Ld. The Pioneer Rank of Harney County' home. , painting and p ns, Oregon. ;ean wasftaM :v. '"'"'lMWr' neg. I i.,t. -w,.l I mil l.wii wit V" p from thiiHu' "' week. ''. ilaon 'ivi't$ tl" m rtffb I ten r no nta. H' ml of loafinvr ai i hi ! i. m in!) rling's. r i ( t to h u ( ! from the Club, on I in tin nil Or. W. B M Hi. The two la vo been the gu for the past mtitipr expeditioi other place. rue m nuiw ltd. Mrs. Sprig" urn the hottvwtc lira him an he ;y. His condi . ; Bortota b i he will i i. 1 In .. . , , The First National Bant of Burns Qtoe careful, intelligent attention to all ImsincHH committed to it charge CAPITAL SURPLUS S25.000.00 S25.000.00 n m pi i PaW '- I SITED STATES DEPOSITARY OREGON STATE DEPOSITARY Ella Pago is up from Lawon. Tor Sai I M acres of hay Pat (Veil was over from PBvi I ul- Inquire at this office, creek yesterday. J John Cary came up from hi K.Iwar.l Southworth is tort I "0 nr lawen last nijrht. irom near vauey. iviison riitmoyraph." and re-, Irving Miller went to the 1' 'ls for sale at Lunaburg ftt Ranch yesterday. VWM Sam Craves was up from In ' '"- (heap if sold at lake home this week. drop heed sewing ma- ,,,,,, . chine. Inquire at French Hotel Old IV to Indian has gone to the happy hunting grounds. Al Weatherly and wife and ., ... n. ,,.,, , . Itusa Kingaburry of Drew- Mrs. W. 1. Hill habeenon,,vtw . " . ' m . ,, !-... 1 1 a 'llI'laMII WWII Vil l. K "" ,n,s Vodnesday on their way home raft visit at Boise. Mrs. John Cary has been tin ValeOriBM. gaeetof Mrs. helley thi R , w,iuM0f gwr ' eratk; Mrs. J. C. Garett and Some of our young people IV. . I Williams, of Burns; and R. went over in Harney and enjoyed J Williams, of Riley; formed a the fam I Ml night. part at the hotel Prineville this Parties who have been out Prineville Journal, the range rapotl grass except i, Yoegtly' prices on Imple ally good for this season. ,-t,- liofore purchasing. Supt. tJilerest of the P. L. S. Co. was Ivi. i u uiR the week. K. C, Kggleston. Chas, Reed. N. Henney anl Thos. Dawson have been among those from Sunset to visit our city during the week. Pings Little Liver Ptlls for biliousness. sicKNadaoho. They i you well. 2Rc, Try them. Soli! by The Welcome Pharmacy, Burns. OH I V-d H..incs. Har ney. Ore. The i h M RtraM office has mi i PMttvtjd the linesi assort ment i !ier it has ever had. Its patrons will have the very lest in that line as they al ways have had. When in need of commercial printing of any nature .Imp in and see us. NO TRESPASSING. Hunting afti ly foi'bidilen hing are strict- upon any or tne Ed Springer and wife were up ' '" " Mter than any house "p , JV1 s,(M.k .,ft nnch from their home this week guests In town. I do not have a Whole- of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Sagefe. House Representative with m ii r-- .... i i,.n all summer, some one has to Mrs. ( hi i arter and little daughter have gone to Piu-om.i. Trespassers will lie prosecuted. John Gii.cruit. Wash, on a visit to In A. StevviMi in I mm (lie land Painting and papei hanging hokUngl of I Murphy. A. Horton. J. L. Popper and .!. P. Hank- Ora Ilili to leave Mon- n . rn Silvio this day for Nevada where ha ha wei 1; and BSade pvaif H their some Brining interests which he land. will look after. Frank Bunynrd is over tntSr - can trade your place here me in Malheur county look- for tine ranches in Washington ing : -sand visit- Idaho or Michigan. .1 Ekni ' Realty Co. 640aertran( (dtabai Wt have received mm l.und- fall .nd winter millinery also a ii and tine aaaortment of notk) Mesdames Reed & Johnson. Miinaeer Woltlenbcrg of llie Blue Mi Uapid Transit Line is in the city looking after his stag business. ir ...