S; j5.Jj,, weUfmea-Feral.. "!);';,' stive op to i next week. FInl'H ' mg thmvk i g 18 gOM tO Oil lid t.h holl'iT V- I "The Pioneer Bank of Harney County 1 i ThMENT OF THE COSDITION OF The First National Bank of Burns At the elwe afhurinenn November 27th, 1908 Rl Fresh milk cow for Mil, quire "at this nfl In 'oh printing The Times-Herald For Sai acres of hav Ijonns and Discounts lium on U. S. Bonds 1 Furniture and Fixtures lion Fund CASH LIABILITIES Barptaeand Undivided Pmtits Dl POSITS $199,270 64 MUM 6.0 not Q4.IS3J 23 $413.852 68 $ & turn no )0 00 .U5.00.1 45 I MTED STATES DEPOSITARY OREGON ST ATE DEPOSITARY vidames W. T. Landing tn, ce. The little doing well. and wife took ftj, Thursday far te conveyance. d in their do- "annhiR tnkinc severe attack -. )v, .1 ; firrj 1 1 f 1 , ure Tuesday for Portland W M Keisenheck. Albert I and Fi .Ionian wsjt. among our visitors from I a wen ' i ar invited to buy your holiday jjr(xds at H. M. Horton's txTt- you can get the best value for the money W. G. H odder and son John i ifter brick. building paper and other supplies for his new residence. Button and ( ! Tekoa, Wash. . m r the country. Thry wish gome fovenuueni land. M Elliott and (.rover (.nod- low, acoompnied b their w sterday on ill Ir Painting and papa hanging- way te Nan i bere they took "",ron- inthcd.i it nur fitiv.ma b The lxst display of Postal and i , vr:xv Qf u, e Christmas Cards at City Drutr Stoii- Mra o, I Hoe n is st pn i with Mother Bvrd. J. C. Welcome & Son car- ., , , - rtaue heaters $1.50 each. Coal . "iU"" ' -. perdo.cn. -n,. are over taH Ins, reWVd a consignment of .'. ,,H'hrf,!1 "J ' ladies and misses cloaks Lunn nrnch early this burg & Pa I ton. Isaac Foster was a business PnP ' from Silver (eeh Hi. for Mte Rt ! fthisw, "1S- vi -. l. i i ' on haaher-naiii-' iv'i. iMt l'Wfk llli M'WH . fn n - , ., f uHp Qra Personal i. I . elcme & Son land. inquin ? thta oral For 8 ?.k A goad second hand Ctarlnat Inquin at this office. - h ml ; art well sup ptttd With Christmas g ods this hired Djatp tha In li'iit Btnphv R - wdl fur nish It fh BHm p i ihip in i date and kmdj " ntry, ,.. $1.00 each. I I. II. I turns. YOUR HOME INSTITUTION THIS bank hi today terriag more people than at nnj time in ita history lit in an iixlicnfinn ti.,t tliorom nninit.v is appradatlnf Itg policy of MHIMU attir its uniform courtesy and frood s i Vour IniNifieaa vited. I m L ! cxjHrience with a ""- tllU of Mn?nn lil li.mK. itan $1.50 each. Coal wi, oonytafl, V(u it is immediate fLB .. r dozen. n.,lt.f fl(. H formN of ,.,,,, arl Welker and John Darsev r Mrltad 5c. Sold by Th weoi ti Narrows yesterday to Welcome PhaiUMMST, Burns, Ore., play for the da ftti H I re. M. M. Morton sella holiday At a nc nt m.-otinR of the tax ar than any other peyers of vh'l district No. 4, linn in town. See. (the MctJee district) J. H Mc- Mullen was Hected clerk. J. R. C,ould. Bear) rWvt and David 0M wan elected directors. The district will not atti'mof to hold For Salk Cheap if sold at a term of school this winter on n. dn.p head sewing ma- account of the old building beinjt chine. Inquire at French Hotel, a practical wreck. The pMftJl tattle market is look in v un ..-., . lll'W Oil Ml I1L' US SlHIll tWuil.l Ki"'. IAH- i in t WihhI prices (irevail next season. 