The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, January 02, 1909, Image 1

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It nlHilMHwsniMt
1 1. official PnfMsr of Harney Com tj
l ihfltffit aix-utati u ic' lMn
Oovorv.ttt aren of G,428,0o of
lnri, i,B34,951.refi yet vmanl ,nttfit:t
to entry under the public tit dttt et
ih UolMJMt.
wte Waaim rn-
NO. 7
Sri vnt
& f
i( -J
i,-ijrl Tfcta fa! ( he FotUwwi
iky fcafitf Htny flibcr
TttfMlfcWt NtrthncJt.
iftonoy economicidly
The result of the interview Is
known to have beofl highly iStla
factory to both the Govern and
to Mr, Havrfman. Rut oic(i
of hia'oesire to he known tto the
ruihond builder of this orny
other ago, Mr. Harriman is wise
enough to -Ifjiow that valuable
territory must be occupied by
Wro soon or the field left open to
the attack of his rivals.
The const ruction of the St
Paul's Pacific Coast extension
has done more than any other
single factor to stimulate rail
road actiu'ty m the Northwest i
for thelr4rllfNfrTllili2BPl3INE
Tf )At7kTr4-iil trwluv tKfif n art.
It i3 the purpose of that manage ' .. .. ,, , " n .,, t
vttvi t-n rwMl.nt Ota tmnulTu rttt vwil , . ' 1 - .
,VVVUW71'' T. T u- u sh-PP"! rates and possRrte re-sibleeven-foetof
territory whefc Jwhlch the work 0f the
gives any promise Of over be
coming a valuable feeder for its
coast extension.
cretyJt vnteresting rail-
t f. .trkfprrrpcent
, oi i ne uregunmn tnern-
k ii;t dated at Chicago &a a
a dispatch says? '
;.)! bide fair soon to come
it- wnwith"repect to trans-
' rTiZZi. P W.l!cy toll k,
.RH-awon n ana fop u has bten n0 ,,
WWSHWiureaoi roaainrougn n,ftdo of ft fntho gf Pftu, Cflmi
thwest, Edward H. Harri-
i) and his aids have decided
,velv to occupy all of the ter-
v tn the Nortwest which bids
WcbtiKr o-vali:3 from a
' ic standpoint
n liave been perfected by
Han-man for the construc-
f Let ween 750 and 1000
: 30RI in tne state or
i' and that surveys
u- tiered of agreat deal
i ' mien is now wun-
U " oi transportation.
KrutUchnitt, director
nance and operation for
it man lines, and J. D.
i . Drilling engineer for
!'iiarirmva recently re-
f'.m Nw Jk where
.us "Were perfected. It
tod by Ae Chteago offi-
t there ar noeh plans,
t,iti that the manage-
- .krfflldjr to give out
' irwin yarding
TifrtMty iMtfNt 'lwk Kivt tkc
PrMMccr tMf fMr Itinnk.
A press dispatch from Chicago
psys: ' Nothing less than a com
jilete'ejepoBUW of the methods of
the beef trust is contemplated by
District Attorney Sims in the
present grand jury investigation
which is beinir carried out with
IthtHfitrwf special agents of the
Interstate Commerce Commis
sion. .
ment or agiicultural college.
Why not Harney county send "w
representative to that meeting
That would talk up our needs on
this line. Farmers let us all get
interested in this work and if
Burns calls another meeting alt
be there to help in the work, I
for one will try and be there as
I am very much interested. Lej
us hear from others.
W. H. Pbitch,
A new comerT
Jtjt3HT TO THH VWltt.
EAsrrniy ww.tiNnroN mvn to rv
As(Nimtf lite ltnilmi d( otvlif tt Mtwj
M1M m Prmht IbofmtH THal
"FtflM AW Attn ( ISt!ltN.
