V'i ( UWM i.vi i m mis rot n, Hi Hll 'n'9. . . , t8 uown or i im i- Bk tbi the noBJt to flBBeB9olnVri'v 1 ctn lting ; ' te Tuonananl "The Pioneer Bank of Harney County" Statement of the Condition of The First National Bank of Burns At the close of hminen September 2.1, 1908 RESOURCE Loans ami DiMMBU $183,227 OR ('. B. Bm 50.000(H) Bonds and BoxiuilUas 60.873 98 Premium on U. S. Bonda 2.000 00 Batata, Furniture and Fixtures 6,000 00 I md 1.26000 cS(l R7.829 70 Peterson ir. in from his the nor rs Alv heir h - from 1) I .uke, Wilson invite tli vicinity to call ati amplea of suiti' hardson and Mm home from Boi tool in the ldah bbble has been u. ier the can of I r several port her improvii . LIABILITIES Surplus and Undivided Profits ( 'irenlation DEPOSITS $391.180 71 K)0 00 26.670 ::: KK)00 M4JN M DEPOSITS September 4th, IW6 August 22.1007 Scptemhcr U. IWK. ibm, i9 n $ 2IQ.0.S3.Q2 MMJI .114.510.44 (MTEf) STATES DEPOSITARY P. C ranch. Geo Buchanan has been in city for several days. For first class watch repairing call on E. N. Nelson. Horn To Mr. and Mrs. E1 Gibson Oct. 23, a son. (has Newell was in the cit for a short time this week. We have been having some fine rains the past few day. Bpectadeo fitted to N. Nelson. ptMtfctJ aa cian. D. R. Thorn and family are near from their Silver creek home. .lust received a consignment of ladies and misses cl'nks Luna burg Pal ton. The Hallowe'en Iwll (riven hy the Mothers" Chlb last nijrht was a complete success in 1 1 MM l. The Baptist Indies' Aid hold a window sale at the Emm et t Reed grocery store next Sat- Nov. 7. w. w. Main smith. Harney. Oregon. Hoi -shoeing and all kinds of general repair work. Your business solicited. ("has. Owens is down from the Silvies Valley ranch. i R SALK land. Imp'ireat this office 'asper I'iim and wife are from Harney today. Joe an- 320 Macros f hay in from th. ir h. Thos. Bain is In the eity. nderpool are from Pete) H c one over Sih r Edv thworth wa A, M. Byrd arrived bonv leal from ' Will, b me this ni'ht from outside jxiints. W. R. Garrett and famih now occupy the FitzGerald reektanoe. I.dison Phonographs and iv 0 ils for sale at Lunabi-n's. rhas. Byfd is r and tinker 'unimins. now counter for lc. Henry Harmer and Nat Hen M among our visitors from Sunset today. 0. .1. Oarst was a business vis it. from his Trout creek mines the tirst of the week. One of the Gilchrest Bro Fon and vrrnin ranch pi. : ( reek bom Win. 1 I I'.iuns. were in Ontat k M to Portland l. . Ijm K"iuh il llanie county was in John IV i daj la) Infl in a ounph for wlntar, Blu,. Ml i:av:lo. i hi Inland Kmpin Realtj Co has added to um i office space Tin R Aim M Cow i mi m Tlmt mi wnuM not do without. you have tried thetn. I the MOM with the rberk account, i iiiiiii i nil afford jto give it up when lie eierieiieea the benefits tn bis inmiej rrmltern. A trial convinces even the incradttlotin, It will afford jroti safety and con Innea an it dnea to oth Crook county, was business visit- w the ad or to our city yesterday. Joining rooms in I he building inn Salk -Cheap if aold at Bingo Little Litrer pill . one drop head sewinn ma- billousin eudu.be. The) chine. Inquire at French Hotel. I Keep you well. Bk fi ib. m The Harney County National Bank of Burns STATE DEPOSITARY D. H. Smyth and wife, pioneer black- residents of Happy Valley, wen ;n tap cit) R short time this . ek I be quests of relative ami Is. uie Pharmacy . I'reii Rafnaa, Bar- Dell Dibble and wife are over from Silver creek. A. Bgll 0JI in the city a lev. days this week visiting his fami ly. BOM To Mi. and Mrs. Clay Clemen I;, -i Saturday, Oct. 24, a liov Ml aea raael I .itable j for i:iir. 0T :-c r.ineh. Abund f water lor irrigation and; or Inquire at thii ofA Him Into r kaa Painting and paper hanging A. Horton. 