!.wwwr rWAfRR IW" 1 Nt UtTIO Of HTHTT. as an 9 this seel painting ; tis. Oregon im Law- lanor Htvr from jk after m Sil- her do er i nfty 1 . 'hardsot ' rom theit - :;. broner ' I'j.ntl!. ; I care of 1 hurt b; , , ri 1 sell cheap lo w.x accom bj Mm. Han ho will atop iii Crandl ey and viait t WE INVITE Your attention to the following statistics taken from our fUportof Condition to the Fnitod States Government of July 15th. 1908. covering the most essential fenti thereof and showing an ever increasing degree of strength from Ml Capital to our Total Resources. Capital $25,000 Surplus and Undivided Profits $16,868.18 Cash on Hand $49,286.40 Cash with Banks $70,414.88 Total Cash Reserve $119,701.28 Loans and Discounts $194.06; Deposits $353,549.27 Total Resources $428,807.45 The First National Bank of Burns UNITED 6TA TES DEPOSFTA RY Absolutely Safe. Henderson Elliott city Thursday. was in the A fresh milk cow for sale. qtjfrt si this ofBce. In- ('. fa) iii. ml came in ; and is in readiness to Aha Springer was up from li is Trot 1 hows Thursday. Thursday IVt.r BSMSft, is over from his M-'-'dny Silver creek home. tor C Sevcik is among our visi from the lake district. AUCTION 1 will hold regular suction sales OR tin- Aral md third Saturdays "i M li ffl th : ilvC. A. Swsek ham in Burn Bring in any thing vou have for sale und gr-t 'it Spoelnl at tention riven tO sales in the country. W T SMtTH. Auciionoer. NOTtOI KOI' IM'M.h ation i Mm' aTATRt i ivii orrn I i Mull. i-.. Mliml I ItH i Fort watch repairing: .loh printing -The Times-Herald cailonK C. A. Byrd's family has moved K i V. illi.ims was over from down from the ranch for school. '..ring the week. Cmm, ,nhtiHin Rnd --- I. W has been over to I back from their outing at Blue on Cits and Bear Valley Mt. Springs tm8 WH k The grain crops in this MigaV Chss. Anderson is quits sick borhond are turning out better this week and is in town to be than expected in most instances. " y ,,!l ' ' James Paul left for home John Caldwell and bride are Thursday afternoon. He was hack from tl fir outing and at accompanied out by the Misses home to their many friends. Haarstrich. Frvil BsJM MM down from liuv I Itield came in Harne Thursday looking after Thursday accompanied by his his mercantile interests in this niece. Miss Enid Cawlfield. who Quite a number of our people intend to go to Salem to take in the state fair. Otus Sir.emore and Mrs. Mid riaugh were in from the Sir.emore farm this week. Dell Dibble, who under went an operation last week, is recovering rapidl The public sch.nls of this city Kictiver Davey of tin 1 nnl office is still confined to In ,-. HtI. S)Hctacles fitted to perfect! n 1 K. Nelson, practical opn K N SnuiW is again in town after In-ing up at the Paul Blume nuich for some time. Henry (Jeer, who spent the summer at Silverton with rvls . arrived home Tuesday. 1 d Springer and family were inir-ts of Mr. and Mrs. Toni .: the first of this week. M eC.owan A Nichols have customers for relinquishments. Bss them if you want to buy or Mi, Van and Clyde Embree, Chas. NOTICE FOR I'DBLICATION. Newell. Henry Black and wife were Among our Sunset visitors (his week. Miss Susie Smith, one of the teachers of the public school of ' Bums, arrived from her vacs-1 InlrM I. Iir' I Kin, MB i:. 