a ivjju 'he Times-J-Ierald. T1IK IiAIlOKST OIIIOUI.ATION OF ANV NKiTSPAI-KU IN THIS COUNTY. 8VTUIUIVV, JANUARY 0, 10OU. Loenl News. Blue prints of any township in the Hums land district, showing entries, dates of the same, topo graphy, reserves nnd vacant land. Price $1.00 each. Your order Hied and 'forwarded on the fol lowing mali-J. C. Turncy.Burns, Oregon. Dr. H. Donmnn has gone to Portland on business. Matt Riggs has gone to Port land to have his eyes treated. Sec BpM.is Bros', assonment . f Carriage heaters. Best on Uie market. Bedrock prices. Mrs. Robt. Irving came down f i oin Harney Tuesday to attend iho funeral of Mother Byrd. i Tho Harney County National Hank has an announcement in this issue that should bo read. Loyd Johnson has been in tho city since last Tuesday looking after some business affairs. Remember the Inland Empire., 'ii-alty Co. furnish competent lji free. If you need help call n 1 see us. U'coiver Davey of the local , .id office has been confined to w home for a few days from lckness but is reported improv- Miss Ada Thomas, of Salem, j xpected here this evening, j ' i young lady is a cousin of t !. J. L. Gault and comes to, t her for an indefinite time. GRAYED From Windy Point; Drs. Marsden and Griffith yos ut Dec. 12, 1903, a brown gel- terday performed an operation er, age 10 years, "weight 1000 j upon the little son of J. A. Rip 's, branded X with a bar above ley for diseaaed-glands. d below on left sholder. Notify "g40 acre ranch for 8Bje 8Ujtable dolivcr to W. E. Sullivan, for ry u. stock ranch. Abund turns, Oregon and receive re- ance 0f water for irrigation and rd. , The first Jjksket ball game of " season as pulled off at the 1 B. A. C. lll last night between .. club teiui and tho "Outlaws" " hich resulted in a score of 27 to 1 1 in fav6r oftfie latter. A social f' co followed the game. The rndxnce was reported good. Hon. I. S. Geer expects to tako hi-, dJporturc for western Ore-l on jpr Is as soon as his partner, Cammins, who is ill, is ame " jk after business. Mr. Geer J visit his wife and old home - Silverton and will also spend Ifewdaysat Salem during the jislature. f--. ' rne iimes-rieraiu is iniormou mt Adelor Racine has sold the Ikhorn hotel in Canyon back to 3 former proprietor and will J1"" ",lD uullv-" " ,no to Burns at once and take ' JjUo no was but two days old. fanning with his father just The bereaved ones thosym .rth of town. Fred Racine will P1 of R Wlde c,rcl of fncmls move to the mountain ranch Three fine registered stallions m the saw mill where he says wili raise mules. Fred will ike a success. A rather unusual sight was itnessed here the first of the ek when a large flock of geese ' ere seen living over Burns, Ihese migratory birds are com- There was a sudden change in 1 on here during the spring, and the weather last night, or rather ummer, as well as their fall sometime this morning. It was ights, but to visit us in mid- raining last evening and later be Mnter is quite unusual. We will gan to snow, but only a few inch have to consult Capt. Louey, tho es fell and this morning the ther Piute oracle to learn the signifi- momctor was below freezing, cance of this untimely flight. . making it decidedly wintcry. Bur January This Annual event begins Mon day Jan. 4th, and before the month is past we intend to closebut evry odd and even and broken line pos sible and reduce our Ladies' Dress jPJoods stock to its lowest possible 'c bb. Cutting prices will do this. Every Day here now means a Bar, You will do well to anticipate your future needs and come early. Big Bargains in left over Christmas goods. CHWAR Busy Corner Store" Which? Words or Deeds? Somo banks solicit business merely with tho vlaw'oi so curing a doposit, without