1" Rfpert mt Condition TBI H l CniNTY N UI0N.ll. IARI f URNS, OIENN thr rt mt mimm AW. T , lfW. KF.SOtt('r;s. UABILH Lobm and Discounts $ 74.R9I n Capital Stock lulian (Wtirjre and wife were r from their Pine Creek bmr tor a few days this week. C S. Ponds and Other Bonds. Premiums on Bonds Furniture and Fixture Redemption Fund Casll on llnn.l nn,l In Ranks Surplus and Profits 191 Cireulati vT.-. iN 71.74.175 nrjLfTBM ivr-Hii. $ JkMloo'-o 'i(X) l.il.l.WWI n,ttin fRte hmmk hm a raA rwri mmummlimg In mnr Ikmm Sftprr rt mtttt STATE DEPOSITARY '' I: bead- horse 11:. - ninir to Mr, th 3. Mojikins. a son. A the Inl nd I P. n was in from his mMA has the lumUr ; thing to trade ranch this n.H-k. m ,i. mim,i Vl.;tl, U.K:M, , Pearl Wise was in from hia loiibl a residence on the black home this wn west f lr 1 ! il.l.t .). It aa u-, i:,,. ...,... t t excolb-nt latatJon and can lw n,,n ,1,'v m. .-, mRde a very lwautiful hot hsad qnar wnil u fmm Im liUChas ParrW r holidays gods an.l ;i; ijs fij.m ())pj! k I frasa hfs howa .ill in jrood shape in jinws, ,.k and will remain Depart , , .. -iiuii, ,auiuiiii in M.ii iii. i , ii . i en. w unr ne win taae up C. Ina 1 1 Bat tii" K. I' P p. Hall. ' the sub- etc lor to ftl'l!' Mi . r d: conl ii i.rs as sens'or. iilui acres soldiers ad- from Austm ; : have re i the kmar- i I ; net arm Spring lady myLin It i Hr in. S. Hamilton r which takes '" rnioiww. ktr v Bf Mr n hi ke Mr Drop King and chi d guaranteed land is and 1 I Iress sed of in south iros. The b igfat the place for their M ide ermaneiitly. Times-Herald office has red the finest assort- f stationery it has ever hud. Its luitrons will have the i very beet in that line as they al- When in need I market is nrwl lrw.ii .vm..m.mmm i mi... iiniu KHinvi? I-A1RT III 4t' ft .. on a sue anoui two miles soith of where the Met ice schiKtl house Having disposed of my hverv "nda and feed stable to Henderson Elliott, all accounts due me should NO TRESPASSING. h sttled at once. Iltmlinir nn.l (tK..r -.. -... " .. ..W..I..M .- Pll H ft- SlMoN Lkwis. y forbidden upon any of the Stockmen have now about J !n' Stock (:- rancht. OOmplsted gathering th.ii M,.,k TrasUMIirs will - pnwecutsd. and placing them on the feedm ,oHS ,;" ' WKT. iui The reporl is general Supt. that the stock g'-s into winter V tat hII i . . in.u u,, Bsasss 1 have used ChamlNTlain's .: .i;.v-.-; NEW MERCHANDISE Dry OooiU, Boots and Shoes l:resh (lrocerics, etc. For P II and Winter Trade I LU4IABURC & DALTON iiMiMiniiim 1 R ilurliairt was for Dm ranch's in Washington. bo or Michigan, inland Empire keaitv rwBnt Qbi In lis section from MM toninetv II. M i buying arranging to ways have had. Til H be wiiiiout a sew- . you have a in ne al priii-: rs. 1 1 n t'M uini h They came to J6 .n('X! Monday lor his oi.t ,lf oommercial printing of any Kings parents, Mr. "" -kki nature ump in and see us. : Jomewm, and w ,TOK "W sone DUMBsm Me is not sure whether he wi re- n "' " 'r "'"i '"iv main there or not. v ''!'1' Liver Pill. 