N MIXTION MCHKL. bun iti Idini:. Bring in any thing "ii haw- foi your moiM) for it Sp tonlion given to sales In the countrs . w. r. Smith, Auctioneer, Nol'hr FOB PUMI h riON Hum- i . i i Wood'i Liver Medicine In Ini uiil form for malaria, i lor a large party try an Elee i fever, regulates the liver, kid- tiou Suehre instead of i regular nays and bladder Militan Euchre. Instead of a (relief to billlousne fort, each table will represent a tnche, constipation PI political party, as Republican, take. The fl.00 bottl co Democratic, Labor, Woman's :." times quantit) of the 60 Buffrage, Prohibition, etc., isebringi i round tho rooms The Welcome Pharmacy, ;;,i will give the namea of candidates Ore., Fred Haines, Han and perhaps a campaign motto orsayii AUCTION Bach table has ;i ballol boa for ,,111 1 ., , 1 I will hold tho votes won. and also a supply ,. ,. , , , on nit' nisi ami i nil ti .auo. of ci out as , , - , oi each month at tliot UUP I ill I 1 II ll'rn r . i wi i J wi nv arc at a table, and pla for tin part reprseented by their table. A- ui Military ESucher, one couple from each tabk got 1 to pla) each game at another table, and the n mail h 1 ouple stays at their own table to pia their Arrange so that the samei ou do not play against each other more than onee. rulnr i:d euchre I and the losino couole must 1 one of their votes (0 the winner-. which th latter will place in the ballol n their own table. The length "l time for each K.init' tional, but oughl not to ie mate tht oven or eight min- a n gular schedule should le made for each table, which will tell the table to be each l that there will be il;. ' Any one who has played at Military Eucht do ti Quaint plao in be made which will assign tin1 gut the 1 .. play dm Ing. Sun. horn,.. drum.-, etc., will he fun- the re:: r. e lunch- v.. can all 111 will rigtna man 'a 5umpter Valley Railway Co. IN i Whim I ll'lllV 1. ,at i ind. I'a- p in , . K) i.v 5:90 The Capitol Barber Shop II. .1. RBKD, I'ropl. Headquarter for hnthing nnd I ii .1 ( i Work. HORNS. ORKGON- . "'" 1 ! I l 1:10 1 06 I o tilO 1 . . 1 NOTICE FOR PUBLK ATION, M in latloti I,, make i 1 0 til,- I,' "It VI t t-cz-u, y SETINC MACHINE. IOLLER BEARING. N I I . II I . :lnr VvjHjf Ik'.. jUL lj4 t.i.. vam siflaggglSI hatt Hour, W ! nil, in It Sill, N If n, t. 1 M 'Tan . . 1 w I 1 11 Aekti"." .N - Hum , . v ' 1 II 1 III i I'. pill r II I M It 1 I runl.'i H II 1 .1 I' . I'rwu 1 N im . ..11 . I., in. 1, , 1 v nritiln, ': Ham 1 v i,.ck Inai 1 Mom .IN 11. v l.n,... Mi,-, 1, M Novri 1 1 ihkn. - I I Marahal 'am . nv. 1 .. , . M. 11 .. Inilllji Tho Cough Syrup that rlda the mtim of n cold by acting n cathartic en the bowels is BEES The Times-Herald in offering most attractive Clubbing Rates to Hh subscribers at present THE TIES-HERALD One ftear with the Portland Weekly Oregonian $2.50 Portland Semi-Weekly Journal $2.50 S. F. Weekly Examiner $2.65 Thriee-a-Week N. Y. World $2.50 Semi-Weekly St. Lo'.is Republic $2.35 Farm Progress FREE in '- . '" advance Subscriber Got MM or mm! of tisOM good papers in connec (imi with The Times-Herald for the long tHaV ter cvonim: . 