r The Trues-Jlesald. in VKOEBT OtUOULATION Of at Nirtv8! apku'in TltBcWraTYr"4 I $0 STOCKMEN: J H1VU i'AH a. UKW. Locnl News. 'tine prints of any township in , Hums land district, showing i . lies, dates of the same, topo-1 .i-itphy. reserves and vacant land. Trice $1.(10 each, lour order tilled and forwarded on the fol lowing iwail J. C. Turney, Hunts, Vrgon. E. B. Hill hns returned to his atne in tlio south end. The schools will again tako up ork next Monday after the hristnns holidays. See Hopkins Bros', assortment f Carriage hontors. Best on ie market. Bedrock prices. The Harney County National ank has an announcement in i his issue that should bo read. . V, -Jr-,Klink, Uia telephone iaan, is over from his Grant county homo" 'looking after the fine in this district. Mr. and Mrs. A Hembree have been up from their homo at Nar rows the past week the gtiesta of 1 1 ilatives andriend. Ira Mahon and Miss Vera lien-. kl Wt for their respective Mother Byrd is not so well at ig this morning after spend- j this writing. !? the holidays in this cfty. -, Born To Mr. and Mrs. Guy Hie' baptist Ladies' Aid will Shaver. Jan 1, 1909, a son. Iwlcj a cooked food window sale Roe Buchanan and wife are in i next Saturday, Jan. '9, at the city the guests of relatives. i.mn.ett Reed's grocery store. Bunyftrd wife spent Washington, Idaho and Mon-several days in this city "this 1 .ii ranches and city property week. -trade for Harney county lands, town property. See Inland Drafts drawn by this bank will be accepted In the designated Government de positary at Portland in settlement of grazing fees of stockmen or others hav ing financial dealings with tin: Forestry Service. The First National Bank rns UNITED STATES DEPOSITARY OREGON STATE DEPOSITARY Capital Surplus $25,000.00 825,000.00 IL j ftlWIIWii. Empire Realty Co. Of, Marsden has received word rom-ur. unmiQ tnai ms moui- J. A. Vest, one of our prosper- 1 ous sheepraisers, was among our visitors the first of this week. G40 acre ranch for sale suitable . ..it t ' ?, flotmr ni ctaMr tmnrVl AVmnrt ra neaitn nas improvea some " - - "v ". .. - rd-that he will be here tomor unip his work. this city have re- ance of water for irrigation and power -inquire at this office. It 11. A. 1- !. I. !.. 1..u m this city nave re- u isn t wo remy u cki pww liters announcing the nmg ior me meeting or tue vjre .i daughter to Rev. and gon-Idaho Development Congress V J3. Minaker who now has which meets in this city July 17 i' of a church, in, Portland, and 18. v jj Did you make those Now Year resolutions? G. W. Cluvengpr wont over" to Drowaoy the firAtof this week. Lap robes and Blankets at Bedrock pricos at Hopkins Bros', Goo. Buolmimn wns down frttm his homo tlio first of the prewL week. ' J. II. Noal wns in tho city tftjs wook looking aftor businoslMff torosts. a Just received ft consignmentf ladius and niisaos clonks Lump burg & Dalton. Mrs. Roy McGco is in CnltfOl'1 ni:t with h6r mothor and will spend the winter there. Many people from tlio country attended the ball given by tjid Burns flic department Thursday night. We have a large assortment of Carriage Heaters. Sure to please you in quality and price. Holt kins Bros'. The Orogoninn says tho anti- statement No 1 forces still lioe to defeat Gov. Chamberlain for U. S. Senator. Tho Ladies' Afternoon Club will meet with Mrs. II. 12. Thomp son next Saturday January !) at the homo of Dr. Ellis. It is surprising the numbor of I people who tako their local paper and repeatedly sny tlioy never see anything in it. The trouble I is they don't read it. In purchasing real estate, be ware of the title. Demand of the grantor an abstract of title to the land conveyed. Harney County Land and Title Company. A. W. Gowan expects to take John Terwilliger has returned I " ,Z X ' JZ? .. i to Demo to finish his term ofj, ' ., - ,, , . . , Painting and paper hanging A. Horton. Chas. Reed was up from Sun set Thursday. J. J. Heinz was up from. La wen the first of the week. Get nursery stock of tho In land Empire Realty