1 hrffltr th- lUgi. . r ir-. ih ii i titmim 'I t IUiIm lit r HIki kmiT Van Inhrn, I Til.r, n.llirmi'i.r a'l o( Hnrni uratrii W fi llr, . Yon nr earning now hut your earning i lMH -it V (ANT l,AST FORKVEK. Now h the t litis to fund some f your en il Tin thoHo with funds n eninin- Inte.l ,i Certificate of Deposit in THE HAH K mTY NATIONAL BANK in III Us. thero iM no unfer or mors eonserv- the inostrTH'iit This rlepoeitari is under National ton, Able, conssTYAtire, proffrewsivo nia gtSmSOt, MDpts resoiirres. ipit.il :uil ur phis and doing ttA banking right ut hon MMM Ml the elements of it streuffth. sk foi itifoi tnrtl ion about theae Cert i flea tea. The Harney County National Bank of Barns 8TATM DEPOatTAMl Ti FrnV I'nU.i.t. Stnrr Burktmntl, JtMSM Mm li Unit. Ilu'll" l'lm, nml OSMgM Mnrmy, mi. I in mv ! ill lir- .-Mlir MMSS "l I ' I'nrkUn I iliri'"r., Id Mmrr Hin Imul Villlllltln tri..riil m,l . nn) ml nil imrlii' in inlrri -' open next Monday. Thebuilding tion in the Willamette Tuesday.' Ifss, ssi ss st yas ss SSSt s is about in readiness. .,, u.-.i-i-k .. .. nJ thi I Ihs i Swelsasli August Haarstnch was up, ... .,..,..... i.i owr to from his home near Windy Point im,,,w.,U(.t. , ike tsWss Qsstti to look the nrst of this week. Mr. Hsarstrich is erecting a large haute on his land. Clt.v. dell was here for sev : Ins s ce.k living enrout' to John Dav where he has some rscers in training. Miss Lea Robinson will teach of W R. Garrett went Silver creek Wednesday after the harvesting of his crop. Mrs. Agnes Howie, a sister to Mesdames J. W. Sayer and Joe Tupker, is here from Canyon A complete actionized map of Hasney Co. in ten colors, show ing all large holdings, has been ar,. gotten out by E. 0. E. Co, mcel.(K). McGowan & Nichols, Soles Agt. term Monday. 640 acre ranch for sale suitable for dairy or stock ranch. Abund- for irrigation and Ire at this office. Miss HI!;. Suook is expected had been visiting relatives at Narrows. It should Ik remembered that ri,v "n R vitit the last half of taxes are due and For 10 acres will be de)i'h(iicn( after the first brush land, near country si hool. Monday in October, Six room house and small barn. up the rv'i:MAKI,w,- nerm. inquire at mis omce. ns inthatdis-L H. M. Horton and wife, F. A. Building hardware of Homer Bet -d and Kind and best ouality Doors, wife and Irving .Miller are among windows, and all ' l las( Sunday. They came the camper. who returned this material at C. H. Vh in for medical attendance for ne all had a big time A ymng mftn by , , Mrs. 1 snd picked lots of berries. .. . . . , . w T. Smith and s Ct Barker. AUtut Milling Claim. Ih MM Iwing aitnaiv In the llanifi Mining district ami gMl toin or lira r the ggsOWSi wii I In T. U.S. K 32. K W M i It. i. mull. Oimnn. locaittxl liv tliv mil ignnl ami mi" I C llin klan.l, JmSSS I .-.I. a will .-ar hr my crrilfl. aii. Iirrrtodirn lllr.l in Ilia i.BIrr nl ill. Cmiiity Cli rk i( llarnav Cmiiili , Orr ' gnn, (iir Die puri n liolitlng ai.l (irriniaaa in 'l.-i ISS pTIStgHMH "I StiSS ?:!.'