The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, October 03, 1908, Image 1

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lal Paper nt Harriet i
riiritlntmn lnl in one ti
inp miMliiim in Kauri n
i n-n BUM) Tin
"I M .o. OCTOBKK.'t.
Vlirffrrnt Ttornay Caiinirg
ir mi hi
lati.l. I , I vn. al
I Irv nii.Ur llir nl.lli- Inn. I -tin-
IHI..I Stale.
Thursday forenoon on their re
in the pas it has been the ci
enurt unitti .a. a. ... a. a . .
M-r: rm uf uiMfMs in TllF ton of those v nnr this i,i. in r MM OF nRiciiiiM
turn to Austin Breath pleased
with their visit to Bums and
in their praises of this
nifieent count rv.
hocles. pr
. , , . ....
. Mt I k rl Oar
r Hk 0.1
8at In iflM.
idem of
id Chief
a party
n came
try and
Wf that it
irpoee of otter.
'alley to Baas
clea did not pr
v any means. 1
' many rhinfr
i before il
r.iteiy whctbei
extend the h
piece a feesibl
e to be ten
proper adj1
. to get Mr i
dd have to be
larrimaa ayt
h and bJa par'
iocai trassness m
cdneeday agr.
rdinjr paaeea
for a
t eeosa tajjflpgti,.
I 1 ' .' Hiit y ,
eat wan Ju
MM who
ehuytar i
West up 8U
Ivies VauV
Sat Pt Sarar t. Caatr hi Frr tor K
MM WMct Makm SaMk Hi
Mont Paaalar Sarlaf Week.
Some of the best saddle horse
races ever witnessed on the local
the Cascade gsoajg tains to consid
er themsshrse as the hustling up
to-date element of tha state, says
the Kast Oregon ian. On the
other hand, they have reganle.1
the pSOple of the Willsmeti.
-low going; moss-
I ram lafaaaattaa ! Ci.MSiiii hVrr Mr U
Sere There In a Oaaarlaail. far
IMHMi I'tfrrliMalal a art
I"' i
ataaaaasaasiaaaaisaasjaaaaasi aaaa
NO I IIKH' --li;
Under .late of Sept. 22 the RSt-
A western grower in the New
York Tribune says: Many who
sowed $10 a bushel alfalfa seed
... .. . .. . . . I .1 ,- .1 .,
last fall are discouraged. Fields races ever witnessed on the local ra" 'P "w-pinf grass u m me rair Associate
are overrun with weeds and track have MM pushed off this fnm growing in the streets, red tgjg following letter.
grass. The alfalfa plants have, week. The free for all races K" returninK home from
liter.illyleen crowded to death, were not so good, owing to the fir yesterday Ur. S. I regret very much that, on
This has been a season more fav- fact there are but few horses to McClure declared that if tl of my iihsenre from the
orable to the germination of compete. The saddle horse races are now any moss-hacks in 0 on a trip through Kast-
wsed eeeds. and they have made have been hotly eewt ted Md i iron, they are in the mui Oregon. I -tut n..t receive
the best of it W wonder some very dose and exciting fln-' tnt This I a statoi r communication of the 11th
sometimes how so man v of these ishes have been made. that sounds new and no doubt instant, requesting that I ar-
sssds can find lodgement in a
are foot of soil, but tb
manage to get in there from
sdme source. And what a heal
thy, vigorou- 1 t they are! In
making some crop investigations
in central Illinois the condition
of many alfalfa fields is
noticeable. Many were so do
minated by weeds that only an
occasional alfalfa plant could be
sc :i.
