The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, November 14, 1908, Image 1

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T "f Illll I'
'ii n mill i
mi ilium in Kan." n
gwn ew
SaV 1 M J kv
- - - i i
i. OS
Vf ff rt t nrnn) CounirQ
itk an nnw ..I l', I'.l.ifHi mi.
Inn.l. 4,KII."i1 ihtp yrf vnrnnt ml
In pntrv iiihIit Ilia t.iil.llr land MMM nl
tha ii i Maim.
NO. 61
4 rr.Jt TO ORFi inBrf the ORRflON LANDS FOR ORKOON Seattle, and other official'
TMI shame or ortoon
i a--- - i.
n ftflaV
Ml '' nail VSJJain
Hratea" ay Oriin'i
nn mi
t. Bf
Oregon's urenu
here wh a per
if Iwaitatii
flip back to uk th
Water." Thewv
eyea that wen
ism betrayed thir
ry one, expectant
in answer, and
Uvm there she
scepticism, almo
is not only Or
tumble resource.'
nued, "hr.t the om
Hri'l"HMlv noplert
xme when v.
re treating v
Bar' grawih
court I In re is, wo must admit,
tli' d' bluff and rasping
ma! dyna
mite and pun play in the offnris
of water u maintain their
rights, hut ' ." -?allv water is the
most baffettd and heateti and
misunderstood and unapptv.
living thing of our proud state.
The watei y sim
ple. In i ' and in many
other western re is no
such thing as definite
water. Tl late and govern
ment give defmitt title to land,
hut for tin that renders
the land productive and that na
ture and common sense and the
ience of older civilizations
than our own should be
attached prrpotualh Id the land.
iitli- anil
only a haxy court deer I i
i and PHAiins wmiii) bk impossiri i
mmi gg hit si.mmm
Sacli Plan
In Declared lit
The reatral I
tor Ortfrn tmi Ul Stttea.
he PrnMMlMc
tional reputation in the
and commercial world. A rmn
iature train was part of Ni
orative scheme of the bai
iendale. Washington
all the communities of ike
Pacific Coast a record in rsJepa
monc for ai'ncultural purp"
Why should not Orejron have by giving $2.00 for every man,
the management of all the public woman and child within the
lands within her borders, forest limits, or a total of $3500.00. and i uhhshed hundreds
and o Whv should not t in at the rate of $!!; aiticlea.
II ...
l' II '.
m rn
upon ny
I'n par-a-
K nil r It
. ii nl
( , i ITLY
rifm SilH PrSa Har Fit.
Italier 4 PaaWii at "le.r
m Factor Patf
an old, homely subject,
which the Journal has
of editorials
hut we must
all the states have a similar con- minute.
trol of the public domain within ty has been rife in sll
their limits" Such a plan was puts of Oregon, arul all the da
propose! Iliy the Trans-Mississippi (.ion had to do with it oi
congress at iiiu,v rn 1891. It the other was
is. by the terms of her admission ,,,
into the union, the plan in vogue ,nil, ; .!; people are daring
in Texas Tin! ItStl has always ,rr(a, ,.,, tracts, and build.!
controlled, regulated and sold all tivitvwil'lic more marked
its lands without interposition hy a, iUU. ,jl(. m ,m, BrHV oi the
---iw. the federal government. ..,
In mom : .nous of the gate Th(1 pan for 0roRon andn,
water users' associations have ,,. sUte- to exercMk mch con. During the last lew days that
hee form.,1. and ,H-ace and jus- tro, is ,,.,.,, , ,R, jh,,. the colonist rates were effective
tin i seemingly maintained by ,mdrr ,,. ,-,,,, na,itHr, nmre than twelve hundre.1 ..-
the exercise .r common MOM ft ls rir,., (l ,1h Denver Tost! ' p.,e camr '" "!"',,n "!1 on' ' I t produce what Oregon peo-
ami tne rule. Mu as. u.hirh is ...,,.,:,, .noh n nlnn wai-i u. maae nis 8w wir.r ,,,,. ,mVl. , naV(,
the ootnmunity hecomee more
and water more
valuable pi in and argu-
keep hummering on it. Appar
ent the peple of Oregon are
betrinning to awake and arouse
themaeives a little to the imHir
nice of it. and to the shameful
lt of i-xisting conditions,
and The Journal is determined to
do all it can to aid in the move
ment for more and better Ore
"'oducts. At Dallas yester
day. Mr. R B. Miller said:
"Egg, butter, poultry, in car
load lots, are shipped to Oregon
from the eastern states to supply
the demand here. Oregon farms
more pages t
any otlwr to?-
mmonao awful I
only the bar
.ation or the c
e study arousoK u
nee on it
mem i'ii to the winds and open
How in time.
