aTlntce-fternlO rm r ... r nl lltiriic'jr rmintv r i ; I'lilntfoii and i OM IvrrtifiiiK mo.liiimrt III EsWefn fpje fpmc g-iUfti f a Vft rnl Mrntl Cattntra CoTWt mi MM "I 0, IL'S.xflO arret ol 111(1. I ' ' nrro" tit vrnant mil I" r-ntrjr atHMt Mi" pablle land lawn a Hi.' I Slate. BURNS. HARNEY COUNTY, PRKGON. AUGUST 1, 1808 NO. 87 INCINfcMM?(ii;f) i"il In the Hanley company NEW WATER LAW FOR STATE ed that nil r-ources of wntw wip- nmu . n tag MM! WHam llsatr aaaaaV IVn hi i ' "'ifvipi I..; II , ..... FHi)A!STS r. there arc 4, 280 school land. In the suits ajrainst the Amer- I'lv hrlonff to the public and min- ject to existing right to their ican livestock company Edwin PORTLAND PAPER SAYS THK PE0PI.F use may ho appropriated for ben- El. Hill is nlso mentioned as a defendant. iite(m i NW Jl'VRNM.r BOOKS s. IN LIBRARY. O. tW t km ) . zamfmnp ut 18 p ncb-Glsti- id been ehangr H .I.iTi'm llf lll"-( rticl.' to ihc bitf eo oi this defend jl n.tirt nrm c Times- 1 II 1liM . Live Slock i- and lie com .Ti.inent Malheur the Will- n and he ut it. as purchased PIH IIS HtfO Co and Hll'' th. i. lic ipany had eficial use It also provides that beneficial use shall bo the basis, the limit and the measure to the right to the use of water. It is also de clared that the beneficial use of water is a public one, and that the riorht of eminent domain v ists in acmiirinir for beneti Club. Tins, are all new and are wre were is any pui.cjrin use any property or mtni. i added to thuse already on hand, the demands of the people of the ,mvinR thia , is a partial list: irrigation-npeduiK portions ot the IoWer and legal machinery is i ( state, of the state grange, of the provided for the enfoteOHMOl kir .Sun, 4th and 6th orades natural resource conservation the law by the state engine. eat The Times-Herald publishes a list of the juvenile DOOkl recently provided for the Public Library by the Mothers' WM I DEMAND IT I .Ihkitfvt Caaailttrc SaW o at WarWai ! l) SaaOawat tor Bill Defeat at latt SalM y Sawll Marfla. Oregon is to have a water eodt ..... , , given it ry tne coming lejrisifi- M IXPIRIMENT STATIONS NMtUMIM OF PLANS IHiivi MiRltH URAL COLLROE. t: ' 1 1 mti pi ii ra a th ..i I ll VOKh I I I pii-a- N.i I UK , v --IM. IMIIIj ot I tprrimrat Far hi Harart Cmit) II Matter l Tafcta l Aa that I 01 . i Ideal lavattoa tor Sack. ' i tt pr m . mSotXIltf iiii l'"' .11. Im..I UikI- ( Ytr Anieririi Lend it I 1 k I'm It n . I nl ifii ut 1 .1 hui t- HiH ' "'' '' lo lli foil . Ill ..I nl IB liw I I". M11 . An exchange states that an ! ment has gone out from wvallia reirnrdinir nlans for ex- he propr an fa and oth Hlr French .tc that would lc Ml 1 govern 1 1' Jk 11 iBIm I ) 1 i i .-,. iry an. that 1 1 an 82,0 . ...... hieh M ha or year I 4 hH . POM 1 ' times as EEAiC'il been s 111 the .. enjoin Bniiiiitaiiinii' Hhe alleged Kes District .vle who 11 :. kin llanley J pisjej RM nplaiut ami lion of the ov.iiuiii'iil wnyvnj ely in the en makiiiK in liian V2 .. em Id a. (I ill. inch i.s aboiii iii Mirt of the and 1 Ifci . Ull tne It lo another Surrounding 1 by ero- whick hove Bam an. I the ( iiir Lit lie Hutch Cousin. I 8paAWh CUAin. Our Little Swedish Cousin. The Frozen North. commission and of othi 1 1 aiaa Imaiiiiw tttWrmtia w tuv 1 1 now in jeopardy because of lh. k.M IaJ I, ll... .nt.B 1m. .'n MOIH'K'NM IJII1K" 111 in.- nnit-i ir Potms That Every Child Should of the state, says the Journal K now. The state grange is pledged to The Hook of Saints and Friend .'cure the enactment ot a water ! (leasts. code and the legislative commit- Northland Heroes. tee i now working up sentiment Famous legends Adopted for for the bill, having chosen the Children. code hill defeated by a narrow office and for the adjudic mi water TtirtiT rMiiinn in The t.