im-9trnlb . ' ht"i eli irtUln incllumf In l:lpin She QimwM mW km i a r he ! Mrj Countra prt en irm nt A,43a,On mrm ( v.-nnt si-' the I'ulillr land la ill ll, rrr- - -... .lm JJSiv y! - BURNS. HARNEY OOf (DITIONS ill conditions arc similar to HIS VIEWS ON SHFEPHERDER J sevdk, HaH aJatttoa KKi in tno high plums country '. and tnuch will de- IHI NA- new! upon the msuH of his in- p Nol only has tho government felt ( -alli-fl upon to solve the pro- 1.1 .... f ....!..: i i r iy tite Lew uwiu iiii.viiir h new Kino or ttiemtnt plains will snnnort Ml", but tho forestry de- ' nnrimnnt ia luuwlinn il,. nn.m Portland " ; '"' J , "" " " , '"""- WHO W(HII.DNT BR A RHEPARD UN MR SUCH CONDITIONS? in tlw energy wherehv mutton ice with for tin m I 1st at pre- htnp hut oiunon 01 rtelatlee ( Blec NmmMi Br Bert Heriaw-A Meter Tket WmM Tesjel Narerr Lam. At the head of a deep wooded canyon, a branch of upper Me re millions of acres of nay creeK ' camt upon R sn grazing land in tho foreata re- herdpr'R tont yesterday and at M which are leased to cattle sltrh of thc P there in me and sheepmen. The latter tnp wooas ' WRS mo'K upon their (lock; nbove timber to utilize all thc available grazing on the forest reserves. ftst point le west- limit, and in the Lep each (iovern- to face ana likely If or vears sent the lion than he 'ii ;. sral yean cattle i sen i con- )M'!.'S8 to to keep demand 1 BDt : tide the iiiiim! line during the summer months. wh.ii ihrr, is a generous sup ii, ii thick, rich ffifttU H flHnl that has made the flesh of moun tain sheep BO tweet and nutritious the fate of the sheepherder and my heart went out in sympathy for him in his alleged loneliness, r.uf upon visltinc his camp that evening I took back what 1 had said in sympathy for him Inasmuch M the winter range of nd aimosi envied the entertain the sheep men has been jrrcatly restricted owinR t homestead ing, the owners of the great are "winter feeding" that is, thc sheep are kept in corrals during the winter months and fed alfalfa until it is time to turn them out Ofl the summer this, however, is ing the problem of in- l tin' visible supply of sheen Fee several Vears the total number o sheep in t h country has been decreasing. The Nation is making ateady m on it.' supply of mutton, and in a few years this constant dram is certain lo send the price of this iood even higher than beef is today. II government exparta find a new kind of range loddei thai will support greater beep, as well as ng versatility of his seclusion. In one corner of his tent was a good phonograph and near it several choice records. For my delight he rendered two or three choice selections from Patti, Caruso. Schumann-Heink and ot her singers, a speech by Bry an, a vaudeville selection and an act from Shakespeare's Julius Ccaaar. Under the head of his 1 .. I were half a dozen of the best late magazines (some of which I had not found time to read) i and at thc foot of the bed lav I nkf T llr nil rMnrn boa H milrn V I1 F'lkor, jndcr ( olec- I DrpMV laml nriltingtiam. MM Parr- Milli-r ilito ami re- Inn. I.t nm mil Alhprl Altnna, He ! (ion. Pr h ev J ( Hartl. W H lnnlni., . Joe I at low, udf of elm n-. II. I'm I.I M M iKjaii. .! I V Atlrimi. illtn W ( MUiaga, elvrk of eta-linn I'lii'liln Jarol. I hni am E. J. 1 .'Mlii. .Ii M i urn boa BOO milaa II pel' ii.ii(i. M piwiton, Cat l.. Aiiu'i-liii.', .1 ; -ilin Ui.l.i.,- a, .lit.