! n-viMs! MStSSH "I Hn t'nill Kmamiel Clark and family ittsisstllssoslaKUwa sslstsssas came over from the Trout Creek tiinra rioimi ssAh Hh pssshti h ranrli iii itn aiiiitKom naW nf K SSM atn li..n M li-.l.l Ut I in.- fMSHOS ;4'.'.-.W:v. NEW MERCHANDISE Dry Qoodsts Boots and Shoes l;resh Groceries, etc. F-or Spring and Summer Trade LUtMABURG & DALTON m.:im: . . i . ...,- , . , . i riis'ii'in lire pi ' nvri in pa hi (! i one hundred head of the saw mill (his week for im-di- by arnv.tl hme Thursday even-Jlwl,liril ,,, ,llr ,lrnM l.i 0a) "I Jan, ISSf, I ISS l-tday i.( Ian . tills Now, It wltlilnfliila) al' i II. i- SSAS liy inbli. almn ..u fail, n wi rl i IO coat rit.'.i. li ranch horses, broke and unbrok- cal treatment. He is at the lios- ng from a visit to the west, go-in,. ,, ,,. will i tikfne fp.irn SMIititji uhi.r,. she has be. m bath ".-" ",f i"'"1 iug in the hot :;.rmgs for the bt-i m are in need of Harvest-, ing Machinery, call in at us. ne can compete with any n . f. J. Tl'PKRR. TUn VI.... U'.n,L..H O..M ..!.. mi .n ii iiiieui oau, unuri the Apsrkon land & Live Stock Call on or address. Mill. Demo. Oregon. Miss Josephine Locher wss se lected ss an assistant teaches in the high school by a meeting of the board last Wednesday. The selection of another instructor on account H. A. Dill- , -Meg-Wat .4BOonsoBioiiaeouoinweu. WHmMi, ' lorenin ; -it v ' "',' "' lhe most popular resorts of the dath of .r,lf es Biggs and Mm '" " 0re?n. Drop in ,i nv i u when you hae a thirst ,. ,. . demon. Re M. Fenwick snd wife sre home performed the cer. - If you can't buy lumber snd . trom a vcry pleasant visit with ie preesAaBjinly the ;ickeu satisfactory fr..m H'.rton. j relatives and friends in Lane wnM0aA0Aa.il'''- will currinvi'in or u. imnyaru see t.,,uhU ( N rei.rt a :igg s larm soutt. . Drink wi smith. Harney. Oregon. I shoeing aul all kinds of genorol repair work, few business sol icited. Mrs. W. ('. McKinney expects l . take Iv ,ii- Monday f r l'eiiiilston after s pleasant isit with relatives and friends in this sect I ting and building paper, the most economical und u-to date material ever used tor tin m purposes. All those good thing.- ,.( I i Mi. I l ing to I'rineville, Bend and on ' idViaigMd up into the Cascades. Thi mh out on pleasure and business com-1 bined. ll . .iTl I .1 l,i in. I. r II,,. j.i. .vi. I. n, ." ii I. I V ft i.E-Desert land claim. 320 seres in desirable location. on which second annual proor i... i. i n mail. Purchaser eon have option of assignment or re-' JJT.' linquishment. Impjire at this .office within '&) days. ".m'. - . Mis i inner und Mrs. Oscor L "I JSTT; notici: FOB rrm.icATKis , MM- IK ll I , I - , ., I. , Null I, I,. ACOMIMI ii mm OF RUBBBft OOODfl Can ! I iiml al The Welcome Pharmacy, Burns, Oregon. I oiintaln Syringes. Hot Water Iktlllcs, Nipples. (INives Hard Wuhber'Syrlngea. Whirling Spray a. finger Cols. Itrraat. Itreasl I'umpa. In fait all lhe kuline ImmIs carried hy.an UP-TO-DATE DRUG STORE J C. Welcome Jr., Profit. - i a. mow. ..',. I I : ron, grandmother snd mo-' VlS. " " "''.' therof Mrs. FmiOUey Jr.. or- , OUHimtisilii tl Hl.ll HIT I here from their home in iisMa4mcu