Such un example may ! taken
t'f mi There is a
fine niountnin . hich ha-
ert tl land,
it dor propel utilization h
pahle of H many
I In to my
ion? Our
on the Hiint.
One man n
and p- pj will
imI ht I live their
n the hot winds or wat
er their Bl T icular
oommunil ! of man) oth
ers, is v r Imping :
that congress could pass an act j K""n" " " " """
regulatinjr the management of1 t'li.wdsnre
the pulilie domain to the indivi- j ing demonstration train at
dual states. It has approached station. Throogfe Hm
such action in the Cirev act pro- tion of the Oregon Agricultural
College and rauniud interests
which have made this DMaMt,
f good is Immii. ii me to
wards thi agemeni of di
versified and intelligent farming.
UV Iffgf LOCAI If now
a few fact
f Orgon is clr
emi ... id and
led ty onl
Wh i
iiore are
ays be where it
l.h .. h .. '.
own that in
inukee the d
in ...-- '.
:.,..! fremfltftt
ouO aa iatanan
it lam' i :
nigheet pri
WttP r I'n
uld be i
i, .
u here v.
. '.ii
wing sea;
aeified as arid
viding for the states to tak'
trol of lands for irrigation par
poses. Under this act Idaho has
I a million IO! I and i
Ig into the control of a sec
ond milln
!an to appeal to husi
iiii. The story of
the weakness of federal eot
,mrim-niw,ininepeo,esmru ,in M.,.llr (,.imlv In
presei i. laloon
ii. rial di
I'hi' d eiv
ion t rt regard
validity of ti
W is liki ;d! in lili-
for a new water law. And If
they don't gel the law there is
only one thing to do t:ike the
whole mailer ot Uu intricate
water regulation before a court
and lawyers that perhaps never
saw an in. 'in. who will
ribbUnj i rlag I i
yean with a minus
hank basH
I gain to tl r user.
All thn "egon, as
right of ,. . the hat
oorrupUbl i agoaU has
f'inlts that have DM t.hown to
be fatal. The colossal frauds
wi-h which the past rwk.s would
luive I n unpos.s:lie uini r
egitne. The Mate ailrninis-
tnitums nuiv have had faults in
udgenieit mid lack of hi
sagacity, but in federal manage
liese are present with the
added ill) 1 . iielt and aim
inulity. Stau management m
Texas is beslimed with no j
eoiil of enininal outniges on the
public doiiu.ii'. 1 1 could lie so
m i in-v trol to
1m- established. Ind.-i such a
regime the
magnificent forests by railroad
whether t ill allow lieeii
aea, but elsewhere h r is a un
to lest Ih. '..po.ul
now in m has issued
in ..pier i th. proprietors of a
saloon at West fall, thirty mile
show cause wh
- have not closed their saloon
In county "t' d dry. Thi
saloon baa been run'
since the election. Tl
tors intend to light the probibi
ordinance. In Yah- there is considerable
.. th male:
the electors would vote on i ii
imiMissililo of vail
"" , -rs in
aim reuiriiauoii in iw irrig.iieo
e gut
ater matti r settled.'