- ami r.'iiirii baa Dave Oow, cli-rk ( fliT. tl. .11 ( '.cli.a u i n.i-.i. .in.) ( M IHhI.I, jinlni' "I lacttatl, i ' '111 Spritiif .1 II 1 1 Ml- l", ihl.i I W Mlllnr. ilin. A K Carry. rrrk ( I tiiui, I'i.M Sj.i iii;p A M.Kinri. . .ho. Ira Malii.n. I . t . l.ini ,linkln, nliirn Im. MO llaa I rank TurniT. ....-i.lfi nr Baa a Siiuiii, Judga of efcjeatoa, Wil.l II. .m I..I Carl-.n, lit . i i . P W)OD roaos si:kmdn ii 00 H 00 xracK snow UOOO STOCK. T .1.1. i BJj Mil ll i il VOK. II N fj 1 1 iW I .111 I I mi soo am) Itl :l on t' i ruiCHi'ASMiNii Amt I iV. iW ,: atj '' " :i oo 00 aaMkaj ArtKHy af H.MMH NrWMl Aaaajal tatsMa M Aattt iapondn 1 isarwl people in inutea" thats the mte ita transporta raata of Portland have the directors of the lu and Livestock Mhov crowds attanaUrtg (hat iici" i- lin inir ii. to tta Kill . fivan id 'i Hinil IpOn I In- t iii'luat"! cn l.atut I.Ui i'rl.iil.lii i .1 hni.t- U I l Him I. Managi-r an the one preceding. , , , lhH ,., ,, 1r ,, interest of the hole Counia iiui ii-, Ihr rm Northwest is evidenced b the ,,,,.. ., w,, Mr t il I liav fin ii. I .Ii- .1 00 l. mi ;im trn-ai numm-r oi eiunes airrmiy ywi. having .Ue -I alnaa il mane, wnue uic national inter- ri , ,.,,,,,, ..raiup . ,,r,.,,.i eat is sh.m n b) .i heavy advance aMllraai af iaa aaao to naaaatad correspondence from every part m . . Oi ... of the United States. . c .101 a Rrllfloa Sfrvk i:i mi i Hon. Wilbur K. Newell. Praai dent of the Oregon State Board of Horticulture, and equally well U.v A J Iririn will prrsuh at known in Washington, haa, at Harney the '2nd Humltr of each the request of the Oregon De- mouth at II a. m. and ;:Op m velopment League, condensed , Hahhath mihonl every eahbalh at I well thumbed copies of the latest ' '"" '""'"'"' r . Inn novels. I looked at this bronzed son of tin' hills in genuine WKff, Here he may read, write, think, com mune with nature or be carried to the great conservatories of mutton problem will llM" "T "" ," ,ln .,. slaves of the city must bend 0aT ,,,,,,,11, drifting a desk day and niirht to meet ihe tarimc competition of the cattle busi- ""J?" (",mercil ag.-Bert neaa have titt-rly iev..utioni.ed lluff'"n In Et Oregonian. thatirraal industry in the last i time "' '" ''' ' ' "' KX1,1 s'1" ,E .. n .. ci . i euri v;ii. 0OA liai buftji mid I o l CU I I:.'.' dr. . . I score of years. The old cattle herds were mostK "luiiir n horned." running mostly to horns and difficult to Toduy the range cattle are for the most par: heavy. i liiefv animals, showing kimh ''"' line and hue. In stead of letting their cattle run in.)!). ( m i. .; mi tile range, and ng on an annual loss of from HI to 20 iK-reent, owing to expos western cattlemen now spend thousands of dollars for sheds and other means of protec tion. Also the great cattle out Ata make a business of putting up hundreds of tons of alfalfa ery summer. This hay is fed total Efea late months of M inter, and 1 1 a fed steers OHM toinurket in June and July l.k mii sleek and beavv. It is esti- aysthia mnt,.( tim) tne icreaiecl price reu iin ',-,... . .... ,. i ftf viMiit,.i. ttA iMttti. more than pays for the cost of putting up buy. The cowboy wh(i works for a groat cattle out lit toduy must help with the buy ing when the spring roundup is .,..- TU.. ..1,1 1 .i mi- wiu'iiur tuyiin ntui u- employment, und there ul in the West about an employsi who bunded putin'oni punchers a uitch- i'ork und told him to get buay The cowboy supply IMKI COB as ! ii, after the open nuently Hie pre d ami fore the next iMBtf Vjl relieve le B world. an id graai . Oil II. the ittU OUi-'ll the . ink ua liv law ll.i' "i liai iii (iriMWiitml, til. riMiiuiiil atiuiiiHl llm county ol Mania y, MM I ' '" H"i., ami 1 1. 