Tii fMftetel I Mir Idrifxtt re-rternlo of Mnrnej? OoOtitJ ilntinii and iff mi ;mpli Mom She gtimelUftilfti Vh rni Ttnrnrq fottnirg USVSN 111 arl'il nt .. r.'N.HIHl mix Ininl. 4,H!H,M1 MUM yd ; varnnt MibfMl ntrj miiiIi r ilin mhllr laml i Uf 1'nllod siata. BURNS. HARNEY COUNTY. I l ON. NOVKMBER 7. HUM NO. 51 rimitive: !D BV LA ATOfS. IMM ( li nci i : i rr- product ol v mraMmir ami . lay eotoi il modern sri' nc i h nrtlck' ,. 10th. with (ho Linn County Ap ple Show am the r.poninjr of a fine now dopot as th foaturos. As an evidence of tho enterprise of this Albany donation each and every MM of them bought his round trip ticket and left Al bany at four o'oclock in the morning, starting to work in Portland ut 7:15. They were guests t a special luncheon at the Portland ( 'mnmerrial Club. Portland i rursionists will go by special train and tho iwirtv ITOIMJ: ARE TO flIVE THANKS UNIT RULE FOR 1 RVV GROWTH herbs which they e the offering to tho Croat S being simply supplemental to ONE INCH IN FOUR YEARS IS THE giving of medicine hut neM'rthr SWIFTT.ST KNOWN. loss considered a necessary i mony. The Indian doctors also profess l WMch AclMl Growth to he able i dream Ollt at Will . m.,k.M Tbana.fMat ProclaaMM Dl nn una Ik ( NlSooo! WcSa--Cow-atrrctal Ckartctfr-MMkn I'Hl M'AKHlNfl mMDMT HiMISEVELT CONDI M III 01 ION TO MATERIAL. H ilili n ujioii my I n u I if i Trrpmft. t i . il il ii VOlUTLY no iHK-r-sit, .-w Sate! M I .:t.i'j' of Trm Wan FmmI-Smk Varj anv problem wbidi is difficult of Accrhif to Thir I oaM. solution during their wal hours. After a novice succeeds An inch in four years is the jn (,n;(T, wv ., ,-ui, i,.m oaSJaOOi swiftest growth known in Ihe of isrffocolous .-tires to render Mm f the trees. Farmers and fmmii: v,,, ...i.ia nrnnkv m hi Washington dispatch says: President issued today the I Thanksgiving prtvlama- Ml Southern Pacific Railway will i'iutv ii corps of lecturer, every one of whom stands at the top in his particular line. This is not a new venture, but one that is more rwcie monk er model a ip clever d, there is evi irk such as wa- y white i:ty in er) The rhnpn 8 I what def) -ising though ruble hard kon off, tl peculiar fi .. ,..:!. irs w I ptOS is i wiu; of how It n the hut ion avenue wn h. The grave iich Uteexsavu f, hear outtb waters muh' 3 in the romot. modei low ii. lodged, only t titer per! time, ha bemi hich also u : i tiie I u 4-ir ii diuiiit! be mui I MUPpUMl furtlii up blow St until it lodg eed uf when the u its .. I Ftniil rnwtitinwa aavk nnil t- hai'A HA will be 00e M the largest that i,u,v h""-" ' '.. ... curative attainments and m has gone- from this city this fall. rp,iabl n,t ' to covert) them prwjj0(i()n.- as to events w in knowing how long it takes tor i ne .at min uemonscrauon , f ftn jn(. , t train under the auspices of the : i ,,.. e a .. They asked about m of the country! prominent vehicle and' w h'-i'l manufacturer'; drawing their stock fnim territory wlmrr birltflr vvhitp nnlt. ash pOfRthv and d.s more good each am ,,, ,m.n)wt(, sHct and succeeding trip. m , th,.m st,r armss Bcc. Oregon tir never had a compli- j lions of these woods from MM mont which meant so much as odds and ends about thoir shops. the editorial which apjiean'd in Tli.se were to be selected for the parlor matches il hi r i t i.i . " me American i,umn-rman oi average wmm oi gmwtn, and inu-th.tn last week, the world's lumber journal. will occur in t lie future. Dei ver Field and Farm. WATERPftOUFINO NATCWM Perhaps some ol your would be interested to know that 1 have found a simple, inexp sivc.way to waterproof mu into some moueu paramn ii re being taken that it v is as nol sj possible) 1 dipped a fen After with and allowing then t sotting apart Thursday, bar ii. as "a day of Lafirbofl and prayer. ' ' Year by year. . ' declares the proclamation, "this Nation grows ngth and worldly power. During the century and a ijuar- U i that has elapsed since our en- . i- h" rclv (irn llml luinl lii hi. 