The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, October 24, 1908, Image 1

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    'hKmcs -Hernia
I i, (!,. I ,
. v!,. .,.. Beji, 1 1 ti t i . 1 1 mill to OM o
Bl'tlK IIH'ilillniH ill I
Wtf etrent rlnrtietj fnnnirn
CoVtfl M r of (l,4OT,WKi
Imnl. h rr yet vm'nnl ml
I" 1'iilrv nn.ler Iba nl.lif Inml if
1 Mull'..
IES 0!
- ! ,.4Ai
NO. 49
ltd Ali-a. Aa
rrjcld WW iiui"
IHtff- I Htr How.
THI! SUMPTER VALLEY ROAD railroad k settled, tf aaoeUuii rHE WATER POWER PROBLEM
which is paramount is (he course
that the road will take. Two
rr iiincuwiini, im- ,Ni,, , r ,,,...,,, , ,u. t
' ' I 'II I t -1 -. I 1 -
rout.- already surveyed as far as ,- .... n lrD ..,,
Muck-hern Flat which full'
very near the wagon road from
Allst in to iVnirin Citv and th u. .-...
- -.-, . .- -"inim -truer Vtym Naifc. m Cnrr,..
"M StM "OifM la DM"
hk Nattea M..I twain.
Pupiloni ftiMi 1
.vivK.11.1 . "ririnnuc'iMI mm mi nu vrill wivr-. nu
Hon. F. H. serilnr ProoiHont MR ECCI.PS HAS NOTHlNfl TO sv routes are under discussion. the tnwi ,nn
,.l' ll... nflaju.j- lt...i ... i . .... mimmmi lnilti) nlt-r.i.T.- i'iiim-o.'iuI as far fk I
.-. , ,,. ..ix.iiiMn nuuermaKers .ihmji ruitrnsitiN
nation, hut more especially
honored in tl- Northwest I
as (he In-order of "Iiv.tfo TV' d-. tj. .- u.. r.... -. - ..
...... ... . .&..v ...,. w ...y vvRnij "... njv
Onrntr' Prairie Cll People Are route lv way ot MisanviilP nl Road Will tmr.
. i R ftPAMHINti
ii... ...
ii. imo . - ' r .,1.. i, HI . I
..I .. .. .
I'1"1" ' 1 ' li'U I if ii- I '
r w i . . , ,
v ii vol '.i i v
- ks)t
taint mmmmmmWl't
H'iiird land Kor
up (amp creek which will hring
acre on a i
wheat lai
I' !eb
no brave
liles througho
- and sees noi
n lands surroii
my person main
npfltifiratinfr in In
' Th avcrajre
an irrigated c
Id m large tut
oaetern or mi
Mont of the 1
in Idano, Wyomiri)
i Montana can
!86 per acre v
and the huyer h:
Thiaw virjrii
iinmh aiaTnifies t
never been r
th. The soil is
cp in the ben
in two
(lieloru'inp to die V. S. Ijidd en-
tats, Fori land. Oreffon). the ,
that won firit prize in the hund- ""' r',a(' '"'" ,n' vallev near th
red and tw.nlv day milking test " Snturday niht, David Be Smith ranch.
at the St. Louis Imposition in ) president of the Sumpter The present hopes of the pee
1904, ha said:
"There is no s)hi( in our great P ;'U" r-ntondent.
I'niii'il s;ini, ihni n.w,vnni m. Rramwell and Josenh
00 Mid Washington In dairying. ", the Mlue Monntatn wnicn ine3 Have extended. It IS
nave rw
i lion
This is my conclusion
spending six weeks in the former
state and thoroughly investigat
ing several of her beautiful val
leys, and after an extended trip
throiiu-h Washington 1 wish to
say to the dairymen and farmers
of this section, relative M its
dairy possibilities, that I fpar
Vallev railwav. .Josenh A. West pie for a railroad are based onon
general superintendent. F. S ecent visit of the railroad
Rramwell and Josenh Barton, officials and the encouragement
the hitler of t lie Kill.. Mnnnlnin Wrllch thl'' hnVO ele!li
'ving. ...........
after RP TransU company, returned understood that the)
'from a reconnoitering tno , cefoed Very chserfol
Rurns. Harnev count v. tin they went, and that
peclive point et. nsion of the S. 'be peopta of Bttmi have p
V. Railwav.
i here confronts us now on,
hf the most tremendous problems
"iintrv has ever h
WW L M dhews. in the
( t he Success mag-
This is theprohlem of
0 i t back tor the peopk
1 1 navigable streams the
at the dams, or how to p-t at
least a tax return on betterments.
so rRKtJPAMftlNti
Noties i in fehj given i h i bant
ilit nl.d luMlllnj; l..,c. 1 1,.. , ne , i.i.,
f ihr AmtrioNii l.nml I At
Si k t'o in ntri, : liirl.l.l '. i,
v ' I himl-
H'K" .inl.,1
la Mm - ni ol ''
! II Iiui.
