The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, November 07, 1908, Image 3

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t rftRama,
ltd Ol
I NfV'1-
home Hi n
in woa
I'ing era
; nwrm.
on and Jobi
-. mer'R ran
a w haillS
n as we
up flm
I !
'77ir Pioneer Bank of Harney County"
The First National Bank
of Burns
n return
Give careful, intelligent attention to
all hi.'HtncsH committed to itn charge
lob priiititiu Thr Timca I
Wm. CttOsfOOti is in the city
ter Williams is ovrr from
Silver orwk.
Tho Hi I Ion Rros. worn up from
their ranch homos this week.
G. O. Hendricks was amr-m:
our visitors during the week.
Workmen are puttinpr a new
floor in the post office building
Club Bazaar will
tr on Dec. 10, 1 1
lwrling'8. The
u selected to (rive
U ,v I lirisi
om the Club,
.lolm Harrison
parents of Frani
1 ! , St
I" il.-'ir .'"
1'. (J. and S. S. Smith are in
from the desert.
Robi Settlemyre is up from
his Sunset home.
For Sai.k M Jacres )f hay
land. Inquire at this office.
Ira Mahon was among our the first of the week.
Kilison Phonographs and re
eordi for sale at Lunaburg &
Tupker and family hae
! into the Henrv Welcom.
.Too Williams was over from
l:- i 'i :.. - - -- w
... ... o , .ty VM - - ,,,st(1(incr j.. wi Burns
Harris & Fitzjrerald will jrive
a dance at Narrows Hall on
Nov. 12.
I! W. Hamilton It havinp some
improvements made at the coun
ty hospital.
Trio furmiru nr. toltintr aIvan.'
if this tine weather to get
in fall grain.
Si i Cheap if sold at
DM drop head sewing ma-
Innuire at French Hotel.
W. !,. Rest and his aon Wolie
accompanied by the latter's wife
over from Silver creak this
up Hordist)
Cross were down
Crook Uodiifsdav.
and Wtl
IV. im Trout
J. W. Shown was down from
Harney yesterday.
Contractor Carey has befrun
work on tho Uaptist parsonage.
For1;ii .. .xl hay and grain
ranches Impum of I. M. Dav
is. Prewsev. 1 1
Regular punching aervicoa ft
'Ptist church next .Sunday
by Rev, c w Holteman.
Paul liliuno. Paul Finke and J.
H. (arrett were all down from
their mountain homes during the
Tin Inland F.nipiro Realty Co.
has added to their unlet' space.
Tho compay now omipies the ad
jsining rooms in the building.
Rings Little I.iver Pilla for
biliousness, sick headache. They
keep vou well. 2fic. Try them.
Sold by The Wi'l.-ome rharmacy,
Bonis, Ort. t-vd Haines, Har-
n. Ore
C. A. Rrittinffhnm and family
aiv hoiTM from a visit to Ontar- OOnt
lo, Boi and other joints.
Cm. (, in from his honv
John Farm A
Thi' I billies' Afternoon Club
will moil with Mrs. Farr' on
Saturday. Nov. 14 at 2 o'clock
. MoJcWOtSt, l.hi-k-smith.
Harney, Oregon. Horse-
. K'inir and all kinds of jj-oi
Fainting and paper hanging- r. air w.rl Ytm hi.
J. N.. P. (',.. and S. Hvram.
rs, and Stuart Severns. all
oi i,.k, , uy. were among out- Ther , wi he H RrHmi M nd
side people here this week took-1 baaket supper at Narrows on
.... llnnt awavaaaMta. u.ilk a . ...
.. .,...,-, v wiui m Thanksgiving under the man-
agement of Harris A FiUgeraki.
It will be a necktie supper. The
etc. hefore nurchasin. nones win nnng supjier rnr two
do better than anv house1"" ,n fn N"" w'" n"-
in town. I do not havea Whole '" matoh ,h ,,,,,, "hc w,
sale House Representative with The Times-Herald office has
me all summer, some one has to I just received the finest assort-
'f locating.