'liousness, sick headache, ""H! P- They do not gripe. . ..u.c. -.u gg g by Thv U(.U,m. nanus hi nni- .mi- in i-iiT) Home iger. ird machines '" J1" ;' " " u machine ,.orn Bold on installment plan or terms to suit purchaser. landy rooming house in DM onlmple- S"m,h ""', '-iver lal.l... for Phasing. Tw l"m'- "J ,,an y that I can io better than any heuas h" "" " " more good i .to..... baeeaWbob l J" g " V'" 22 aleHoas. Rprentotir wlthlSt ,- ," ?" JLlS meal one h to ' . T ", m 2S? nav him PIs-MMs wi Scotia. W Tsan t.,lil,.ts strength, n the A Lnl view er announces sesame h and improve the digee- H Itakestraw has rt- don. ., ngulate the liv- signed as sup nntendent of thi ''' and ImiwvIs. They are far icost no i t a free sample at your drug tioa several 'ime looking after Hslt and see what a splendid hildren who attend Hi. school. ' Null. la hi ll IK week i oe one of tbt ese portii It ' aliforniu, $3,000, and 1(50 ' funn land 4 miles sd In IN .1 Oregon I'lianuaev , Burns, Ore.. Haines, Harney, Ore. I ml ' high and like an oi -pow - -.instruct r any A tine merchandise stock ( er60uo). brick building, several I Main St. m I'ierce City, Idaho Will trade for A 1 lands in 1 1 11 1'tui', .r M-illii.iik- jikiaaaaMsasa Inland Kinpne Uealts Co will ,ay caul, difference If gay. ease lid Of gpBp,. in dm tin J. i and Windy Point, a salt ontaning men's gloves and ideas, F ler please re- sam $12,000. Inland Wantkd About 5U00 head of good. posmf lireoding ewes. Ad- aable goods for and Winter .. V -1 on !" ,, ., aea giving ages, price, i t., Portland receive .. A. tan rtinei iiiin innu w uivtsaiuc Company. also Bank On 'on. James E. Roun.- Manager. VOl (AUK io Sllli: Paaes of Ukeside, Idaho. among others arrived here last wH'k io look over this see slMb is (jui Unfavorably impr. --ed. He has not yet filed on land but left Thursday for Idaho where he will arrange hi business af fairs and return immediately bringing his family, stock, etc back with him. Mr. Peace ex pects to be back within four week. wm - The co-partnership heret existing between Tbos. Sprague and W. a il.xld.-r has be. waved. Par,. i ig business with them shall I with each us individuals and not as a lirm. oa. sikauue. I Four 4-year-old ni ,, i ! lb rford buiU fn in . Henry (Iray lard of I ounty. I have purchased oiln i herd to fai the place of these is my n a for selling. W. E. Smith I as, Oregon. icav Taken up Decemb. WW at my place at Kgli. one I i k'elding, weigh about 1150 . lbs. age 7 years, brands quarter U on left shoulder snd f on left jaw. Owner call, prove iy charges. J. P. Cochran. MUt ii lll.lCvTIuN , wwi a )! . i , i ... i . i i - i ii Ill.' '- i m rltuil I'iin.i I. ..III-. I .1 N , i . . (I I nli, las ' M M bftMk WALTE H. HODDER Prepared to go to depth of 00 feet with various size drills. Honest measurement and satisfaction guaranteed. ""sMsfca- I or prices ami terms tall on me at Sunset or address me at Orogon Hums Lodge, No. 7. A. F. A A. M. have elected the following officers for the coming year: W M.. SamMothemhead.S V. I 1 lggan; J. W.. J. M. Dal ton. treas., J. C. Welc-m.- Sr. . A. C. Welcome; Tyl. , I Schwartz. A. w. (;owan Attorney at law I-GL3n.d. Ira,ctlc kmmkUumI wuli Mcf.ov.nn V Nichols lutf Iscaiiwt lui biau far Sail Lass Scris leaf hi ass SaM. Ill UN- OHKOON BICYCLES kt-i'tiici I) NATIONAL FOREST USKKS We are agenU f .r ininctute preaf tires and all STAND kl) 1HCVCI.E5. If you waul a whel, a -. or have your bieele r. ,, aired, . and see us. Carter A Sweek will Bad it Ui an advantage in making remittances to the DM H. adquarters Ui send Har- aay (ouaty National Itsnk drafiti. which are issued direct on the Governments Financial Is at Portland. )r.gon. lies for the kidneys are littl. uolden globules which act W. fc. HUSTON Dealer in Groceries. Provisions. Tropi a! and Domestic Fruits when in eason. 