IJ iiu'h Minnttfcr.
M' lltg in -eiinl
. .. ...... ..,, ... ... i mi n tn,
Ihc Sumptet 'alle "1 su.ilv. the stat. in giving""'"'' "'" " woltaeat
..if nut ,.,.,.. if i t... .. . . .... . . .1 .1 i
( !lrv lifiuwl iinti.iv hn I I......
they don't fully appreciate the ''nson of the Sumpter Valley iram' Ir,n '"' lower countries corKntions came lagging for
the wonderful opportunity here ra,lwa-v '" 'birnex aoonty, Mr. "r,,'r n" mnucemei i to the rail hdp. .ougress passed two laws
for the exeellent climatic condi-1 Eccl,'s is v,rv reiicent. and until nd men which i benfini which were without precedent in
tions for the growth and de-el- " l'lans ro worked out more nWon at trie present ttn I th. rights the) give to (he i uh
opmetK of st.K'k. You should ,l,,,iriiiely the public will know ; !H,"lle of this valley and Burni against the pQOT nr against those
but little of what he is doing. It are wiiimgjo do vcrything that who do not wish to develop pow-
wie can no io nuvanee ute ro,u:
here reach the climax of produc
ts men. "
Mr. Scribtier's Wisconsin farm
"1 eici,;- r... supports, under
his skilled management, ninety
i can heoofPf
ml., in the eaat
lit raising in
ritory hu.
d to on high j .
es are undenlai'
that all k i
lorthweat and
ry weat (Buu
icy. Peopi
: taking up
intimities in i
he email towns
resources. While at Rums Mr.
: " F.vlos and part) attended the
he Fight h Ri- fair and was sh(,wn a magnifi-
';m,!;i; ' """li ant. thiWtoi ordMtrd and fane
A very large delegation went pr,lucts as well as cattle and
trom 1 ortland 1 special ti:tin homcaa.
"" Slll,,,,I;'- On their return M, Fcles and
Hail 'lunninga IP"1? Ht"I'xi over one day at
ii the Pacific ,,:i""" ' ''v ""i driven
Northwest to appear fa ' rainy and
mi .' K. Mumford, ono of wtm inr" Maw '"
Aim ''is was a n - hit ion.
Hi, i
is understood, however, that Mr
Eccles' trip to Harnej cottnt. :""1 Wi ratttve that then- w ill !
wasan "eye oK'tier" to hitn anil a '"f"i'V.rb con.-.idenition
he was greatly surprised at the iueti ai'l 'bat if it at till pr
magnitude of th country and its! bal)1' tn8t -""'H'thing will be
I' in .
ed to
Mr. Eccles left Snndnv rn hia I road their P.ltronaire if (he road iwfmil,.n r... . J. . I . OOO A dllr II-. Id- mf )iv-
. ,, i ' ..-.. ,.., a mini iu w rn-vi-
rfiforn I,,..,,., fr. ( I.r.l.,., IS evleiidod to this vnllev .1 ........ ..i . . i . r i Inn, ,1 will, l . I' II I
"- "" "ni-o. - - j- i-m Kiniiw hihi rurnt 01 eminent '
As regards his future fatten lxriunities for deveiopment in domain to condemn flowage land ( ' " " ' U ""' '" rH "" ,u-
tions with reference to an ex- the John Day valley and the Recently hnMva Vl K.. i,;., "i , .. , itwrshla a essasei
'! ni' i" "I m in. i riipu-nOil
Ml v ' h nit
Rrl((limn S'nkf.