Voogtijr'l prices on Imple-
Liou H
Mo. iv ho has lan-n on
ick list for sometito.
this waeh
' work done
Liu Olson hmught over the
rd and family and MHOi ivturns from Dr.
f.. Clark an ..or trom Drewscy A. I). Mrakotnan. the merchant roem-nrinir li l..,hl, II.. w ill
on land hiisinoss. and post in Uavorly was not resume his place on the stage
Wm. Cray spent a few davsln a l'ins visitor this week. for this wii
having some j We can trad, rottr place sM star Ruckland was down from
fine ranches in Washinirton. n.,, t!,,,,.o.. ,.d;.,i;., 1..1
- .......... . ............. lini
840 acre ranch for sale suitable Idaho or Mid Wvall j ni;i.inp ,,r(K,f on k4j
Al.und- Inland Kmpire IJoalty Co. h incatwd R If
"i and v,. Imve receiid some new I"
w" m oitico. fall and winter inillmory also n
Mrs. M. front ' '""'" ' " "
li oi lh county " II,-,,I l"i"' "'
attend the li. .1. McKinnon
pay him.
We have 1440 acre fine wheat
ranch Walla Walla Wash, to
trade for stock ranch. Inland
empire Roalty Co. Many fine
I. in Simkane t- trad.'
for land or stxk. Inland Kmpire
Reall Co.
mmissioners court has been
in session since Wednesday with ir.i,.r..r .ia r.1.1
lndgc Rector and rnith Commis- irti in uiu.r.t
ment of stationery it has ever
had. Its patn ns will have the
very beat in that line as they al
ways have had. When in need
of commerci.'l printing of any
nature drop in and see us.
To Frank llklaml. SUrr Hurklnn.l.
Jssmm HmkUnJ. Haiti I1tca, n.l
JwnrKt Murray, ami t.i am anl all
liflr. ..( Il.f Mtal oi I (' tlurklaii.l
.l.i.s.w.1. ... Sl.rt llu.'klaiiil a Adn.inl.
ami to any anil al
'I'm in Aim lv Cof VKH
Tbnt. vnii would not do without
sino-von have tried thom It i
the Maine with the check nccoiint
No itmn Afford to girt it op
when he experience the benafit
to hi iiioiier niiitterM. A tril
coniiiceH even the inoredul.
it will afford yon rMq nn.i
III' eH Us il .,i. M I,, otll'TH
The Harney County National Bank
of Barns
i-.i: .
Dry ( iood, hoots and Shoe
Fresh (iroceries, etc.
For Fall and Winter Trade
weaesaawniMi niiiiiinj.iiiM
den wedding celebration.
1 1 lard and Smyth in at
lendanco. So far little business
linn hren trnniartnl Thr. lm
i 'h. m HMsV
'! in this MCtion and ah foi on- time owinir to the
chanire in tho Nati .n- llaat term of circuit emirt ami th
Pine and Ar lumber for sale at al oolicv there is i ,r election nvn,.n.m.r
haste to retupi
audi the wool
X pressed it H
hotter prices i.
Born I iday,
to the wife
on the First
Sumpter Valh
8 ir. s ptsitier !
Austin to Bake
have eonraisanu
toe for load:
cattle at Au
ad, from Aunti
the other da
Mr. 1
loceeding to
iixin leai:
f typhn.
back -arn
ind A. B. Swan
were Ik
. i I'll
one to fret, thei
iiape prave.1
g again in tl
will nmk
(nation of 1 1
sport intelligent
i neighbor
l..(Ni M-r l(HH). Pickets 'A cents I 'vm not I), injr sold at an in-
fteNewWmd r ander m ner Har ,l";l"l "riw-
imaaagmi tfcfwell,
mo of Hi., mos. p.. ,.ular resort.-, Kiod I. WflH RM in bil l pkgn
Drop iawwl to nmk.. pn. .1 -,n ,m" to .
thirst. stead. He has roc-nth return. , ,.(-ii(lt, ,,1,'l.t :;,
ii a visit with relatives in headed for Take I Kla-
Wallowa county. ,,iath. Mr. Uowe uill M with
N. A. Barrett, the Mitchell. ,,H season,
i A Slaver Co man who has
been here most of the summer. T whom il nut) com.
