hr (Timrs-ftrrafil M : mv:it lK nf 40.000 . niiMi. mil pnaon .SolU ') I,I1'X1I Quasifl Harilwcll RUTtO ':.TKn Ma Mi fhteo Month. Sol.. Solo i o. . . I i HVNtl l mtrf l The Timos-Hentld li in mvipt of a viT.v eooqrittt report of the Oregon Conssrvatlon Commit sion to tlic Governor which b mm or Intereetlng Informa tion regmrdinfl water ami water wer conditions in th Tho arion tkme throughout the stab shown by maps. I- d ome liall'-toni' fir the Bin wai tion. of lrritor without a rallro One of those ranohes I I in the southern part of Harm Most nf these :i known as range cattle, ir ..nnnivivl in e i i' I at. I B B a I ' ' over the old Style ol I ling thousand head of I" tie are driven out of this COUntrj each down I Klamath country to the luit there are li!! m d that are sold in Ram Lake counties to th who rawe lartre quantitii t'.ilt'.i and fallen ; h (1 b ,:,i Mar h , .;, hi out II. goon the markel rhomp on in the Burns hotel d condition brinjrl . ,,i v: sjmme actire charge of better price than if sold ii hathoetelr; t Monday. Mr. Thompson is not sure what he Th'' II do He ha several prq OUthern 0 nftj has not vei made up California where tl , l,,.,i ...i,.,, veeati,.., ha. win Catch the Sunshine Sherman Smith I owl Smith una .lohnson Florence Thompson Willi.- Young Swim .ttii the oil' tnle 'I ,-, The of ti debate, Inez I1 trrill -luiii i King and Ralph di rided in favor of the 'e. some iii smess dtANon The me so troubl some that the , 1.1111' III V I ',"! ,l i .1 ,, , ... ,. e r ranch t,. I... - !!-. Ill Willi t 1.. I . with cattl Mon i I tha vide.l Ul Whid lay than oi stockmen unpi prohibit! price in th hay now brinpin n in the nk Ran In tli whs and luiml Med in thi i nil. This nun mere; - h1 to Ihoussnds in the stop the paat fev. das and t, men an ..:.. The cattle I'.im,"' bt hipped, becausi they an n, I-cattle. il iCttM The Time Herald the annual htstitut Hums on Iii , 16, 11 the In I huildii. up. the above i we learn that bough! Mr. Tenure, etc.. but Ighl Minn Uichardson's in the Hums. In cluding tin bar. payil for the property. He and Tin, are now partners SJMJ will eonduel the entire bnsta Rl hardson rtthing. Kliiott has also bought th i ,i; Uvary, feed (table of Simon Lewis i i iai reti and ha already chai Hi Elliott I operty and C Peace of Lake ide, blah... Mr. .lohnson of Victor, Montana: Mr bVed oi Pullman, Wash., are all here tor the purpose or locating and in In Harney county. They left I his afternoon in eomnanj with W. T. Lester of the inland Empire Realty Co. for n look over the valley. Macules for the kidnej little golden globules which art directly on the kidneys. A trial will convince you of quick results for Backache, Rheumatism. Lum bago nml tirct I wornout feeling. May's trial $1.00. The purifj the 1. 1. Hid. Sold b The Welcome Pharmacy, Burns, Ore., Fred Haines. Harney. Ore old hens continue scan I ;. . Clevenger I the morkei for h price paid. i imen-Herald i Ived ihsn new lock : Mi'i tt'n .hi. n.iiliniiui.i'il ri?nl TOll un in Hi: I .-, in. i. Harm Coonly, Blot M , l,.piTf(llV llli'"ll Hi" """ i '..mi nf nun.-, ii i",.'v rjoent) . .,, nt nit i i"' .,r,i kid to Mil IpttlatHM Mult Viiiou- l.iii.r in li'i" 'iiiiintiiti"' irne Herald has received ihan mm imhm in iron..,., i M iv.iiili Si,.,. ,,f (.i-iv.i.i for ft 80llle lieu 'loi'K III- I , rtotj ,,( (0 itS i.imitl.