A J Irwta will pyaeek m
M.rn.' Ihc '.'ml SiiiiiIiv ,if .ml.
itninth nt tin. in. nuiI 7,0 , ,,,
Sut.iuiih rahesl teari hbHtii m v
p. in
II. II .1 III t Ht I iv , - ( ... a n,, ,.
BloeiH-k ..nil SiimUy and i
r.'i'liiil inviuii.i, i , ) ,,., M
who I nil illo Im I w 1 1 1 1
At Hie 'ri.i v ion in , Inni'li
itiiri,. uv. i i mm paster,
Devtsx a n h i th'- third sad heits
Sllllllll V ,. I I. Ii I ,11 .III.. ...
ll"l " l ' I .ml ill
10 i. .ii, Btornlas
er at a given moment. The lirst
of these provided that if an. SJS
son owning the riiarian land on
OM side of a water jniwer wi.-ln-d
to build .a dam and to give free
of cost to the government the
th lock ( somerhing every
dam builder is eompeUfjd to do
by law), he might rcnuire the at-torni'v-v
neral of the I'mted
t" condemn, on behalf of
the nation, but at private ex
liense, the other shore required
for the dam.
I lien ;, ..i I If later, an iniio-
rs. is iMTsona l ' """ '''"He iiiy tin- p-p.
,v. were m-
quired into and Mr. West put in
''"' ' i,r,('1 wme dm. elevations ...
(rational Bureau of ,i. ,, ,,.,,,.
sedroad Ii was found that
"' "' U: -"a at, e.igin.ri.ig stand,-.,nt
Oregon, making addresses at J jt will be a dilticult problem to
I ' . .,!.. ,. I ,
" "" .iKiKune, ana t
roriliuiil. in Hits city be lulk
today to the rneuben of the
nd Com:. I lub at in
formal nftcr-lunchcon gathering,
' Opportunities in
the Padftt
Following a statement made
years ago at a meeting
National .tiMk (imu.
ion ha Sjilt i.ake. Gifford
Finchot. Ion ter. and A ! I
I'f. ii . of arazing in the
naiioi ,. have annoiin, , oent-lookinK amendmenl was
1 15 pei nansd providing that tf anyone
1 1. ot necessarily owing anything)
: to wike rated tho wished to i, mid a dam and give
coming season. Chance-, i mr. (he governmenl the .n,,..
nilaioii. which I...... mad. attoTuey-general must condemn
' ''p business leas profitable iNitb r him. That is, if
this past year, especially the I own the land C
greatly reduced , offaged pnfMr, and do M( intend to de-
lor woo! the deprecation in .elouit at 1,1 esi.m (am i.r'.n... i
m -- - --.. w Ii I IIMWO
mountain which alii" ol multon. wv imrtlv n-- ilol. nml h.,hm. p..n..n.ii,.n ,..i.iu
has a iaoo-fw)t raise and Imhi i.u 1 1. rwlueiion. o o n require the attorney-
foot ftd I To more full. deter J" 1!7. when promises for a J to oust me arid give it
mill. Mr. West returned reduced schmlnli- ur,' nvil,, o I....I --l .. - .
'""" """ '" "I'poriunil.v HI
.-.uM.i.iv inonimg io Leans nioun- vvas wmi uie uuilerstanUing !- .
tain to take !. ati-ni.s. Raker tween the stock m.n and the for. I
The Harney Valley Brewing Co.
ndemnation-suit price for the
rhc l.sse Slar
l'fOl l.-tor.
0m M
Bakpy In mneetinn
A Specially i.f Short Uratrt.
Teals Puiii-ii. i . ii i,
lli Uimki 1 nil. ii. Y"iir fOon.
Kiillolli i
lumllv IrilttV Sol U I Ic.l In, IkIImiv
T. E. J NKIN8. Ni macer
Cit) Democrat.
r one isitn.,' i
b or hearing of t
crops onBsoi I
large returns f r
in expiainii
' that there
Hoods ne'. .
which makes ...
L'tion where v
If tiumity wants to
.bin in m it's
vitiiin the provi
di- a to help" is ej
thai pi on. ar fruit in
many N'orth v. extern town-
presentini their elnhne
to the country at large. Amone
millltll.,- ,,-!.-: Iktk ..... ...
woo in.- vvumi.Miiiiii nieiil:- ol '1'
lor addi-i Mendi :! dif-
ial bods . . nding
rature and l
m. hnns
poets for a railroad to Prairie
ieen so le s the)
the present time and th. n
that Frai
:y will have a rail connec
tion with Lbs world it
I'his is bad enough; but it 1 1
' bad an mime of the other
this water uower nroblem
iiterrup-aw! :
i. therefore,
lie ...
iding the wet
railevs. tahnh a
in the inoL
u ull irri
b n ft in
its, and di.
