The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, October 31, 1908, Image 1

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I hi Klli.
per "I llnrin v OH III
rcnlation awl i am
Uft lnoiliiimn iti KnHpiti
Wi lrt IHnrnrq fauntrg
Covprt in m-i' i "i 'i.K'R.xoo mn
Intnl. t ! ii'" . t vacant mil
to iMilry nwlrr tlio iil.llr land i il
ilin MetM
I AND SOUTH I INI! etc., in a manner that is intend- GAME LAW SOMEWHAT MIXED ing on the Columbia, or its tri- PROGRESS SHOWN IN SCHOOI S
cil to hap pl. It doesn't. butane-; .-cept the Willamette
though, II wasn't the fear of and its tribut:in Oregon,
MMFNCRS Mint FOR dire disaster and the uncertainty MANY SFCTIONS OP STATUTES OIF- City. It is unlawful to use
II in I I- l.irlmtilfii
HcSfit t Tawatl J.
fr Ttan hmMatei
o Hilt Advatrta!,
of who will occupy the presiden
tial chair that 0Mm4 bad crops
throughout the country this year.
battery, swivel or pivot gun or
i to use a flash light in hunting
waterfowl. It is unlawful for
.m.' n"j
r n , I I.,
i -ii,i
upon in y
. i ,i
out aiaaltraclc--SaaHaary ol
I awn is AppHtd te Caaattf.
way 4HHP'
ay Compa'
at an an-
Harriman ofnVi
e Klama
In HarrirriBii ii
ei U'li
i. reality a d
t by the Harrim
entrance into (
lern Oregon wUl I
point Oil the (John
u the DssCh
extend to Hend.
point, :)'
tton, being th
Is it the cause of ow local stock- Secretin of sin li I oittioi to Paint an person to huildoruse a blind
men not being able to dfagN
thi ir lu'of.' PHrhtpi it is. l'ei:
plr are -ii worked up over the
IMissible results that they have
il to eat. (?)
That railroad to penetrate cen-
As the game laws have !oen
under discussion more or leas
lately by local nimrods the follow-
more than 100 feet out from
riwra in anv river or in any lake
net owned OT leased by him.
r Limit, five deer in one
-- l ,: !..,..
ing special from Salem, published ;rta""n: "'" ""vMlJ
oik wiiii iui(f (ininiuiieu. uuv
. . . . i 1 ' Ll I 111 III v. II I I IM I i ii n
trnl Oregon by starting from The man-cent issue of the Oregon- " .
Dalles and skirting the east of ian. will Ik-of interest to many: doer ,,,en season ,.1 IB to Ne-
the Cascade Mountains will do Ever) session
the lliimi-v iMiintrv "n hoan of , legislature sees
pood" now w.m't il" Tin Ore- bills ." n trod need for th.
n. ho. ever, will give of amending the fMM and fish
us a real transcontinental line laws in one way or another to
1 .! .1 n ... . . l t1 Bltll tl... i,i..w i,f iwuililn Vw
iniw UMin inn iirnmpr ii v nu-t mi- nn-i. m " nuw
Kf" I from the north v think existing provisions are not
vember 1; female den. open sea-
rlf4 I
Ml at
Hn n I ai la Br
State Saaertaleaa-fnt
A Salem news dispatch eays:
County superintendent are una-
NotleS i- lit n-lty gltrn llitl hunt
ing ami "linnling upon th i iii'lum-it
lmit- of the American I. ami i Livr
k Co i MHetlJ IbfbMeSa
v i .i i,"r..n Inn il hunt-
r- I "I . .... I I. 1 1.1 I. A .... till
well taken c:n ol lor a wlille ai " ""'" '- " aaai
of frequent and sometime care-
. less amendment the laws have
, become ipiite uncertain in some
ts. as mmcatcd hy tne tact
that in his last edition of the
a multitude of on Septowber 1 to November 1; b) t he last le(rilature, and other
to I .pant. Murrtry, mainMir. -iaK-'iwi rnimnp; in manimra oi
ar, Umatilla, Union and teachers, etablihinf uniform
i :, ighth jrrade examinations, pro-
. in Coo and Cu or for school board conv.-n-
Counties there is no oik-ii sea -on lions. Special report from the
for female deer and the op. n .;; ilillen-nt siiierintendent for
son for buck deer is from July reaching the office of Superinten-
nimou in their opinion regarding n " !l' '" ''"w,
the benefits that have arisen
atom the operations of the com-
v education law, passed
i of land along i
he salts begin
tract to be cot
B bank u
i White in
)ne of the d
Oregon StaU
Dee Chutes 1
: the eastern hour,
i mi Bprings Rest -k
to means an attam .