- ii" IB ilnlv C III 1 "" peer I Ha. etc., for its many pat" IF VOD CARE FOR STYLE. "i"""' h Overland hotel stituti' earlier , bu rangi 0n conventioi MCI M "I tIMIIM'l ). Th. in al rei owing ii a n us: will be mo I, imn- tin nbsr ham under tlic tinil. act id will i I I 'bi.- lag it upon the don. iaw. wnica says that timber land The institui haM minimum price indud ' dent I Of $1' 1 s mend, Hi llybschi valuable tin .Mis. Doroths I tar l;-! Dublie ehflnl I'.-i., li U . i in . statu, ally U and must .ub- and distributed eari n. Imt ' t tin- It u holnd ti'..- i llhl which lie has leased will bl bJmsslf and sons. i and Garret 100 head . ,., the II ,ii .-ut 2H eni on the pn . -i. Mr. offals home 'me in ids wn. No. S2S5 Report ,.( llu- lh,- FUST NATI0NAI HANK OF BURNS. II. ' III, r M I I.IUl nr.,i i -IMnftnd Dlwoaoti 1171 ",- Irnfl. frri.reil ami una. ir."l - - N ur.- , ,r iiU.Inn TAMiflD .O0U i on It -j i- H,.nl. terurlllr. rt-' lUnitn h. tine. fu mil nr,- nmt SxllinM Dm tttm HaMaMl Hunkt (not r,- re.rv,- nrfrni. i h,- .. n'l.l uth. r , m r. NwMMl Hk tr' ilniol v. ul. I.i M'"m bjm i. HtvK iSj r Mai ratal If yen care for style and people do, it can be had I Vehicle on our llooi. prepared for the fall tradi . Our how a remarkable assortn ehlc- les, Including Carri Road- ...i ...... ii.;. Il, ,uiu liliie-. mi un- , . I ri'li, uuoii Unit mi IiiifiIhv tbalMh.1 1 i'.. Nihun Our i i B.'n M,V I,, the Count OmU who Wish to buy. .,- . S'rttinf i, foi lUrn.-v I MtV Nn.iiPB W II '.' N i osm t; v Oertti B .1 Ml,linl,'i I II Sntli.-rliiml M I, II II l.lli, it 00 I .Mil" i litrk li l-e-,1 1'nri'tli B AihI.t .,u i i ii irpsr 1 M.'rri I rilalni I 11,1111, s I llrflok M A IfSSSt I , llBilMM Si.lti.'V fun i i. And. .lull. in llanrl." V I BSSW l; I. (' lli''ri'i- ii i:iii- M A l''nrii 'i lli I lli.ier .1 IWilu 'i. Call in and I Harney Co Imp. and i l. for .i Ii-.'lli. h.i'lllloni'il HI IIC ; Mil., li. II Mini-. A l-'iriii .: u i i - i i h IMM tl i .imi Mi -lulu Mi ! pialu i ., i ,i i lag ailaaal Saaki Saaki Itnuka il .fi-.i- I : ; SULKY PL.OW HARDW MACH Binders1 Full Li BUILDING F ROOF CROCKERY. CHI AND GEER & C Burns, ( Burns Mea Ne Shop Opposite Ike Fir" The Star! land best sddl unons Dawa Linaof Riding Psowi mple snti full in. gstndne merit, sad has SBOWU : to. It h.i ; ampl) rl Its right to be 'il'll-duMM I inn tool. It is cettaii t inner nml be a money- ma). w4 l V' bUhHvMv Yssr patmnsfe uiliciied. n. IIKIIHH BONO )R. ft and rata Tlu will jrive i. to the land. an ii.: p, church, llllilt StlllMII IllllrVK. HIK wa: .am cat tin- land at ti Ifanus. The '""" called ti. wi.l be forfeit- mak. pa ment within aft" read and sp i Lag program wi ever '' sutiful ' 1 within i. ding mon: ,,, thei.i Wj appraised valuation. Ri ., D . or a will tn: .; ed Si. leas thai sji can cut tim- United Stati be time appriaal is Air before (l ' SS a patent from the Govern- Aurmond Ausmu ..,.",. ... mem. v, inter Secretary Gartiel.l dtoparattadsConaTess Three tiHn the local tpplied t. i in as I erne ('nun for ii. Argument m sard at th in! of the Supreme Court ion. based Bdoph d since the tin local-option law which the eomrtg was vat June, Tmi are from while the third is from h dty charters Wffllt oruary. MK).",. ensiw of h'jral iai the towns of Cotv Iford and Kstacada are sffi iie.i b the ra il wni I ourl decision, tlu Ihiuor interests In Alalia ur coun bopsj of winninjr out. II M I,.