regatd to tho welfare of tho" prospective customer. Rosy, but deceptive promises are made, tho actual fulfillment of which.'at nil times, would bo an utter impossibilty for nny. legitimate bank to attempt Wo solicit your hanking business, but wosolicil it pure ly on a banking basis. Our promises are confined to tho assuranco that you will rcceivo fair, considerate- treat ment and bo rendered every servico consistent with Bafo banking Our' record for protecting tho interests "of our patrons'is most conclusive evidence that their inter ests aro given every consideration, and that their pat ronage has not been'sought fronrmcrcly'selfish motives. Deeds-alone, not w6rds, protect" your.business interests at thoBcCtimcs when'finnncinrassistanco in tho way of i needed loan is essentinKto tho protection of your busi ness affairs, j, DEPOSITORS' ATTENTION is especially called to tho fact that our Surplus equals our Capital, OR' FIVE' TIMES THE MAXIMUM amount;requiredtby. THET'UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT, - which' fact in connection' with our conservatism, constitutes the best guarantee .of. safety to depositors. - The First National Bank of Burns o UNITED STATES DEPOSITARY OREGON STATE DEPOSITARY o Capita! -Surplus - L SKMSfVM - --' - " -" Albert Oftkernmn was in tho V city yesterday. power- inquire at this office. V. J. Hopkins and Tom Sngers have gone to Warm Springs to shoot for a few days. The birds are reported quite numerous there. Noneed to be without a sew ing machine when you have a chance to get one at practically vonr own terms bv seeing G. W. ciovenirer. Standar to ci,0030 from. (I machines L. H. Kenney, one of our now settlers over on Silver Creek was in this city yesterday disposing of a load of potatoes at A cents Per pound. Mr. Kenney bought the potatoes over at Prineville. The infant son of Mi. and Mrs. Bert Porter died Thursday night .,.,! innn li'ii.tnrl met rt ft fUT Plll imported from Franco, arc ex- pected in Burns in February or earlier. Get up a company and improve your siock we neeu those excellent horses here. Call am R 0VerIniand Em pire Realty Co. :T Sale iLtJQ S25.000.00 S259ODO.OO . Painting and paper hanging - ! A. Horton. Got nursery stock of tho In land Empire Realty Co. J. E. Chandler was up from j, j. Hoi,,,. mrw up Wcdnos his homo .the first of this week ' duy with the remains of his late disposing of somo beef. . wife. Sho had been buried near Mrs. J. O. Bunyard is over Saddle Bulto - but Mr. Heinz from her homo on Cow crook the brought her up and placed her m a-,1pBtoriiP.-fliRts. Mrs. N. Com- the Burns conetery whore she egys. We enn trado anything you have for anythihg you want In land Empire Realty Co., Burns, Oregon. Emorv Hill has been over from his home near Alborson this week visiting his parents nnd at-1 tending to business. j R.J.Williams was over from Silver creek yesterday in com pany with Rollie Thorn. The latter was making proof on somo land. Tho add of the First National Bank of Burns this week reveals the secret of why it is held in high esteem by the stockmen and others having financial deal-1 very best in that lino as they al ings with it. It is worthy of I ways have had. When in need your careful reading. of commercial printing of any Wanted -About 5000 head of good, young breeding ewes. Ad dress, giving ages, price, etc., The American Land & Livestock Company. Denio Oregon, also same care of the First National Bank, Burns, Oregon. James E. Rounseviixe, Manager. Chas. Turner who had the mis-i fortune to lose his right hand re-1 ccntly by the accidental discharge1 of a shot gun, is doing quite well He has been on tho streets ex- changing greetings with his many friends and says this great religious