1 urn. mi nl ..l... .1 the nag u ar July, IIIOS, lerm l r.. nii.. laal'Bb AM'r ni.'n n'mu KraU llaliira, laud lor t mail . 74 oo ;;. no I . Anlil. cam and keep county 41700 S3S 00 He. shipisid Oao, S HUanmrv, ju.lge of elertlun, llurim ('. iiimnlnn, diUi i I lnrru.ilitii. I.. K Km.. I, .lark alSBt n m , Kuril- . Halt Kttii.UII, .llti, I'rank MU ( Mm (inii'r iit. null., iu.l' ul oka lion, Piauiuii'l '.rani Kaaturaon, diUi lAani Mori. in, iin. . i aTi I ra.lar. clerk of .1. -.lion Diamoud Toiu Hullian, lito U iii f liurr,.lit.. !S AIUokoii, juilgti of elm-Pun. Alvor.l W llrffuimi, ill... Krunk Miranda, .III.. I Bar Hill. l.-ik of aim--lion, All .nl iiolin dllo RayuoMa 'ion, ll arm hpriiiii I iwiumi, did. JlllIlM I'liNli.ll.'l, dllo 1. A Mill. -i, cl.-rk of Uac- hi. l arm huilna " pitchfork o Pri' 'l ' itiliy and theiihundeil it lmck alio 'Mister, thut la too " w ',"" turn box Mvould Hll lot I' ii . le, HHb could aid M K the LIIIIIIIBv- itMi.'l bVLmT''a hotni lidnl most' Haioii; .i gaave even aaaHaaaWli i u)licuted a piece of machinery MS to run." I be OM outfit! that lease por- I tioni of the forest ti serve must trfetatt rules about iking tin- mmmsi l' ia it ad that i my. the OS caused much hurd.ihip and i - in the .;. :le business, ami tlu.' governroast does not follow in tin- footsteps i be oaltMfJMB who tried to run too many ca u limited At the the o- niiiiL-tit does ull it can to assist IVfc vu mhaahii vq about r in i ed. am! inanv . i jo., leasing trvaa drift i en put up I est rangers, to k. n Meaner, ,ln Walter Oom, judge a4 election Hi I viae A ll inl.M in. ii , .lito Date ( laildock, dilo K. mii Haideaty, cl-rk ol elei-tioi.. HI I vie ' mti, 'III" .loliii ll uil.-rinirr, .lilo an.) r I. .x 111- judge Ot 1 1 n llnrnev I i .. II. a -.-I , dllo Mr, .In.. i. turn I. ox ion Uaruaj Ueo .lam. i ll 1.. ..H. dllo i lio. rook I ii .ol lliiiuilwoii. dil.. from m graaing irruund. Eventually nlaces for r M'" led, lia Hpl! I'uiicb- aIH the foi will Lie tin- I'a-au. I the the 1 1 beef supply. ""'11bbI tlu p!" Whtn the ,,ali(" changing oi 'i,iHard.s. Tin conditions in th- been e replaced h,. .v the ,i and by t .tPiiiiJEniore pi"- individual cattle-raisers, it is be- ble Of gupportin. hul the era of high prices attle het.f will lanish. .lust at nre- seni the aim is to keep the sup ply of beef equal to the increas- lotne such tinunt of me oi its clima ntinuad on page four.) Siniiii.. lark oi p. .n i 'mi i t'reah I II huiiili, duo I I - . .iii.-r dito 11 ('.-. II icturn Ij..x mi ilillrn A 1 JoIiumiii, judg.- ot alualt -n, 1'iue Oaack J 0 Hum-, iiit.. J a Wluiaeta, dito and return U--x I K KugU . i lerk of elec tion, 1'iue creek A I. Mlllui.l.dito J M t'aireiiB, dito .1 K Hrtrir, judge of elec tion, atjM O W Kiuguiald, dito .1 I, dito ii 00 Iff ooo 000 it 00 . Oil j M :: mi no a oo a oo :tui a oo ;ioti ., M .100 .10" . no .100 i uo ll oo M ..ou 300 MO 3 00 'OD i. mi i.OO , un M sou . on MINI Mini .. mi i. Un on r. mi l... llnaeiiln.rg, rink ..I lecli m Wild Hon Shii. I'ltioil, dip. . n!ii.r..lil.. ' I ill, Judge of rlmrtion l-daiid irni..,.lilo Najras .in.., ri' i, fixing iiooih. M .1 i lould, rlrrk ot r.ic- tion, Ili. I 1 " B II 'haa. Bibbers, i loin ItnUi-i . jii.l, Hon. Naaa I i Mill I. Ii. 1. 