.1 tin an
to thwart the X
iate t li
lt inaooeesil
"iitraland Sou
roiid, it comnl
outlet fO! SDO.II'
iti-! lands in W
:.,: !
iimor hsx design:
The partisan nevvspapi-rs
the "pinhead" ioliticinn have
failed to gel Up niiicli Of a scare
amonp the voters this election.
These old in- hods of trying to
man believe
ruin depends upon
a eerUiiu man bfJag eei t,d is
not sffectivt any more. The
American poo; to 'view
with alarm" tl oi any
man being elected pr si. lent.
It i;; iiositiely amusing to see
OHM ieop.. )'.l "warped"
on eleclioii. .: IN OthtV
wise sensible are qultl
m and
urd claim ami pn diet
all kind ... i.i')' IT they
WOtlld simpl.-.
and look ai th n in a
.1 manner tht y'd Bad them
IM. The
people of the I'nit'-d States are
ling to be seriously handi-
no mutter who is elected
game laws the Secretary of State
found it tn to print a footop,n ww"n
note after some sections saying.
repealed by implication bv sec
tion Wh- fMM ''" comi-
up for consideration there are al
io to October 15.
Elk Oi. in SeplenilH i'of the suiierintendent will Ik
. ii, i,.lier 15; limit one elk in emlxHlied in the biennial report
of the siierintendent of public
ll.-aver and spoHed bwa No instniction.
' Business and professional
ition n-quires fretpient
to thlt f'lll l-X'eill of th- Uw
I Ii Mm.
Kanoh Managpr.
Mi nig iiim'.lf to give our iwrwuial
atirnii'ii in i In colli . 1 1. ii i ot i hn a,
onnma duo n, the paaM havt lwtn
plltf il With Mf, (' II l.r, , il.l A
Vt-at liavn.g ilii -I -o,,i- Hi. iIip
r.'liiiiiii nf r..-,a'ini.ritiip a prompt
dent Ackormnn. and the opinions ...Ml. ,,, ,,f ,),,. ,. ,. reaeeatsd,
M mi-ion A Oka si
Kclifii.n. Service.
(I'ortland i orresjHiiidint)
Assistant Secretary .1. I
son. of the Cniied states Depart-
ways a number of members of nui-i ..f the Interior, and Mr. W.
the lerislatun wh.. k to have M. G" Trca-n-v i,-
their counties excepted from the p.irtmtTit WaahingtOU, D, I
ons of the law. As a re ,.. , ;, il,,. Portian.i
suit il sometimes takes a gn-ai n iub last Sat un
deal of search to dctermin
whnl the law is as applied to all
counties. The following summa-
are making a tour of the
Flint Gl
dent Kobinson of
ooonty. "if the U-st results are
to h' secured. By these confer
ences only can the superinten
come into close contact
with the actual school difficulties
in the respective counties. If
U-iiie. . loajsjj in touch with real
rondi i mi s qualifies one to suggest
Hal plans, annual conven
tions of county superintendent
should n-sult in oriirinatinir hcln.
51 r., ... tu.. ....nnn.
I'M ll, ntiMim i
Kt A J Irwin will prrach at
IUrne tli 2nd Sunday of oh
Suisrinten- ,, t n. ,. nd 7.80 p .
jwuunoman Katlatl -eltool avnry aat.bath at 2
p. in
Tin iii.inev Baadey ai-hisd iump
at o'clock ftiili Sunday anil a
cordial invitation I- lwidtil to all
who ran ullfi.,1 Ul ue il lth u
Al tin- I'rrait) icrian , Imrrli
lares, Rev, I ' Irwin paster,
Daviin- MtrvierN tlit- "liir.l and fourth
MiiimUm, nf SSSh iiionlli ill II a. in..
and 7(10 i in h sal at
road, is
along the
present 12
In caiivoii
utd tl
cereste are well r-
turn with the
' the proposed 1'
rued would, a
aatsfl i
heDes Chui
i. .tea and the t-
ig coastH b
V F. Nelao;
nson, railroad c
to the articles
loniust n
d line wil
on the A
hot the Den Ch
k Count' an-:
MRS. Ill kkol (IMS TAI.kS.
i onasrning the of 0m
assassination of Harvey Brown.