corjMjrationf would have been' prohibit m tion now that
lid say, "we intend to fix up
tht ranch." Then- is the desert
ed shack of the man who was
sold a iisele water right by an
irrigation company o) ut-
der stute laws; there is the dry
ditch that is empty beca
soir.el.ed is willflllK WUStlll)
hoarding the water that G
miivIn meunt fur the common
and gOMtal )"sl of man; ami
there is tie- anxious settler and
cupiialist waiting, hfl lUMM land or the other val-
bow long, until he has so,' u-... and towns to tap
uranas oi the stability y Apple Pair and the dadt
he will build catnm oi the Sou' hern I
dams or di d Imprw his depot on lu.-aduy, November
land. ,11 be
And onl.v hi rj has
Ik aUiut tin deleg
immeiie wilii'
could and
would be averted. The ..
of lands and watei isiwers alike
and tiie setting aside of a p.
their increment for the common
schools could be provided for. It
is a plan embodying man) phasc.-
of promise and few if any disad
vantages. Journal.
(Portland i mdent)
Alban is not allowing the peo-
t i.-i . en t ii -I out Ma voi
lor and other leaders of the
prohibition movi ment, MWi
the mujority of a dr, u.wii
would le irn reused, but oi. n
ents of the measure declare thai
there are as many or more drunk
en men to be seen now than be
fore the saloons were put out of
s; and point out tl
city is out the p4B0 r. .. nuede
'r.ol from (he h
prohibition. The -.' sjg kjsj in
Ontario is much the same.
Sew 'Seeutiooa lr the
sale of liquor in alleged
drink" sh pending.
r WU
of a
tte $2U0
teep i
ur. it
d th
gatioii ke the and land of ' I
liven more valuable,
tea to i.
stat i' power. A
iple v. i in-
I tliut the
of the Deschuti:
river r .sould
.welil an annual Income of u.OOO,-
tSH), and the school boy knows
ar oan
in our
. ,il value of
a sim,: :i un .',('
by 11 of water falling
With u m.
iwwer trick!
. , oi Ix . MmI. niaP ll.e eoiulll.
d laws jCn: ln' -l"s and rapn
...vtlor,., inaar.1 olll Ii'.
no,,; and -
Charging that the Sun
Valley Railwa representative urer ,'u,,,uer. wn''" ttlu'
I head quarters in Bat
huvm the .loornal have violated
Two of the greatest displays the safety appllanc
of apples ever made in the Paci- . h, -..uiw-d
Freeh cream is shipped by ex
piree from California and from
Utah to supply the markets of
Portland and of the Puget sound
cities. Hogs by the train load
are shipped by freight from Ne
braska to Portland and Puget
sound packers to run their plants
Oregon farms could produce
these things, hut they do not
nt out of the state
for hogs alone amounts to$l,-
100 annually. This money
should in Oregon. Orc-
ii. Ii . eive this
Oregon hogs, and
all th. other money spent for
eggs. ' am. puMlllgi butter and
iroducis and add to their
earnings. It is in the land they
own t0 produee it if the
to adopt the modem methods of
lould make it s
sible. Oregon farms should pro
duce all that is used of farm pro
in Oregon, the farmers
hould sell it to the home
markets and then should have a
Kurplu i to other states."
this is an old story, and
i i '-hm that it is a dis-
i'l.- mil It is homelhuiK
I h we cannot point with
Oregon people have the
sod. the climate, the water, all
l-'d natural advantages, and
.nit must then be in the
'f course, nobody is
obliged to raise more hogs
nl try and cream and other
thai w imiiort so largely;
an dictate to anot h'r and
You must do thus and so;
he wonder, the curiosity,
i that without urging, Oregon
do not in their own in-
I improve these opportuni-
t, .nd produce more of these
thinga, for it cannot be reaaon-
. ntioncd that it would be
profitable to do SO.
Southern Pacific instruc
tion .in will do good work, and
encouraging fact that so.
irmers are taking a lively
in it Oregon la enter
ing upoa a new phase of devel
opment, upon a new era, it is
move at a faster pace,
t necessarily a more wear
uipulse, we ere sure, will
raising of far more of
products, the gradual wip
out of this long-standing dia-
h.r.'l'i giiMi thai hunt
liK n.i.t -li.Mitiiin mx.ii Ilia, niclnanl "f Ihe AmnricHii l.amt A Lir
- "r , ll
. . i .., , hiinl-
IliK llc.l
to the I ' . ,.. , i nl II,. M
I I Illll.