reek nuich Thurs- hire work lie h uiy raw he h rough horse H i Itrowi -ids. Chas. H. Davis at Harney snd gets bargain. Some grai 1ST -ale enjoy. Jmsm h erordlM li; the last few o killex Mr they In Im- hnrl ut f It Vi-xrtlv'a county. The report a very pleasant trip over the mountains. Mrs. A. M. Byrd and little son Mr. Fenwick says the frost of Alton came over from the P last week wss general as he ranch yesterday. They will start Irwin and family could see effects of it all the way to Crook cuunty Monday to visit along the route. relatives for a time. Ml are Makkjkp Thursday evening i ! HunjarU ssw null i ,i nUt 45 bushels. Stock manse. Mr. row nailv for business st fc .m0 upto4Uu0scres. and Nora B. new location. All kinds of lum- All well watered no hoisting -t !8Jn- !:. A.J. Irwin jK-r- SOI can l.e MOOOSd. Nearest at.r. ranging in prices from $10 - !m. !: ii, (hi- t'oriiiii.K the ..r.ru J Mr. Si..- mul to tin .ail.-y. QOOilMali U H9 M lr MM in. more is associated with nis Dro- cuud u-c-e nd Knirii... i" ther. J. L. Sizemore. tn tlie ;ivis of ttl). ij, s. Keclamation 1 1 California Monday. They will nth the Otleys at La wen tor u couple of weeks. Adam George has 21 quarter X-Q.T.cL lections of grain land. Tracts trom 160 seres up to 640 seres. ( This is not 66 bushels per acre A. W. GO WAN Attorney si l-iw IPxcxctico A, m lal .1 nil Mctiowun Hi Nichols Lss. Lswalmst leal fcslale far Las. Suip Ikiijln as. M. Ill UV ll(.,..S Salt 'lie says had trouble ' icweo tieab d d-at fins 1 with Ramos over mixing sheep. , Of 4-eur-old Herford bull. the famous Henry Gray herd of 1 have purchased Howard and farming and stock business in this county. The bride has been a resident of this for over a year and has many friend They will make home at the farm in Warm Springs Valley. The Times- Service -turned from s trip to the Stein's mountain sec tion where Mr. Davis was making some observations. Read this! It don't matter in what part of Harney or MaJheur counties your property is i-ituai BICYCLIS U,:l IR I) We art agents for puncture-proof .....1 ..11 rbidden upon any of the 1 I'ac.li, Live Stock Co. ranches STAND -kl HICYO I I Trsspossors will Is- prosecuted. John Gimheot. Supt. NO TRESPASSING. Hunting and fishing are strict W. E. HUSTON Dealer in Groceries, Provision! Tropral acl Domcst c Fruits when in eason. E L8O HAS A LINE OF cent; furnishing:;. Hats, Shirts. Clothing, Underwear Get Prices OHILDREN'S CLOTHNO. AH kinds of Prseh Vegetables in Seaoon, GIVE HIM A CALL. Dutkliriiin 1 Itiiililuii; jiili. fnirn another l.e,-il tn u...l.l .........I. lu uiiuluMi fur llliui'l rnnu u r.v . j a a r t. ... 1 1 link. it. .1, 1 nil III! I ll'imil PIOOS of these is myl.harn.v and orosperous wedded ' i., u, ---. fctraci for reason for selling. Burns, Orsgoo. W . E. Smith, life iability is Our Watchword in returning from lhe fa from vacation lonolftc iudiiii The to tatruiSlie wit i-fn t .-in m.iuIi hi "' boni ortiiieuta, tin - .,1 i :ii. H nt SSI . , dHr ll'el I 1 all eoiullillili B the MUpph i u.f.f.a ihiU isk wmudiny stamp, given with every SCHWARTZ. he Bfsy Qorner Store" swing s deal or any size witli outside capital if oriess an Dr. (Jrifhth was called from riht ge him Diamond, where he had gone to conduct the autopsy connected With the approach of the with the killing of Ramos, tohe h' P" both public and -..undUalla high schtsd Burns Is taking on .