weekly should announce to his neighbors at Andrews that ho would be coming homo in a short time with flying colors. Ho is quite cheerful. mi. numM.n..,i,i ;a in ,.n,.int of a letter from a prominent citi - zen of Drewsey which denies the " report published last week that there were two cases of small pox in that place. County Health Officer Marsden has heard no- thing further from Dr. Smith re- gardlng tlv supposed cases. This citizen says the people of Drew- land in this section, being locnt soy knew nothing of any cases of ed by W T. Lester of the Inland small pox until thoy road it in Empire Ilctdty Co, Both are ac Tho Times-Herald. Wo publish- complished teachers and will cd the statement as received mako Ilarnoy Valley their home. from tho local doctor over there and are pleased to .givo space to the denial. We are Headquarters for Horse Blankets, Saddle Blankets STORM PROOF ROBES and Balsam of Myrrh We Carry a Complete Une c( HARNESS and SADDLES J, C; WELCOME & SON County court is In session. James Bunyard and wife woro down from Harney yesterday. Lap robes and Blankets at Bedrock prices at Hopkins Bros'. Simon Lewis and wife aro down at tho lakes visiting old time friends. Just recoived a consignment of ladies and misses cloakB Luna burg & Dnlton. T. Scott Nisbll of Blake McFall Co., tho paper man, is in tho city looking after his customers. Wo have u largo assortment of Carriago Heaters. Sure to please you in quality and price. Hop kins Bros'. Mrs. Cortes Elliott was quite ill at tho Overland Thursday, but her physician reports her improv ed and not serious. Joe Holebos was brought over from Drewsey this week and placed in the hospital as a county charge. Ho is in a serious con dition. Drs. Marsden and Griffith oper ated on tho littlo daughter of IMr. and Mrs. Mcllio Parker re moving the tonsils nnd adelouls. The littlo patient is doing well. In purchasing real estate, be ware of tho title. Demand of the grantor nn abstract of titlo to tho land conveyed. Harney County Land nnd Titlo Company. Scott Haley was in town Wed nesday looking after somo land b'usincss. Ho purchased an iso lated tract near his homo at the lakes that was sold at the land office Thursday. WAVTTL.r, All l.-iwla nf ltwlna . IV.W11J-.1' Jil IY..IIIO V. .II..I..J and furs. Top cash price paid, First class taxidermist. Work done to order. Tanning and fur dressing a speciality. For full particulars address FitUD L. GitKGG, Drewsey, Oregon. had a daughter buried. Estkay Came to my place a year iiro a black marc woight about 1160, unbroke. branded L C connected on loft shoulder, the L being reversed. Owner call prove property and pay charges, W. W. Cox, Burns, Ore. Miss Lea Robinson took her 'departure yesterday morning for j A. E. Brown's where she hns a four months' term of school. The young lady told her friends sho would not return homo until tho term was completed. Tho Times-Herald ofiico has just received tho finest assort ment of stationery it has over had. Its patrons will have the nature drop in and sco us. Sheriff Richardson returned from Canyon City Thursday , where he went to meot Mrs. Richardson's mother, Mrs. John Nelson and her daughter Miss Veda Nelson. Tho ladies livo at Fish Haven, Idaho and are hero for an indefinite visit. EsTitAY-Taken up December 1007 at my place at Egli. one brown gelding, weigh about 1150 lbs, ago 7 years, brands quarter circle U on left shoulder and F on left jaw. Owner call, prove property, pay charges, ! P- ociikan, Grant Thompson and wife came up from their homo last Saturday to consult a physician regarding Mr . Thompson's eyes which wore troubling her quite piously. Upon tho advice of Dr Marsden they loft for Port- ln.l ,4LlaB 111 ln ifinl ill llvt 1I11 "" " ""'. ' u,u, ylMX- "" 'eror will he treated by a spc- cialist j. A. Cavanaugh and Miss almn Yetler, formerly of Hatton Wash., has recontly taken up Thoy havo many friends where thoy formerly lived who will also locate In this section. L. Racine is homo from a visit to his son Adelnr at Canyon. J. II. Culp, painting and paper hanging, Burns, Oregon. Edison Phonographs and ro- cords for salo at Lunaburg & Dal ton's. Mrs, C. W. Ilolloman has been (piite sick this week but is report cd better. Chauncy Cummins has been confined to his homo this week BiilFering from an attack of grip. A fine .isortmcnl of street hats may be aeon at Mrs. S. E. brinkwater's Millinery parlors. Foil Salk Cheap if sold at once,. one drop head sowing ma chine. Inquire at French Hotel. J. J. Donegnn has been sworn in as assessor of Harney county and nssumed the duties of that office. Having disposed of my livery and feed stable to Henderson Elliott, all accounts due mo should be settled at once. Simon Lewis. Mrs E. W. VanValkenborg, who has been visiting her daugh ters in this city since before the holidays, is slightly indisposed at their apartments in this city. Ralph Byram and wife came over from their Bear valley home last Sunday and were guests at tho Marsden home for a few days. They have returned home. Get Voegtly's prices on Imple ments, etc. before purchasing. I can do better than any house in town. I do not have u Whole sale House Representative with mo nil summer, somo one has to pay him. Foil Sam: Four 4-year-old thoroughbred Hcrford bulls from tho famous Henry Gray herd of Crook County. I have purchased Herfords from another herd to take tho place of these is my icason for selling. W. E. Smith, Burns, Oregon. A pill in time that will save nine is Rings Littlo Liver Pill. For biliousness, sick headache, constipation. They do not gripe. Price 25, Sold by TI10 Wolrome Pharmacy, Burns, Ore , ''rod Haines, Harney, Ore. J. T. Barnes expects to leave tomorrow or next day for Arkan sas, his former home, where he will visit his sister and view the rccnua of his childhood. Liter he will return to Portland where his wife is spending the winter. He will visit there for nn indefi nite time before returning home. There were six teams up from Sunset the first of this week af ter lumber for tho new school building. One of the citizens of that district wished The Timcs- Hcrnld to assure the good people of Burns who contributed so gen erously towrrd raising the funds tGyCrect this school building, that it would bo built at once. There has been quite an amount of precipitation the pasl week but tho weather has not Builed all. It has rained consid erable and what snow that had fallen in the valley has been melted by rains and chinook winds, making it very disagree able to those who aro feeding. Reports of tho amount of "snow in the mountains are conflicting, but it is quite wet. Tom Watson, of Burns, stoped over in Prairie Saturday night. Ho was taking Uncle John Wat son to tho hospital in Roseburg. Uncle John is eighty-seven years old and can laugh ns hearty as a man of thirty years his junior. Several months ago while tear ing down nn old barn ho got very badly injured in the left leg. He says lie uiu not ouject 10 uie toaring down of tho barn, but he was sorry that it thought ho had a wooden leg. Prairie City Miner Died Harry Jerro, a young man twenty-four years of age, died at the hospital in Burns, at ono o'clock on tho morning of Jan. 5th. of tuberculosis; and was buried in tho Burns ceme tery Jan. GUi. Services were conducted by Rev. A. J. Irwin at tho cemetery. Mr. Jerro rarnn in TfnrtlCV COUlltV in Aug. of 11)08 and made- his homo until recontly with Mr. Loyd Culp cast of Burns. Tho young man leaves