Kannh Mna(cr
hi'tng iinn'.lc lii nivc our pcroiii
Hen' I 'ii to ilie eel l.e 1 1 "ii of I ha SO
in-1 ii, the -me hstre twsn (
pl .. I Willi Mr. C. II Leonard. A
y.Ni heelssj lapsed sines lbs dl-,
i'H in. rlnp a proinpl
-' it- in. to nl lie - one I- rroiieat-l.
MaassH a v iumtr.
Hriii.'.i Scrvkw.
Rev A J Irwin will preach al
ItArney the 2nd Hundar of each
i.Miih at lis. m. and ".Nllp in
Salihath Mshael awry sabbath al 'i
p. 00.
The Harney Beeday ai-hiMti mceu
al '2 o'clnek Hunday ami a
corrltal invitatnn I- kt.i.iled to all
who can attend g aj aj mii u
Al the I'reaiiyterian . Iniied
Itiirtia. (e A J Irwin paalor.
Davinc aervioaa lbs hint anil fourth
SunHaya of eseh iiioiiIIinI II a. OI..
anil 7 .'Ml in -. IkmiI at
10 a in si lli iiiniiitiig
tstsz','r.','.',':.'," sjassaw
rise Use Star
I l.lna i .". , l'i.ii.tlor.
Main ami II "UwU.
Bekwny q nnestinn
A Specially sf Sbsri OrsVn
TeMe I with .
lha market iill.'il Yuur petfM
aa e..l oi '
You Must Sleep!
M m
-J. . tm
3AM awbcuNT sitir
Wain 'mtuVSf oSf
niarirl aa4 laaawa aa
i r i e i.. '-Jul.!, .
Il rswraa air U U Wain I
lUI pMw, uafaarU
(..1 I ku Uk I
h, ii .hi la U U aial.u aiarlaa
aarkMaa. faariaa lb., r "u aS T
la raaaa lw Aa
nuM TfaMHt I
a. .
I .. .l
.. .1 i.J-
1 I. . ,IW
. av tiaaaa
Saat Nareaa MaUt. Marnnia Wt
lla illn. Hiaau fa. M
IkaatfflaMa. Bt. Vllu. in.. .
laaaa; aw aaadllaan aa.aJaaj H.
ii i leroMisit to mtsuiMMii
IMI aiClikltr Sf SIMS.
IMI CeSltaUlO UltfilMStM
is umut is rsoewes mmmii
SLEEP1NE tffl.'
mwImIIki II lafraa
ajaWi . '.'"
It u ium..'arf uwlar lha I' S. fym
aaaUlraaa Ati. Juna . Ha. aWtal Ma. I
la ianlj ui ruu aM tt w. SI
Mweaika. Uaaaaaa at
Brown's Satisfactory Store.
You certainly arc interested
in the largest and most com
plete Stock of New Fall and
Winter Goods carried in the
W rwing'ei
new. no exceptions
early at our place
better ction Ladies cloaks
and aists I )iret I Importation
id to buy
means a
Burns, Oregon.
Illllt) !
The Harney Valley Brewing Co.
M.MI II Ul llltl
Boda Water
family IraOc SolUllr.1 i sfj
T. E. JENKINS, Mdnairer
TKIm II .V DOMMAM, l..rllor.
Burns. - Oregon.
v i ic Liquors and Cigars
Billiard and Pool Tables.
Club Rooms in Connection.
i. . .iUwJ LT
ami one result of this '?JfiX'
aa. aiMU
The Sleepine Co.
IUaT TruatBUa.,CLCVtIJkMU,0.
iWriQli M&W,
Car BOO j&'1
aairirlut jK '
Dwalcna. flKUl
mm i
Mkuaf atvas, Misa
1.1 I wis
.HEArTl THAI 1,Mk w ' "
I-izrzr and PRICES
IPricw Llal j,,...,..
L Otrcula. Tl MJISM iUSftag
IT information.