'I -lieohng iiinM !' tlicliini'il InihI' uf thf Aiiieriodii Land A l.ixr to i.. - nrletly hretddta v i, a r,.in,i hunt- K ..i ! . !!' ' cn.orcilli il lii thi fill mo i,i of ii Inn K. H Hiii, Hunch Manager. NOVICE being una i.l to ri. our nertoiisl at I nil i 'ii in i ln coll.cliiin of lh ac blucl. a sj i-inch space across the average si.e ol ' gn.u tl, of the K., ' even lumlierinun in the country parsonalb penned the editorial. win n ptfrl : In ihimI no stain to make it batUtlful in color, it cltM not have to be carefully selected for grain, it takes a fine finish and i and as hard as niiiiiv i t the (roods used for finer iregisb ' the total in ink there purixMcs. Km i no racmc .oasi ,on. men tne ..mtit.-i it ho - are iuiin In and tnt.il I on ull the samples of each magnificent office buildings in of the several kind- t timlier pered in material things to a de gree never known before and not now known in any other country. I'hi 18 colonies which straggled along J he seacoaat of the Atlan tic and were hemmed in but a few miles west of tidewater by the Indian-haunted wilderness have Ixhmj transformed into the might ii i Republic which the world has over seen. Its domains : ' ch scrota the continent from nc to tin- other of the greatest woillii nlwl it avaniM tr,mitii,,n annular rings. Tluy Ihen count- ..,,,, . , ,' ' alike in the Arctic and the tropic wl the numlM'i of rings within I . , . - , . , .in the usual the inch space on each block and ; M , . mm ,'. mm , inim in " in tin n ti" aino, , vi'iti'l try into the circle of independent .,.., ,u, ., ,n. ,,. h l peoples we have grown and pros- ..i,, ,i alii Mr. (' II Ijssnsrd. A nailing ine SMe oi eacn diock was io ne r(K,i ., ., fnnn.l ihni .1. h. lH'lohaugh one inch lengthwise, one inch ,,rni,Pui nimrt. - Mmiu. editor of periodica and known I and one-fourth of an inch r,,ri. K.jtlp ooatd w ith the wax ln";K- Severnl Were held unit. They exammiKl these blocks i ,. . , .. , . , , lor six or soM-n hmirs and all of carefully and marked on each ,u. i:i.. i lin-lll HKnoil Ufl I'lUllljr UK IH'lorO vim having fla""'il atnes 'h1 Hia- .liiMi.n ..f en (.ain.f rphip a prcinpl -i.ii-iii. hi of hr hsss i ioejsjggesi M liiKM A iiVMi rlli..u srrii immersion. When the match is Is which this wood is used. It will not supplant mahogany and oak, but should be Mod dde h with than and (tor substantially purposes." Mr. Defebaugh urges iU fill i.iii.'.nii'i.Mii'ii cluiects. submitted and ir the usual way thus ascertained the average number of years required for each kind of tn-e to grow an inch. An inch growth ..' wmik i iii mi iii m iiiio: loretaJ omu of typhoid (evor have developed tOOUg workmen at the llorton & Saver mill dur ing the I Mist umtiicr and it was feared the ciuse was from the Dr. Mar den sent some I prcimons to the State Board of Health with the following result: Portland Oat Lt, l08. To the State Board of Health. Portland. On OB GentloBsM! I bore to report exam- iui i 1 1 : -pecimens of . from Dr. w l .. I irtgon. Sp (1) Burns Mil- (Ji Pood i 1 1 i Boom t iion eiiuunittion I have found care- side represented. i en, ii at- inches growth They submitted iheouunt. pVS it:..