-ite grange is now work collecting data from available sourcee hearing on it ii Maaagtf Mil li l at riment stations in Fjistern lr. .lames Withycomb. 1 the agricultural course C . has asked to b. re ' of further institute work !.. iu-...,rth Dr. W. P. Korr. president of the schor!, will llointi ii,iKi o kIv our it-onal 1m (.' the head of the work of iienti'Mi to tbeeal PtBMafllM m 1 thatnntuix enia tloe ! the mow ROfa tot R action of the Inward of re- H ' alth Mr. I ll 1 "i ml. A ligation law and Bxpottl to be able to go to Salem with arm menta which will sweep away all successful objeotMB to the en ii'tment of n bill selected lv Mories Motner Nature toin ner margin at tne last session 01 ine tnpm legislature. 1 he Re in 1 nnaren Jack and Nell in Field and For 'at Storiw. I, ion and Tiger StorieO. 'Iiei Stories. Stories of Rrave Dogs. Lives and Stories Worth nering. Th Tree Dwellers. The Hollow Tree. Four AbbORbBM Patriots. an Naval Heroes. ir dreat Americans. Four American Inventors. ; of Long Ago. Id and Dorothy. The Sior oi a Short Life. The IVterkm Papers. F.hind. ' 'aiitaii .laiiu:ir. Tom I'li.. fair. A villi. Harrv I I The Story of the Romans. about Authors. ller..Tales Told in School. filsunl. the Little Cliff Dwell seOi Lolann in Tusayan. Ten Coiiiinon Trees. Tbst Would Not Kill. I om Ainencati Explorers. Bee People. 'in. 7th and 8th grades Little Philippine Couain. Our Lit'le Russian Couain. American Flag. Navy Rlue. King or Com True Tales of Birds and Besots. Training of Wild Animals. Wild Hoighb I our Handed Folk. The Return t.. the Trail. ! of the Air. Lives of (iuls Who Lives of Boys Who Become Famous. The Captain of th. 1 re Behind tin- Um The Half Had.. The Hero of Manila. 01 lorn. Item Adventures Robinhood. Poll I'roblems. Meh 1 hi federates. Little Smoke. Two The Willow conservation commission has appointed a spe cial committee to look after the enactment of water legislation. The people l the eastern, southern and central parts of the state, where the lack of Wi laws is most noted, are swinging into line and demanding 1 their ides the ;ate grange, state commission recent!) pointed in Governor cha" that a water code be passed. During the legislative session !namj 1 t Kerr has been instructed t" prepare plans for an eastern Oregon experiment station and also for sub-stations in different sett ions of the state. At irt'sent the only branch station in the state is the one at Union, whuh owing to the wids difference in noil and climatic conditions, is of little use to the section between the Illue moun tain' and tin Cascades. From the announcement it is evident that the experiment sta tion intends supplying the needs of the state more thoroughly than in the part and the incress- lain to find ways and means for the eoti-"'i .limn of tin' 11 reeoure.' uf the state is t an actie interest in the 1 ment of a water code. A special i-i it tilt 1 1 t f 1111 f ii tl-n (ail- eiYIISiit'i representatives in the legislature . . K. , and use has been apim: is me suojee, in ed act. i.y v .11 be welcomed hv li'wwl Tkia AiMniMiHnfi la . ,. - ..... of 1907 there were three big ; ".. """, farmers 01 tne intanu empire. pceen 01 me i. 11. -wing in.-n: tights the railroad commis.- . . 1. 