4K LSO HAS A LINE OF CENTS FURNISHINGS, Hats. Shirts. Clothin?, Underwear Get Prices CHILDREN'S CLOTHING. mi kind, of pr..h V.g.t.bl.a in Season, GIVE HIM A CALL. Durkl.eunei lluildinM M . . . . t LIVEKV, FEED AND SALE McGEE & OWEN, Propts. . Fresh Teams, GauiirUbU Rigs, Careful Drivers. Particular attention given to Transcient Trade Oil on us. Next door to French Hotel Main St. i. iyun the kidneys. Atrial The Eastern Oraon 1 1 own InnihIimI l the ia. ucok r moiifh will (-..nvinee you of quick results a , engineering mo. for B ICh-uinaii in, lnn bago and tired wrnul feeling auday'h trial fl.UU. They purify MAkiUNT CAU. I '.. I and Mi iti, . uo lead int. ud Lu4i IUf il.i- , uitings and Waistings If you care for style and lo. .f people do. it can be had in an;. Which: on our floor. We are he tall trade Our Sotke u Riv,n tia, bast vw show lh,.reari. txmmt f.. reiii2tr.aoif absomnctii oi venic i. eluding Carnages, Road wagons and Huggii'. , lor thi. season of the -!. 1,1 M, PfcMN Haines, Han aVII. aiMLIPAL AMI IKlH.All(in l.sur Sold by Tha Welcome ,. . ,.,. n n , MsinOHire, Hurns, Orei Hums. Ore., Fred .n ; every hue L is win ription 6, Misses and coats and fori lutanding pt 1 I'M. Our house is a regui.., .Savings ,' " - vnl vtvavfii tin 31st day - K. N. .lAMliillN' Harney Co. Imp. and Hdwc. Co. Treaaarar .. ;r to buy. Call in and make ue prm ;hwartz. lusy Corner Store" We are Headquarters for Horse Blanket-, Saddle Blankets STORM PROOF ROBKS and Balsam of Myrrh We Carry a Complete IJos cf HARNESS and SADDLES J. C. WELCOME & SON B-u.rrus Oiegroxi- 01:1 (HJ A MOMI 'lie suhur. ..( I, urns J In mderaigned will sell in 6 or 10 acts, 56 acres of land ly ing east of the low n of Hurns l'he land is in a high stale of dtivation and each tract has a r right. No better Public or High ol are to be found in tin State, nor a better place to build A. SWaTML Hraiu'h Oflre. I S ri.l. mf Hereford Cattle My well kii.Avn lit nl I MM winning Herefords 13 i i saUai .hi thi- far id o Vim r i i.vinesa, in Malheui an ntv Will be pleased U nd in i If in ueed of bulls arbeifrix we can luttisfy you in quality u ' your i to: ... r. i i OMsel iit4t. I . U CH A I hVa BrBnsdTBWr" mm irLM Me VILSON, Main St.. ...no a Booster Keep Things Moving We can match you with sll kinds of trad. Drop in and let us know what you have to trade or sell. We will do your surveying or sell you fruit trees, shrubery or seeds to make the home more beautiful ah.l irotitable. If you have any wants come to us. Wv hav the good (uul can deliver theut. Inland Empire Realty Co. Burn, Oregon III' - 1 ! V iWFr fif ' ;i black mii 1 1 n i un aid horscshoiig. Waion Work ALL WOrtKQU AR AN FO. Burnt, Oregon The Heat MODBJUTE PMCI TYPtWMTH On ths Market N I'll Til, CwiVeiiieBt Durable Haa all the qualities of high priced mucin Rapid, I'nivtiHiil key board, Simple, Cheap Chicago Writing Machine Co. ui-ij wa.h .. cawx, Hi.