Plerald. n ii nt Voegt- lend i' (un it ol N. Olson v the : Wtead tn py. foep ! black, uv. family kvail : mri tinjr OOl "The Pinmrr Bank of Hgrney County" statement of the condition of The First National Bank of Burns mi tht: cloee of baefneea Jnlj 15, L9O0 ItKsnlW'KS Loam mid Iiiscmints 1W 666.99 Boadk 90,000.00 Bonde and SecurMta 55,189.16 tnton oi l s nond 2,000,00 Betake, Furniture and PltiMWl 6,000.00 Redemption rnml 1,850.06 (ASH 119,701.28 1, H. Oard was in the V. J. Hopkins and wife left lay ly for n hoalth resort in Q Hen Oollenbaugl ' ft !v- his Innd holdinjrs near Cord. Hid v 01 cc il it alioiit lit PainttTlj i hanging i w t id luthorltj .1. M. Delton and family ha I Beach! nd trip from Bak. V. makes rates too that edding in Id AIM III' IKS Capital Surplus iiinl I'nriivided Profit" lation DEPOSITS 1428 -iT i." $ 15,000.00 5,858.18 I 1 1 ( II 10 363,549.27 pme to he mountains for outing. pkins and wife ed lionu- Wed- ItHl nn Oil iiiR in Grant county. on Phonographi tad for tak at Uaa The familial oi v ' M Schenk have return- d from outintr in the mountains. . L 5m OHM over Iron Silvei I ' with hunch of I t Mr. Reeee the huyer. Build rdwaie kind and best Quality i i Mil ION ' nk. who nil brother in Uw ti llo) - . left Thm d I and Seaside on ;i itm nized in Har i ten colore. larg hoMlnga, hi bi out hv K. O. I 11.00, licGowea A Nichols. "" "' Sm.k Deaort land claim, in desirnhlp location. n which second annual ir id i made. Purehi i i i sales .turdayi Sweet A ,v In nny- , i KVt S(iiial at i.n In tha I II in. HI I ION J A .. H "... y waa aajco'n eing an. 498,807 15 IMTKI) STATES IEPOSITAKY Absolutely Safe. and all house nniebtm option of langiiaiinl material at t. m. voeguy a liehment Impure at ihis II MIT) hallenltach haa been office within 99 da patting un now f.-nce .an , HyrRm ,,,, fpom rtland last Fridav much im donee ,.,-..,,, ties in He v,m) hoaUh havinR mm ity Survi oparttM on the hif,aeeit&nt Welti .-moid cavity, or middle ear. 1 I Have You a Standing in the Community? I'hi to iv. nothing; under the sun that will you on n luisia of credit so (iii( a- n bank in (Hint bask aoonnni will not d it nif nakayoa rich, famoua oi rfrtnotM, bat It will help hi i be frond work d j on handle it right do. ii Itutik aeoovttt is eonveiuent. und trill he Mnr heat Mend m tin o4 need u .mi our hii iiim) attention Mi amall or large depoaltora The Harney County National Bank of Burns )H R HOME IIS'STITI Tl(. NOTU i KON M I'loN W. (1. BodoV i and wife were up from Sunaet laat Saturday. ,i :mioii(t our -be first of this A mower and rake fm $85 Bel hack from H month' "' A K. Mmphv and the V lov 0 . Urinkwaler. bfaek Miss Ula McKinnon is out -at smith. Harney, Oregon. Ii the W. T. Hill home this week, shoeing and all kind Closing out nncesat Voavtll 'il- Wf,,,k- Yo,,r buih Blue Ml i i tin, ktaail, JlOl . I I'l. r. .. , I) Mid H 'ItlCkUllI I. I . V.l.imi.- I it In kii-I nl Ml icited. week tar hurry. .1. V. Brown I S .n ha. 1 le. Chaa i: aata came over this from his John Day orchard ii.. i.n,..i.i ... .. (.... i ii "limnill III , I li-n .1 Mt'MIIIII .11 II.- , les which found., ,. ; ready market. Mr. Itelshaw says ,.,,. i. B p ii very short thi "r Qaaei so, ..n but ho will have a nice ' Mining fUlm MMh ;- "'.' '..n::; I heat i. A line and Mrs. Franc- itylastMon- have rented tile James Brandon i IT : I. IU- Holland returned Mil nty aeeoav Mr r: (. Tnimn.,, n.wlv 'apleted an addition .. . ... .-....... -..- ,. I sioence "i rmim niininn !'