Sss hit Haaeiasai
vi i' in if Im
Ki'.t! un
. la ttlitf ',
-.,: fad i
here water un
I hut
whifh aloin
K- ur.d produ
.mil HlWS Hull
mining li' I
an? bvjrruvi c'ii
igortMi ..,'. ui
signs all point to .
Urical age for our
lit- Northwest are a ms for
early in
ciiiin. PbrUaad Deaafabi r
' at; for thre.
..ii. will tafco the een
aga in thi.s same
nber 7th to I2ih
The I i
had two greal oaiona
last wook. Then nore
yet election returns thanataaj u
building wa it i"
erected. But the gt .
in . mil
and iiiiporuiicu was. the
oanqii highl to
ipening of the "7
iiaiik Koad wan ihe honored
including James J. illll.
Chairman of the B
ors of the (Jivat Northern; How
ard Elliott, i'resideiit
latic nrmniers and air brakes
-.ales go
by i'istrict A John .i'
.1,1 in
the su 'i
judgi ...'I'.unt.
It in claimed by tl
f the cai
ipany havi h
. k and iin" in act
, and by v.
necessary for
those afflicted with kidney f T TUC '
ii.) uiouiiri ii'iuutc, .al. n.. it. ,
heumatiMii, I'm. nl s hrm-. n
d.ibe iiu'idreds
i !" lay testify to their
iiaenilnhls healing and Unu-
i.ioiiertien. ,10 .layn' trial fl.OU
. purify the blood. Sold by
cy, liurns.
r.d Haiiiea, Harney, Ore.
The Burns Flouring Mill
J)H ITUMVHHr, P'upt.
MOllbHN Koi ' IK MILL PK0ths IS Lull
1 i, is is in vioji
i. i
It is Mtattd farther tli ii
nly seven of wli
with air kwaki
Uneee iaxauve i ougn nyrup ai
ays brings quick relief t
olds, hoarseness, whooping
cough and all bronchial and
throat trouble. Mothers espec
ially r. i..-i..l it for children.
I'leaaant to take, gently laxative.
Sold by The Welcome I'harmacy,
l;urns, Ore., Fred Haines, Har-
,.-, a
eL jmt. ' 1 1
rjfTaa J . , '.&
I laTI I M 1 lUvml inmii!
Putt 'tl flH l
All kiud ul Mill Fed always ua Hand
iiit itm minbr mKiH rmtt PAiu lei m aiuiMi aut
Good Seed Wheat for Sale I
i.-cently run over th.
..,1. .. 1. :. 1 . . , .L J.,1 .1 ., . . . J
,.,;.. J iu- ,u Tl,n ,u aio r.iiiuu, x lesiueni 01 me ah me urs naa lianu
ire j, jted. UU1. .L stick Northern Pacific; louis W. Hill, brako another
of wood will be 'put into the fur- Pwdent of the Gi ... of the act, the oom
...,i ..., Georga P. ii I'lvsiden.
u.; in u mm nii'ii incut it j,-
r8' (Continued I lour.)
the Chicago, Burlington & yuin-
cy; Francis B. Clarke, President
of the Spokane, Portland and
Painting and paper hanging -A.
A complete sectionized map of
liaruey to. in ten colors, show
nig all large holdings, has been
gotten out by E. 0. E. Co.
Price $1.00. McGowan & Nichols,
Sales Agt.
Job printing The Timse-Herald
Aacanll) talmrnmd
25.000 New Words
lluer of lha World
i H.IUI liUaa, L . Hi'ik.
pblcl Dll.B.ary
. I MlLuM
I. Il I '
ul L.1U. ..
I ii.
Needed In Every Horns
OaSMSaU OklkMury
1IW tiiiMMUt-n.
in,.,.',, haa IWaaaai
C. 6 C. MEKRIAM CO., e
i'ubllatiara. Spt laflld, Ma.
Hl , Oregon
AlTord the Bwrl iccommodations
to be had iu ii.uney (ouaty
The patrouage of all guest under the old iuanageaaat
especially sylii-ited.
JnmeN A. Fanning, Mana
miuiiuuii-iiiummuimmwuiimaui ilWSWllll''MawaWI
Job Printing.