1 . r,. .. , ., '.ngineer John li I inn. me oaiiMiig cuue nu mi WOter code being the ston ters of as many different legislu- liv iitirrit'iitii.u Till' milrn!iil ; ' 1 K K !, associate suprem. law wM passed because the pe. J. w , Pie nan uemnnueu 11 in sucn , .. ..... . ' A ' lll,N' " ' tion if we of the state grange; J. N. II irt, itntt Raker county; ill yea 1 li i 1 1 u i 1 1 1 1 -in, . id. tli IMilUltrm nl cm (i-iiii'Tflup n irntii. ai'ill.iin 111 uf ! hr - 11 if 1 rt ii"nl' .1 Msasoeo Gbasi Krllflo. Srrlir Kfv A J. Irwin will 40000 Si Hrny the .'ml SiiiuUr "f ml. in. mill at 1 1 a. in. ami 7 .'Ml p in Sal'I'Mtli cli'Mil . vrry aahbatli nl '.' p in Thr llHrniv Siiiitlny aelitml 1- al 2 o'oloes in' li Sunilay anil . oortlial a . xl. inlrtl tn nil wlr in nil. 1. . I In ... 1 Kith il At t h l'n'' vtortsH 'i i'i'Ii llurim IUv. A J Irwill Osviiii'Mtrvicra tin. Muni ml r.nirili Huinlava of t'Ki'li iiiniilli ii II 1 in ml 7 ;i , in Snle hi -. 1111..1 10 in "t ' .tih aiornlnf .-,.,, ..... ., NEW SPRING WAISTS .hist rec.'ied a heautiful lino of ladies' waists in KmhroUleried, Ijico and net waist for Spring. Somelhinf; Very Stylish in Lawn and Silk Our dress goods department will show n very oltroctive display of tawns. Silk Mulls. Mercerised Chomhroyn, Corrine Suitings and Ingomnrs These goods ore (he latest production for this season. New hmbroideries and Lace and a beautiful line of India Linens. ( hit Shoe departnv i complete iii v n w,i ah wc mm satisfy the most fastidious in loot wean Remember we carry the ROYAL WORCESTER CORSET Brown's Satisfactory Store. r timiiii.'iatinttiimtrtmtmtmi'utt; gue; ). I Miller. naii. 1 ' .n and Man... 1. WUbui Newell, ' C Bo ladsjs c. R. Watson sad .1 R. Wil It is tin- desire of the ooaamit-u-e of the state grange bo work .. l..iH.M....1r ...ill. ll... .I I.AM i.M.m . 1 .1 I 11 lUlllllt'll, llil tilt- "lllfl ."III ing In .'l through the sen- . ,. ,. ,. nut . Mr. Ruxti.n is itruiiv inn. 1 1I1.11 ihere wax no denying them. Iii' DOakaaaf code was passed after n fashion, hut the irm code wan defeated hv a 11 margin in the house, after hav- nosoibie Harney county msy secure sn exeriment sta- will take the matter iihI try. This sec- eertninlv -ri t it l! tn mirh a statin 1. as i t is tvpical of the ! am ar Eastern mnt r with di- DrST&IIDAMT The Harney Valley Brewing Co. l inula, ini fMQydL ure f&ocitf. "Vl7'-t3r Ismllv IrsUe In IKli T. E. JftTNKINS, Manager Ofsiti.'.t conditions 'III. I Hull climatic. IMH SfRiAL MlTtS. ate. princttmlly thnrugii tnestuD bont tight of Kubli of Jackson, who wum Uui i. vowed r tive of waterKiwer interests in southern Uregon. which wen? :t mu'IiiIk'I uf lOth commilteeH, it is very peehoUi that this will be the case. I I , 1 ;.i -cteil tn have the I'll afraid of :h I Seetl of the law nn "rmuiaiwi uy wiiwnu upon their NT.elual and special ufu'r wh,cn u" mlu' i;'!"lkm privileges Wl" 8tarte' Hi favor among Since that time, as before, ir.; "" '"'" "' tht' k'M rigation project, throughout the Wlth th' oapeetatlon of h. sUte have I.. rded, ha...,.- M u " " ,,iroutfh to ' ered and greatly injured l,v the,n 'ood Unu' il,t,r "- chaos of the Oregon water i'"i' of the legislature. law. Vast tracts of land have II loin, however. been kept back from cultivation M-cial inter. 1 who fear th. and (level. i) in. ii' m .tin).' turn's toes of unlimited contwl over tfo have been tfod up la tb "' "'' ''" anil the tungle. already illtriOHO, '"' "" ' I PsatH SOU Bj then has been iiKi.i. . 