. L 8 Co. building. to there. '", "'" '"' "' ;NTi ,!,t.r mei complaint. The i "i' "i "i Mr and Mrs John Culp is luffering from sum uu: and building pap' i in llir lUrn M r mr It Jenaina has added tw. I la Nenwj bear to his menajrerx ap ' ""'. " nt Ihn l,r,.-.,rx. .wl .,.. I,nu',im.. '""l1"1 1(1 H.kUnJ, ' " .' nT iinn iiiiii only to feed the "Teddys" and oat economical and i them tricka Thetwocuhi I. I'. Cochrane und family the e e wil 1 sister Harveat- :: in and am h any 1 J. ,; minwiM All these eood thiiu's in th Jaturdaj from t). jit (. ,, v homo at Wagon! , , , M The Kov Bun'. ;. mill is Anaeraon icii wry ,)nW nws yesirruny. uiut reiiiiHr p. i it jl to nil with tln-irnrainand ae All i v hat part of I !arnc r M. Ii . ay. They fa crop. : with Ids new ao,i I Rood was in th- i alley yeaterda.N He liai n 1 from trip to ' winK a if nricei d thiM we.k are som li tin- Bennett ! I valley lal month. mi Geonje has 2 qoatta if grain land. Tracts up to IIQ acre. . buahek btwhrl-v i , to MM All well i n d no hoiating of : r ..ore Nil. n i 'I nil ' I ..f ill- ('lIllli ( I. rk I fl ( '..'. ding 'i1'1 I S'Hlr. Mil lit nl .-i. .ii.i.I i i i in) . i .Un . II II. NKW MKRCHANDISE Dry CkmkJs, pooU and She$ l:resh QfOOffieSf etc. For Spring and Supimer Trade I LUTylABUBG & OALTON M .. ' 1 1 I ' p thi. ii; 15 If our ahoei I 1 1 II and . II. I Inesday mornim i, . L Maradet 'here he had i with hki inderwent u l had an he lirat of the :.ecompanied ndate Bur, ntta i he managarnaat of Lee Caldwell, Ii on. popular reaorti n Orej-o Prof in when sou hit th.- ootbera pan f tie id. at I wheee Ha Caldwell horaea. Mr and Vtn. Bert Hamilton ea and mv came over frtm Silv. yi- middleman's profit. day briiitrinr r Uttk on ,. ,, i;i,iwl v wm nun,,,, n.s nnii.ii ! ,l;lM,()I1( ., f,.w fl,-VS lni, and took a piej vith him teturn homo. Mr. the raaae i from various parts of I Dial JaCK r ilii ' ue ineii iwing no do ' i,1,,v mild ind onl r. I I ,, . 1. ,. . i 1.1 -... ., I,,,,' I 1- I .,., ,. , M,l" I IV) I. I I in . peepk ai .i- heir fruit trees from thi i . ..i id, ii Mm IK' . i i ACOMIM I M I INI Ol Ml BBI R t o)s The Wrlcomc Pharmacy, Burns, Oregon. lounlaln Mrinm- 1 1 - S nier Ikillhrm. Mpptoa, (Mevia Hard Miihtx-r'sriiui hirliiiu Sptaya. tinier Cola. ItnNisls. Hrrnil I ill thr Wubtw Oowte tarried hy an UP-TO-DATE DRU(jSlvk: J C. Welcome Jr., Fropt. falling from it Tboa, Turiibul', . tensive W(ki erowers. nrnvert in Ur..v h,. nmir,. mnt. .-..,, t l,i, IntYilu,!1 anil ''U V.. .. . ........ w.... ,. . .v.. r mia cu.v inursuuy (enin in ury in inax aaeoon aim iioei. i ; II .rton. i I' I '. oivnrrl fuw , und hisHtK-tionulthnuhthe range is rain yel hid letter tm louncea the . VH&l the' i . . oan. difornin 1 spend the winter. Mr. anies them a. Ma' rg of Blue Mountain Rapid then report stock doing vary wall in iheei II. ' '.. Swun Borax Minitu dry and water scu- , aaaaaaaeii' About one hundred head of $ ekbolderi f ranch horaea. broke and unbrok- enae of having the ground n nt i In. Tn ml ('reek runeh nf nerlod '1'ln- aaaeaanvint muat ' r:,,; the l uic wiici ...." mei. um Co Call oi. or uddren. may be h....-i. d to 1. O. .latkson ilill, II i nwick A iretfon. may Ci. A. Rembold and wife ar- obtain reeelpt rived home Monday tmni ih.-n I ,! Sai... ! W 4-year-old vacation trip to Portland and iii-roujrhbred llerford bin 11 coant points. Mrs. Remlmld r. - tin famoue Henry Gray hrd of f.w layn turnetl hurriedly miity. I haw -j iieltaaed rhuraday on'xhui Herfordi from i i to was looking 11 unoned on uccount of the her- take the place of the ioua BkMM Of her .