1. H. Holland is home from u business trip to Mnlheur county. "Senii' " Baily. our old lime Scotty. has reopened the Star alooa. John Wintermcier was ilown from his Silvies home during the week. Baflaj Hayes, of il'e I.. .utile Co.. was in the oKj B, P aeent ,.r Sunday. the ganaral land oflta ha been Bon this week. Mr. Cowgfll I i;,,,.. ... - -- -- md A i r a l ii a daughi' F. .1. Klink has been laakfcag ' B0 tell phone lines in tills vicinity this weak. "Tex" Baad is bask from Or- Uirio where he was looking after shinments of la-ef f-r tin Win. ey (k. absent eeveral das it Harney Idgi N i !'. are urged to meeting Nov. 14, vital internet to f nme up for aetx ibaro wolconie. Hamilton N. G morel) doing the routine work of inspection. It' pan. are m need of Harvest Ifachim rj eall In and see at then I .). J. 1 1. M. from Drewaes Sundu tor. Mi'- luvis is Hutlering from typhoid fever and is at the j hospital. The New Windsor Bar, under the management of I.e. Caldwell, is one of the uiosi popular resorts in Baotorn Orafjoi Drop in j a ben yoa have a thirst. aeon the Jordan I ranch and Wind) Point, a suit To Mr. and Mrs. A I L. F. Wiseman has Ix-gmi tin foundation for the new I parsonage to DO OTaOJlod n the lots adjoinilfj the eburch. .leb ( n and tatudy . !al i City, relal dy, are h. ic ami nptj main in this dtj thie w ir r. 1'iHik up on the '.till M with siv shoates. Part . Idem and pay damages. .Iim , UMM i ii i alp and fi I frmn their tri) to little, r. " uted ill while mi ii ha full M- v mi another hard ice of these io lbng. W. E. 8mi' on thai ng on Ui the Bumptei Vai .ii a position m A until vi'.i have corrals ai tor loodr .nd cattle at Ausi arload, from Au y, $15.00. r Loggan wishes '! i all attcntioi. n the mailachadu umorruw. The . will enter upon ti -mails will d at H I Harford bulks . i . ...j . .. , . 1 haabed i ,;l"' """""" men h g ovt-s u.iu Huspeimei ; . i inner ivtux rv turn linun, 311 Portland receive .rd. itishni Paddoek of the Fpis cupal ohureh held services in the terian church bare Wod neoday and Thursday. The .. er. interesting speaker, lie li : morning for ' 'anyon City. .. illiani and Fred BoJs t'ptlin, ol the Big Bend .section, Washiiu'toi:, were oat with W. T. Loator Of the Inland Empire Baalit) Co. thii week looking ov. Or the country. Each. bac tak en up clan Malheur gap and seem well pleased with the country They are Adventists andoxpact tobrina;nanj friends with them when they come back in tin sonable goods for all and Winter i New Kail und Winter DreH Goods lutvafjr unci uiv MeK ready for your insjieet ion. H. C. Smith is handsome muck letter sign on the trout of the Harney Countv National Bunk. I'me and fir lumber for sale at $13.00 st 1000. Pi. Vets 3 cents each. On the Davis corner liar ney. Chas. H Iiwib. Mesdan.e Recti A. Johnson have received a consignment of tall and winter hats und have a large order now on the way. A. M. Kneutzcn, a merchant of Portland, was here eurly in the week looking over the 0MO try with u view of investing. Boas In. Burrow reHrts the inrth of a daughter t Mr. and Mi (I. A. Smyth Jr.. at tin home of Jap Mck union, on Sun- Oct. 18. Fitchett wus up from I " .. Maraden and I i r; i growth froti foot last Si young lady is fast mproving - f the opomti I,, lie Hollid.iy ail teach lh mi Sprin ilu . w in- t.