Co. school. His. wife remained in this city. A. M. Byrd and family left Thursday for the P-Rauch after spending Christmas with relatives in this city. Mrs. W. B. Johnson and daugh ter, together with her son A. J. Johnson, were in from Silver Creek several days this week. ! least a portion of the legislature as n member of the third house. Deputy Sherilf Ten-ill and family went to Lawen this week , ow improving rapidly after Dr. Hay for sale, delivered' .7. D. Stewart, Burns, Oregon. J. II. Culp, painting and paper hanging, Burns, Oregon. Chas. Newman Bpent a few days in this city during the tyaek. Fred Oakerman was over from his Silver creek homo yesterday , Edison Phonographs and ro cords for sale at Lunnburg & Dal ton's. If you want a Carriage lloater Hopkins Bros', is the place to got n good one. Quito a number of our youtijj people wont over to Harney last night for tho dance. A fino assortment of street hats may bo seen at Mrs. S. E. Drinkwator's Millinery parlors. Von Sam: Cheap if sold at once, one drop head sowing ma chine. Inquire at French Hotel. Having disposed of my livery and feed stable to Henderson Elliott, all accounts due me should be settled at once. Simon Lewis. Besides some new millinory novelties, wo have a few very nice Christmas goods. Call and see -Mcsdames Reed & Johnson. In this issue G. V. Clevenger hag enumerated some of tho ar ticles ho hns in his furniture store. Do you know that he carries a big stock in his line? Read his ad. Gel Voegtly's prices on Imple ments, etc. before purchasing. I can do better than any house in towii. I do not have a Whole sale House Representative with me all summer, some onu has to pay him. Colin, the little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Byrd, who had the m:Bf":,.c tc injure her knee just before tho holidays is to spend a few days with their daughter, Mrs. Clarence Gary. They are expected home tomorrow. Hill has ratufatd from a If the legislature would spend to nis mining property in aouuc jy uays 01 iiewnuK . daughter-in-law, "yaoa UB ImO tnienueil to- sion rvptauiiiK worn-out ibwh iii- innmlflr dowii thare for some- stead of manufacturing new ones ne. but chanced his mind and , "Aniens" would come from a!U change turned home. lover the state. -Blue Mt. Eagle. ' Chas Beery has just returned i No need to bo without a'sew 'om . visit to the southern parti ing machine when you have a f t".a county where he was do- chance to get one at practically ng swine surveying for private ' your own terms by seeing G. W. .rife and also runninir out i Clevenger. Standard machines 'me proposed county roads. to choose from. Hiss Lea Robinson has iust It has been raining more or diked a successful term of school , loss for the last two days. Wo at Diamond and after a week do not appreciate such precipita - int at home with her mother tion at this season of the year, II go to the district whore A. j but no doubt it has been snowing I Brown lives whore she will - in the mountains, i ach a four months' term. ' lost - Between the Jordan ST1JAYKD From Windy Point, ranch and Windy Point, a'suit ; ooitit Dec. 12 1908, a brown gel- case contaning men's gloves and i mg, age 10 ars, weight 1000 suspenders. Finder please ro- i . uranded X with a bar above turn same to N. Freedmnn, 811 , I below on left sholder. Notify I-arrabee St., Portland receive ('diver to W. E. Sullivan, reward. , ns Oregon and receive re- Jjeon M rown of t,,e IIarnpy " ' County National Bank has been nry M. Flatt, of Lewiston, distributing some very handsome , recently purchased 320 little pocket manuels containing of fine land through tho some valuable information as nd Empire ReaUv Co. Tho well as a calendar for 190!) and ikman now owns G40 acres 1910. They are well bound and i our best land besides a dosert are highly appreciated by the urn. He expects to buy more friends and customers of the I the neai ft lure. bank. to January Sale This Annual event begins Mon -' day Jan. 4th, and beiore the month is past we intend to close out ewrv odd and evrn and B,roken line pos sible and reduce our Ladies' Dress roods stock to its lowest possible ibb. Cutting prices will do this. ivery Day here now means a The ball given by the fire lad dies Thursday night was quite uniwAfiafifl in AVorv Mflv!tliltii Post Master J. II. Loggan was The Daw80n orchealrn of Sunsjt over from Harney Tuesday and furniflhe(, the music. 