'all and gel Clubbing Prices JOB PRINTING Hi I, 1 ittiI In ctii Ihi Yr BSSI mill M w .irK iii tali Ma ws has tfl i in- LATEST TYPE FACES Cuoaploto Liiu FIRST -CLASS STATIONERY PUOFKSSrONAL CARDS Win. MILLER, attoii:y at UW, ItiiniH, Oregon, ilftloc Ural iliM.r wfdt of Dank. C. A. REMBOLD Attnriioj'-nt-I.ttw, ' Burns, Oregon 'Ims. II. I .eoiiMivl. Attounkv-at-i.aw, t'arsfttl atteMlon ajyeti toGolta linnH nini Real ,i .,,,. meiieis. 1 in. imiiii - Nutarv I'til.lio Beam, Oatajo. (il lKMORK. ATTflllNKV. Koaaa, . Orkoon ' ..Ii.. .mi. I. nn, I I,,, iiiMR an, b) " niatMI 1 roin 1 Mvii . mini to .. ", IIV.1 Jf.J "" iMlS III. CHARbtS W. 1 huis LAWYER Bums, - - Oregon hMNSSi in Mm St.il,. iVnirU nn.l I,,.. foro tlir U . I.11111I Ofl lilt II: Ian sen' crili ,11 . I lijrh is so inai uw waiai uuigea anaii at BMaaaan toproD them ud a w with jack pine ioles. Hut the radieul all is thai througl i-.-iiti ! af the building tfaara is an n lobby laige enough t. . load through, with the l.itoh- aiui tin' living Win - thta - high grade icw-HSSCkOMt "EE. ational Se c Co., ..AN rRANCISCO, c sresn at acLvtoeaa. iu. LAXATIVE COUGH SYRUP it Ihr jlivn coii :!i coouim bo . , ilaa, Rtalljr tnovn IM bowtl. oaftjriu Iba ewd ofl through dM naiural cbanntl i.nraniaaj te gWI aatif( ii.'i M nmiiay ralunUatL Sold by tii i Burna, Prod Halm ii I W I l I . I I .riitflK-.l wii ,; 1 u Oregon Builders DHOP IN AND LOOK l'lnniiiii Mini Baigsss UuriiB, - - - Orngnn. nun Ii'iiI'IIiik 'ouiii ,,f Wclr.i,,,,. h in H ihnp, Minn Si. TI Mali U. Ii. liUHPOU. n. i). I'liiuun iiiid Surgeon Clironlr I Mn olaltl CiiIIk BaSNBIl al nl luiiir, mil"' sm m. 1 1; at . Mams, Otsm UJ U Wfl"RSDBN I'lijniutan anil HargMNi. in (ION gS" '.on, ,,. ti It I I .1111 l 11 1 esiunei -iii. iii usual 11 public in 1 all u ln-ii desii m AMYTHIN6 IN MY LINE. din 1 Goods i il 'nn ,s Solid Gold v. I locks, Jewalrj " all knnl-,, Silverware, ' u Glass Haadpainted China al Coat, Takes ueep windows. O-cm.'toexllrn.er- iniatmmuitiu:::: : ::t:t::itntnni::;i::ii:t::::iuinttti I. K lllhl.a,,! I I ilii ..ini .V I Irowiiiiui. i ENTwrra, IfM ..ir aM II,. I'liliaua (una II. 111. VN. . . ik.'VSN, DEITTIST. nrii l till 11. IS 'iii..' 111 m luti'i ,iii. baMdlsg, w n .''i iiorii post file.. W I'M ' I'll! I Kill, .H Mlll'll.l II IIAHNI I 1.1 ,.l.. Nl). T7, I II o r. 1 an. I Limn, Matur.U, h ';' ' !"' l'ao, 01. v.. l.i. M. "rtar. N n 1 II Hai I .- . 1. 1 1 jus L lt.s ijutrons will . that liu when in nw ' il printin natunm l 1 yon doing what yom cm i popolotc roar gtate? t TI A W W I.. 1. egon Railroad & Navigation to 1 s:i : I roin l.iillirtv ill.' -: : 1 70 inciunati IS - Cleveland 1 1 T."i MN Cl.LBHINU PKOPOSII ION : ! 1 Ui ll.l'. . .'iri-.lllir, ,1 Ii, ,.tl. ,11 conn. ii. '. 1 amDbell and de 1... 1.... ... Hi UK Ket best roaull tillage undei ' - nine Parmei 1 offer it elubla TCr3T XlTo witn The Tin. $2.50 per Fro. Camp- "- . i 80 tin Diuuliu.. :iihiii 80 00 35 (( I'hieag 1 8H "" in ki:is (an 111: PUPAID. 