-llinvc VV. J; Smith, Messrs. M. B. Md II. E. HoUi ' '"rjn' Hoaier, who haa been Urday on their return to Miasou- workinK for W. VV. Brown at it Shannon und Lester HolU- i. . I. was brought in yea- nained I I the otk mi ill about three j,. ),;,,, ,lt. ,, moiiths. Tiny are ull well pleas- r, . I, pulled ed v.ith this v palled out ion and wife were '" " repa lie m from their ranch near Van In-.Marsden ii lit al other lt Woldenbergtal the laaW i,..n itfkii .. t It 1 him noar- , da) and !' ft ye i, and remained ,, hen " relatiVei lability is Our Watchword MakuikI' At the home of "the parenti i" this i niiiR, Misa Bla Mr. John Caldwell. ' 1 b.lloman perf.niiiiiK monj in the preset mi di.ite relatives of tin parties Both youilK people are v. ell known here, huv- fiown from eluldlioud in tln- The bride i the Itasead Mr, and Mrs. B I very a. .hr lad n of Mr '.II. llo ia aa po tmaater. The youny l it Tuesday morninir foi Mi Springs where t' will ss-nd their honeynMai us Herald joins the many itdn in extending hearty eon. lationa. .m (ieorge aays he can o to the ' of oin game warden at Narrowa. I nee with I iraday. Mr. George had ie wild gaeae which were a thi domestic fowl, and I them from Un bk they endow tl und water them be fori hem mi to Burns. Mr. i raid at once BMetfdj .!r. (ieorite and take him . WAX . i Lew Lan . I7xaictlc i. McGowai I N.thols it fir Sab p liuiiKil aad SW. mi.. i. "i HON mew 1 1 s ki iMik i) We are n, proof i .ill STAND U) lilCYCi l. . Imh-I. a n and ttr & Swcck The cuhi m Oregon En n rtn Co. uvii iiimcir i W. E. HUSTON Denier in Groceries, Provisions. Tropica and Domestic Fruits when in eason. E (SO HA8 A LINE OF CENTS FURNISHINGS. Hats, Shirts, Clothing, Underwear Get Prices CHILDREN'S CLOTHIN AM kinda of r-feh Vegatablea ) Stuon, GIVE HIM A CALL. Il.llkl no ill M ' I Hi . 1 IM. k foi . rruist I ' liii i lie i) I kip1 tlie ti an ut m tries fed .'.:, ti,,. rl" 'l'l'' ' " '"' I ll Wi flumps, yivin with every been assisting in preserving the 4 Harney eoanty for rs. A "ti aj le ! I I M r If tor. the justice. He soon MamOittV", bat while thev were wild oeae. in reality they were tame --- -- in.., the firet of this week KetUiiK Miaa Ella Thoinwa,ii an a-id ihai he hail a man who had Earn machinery and visit- ln, citj I lag Old tii:. Mr. And- ,,iu,,, n On the place sin.' ipril, having ' b health will term h i Andaraon luul break igi . I da.s ago i and while it , i pain relati.. the had it n phyai ., . . i. . and - ---a 1 'ii'gua .. Offegea LIVEKY, FEED AND SALE McGEE & 0X EN, Propts. . Frcaii Tearne. CondortabU Riga. Carclul Drivers. Particular attention given toTranscieni l'rade C II on u N to Frnch Hotel M llifsi's iMimli'i tiv the tluv, week or iiiout h CHA VltSON, tie Oil II.' in M NO Hui.tiiiK und fisbiag are strict- I- .jxn an .' 1 o. ranches. ' rreapaaaeis will be prosecuted. John Gll KJ Ml Irlr. Off Supi "i I riae I syM dhS Ja "' WW i " u ui - m ap" m Main St.. MMi aa black sun tii wig aad tlurscshuiotj;. ' Wagon Work AL W0.4JCCU AR AN feD. Bums, Oregon 1 . ' ' - ii SCHWARTZ. ie Busy Corner Store" We are Headqiurttrs for Horse Blankets, Saddle Blankets STORM PROOF ROBtiS and Balsam of Myrrh We Carry a Complete Line ef HARNESS and SADDLES J. C. WELCOME & SON Orsg-oix. Young's Meat Mark All Kinds of Grocenen Meats at Cash Prices. CALL AND INSPECT STOCK :--y . i i? JHt3aL and S Tii MOUEHATK PR1CIU) n n NMtiri (lie Man H, lit Durable Ilea all the qualities of high priced machiuea Kapid, Universal key boarti le, (heap Chicago Writing Machine Co. isi-ili wsh Avs., cafeaau, III.