Two PotatfM for the ltrmfr Railway Co. i mi IN Kl nv I i,nsi wee man stepped up umpter Valley lions mid sum iif wm In nn irriKatiiiR country it is' overy tnil he mvl u I sometimes found neeessnrv t.. 'until Saturday nlghl take ilmvn a fence to avoid a sunie the man di 1 W ditch or lateral when driving toiaeM he would p and from a field If this road is tWO I only used a part of the yen-, or Hurry: DW the man i occasionally, it doe not iver bom construct a permaneit gate. A WOUIG Bttlc temporary gate, which will cost we presume that only a few cents, can he cons- uncertain Anothei - tnicted iii the following manner: l"P il to go to the devil ii HI the wires on three or not pay US within four ihwts. depending en the . Haven't seen him tightnees of the wrrat. Then thai he h e. But I .!:.... . ..i ;...i.' diil nt Imiii. in vail lllltl' IHU !UIIIV .ll'l'lll M I! --1 1. 1 1 i inch apart parallel to the wire numb, r sni.l Hi and to each other where the eta- tomorrow. Theymu were formerly driven in the stricken blind, or- tomon Place spike at the b tcome. One man te!i hmm M . .,,-i, r Am .,.-.. ro that hi' Wi IVIII VA V nv II Wl lilt inv .' Ml' i poets. The wire can then I ,i man would not will be held clo e to the ground h-! ,",, ' o ii to dine over. I the fenee i- d : fcUCTIO betwaen tin parralk -una nail thnnipl ' " :1 hoW regular tapies and outsid 'ln,, ,m'" liiM! o uir wins (O I .;. n Txy XTm I nil li I I M il Jdnrllont inM : w bin i irmv tin it Da wmI. !'ii p in i.i " i M ii , ,., I tU0 .; OS " BOO l il, i) i barn in Hums. Brinj both manner and thing rou ' would i your mono for it. Specis ledeoiid to the tontton green to eeJ In i Smith. Ai; I ver good WOO to clear land i brush, provided; V1.. ..,.,.., ,,,,,..,-,, n the land fot Nl XN CUHW0 PROPOSITI year rve among the Inu i h ' all. The fall and V. rains will can n with tin grow. The rye will ripen in tin following July. In A will bun b ;i; . prof, n brush, i the rye so thai the Are will carry in the d well from brush to brush ground will I Stti. v . Pineulea bring Hundred tin m -i it torn . In Hi Ik. HgOrf -' pureh it li.'k- ' .MlrrilH' lilltloti III I U I -I. -npt . i Mat Nature Provides bun out. California turn winter n and ntle mild win- nun t i. Kill. ltai . ii i 1 1 i. . W A Mi v It. Ill Kit In i. ik. 1 Mm Mi lull.. 1 II I.O.IIK- i In nl' .nl lull Ki.ravnlalH.. l .nl. II Hi CorflT li l rrMM -.1 -hrrlll A K . ! llH. I -1 I Jmuimv Mai ri ,-nrr Mum.i. ' . i n.l i "N The Times-Herald i offering most attractive Clubbing Rates to its twlmrilter at present THE TIMES-HERALD One near with the Portland Weekly Oregonian $2.50 Portland Semi-Weekly Journal $2.50 S. F. Weekly Examiner $2.55 Thrice-a-Week N. Y. World $2.50 Semi-Weekly St. Louis Republic $2.35 Farm Progress FRKi: to oven paid in ndvanco Bttbterlbtr ggMOrmor of than pood papers in connec tion with The Tim.s-llerald for the lonp win- Ui ev: i .in: (all and ffet Clubbing; Mm JOB PRINTING ROFKBSTONAI OARM li-.'