: pOI
let in
I cu lnutl
; are 1
I the
,t Wtt
While Oil gen needs a new
water law. regulatine the ac
quirement of water rights and
declaring die public ownership
Of unappropriated water, the
k'l'l ,1 lIllUL' ll.ll II.....I .. ,,.,l, I....I...I 1 .
- w- iwk ugu wuiwaii-niHnuUVI citizens that lie wa.
and expensive system of super- sntherised to ua) that the Sum-
vi.Mon. The tide to the aesoflptw ,i would bo
water should lie certain and cap- built to the Jo;
U ! proof, just as thetitk Th from Mr.
to other pnOBaVly is. Theft Of .!.-, bul to die t,i.-i,
old I-- madi to say.
offense, just i ht geafl of oth- M. Brarowi II
er propert) u s crime. But i
mnplo) oft das in the Job last
to police the arid region of week and w
the stab I Com this of b from
OB who su-al ethei tin- head of the valla) to Mt.
es of property, and they can Vernon. s cr fa
I) arrest those wh ably impressed with what I
water, far the man wfa r and were enthusiastic in re-
Lag valk wfll make a re
let I'. jass.xrt . , inspection to Mi
water I. thai
irrigatioi. and turing, i,,in
put will not b oted tobur- !)a iralley agair, tl Air.
the state w i ivo Bramwell ii ... mhor
of the citizens here and will mak
est service that the grazing rates
would not Ik' changed for minor i
fluctuations m the market which I
wouiu naiurany i.i-.-iu rom year ha l.roiight into congres
toy, .could only in f, the lust session (hen
case of radical and unusual
feet the oaees where minimum
is certainty, according ,arr
. with :ll!"':" '. ,""" uh'v:,tl
the Sumpter Valle Railroad, m,i '' ""
that the road will tap the John '," '..didon.
;ey. sayi the Pro i ' cimu ll"' n'viHed f
His I .urding th- local v'" ;rt'(U,"l
at which it will land on the ru.r"' ' '!
.!..... . , . ' grazing of dilferent
uirir is some unceriailllV IIUI a 11 . : , , . ..
indications point to th:, place as' "" '" lJ"" 1 'Mian- that the power
the point Mr. Bramwell. wl l to he considered first, and
in Prairie Cit) lastSatui l' "" toil, and
dar, stated to bodj ofrepre '.'iTf1 ho,,H' right m ..,.
seotative citiseni that I.. of thebuataeas havehaan.a . ,ve forced congress
SB inujoonaajerution. t. , an investigation of the,.
Ota If no one (docks
To(l I with kidney u, , harply, they will p
and bladd. i trouble, ain their end
rh'u" ' bsOSBJ them' Thai
' r thi panpli to iij The
their whole nation must awuk.
healing and ionic ti., renewed knlan ggaej
'trial 1.00. ftp, ...,i ,n conservation men;,
pun i y me oioixi. MiiU by tea that this is to hauueii. Hu-
You Must Mccp!
... -core of bills intra
each pnrnortteg to grant
I tUit) and without tax
is tbefgovernmenl
i u power siU' to B private
any. Several of these pees
.np.riint da
"Already M the upper Missis-
the mw. complain
I the way the r i wd
v.. ' i u-'d for naviirutioti
f7v IF 1
vC V P 17 ''' a n 9
t T rtgetl 1 iMlWHnil kA
3AM ANrtrnwt lutr ! lltetmilU
si i .. ,i..,. i hatha, """""""""", mBlI ' "
"r rnj vim : f.1
Baautilui h
I mmml S. l Urn l. Lai ibkta !.,. - bj. - - ffffffffffffffl
"""" an . .
hi-, i...,.. , . ...i w amwim. c,pa ---- M mta-
. i mm 'k.VLi
IIm.i. i,. ii.. i Kuril, V i WSI ? r ' H".:-.
i affsvHBV hmi .
S3 X DKk mni
u.i. ..i . i. ..... u. r 1"'
;r,ju 'mmM
i uiM ii i Poms AW, reaehnaes
Burns, - - Oregon.
Wi'ie.-t I iquors and Cigars.
Billiard and Pool Tables.