- One of the first fanners of
Iftrge acerage to take up the di
versified plan of farming in the
immediate vicinity of Pullman is
H. II. Curtis who farms 860 acres
(Interstate Commerce Commission
and its agents is vonfined, a num
ber Secret
The "nerve" of -St. Paul who rk directy undar the l)e-
pusmng wiin mcreaioie rapioyty
the construction of the Coast ex
tonsion in the face of a falBng
fact shuns were well
v one year ago for the
iort-ef an east and wei .
market, the numter of the sur
veying corps which that company
has put into the field for branch
lines has awakened the activities
of the Harriman and of the Hill
camps. This fact makes it cer
tain that the Northwest is to se
sucjji an erur of railroad 'couslhK!
uon as it has never before
ienced. It w ill no longer bo pos
sible for the Hiirriman and ii$e
Hill lines to enter into agree
ment's making any territory
sacred ground. Thev have now
got to hus-tle fur th St. Paul has
expended .? 100 0)0 ih)0 to gt to
the State of Orego.
liiaaeial depression s-'t. -...
in. Tin's much is ui
, Mr. Kmt'ichnit, vn
i.-;e nna wil)
S ' 'i Oi "n, '
kiw. ine lu..meial
11 h: i ui i I'tu a 1: I
of t .j or'c which 1.
ned i' w tn ig plan ' d
ayn. stn as u
the co.i t and i
fv uh.a p i
poi.llil of 'IT '
Mi -i it 'ii i
'I li n 1
111 lit I- so
I upli foil
fl.ijt I..S Ul l
ing to jt!ti
w ith efery
ell U IS
"The people of this section of
Idaho and of eastern, western
and southern Oregon are to be
congratulated upon the interest
shown in the recent development
congress held at Vale.
"There Was collated through
,w ! -jj .- , - -Jk
Service operatives, "" i l It
iiiuruuuiuy iiuuruiuu, iuciv ouu
tin astounding
-I the peo'ik of that
fear ti.
illr' vr?
iregon, f
liuiehs i
if ct hia .
' ina nc
. Mr. Hi.u
ded to C
I s anl H. Har, i
us to cart to
i dltiKid bufditi.'
tate of. Ot f '
vMitt MafPTOan
v lv lealzes that
i'n- uhen hpKftOst
1 ' ,M '('B.
i i.dly known1
v 111 " iuiiV '! 'dedtoc . i me con
J f.p. IshnUber ' llimi)f hU , .ulaR
l . " l" l lW rUbhC' ", l "" '-than j.lM, .of
partment of Justice, have been
looking into another phase of th"
packing industry.
These officials have been trying
to determine whether tacit agree-
iments between packers as to the
fixing of prices and the division
of territory for distribution have
been in systematized operation.
The swiping nature of the in
quiry was indicated today ki the
t positive statement made by
Mr Sims since the investigation
"There is no mere fishing ex-
t$echtion, as has been said by
tome critics of the department
declared the District Attorney.
"We know what we ore going
after, if we tux not yK-imitted by
, the nature uf the inquiry to
jstati- what it is. We sire not
Hn-rely sfirting a lit'le case in
. . h packers or railroads aro
t'ltuMiied in the hope $that we
i..n unearth some information
v. 'uUi would be of value or be
useful at 4 ))fer for a View and
mm-&&&& investigation
There is nothing vngue or indefi
nite abnal this ""inquiry, and it
has a purpose which I am not
permitted to fttarKw.
"We have information that
there have been apparent infrac
tions or evasions of the law, but
it is a question whether we will
,.il , .ilrtoog .'li.
i 1 in-, that .
j a ii '.t in i i
!j,e oil Hay on tlt'
liim. t i had a good
do wuh his ueu-rniination
' ihe Bu."e of Oregon more
t t .atonj'acilities. At that
.. of the Harriman operat-
i traffic officials spent some
. , the lodge and it was then
h cony, rehensive cam-
ailway construction in
vas kid out The en
u J w?.s gone over per
i fUlr. Jfarriman, who
leagratd to build sev-
- a tho itate.
