How line Om-lor Surreiiuln TrraU , (,,1 mntt-U't-d : .'MltTipter XfllleV Pneumonia, of the year are tiuu'i.i' Railway Co. "In treating pneumonia," says ..:.. n,H1. i.;,,;- Dr W .1 Smith, of Bandera, Ala., up j(s ax... "the only remedy I uae for the limps is Chamberlniii's for Lhi Remedy. While, of course, I l.oll. would treat . mptoma with jI)i: oaigh. Bold different medicines, I havr u this remedy many timet in my i.u, medieaJ practice and have to find a case whon it has Painting an not controlled the trouble, I . Horton. have ueed it !' too . ... my wife for and cold.- n - paatedty, and i most willimi and cheerful mmend 11 superior to any other o iurh n-ni-edy to mj knot b) el l( KIU'T !'. . in iker : make n rlmnr ii r iln'iit" Fantnti mil, (' on human: tree, Th- some bene em worth from ' rem '' ',; inp i " t "it " I K l i i TAT-'' W jay,. AUCTMMN I wil on tl thinp cour. Auc M it. : parch i - ' hum ) k i I i.'int-krrT. nut tie COrKTY--ll l!IY . PROFK88IONAI, CAllP room limhi Nature Provides hut one California il: M v CLUI BIIW PROPOSITION ' this jut .thlv farm magaz: . H. W. sult- natural wmtor mar.; thousand v world ieo- Hnii . I ndcr the gentle It mild win i ation mjr: and 10 N The Times-Herald in oficrinp tnot attractive Clubbing Rates to U tb&cribern at present THE Tl VtES-HERALD One year with the Portland Weekly Orepronian $2.50 Portland Semi-Weekly Journal $2.50 S. F. Weekly Examiner $2.65 Thriee-a-Week N. Y. World $2.50 Semi-W ekly St. LoTiis Republic $2.35 Farm Progress FRl I :. advance Subscriber (ici i good papers in connec- ,. k .:!(! for the lonjr win- tarercnil ud jret flubbing Prices JOB PRINTING Win. MILLER, ATTORN KV AT ,. Hiirnx. Orison Office flrat door mt of Rank. C. A. REMBOLD Attorney-al-Iw, Burns, Ofpgon Jli II Iiootianl ATTORN! V-AT-I.A. nr'fu! attention given lo Oollal tiniiM nod ttt Kmnt.. Batten, i m- liiHuninra. Raters PaMei ftlRNS. ORriK.N m rZEMORB, ATTORKKV. Orroor Land hiitiiat, and It -"tale matter promt tl' aHeiulad t.. 1 .. h . J II. wi mill ' t- im He hare all the LATEST TYPE FACES and a verj ( umplitc Lino FIRST-CLASS STATIONERY CHARLES W. fcliblS LAWYER Hums, - . Oregon I'rartic- in Ik Stat,. I (MirU ami tw Ion tt ' - i iai unw J. CU. CFflp,V l'liHii'ian ami Surgeon. Rurna, - - - Oregon. (till. t in m. hiiil. 'itlR nootli , if W, .,,,n,( I. riM r "li.ifi. Main St. I'l.on MnlnU. . sbvjnc macule. BOLLS- BiA ISO. HIGH G .. rh lea, Pas . O . N. CO. ; BeMk Co. ind trip - .. Angre- fajaak m IwW T H H int. TwBm heji mh ow WW T 1, 4ND U. It. Cl'MHOW, M. I). i'lvskiei asi Sai-gcM Chi n Ipielahy I annworfd at l i.ooni. mc cor. Main II l. . Hun,.. Ui U Mfl?SDBN PtgreMu .'fon. HI R!ta, f ... ar LOOK n I IMMHiM LRU, I III. i. .,i,i ,v frown ton I i : rzenB. : ha n.libic. lu .: . high trie tew- ;:.. u.... INCEST CUATwVNTEE. National Sewing Machine N TRANCli MY LINE. VA. . PAN, DE1TTIST. Born. Onea "'liliiu-. naaU '' I t Mi i-Tseillng. .... - aril. I . if. Hunting! n i. en. pM. Ajcl. rttMU. tircicun The Consb Syraa that rti the ivsiem of a sail by acting u a cathartic on the bowela la ' a BEES J" 7 m I T 1 1 r. MMU4 ' M Irnri o;rti', R,fc I o ;. a r a r) drat uil t hi iiui., . wt n,,;" 'a.l!.'. . ajwan, liar) & i.i a. a r. - v.nln I, .., II . ' a m.i .. LAXATIVE G0U6H SYRUP Hsand Hair (uttintf. DHIMSTttMI apitot BarlKT Shop laaa k tha oriraal Luativ. coagb irrup, MU'aa ao .r.A:a. gaall mmrm tit '. I'ropt. earrricf Iba cold off ianoc to. ataral rha.nafc GiurtMaad to gi :-ing and TTfiriTT tt mm-j m nrlaal UKK(. llai'l.i ao jrTr.e M. L t MKTEM (MDER RfcEHT . rACTOii eaiCCS JT - ium mmcK Du .Not J. J J ? I Miaj VM WILi K RlTOiisHEC -' jjri Kv t a, " ' -v.. SV-irV-AV.i IS NSUKANCE I Vo-k, I tl b , -i ilphl i. ajbu k A Halt lO. . VWflMR - ol. r.,r Or.- ,... -. . t.i i. a v KKHKKAII li fa,i , I - -. a oiw. Mwuivr round TiiMuaj. ul llor ...-. -uMa.i, , z ;: JL Blui H CAMP OR FIL.D wu i AIM OR SHORE 'l"'li:" finna M t ro "0OT U IW MUST tl ,Jr. J lu. fa,. . u IJ IKNETim rlNCTUBE-flOOF iMh-Nrll IC TIDCC A & 1 x Wilt (I P B 1 W M. ' am. JOHMJKMBKKLlNt.. 'w . !('). Optifiuu and 1 mri-uvoi-. Kim- Watch Bpairiaf A e- ctany. . Ftoit PBitmjafj 1 10 4MMAT 0Ain Mm nnmtmatmoa.BMLr Mm i i..: ra vapid Transit Line J. !. Dai I ,1,,,, . I'.,., , .. u i mm . uuiut' kill III UBIII UfCgUU ourns- Uiamona .r- i CSAHD T. ' i I .. -o Ujau " Tl . . . Ci-35 All for ... . $1.50 A '' or Jiti I fDMH UAGAZIHE rUnit P ltaR Sta Fiaac-ca i mU -. i.a.A. oa yj-lK.' o y i -; ' I I si I 11 mill 1 BERG, Manager. HO i lCa P Of-t. nil it KKl ggyr Special i J. L MEAfi CYCLE COMPAIY, ' CUttfiO, ILL Your P r 1 " ft Ui: wmr . '... -. t..i... , .U,,..,U.; u,!-.,. th Stage bine J K. IIAKI'KK I. 1 Kriu, f liiauiu " i' iha omi nil ... . .,,. ,.. . .. . 1 ml attmitKin hi . "'I lie-in K.m par . t 1 tt .-..Ok lll; Ban r.'Oracta V 11 1 UL48 ieited, "WiilTT-SD. A r.pruMHitatls. in this ioiit lr( real eatal. curporutiun. S" it) iniitKeriieiiu tu tboac wfc- ! Dcv-niv iinanttoWy iatriui. The leal biate Sccariijr U. rrl Ikarkat. ttulWia CtliCAtMK KM- lul