. Stimk his .l.i.nrlo... for ..ului.1.. 1 oil Utlll each of VoU Will III, A
'" the :-. u,j ' J.. tk.- ...!.,.. ll.nt K.. rt of 1,.
. meet Dr. W. lK""" ""- v V " u. :. . "-
r-wii w i.i.iiiii, m nun in pruOMB
of iiisKoiiiti.... md . ,,., .,r,. .
! not to iti ml any
this tinn.
Respect fully.
Oetobor 80,
of S. A. l,aur-
Jancea dauulu. i. Hlue Mt. Eag
le. Mrs. I,Mir;mi-i. v as formerly
Mi i Morrison,
.lames Mahon
first of the
B. Moi .Jem and another
friend from l' who went
out with him for a few days
shoot i
mattori novo had attention up to
M. Morton of Diamond grant-
ed liipmr licOBOO.
( t0M
You, ami ra.'li l ara har.lty noil-
And that I, Hit-, l..,r.n
PNM Hi .no. o( flinon In labor an,l
laipr,,vrn.nnl. iih.i, iio IIi.IIioii luarli
Mining Claim, tl, nn Iwlng It.ial..
In llir llarnrv Mining ,11.' ml an, I tiln
at in r ii,-' ilio rntt-r ,. tsioo 4,
i i k w .1 in Raraej
I'o.iMit, ii,. ,, i ..lad ,y on,), r
tgBei anil on .1 (' Itu. klaml, ilar.'a.
ail, a will IMSSI lir my
Iirralofora Mini la tl.r olflea ,.( llir
('..inly Clerk ,. llrii.,y t '.in,l , i in-
j. t t rr i, j e Sni. Li' 'I iriNwa ol lioldln ail
Report of J. T. Barnes and I. i(i ,,, ,',. pin., , mt ,
Ison road masters of districts mm .....i an i.. i.,,i-.i
No. I ;. I :t accepted. -..; the linn Hi. ain.Mint uf alp o
J. T. Murnes allowed $1000 for h'"" ' leadai Mm pseststaesal
naad nnrnruuia Jaalilwi... Ui lodd Ilia a.iua (
I I ,iiii.rii, i"i, " "" "!
nu iiruiTHi
Can I loan.1 at
The Welcome Pharmacy, Burns, Oregon.
Fountain Sy rlnirn.jMot Watvr Itoltlva, Mpplv.. (Iluves
Hard Wuhhrr'Syrlnw. Whlrllnc Sprays. I Inyrr Casta,
Breasts. Hreait Pump. In'la.i all thr Kuhhr Um4
carried by sn
J C Welcome Jr., Propt.
Between tin .1 rdan
ranch and Windy Point, u Huit tht.jr aajgld
case conuiniiiK men h riovea ana
suspenders. Finder please re
turn MM t" N. I'm i dinan. Mil
Ijirrnlioe St., Portland receive
Melllliei ol Ilaiuoy LOaafi N4
77, I. I). (' I', arc urcd l.. lie
present at a meeting Nov. 14, as
mutter- ol rltel interest to the
will ONM up for action
ing tin llitu v.ehoine. .