-iv- lt lll'l liThe beautiful fall continues permitting much farm big and freighting to h without interruption. W. hrinkwater. I.h.ck smith. Harney, I ' gon. H shoeing and all kinds . f general repair won.. Voiu luisiness sol lei ted. illiltlir U . c.M'l l '"" ' 1 . . . a.l I... 1....' 1....1..M ...l...l. . llTtl(l nil' ('.iiii-i l III! II wnn iiim tins morning. eken , ii yVmnori ediate points. H ccasional visits source of delip rclea and he ge nji.yment 'aiWjthunkh to the many friends who ids hre. su mueli thwUgh kindness the KirsBof,""11 sympainy uuriiu' their recent Pine and lir lumlh-r for sale at 1000, I each. On the I '.i i i irn n. .. ''llS II 1 1 wis. Df Carl Griffith Ir. !" il to Salem on aeoount of the serious ii his mother. W. A. Hopkins, a brother-in- lo Sam Graves, has located l.akriew and has accepted the place of pastor in the Baptist church there for the coming! NOTiriv MH ITMI. ICATION Chimp ntui i-Miirn. 1. Hun. i "h.p. pip hr M. ! Harney County National Rank Thi Hunk ho an especially well eiiii Foriign Exclinngt Depavtmant, Ihrongh which we inane our own rirafta on all fhepriuelpftl g the worhl Uoare pn-pariil to ItatM L'lteiif pnrtieN traveling In thin LtHIBlT, wbiOB enablea laihleiH to obtain funds at all principal pninta without further idintifleutinn 'YOt'R HOME ISSTllVTIOS The Harney County National Bank of Horns STATE DEPOSIT iR) J P7( have 1440 acn fine wheat ranch near Walla Walla Wash, to for stock ranch, Inland Kmpirc Realty Co. Many fine raaidatteai in Spokane to trade for land or stock, Inland Empire Realty to. A letter from W. E. Smith to .i '.:: . I I - I . iprlll l.-l.,.. . IIMI.I, iiroaua. oa ik Bnii i l.lm.ni IMH Mii i inlik. if hnrn, itn,n nrr.ip. rmitk o J kMSf RtTcu that t 'ill t.nnlf II li mart- nmhi no W'il. o CM n 1. Vnai. ' "'. , Niihmlir, 14 ' ir U. iii.aaa txk baaklt iMiian ol l hurt't Oragiip. Wa I Ruin" 'lii- ' P Bar, undar the inunugenv dwell. popolarraaorta H- will remain an indeimii 1 "Mi. Prop in ii have uthirsl. r on ie Sumpter Vail. be in a poaitlan t m Austin to Bak' II have con-ads a ienoe for loadn I cuttle lit Austn load, from An $15.00. andW. A. ash., arrived - b) the name of Waller, s painter in the employ of tht P Mi and Ml . A. S. Swain and L. S. Co.. had tfec lirst joint of fainil lo express their his thumb polled lf the other day by patting H caught in a mpe while leading a hi" Geo. S. Nickerson, C. E.. and Archie McGowan arrived home Thursday from an ax- tended trip through tin- Iron mountain and adjacent territory. They had been absent about two weeks. ellt. LOST - I. Jordan lauiii and Windy Point, u suit case con tan in n men' , suspender: Pindar pleuse re turn same lo Freedman, 311 Larrabee St., Portland receive reward. County ( County Burvi ling to look