' '." is Ihe proper tenn,
. . . "ment was with the
f .. uie state, who spent
mi ..t the Harriman lodge
iii t. At that time the
oi id Mr. Harriman had
, In art to heart talk re-
tin' railroad affairs in
u and -the Harriman sys-
'fa rn in particular. It is
( ' that Mr. Harriman
d the Governor thnt he
tila kjiown to history as
i i . i -odd builder, one who
. 1 ,i waible the full devel
. oi t itherto unproductive
if tho eoBStructioii of
.ulronds possible under
.- .JWn&i (if railroad build
! - hni 'l hi
thi constru ' 'i
Jw'l mile-, of i.
nt le thu.i
,' ui h ii admitted
iu-. already
. . 'be able to nut a finurer on the ex-
on tne i , . , .: , . , , .
i'l require
act spot where the trouble is.
The difficulties in the case and
ir ino'' man' , . . ... ,. 4.
, . . the importance of it necessitate
,.,.'.!. mi.:, the degree of set
f mo than1
"(,.() This
Mi Krhtt-
secrecy we have
h Boise Capital Nes hasff ,and norlh of ,1ull',1B" R n
this to say, editorially, of tht". "? , i-uunan rrt-
development Wngress hefd at
figures showing
undeveloped resource of this
groat country in this great sec
tion. "From Idaho, through the
southern counties of Oregon to
Coos Bay, there is -an empire
greater than the many powerful
and wealthy states of the east
or of great nations in Europe.
All that in needed is the magic
band of steel roils and the smoke
of the steam engine.
"Astounding were the facta
and figures shown of the busi
ness already awaiting transpor-
3nne. Mr. Curtis has just eorri-
pleted fencing his farm with hog
wire and next year will liegin on
tho new plan. Instead of sum
mcrfallowing part of his land as
he has in the iast he will rotate
with crops of grain, alfalfa, clov
er, corn and peas and other legu
minous and nitrogen gathering
plants. Instead of turning oil'
bo much wheat each year, he will
turn off hogs and cattle. In this
way the soil becomes richer each
year instead of poorer. With
his hogs Mr. Curtis expects to
run them on alfalfa through the
months of May, June, July, and
August feeding them with grain
once a day to keep them growing.
After the pasture is dry he will
turn them into fields of iieas,
topping them off with corn.
With the "hogs and beef cattle
he will continue his dairy, which
is most successful. At present
he is milking nine cows from
which he securer 22 gallons a
HutitltlK Id fnrliiilitcii upon my
pi i0(i Adjoining Hum. Trrrps
tn will li pinewuKil
Notioe Ih herohy glvmi Hint limit
ing ami chiMitlng upon th enoloil
land f ihft Ameflosn Lund fr Live
Hiond Co lo utrlctly forbidden."
Am -'-an "i wrMinK foil nd hunt-
tH or tre'iMMii, will iii' wanted
to Ihe full KUiit or tli law.
K. li, lln.i.,
Kunok MmiHgHr
- " RttHrlmift ilciwteM.
Rev A J frwln will pnmoli t
IUrnuy the 2nd Himdtiy of eneli
month at 1 1 . it, und 7.80 p. hi.
HuMmth gohtxit nvry MUbtri Rt 1
i. in
Tim Urntiy MiiihIhv vohool Hieti
ul 2 o'elook chcIi Sundny nd a
corilUl lnvliAli'iii it. t-xtffiitled to idl
who can attend to meet with u
At thn I'rehi.ytpnan churoli
Duma, liv. A J. Irwin palr.
Devi neaer vices th third and fourth
Sundays of oaoli mouthnl 1 1 h. ih..
and 7:80 p m. fabbath aoliool hi
10 a m. vry Sabbath nioriiiiiK
svhii u. The load its n v com-
in its incipiency.