1. I Rfl x.lvahle will hand together in making a by fresh litigation. .n every hand, hitter tight against the passage ) As a result of all this the peo- of the code in such a shape thai Uecame lt. in ,,. ajfeetod dlitlaOlOOre it would he .lie. live. 1 . . ... . , voicing their protests ana ae- K HROM.IIO HI SIIMi SHOW. t.f manding redress. Members of the legislature coming to Port land from the M'ini-arid and irri- Art Richards n .! this oJtj gated districts tell of the sjsJo who makes a business of brook tent demands being made upon ing horses to ride and drive, am! them for water legislation com- who is known all over this pan ilete and sutisfact in state as an exi ri "hi "It seems to me." said one buster" is perfecting plans t' senator who opposed the water start a sort of a Wild Kliow "lie at the last session, "that lt is Mr. Richardson's intent ir the legislature will he loroodto to soegOOtOrOOr three good rid. 1 inoss a water code iiill next Jauu- and u.-t together a My iieople are aftei 111 lutlaw" horses and make iContinuaUy and I will have to tour of thl the sUit. (1 ullaghan's work for such a law. From what giving exhibitions at the i 1 hear from other members of fairs. He is in communica .oaten the legislature in my part of the with four 01 Ine good rider in state the same demands;. his slate, and will no douht b ing made on every hand. Men able to secure the services of tw who two years ago fought hard ! or three of them. As soon as against the water code bill have is possible to get 1. The Lat Of the Flat Roats. :ty Lelsl, The Little Colonel's House Party. iniiiier in a Canyon. 'a minilv Iiecomc educated and Mr Ifiiliiirdsiiii will ut , hi ot Lilen Holly. are nov ,iinig just nar(j , ,,. (11 l(u. )a r the legislation as they did city, dotes foi ".!, . lag on tb. lalton aKaillhth bt.lWe. ni, '"' in accordance with .. demand Mr j.i pi The Si inner Family. lh lhe JUi:- question in hand . . the iriosl ; kol Horses. )Uaal Ulul!lh , ,n H , I'luld Should mittaaa. consisting of A. T. Rux- whu.;, ,, uu.y ,.t I... ...'. t .. Hani Know. ll lag use of! '"st Rook of 15, or its own oeconu Hook ol tf, I5ub and His Friends. H nielit 1 Mr. Cor- iller. I'aciHc I b arg il, UUO acr. e Henry Mil- presidenr tretary, and inager. l las county. if school Honed in the the corpora- He. " Every Know. Four Amen, .in Pioneers. leroL Mid Shipman FarraguC , said to be en- ( tor hurry ton of Forest Grove, T. M. (iill man s th of K.tiacada and A. R. Mason m it he coll" ! Hood River, has been working vurio "1.-. prior to the OI1 the uluils fur the loiuiliu cam- inis of Lis shour will wive I Child Should peign bel'oi.-ih. kgislaiure. choice a bunch of "out la.. It lias been decided by ti. . .,les in the coinniiti.. to tok ihatthesam. pbert Vole Orisno. bill considered by the bust SSOJ be enacted at the coining session. Jin. Mahon wa& in th This was a bill drafted after Wednesday way bom ll Roofing and building paper, much labor and exhaustive study Harney oounty, returning fPM the most economical and up-to- by John H. Lewis, state engineer Dawson, Alaska, where he has date material ever used for these working in conjunction with the mining interests. While in lhe purposes. All these good things leading irrigation exjieri.-, of the fasen north Jim ouich.-d a to be had at C. H. Voegtly's. .state. ,f dog for $100 to extenninato This bill whicli covered every coyotes, and tl. Jim acts, Closing out prices at Voegtly's. : known contingency that could he thinks more of the purp than A mower and rake for $85. Bet- .arise in the adjudication of the he does of a herd of his muli ..... I CirnKindentl II B Austin T. Ruxton. of Fiite-I lir.iVe. Master of the Ore h lago, will personally ' ..od Jlosds Confer- 00 held in the C'.n vention Hall of the Portland Commercial Club August 11th. and he is anx- .1 I. Huhordinate or .range in the state send gab and he requests nil delegate be named at OOeo and MBOai made to W. L. . at