S. Burniughs at
Ian, v on Ini . Km Demo
crat had an interview with his
wife in this city who is .
ances of a
drink sodi She says
r. Burro
kindest and bsst oi ni'-n when he
from the iidluencss of
but when drinktoj
tirslj and In
Millie irj u will
ituagiu' Ii ithor o
Of th- d will i
facts M 'I' he actually did the
di. d I
On the me,!, asausaina-
li hi of B n, he
was at bOBM and in bed mid knew
DOthini Of it until he wa told of
it the nest morilllic OS llle
lie had ' manj
from Mr and felt so
kindly toward him that his (hath
I was, a cruel blow to him. IU- sat
down and wspl bitterly. Mrs.
Burro i I :ill UfOUbisd
i and say.
ini uittAst 1 1 is r in
.1 ay-w . . .. iui "" 9r-t o ws in-
ry gives ins suosiance oi usasjon .i wissoun, has I mt n, u w.hools "
pajos laws as they now appear a Ilomsssskers' Edition, which! A .' -- ,.r i... .ti
ma fi .. ....! r - . ...
,'" " '". ' '. of tin ...mpulsory education law
a, me ...... ro,n, ,,rr .., ,. Superintendent
me iii-m, h.ii. no one Muie re-
eeives as niueh atienii- n
pjsjx Tlre is page after tge
of illustration and text, and
: oi il
probab attentats.
11IIV it! Ik. . I- hsSBaSl iitatAa 'FL.i law
lioanat- m bit expires D, J
oi .ion .or wii.i-ii .. ni- o. ?t win
upon th. atatute b
offarini for sals --r fa
in possession for sa ppinfl
the stati anv gaOS I I
I the stai. 1 1 prohibited.
B- i sons hunting othei . than
upon iheir own hind must pro-
ON from the County Ch-rk a
SJSa. ":-;-.;- -;- - M ISSM NOSIM
Brown's Satisfactory Store.
'ou Certainly arc interested
in the largest and most com
plete Stock of New Fall and
Winter Goods earned in the
We are showing everything
new. no exceptions and to buy
early at our place means a
betters lection Ladies cloa
and u aists I Hreci Importation
Burns, Oregon.
.i..uuuuu..utu..:.i ..niumtttiiuaitumttaeasnMSBBBt
- i iR aasJaf -iissvjvtmmxm ra: x-j&. bjbj
The Harney Valley Brewing Co.
.ni. i, i .. i . i - .it
10 a in ..itli'iiiiiin.iiK
I residents and a f se of
.fin will he charged non-residents
ol the stale. A license is good
in any count...
i ri.wn IIIHD8.
Limit. 10 birds a day.
Chinese pheasants Open sea
son October 1 to December 1;
closed season in Eastern fa
until 1810; closed season in Cram.
Harney. Wheeler, Cilliam and
Umatilla counties until vmj
open season in Tillamook, .loss-1 pm-.
pniie i mi t u'S(,l''.avs
t ount. .iniii r I., (o ii. ,
aaabar l . Indst season
son Coiiiit..
Native pheasant Opsaj season
October I t" December 1, in
Eastern Oregon, open season
August Ii to December 1; in Til
lamook county open .-.easoii Sep
teiober 15 to Decern I ei 1.
i'rairie chicken OpM season I' lo November 1, doing In-tier atl
C-ary of Clackamas county says:
Sine the compulsory educa
tion law lias been stratb enforc
ed in th, - countv the nan-nts an-
state is given a-mauding itr ichools. They
say: 'If we must send our child
ren io school, we demand that
fas Kien iruud teachers.' '
Siiiwrii.tendent Savage of Jose
phine county says the percentage
! L. i
i.k. .. ....rr goo., pinuresanu , ;iM(.IMtanct. in that county has
has learned how ... pre. (M.r 0.nt nince lhv
resources and attractions bert. . ,(mipul80ry
than any other ,n th. ,,,, aw jn 1907 ,n ynn
mt y a system of truant service
Teat draw bridge across has been adopted that has per-
tht U ; . ii, Hivi-r. built joint- ell.-d any efforts along
1 l.v the ireat Northern uml line in other counties
Northern Pacific RaQtrajn nd
havinr (he largest draw span in
world, is a success. Work
- the bridge have
and fro for :
let Use Star
China ii.i.itf . I'i,.i . .tor.
i Main an. I II MraoU.
Bk ;t-y m e"nnestiori
A SsKialty tl Seer I Oratn.
Ta'ili. Mill, , vi , liini
the mark), sflbldfl Your pSUSS
as "olici.i'.l
Pure oci. Witter
Ismlly trade Solklted Krte Delivery
T. E. JENKINS, Minusoi
Yu Must : !ccp!
I Ul i II I li'AH.AV, 1'i.prin
Burns, Owgon.
Crxlco Tl.Ic XXoa.d.q.a.6,rtox.