There have been no particular
pleud to Klamath '? We are resting fora few days.
and but little can be done until
the grand jury convenes on Mon-
u lintdy he is said to have
lie Governor, what in his
i nt, the State of Oregon
Tahiti i'w next tew years
u a commensurate de
nt of the state'' resourc-
3arv ineiiovenioBout-
n . ni there gjveral lines
o hich the atut' m
y needed and iniOng
i t io east anl we.,! Jine.
M. ', foad v.ou.d have
tfH under construction
i 'i i in' n is said lb"
'!i i j 1 1 ii iiol hien
but i - ,') ii."
i and south i m . with
ffodei. vi io dm-
understood that
iman told the Governor
Vvould be built a .soon
Itossible to raisi yiet
up that basin to settlertiertt now
that the Government h.i practi
cally completed its irrigi tion pro
jects there with the exception of
the draining oi the Tule marshes.
This new road will
southern Pacific a maximum
grade of less than 2 per cent, as
against nearly 4 per cent on the
present line. It is the purpose
to make the new roufo' the main
line of the Southern Pacific be
tween Portland and San Francis
co. In addition to getting a tow
er grade the nw Harriman line
will open up nomc fertile country,
Buch as the Butte aisd the. Kla
after leaving KJamatb FaJlthe
new line will extend almost di
rectly northwest to Nation. Tin
east and wpt line -Mgi extend
between Njftton ali uSlarlo' un
less there shiuW be an unexpect
ed cham,o in -thaflana. '
It can be itatad poftyely an
announoi nie4t gw-Jrding ft may
sflfn be expeciNT from oftcitd
soarces, OirtarioSs oi tha Snake
River, and also on th Una be
tw"n Oregon and Waho, and is
furthermore ft station on the
Oregon ltajlroad Si Navigation
In addition to the rate inquiry,
" ! i-ltr. IMiAa('fMMiAl IM aotA t Wk1lL
spirit of the law which prohibits
agreements on prices of products
has been violated in various mar
kets by packers. White it is as
serted the packers would not
dare to enlor into an open agree
ment concerning pi ices, never
ihe less it is maintained that
were one of the so-called "beef
trust" has fixed u price for a par-
vall'ys,jwm greasy the othm to flx fbo 8araeprloe.
the cwt a oper. vioii.
talion and the far greater 1 dav- this ne sells at tne college
amount yet to be developed fol- j dormitories for 35 cents a gallon,
lowing the introduction of a rail-' hringing $5.R0 a day or the $106
road into the section. Pr mtnu Mr. Curtis' cows
' 'It is safe to say that the field ! are of the. Jersey strain. They
is more inviting right now I haM a above the average, testing
was the great untried and unbrok-, 4.6 per cent. All are fresh in
en western field when the Union i the fall to secure plenty of milk
Pacific and Southern Pacific be- i through the winter. He feeds
gan to lay rails to connect the alfalfa hay with a light feed of
eastern and the western oo&aoa. &?. tfte Jam costing about so
Th ultimo field ia riot gwjcent day tot Uis ahte.
tar, of course. butuMl fcli!feLJ,, WJ&fi
there right now, as' tffla genera-1 UA1 tl ON XOVOTIIS.
tion is able to view things, than ! - -
there was to invite the building' January is to spoil death to the
of the Union Pacific or the South- coyotes in the State of Oregon, ;
ern Pacific at the time they were according to the plans which
built by their generations. " have been announced by secre-
- ' tary Dan P. Smythe, of the State
A Sjfarained AnkU. Sheep Commission and the State
A..L.U A, ,m r u..11 Woolgrowera' Association. Dur-
satisfied if he can hobble around htg the month the ilockmasters
on crutches in twO or three Ke, 8ta e nro to wage a con-
weeks after spraining his ankle. I0"5",8"" 8y8 e" a"c wu" ",
and it is often two or three u" UHJ kii e .en y
months before he is fully recov- vooigrower nas to comenu win,.
ered. This is an unnecessary ,r,u,B' wf..,J '....
loss of time, as by applying " uro" ,L ",
Chamberlain's Uniment. as di- and it la axnected that the num
rected, a cure may as a rule ber f f y?(", ,e f", -affected
in less than one week's. """ ll3 f Ir'8 ! th,
time, and in many cases within " which has been des.gnat-
tknu. i).v. SftM hv nil artftd r 'Sl
The Ue Star
Clilua licorKf , I'ruprltitor.