- f .mullitf.. lively .. ... as famihe- TV ammm la MaS-i -nfl the iiatietit are nttOVing . ll v .)- jj f," - ---- t-- iias U-tn isS-Blsd i'i ' -fiffilh j states there have been but few trips. -osures. Mr. Turner had but A car of John Deere plows and recently come from the southern hat rows. The best and only ral lart of the county where it is implement in the world, I aupposed he contracted the dis- H. Voegtly'a. These sre not esse. 1 sea the proper eonsieed foods, bat b ..mid look into th- ami is matter of small pox dowr, there ,t and insist that tho.s had ii dean up d 1 I be liie iiu d- j(1 j ing th a all count I sry case Umt has s nowledge of local put U - ha.-; been properly and he taken care of . . If you want a wheel, a set of tin st have your bicycle repaired, come and see us. Carter & Sweck LIVERY, FEED AND SALE u.-tli uadarri.tMnl loaa aSlSSSSl I a.i- I'rarinrt, llarnay t ouuty, Suit. . lC"i',ritM'lfully miillon Hi- Hon m ,( Bursa, II iritay OSSSS ..I Ur-guii, 10 ial,t a ll.rnaal Il M.Uranu lo aH , ImIu..ii, Mali I 11, .hi. Iuura iu laaa uauUlia thaa MM .allot) la l.tka I'wlm t, liar i v 'uiy. HtaU ! OragBS. Isf H"- I ut Sj Una. mo-Hi, a la liuly J m ailt aver (way The Eastern Oregon Engineurinie Co. UVIL, IIMUPAI. vM IKIMiATrUN LMihhii. Main Ollin . Iturna, Oregon . . 1 i 1 a ar,u. McGEE & OWEN, Propts. mm Fresh 1 cams, GmdortabU Rigs, Careful Drivers. Particular attention given to Transcicnt Trade Oil on us. Next door to French Hotel M.itn St llt.rst's Im;imIimI Iiv the dav, wvvk ur mouth Ni N.li.. liraxM-h Otlut. ltketiM 1 m n H.t Sd CHA WILSON, 1 UUcLt Idler yay e it c, . rii- the frui' ' . hi- fspOOS ut hi pro- A IU11. ya.l Uracil saVraas MTsMst Asinsss J ( Kr , 0 Ual.U 'in 1 1 raoNsW 1 1 1.. 1 m ii 1 11 . I- II . In iai I n Lies -a I 1 II J K llaiMr Alia i-...u.ai Siil I'uawtys Motu 1. hen by Kivau Uisl on Satur- inl, ,i .,1 h-tiiaail-r ISSfiba m bulla am auiiy to tiw vuunt) ol a-i satisfy ) 1 1 """'" "-'") 1,, ,....1 ... v..,.. 1 . Rttrtford Cal tie Hy well kiiowi. hero of Pri' srlnning Hotofordg I itasi on the fann ( Vm I' I . neas, . in Malln .1 .nts. 1 lileaaisl In li I in H-(PLi ' . .'lrstam laavi w aw K?si fn 1 11.. iMSSSe UiaulKiOMw in llir 1 11. 1 1. AM If AM'KKSUM. IVlilioaar quality vauli to: P. tV: Ir.a.Ui Hi. Main L, Blacks-iitbiui ail lim$iioifl. Waon Work ALL WOttKQUA AN HO, Bunt, Oregon t J COSS4U. La . . n We are Headquarters for ff f If 1 tjf 1 1 fl Horse Blanket . : addle Blankets l011 S OM WXM M WWll STORM PROOF ROBES and Balsam of Myrrh We Carry Complete Line ef HARNESS and SADDLES J. C. WELCOME & SON .B-Lxraas Oregrox..- All Kinds of Groceries Meats at Cash Prices. and : aBBBaaassBBBtnasBr-OT-' -- - aat al ".-. :;Sl bbbV bbss "E"a'" I HI The Boot MODKRATI lKI i 1 0, Cunt Pindble CALL AND INSPECT STOCK Has oil the (juulitiea of high priced m. Rapid, Universal key board, Simple, ( 'hi'ap Chicago Writing Machine Co. ISt-lSJ Wahaali Av.,