1 n.l ..r r.'laln. i ... u- . ... I.:- . : Mi "A ' I'll I'' VVi ; l llfl J I r 1 il I. V i ' :, 111b - 111 i.s , . ! M . '..,.; flr.t .11,1 ll.lr.l U- I.. ... ...... '" ,.. .'ri, 11. U 1. w N I ..I p, 'iWPftb and (feir (uitintf i. 1 P. D. Hall, local agent. Hu.itington Or-.. Wm- McMurrav, Ceu. Pusso r t Aeent, Port! rv.n issawiv. tMWMtmMmiviiMi We L HWIS fekk- k. a .aw . . . . FIRE INSURANCE. 11 . VN .,1 . ia. ' . Ik m hss n i-i 1 11 .,, . tan itlan l-Ull , ..I W . ! .1. J.a.n, ..riu. . M SBBBBJ It IB "I'liimgafl Irajt ftaH 1'i.wsWsHH 19 VWAITEI RIDER AGENT ,IK.Ui., I - I I.I I . I . a . INU0N rows 4 .tftin i"' I'.u .1 1-. 11 inuiitnu. k full of good things, the onl;. the wurUl, aad H sjnbod b ditor's nun. of painstaking investigatii 1 j -A-slc TIolojocl. alu fci .-aCTORV rlllCK 1 aMtfaraWi .ciifln ', rOU WILL BE ASTONISNEO ggg aWSftfaiiap. ....L. . I - I ..... w. i 'i ii.OO ' a id MiH' CO. I i'l ill IC ' 1 .' 1 iiJGAnn vor l ... Tsui . . . C3-25 All for . . . . $1.50 A, ru 1" irdfll to UMAX IIAGAZIHE f'" -'. I ..I l.iu Itmii Flgsiajaja) I i" UAMP OR FIELD AT MOUNTAIN OR SHORE Tka it aiaiju tallica U aiy om iliMtiitf a RtUUU IKEAflH: Ihi aaaa ntkin i i.,,j, cf ,,t j " "tJRfyft PIST0LS' SHOTGUKS, RIFLE TELESCOPES, ETC A.I. ,,. I,, ,,, ,IMI V. lii u..l ..,1,1 tallr.. ,,., ,U,,, unrn. .,,... ,.,. fclii "I"'" re.Jpt of t alal.- ,,,,.. . 1 ,. ,- . ....,.. atullr.l Iu. .1 .......... -. - a ii I, I . i. , ulu, II . . ..!.,, ... ..i,.,. 8 UHAKES X 1 in 17 H si? , 19 .-I . ..1. al but UUt 1. -I n 1 s I.) I Vv 11 ... II i- . -- . hi delphia. """' Hu n, sogaa . I.uualiu A lal, HEDGETHORN PIMCTUBF -Pimr $iaa ccirutsi IMA .ni.a m 0--T-7- Tlr" 1 sa ji.iL.nE.H...nti iiHtd 4 SAMPLE PAIR IO IMIHOaUVt. UHL r MM fHOUOLE FROM PUNCTURES flS 4! III .lll , B' . I If . .r.-a ' Ift, Ii lu r ' 11 il, I'omfi S una mil, - I J -MM , AUMH A. 1,1,11 1. Ii. :.. Jin.-, " "' ' . 1 nit up H 1 - ligegaaM blue Nogo a Rapid Transit Line 0pra,i"K ,rui" ' -'"'"' I Caajn 6Hj ogm,lrajai 1 L'ilv la lum n 1 .11. tui driven Pirsi ood lu Hum. nnlj iu ( ILDBNBBRG, Maiufftr. a.3srCit3r, Orog-cn HO 1 fc.iL iOIVIPSON, P. 0p. la, inforlahk eouaTruatn S ! Ml W.1H HM Jewedatr. Opttotan ami l'.nuiav ei . Pins vVatch Repairiag A Kp .i.illy. xper ) THE H. i .... Vail n . ..I. IF YOU MEED TIRES $&?& i 1 . . ' DO NOT WAI1 "" Sl" "i -.- ........v.uuu,., WIIU'll AOV. tor tht Special cominodationi Traveling Attn. HHNT riiASlVi x 1,H LMJV .11 ..,.,. J. L MEAD CYCLE COMPANY,' CHICAGO ILL You, p. raamsjui i vnivfiuv, iu. Your PatPonage Solicited pairaf ...l at blch vclo Burns Diamond Stage bine J 1 hakim k, pmpi 1 Barua ..v.... :,i,y, w. ,w. - i it ,1 ki 1 I .. 1 .. 1,. ...... 1 .... ,.,,, .ill,. 1 . v., 11 11 1 il Hi. .Vn.li. WS'Uwil.i lun.- 11. ... . . Iiu maul -"-- - u . . 1 "... . I'.,- -I ' .U to .'II "iilli uml tl,. . f r ,,. ,r I,. , , 1 '""' '" I , ui . i.vi . ' . .'.L. : I 1 1 1 Tt.- Ilin .-.. Ireguu. "7" -A. 1ST X IE 3D . A rcjirsaenUllNc in ihl cot.Oty b u larnt real caUe corp,ii.,iii. S.u. m laasKessssas s Mms. h wih m SesOSBJ fliwiitiully liitoreaU-tl. IIjc Real blalc Security U t-url Utarburu bulljliu CHICAUO, ILL : i $ck WW n. 'I SMdil llomon