Alfalfa growers may just as
well make up their minds that
tlie tiny alfalfa plants cannot
pete with hardy. rifOfWH
growing weed plants, and that a
stand of alfalfa may be secured
will resent it I?:it would j range to attend the Harney Cmm
it not Ik- well to consider it s. -r- ty Fair, in time forme to reith
saddle jously lxfon denounding it ? The I earlier. As the College opens on
best friends of a community asth 2Tth it will In? impossible for
well as of an individual are thae us to arrange for any of our
who are ready t aid in OOtTSCt PlOfesSots to bs alwent from
ing a fault as well as the 'n-titntion during the
virtue. time of veur Fair. I thank you
If lr Mct'lure has f on ml that tor your invitation and very
Tutsi 1 1 ()remn is Uvonung much regrvt that it will be im-
Half mile maidens, four entries: ! backward as cempared with the possibl, for any of our College
Stockings, by Schull; Patsy B. j rest of the state, he h-i- dOMS PMBM Ih with you at that
and Con P. h Connolly. CoptHr friend l thmir in tellinr ua aki time. Sometime in th mar
we may
find it oui else have an opportunity of swudinir
do,- sometime in Harney County and
In a talk before the ( oaUMT
cial Association s
Dr. McClure who
Half mile dash for
horses. Four entries: Red Rird.
by Hansen: Brownie, by Buffing
ton: Tim. by Parker. Teddy Bear
by Mace. Red Bird got first'
money over Brownie by a nose
in a very' exciting finish. Time
King l.y KtcnarOSOn. OB D. it. Eastern Pregon Hople should future, however I hop,
was scratched as he is a two-year-old
not able to carry much
weight and a light rider could
s. cured. The start was
V'tirr i- hereby fives Ihel iiSHt
inn and abnalieg spun ,,' nslesMj
lam!- of the Aniseisse I. an. I A Lit)
.. c. i. .irir.iv hrMsNvss
- i. m ,1 Inini-
to Hi.- nill .'. ni .i il" law
I n Him.
Kanoh Manapr
. I I -
U'iii(( in, a', I" In iiivi mir h-i-.hii
all. ii'i m of llif a.
eon due n, thr amr he bran
pi ,. ,1 wild Mr, D, II I int. A
jhi hitvng . ln - .1 rinse He is
" i I ca1 iticralnp a pr.iinpi
- 1 1- i?o ni I I St .mi. .. ri.piaaliil.
M UHM V lik MV
Rrll(ina Strvlcea.
Brown's Satisfactory Store.
You certainly arc interested
in the largest and most com
plrtc Stork ol
Winter ( roods
We are showing everything
new. no exceptions ai d to buy
early at our place means
better selection I .adies cl laks
and waists I Nrect Importation
New Fall and
carried in the
a good one the throe horses get-1 ago.
ind for the
nrs: part of the race it was close! in the Northwest sound, -. a ditf- istat'o
i it I i-rnin i o tilnnta linen unln
win i ,iiiii i . r I ii.iii I a 1 w- nun a. m
no... fc!,. i .a u I Un awa-v wr' ftn'1 for ' h" f the bureau of anima
f m.v .,.... ... i;... ,
unless one ean how his alfalfa
study uir ctnnlitions then- with a
w of determining whether it
the head would be dasimble or feasible to
tabhsh a branch experiment
i hat county. From
ln.Pi .mil tnf i.a- 1 aieaJ CtamL Laaaaaal 1 JJ .a '!. it .a SI
sssdinacleanscedlH.l. he might . '. u , . wn,IWJ' ,rom ,n' ' l,u' w n'" ' )tm "" " ""'' '" '""
well leave alfalfa alone. A Speeaers, ne saii ini. tastern auioiih mere, i am suiv tnere is
me icao ami gaiiopea me uregon in its . an o).k.i unity lor eN-nmental
ah ansa oooring itself a great stock o, uu-. and work thai would btafgrad value
under i' Hrraral longthi bs then showed that .. to the eople in that section of
HM bl rn-Hi. yet tha the SUtS, 1 am anxious to do
of the St paSSftlt to MahS m
nd whs such as that then- ' I !. clopflMnl ! iheugncul-
'hough enough stock in Easten i lural intsrsstsof the SUte.
as weu leave aiiaiia alum
seed lied, mechanically.
Mad bed ar.
start ulfalfa.
I -ds in li.
bs got ri
ght ew that
m of the coun
would be pow
' road down tfc.
they wish to o
Day valley ar
'rang' Throi
ery difficult piac.
and will requn
The ias acr
I , rk of
Emigrant creek
coneidersd and
UmL Sho
sxtand and thi route
t n ay possibly g
Daj as fat as I'
i the south font.
tiaanii feet grw
after the talk w
id bis party. 1
i wees very fr
pad u: id readily -
hase of the ai
rimurvt. Thay a;
friendly ftwrifnif
for alfalfa
. ihoald have been
ll two
hi ago. n
Hfn cultivated weeklv up
had ben
la- weak seeds will
bare gemmated and been killed
by the cultivations. It is essen
tial thnt this w,rV, be .1 M
ghly. for enough weeks
and grasses creep in afterwords
to make trouble until the alfalfa
becomes wall established.