- and result to unquestionable scieniilic authority. Thoir gen eral conclusion was that it takes from four Is live sisjtsi for a tree to increase ore inch in diameter. llu 1. my tns varied from 4.87 years to 5.93, according to their location east or west of the Alle ghanies. Oak required 4.68 years for the inch. ash. 4.91 and poplar four years. Chicago Tribune l I Ml IK M..KI v A young Indian, who is auilu tious to become a d.Klor, and fin ally a prophet, learns from hi-. father or other member of his tribe the ROOM and medical pro- portoOS of some herb. Ho eon also, by presenting a sufficient number uf ponies to a modidne man, prevail upon the doctor to unjuirt i he secret of the herbs to him. Frequently Indians allei'e be ver u leful on campil canoeing trips, as they do not aiiMrli moisture ruhbing is required to huh' than the OfdhsOf) BOtl I it would be practically inqsi hie i on tire b aocideiitaJ dropping. Scientific Ante MALHCUI Pass: hi vis To the Editor: :i!l sumns had a chance to send in items of irt of the Valley. Now that 1 I k will tr and SOI I ins. tin liccuni of the dry aaoser. there has not been much raised ami the settlors all went to they could get work. Many of them oorhed at the saw mills to get lumber to build with. There an- BjOBJ SOW H houses in our imri of the Valley. We ha county road it and surveyed. Hove a stars and post office st Win.h i'oint Wn There has boon o great change made si Wh sat Mr. Brakeman lias just put up a house anil barn also Mr. Hsaru trichalarge dwelling and many more have taken claims a long the lake and putting up .substan tias i year i tospondeiii .1 the ..red to iM-gin the all three are going to pui up gued ith all the strength that Col pressat to ony of these that the secret is revealed t.. them uuil(l'nK8- specimens and would pronounce in a dream or by a bird or an A and his f an as saie ior iiiniKingor aomes- animal. Alter procuring it the returned iron, the saw tic purposes. Your r lily, .ell C. Mai.sun m. n. the Btote .nd. Dr. VS. L Maisden, llurn- ralms. The growth in wealth and Hinilation has surpassed "Wth in terriUry. When I e in the world is the average of individual comfort and material wcllbeingas high as in our fortunate land. I ry reason that in material wellbeing we have thus 'I. we owe to the Al rnight, to show equal progress in moral and spiritual things. With a Nation, as with the indi viduals who make up the na'ion. material wellbeing is an indes pOOSOl Ii inundation. But the foundation avails nothing by it self. That life is wasted and t ban wasted which is spent in piling heap on heap, those things which minister meivly to the pleasure ..f the body and to r that rests only on wealth. I miii material wellbeing as a .1 ion must be raised the n nt the lofty life of the if this Nstion is properly to fulfill its great mission and accomplish all we so ardently did desire. The things of tin ImkI are good; the things of i i but liest of all the the soul, for in the Na il the individual, in the ! ' i .ii it is character thai Is. us, therefore, as s people, i luces resolutely against 1 with broad charity, with friendliness and good will toward but with unflinching de- tloa to smite down wrong Kev A J Irwin will raoh at ll.irn.n th 2ml Similar of ach i month at II a in. anil 7.JWp in I Hal.halh ohosl amry aahUath al Vi p. 09. Tin- Ms hi. hunday ahiMii imvii. ai n'cleck h Ooodoj anil a SOldtal invitali.io i i xIi'iiiIihI lo all who can alleiiil In in.-. arilh u At thr PfSSOyomaa chufoh BotOS, Rati A J Irwin pMlnr. DOfWSS BSFftsSS ISO 'Inrl anil fourth HiimlavK nf SOOfe iiionliial II a. m . anil 7 .H ' . in hali'iaiii SSSjOOl 10 a in. i-vifi " i lialh inniiuii(i The Lsae Star RE8TAURANT i lautfi , l'n. Obr. Main ami II IMSSBV MBMU AT ALL, HOUR Bakery in ennnoation A Specisllj sf Ssert Orstrt Tahln fiirt.ialifil ailh -v 1 1 i limp I ha mark. I h ,r.U Your palnili as -..hell. ' You Must Sleep! 