0ver 100 tvuuuuKiuy ixuniimni oy w ticket were Bold. Mrs. u. w. Loggan. , Wanted-AH kinds of hides ...! !".... Ml.. ..!. ....!.. ..-.!.! Tin Mmn.,1,. ,.nm, v lwMiltl, u'"' '" ivi " 1" ,tu l'u,u ...... ...., VO....V,, ....,... , oflicor last Monday rociovod ofli- Marsden fixed hor up the first of week. Rational forest users will find it to an advantage in making remittances to the Dis trict Headquarters to send Har ney County National Bank drafts, which are issued direct on the (lovornnvnts Financial Agents at Portland, Oregon. The ice harvest i in full blast. Foil Sam-: .120 acres of. hay land. Inquire at thin office. Schonk has something to say to th:' cow boy. m this issue .f the pir, road it Bluo prints of any township In Burns Land District, Bhowing tmmo'of entry man, date and kind of entry, topography, etc., $1.00 each. Piatt 'ij. Rar.dall, Burns, Ore. G. W. Clevenger has a large numbor of sewing mnchi.ioi and wants to place one in every home in this section needing a machine Sold on installment plan or terms to suit purchaser. James A. Finch, who murder ed Attorney Ralph B. Fisher in tho hitter's office in Portland on November 28th, by shooting him in the back ' f the head, has been found guilty of murder in the fir.,t degree. Personal experience with a tube of ManZan Pile Remedy will convince' you'll i immediate relief for all forms of Piles. Guaranteed !0c. Sold by Tho Welcome Pharmacy, Burns, Ore., Fred Haines, Harney, Oro. M. It. Biggs recently purchas ed about COO wethers and is feed ing them for the spring market. Ho usually feeds cattle, but this year cattle are scarce and o he veered anil took up sheep for a change. Prineville Roviow. i One of the most disastrous earthquakes in the last 100 years has just devastated the island of Sicily. It is estimated that tho dead are more than 110,000 per sons. Those who survived, or many of them are in a dazed, half-starved condition. Proper ty of incalculable value has been destroyed. ' Interesting Facts About iJl In each issue of this paper, wo are goinj to du estmg matters about banks m general and our n t 41 ticulug, which concern the practical, every-dav c r 1 this community. We will tell you something about the earl st.i and the advances mado; what elements make ;i i bank's relation to the community; how a bank I in why you should have a connection with (his bank These talks will be in a series of sitjtjple, slrai .. planntions of banking. You will find thorn interi-tu ; id live. Road every one. The Harney County National J . OF BURNS, OREGON. YdUIt HOME INSTITUTION . wsk' STATE DEPOSITARY Bs$$sertsi'x. . . 4SJfttt NEW MERCHANDlS Dry Goods, Bootst and Shoe Fresh Groceries, etc. For Fall and Winter 'I radel NOTICE. You will do well to anticipate your future needs and come early. Big Bargains in left over Christmas goods. First claab Utxidermist. Work done to order. Tanning and fiiciCrook County .!!.. .. .... :.,!:.... i.v... f.. Drewsey that there wore Into" ,. 7 m"""- ' , T' cases of smallpox at that place?"1'" d(Ire8n8 Fnm U No particulars were sent and wo!GuEG(" D,W8Cy' 0,eon do not know who tho pntionts EsTKAV--Came to my place a are. 'year ago a black mare weight J. J. Robinette, a building con-!'lbollt 1160 unbroke, branded L tractor of Spokane, has been'c connected on loft shoulder, the looking over the Harney country! I- n reversed. -Qwner call and boforo leaving for his home lve property and.ifay charges, purchased 1120 acres of land i W. W. Cox; Burns, Ore. through tho Inland Empire Real-, Tho Times-Herald office has tyCo. He is at present oreeU(jlwt rc.Ceived the finest assort ing the post-office building inmontor stationery it has ever both Spokane and Tacoma. i ha(1 Its atr0ns will have the -Wanted- About 5000 head of very best in that lino as thoy al good, young breeding ewes. Ad- way have had. When in need dress, giving ages, price, etc.,, of commercial printing of any The American Land & Livestock , "nturo drop in and see us. Company, Denio Oregon, also, EsTUAY-Taken up December same care of tho First National , 1007 ilt my ,,aco ,lt Etfli. one Bank, Burns, Oregon. m.