(Jor. Main uml II HUfteUi.
Qmkmry in connection
A Specialty nf Sbsrl Orders.
Tallin funiifli d with everything
the market iilliuiU Your patron
Hue vnlimioii
While at the Vala Development
congress the editor had the plea
sure of meeting Mr. and Mrs.
Wm, Hanley of Burns. Mr. Han-1
The same plan was worked
last January, and, according to
the reports received from all
parts of the state, lufndreds of
the animals were slain. It was
this success of the first effort
ley is one of the largest operators ! w ?l tlie oillco of tlw tnto
of ranches in the state and takes j action to repent the export-
a remarkably progressive view of wnL
land ownership. Ue says he
would like to see the plan tried stomach Curd.
of. having land titles based on ' If you have any trouble with
beneficial use of the land. He your stomach you should take
says if people had to make land , Chambur'ain's Stomach and liver
produce someining Jn order to tablets. Mr. J. P. Kioto of Edi
holdit there wouIoTbelnore pro-,na. Mo., says; "I hnvo used a
RecentI) Knlarcod
H5,000 New Worda
New Garetfoor of tho World
-kiii. mimilhmi I'.mO tnliw, lmt Jon llio
It . I1M14 l.'tll.ll I
NewBlor.raphlcal Dicttonury
i miliar HiclmniKCif cxirliUXMliutol
l-l .Jl , ill igut Mrlll, llllllh, OU'.
1 .
.t i.y i '. t. ir.itiiH.i'i n . t,i. n ,
tl iitiLaUimiuiHMiutrt(L,lUiuilluii.
2360 Quarto Parjoa
V r I IK 1. WW IUaUlu. Itioh nioJU 1,1
r-i oeded In Every I Ien: o
.,1m Wtbfltr'aCollcElalc IHcIIihib j
III W, 1IM lUMnll 41a.
Hgulprl!:lltlon?iMtitok. HMhr
Do I-uoLJItlonlinln,.!', !.;
, IaI, Ml I bl , H fenltful U I
I ii,-iiicitaMirWtinJiiA"luii'Ji'
!hr. aprlBHrioU,!
duets coming out of eastern Ore
gon than ten railroads could han
dle. His idea would lie worth
trying. -Ontario" Optimist
great many different medicines
for stomach trouble, but find
Chamberluin's Stomach and Liv
er Tablet more beneficial than
any other remedy I over used."
j For sale by all good dealers.
""" !.. 41 - . ,.t U- -y.Jl
0ompany',irailro,d. Jha line - ? XT LL'LZ
(rJ VIUIIUIV VlfVtt VV V til Vil
J i and si
SA.V-nd ft
will oxtenf almo t due wast to
Natron anririM cross env''nri
tains at th most favontbltt ; am
and .it a grada 'wideh wilt make
it an cicjpkl grating pro
hlfnt. ttfe:
llM .u-diht'tlw !)ucJrUtS Hi.",
thervW nfeao Tnudh a-rli'
i-tiut iiatsjilia . will Ik 'null
tbitia 1 ndrthe slightest doubt.
Thi line, howevei'. will probablv
h;i i' o wait the completion ' f
loih the other roads. Whin
In h ho .WW i ii will probaW
b rfin at Thi- Dalles, on (In ().