3AM Awb owt sutr SLSOrktaowtuMy II rL.oi OCtOMo-ia. 1I..I , .1,1 , AiM, i .-r o fat aaaSf tflk to ferola tmt ko Oal pm uafonvaato Mt. tal toarfoa at t kiMillKlM.iMf toriap of aiHotpao I So roaTSab Q atofcte otorteo auo ovImm I- that rm mm a aaat T I.I..I 1. i aaaa :.4..:.. !.... Maaaao) TtUs a.wif wo i oaH nnUji, HUaIiw.. fan..' ... k, Mwtol aCTR BUlo OM Success in -substantial buildings, aho I i their opinion is only possible wish r'ritch and Charl.y Ilradly an tho Old of tl ' Spirit, and going to build good dwelling in order to invoke the help of the houses. niatural ious .sac i r or resort to var- Kld. ioOOO) ol iv- ,;, , ,,,,, port mode to tl Hoard ol ,., ., Ul)(i yinj withtho !)r- Ma , u-n-.- ;;il. ,,, ,, V.,,,U1U uis.n ii without food or until they oi specunons oi woioi sre completoriy exhsjaOsoi Dur- 1 1 n i -1 . to ho Qojsf lias 15 acres of towed and it is coming up Others are getting ready re con. d , i in you Yours eiy Iruly, Root, i ky, Health Officer. here had lie - iiuiln n ill Lm adti i in,-. Hi. ne tl Italf far ev I tiild in t (,- ISMJ il .,.ii:..s ami e-u- and i is detefmti. doesii'l LBu l'ili withheld, l national I -.ii u! gOll, W can match . i. SJOOjOOI commencing i x( Monday. Mis Augusta l! .. wiH touch. W. IL K. NO TBI INC. Hunting and fishing are strict- llll I.IHIOK'S BABII.s The ing this period they piofesstO have been tauglit sosBO song, or the great Spin areas with than through a weed. bird, wild anniiai or reptile. juent- b' forbidden upon any of tb l.s allege that w ,me to Pacific Live Stock a. ranchi them and bowl and that they un- Treapaaaers will be pro country news- den at the aninutls nay. John (Ju.. i Viiil. ;l- I li ton State Dm iei.- I 10th i iwporai. Ui a K-Vic i : u o,-,- legon i n :l sOOtmu' ajawatrtlsn a. epoit. as i.: piaoeaof In.. bag wuh r. a pleasam thus I'l : .,. Albu: came pd aP r I CI On1 treuluig a patient they announced in the follow ng man- place tobacco in little jouchos net. .. o York which 'they tie with clift Tribune the acquisi ton in his d I hi ainted In Ion week f non Hsj mestic cucie of .'.' "fair, fat and s sticks '' tou about the if an ar- visiting old friends. Tl "Bring out rass luind and row but somewhat lorn ually ai ssubstitu town. I . :s of llannel are Sound the louu sni ... ened pa of the sticks A complete sectionhted t let the nation rejoice; for one of and parmj ia the MoreO) at ten colors the humbl ns of ihe com- bn I in- sticks are also gay- ing all large holdii non wealth hath been justly ex- ly painted and inserted in the gotten out by . alted .... rs, and we ground or en if rock 00 r. e$L00. M have the honor to be thai fortu- tup of a bill. This id done to Sales Agt. and moritorious individual, gain the favor with the Gn Still I OSt proud; we yet Spirit and secure his assistance The I'avilla ( ... is spook to our m sking their practice success- billed for fonr nights al tl ally; but at the tone it must be ful of curing the patient under A. C. hall in tl admitted that we feel several their charge. Tb. co or No. 11. This 00BBO0I toller than we did a week flannel constitute, in fact, votie mot ago. ' ' offerings and the custom is no place. doubt of Oriental origin. They doubt will make good" with Just n consignment of have of course in the meantime thi theatre goers in Bun ladies and mi.saos cloaks Luna- given the patient a concoction of burg t Dullon. medicine made from the herb or en us for nghteousness in i nid in private life." HIS PISST rail noe 0 S Clark, a resident of I'a Wallowa coonty, arrived in 1.. Crande Saturday evening. Mr. lark came to this coast in 1m. l and has been just ahead sj iad ever since. There-1 ...