The. the best we d de
stroyer, both seed
goes into the ground and after
:alfa has started. It
:' alfalfa are started we a splendid burst of i keep a packing plain going
speed for a short the half the tim ijinti
tretch. was establish. - in the Northwest
"ress. t' BJ! stallion much of the raw mat. rial would
on i ho card for an ex- gaaaj (l) K. l.niught here from
hibition trot. iaik a cold la .iddle sUtes.
wees ana wa- unaoie to start. Ohio. ., . much smaller in
A special c,uart mile dash for Urea has more and UrtUr sheep
horses was placed on the than Oregon. IVrhaps this Is
card instead with four entries, why the d i gards Eastern
Flute b) Back; Myrtle by Hill; Oregon p , lined to-
Rihbon by Turner: Urk by wards mossback ism.
Hansen tins proved another The East
W. J. Kkrk."
W M I A MlllttHUK SAS.
Rev A J Irwin will iin-neti al
iUrm Hi., '.'mi Bnadsf .f each
iioiilh at II a. in. ami 7 :) p ln
Sal. bath sheel arrry al.l.ail.
p. in
The Mersey lay auhool ni....u
nt ? o'l'liH'k . Similay ami a
sntdlel inviiai i- iteedsd in all
who ran at In.. I I .nih u
At tha PieeS)) i'i Iniii'li
tares, Rv. a j Inrls ssstsj
Ht-vim-acrvlcfK Ike 'l"r ! ami loiuil,
iin.lii ol . ,, li in, in i. ii I a. in.
in. I 7 In , III l. ulr -, I,, Mil .11
10 a in . , . o.iiii in. .iiiiii
Burns, Oregon.
:iiu;uiiiui.iiin uuiltiuiinn: itnitiitnttiittuttt!'
The premium list of the Har
. ney cuniy fair fur tMipt. 'At u
( t :t. is out and reveals s very
.rnplcte and lilieral string of
for the products of the
t '.oui, dairy, orchard, garden,
poultry van! and the household.
Oregonioii is proud ,Krhaps of any fair in Eastern
iimmI i1 aw. t it it r. M - la Ia! J L' . m a -
, " " oi mil pan oi me state ana oi Oregon
t h Illllllll lillU'll lli ln,lKli t,v .L . l L - I' .1 ,.
.... mi. N'oiif wno ue inerein. nut spirit
I MB.I. iMtlnnJ MM.1.1 .L... " ..... .
ua' liannM i'Ko mur irif wirr
and nosed out Tune :26J.
North I'ttc. Rural
I be Lone Star
i .. ii. a Uaorgi . I'r.,,,,
. Man, aaal II Mnntt.
MB4i, nr Abb HOUR
Bkcry in nneetio',
4 Specialty sf Short Orstn
la U. lo , tot, ...I Willi fMI.-. ,,!. y
i ha 111 ark I-1 aflbrd Ytu pstrea
aga anlioitl
The Haruey Valley Brewing Co.
Manilla, '
ramify I raik SolUii.,1 I rv Delivery
T. E. JCNKINS, Mnnaser
You M
iiiree-eignins uasn lor saddle
I in
tleaadtheJSaSSiii ...lai.dtr.ava'
Mart to heart n
e means oi bgj
t closer aogndabar
uvlerataiiding. l
we a'
ii gp
fur a
tlie a
the I
it hlDlM-i ! H
led Lh
. i .
y season.
ud vegetables t
ery credit. i
cirs and M
.pecially m
it ii
they are slow, it matters not bow
much money they may bemakinr
now and how many autos tin
truth of the whole matter
is that Eastern Oregon la i
ud the pioneer, aod-ljreakini.-stage
and esn methods ai
order 1. question b eketbei
the .1 stock men in
tend to wuit until necessity and
sea of e.oiution fore,
them into taMSS M,ith(Kls or will
ot them
m sec in
Bkeli to
p where
ft valley
Bre al1
m and
m gasg
uves there is much truth
in the statement made by tl,.