1. Pale Clvmena. dito and i. Mm hoi v m rlarl ..i olm-t'.... I'. I....I i . . I ' 1 iiinirlilrv, il lo I . . .In.. lodge ..I elrrtlon, Sad. Iin Hull. I I.M.I J. .1.1. -Ml. dllo ' ihuroi., dilo and re- bai clerk ol llutle i red Otisf, Jr., .lit.. I. II Have. .Mi siki . M I un I mi I I HOu ;im Iff I M . i ml HI I on a on Qmm Hoads into words, and thev 4 40 4 40 Id 3 00 ami his ideas on hundred tell the atory: "Bad roads nullify advertising. repel immigration, increase cost ! living, render the automobile uaiiaaa, and will deprive the far- f rural free delivery "State aid and supervision of ' "" road construction is essential. "In equity lecause a public lienefit. atate should jwy twenty- bve mt cent of the coat, county tifty in i nut, and the adjacent rly twenty-five percent For thoroughness trained tun engineers iinu -unci supervision of all ivork. 'For or. iiiumv - lew taxes und pay as we go, or on ahort time ficate i Ian. I'r education regular and correspondence course in road p. Dl The Hninrv Sunday achool wrote at 2 o'clock aaaa MMtffJf and a cordial invitahoi i. . o-nded lo all who can attend to meet ilh u Al tin- I'rimln u-n m lunch Hum- Itev. A J Irwin pMtSJ Drviin nrvlaaa UM 'inni tad Mattl Hunilaia of each iiioiiIIinI II BJ . and :.' p in rahbatli xibesl at 10 a iii ' ntli iimriinig --,:ci.-swt laaaaaaaai ".w.--s'sj'.?s4w '. NEW SPRING WAISTS Junt rpreivpd a beautiful linr of IndicV waiata in Kmhrnideriert, le and net walat- for Spring;. Something Very Stylish in Uwi and Silk Our drees good department will show a very attractive display of Uwna, Silk Mull. Mercerized Chamhray. Corrine Suiting? and Ingomars -These goods are ,the .latest production for this season. New Embroideries and Lace aud a beautiful line of India Linons. ( )ur Shoe department is complete inevery way and we can .itisi the mo a fastidious in toot wear Remember we carry the ROYAL WORCESTKR 008SR Brown's Satisfactory Store. iMitimiuiiii .!u 'iniiiiittiiiiniutntttaiuauiiammii MMMM Ml The Ha raey Valley Brewing Co. i . Tat Laac Star RESTAURANT . I leorge, rraa k kar. 'Iin an. I ll iiaata. lf MM ulx tSoclaSL Water I mmli DnMMfalKitrd- tree I Ml very T. E. JENKINS, Manager . K at Oregon Agricultural "lli'ire and Univeraity of Or- oo m moo aoo aou sou .1110 :i un laaad am pane .I dm huilil vood roada all aunimer inatead of talking about tbem all winter." HB1U AT ALU HOUR Bkry in eunoeetior A SfKially af Saarl Uram. TaMe furiilalifil mill . . ' I iiiny ilia inarki t nlVnnla Ymir palfaa ax diiluiir.) THE CAPITAL SALOON, TUI-t II .V l'ilK(i. , -tor.. Burns, Oregon. Tl.1 Ha,dLq.-o.cxrtor. Wjritrs Liquors and Cigars. Billiard and Pool Tables. You Must SIccd! Club Rooms In Connection.' r MH JtVhMI.I BlMlkS IN UBVAV A great cement plant ia to be bult in l'ortlund the flrat in Btaiiii- in America in which Port land cciiii-iit huti been manufurt uiiil in u city of that name. Portlainl and Salt itkr capital imw organized a company followiux: complataa the v apital of $1,200,000. and i' new jiivfiiili-Kioka recent- t merock will be hruua-ht boo l.v added ti. tin-l'ulilu-Library In lin.seburg. where they own the Mothera' Club: u lie hundred acrea of rocK. aw -.jeYa. B aw, ' aw IV eaV aal 'aau 'mW ' aeMMMMMMMB I 3AM AWb CArit SUIT n - :ioo .1 III I sou1 IM IM 800 100 a no aou 800 sou 800 I M IHKIKS F0K LITTI.I-. HILDKBN. Storv of i.ittl- Black Sambo. The Fairy MMMV. Once-Upon-u-Tiine Storiea. Hiuwatha Primer. Six M The Hooka of Nature Mytha. I lmstma Angle, (ierman Household Talea. Little H. Tliimblet'uiKer. Mr. Rabbit at Home. Three Mai Talea. avd the I The Tale of Bunny lottOB Tail. Stunt Storii-8 for Short People, i Sim i.-.