R A N., and follow the river
pretty nearl til the mounta n
(Conli' jm oi page fou )
I am interested in the articles
in The Times-Herald concerning
an experiment station in Harney
V.illnv nn Arv fttrmino' W have
an abundance of water to irrigate Phieules for the kulnoya are
n i ..j ii. little uoldou slobules wh oh act
Star ih'uT the farmer need exuer. "rty on th kidneys. A trial j A. Venator, the Harney eoun
i mp Hap. U! ne. itniHim. ilium. LjIimi- '"j 'im
arming " " .: ... i'.i"' ...i.. if..
miurn Mini nri'ii wornoui. ihsiiiiit. . -iii. "w
SOday's trial 91.00. They purify
the blood. Sold by Tho Wokomo
Pharmacy, Burns, Ore., Fred
Ilainer, Hr'-ney, Ore.
cm fuv '. :!eep!
fZ- H F
been advocating do
here and some ask 1 1 hat is
tifie system of dry farming? It
seems that here In Harney Val
great gram belts of Oregon and
Washington and all arid conn- Attorney Dalton Higgs return
tries. They seem V forget that Jed from t. Louis on Tuesday.
in those tfrwat grain countries He leporls his fnthor much im
they all summer fullnw und, proved m health, and says Old
mi extended eastern
states that times aro
improving in tho cast, but ho
still thinks there is no place on
earth like Easlorn Oregon.
would not expect r vtlnnc. if Mia,
they farmed" a t n do lu-re. deguo and that he had many in
VV' Ii i"a a'n.i i.ii, oj land in iiuirie rogurding this section of
tins valley undeveloped and the' Uncle Sam's domain. -J-Argus,
cheapest nay of farming I ever ' - -
wiw in .uiv eoiiniiy and yrt tin re
are eroph made. What
would d do if it h. (1 half a chance. ail iudl lor tin oxnuri.
merit utaiion in the county. I
see there will be a great gather
ing tlif coming vnr at Portland
b all c-i inn tfd with tho oxperi-1 Clarinet,
Pcior Hnrva.
Fovor sores and old chronic
soros should not bo healed ontiro-
.ly, but should be kopt in healthy
u is prospering in a marked ! condition. This can bo dono by
applying Chiunborlaiiru halve.
This salvo has no superior for
Ibis purpose. It is also most ex
cellent for chapped hands, soro
ninnies, burns and diseases of
tho skin. For sale- by nil good
Tho Ni w Windsor Bar, under
tho management of Loo Caldwell,
is one of tho most popular rosorls
in Eastorn Oregon. Drop in
whon you lmvo a thiMt
Foil Sa uv. A good Becond hand
Inquire nt this.ofilco.
HLXUl U nljwiluK'l nwwwary in (nl heUh.
llrUral tlKimili to lirnln ami Unly Onl
thnt ituur nnf.rLuiial I'ulllnir uml Ulnff at
uliilit liiww tli lioriil'la tiitiiir rf lrpli.
nun: ilo you ll I'l !"! iitlit m iuu( Into
tlurkixM. foafliia lUt yuu will t" i l I
Blmiilaauira I rvtunl ly An 1 1 ChrAnlo
AlooliullMn. Delirium '1 1 iinvn. I'M lain ni
Stomacli Truiil l ivutlva u or ti.lcs v, Illml i 1 ii Hint 1 1 wi I Trouble,
llr lMaw I lion " ani. 1'nlll. Krurulsln,
llu i in'. Wi rry, Ovi work, Munlnl Hlnln.
Iloil N irvoun llilWI. Heniius Kirllniiont, M
i-. I... I.. Iluf.i.ln. I.'ullffiip. NeurMtlunlA.
Hl.ornili.rtlioi. St. Vllui Dam or Chore,
llluot 1'eUi'ii. bkln DImmm. vi Uma form of
Mala nil Itmalo -irouiiltia, m w.i.ii""
iiwii nuiia conilttloi iiuliallitflt
CT n,I7DIrIr7 uIm i rrul. rrlrmlilnir
OL.Utl.tllN. tli hull Hnir Iwu. ami
wotunronlputlm' It la liMfniin iimliloiMiiat
umuiii mir Oiihluiu, Morpliliio, Cocaln or
Itlavuwuiliwl iinilor tlia U B. Pur F.l
ami Drug Att. Juno tw. 1WI. S Itl No. 11800.