VVi-ie5. Liquors kind Cigars.
Billiard and Pool Table5.
Club Uooms in Connection.
i, te. .dent Jackson says that
ii that countv notice to parents
ha Leen sufficient to take child-
hs -tri-ts and put them
h.I. m here they belong. Ini
...I to school board conven- i
. .
Hon .1 W. Bailey, Suite and a" innovation adopted In
i Coram has been 1'"17-Mr-JttCKn ""y"1
airman of the Sea- . school board conventions
Ticket Sale ' '" '"'ld ' ln' county,
Country Club and ,th an attendance of about 126
Association for 1900, Mr. I
It d.terinineii thai ,'ie ihousand
$5.00 each, in
sold bafors the loe of th,
sen i year.
Prod ' line fruits thfOtV
mkim THuuuirre.
rity of tht psoi)li
y depends rao.
they Btheo
than on what pi
cesaful at the
If they will i
stask seat .
i" ;
is seiiiiit' s
ns, grain .
Us in iop
open season in Wasco county,
AuguM l to October '1. noeJossd ghout tht parti-
: In Cinatilla county. cularly tho
ii Oissn season October l prseJate the help il
whiskt talking and not the .,. December 1; opsa season in hag from Portland
Citj Demoerat . from the aaesad rh aiavCasra
Saiurday in Seiitemlier to the fo. ., .1 -:, .. . ,1 the.v products.
Willi I Mr. third Tuesday in September; limit Exhibits from Mosier end
and .' Barnes ' this in Eastern Oregon six birds a coin Conn! !
cits and eh'est of nine enildivn. day or lL' birds in a week: in ton blah' have much
died October 11 at the sanitarium Wasco county, opal aajoa Auk- attention the a-
in Chicago, III., srhsrs bs had ust 1 to October 16; In Grant,
anient for Wheeler, Oilhani. Hainev and loiXlkAU ASI'IJMIK
spinal trouble since Junuary, Umatilla counties, closed season
llM'i. 'I n '-Willi l'.l-. When a .-.phi !. eon driv
en at t mcago. can l ihu. .-n - " . n ileeo into the hand, it can !-
.ii. I
I il
lie Wa KiloWl). Ill tln-
city J., ML II
Aral taken tii ssvssj years ago.
Prinevill Journal. Deceased
An auto horse race was an
at each meeting- The
, iog ruin has been to se-
ehesj officers from various
f the county to take part
ii, ih' discussions of practical
; i.ixil problems, Superintendent
man, I'lvsidenl Campbell
University of Oregon and
;, educators have
red valuable services in
meetings profita
ble." The educational improvement
jiast year has been grati
fying." says Superintendent
Mdligan of Malheur county. "In
nets save two or three the
spint of progress and betterment
has been t-wdeiit. It is revealed
hy a demand for Utter equip
ment, longer terms and high
salaries. What we need and
.vhat all the schools need in tht
.. ' I
-M- ' 3UdB
3AM and taafr Mnr
ill, ,. ami lllll al
.,nnUk, '-W bJf.ura 4 l,ml
CI, d tw ll l lt MkU alaOIOI Ma
kMH. faili J H.l.i Olli . iiakl t hi aajaJ a Ai.aan. fin ill
MtkiMtm. ItaNr.w.,. '1 .. t mmi
Mm, fclariitir, I v,r nl S..l TrwiMa.
'a, ra ". nfuajk
an mii, ab,i..
U,.. I..4m. tl,
MMrawioniMiam. ii '
tthrn hullili SMa TWn
aula rauk Ti
,...,- i ii
11 it IHFOV iai i tu uvtatiMMll
ihi aicmnt or tut. M
toss eoanauiB uiimtMiM
N utut 10 caouuci lauaitr
CI rPPlUC ..'l rfrl.ln
Jl-wrr IIC ,,..ih u,, .!,,. ..m,. ant
wagaarmiilaa II. at I. u !, f,-, and 4um aal
, o,,i.,uu,. ltualM. Calaa
Ii 1. ,.aia..iad umiar (Sa II S fan Wmt
ai-t lu,. A.i. J .,' IHM. SartaJ Ma, ISSS.
I , li wlUaaaS
a rtaJ -aiia u, muf .uSarac. aaaSUaf aaiM
a.-i a.11,-... . wa ill a-,-1 . raeutar ataa
. a, ,tt ul tu aaula. PUaa
aaid W.iUMo
The Sleepine Co.
la. .
CUlifi:! T1UI
4Wa.J tl 'iFJT
tlttaifaMfaaSaSl S SI aBaaLaB. a.