(nvn K0lding, weigh about 1150 Jambs E. Rounbcvillij, , go 7 years, brands qunrtor Manager. circi0 j on left shoulder and F Dr. Marsden returned Sunday ,on left jaw. Owner call, prove evoning from Andrews bringing property, pay charges, back with him Mr. Chas. Turner J- !' Cociikan. who had the misfortune to lose Two of the men implicated in his right arm the result of tho holding up and robbing tho O. .iceidontal discharge of a shot- R. & N. train near Portland have gun. The doctor found on his boon caught and confessed. One arrival at Andrews that the bones received a Christmas presont of were so badly shattered that am- 12 years the other four. Authori putation was necessary. Mr. tioa think car'vo of the third Turner is now at the hospital in man is only a matter of a short this city where he is doing very rime. 11 I ' i, Frank Stico is at present occu- Rev. A. J. Irwin loft today for1 pying quarters in the county Wavorly whero he will perform jail. Ho was brought over from the ceremony uniting Mr. James JDrowsoy where ho was doing Paul and Miss Adel Horseman in 'time for a misdemeanor. It marriage, at tho homo of tho seems the Drewsey jail was dis brido'h patents tomorrow noon, covered on fire while ho was sup Mr. Paul has long been a resi- posed to be incarcerated but ho dent of this county whore lip is was found in bed at the hotol engaged in the sheep business, aftor tl.e jail was burned down. Tho bride came here with her He now has a chnrgo of arson parents from Virginia last year j against him. Somo claim ho dug and iB a very charming young J out of jail and then setitonfiro lady. Tho Times-Herald extends , but Stico says thoy tried to burn hoartycongratulations. him up in the jail. O SCHWARTZ. We arc Headquarters for Morse Blankets, Saddle Blankets STORM PROOF ROBES and Balsam of Myrrh , We Carry u Complete Unc cf t HARNESS and SADDLES Foil Sam: Four 4-year-old thoroughbred Herford bulls from the famous Henry Gray lierd of 1 have purchased Herfords from another herd to take the place of these is my reason for soiling. W. E. Smith, Burns, Oregon. A pill in time that will save nine is Rings Little Liver Pill. For biliousness, sick headache, constipation. They do not gripe. Price 25, Sold by The Welcome Pharmacy, Burns, Ore., Fred Haines, Harney. Ore. Messrs. Dudley Morgan and Paul Draper, both of New York, arrived hero Tuesday evening and are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wm Ilanley. They'will go to the P-Ranch nt onco where they will spend an indefinite time. Tho joint installation of tho Eastern Star and Masonic orders last Mondny evening wns one of the enjoyable affairs of this sea son. The hall was filled with members of the two organiza tions and tho installation cere monies were followed by a de lightful chafing dish luncheon. Mrs. Marsden was installing of ficer of the Star and the follow ing officers were installed: Mrs. Ella Mothershcad, W. M. ; Isaac Schwartz, W. P.; Mrs. Eva Byrd, A. M.; Mrs. Vella Welcome, con ductress; Miss Genet Gowan, as sociate conductress; Miss Agnes Sayer, secretary; Mrs. Mattio Miller, treasurer; Mrs. Frankio Welcome, Ada; Mrs. Lizzie Dal ton Ruth; Mrs. Esther Schwartz, Esther; Mrs. Emma McKinney, Martini; Mrs. Delnora Gowan, Electa; C. F. McKinney, sentinel. Dr. Marsden then installed tho Masonic ollicers as follews: Sam Motherahead. W. M.J J. E. Log gan, S. W.; JfAI. Dalton, J. W.; J. C. Welcome Sr., treasurer; A. C. Welcome, secretary; Dr. W. C. Brown, S. D. ; John Gember ling, J. D. ; J. L. Gault, S. S. ; Julian Byrd, J. S. ; Isaac Schwartz tyler. IF YOU CARE FOR STYLE. If you care