the... i. I :i 'm I'Huuicj C., of Nev Yo'k, Llvo p, uori ion & Qlobt, v -PlrBAwurflHiwO Philadelphia. , V O -'ICi Wlffl MQaa llltlQv Uu in, Oregon. oir "tuili Unubu c & l).ill.n'.s. Over two hunmed MiouHmid pn,ninov In use Mml iiinlUIzcftaUUHvcii durable tuiilllncdliuUlt wit MJtUUilll'rum MR .linnnizc, IiUUvrly nint t-niv rMim.vrnditral)learul llticdlnsUlt. with n upcclnl fiualTty of rubber, vhl li never lccomn noruuaand whiuli clones unfeinali niiiKlures uilliutit allow inirtiieatrtoeicapp Weliavehundn etsqf Uttemfromunti- flcUcustoiucriitalluKtlinttheirtltcibavconlybcciipumiHrd Ufionce or twice In a whole eason. Thry wtit-h no more than an ordinary tire, llit'l'UiicluicrfilBtitiutiiialitlcatKrinBgiveu tirnd Thereinilarnrlcec advertUliiKtmrposeMweareiuakin liic nuer oi uniy . do jwr pair. iy several layers of tliliifpcclnUy prtparttl tabiicuii the vi,m.v.li...,Jni".i.ii,o.i f" ...IlIV ft II.IM . iKaspcclalinctoivprHciu -- liorucrHfltlpiKiTanmediy letter Uitccivtd. WVubipC O 1) until you lme examined nnd found thpin strictly s rcprntenl tin tlilck rubbpr trend id pimcturw strlpH "Jl I. ' ! rim atrip II" wtiil rJrti oultlniXa Thltj th 11 will (Hitukit uny I 1 1 liiittiA n I, la.-VSi'lO ui.d Ji 1.1 UiR Blue Jlounftsia Rapid TransitiLine Operating; frunt Autm s.a PfWle City, Jolm Day, Canyon City In Bums, Oregon yt ditNs f i urn l'j.ikt?r City to iurii8, Ort'jjoii. (JiioiJ, ''coinfiitialilf con vfyuticea Careful' (Invert, - First Uhm, St.Kuiiiis iilonj) thf route--Knilroad to Uiiiiks only 105 miltc. Knr rii'es 6k . L. WOLDENBERG, Manager. Sa,3s:x City, Oregon icacllical.fH goiter pair. hut for in A! tl liiioiint of 1 p r cent (thereby inaklnK Ilia pi lee l.Ofl pir pji) If jou Oil It. I opproval. You do not pay a cent tin We will allow a oaah cllanoiint of s P r cent (thereby tnaklnif I wml I'Ul.f. UAfJII Willi DltDKK 1111J enclose thla n.lvtrllu mem. We wlllah.. Icml oue nickel plated tiraiahauc pump, Tlrtalo he returnca at tiUK extei'ac If for any teuioiatlu arc not aatUfuclory on cxaminutloit We are iirrfcctly reliable Qntl money at nt to ua la a attfti ti In u bank. If you order a pair of these Urea, you will fiml that they will rule en .lei, iun faater, wear better, Uit longer and look finer than any tire you have cvt r uscil or aecn ut any price We know that you will be bo well plcaaeil that when you want a bicycle- ou will gUe u your ordtr. We want you to lend u a trial order at once, hence thla remarkable the olfcr, vngt urrfll rinrr don't buy auyklndatanyi.il. cunill youaeiul for a pair of It VSJtt ftttll IIHIi HedBethoni Viincturc-I'roof tun ou uhprurnl nnd trial at the ipcclal Inlroductory price quoted al.ovc, or write for our lil: 1 ire ami