W. Ham:i.!on, N. a
Tims ( I..', . I.ind iiikI fnmilv
and M.-. Mav Cleveland and lit- hUKhl i"rr '"':'
,l s'evada. j wn,ch nud bwen "tracted early
The former on bore toostoofl '' tbe season, but say the, i
the celebration of tho fooios s"" " !,"-v l,usv l,,ft "l tlM
Mi Cleveland's ranch ,""1". sa,m' as tht' "n
, its; lir. and Mrs. K. .1 " '
McKinnon. The lur. I Om pongl horse
linal settlement of the estate with star In forehead four white
points Wednesday
A. M. Kel'iay and his son. W
C Keisay. oi The Dalles, were
in this city durinff the week.
The gentlemen wen- looking for
a good location and some sheep
They may purchase and take up
once in this county.
WANTED About .r000 head of
good, young breeding ewes. Ad
dress, giving sges, price.
The American land & Livestock
Compaip.. Memo logon, also
same core of tin- Find National
Bank, Burns, On ,
James K. Rsj ii
Messrs VanderVeer and Kofi
have been over from thou l',i,.
creek ranch this week. Thev
y M Jan. iwi. . l. ilia l-i J.v .-i
Jan , ItlOS
Now. II a iil.ii, wi .lav. allr tin nulla
or nd continued for uy BaMtsasbMi ua, auct or r. ioaa
h A llrukeman
'Ill8. I.ARHON.
Will Appear al the
Mfhli. ill Nov.
Opera Hotiac Bsra.
II. 12. II 14
the term.
lullcn road ordered con
' to the January term.
r.'ims-Iiee road continued as
the report of the viewers and
survey had not been filed.
Harry Jerro of Multnomah
i unity admitted as a county
li.irrimati-Venator road con
tinui.l 01 I VOU A Ml I Ml..
in ,-.. von. .i...,.riln
riprinliturr .. i. urn n.r. in
,1,. flln-.l iiiiniiiK lUim. ,.ur
tlirrm will haronm ttm prnparti ,.t
iiiid"i-'in-l iindrr Ilia vi.lon. ...
ai.l mx I .hi '.' I 'I .'Hit.- in. , 1 1. mad
of her late lui
w ball
Ope no
(in intend le
e goods for
illlel- Dle.ssl lOOdS laaVVS
iv for your tUHpootion,
me or uot eons to 1 ho
uett, line. J '! i.e wel-
' ..Tiipain
again bo large audience
on Wi.hieadsy and Thursday
nights. To say the company is
tfood, falls far short of
them jus; , .,,,
and away the finest company
that has . ,-d Ijik.
t the money any
pioce. Each is an artist
i oof line. Mr. I'avilla is sn
especially clever comedian; hi i
funny will PaVohafit, with
out turnip-' comed into
play. He was oliliped to repast
The Higher Life" on Thursdsy
oranueo w on leu un, uliniu u,wi i,,i;, . t.....
weight ubuut laoo or 1300. hoth evenings, mid
about three weeks ago. his will. Hut as h.. Ki,) h..
Herman George will give $5 re- aOtoi to pieSOS tOODOOpi
ward for information leading to ,
Ussseovery Ul isubooitl ioo
i i
IF VOl CARE KOK STYLE Wtm Huckiebeiry I
OVloi under the tent lo wjt
If you cure for style and lot of ness the circus he .-aid th
people do. it cair le had in any cus oould ot all his trade; thai
Vehicle on our floor. We are he didn't mini
sol t ir the fall trade. Our on such u circus, bui he didn't
best. We show a believe in wa -,
remarkable assortment of Vehic- it v ,. tl
MS, inciuuing lairiages, Koad- B
I 'i the suburbs of Bums. The
undersigned will sell in 6 or 10
iracU, 66 scree of Land ly
ing esst of the town of Burns.
lie land is in s high stafe of
cultivation and each tract has a
better Public or High
school-, are to be found in the
State, nor a bettor place to build t $ fANI) Ul)
a dome.
C. A. 8
Attorney at Ijiw
H-arid. FzOaCtlce
Aaattt-latad Willi
M. ( ,ow an & Nichols
Lass LessiisM leal Estate (or Sob
I bciis Imkii ass Ssif.
li' I.'- iiUKi.UN
Ws ore agents for puncture-proof
tires sud all
Dealer in
-::;jCroceriesf Provision
ir in', rat I W
Tropiral and Domestic
Fruits when in eason.