-r I: noi putting up i erf next week for Portluud I !. N he will ,t.i nd lie ! until te- t sprin, I'.t-itN To Mr. and Mr Read this! It don't matter in what part of Harney or Malheur counties your propert) is situat ed Adam Gaorajo is njajparad to swing a deal of any sire with outside capital if prices are right. See him. A. C. Finn and family will lake their departure at MM I lie I .; tion and if the mads anil weather will permit may oontiaao on tofkajaJraaotarn Oregon. They may wind r in nunty, however. il ' priees on Implo re purchasing. I can do better than any house in town I do not have a Whole sale Houeo Representative with me all summer, some one I on. A m ling of the shareholders of th' White Swan Borax Mine is called for Saturday, Nov 7. in Burr at t i . hall, ai 7 p. in. ImiN.rtant lottl N frOO Ollgard Io bo read, and assess mi nt work to be considend A. J. Irwin, President Sold b Burns. Ore ney. I ih. Una Herald oflee ins just received the linest assort ment f stationer) H kt i aaaf had. Its patrone will h e tae mm Is -1 iii that line 0J ll ways have had. When in need of commercial printinn of any nature drop n . v.;:-. mmmmmitmmmmmtmmmmmmMm N'olli I FuU PI I'd I- VITUN. i.. Pleat ii" I n tsrtlsoi. IsasM I'"' kUii'i, iiuiiii i itintfi Murray, e. I .ml nil I tin. r.1.1.. ,.( I I' tin, Uaii'l ill .T4.nl. In Mm l I il l I a ii. I V. I in I III" Iral'.r ..I .in I nit ai.. al artlia In ml. ! i .,ii ,i.l . . ,1 .1 . 'ij' , H'.. I till' "Hill el HiMI" ill 1 l, T mi I inn l iii.ii (In. Billllnn (Jnari MinliiK I lann I ; i -.ii.iaii In llif llatni Mil al .iln li- in nt i. nt . i . , I M M i',iu,,i , i ' . i i "lrfn.il an. I SOU I ' I'.m. t . al, aa ill nil a' III ll..' I i. null (i.ik .i ai Hi. li, l.'i "I l...l.i"i i.l i. i i. (ha I inii-il .III. in- ' !.. I..1 U aanl I ii I lal .1 I ! I.e. . Ill NEW MKRCHANDISE Dry (ioods. Boots and Shoes er I'rcsh Orocerics, etc. For Pall and Winter Trade LU1MABURC & OALTON issssM stassesssi .! ACOMIMI II IIM Ol Ul mtl.RliOOD.s I an I I .in..! a The Welcome Pharmacy, Burns, Oregon. I ountaln Syrinvrs 'Hoi WaOOf ltllla. Nipples. Oltives llaril RHiewrfMyrlnies, Whirling Sprays. Finger Cats, llrvaalR, llrcaal l'unii. hi'lml all lite Wiibtx- IimmI carried h an UP-TO-DATE DRUQSTORB J C. Welcome Jr., Propt. Herald ha lust learned iftln arrival and although tat. bj Jan , PUIS I lank Fuller, a printer, was I s.. u -,n.... i ... n... h. larresUnl last Saturday niithl by ublrii PVank chanre with opening mail ad-'1 ssHas ' ! Ill aal I daMritx-.l iiiiniiiu ,l,ii. in llii.irin srtll iii.d-.i.n M. I Maker at their country honn d to othe-n. He had a Oat 11. a daughter. The Times- hearing in justice court the first nf the wiH'k at which re i Mr ted he admitted time it is his guilt, porting it is nevertheless news but stated it was a mistake. In- W. H. his farm to muny friends. Mr. and Mrs. Kart Siler have returned from John Day. started to ejo to Baker eounl.v last week Io visit relativ eo but tin inrm caught them at Mm lay and they oocurad a load lit and returned. and Frank Harrison arrived home last night from Salem where they went with prisoners. Frank spent a few days with home folks in -lead of returing the mail ever, he tore it up. H how-, OJOJ bound over and will be taken to Portland and tried in the federal OR VOU A HOMI . home a few days this Linn county and ln visited week consulting his physician. Port land and other pointa. lb- is not enjoying very Kood I i .... 1 I 1 . Iml i.. iih.hI Ii at 1..U..1, . I ..... I . formed an operation on Mrs. iiii-n. nt: it imiruvniK wc un- glad to say. Wanted Marsden and (Jrimth jht- Da.i last Thursday . (or Boating kidney. I About 6000 bead of delicate operation wo aoooaniato good, young breeding earn Ad- success ami the lady is doinaj drees, giving ages, price, etc., well. Mrs V'unen ha d. The Ameriean Und & Livestock 1Hj.r health foi montha. Company. Iienm Oregon, also une eaie of the First National bank, Bun.-. Qoojjoa, James E. atjaanjvi Manager. J'he Pavilla Theatrical I billed for four nights at the U Adam (Jeorge has 21 tuarler Oetioni Ol ram land. Tracts from hi" aoraa up bo litoaarao. I lui.