hiiutlry Catalogu whiell tlcacribca aud riuotcs all luakei and Linda oi tlrea at about half the ttaunl in iiei, nn KimrtPfAIT but write ua a poatat today DO Nlll'TUlNK Ol IIUVINO ablcyclti awc nUt WMIm or a pair of tlrea from anyone until you Luow the nrw and ouderiut odcra we are making II only coin a postal to Icarucvcrylliiii'- WriUitNOW. THE BURKS HOTEil STEPHENS & DIBBLE, Propt. ii aM)nit o I'ttt.s, t o i Iwau (Wais, ('onifortablc Rooms, OurleousiTreatn ent. Special Accommodations for the Traveling Men. PIK8T WANS IN EVERY PAHTIODLAtt I L MEAD CYCLE COMPANY, CI2SC, ILL Vou PotPonage Solicited, JP "Ba U&- - JOHN (IMMIMIULINCJ, Jowolor. Optioinn and Wnirrjivor. Finu Watcli Repairing A Specialty. Barns Diamond Stage Liine J IC. HAKl'Klt, l'ropt. I.vitvos Iliirin uuir Momliiy, WciIikv iIhv ii,il Fii.l.n fur Diiiintitii). ('nun i uith tlio AiiilutWH-DeiilnVtiigu, tiiuUin (ho iudpI iliioct nml tiuicko't miiiIii In nil point roiitli nml tho ntiw iMililJlli'Ma t.f M K nml otli. rnuriliurii .Newt . .nli,is Can (nl attiuilioii (ivtn li'J.ii-tt.ij.e'H nml (rululit 1'-1 arlli'iii,u iiifniiiiiilliiii niil) In O. W Uuisict.AThii, AKUi.t llurimOriigon. A rcpresentntlvo In tills county by a largo renl estate coiporntlon. -Special liicltirenicnU to those who wish to becoitio fliuuiclnlly Interested. The Heal listafe Security Co. I'ort Dearborn llulltllnn CIIICAOO, ILL. $1000 Reward? Tlu llrirno) l ounl lle blut k ti i nlil.a Me lluudrvd I'olluraK i it hi il itintlcllou of auv uoraon or int. -kill. Heal or drive oft u hone i . , . aitle lioloiiKini; iw any member o u. , .t Unit The ('tiunly Conrt n'a.i etf i iM tll'IlR rewatit of rtVu lltui.lre I li r. tt. It I s- rr a Ar.tmit Mt 'ititt an, o . I tirita, i. t $Si AJtMlo 7 iC ,lil. i Hi., lo lit t I i I t i 0J i h. M.H i tea i . I itia i.hoa in i . I i iltli . i hit . it ifu I't.niiliis Itancu luriit) i rk, aail ciook i uutiea 1't.itt ad vnel a I Xlit nolo ii ut tlltf". KU ii in ct, will ho roportt tl n llu pttp If not ati rmtttnt.i pi. at tti .. 'IhoTlinas Iteiahl, Minn i. Hum, v u llUOtVN I 'm n 60 YEARS' LXFF.RIENOE vMiiak, i iJiiT'113 Thade MAiina Ccpvt.taHTa&c. QUu-Mr ajtoriaiii (m ( i mi. ii lfoO !; m inrontlon proini iv i lentubm. vjppmKW (lu.imtrlrllyt'iinlM tttul lliiuJb005(uVbla (mt frP. OltUwi ic i ,v tor KCturuuuirLtjjlv. 1'ntoiiU Kk.n l fit nn h ifunn .Vlitltil'nv in h ilunn . fttecidt no(Li wltjictuti utraJkiuth scief ttiiie fitter eeaa A hantlsomcl? IHlliri.tjf it w lit f . ticiirf rli, (tiUlUm of Ahr "Wci-'tlng IPmniii 'urtf-X l? I fir i Miir tnori'ffe, X, Stiiu 1 j ull t Jaiir. ,lrnrli Ill's), ta) r St.. Wuotrtni.to!, IU Slock Iospeclor, Hitrmy -Conclj. Iloino Aildi e-- h I uiiu, Ore . MBPPmviH