Club Rooms in CoitlltKtloti,
BnalB I LU
i. tj ! MMSSj
IMI NfXIatil'
it umu
. ., u.i,i .. r
miA In
i nun
j UI. 10
. ,a t iniu
I I i.frohl,
by. -l
M .I.m ,v,t
i'vrmkm m
sdwl i aitffaeear, saddjtf mM
a !
i-oa it
. iini'iivii. iiui
The Welcome J'hanniuy, burns, t, proliiem is intricate and del.
fmd Hftlnss, Harney, Ore ,.. ind.-r existing law. con-
n can neither control nor sell
1 i"''1 ls "' ""' eil thft water power it ha .t th
Ike has a trof ovenuneni dame, oi the add!
hens thai made good at .,! pw
1UI" H hrough son..- - .
old-- ears ago! . ,
li !' ery state.
I !' tx OOngieas, or the uut.-.s can as-1
as were tut ,m.. aH ,,... o ii,....!.,. ...,i
. , .. .
The Sleepine G.
liualUhlg ,LU.VU.AIW,U,
leiiu Iu,
. '
M. I i WIS
eillei gti is (ereish
Is aseat anlriftf
( "l
The Bums Flouring Mill
8TUW , JVMflT, Propt.
I to cou
s lioojiing
I and
nd it tor ehil
,.Mrl.Vi.Uw W'i. ....... Wi iKt-blJASSI
: I believe I hat the Hui
Prair- 'v '" upon any
.iy. Co. rai
ioubtedlj .i l:'','- vill he ppifteeuud.
friem Prairie City ueoolai Joa:-
ic in the cause
d ,. lias '
his life in ti. coun- brush land, near eount.
or with
H ate
Sol, -.lite in the ,,UI1. land, ,,,., ,e ngnts ol the nauos
Burns, 0 d Haim niany improve- Slx ,u"" lw-tf and entail ;,u-' nd of the tx
nc,y menu brought about by railroad lUQUlre at this office. which now have .
construction and is confident that 'he dumsights, the pov
. ..... . . uie r.uiioao win come to frame ., UK Stolkn On
eetJoniied map of City and that there will be some bay home, weight about
Harney ( o. n ten coloiv, show- revoluts i hanges in the had b. . eft
mg all large holdings, hftS been business of the valley. It is cer- shoulder but brand badly blotch-
gettan Wt by K. O. K. Co. tain that Mr. barton is working ed. Roacbod mane Suitable
Price $i. 00. Mctiowan A: Nichols, for l,. ..ds advaiiceineiu. reward fi itum
' Sales Agt. I Mow that the extension of the W. M. Walkkr, Burns Ore.
pay the costs of the reservoirs
Ihe policy President Roosevelt
luis edopu-d ni 00 "irulion with
the states is a necessary one.
either the states themselves must
't'ild the reeen i under a na
lonal plan, or slot they must
de the right to the nation to
taken ,1, hand, devel
I basis which will con
i no rights of the nation, of the
com pa
ms at
ne of the Mississippi, properly
reservoired, would pay the inter
on all the bonds necessary
leservoinng and for channel
taMat. Later, when coal is
-ben the country is settled
eluded on page 4.
- -jA S
aatwU le In i wM M
aKiaa4i- " Ti Hii nM
jKE a..BiiH-Ha(Hjp-k vXiaaaaaallaH
MOlltKMio" I H Mill !'Koi.l:blLlj
i u, i ,,,,,, ,, ,
$uflli if nl t-t r hi tn i
Jin .-
411 Kinds ol Mill Iced always on Hand
III: VEKt MlW.lbl Mikkl I c PAill m uOOO IILLINO li,
Good 8c ed Wheat for Sale:
Rttcoutl) t.nluid
25.000 Nuv Yorda
N. .. I llur of Hi j '.arid
i ' nun
2960 Quai Io Paso
aOa, HH.u'.Mtom. fcx. I
aded in K very 1 1 . o
cr'aCuakfUt. I.
fiU I .
G. 6 C, otCKKlAJaf CO , 4
rui.llal.ara. Sj,rU.(,U.4. Mat
u s. O epfon
Afford ii. !Ji'Ht .cconimodaUoii8
4.. I... I....I :. (I rt
in nan in n.iruey t ouuty
I he patronage oi ull gut-al under the old iiisiUfnawet
eapeeioily syl.ii.
Katesi px d.a3r, $1,25
Jt'.me A. Fannlna. Manager.
Job Printings
:;' : '" "'. ' . . -..-. ..
Brown's Satisfactory Store.
You certainly are interested
in the largest and m t com
plete Stoek of New Fall and
Winter Goods carried in the
We are showing everything
new, no exceptions aid to buy
i arly at our place means a
hr tf !" It "i t W i li ,!,.,! ..
.nd waists I Krecl Importation
Burns, Oregon.