-hels per s-re land, but i i UUahels. Stink ranches fromoao upto40&0acraa. All well watered n- hoi.-.tingof In the suburbs of Burns. The lersigned will aell in 6 or Id tracts, 66 acres of land l as! ot the town gj Hun and is in a high state of 'nt nation and each tract has a i right. No better Public or High book are to be found in the lie. nor a better place to build ii home. C. A. SWKKK A. W. I.OWAN Alioiniv .ii Ijiw X-o.rid. IF'ra.ctlce M li MHiownn Niihols Lsstf Iscsiwei kcsl l.ni.'U isr bjk Lssd is,f ip Buuxui uJ Sid. Ill UN '":' ."N ISICYCLI-S kt I'vlk i W. E. HUSTON Dealer in Groceries. Provisions. Tropical and Domestic Fruits when in Season. E ALSO HA8 A LINE OF CENTS FURNISHINGS, Hats, Shirts, Clothing Underwear Get Prices CHILDREN'S CLOTHING. Mil kind, of Freeh Vegetable, in Season, GIVE HIM A CALL. I liirkht-uiii i Hnil. i Mam Sirci W is for puncture -proof in. and all MAM) I.M) IJICVCI M.lll I '.r H.NAI. M.I II I HI -I A. ('. hall in this city, beginning water, ranging in pric. frOBJ 10 mi. mi nit-u,dj Inivin or i ..no tli prat i; nut come to the line. J i" .in wel Nov. 11. This company has the most flattering press notices from ptaoae they have visited and no doubt will "make good" with the theatre goers in Burns. to $27.50 mt acre. ?w Suitisgs and Waist-rigs of every Description rge lineKdadies, Misses and drens winter coats and furs SCHWARTZ. ie Busy Corner Store" Dr. J. W. Geary was called . .eek t" oee hi aooa. The d found tiuita an latiliiiii nf i i i .i.D One OjejaJ horse ; )(.N with sunn fureb.,1,1 low wh.t,- ,, and branded . 15ak .title -weiKht about !! or 1300. ,., ,, , ,in,1M, a. Lost about three weeks ago. 1,. rj, lU ,1M Henna,, Gaorajo will give $5 re- dt..al ,lT ,,,,,,, , ward for information leading to y f,uln typhoid and th. '' man i "tab ol 4'liflunl I Irtvlan I 'I. I akr lntli m tlial llir uiiuVrvif-. iiilril ol III- al,.,w . x i a I .' I . a Sual a I i I " in, ai.il thai l,v .rr I onil ol llari.) ,i,iiiiI luly madu ami ulni.il il.ia ilml. . tol-r lM.. MiiiiiI.) NnuiUrr Jn.l.lUUX al 10 n il'i a A M al llir I .,., I li'.uaa in I'.iriia, liaa Iwi-n a(i,iinUal aa and .lan l"i llir iiamilngiil ua lu aal. I rM.il all par...!, a In i.raalod uiual rtla llmlr ulijajctleaa. II . i.i befure iail j. StOSSat 'lay Mat ' . M.. r. If you waul a w he. I ele n pi and MO us. L.irtcr5 ' LIVERV, FEED AND SALE McGEE & OWEN, Propts. m Fresh Taama. GiniturtabU Kigs, Cireiul Drivers. The Eastern Oregon Partictlar attention given to Transdent Trade Engineering Co. CIVII . MIMCII'U ,u Ikslli AIIUN IM1IMIK3 Mum I lllii 1 III b wlh. Hunt. Wi.K'iii r, i.uki 1. ireojaa i 1 Call on us Next do ir to French Hotel Main St. Ili-rsi's Im; i-! Ii the lav, week or intuit h CHA WILSON, i.eri'loi J Cattle We are headquarter fur Horse Blankets-, Saddle Blankets STORM PROOF ROBES and Balsam of Myrrh We Carry a Complete Mae el HARNESS and SADDLES J. C. WELCOME & SON - -- OR M ll. JtcKEOWfi CMIKOPKACTOa I aU all 4aMSMt liy tlna trealSu-nt 1,1 llir rni.r. I all i . al ll. buina lluirl and lui u.i-. , 'lain Una (icatiii. . i lo ou No Orua I cd iitoiiaaliss as CeeiolUtieo Free Oh g mmm My well known kerd winning Herefoi 1 ated' on tlie farm .! v in I in Malbeui ' V. I bo pleased to 1 1 m n.nl ll m .1 ol hulls or belli ' ."iu 111 quality and price. Write your vaaU mm. v. uviM 1 t CfjajoJh Iraa.U, I , naa4. On. Main fit.. Black :in 1 lb 1 tig autl HorseslwlBf. Wagon Work ALL WORK GUAR AMtffO. Burns, Oregon ii Young's Meat Mark u All Kinds of Groceries Meats at Cash Prices. CALL AND INSPECT STOCK J1: YeSaJaneSr- L v fflBiffcrft and KwdfcT 1 The Hunt MODKRATE I'KUED TYPKWSfm On the Market Modem. LUIIVwHJcat liuraWt, Has all the qualities of higli priced aukchinea Rapid, UniveiHul key board, Suuylt. Chicago Writing1 Machine Co. ISi-i"J Wah Ave., Chkagu, IU.