In dplor tliat mi may tijr It, wo will amJ
atrial luu-huir tunny iiilTwwr. ullns name
ami aildruia, or o will aim,! niiarular alio
puclmi '"i i "Ii- ut H "" I uiU'0 lr
l.alil. U i lU lo-ay.
The Sleepine Co.
ltu.nrv. TrutHlr!B.,CI.nV! l.AND.O.
I tte9e0930609$043$4$$SS$$:',$9ai;
f.t&ssG&n&ssaootft ,
Brown's Satisfactory Store.
You certainly are interested
in the largest and lnoSstSm- I
pleie Stock ol ,New rairancl
in s i 1 1
vvifut'i ouuub tjcirrieu a uic,a,.
We are showing everything
new, no exceptions and to buy
early at our place means a
better selection. Ladies cloaks
find waists Direct Importation
inii i,
us, Oregon.
The Harney Valley Brewing Co.
MhiiuIik turi-m nl
I'amily Traile Solicited l-'ree Delivery
I lilSCU .V liONKOAN, IVoprictor
BumS, -- Oregon.
JbCaJsze Tlxis DESCea-d.q.-o.a.xterB.
Wines. Liquors and Cigars
Billiard and Peel Tables.
Club Rooms in Connection,
. l IITIS'ii A3 jjL '
Iiltstrutilile JIFMk
Ovor UOO filflil'' Son' ,or
Oonutlful li'S'iifc; Prlro L,8, A
DOelgna. Biif Clroulnra.
Will be ii tt hwWi
To aavoae desiring
See Iiis Handsome
mm r.-ii Rrn av
Sttisa EK -T. Co;i ..
:HitttU!ttt :
Burns, Oregon
Aflord the Best Accommodations rpts- "
to be hud ir. Harney County
The imtroniiire of i,li nm .s uml ' ? old manaffonant
33&,te9 px d.su3r, $1,25
H 'idor on Elliott, Propt.
Mitittmtntiimin.: . nttt::i.:::;:::;jtti.i!omi::i::utmmm:m:t:5nm'-fntt:::m
Ciiiiit ir riinlvinit tolkutli.
A little boy, son ifClnis 1.
Polursou,'n,vvcl kni " u. dmt,
of the villia&o of JicKfonvillt i
Iowa, had a sudden ;.nd violent
attack of cronn. ft'ueh thick
stringy lililefit' cante up afte'
giving Cliumlierlain'i CuukI' lit
medy. "J thin1 lit voi Ml .
chokrt1 'o i : 1
en In ' ' r .
by nil Ro
il d iJ
Jobprintinjr- ThoTinu - II
Wo can tratlo your placo hero
for fino ranches in Wnshington,
Idaho or Michigan, ea
Inland Empire Realty Co.
Ailnni fiooriro W. T. Ltcr
I List your property with the Inland? ;
Empire Reallv ri-iCyou ilesire a qiiick sale or trade
A iuuuiuur tuui..,. Will be
cubcu to Jiavo you call and in
Ispecthgrd. If in need of biill,!
Vflonontioiw of livo, vviilo
awiko Amorii-an Ikns liavo
obtniiiod tho viglit kiiid of
by boiug oquipjiod with tho
unerring, tnno-lionorcd
All n
rrvaalio llnrliut unit
b'i ii v iiRa. i r oil I'liiiiuit niiiAiu
wQwllllrliilln'i t.oxprvMnrutiuUI
UHM) UHOlpt o L'utulotrl'tli'e,
11 1 Hon.l
V tcor
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I fB A Jvala. 17
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A fotili in BtuuiM for
tiiio llhiBtnitotiditttlOff.
unit (rcriQiiil
llroarm In.
in color,
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m . v.... . rtftiSlflifaWl "". . .
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0. Bo 40 9
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UIWliiii"'! Ii III III II
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i.w vv. ouoiy you ml
fyo. Write
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