relatives, living in Port land to mourn his untimely death. IF YOU CARE FOIt STYLE. If you care for stylo and lot of people do, it can be had in any Vohiclo on our lloor. We arc prepared for tho fall trade. Our stock is at its best Wo show a remarkable- assortment of Vehic les, including Carriages, Road wagons and Buggies, for this season of tho year. Our house is a regular Savings Bank for thoso who wish to buy. Call in and mako ua prove it. Ilarnoy Co. Imp. and IWw. Co. C. 0. Couch is over from hla homo at Wngontire. A. M. Byrd and wife left for the P-Ranch yesterday. Foil Sai.k-320 acres of hay land. Inquire at this office. Both Commissioners Smyth and Stallard and in attendance upon court. Dr. GriiTUh returned from Salem last Sunday evening and at or.co look up 1ub duties in Dr. Mai-Kden's 1 flkc Blue prints of any township in Hums Land District, showing name of cnlryman, date and kind of entry, topography, etc., $1.00 each. Piatt T. Randall, Burns, Ore. C. V. Smith, tho syrup and preserve drummer, is in the city crlling upon the merchants" Mr Smith is a vc 1 y pleasant gentle man and does a good business in this territory. Sid Comcgys and wife have been guests of the former's mother during this week. Mrs. Comcgys hns been looking after matters pertaining to the estate of her late mother. G. W. Clevenger has a large number of sewing machines and wants to place one in every homo in this section needing a machine Sold on installment plan or terms to suit purchaser. Personal experience with a tube of ManZan Pile Remedy will convince you it is immediate relief for all forms of Piles. Guaranteed 50c. Sold by The Welcome Pharmacy, Burns, Ore., Fred Haines, Harney, Ore. NO TRESPASSING. Hunting and fishing arc strict ly forbidden upon any of the Pacific Live Stock Co. ranches. Trespassers will be prosecuted. John Gilciiest. Supt Application) I'or Urulng I'ennlu. NOTICE is hereby given that all application.', for permits to graze cattle, horses and sheep within thcDECHUTES NATION AL FOREST during the season of 1900, must bo filed in my ofiico at Prineville, Ore., on or before February 18. 1009. Full infor mation in regard to the grazing fees to bo charged and blank forms to be used in making ap plication will be furnished upon request. A. S. Iueland, Super visor. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION UMTKIl'TATfil-AnilOrriCC, I lliirim, Ori'it'iu. B l' W. MWl Nutlculi liarolimhcn Ihatlliu Statu ol Oro iloii Ima Dint In tills nfflci. !t ni.lcalloii (Ser ial No 11V.) tu bpIai '. until r ll rrilalomol dip A t ul CoiiKrcaa, uiir.iifil AuiiUitSl.lMt, noil nit aintmlAlorjr llic , tliu, NWUH1 l. T l - , It J-i E. W M, Mn Mxl all pemou lalmlnK ft'lvuraelj tho lawlk ilecrltie).nr (hilrltiR'u "t.Jocl hecau'v 11I tliv mineral chnrurlcr Hi tliu lain), r lor any otlirr reaion, lo th Olioial to appllran , hoiiM rile tlirlr iillliliv ta of jirotoat lu thla of fice on or before tliu I'aiilrMluu ol tho t.-rlu'l ol piiblnailoii. Wm I'Aimr, Itcitla'or Halo n Flint I'lilillcatlon January Uud, 1909. Ilato of I at I'ubllcatlon February I'tli, 1909. NoriCH KOH I'UHMOATION I'MTKIlhTATIBlANIlOrrlCt. I luiriia. Oregon, December II. lu08 I .Sutki. la hereby slven that the Statu ol Oregon liaa filed In thla office III application Serial Mo OlO'Jlltnaelcct.uniler the prorlalon ol the Actotcongrera, appioir.1 AUfuatSI. IMS, and acta amendatory thereto, the B 4 NMi, N i it.'i ol bee V7, T. 8 , K. 0 "aiii ami nil poriona clulmlujr mlieracly tka laiiilaileaerlbwl, rr tit airing to object becalm ol the mineral character ol tho land, or for any nlliMr reninn. tn thu iltano.al to AIlPltcQUt. ahouhlflle tticlr itltblauu ol i.roteat In llila oltlie. on or lieloro inn expiration ot me ptriuu of publication Wu.FAiint, Urglilar, Klrat i.ublltatlon liotrinKrl. 