H have Im-i-h up in i tglo- the mountains surveying some condition to Air land. Faulk, certainly is good if ware tsauflBg he could run a straight line with h Lee Caldwell . that muur. ie ,y in, the latter i a visit to outsni- C. W. Kllis urrived home Wanted V orood. vounir breeditur ewes Ad Mothershead, rireas. irivinu aires, nrice. etc.. Faulkner and The Atnerinm Ijtnd Livfi-ik J. A. Robertson has just re turn, d i. m the railroad where he has been in charge of the cat- 1. for the William Hank Oa, Judge and Mrs. Wm. Miller spent a iKirtion of this . Mrs, Ed. Krli a arriv- ( d hen Wedm -i Mra. C P. Ausmu.s an mucil. .1 in the .1. I . It i . ii in i tcr. The boyi art' attending hii'h MehiMil. J put Hi. N'oltage la the name of a ni f. w miles east of Narrows. It accommodates a large nun. lers in that section. Mrs 1 .i days viMtuiK friends in this r Ui.' first of the samel lleajeon Frank came over ail the stage Sunday. Mrs. To. t r returned home in company with her bn lluir Thitniuu ll.nli.i. . ,. .....I ....... , u:N ,h""ls ... n. .ii iiniu.-. ir. .ii-i jiuiii III I-. . llappy alley name. He re. IKirts having had an enjoyable trip out with his family durinr About otKK) head of s, al, ()t.lu,t.r Tni.N look in the state fair at Salem. the livestock show and races at Portland and the state fair at home i. .Iks says he saw Christi na Lackman, the high school girl who left her home here about a NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION I trunk In. kin. I, k'r. Knrklaii.l. Jama llu. klainl. Ilallla I'larra. anil (taotRir Murray, an.l ( any ami all lii'ira si thr iplalr nl J. ('. Ilurklaii.l .L.waw.1 la. Hltr 1 1 II, It I l.il Afll.tlt.il. month ago, in Vale recently in ,,... ,.i.i .., .i .. . .i. uiy with Ia'c Carpenter. It was suspect ni at the time of I ..irancc that Cancn- l.onsible for her leav ing home. The father, Chris Ijuknian. informs The Times Herald that thev have recently had two letters from the girl, one from Baker City and another from Tlio Dalles. Each letter was a-- ing for some little pjktgi me such as handerchiels. ui I vihj a HOME The In the suburbs of Rums. undersigned will sell acre tracts, 66 acres of land ly ing east of the town of Hums. The lurid is in a high state of cultivation and each tract has a i ritfht. No better Public or High are to be found in the nor u better place to build . Lome. C. A. SWEEK t.arOiia In mlaraal : Von, nl faili nf ..u ar Intra I. antl H. l thai I. the ni ... .-if-icl. Iiaiaan ponJtal Ilia Mini uf iKI OH In lalmr ami laaproarmanta tinn 'n il nil ion gnarii Milling I laiin. I in- -an. a liw adnata In Ihc llarnrv Mining rllairlrl ami illu ala In teasel li .anor 1ST. Jl.H II XJ, I, M in Mar. .17 Con. il. Hi. ISSi ix ilia umlrr- algnail an.! ni.' I i Urn klan.1, ilar. an ad, aa will BSaeSS fcf v nerllfl. air lii-ralolnra III... I in II Una ..I ilia Count) Cirri. ( II.. i. .. r. mi.tr, lira aon, lor llu' 1'iMi.i.r of liolilmn ail ! . raBi I aaa ni.l.'. tin' " ' Tial . ol arena ttM ii'VI-l IMI.II ..' Ilia t'ullnl I h tin- U'.iik llin amoiinl uf al. i. illltirv r. p. 