government man. If Umatilla
county sheep men now raise
ad earlv in the anrimr waavia k .! -.-- n-;.. t'i " is;utids oi wool, when I.
wmsssai.1 tisIjul l Lark and Myrtle. , tbf L! ' '
check, and the alfulfu plants ap- The. from the post in '"""JT' ,' I ' ", the
precuit. -the a bunch an. y. ; M?"bckt- If the farmers i.-.v.
y until .Ifa ie was a winnei i en-i"
plant gossan the groui.l If the ft, distance but in the stretch "' "" '.' P0?"
aituarinn ia an t.H tti.r HUUiiwr pi... j : l. . ods they could raise annual ci.
...-. ........ ..K imir aunt- up unu jusi oeiore . ,
w-.ll not dean the ground, then I going under the wire t..k first
should tbak and cross disk the place from Hrowm.- Time :40.
entire field and seed down again. The half -mile trot or pace was
gBjj jiays to bother with a between 1. 11 -wned bv I II
very thin stand. The thing todo Holland, with Hugey Bft, The
i.- to make the conditions more Remitter taawyaaaaawalal ,,,li
ifavonib,. good, clean owned bv ! xton up,
I aSaSaskH 1 A tfl' OMIM .
Prince of Harney, owned by
.. , . , Vlckera Wilvin up, Jinunie,
bs Faarof owned by rhmH. Johnson Smith
.. c,l.s were quite evenly
plement house m Hai- . yf (.
. U""V'- l sdl 1':"" cpt the Bip el, had been
and Vehicle reduced ,, ,;(ilt.a moV ,hjtn a f(.w wegk
prices during Pair VVeek. Ull Ulul ,,,.. .i ..., ,
therthe th., illthm Prl mi ,,
' j. H. did not break once in going
rounds and won the first heat We liave arranged to oil.
n 1:,. lie was cajjitble of coOSSfStiOD with tin puar, Un
doing much better, but held up new monthly farm magazine just
foi oilier.-. The biggs colt took started at Lincoln, Nebraska, by
SSOOOd place, hi.-, driver, how- Prof. H W. CampU-ll and
.eiiicHi Jimmit" from ed to the ubject of boa to tarm
, him b) waving; his long in the dry country and i
Mr. Croxton did not get best results from soil
do thi tionally, however, under normal
ggaj accustomed to Pa
it in this manner. I
rises went si
oral tiint . and did i ,,..,. e a t. lAi i eaak Prof. CSSBsV
p, kOotiilM. KOod foU1Ui lK. iH , Hoet MW is monthly,
colt but wul and cho-k full of good u
...i.iuaMait careful handling to make him only paer of its kind
.- i o.o pace. embodies tl
The second beat v. a an :iur's in
tion of the first. I. H. came un- t mvestigsti' of
der th. long disunce in the .-.oil tillage proposi'
front ai an easy gait making
half in 1:3. Jimnue acted bet- Heert laxative Cough Syrup al
beat and had second wa, m-
til he broke just before gfas, cold ing
coming u the wire allowing the cough and all
oiggb con io pa.v linn. throat trouble. Moth
Patsy B. Stein's Mountain's iallv reccommend it f..
j m urkia.ic Bell and fjl.l (.ray were the en- Pleaiiaiu to take, tfentlv laxative.
ii the third race, the di- Sold by The Welcome Pharmacy,
lance being three-eighths of a Burns, Ore., Fred Haines, Har-
nnle. I he coll got a bad start
the horses were even enough, but
Read this! It don't matter in
what part of Harney or Malheur
ouniies your property i.- .-ituai-
is prepan d t.
.. deal of an
i-i i
Jl. Id ol
Couutj ,
, lal. r Su.lltl
i .. I V. Il.ik.l,,.
.1 i M m SaSM
and fc tt .
(J A Wall.
J V !
' f,,r a
in ,iui
I, I Wl,l.,Mli
It A Mi. III.
'1 I .