- I IN. fl a - af 1 ervDoays igazint 4 If It's a Deere-Its Ridht and to the operator and team. It is m miif.i i s tonguelesH plow n tonjjne not I i ,ilicd ut The StOg IS the ll i tonm its it succcs'tfully. M DO sesees n .... f,,ulu l)n other plows, and i trste laid di wribs then nil ull the lllf I III 111! 1TB you want about tin I N Iciuem. H VOEGTLY CHRISTMAS MM Ui:it M "Imnlil r, ! " I In I vaiio.r i , i iiistora III.', l.r I man. Imt flU ' I.IM'r Cbrli '' ir. lin.' color n.l vrr- ill l-.k in ii Tlnr. ll, u Ui.rfi niiinlr .1 I . A'u, sSlSSf M 1 1 i I Jhf Harney Saw SVIill L. R. BUNYARD, Rfopt. Rouffh and Dresd Lumber Rustic, FIotWing Moulding Finishing LumtVer, Shinpies Baasssa BaJaWBI r " IB faajf g , a i ' ,i .mS R . HHMsaa .; . GOOD ItOAD The Most Popular ilouse NtAlLVFlRNISHaiD-AU HcadquartcrsAfor Travciini Mrs. ELLA MAP TIN. Pw Ladies 1 li you wish to make your husband or your sweetheart at gjgg Christmas present ' u SUIT, OVERCOAT OR FANCY VEST order from me nowI will make it up and guarantee u lit. n. gJtontsfJM made un an of my Karnienls urt- free of charge r A. SCHENK, Merchant Tailor The Up'tO'Date Pharmaey j ''" "" .icupent, un, ami Inut i WE WANT YOUR TliADi: rumen our Motto Headquarters for School -upplies ' tlu itrinj m xt-lwol t ttm --. mn aen i n . It sn m ' 1 gaasl 0 tu ait if lin mm. CITT TDZZTTOr STOEE. H. M. HORTON, Hropt. i '. V4t,tVMi "URNS LIVERV AND I HfiNJ EKSt KLUO . M to l rasl 0 amend uie timber and Mum- provids for the dla .tl !' timber land al appi value. Whan Congiv.s fail. thai the i' would do by regulation erhat Congress lutd ailed 1 lation. 1 out Of tile thl troaetive. it - sffsotany sal to lure n.ade. e C4TTU m oKKUoy ittk-.still oonstituts one of Or. . adiaaj indus- tri. ; yel ibotaihsd; tli" wildei hu. not been driven bac. Jong the line. The first rs cuttle brought int.. Oregon by Anierican.s wa.-; in l;iO. men went from the Willamette valley to California with H.ttO and bought Got) head. 1'Vom this haginning' 15d,(xji head of cattle were driven to tli. eastern mar ket in a single .season. Ti are :itill cattle ranches in the WELGOME--SANTA CLAUS-WELCOME You. -will firid PRESENT? IN ABUNDANCE Everijthinu lor tlu Little (Men TOYS DOLLS TRUNKS BROWNIES HOUSES, ETC Everything for the Hia Ones Hand painted Haviland Chiuu Libby's Cut Glass Bohemian Cut (.lass Bohemian Etched Glass Pictures everything for every one and our prices are riaht The Welcome Pharmacy -i:v PEN WICK 4 JACKSON. Wi MODS, PLIMSUINIS, SHOPS, MATS AND CAPS G-X:OCEieiES Fruit V, firetafaies, Soft Drinks. Confec- tio' er, Cigars and Tobacco. Burns, Ono-ion SSSSfiT H OahJl 1 jfll 6i alaSI i . f ' V V ' I ' iVaf J Hun 'in BBS Special Afljotion (iivee i tonauciiiijc funerals NE AND AaUKATt IIAV StALB IN lu.YNECIION Wirti BAKN w fTiu' i: GREEi, KIVER WHISKEY The Whiskey li ithputa Headache Ull by all un J km used aw ...e mm .SO Vi'iir In tl... I , .. 1 -v nobpiials, Army mU n,,v. ,i 1 ' , , "''! recommended It'.'l 1 1 I la t, ul. . . ..... m. . a '"'."o id: i.imiiIn uic as a tonic ulant. 1 In 1 . 1 li town THE BURNS HOTEL BAR SOLE AGENT H ARDSON, Proprietor WINES, LIQUORS and CIGARS Club Rooms in Connection -'"'-.usuud.OMiKinKHar Tenders KVKRVlillNGKlKST-CLASS l)tt0p 1N Untrally Located d( mUtw.UHl a. HotdiHaraH BUR S MILLI HORTON l SAYfJ Rough and Dresel Rustic, Flooring,! Finishing Lui Nearest Suwmil to Bur Lumber Yard in THE ANDERSO' k. J. McKlNN0N.w 'he old favorite Fan. lb r'oWJ Special Attention anil H HOME COOKING. 1 Feed Barn in 0 aOUTH BUKNS, ORI xw m THE TIMES m Job Prints