Portland The new (iiant cherry, across n the I-imberl and the led a sensation on the ! market lust week. .re some specimens that I an inch and a half in The Presidential Postmasters' ' : Oregon will meet in the .Hun Hall of the Portland mi., r. ! tl 1 luh Aug. 7 and H, : 1 'I have invited the Fourth ..iters to meet with The commercial lod .it. have joined with the masters in inviting Poslmss- neral Meyer to attend, and 11 . ment have U-en made tings in Washington and lornia so that the Postmaster may attend all three with 1 pggSaMl loss of time. active advertising men ol '..I gave a complimenUtry dim. ' at the Portland Commer lub last week to that veter tdvertuer, Mr. Charles H ..I hicago. imt y Judge Goodwin, of Washington county, is interested in in 1 Kuan i oiii. rem A .1 ti .. ... 1 ' 1 1 1 1 on 1 Wash ington ou ily citizens. Ra. Junction t-'ity. Eugen. Albany and many other points promise good delegations and there is every assurance of the best meeting ever held in Ore gon. In. ProeloiMor sent to (land Commercial Club last week a box containing MM of lhe finest samples of wheat of rent kinds ever grown in attracted much 11 tion and were universally complimented. I I. ma I .- "fie . I " r . . 1 Vlaln a. .'I ll - MBHli AT ALU HOUR Bktry io eonneetlnn A Specialty if Short Orfcrt Tn'.l.i furiiiln il vimiIiii lbs inaikfi itlliinU Vi'iir inir.iii nillftilaMi -, n ccp! i I il i-4. lklllLaaflL .1. 1. I it. mJ E9E IK.1 .1 ...... ... ..1 1 E . it. ... . I? M.U . It It IMP' 11 1 . 10 0lMMil f uiir rot . ,ht, ti .1 '. It IIKI. I I . 3LEEP1NE l THE CAPITAL SALOON, 1 KIM M I i",Ni I l ! " Burns. - Oregon. Idl- Ico Xlxla 23Ioad.q."vj.Gtrtoxffl. v t to Liquors ami Cigars. Billiard and Pool Table. Club Rooms In Connection. 1. 1 LEWIS IH ei lst is foroiok PARTICULARS and PRICES V urn ls in .IIA k'CaEircETHAl J'kACTlCAiLlriJp Ol Utatnciitlt J STOKE Ovcw OOO Sauutlful Dlna. r.. mi 1.1 (rK.a List S I filaVtfI4Si Sfa. INFORMATION. Sa bit H4sJ.tiBit DESIGNS. vattl .ii KM, mil HrmM i H-.I4 ill MM 1 . iaHi .1.' . " . " 1 I A1JSOLUTELY FRrX I , . k I I . ' uU' no- ' i.. i 1 . 1 -.. The Sleepine Co. ' , i 1 nu.u. J KMrva I ..1 BUI.. The Bums Flouring Mill I J ti IVANT. Propt. MOIlbltN Hll' ' III MILL PROCESS IS USED ; Fit U11 'itm. ' , th .1 I VII 1 . m f in rig ur-utiE w.31 klodi:, KOLLLD HARLEV, CHOP, AND All kinds of Mill led always ou Itaod IKE m NMMbl MAKIEI PMCI PAIO riM otOO MILLIIo ttCAl OU81OM WORK DONE ! Good Scad Wheat for Sale n n 0 ut water rights of the state, deelar- Ontario Artfus. Bees laxative (xiugh Syrup fur yoniiK and old is prompt relief lUtras, croup, lioarseness, whoopiiiK cough. Gently laxa tive. Guaranteed. Sold by The lie Pharmacy, HaiiM, Ore., Fred Haines, Harney, Ore. - rrwr IIIUM Hecoutl) Lulajr(4 itii 000 Now Wordo i' of !.. Wwrld tka, I IoiiiSu l.ui aanau. 'JtJSYl-ICj 25 N. . tlcavtDlc.t.unarjr ii li . luutllua. 0300 ( . I i- i -"4 1 Needed In Every Home bUtiuMty tsa at- iUailiMilHlKi l.t.. Job printing The Times-Hsrald uhUwtWii.l"UiMiMj O. V C. MCRHI AM CO.. futitlahara. SrlailM. Ma. AI.VU00 ItANtH Vtlli Mlilft Hurt lie 1 trip liili ll ' ti of the Wi-' II. from I'm purchase tin I Tii.-i are 6 KJ and the., Mtid $Ull,(K for Ibj same. The deal has been 1 but the transfer can not be made until the rn an be consumated through an estate sale. Tin itfi to the John I ' I im hi ll TtOS ranch is loootod nee Mountain in Harm , OOVWI is one of the tin the intern. fclvord. Wis. Beotk and an 1 . ut' n. t autoonpl (Irian.i .'(ill acres in on which teceod unnual has been made. iptioo of as. linquishmi othce wiii .ys Are (lie tiaae ball be v a all