1WW. I aat publication Janiinr) H, lltw V. Gowan Attorney Archie McGowan The Land Man MAKNEV COUNTY LANIt AND TITLIj CO. All kinds of land business, nb slracting and conveyancing. IIIJKNS, - - OlMUiON BICYCLES KEPMRHJ Wo are agents forpuncturo-proof tires and all STAND RD .BICYC'.E-. If you want a wlieel, a set of tires, or liavo your bicycle repaired, come - and see us. Carter & Sweek The Eastern Oregon Engine "ring Co. CIVIL, MUNICIPAL AND IKIIIfiATION ENGINHliKS Main Ofllce, Burns, Oregon A U rAULKNICH, i(r. Branch Office, Lakcview, Oregon U. M. h'AULICNKU MUr. Hereford Cattle My well known herd of Print winning Ilcrofords is now located on tho farm of Wm. P. Caviness, in Malheur county. Will be pleased to havo you call and in spect hord. If in need of bulls or heifers wo can satisfy you In quality nnd price Write your, wants te: WM. P. CAVINHSS, B. J. CONRAD, Irootldi, Ore. La lrai, trv, Number 1. A Contrast In Banking. Several thousand years ago, agriculture was tho chief occupa tion of tho people. Commercial pursuits were limited. Safety for funds was nbout all'the people required. There were no banks with steel tafes and thick-walled Safety for money was had by turning jt over to tho priests who kept tho gold and silver in tho temple's. The Greeks and Ro mans considered that religious sentiments kept their money secure under the protection of the priests. Usually tho money was safe and invaders sacked tho temples Note'the advance in banking today. The people who deposit their money get many material benefits aside from tho mere safety they can issue checks, draw interest on their money, buy drafts, borrow, come to thcin banker for ndvise on their financial matters. This bank has modern methods in bookkeeping, means to pro tect funds from fire and burglary are used, mechanical devices operate to give customers promptness and accuracy. Our service is the acme of hundreds ol years ol banking ex perience: the best methods have been selected. The requirements of "bur customers are studied, their needs arc met by satisfactory service. The Harney County National Bank OF BURNS, OREGON. YOUR HOME INSTITUTION STATE DEPOSITARY aMSSSKSSS-S i s. NEW MERCHANDISE Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes Fresh Groceries, etc. For Fall and Winter Trade LUNABURG & DALTQN Fi&ir&-r r-rt fry-- - ALTEU H. HODBEE Prepared to ro to a depth of 500 feet with various sizedrills.Honest measurement and satisfaction guaranteed.x-at,a85SS&3' For prices and terms call on me at Sunset or addressee at IQtlotxisi, Oregon i Dealer in Groceries, Provisions. Tropical and Domestic Fruits when in Season,, E.a,LSO HAS A L.NE OF & O Hats, Shirts, Clothing Underwear Get Prices CHILDREN'S CLOTHING. fill kinds of Fresh Vegetables in Season, Uurkliei mer Diiilding 3FB.E3IO lEO-aiPQ'T LIVERY, FEED AN STABLE. McGEE & OWEN, Propts. mm Fresh Teams,! 'Comfortable Rigs, Careful Drivers. Particular attention-given to Transcient Trade Call onus. Next door to French Hotel Main St. Horses boarded by I he day, week or month j?"l L't. ( SOU 'O Main St.. BiytajaaJMBBBMnM.MJlM - i iWtWflMaW Kill ( ' mmmmmmT&kWlikmkX CL- U Jftc t tMmMTMmmtniMmmwlYi!Mmw'mmmmmmmV,fiJ' 3mWmWmmmWmMS ...' WA 72m Jmmuuuuuuuuuuuuuf39KStlmlTA 1 fagm Hns all the qualities of high priced machines Rapid, Universal key board, Simple, Cheap Chicago Writing Machine Co. vaults. in tho temples, but frequent wars of all riches. '.wv M4Mi-MSSSJ -,-s-s-wv AAN ' Main Street. Wlll.0 i . T N Blacksmitiiing and Horseslioing. Wagon Work Burn:;, Oregon The Bt MODERATE priced TYPEWRITER On thc'Market Co.ivjiLnt Durable tM-153 Wnliash Ave,, Clilcnj DSALE jsr, oEGrCKrer. naialaHrtH 111 I ' j 1 ' 1