J J u
While the liiMwter is btte
: : i RBgar ggg fair is in
full force and from the reports
: i . ha rl it i-i again a
Well why shouldn't it be'.'
I he numlier of people living in
II.. . Valley number less
iOM Lit their success over
not measured by iiuin-
out by the effective manner
in which they will unite to force
ileslfssj results. They ore
hud workers and know the vol-
t advertising their lands and
I ore making a success of
lai-ming and their exhibits
.-.irate this success. Burns
,nty neat, is a modem city
rated from the outside world
.ii unconnected gap of .
l'Ki mile to its nearest railnsul
ami everything comes to them
r by stage or through a
gff i' n horse freightiiiK out-1
In Yet they have everything
i .ble in any market.
greatest draw back this
n has with which to con-
i.- her inability to raise the
.acts of the soil for shipment,
i. .1 U-cause they can't raise them
out because they can't afford to
u thelll.
This is d. in 'rated by the
exhibits, lino d play
i that can I-
K'rown in the climate is raised.
Vale Orisno
To those arliicusl with kidney
and bladder trouble, backache,
i heuma'i ni, I'uieules brings re-
the first dose. Hu
i people i -la te.-lil . to th.-ir
reassvkable healing and tonic
30 days' trial $1.00.
They purify the blood. Sold by
The Welcome Pharmsev, Burns,
Ors., Frel Haines Harney, Ore.
I cpl
! 7
I . .
I.. I,
, , .'
it vaHaa
. ....
4l...lil,4li..i. ,lla mlf
"l . . . JL. I'ITaaVla aaj
. t , ,..
P. MawaWla.
, ll.',
lawl. Urn-
JNiaaia.. v tma U
.t. itaraara
U.u .
aaaf au.t ai
0 - latl-
i luitY ia
h .'
i ni- roa
i lataaiir
a..1. rafrataaaa
iUmk. aa4
,,.ldus aal
iAM.h-4 .t Hu. laaav
t aaa.
The Sleepine Co.
M....i, .i. -l.i.CLKVIlJaNU.U.
TKlMll A DONKOAS, I'ropristnra
Bnrns, - - Oregon.
Wines I iquors atul Cigars.
Milliard and Pool Table.
Club Rooms in Connection.
i :'
Dirrra m
V i
I "' L
gsiaS ar
r. . I . I A
R. L i WIS
I ill at tli. la .arsis.
la aajNK leslrisf
tMl- I
The Burns Flouring Mill
I MOIItH.N Kill l liR MILL i'KOi IS I M.U I
h'ulhi i iut i j
Htijjin i ni i a . . ih, h.
Jin , Ji' i mill
i .ii.
V Fr star
Null..- ii. 1, V1.
,;i. Ua) "I Votiuliei , lW the unil-
.ig-uctl ml, i"l ii, Iks Luuuly Court
nl tin (JiaU-ul Oregon for II. I i.e., 1 01111-
ney, Ore.
t , lor ibc icaaaa lOMiikmad m ti,a the Hag man was so near that
iufVIIUi pellllou. 1
M i
I (.'un'.'luded on page 2)
J. 11. Gulp, painting and pSgSf
hangiiig, Burns, Oregon.
lirnes-Heralil ottiee han
juat received (he tineat aosuil
of stationery it has ever
liad. Ita uatrons will have the
bent in thai hue a-. ihe al
ways have had. When in need
of commercial printing of any
nature drop in and see ua.
Spectacles fitted to perfection
E. N. Nelson, practical opti
1 I
W ii
CaaUkXSl' aja
Kacoitll) j iil., ;cd
25 "' ) N v d
N f i .,
a,i I
'' '
,1 I
2300 v . , , a
i . i
'ro !odi.. -.I
-.,.,-..... II
ruuiui.oi, i .
All kinds ol Mill hud ahvavs mi Haod
nt vi muiits HUiti rkiLtPiii tun sous siiiim. sst.ii
; Good Seed Wheat for Sale j
Burns, O eort
Afford iiu llent i t ouimodahons
tube had in Harney County
The patronage of all guests under the eU
aapsdaliy aylidted.
Rataa pex d-ar, mx.SdB
Jamen A. Panning, Muoaor
" ' ' " '
Job Printing.