for stylo and lot of peoplo do. it can be had in any Vehicle on our floor. We are prepared for tho fall trade. Our stock is at its best. Wo bIiow a remarkable assortment of Vehic-1, les, including Carriages, Itoad wagonB and Buggies, for this neason of tho mr. The co-partnership heretofore existing between Thos. Sprague and W. G. Ilodder has been dis solved. Parties having business with them shall therefore deal with each as individuals and not as a firm. Thos. Shiague. NO TRESPASSING. Hunting and fishing are strict ly forbidden upon any of the Pacific Live Stock Co. ranches. Trespassers will be prosecuted. . John Gii-cubst. Supt. S3 WWWWSW. WALTER H. HODUEii : Toll iDr-AXlixL i-repareu 10 iro to a ciepin ot buu ,t wij various size clrills.Honest measurement ai satisfaction guaranteed. -"a&ti' I For prices and terms call on me at i J address nte at : S"a i --r-!i ca Trrf .ov ; .-. , -- 2-,. ,.... a a o a E H Dealer in NOTIOH KOU I'UHMCATION t'MTkh'TATKII l.AMjOrril B, j limit, oruKuu, l)t mt a, leool Notice In Iwreln illvoii Hint II. u HIhIc of Orti tton Imi HUM In tbu ttli'v (In niIK'Htluu (8or litl Sit UMij lutilii i. utittt'r tho provision of lilt) Alt ot I oniirt'M, Ui r.iM'ri unut !!l, IM4, titttl act Hmenuniory lUvriM) thr St,li, Hc.l. r 1 - , It V. K W M, Aiihiii1 ikll twrMitm rliilniliiK a.lwriwly tht IhikIi .IM-rlbcil, or UUIiik o ohjvil tMivitu.e of the mlttcrul , tiHrrirtiT of lit IhihI, oi fur hii other rt'niou. to tln tllitpmiil to tiiipllvMti , liouM rlln tlirlr hiI.U ik of i.rotettin Hilaof Mro on or hi'furu tho Mitrulfoii ot the period til puhl ration W.M Kaurk, KnalK'or llatt'ol I'lmi I'ohlli'iillon Jutiunt) 3ml, 1KM. Diiti! of I ait 1'uhllcatlon 1'ebriuir) 6th, 1(00 NOIICK Ilf&rV FOIl I'UII UMTICtl HTiirH 1 AM. Ill Hi I r rmN- Pilrns, Oregon, Iieiemtxr 11. iM i Notice la herehjr kIoii Hint tliu HUlo of OrtKon hn fllcil In lliln oflKrlli nppllentloti (Serial No 0IWI to select, uniler tho prut lulon at the Art tit lontjrrm, Aiirovel AtiuiistUI, 1H1 and acta aiiHMiilAtoi) thereto, tho hW H NK)4, NW Jj HK'i of fc.ee U7 T. i) . It .11' 1, . M. ' Any and all poraons rlaltnliiK b.Im rn ly tl.e IaiiiIh deiicrlbttl. or d.slrliiK to ohjctil 4eoaiiHA of thriatnurul ( liiiritclor ot the tiimt or for am other renion, to tho dUpoul to nppllift'it, hould fllo their hIIMuvIIh of protoul In ihl onicti.on or hcfiiro the exptrntlou of the perl.nl ot puhlkatlon li I'.iimi:, Utclnter I'Un ptihlliatlou lieieinUrln, lltm. I. ml puhlkatlon Jauuiiry .'.1 iwiu W. (itiwim Attorney Tropica! and Oomesl tuts when in reason. ALSO HAS A LJNE OF r . I. H E R 0T I H rtk H OMlAB " '. . t-utiBiiioniiiiUy its, Shirts, Glothinp-, lerwear Get Prices OBIS-DREW'S CLOTHING. Oil kindo"of Fnash Vegetables In Sensln, GIVE HI6V8 A CALL. DtitkiiiMiiu i Dinlilini' if. u. Strel eil 3E.E323 .U,,3FS.03Q"HJ?, IVERY, FEED AND S Archie Mcd'mwui 1 lie I.atiil Man IAKNEY COUNTY LAND AND TITUi CO. All kinds of land business, ab stracting and conveyancing:. ItlJKNK, - - OUlUiON BICYCLES REPAIR' I) Wo aro agents forpuncture-proof tires and all r STANDARD .B1CY. l If you want a wbeol. a sot of tires, or liavoyour bicycle repaired, come nnd sco us. Carter S: Sweek STABLE. McGEE'& OWEN, Propts, Fresh Teams, Comfortable Rigs, CarefulQfiljjerJ Partic iar attentiongiven to Traij , Call on 'us. Next door to Rvaol Horses bonrd(jn-by tho day, w? The Eastern Gr on Engn.i! 'ing Co. CIVIL, MUNICIPAL aMI 1KUIGATI0N liNGINLI'K Main OHice.'.Huriis, Oregon a. o. .uiii;miii, Mi, Uraiu-li Odice, ljikeview, Orcuon (.-. t. 1'AVl.t.M.ti Mi;r. SUC F bG Vj.WILSONiA v. T N Mnn St. :w- Hereford Cattle My well known berd of Prize winning Herofords is now located on tlio farm of Wm. P. Cnviness, in Malheur countv. Will bo pleased to have you call and in spect herd. If in need of bulla or heifers wo can satisfy you in Blacksmith Wagon )W ALL. WORK C AW 'E " DI Bu ns, ol The Bes MODERATE , TYPEM lFjii ; Huh nil Hkj . Ran f ffll ' iMMl Vff Pi,('Wlljft. Xf""fttifW '""""'? 'TJJailF'fm'Tii "" jamtM lVUT? tojj'""- " "J" -" (jJtMmlth wainMMH