UlMlllglAU la.K '
MatriCulll 1
vrar ow ifllfol
1 &-...., i .. i bEa :
1 M Mm
i ill be (Is. is foratsh
ShmI tor
SYloe tut a
It ssjssc sulrmx
.ONilMlNl" NT,
i The Burns Flouring Mill
C T T . i jt
r 1; in Eastern Ore extracted without pain I
Kon, oi .. .-.-ason August 15 to , ,, ,;!; :, widSeaotit- i .,.., ;. ..,... ,,.
IIIW I I.IOlllll.' 10 111 '1 I"
1 ' 'tb ho m ,,, th) u llt.maiuilj. Howte
kK' Jien L.d uai .he mouth oi tin , ., .k.i ,,,!
. ' ttivieaae UUI iwiinnvn swisw. mnu
was a brother to (;.i: and 1'ryor season Aueu.-i I , .tightly. The u r trreaUst wroblem."
-' suction m the tie.-,), down,
UftOge, CSpi ivaili.n, iWlli in a II11I1UU. or , wo ,)u. ,,, ,u
wiiii luraey, w.kmi cock, silver wju ,..xl,,cate ak, uUlU .,. un,
v aniusniK leature
I. H. lUcklev. win, October 1 lo Uecemi.ei 1
. i lit
nt five horses in relays or ;. quarter-
mmmt son September 1 to February I;
Th ir.;.. bmit on dot ; un-
their best hu( tho manhfnk travvo lawful to hunt CSSSS on a sand il:i.( .in-r' tii' huKitn.
8Uirl '" um '" n , , 7- lally teccommend it for children
and then overtook eacl i vvuu
had reached its Quarter stake. tlucka
Much amusement ed by UI' Au'Udl A t0 PI"MIJ!
oi Saturday pheasaiu, old wtheasaui, green ,1,,. 11,Hi...i..ti,.n will ,i,...
machint ant Mhii season Noven.ber v. oman's Home f k.m
up al-
Kh col
sough and sjj brotwl
tlnoai trouble. Mother.-;
loci, wai the first of 1;iu Uike cuunt'' Pn season
ind ever held on the Prine- AUusl 10,10 ,ru
.'1IIJ I'i.l'a IT III! i .1 1 4ill' Il-.lltk- n -" - ------ a,. .".. V.L.aU,
, tlllV taiavik, lix. Ull IIJ UVH lit
Iin- tiw. vi.. rU Ti 7-ft fieese or swuii. iroii. u Hink tox.
.ia " "vl -'' "' M
ud ville Review.
ake, gently la.
Sold by Tho Welcome Pharmacy,
Burns, On , Fred Haines, Har
ney, Ore.
Mctiowan & Nichols have
sink boat, sneak boat in any customers for relinouishments.
waters of the Slate of Oregon or See them if you want to buy or
Job printing TheTimes-Herald'to use any kind of boat in hunt- sell. v.
To those afflicted with kidney
and bladder trouble, backache,
rheumatism, 1'ineules brings re-
- f in the first dose. Hundreds
of ituopie today testify te their
remarkable healing and Ionic
properties. 30 days' trial 91.00.
iHtrify the blood. Sold by
I he Welcome Pharmacy, liunm,
Fred Haines, Harney, Ore.
Hunting and fishing are strict
ly forbidden upon any of the
Pacific Live Stock Co. ranches.
assers will be prosecuted.
John QaVflaMt
1-H HH fsmgaV I ) 'I? 1 1 K
J )H ITURiaVAfiT, Propt.
MODkKN Kir ' kk MILL PklMibs l I Si i
' ifu 1 1. ', '
xttjjn . til n iii to mu I i i Ii
a for ti i ii 1 1 ) in.
Alt Kinds ui Mill Fed always on Hand
; III! Vtst. NMiMbl SAKktl rKICt tAlU 10K httUU iltlisu UI
i Good St ed Wheat for Sale
Painting and paper hanging
A. Horten.
a.ecoll Enters'
an in
25 "no Now Vordn
r. t, er of It, . o. II
,i 1.
NwrlugriphlGal I
. . - . . -,
Nf? Jod l. . Evsrr I iome
I 4 .,ML
C.AC ad
l04ttmld, M.
uinunnui:: nnunuu;
4uri, Oegon
Afloru ti !it'st rcommodahoiiH
tu be hud in Harney County
The patronage tt ail guests under the old luaaagemeat
especially .vlicitsd.
JRats pax 3.a,3r, $1,SS
Jamei. A. Fanning. Manatf r.
' ' ' ' T" ' ' B
Job Printing