'I uinlar Ilia .rolai I aalilaa.li" In hi. Ill Ilia mna I rum ilia I.I .1.. ol Jan. 117. In Ilia l-l il- I in 6 or 10, " N.ia, II alll.il. 1X1. U. all. i II,, ,. .l,. Iijr ., .1.1. ran ... n. i 'xil, nrt. . I of r. luaa In . "iilriliiil. v.iir r.i(H.ri ion of nlfl. rINi, M.iri .ar.owiiara III aald Unr tlaarrllMMl n.liilna rlalin, our mo iai llo'irin will lr. hub Ilia pr.'irlt ol il,. tiinlaiaiaii.il llii'l.l Ilia . oaiatutM Ul anl !- linn -M-'l a'l.i. Ill I'.nad. O J. DARST. NEW MHRCHANDISH Dry (foods, Hoots and Shoe Hresh Oroceries, etc. For F.J I and Winter Trade LUNABURG & DALTON resesteeBefai laaiasMasessaf A comim in i iM oi ui imiiitooon.s i n. SI I'liml at The Welcome Pharmacy, Burns, Oregon. Fountain Myrinicv'tli.t Water Hot II, NIpprM. tllovse Hani atuhheryrlnfa, .Whirling Spraa, I Insrr Cots, Hrraala, Hna.t 1'iimpa, In fuel all thr WiiMw (IikkI larrlrU h an UP-TO-DATE DkUj STORE J C. Welcome Jr., Propt. I IN M HHIIIMKM tympany, uenio tiivgon. also j Uui,,,.. They were accompanied same care of the First National i, ,,,.. i,, ii,,i, u .i,, " " '. a.i'ti .tiii. t'tilli. il nephew of I)r. Withycombof tin Hank, Burns, Oregon. James K. Roumgvuxi Manager. One of the pet untelopf in Or. 0. A. . I In ftaan inun will MHMtd the winter with Mr. Jen-kiiiM. ibath sorvicea v. the Pre.' ' iiuiiath inon Met ttkh I Homing and , A hi . iti mi iuil Touol V. :kHl not blic woi-ah i nuraaaj evening rrona a trip to Hibbard's park was killed fgst the mines in the southern part day morning. They hud been' ot the county. Mr. hllm lius fixing the wa-r pipes eight claim:- in that pari ol the j ,l( .). ljark and hud I., ll.t' Ratals nl Jia-iali II. Mnlkat tsM. Take uku taal I kaes flini . taai a. ..mi a ailu.iulairalur ul aai.l iitii.nl ! I- i. an. I that Ilia Hen. J P Better. iiiJudga ot Usroay I uuuljr, Or see, sum aupuii.twl Moadaa, LVaaabar ' l..k a in. at lua Court liou.a la Hum, I in-gou, Ilia lima and .' S Ilia liaarliia ul nbjarlluu lo A. W. (iOWAN Allornry at law xeictlc Aaao lalaal Willi Midowan & Nichola Lssi Lauiliess leal bislt far Ssk Use Scrip leafbl u SeU. Ill BJI, - - OKKliUN a. a . a i . a m a aa.a-aa..aa a. vO'iiL. , ''"" 71 DltYCI.I ki:iaik I' 'M' I. I .a.'l at.-oitiit ai.il Ilia arti Uiiiant Hi. rauf. leading I itnerahip In-. "' ".''0""'" """ We are agenU for puncture-proof !... ;...:..!...... . i. ' ' "'" """- "" n.i.na,,jra- lir..a un. nil ii'ii tin i .-. irttiMa.' ri'in r i nun ri ii avui' . . . . oountrj am there it r lapaaeai llainuli srhichone of the and w. ;. Holder ha ln di i.,.. v ..., is. indieatloi kstivi- dogsgot in. The unu.-luM- took solved. Parties having I r.afeeasaa, ty ill thvelopmetll Wol'k there ill friu-ht und run uirniiwl ll... f.'i.i. with Irunn ahull liw.-..f A.lu.li.i.traloi with each a.- individuals ami not as a in in. 1 1 lo.s. SpkaoUbV tiren and all SrANIXlfl) IJICYCi.l-5. ill.- near t'.ilnr, There WCTe some Oenvei aapHaliati vWaaa the district whili he was there breaking iUs neck. kaykd One sorrel horse NolU I K UNAL HatriLKMBNT. and th.-v SMre quite faeorabb with star m forehead, four white iinpreaaad. onable goods for ill and Winter New Kail id are no you ia id Mxavt 5uiti VS lillel' llt--.