. Win. MILLEK, ATTOH IV r I u Hiirn i nri... iirt il.Hir wphi of Hunk C. A. REMBOLD Mtorncy-nt-l Burns, Or gon 'll.l- II. I .i-oliii'd i roam i n h w artful attention oivi'n to Colli.,. mid Ki- Notnrv Pah I'.i i, ORO i MORI ITIi.HM- US-. OliKims i, linn- l.nml tni ' ". nnil KfhI I . , il.l ii. Thi- Tim. Sill i ' lli- v (I !' i onl Inn . II v, :ill the LATEST TYPE FACES nn; WJ nmiilelc Um FIRST( LASS STATIONERY (it) i); SEWING MACHINE. UOUER in-a a I NO. a:uit uoaoi. . Mar Rini hflkannees, ket-i Burns. Ore., Fred H. H 0 . & N CO. ,.,,. M . ' ,-u. -. au.l b. of Hi . I 'at. I ii i . . I id trip ' llfornJa. tick- AliK- - .mil itlon . ' I In iiuiiiHtKtvn -ii. pamt. Axrat. I. 'frupMI I - M faHPRM by buying ibi. . pavpvvvv uiii KnHiv vea lal&U ing madanc. r 'Kv iWP CHARLb".. W. tulilS LAWYER Burna, - - Oregon I'm .-in. in tin- Nlute (,'ourU hihI "- fur. II .ml nil,..- o ixi. ;cprv II unit Snii(,-,,i lluriiH. - iiri'non. I . ii ml i V . Ualn it, H. MOW, HL I). X) i m YH SI Ml I IN LOOK ii to cs N MY LINE. i load ' andpninlffl UltiiM el p .,; fit ;l I'i flr n idl I '- STRONGEST CUARiVNTUL National Sewing Machine Co.. SAN FRANCISCO. CA1. , HACTOKV ATBeLVIUUtr. IU. The Coach Syrup that rids the lyacem of a cold by acting ai a cathartic on the boweU 1 em."tocrll: .gr in IIV-. III! 1-.1W Ml, m i in xim b. Ill I ,- ii .ii.. bnlldii r, ii. ii si H-ii 1 HI, I I, .nil I. .. . 1 ! H. ii ' 5 . nil i i it i c a v X n i H l ( II i a r a n 4 I t II BEES LAXATIVE C3W Vr.m AefjV J I r ""'", ri-V v "II aV fgg II i il 1 I ydpttsrag. handaii(uttiiit . VWteWfS -susvi K iPPUINT.HCM 01 0HIMSTIUTI. . ml,, i A U ' Ny. L it WIS jr Shop j, Prapt end i rYork. OREGON' " ' ,...;- ,!.. Hun FIRE INSURANCE . w II II ..I W. .-lay. - II. it. in, i. M ll.ri r r . I r . i AU I - ; i'. CAb WANTED RIIER AGENT IN CTOkt HtlCEi MILL BE ASTONISHED x. I A I AT tr- I I OF A THOUSAOD V ' j J.?5 . . . JOIAU .J- , $1.50 I aB gfl m. g cc: nc 8 SJ MEDGETHORM PUKt SELF-HEALING TIRES ft . 1 pi? r NO M0;iE TROUBLE FIOM NNCTNIES - aw .ii. sjm - iiiU Operai i;. heel .iu ' l mil.-, i t sa-P"S ilum , l.l. C MM. 'H K 0 I Mil ll'A. ToUl . All for . . . AM. u 'l udrr. IO SUNSET MAGAZINE H ! I . i-.a, 3'i Oul-Ul Joi.r bt( Ihi.ic Iwr d itru inn by I I i.hiii lu stau-jl ii 4Ulrin ., SCU'-vUMkul 1 1 i-i... vM lr .1 BJMi . 11UM I ;4i -'-1 t- tpAV, i itapid Iransii Line . '" ! i;i-egon 1 ii - U)BN . iggar. ..(HIN UKMBGBL1NU. Jl'WVjloi". 1I HM.ili 1 rurruver. 1 nn Watch Repairing liahy. Burns -- Diamond Stog, Line Tr., ssae rt. Tk CJOJ Uu 4UV7 Ckipw I all) Mui, U.S. A 1 to tend u a if la! order i It YOU NEED TIRES t : 1 iirtAloctoly prw cjuc4d deaenbeft And cjuoic all coAk, , rtn min-r iaav w rwvi ww i i v, or .. . ol inc. t U .Ic u u 1. ..-Ill U-. - p " w.t. i.w. uyi.iL unii Ulcrt c ate UAkiun 11 ualy coau A wul lu ItAtu ocrylluii tltll yv 111 1 I . . . WtKh 1 1 Ic .. . . V(M Is, lll Ut. udaiions HOii;. r.ot . II IRI'I i: I 1 .,.1 I ., ! I 1 I 1. nl. Hill Hllll 111.- 1, 11.1! oil ij)e ial Fl .M i KVijTiriii.ii.' J. L MEAD CYCLE COMPANY CHICAGO, ILL You Patro eited, for 1 ne "'vXr-nsTXE: A icprescnlutn.- in Uu: .oiin M Ki' real c.ti.iic torpor at ion. Ial iiiUuviiicm to tin at wlni -' to 11 hKen Hi nl blalu iMgfHJ Co. Rait licAibo.n buildiat CIIICAUU, ILL. Ojl