Hats. Shirts. Clothing
Underwear Get Prices
AH kinds of Freah Vegetablea in Stsaon,
I m klirmi, i Itiiililm
Noil, i ..K HSAL S8TTI.KM0NT
lata ill (lifluul I lavalaAdda-it-a-ad
l.i. .Ii, tli.t Ilia uiidaralgaad aa
r, mi ,1 lli ilwir i .lata liaa Ala liai
uut Imreiii, and that by trdar
uf 1 1,.- i viiuiy i uurl ul Haruay oooatjr,
Inly; and rularad liita ud,
liUr lots. Mund.y, NuvcmUr
Ui.,l.iMUS, al ID ..Vlo. k A M at Iba I SOrl
l...u. la Huraa, baa Immmi apiMiutad m
. ai.d lac fur ilm uaailuful
..IiJi ti..u. I aaid roxl , all parwiiia in
laraatad luuil SU ll.air ol.Jactloiu, il
, on or bafura .aid .JM-oinlad day.
Dalril II. i.. I, i 3rd, ItfuS.
Mai OaaWSkaSfa,
I . ., i
If yuu want a wheel, s
net of tin-H, cr have your
le repaired, come
and we us.
Carter 4c Swcck
Moil BbMSJIj
The Eastern Oregon
Engineering Co.
CIVIL, Ml MU. Al iNf
Main l rti , Hurtut, l)reai
. i r.ii. ., m
Itrsiuh Ottkr, Ijtkevhtw., Orcgoft
m rat it . i
5uitinfc and Waistings
I e IDescriptioii
e Sine Ladies, Misses and
9ns winter coats and furs
wagons and Bug,
season of I
Our boot rojrul
Bank for thow who widi to buy.
in and make uu prove it.
Harni.t ( u. Imp. and lldw
. ph-
. unit that
uur money on the
I'avilla Coiii.
me again with full
assurance of a large sudh
Lokevijw 1 aid, September lo.
Busy Corner Store"
VVtj are Headquarters Ifor
Horse Blankets, bad die Blankets
and Balsam of Myrrh
We Carry a Complete Line el
-Qtjlx. Oxegrojo..
nH A h. UcrvfcoWM
.i. all dinaatm l.y tt.ia apacial
Iraallaiit ur Ilia .pin., tall and ar
ttli. bu.i. MuUl and lal a
i, ia traatuiubt l ou
No Drug Used
liodsaliaa sol rsssollitais Frst
' una Hon i i,l,l(, uuivi.u
Hereford Cattle
My well known herd of prise
winning Herefords is .v located
on the farm of Wm I' aviness,
in Malheur cJOt) Will be
pleased lo lmw you call and m
Spec I tiilil It n l.i il ol hulls
or heifers we son satiai'y you in
iuahty and once. Write your
wants to:
WO. f. UVISfca. t i. lOMSAIi.
Iraaaiar. Or. La Uraaat, Or.
McGEE & OWEN, Propts. m
Fresh Teams, GMiibrrtdblc Rigs, Carciul Drivsrs.
Partic jlar atttntion given to Transcient Trade
Call on us. Next do r to French Hotel Main St.
HorwH bortnli'il l tli ilav. wrrk ur month
KlacksailLiiig and
Wagon Work
AM ! ErlO.
Burnt, Oregon
Main t..
Young's Meat Market anil Brccery
All Kinds of Groceries
Meats at Cash Prices.
sMhl ni
jfl 2Mi ''
and 3kCr
'.i th.- Market
Uoo oil (ho qualities of high priced inochiiu
Rapid, I nit tt nal key board, Simple, Chmp
Chicago Writing Machiua Co.
lS-iJ WaSaah Ava.,