-t nn, i lor vour iuHjectiou, bn vino or mil ctiiiii in i In- his pl'et I '. line. Ui-1- S., To whom it nuiy conct You and each of you will pleaer laki- SjataM that tl. ( Lar- Muijilo is now in pruceas of disaolutioi , oil are noti fied not to extend any credit t . rin. y. Thos. IjvKaoN. and Waistings of m Description geliae 1 dies, Misses and reiih wwivr coats and furs and branded U on left sUpj; weigm aljout li!U or UPl Lost about three weeks ago. lb -riiiaii iieorge will give $5 re ward for infonnatioti leading to his re IF YOl CAM FOK SiMI If you care for style and lot of do. it can be had in any Vehicle on our floor. We are prepared for the fall trade. Our stuck beet. We show a lea, including Carriages, 1 wagons and Bugg season of the t-ar. Our hou.- .vings Bank for those vw. t.. buy. I i.i an4 w.b.. a. . I IT. Janpj araa. Co. top. and Hdw, If you want a wheel, a set of tires, or have your bicycle repaired, come and see us. Carter & Swcck W. E. HUSTON Dealer in Groceries, Provisions. Tropi al and Domestic Fruits when in Season. E 4LSO HAS A LINE OF CENTS FURNISHINGS, Hats, Shirts. Clothing Underwear Get Prices CHILDREN'S CLOTHING. All klnda of preah Vegetnblca irrSeaaon, GIVE HIM A CALL. Dtilklirimi i lliiililnii: Mi.'.lrtii LIVERY, FEED AND SALE WAKIANT tAII. (hat Notice is hereb ' irient fund I l'JOB. Intei I". ; 806. 1.. i. I -lata ul Cllflu.il I latalauU Jr a ail I aka ii'iliua that tb uiiuVraifbad a al lli. abuva i aiala liaa Ilia liai i,i ln-ralii, and thai banrtlar I urt ol llarnajr eommtf, I '1'ily uiada a ud aataratl Una IimI, Ut ..I ". 1'iU-r lute. Mwudiy. Nutau.Ur liul.ieOS. at IO..Vlu.k A M al tl.ai uu.l baeeels Mas, set apuoiuuala. MaiaOtki Hurna, Oregun ilir inn,: anil .Umi lot Iba baa.liin( , ... tu .a 1. 1 rautal all paratma ii, taraalt-.l mu.l SU llielr ulijai'liuna. il any ou or bvlura .aid appmulad day. liaUti ii. "....I M, itaaa. Mat (Laiai.au. Ki- The Eastern Oregon Engineering Oo. mn. iLfuur.L aki fstatl4.AlttrN IMilfHII& a. Hranch Oflice, Ijikeview, Oregon i a r.l l t. . M Hs. Hereford Cattle McGEE & OWEN, Propts. Fresh Teams, Ganf irubU Rigs, Careful Drivers. Particular attention given to Transcicnt Trade Call on us. Next pg g t French Hotel Main HirwK lnNiriliMl li) iIm iIhv, wwk or month SCHWARTZ. $ Busy Corner Store" utam We are Heatiij uar Urt for Horse Blankets, Saddle Blankets STORM PROOF ROBES and Balsam of Myrrh We Carry a Complete Line f HARNESS and SADDLES J. C. WELCOME & SON m n. HclUuWM CUIUOFHACTOP Tft.ta all diaaaaua by tlna ".ul ". Ilia apllM. (all i 'air llulal aud lat aia a SaaS tbla lirattuaiit to you No Druga Uaed Uaaaiestiss Mi Uskslisliee Free I.I HS.- Hi ill. I . ht'KNH Oh i peggg My well known herd af Prix winning HerefonU i hi w located on the farm of Wm. P ' .ivineea, in Malhei" lg. Will be jjatial pjyj ( jluv, aajsj call m.tl in IK'I'U. II III MfcfU Oi OUIIS r hiilt i m cun satisfy you in quality ami nrice. Write your wants to: . f. CAVINfca. . ,. UNNUa Iraaaiac. 0r La UraaSa, Ora. Young's Meat Market and GrtcBry All Kinds of Groceries and Meats at Cash Prices. CALL AND INSPECT STOCK CHA .. . . Main St.. mmmmmmmmmmr'r- akllafl P YILSOIM, blJckMiimii.iK Ui tlorMsboifg. Waxon Work aL WORICOUAR- am ero. Bu n, Oregon Tht- Heal MOD) IW'IWII in the Market UK Durable lias all the qualities of high priced machines Rapid, I'nivertul key board, Simple, Cheap Chicago Writing Machine Oo. l.l-lSJ Wabaati A