-. trip to La Grande gavei bio. ins first opportunity to ride on i railway train. Mr. Clark says his first experience was' pleasant, and he is not at all sorry that the iron horse has hi up with bun at last. Ha the race has been a long l.ul th engine h..d 1 a 1 ir.ihd. Ob (.. 1 To those afflicted with kidney - bladder trouble, Iwckscho, rheumatism, Pineules brings rs- i.. first dose. Hundreds ;iople todoy testify to their remarkable healing and took . s. M days' trial $1.00. purify the blood. Sold by .me Pharmacy, Burns, Ore., Fred Hsinss. Harney, Ore. It N IBUHliail 10 OVtSUISMtt tsi aiceur or sutr. umm coansuio aitinjMaiu M nn 1 10 raoouct umasht SLEEPINE rpSSt'Si o I ' CkW.1. Jianiiaiai.toH HaSarlkoU S rmmWmi Unwo AciTTum .. IMM. aWiol Mo. Mttl la ial Ul im ouv Ut M. vlS 000S ABSOLUTELY FREE a utel h,. k. u. uSor. miilif aaaM om4 oU.a, . . IU oouS a iaahi Maw port '. io-i.i Wat aaolo. 1 o v aota1 Hiiuiuov The Sleepine Co. Rom... T.uot BU .CLEVUNU.O. Brown's Satisfactory Store. You certainly an- interested in the largest and most com plete Stock of New Fall and Winter Goods (Mined in the Interior. We nre showing e hincj new. no exceptions arid to huv iriv at our place mean i better selection Ladies cloaks ,tnd w aists I Nrect Importation N. BROWN & SONS, Burns, Oregon. I ii .i:iuiu4uuuu:i.-n:uitiuuuttutiiintti!in- '.iiinii'.t The Harney Valley Brewing Co. Mmiulm ttii a.n.a. WntGl l-'amily Ira.W MMM free IMIvvry T. E. JFNKINS, Mitnacer -:-. . THE CAPITAL SALOON, TBM0M A !' l'....not.ir Burns, - - Oregon. o.3ro Xllo DEXota.d.q.a.artora. vViru's. liquors and Cigars. Billiard and Pool tables. Club Rooms in Connection. l..hjiu..J IT P BITTER ilD ICOTUTia JL CBUJU TOAI rRicnciuTM fi in MMM ISTe itoue aUinU tor rrfco Llai Cirt ul.iik. atOMUMCajf AL SSON2C COHAaT, aausiaruat. wus a I. I. i WIS ftiUss lisl u fsrsisk PARTICULARS and PRICES Is SSJSOI SSSaTlSf, INFORMATION. Ssi kat ISSOMSa DESIGNS. The Burns Flouring Mill CCTTHELuSl : 99 mKmam : fjfC- al IjOb aai n yWiTLL 1 -loivi ''ts'WuM In flOSa vMaaLar aLKaa Ml Lnylu litUivi I alOM TO. . iVANT, Pi opt. iM0DEIIKII0,ikllMII.I.I,K0l.l: IMm.1) fully fiit, MUfh 1 1 iff, tit fm n 1 ,i,i ,,, . , Ji i t,i" ILOUii, KULLkO BARLEY, mop, AND All kinds ai Mill Feed always oi Hiod (IE VEJtlf NNlitM HJJH 'JCfc PAiO ION MM! MIlLOd IMUT OUco OM WOHK DOME Good Seed Wheat for Sale -1 Laxative Couh Syrup al bringS quick relief U SOU m, colds, hoarseness, whooping ."Ugh and all bronchial and throat trouble. Mothers espec ially reccommend it for children. Pleasant to take, gently laxative. Suld by The Welcome Pharmacy, iiurns, Ore., Fred Hoioos. Har ney, Ore. accent I) EolaurgaO 25 OC0 New Word N 1 -3tler r Iho Wvrld . .MS Painting and paper hanging Job printing-Ths Times-Herald A. Horton. M. lcali)lclluarr 1 I'AMMuuUa . ..1 !lu.l!uu. zsao lluarta fagus . taMUaaoaau Sk r v-m eded In Kyory Hornet mr'.CiiSltUDkUoy I J I 1 , Jvu i , jtlfH.-t i'Li i 0 1 a i--fcaa. $ '-'-f-ajr I 1 I (JiaJu I epjajaO ,,4 l''itltltir. . . ufeooa 'eVsaVM ERRIAMCO. iti-rials' 1I4, Mfta. J iiiniii::iiii'itiiiiti,i.i'Uiuui:Mi . , The OVERLAND HO, L Iff , O eon Afford lit. Hest A ccom moda turns tube hud in Hanu ( ouut 1 W KO-iM-. CitS N lilMNHN. PMbmnBLE VICTUSUa I he palruitage ot ail gueU under the old sspocialiy sylicitad. iSmte pax day, l.S55 James A. Fanning, Manag r soaonMsauumuuumuutniiiiiiaintMoi - - '' . - iniiijnit '-' '" 2 Job Printing.