- tin children. Bontoi. Collection of Kinder- ten Slori. (ioiM and How to be Them. B00 C Bird Woman of the Lewia lark Expoaitioii. aoo Astoria's Fourteen Annual I i a Auguat 27, a and a preaents an excellent opportuni the people in the interior of Oregon and Waahington to lirief tenting and camping e. rience near the ocean. Pro gramme of aporta will be unua ually intereating, with the ad this year of the Swediah Norwegian 8angerfeaL Hon. George S. 8hepherd, of Portland, ban bean made Admiral, the rail roads have given very apecial i a-, d $1.00 will be the fare by boat from Portland. aUaertaakaateaaVMiinarr hid Uaiik I . -!.,. nipiiii ui Ui ijWr Oar - anigU e nUMaa al um al mm m ike kf ri Ail lariWe flwelaw i i Tii tm 3 awkw etattafl kde 4artaaM.faa.tUatreawllaaeeaT xaaaalka I aieakaajav baaaiTMiaam lleagaaja i , H U-I... Warry'Oran ikTaleatol m... aula aaaVaaSET TrvJUI. ta7tkrear awae BMra aaaawlaaaaMaaaa a. ii i MeoMiati ia ovtaiitiaviii in atctt M tiatlT 10 1 1MMNH) sLLEPiNEc-sat'a -. . Maaa ll 1 1 aaal aaaa ABSOLU ELY I KEE aiaat fc-bl waj tiMMa4 i'W aiir n : MilTICALLT MbMmi m & cmijiffl .x MivCatlfijITaaJ ma iKT ITOBE Ovnr OOO I I " Be .utlful v ui. Lie! Peelaiot.. -p imMP Okfcuiai. MONOMtNT my. I. L LliWIS trli M lai laraisk PARTICULARS and PRICES fa aajraae ataariaf INFORMATION. SmIm DESIGNS. Storieb foi Little ll un U 00 a oo soo 16 00 1 . on :;uo 300 300 BOO 300 Household Bmmmb Tale of Mm. Liggy-WinkU Through the Farmyard Puaay Meow. Wagner Story A Motlit-r Geoaa Village i ile, & 8, 9 AM 10. of Jack BalliM.ii' Fort 'i Cruise o! ilu- Cattu Tribut. The rinisun Sweat. Vaiihie Ships and Sailors. Master Skylark. A .Neighborhood Story. Fakleigh. A Little Capti .1. Merry Lijjs. Cattle iiaiich to Cuii,-Kr. Bu. ,uid Pirataa Coast. KuighU of the Hound Tabic. , w Twelve Naval Captains. I on The Story of Birds. Curious Birds and Their Tenants. Meadare Neatc Altar MaMaear 0H. The SleCpin? Co. aoo 300 IMJU 000 00 I. 00 j 8 00 100 auo MI r A Vale report aaya: "R. K. who registered at Vale last Friday, but who was at Payette only a few daya, is thoroughly investigating the oil tii-lda here. It is rei that he i- an expert m the em ploy of the Standard Oil pele. I i s id- iirne known here from the lad that MMM tt the experts in cliarge of the dilfer-i-nt tximpanicn here, have known mm in the fields in California. Kvery expert who has inveatiga ed thia country chums there is oil here, and the Malheur com- i pany which iuts the big well, is town to have oil, but got into iiaian water and consequently have not yet reached a vein that ia a payiiiK propoaition. HMTIlLa llU.i.lUfVf . ANU ' The Burns Flouring Mill j in : MllllhKN Ho' TU TflVANT, Pl'opt. K JlllJ. PKiiib l I ri IE . . st I iii.I 1 IM aaV aaBBal ILUUd, KOLLLl) BARLEY, CHOP, AND All hi., of Mill Fed always uo Hud IME VUI NHilbl MAKkfcr PklCt PAir m UMill Mlllhl tltAl CUttf OM WORK DONS j Good Seed Wheat for Sale 300 3 00 Cj. W. Clevenger is having a new tank house built and other 'veiiients made on his resi IMM property. I 300 300 300 Birds, Bees, Sharp Eyes, (Continued on page four ) Laxative Cough Syrup for1 g and old is prompt relief Car coughs, croup, hoarseness, whooping cough. Gently laxa- laranteed. Sold by The come Pharmacy, Burns, Ora., Fred Haines, Harney, Ore. ' C. a C. MEUKIAM CO ilUkvaea. Sprtnafield. H LflBll. The OVERLAND HOT EL iu.naj, O egon Afford thv iiewt Accommodation to be had ii. Iiurney (uunty CI.EHN ROOHS, CW a tlfli.tN, PAtHTABuE VICTViM I he patronage of all guests under the old iiuutageaaeat specially sylicited Kbt pox Aavsr. mx.2& Jme A. Fanning, Manager. tttttmiii:.uuumiiiuu;:uuu;iiuuuimeumtnnii- . , , I it I t Job Printing.